Tattoo Diamond - the meaning for men and girls, location (on the arm, neck, wrist, finger, foot), sketches, spectacular photos

A diamond is a precious stone, a diamond that has undergone the most careful jewelry treatment. Diamonds come in different cuts, colors, sizes, but the common feature of these precious minerals is their clarity and brilliance, their ability to reflect light and refract it so many times that even through the transparency of the stone impossible to see anything.

It is as if the stone holds the concentrated light of the sun inside itself and does not let it escape. This quality has been noticed by people since ancient times and, unlike many other gems, diamonds began to be evaluated first of all not by carat, i.e. weight, but by such a criterion as "purity," i.e. the absence of turbidity and flaws in a diamond that has not yet been cut.

Diamonds of "pristine water," as ideal stones are called, have become quite a striking symbol and acquired an important protective and magical function in the minds of people. People also give symbolic and protective meanings to the diamond image, including tattoos. About this in more detail.

The history of tattooing

The application of images of stones on various parts of the body in the form of diamonds began in the medieval period. Initially, it was believed that such drawings gave a person a powerful force. For this reason, they were applied to the bodies of knights and priests.
The brilliance of the diamond was considered a weapon against evil spirits and a deliverer of one's own weaknesses.

The belief in the power of the diamond has held steady in the minds of people for centuries. Even today, many continue to consider this stone to have an esoteric influence on a person.

A picture of the diamond tattoo

In the archive of any master for sure there is a collection of photos, in which everyone, can choose the best option for themselves. Below are pictures of tattoos in the form of a diamond from masters from all over the world. We hope that they will help in choosing an idea for a future tattoo.

The meaning of the tattoo "diamond"

The symbolic meaning of the cut diamond is explained by the purity, transparency and refracting light properties. He makes a person sincere, decent, nourishes the inner mind and makes a person faithful to his beliefs, promotes love, devotion to his partner.

Besides, the history of mankind attributed to it magical influence.

These properties gave the diamond significance in the art of tattooing as well, making it a symbol of solar energy.

Technique of execution

The image of the diamond thanks to its clear and smooth facets looks original in the style of geometry and linework. The presence of straight lines allows you to form a unique and distinctive pattern. Sketches look equally beautiful in black and white and in color. Schematic tattoo is better to do in a small scale. For a girl, it will become an exquisite body decoration, which will emphasize her fragility and grace.

Lovers of experiments and public outrage will like the new 3D technique. Thanks to the correct positioning of the light and shadows, the diamond seems to float in the air over the body. Such an optical tattoo strikes the imagination and you just want to touch the image with your hand to be sure of its existence. This intricate work can be done only by an experienced artist with an artistic flair.

Interesting video about tattoos

What kind of people are suitable for the tattoo "diamond"

A person with a "diamond" tattoo is perceived by people as:

  • A sincere and creative person with unique abilities;
  • The owner of intellectual power, radiating positive energy;
  • an individual who knows how to listen to his inner mind to achieve the desired and fill life with meaning and vivid memories;
  • an individual who is valued in society for his or her virtues;
  • exceptionally talented;
  • physically sound;
  • spiritually stable;
  • Person with strong-willed character traits: integrity, independence, determination, determination, perseverance, self-control, courage and unwavering self-confidence.

Such a tattoo is suitable for a multifaceted positive personality with great disclosed potential.

Choosing a technique

The choice of technique for the diamond tattoo depends directly on what kind of drawing you want to decorate your body. Today there are a lot of different directions, and we offer to pay attention to pictures in the technique of realism, which are able to convey all the facets and reflections of the precious stone. Men will love the images in the style of graphics, reminiscent of pencil drawings, or the direction of blackwork. No less chic looks unusual artistic solution trash polka and many other proposals.

Any tattoo sketch has its own symbolism and recommendations on the choice of location and style. If you already have experience in body art, do not forget that each new drawing must be in harmony with the previously applied sketches. Newcomers should listen carefully to the advice of the masters of tattoo salons and study in detail the meaning of any chosen sketch.

The meaning of the tattoo "diamond" with the theme of legends and legends

  1. The Tiffany diamond tattoo characterizes its owner as a lover of a happy life in luxury;
  2. The Florientian tattoo, as being able to dominate the masses;
  3. Tattoo of the throne of Buddha, as a symbol of harmonious development in unity with the world;
  4. Tattoo as a talisman, against the evil eye and healing;
  5. Tattoo in the form of a scattering of small diamonds, as a talisman to protect the family and children from evil forces.

Peculiarities and types of the diamond tattoo

Images of the noble faceted diamond are gaining popularity among tattoos. Every customer of Maruha tattoo studio tries to express his sympathy for his favorite qualities and its meanings.

Before you apply to the tattoo salons of St. Petersburg, you should consider some features of the execution of such tattoos. To draw attention to your image, consider a few important features:

The color expression of the tattoo

You can't take your eyes off the color image of a diamond tattoo. Jewelers love this stone precisely for the play of color and light on its facets. But often there is a simplified image of a tattoo (Petersburg) in one color.

If you want to show the richness of the inner world and light, the tattoo-master of our studio advises you blue, pink and lilac color palette. An experienced master will be able to convey even the brilliance of the cut, using different shades of color.

Advantageous placement of the diamond tattoo

Such a tattoo is a sin to hide from prying eyes, so it is depicted on the most open and visible parts of the body.

The most common places of tattooing (St. Petersburg):

  • Back.
  • Fingers.
  • Forearm.
  • Neck. There are drawings behind the ear.
  • Wrist.
  • Between the shoulder blades.
  • Lower abdomen.
  • On the chest.In the heart area.

People who like to stand out prefer to have tattoos On their legs And buttocks.

Think about where you want to place your future tattoo.

Tattoo size diamond, diamond

Tattoos with this image are often used as paired tattoos. That is why small and medium-sized images are the most popular, such as: rings on the fingers, stones on the wrists.

Large drawings are quite rare, mostly - in combination with additional elements of the tattoo (Petersburg).

Types of tattoos diamond, diamond

More and more often in tattoos use the classic image of the septagon, decorated with ribbons, flowers, wings, crowns and inscriptions. The differences are in the style variations of the image, embellishments and additions, which also affect the meanings of the tattoo:

  • A pair of wedding rings with gemstones means fidelity, longevity of the love union.
  • A diamond with a crown и roses means beauty, wealth and power.
  • A diamond braided with a spider's web says that the wearer is in a difficult life situation.
  • A gemstone in the shape of heart (the most common representation is the "heart of the ocean" pendant from the famous movie "Titanic") depicts a person's romanticism, tenderness and femininity.
  • If the diamond "melts" or blood drips from it, then you are a resilient person, but you are hard pressed to restrain yourself. Also, such tattoos (St. Petersburg) are applied if a person is often found on the brink of an emotional explosion.

Now you can determine what will be your tattoo. Take into account the above points when creating a sketch.

If you are a creative person, then take a piece of paper, a pencil and boldly depict your diamond. If you do not want to draw tattoos yourself, you have no inspiration, you will be happy to help specialists tattoo studio "Maruha".

Turning to our studio, you can be confident in the professionalism of the masters and the quality of services provided in the field of tattoo art.

Tattoo "diamonds" on the wrists. Performed by master Valera Morgunov. Time to work: 1.5 hours

Tattoos made by master sketch for 1.5 hours

Tattoo Diamond. Work on the forearm took about 1 hour.

Tattoo diamond in old skool technique.

The meaning of the tattoo "diamond" for men

For men, the diamond tattoo is a symbol of intelligence, courage, fortitude, willpower, resourcefulness, unwavering conviction in the pursuit of goals, material security and spiritual independence.

Businessmen see the diamond tattoo as the main secret of their entrepreneurial success.

Politicians believe that the image of the diamond gives them an advantage over their partners in solving political problems.

Hindu diamond tattoo

It is believed that the ancestors of the diamond tattoo are Hindus. This is because this mineral began to be mined in their country. The Hindus endowed the diamond with incredible magical properties. In today's world, tattoo images of Hindu mandalas with a beautiful diamond are preferred by women. Bright and attractive such a tattoo looks on the hand, forearm, wrist, hip or ribs. Tattoo of Hindu mandalas with a diamond, performed on the female body under the breast, looks sexy and attractive.

The meaning of the diamond tattoo for girls

There are several opinions:

  • material security;
  • Bright love of a life partner;
  • Association of themselves with the jewel, knowing the value of themselves;
  • assertiveness and determination;
  • multifaceted personality;
  • comprehensive development;
  • knowledge of one's own worth;
  • understanding of the taste of life.

Men's tattoos

The stronger sex chooses tattoos depicting a stone as a symbol of strength and gaining stability in life. Characteristically, the stone symbolizes faith. According to this tradition, a cornerstone mineral has been placed in the foundation of temples since ancient times. It is no secret that the stone is the symbol of the Apostle Peter, the zealous guardian of the foundations of the teachings of Jesus.

tattoo stone

If we consider the stone tattoo from a practical point of view, we can say that it corresponds to a certain type of man. The muscular torso is harmoniously combined with it, creating a single stylish type of man determined, whole, true to his word. People soft, physically weak imitation stone tattoo is not suitable.

Marked by it at least should be distinguished by self-respect, courage, the ability to start and finish an important case. Such a personality, giving hope to others by his words and deeds, was portrayed by Tolkien in the image of King Aragorn.

The meaning of a natural diamond

The reason for people's high interest in the diamond is its amazing natural beauty, iridescent play of light, and durability, which make it the finest jewel in the whole world.

Hence the value of tattooed diamond images. Master artists make their sketches of drawings, reflecting in them their valuable natural properties: light reflection, light refraction, the spectrum of iridescent colors. Such a tattoo can be made exclusively by the mighty power of nature.

The owners of the diamond or its tattoo becomes a bright, strong, firm of spirit, unwavering, true to his convictions, talented, attractive, highly valued in society person. Her love of luxury also makes her internally beautiful.

Stamping precious stones on the body adds to a person such traits as a sense of tact and style.

History of the symbol diamond, diamond in different cultures and religions

The first mention of diamond is found in the ancient Sanskrit of India in the 4th century. Later the gemstone was brought to Europe, where it was given magical powers for its durability and radiant beauty.

Jewelers have learned to make diamonds even more attractive by giving them the same numerous facets. They came to call this stone Diamond ..

Throughout its history, the diamond has acquired many legends, superstitions and beliefs from different peoples around the world:

  • Indian wars took the diamond with them. They believed that the amulet gave them the ability to return home unharmed from the fighting.
  • The Buddha's throne in India is decorated with many sparkling diamonds, which is how Hindus believe the center of the universe should look, a sign of constancy, faith and a symbol of infinity. There is an opinion that the first diamond was found on the territory of this country.
  • In ancient Persia and Turkey In this case, the diamond was believed to be able to remove irritability, rage, dark thoughts and even melancholy; all you have to do is to look at the beautiful stone for a long time, at its play of light, shimmering on the facets. This enhances one's mood and makes it easier to tune in to a productive activity.
  • In Asia the diamond is considered a symbol of the ruling divine power.
  • And in the West. it stands for incorruptibility, honesty, loyalty and faithfulness.
  • Preachers of Hinduism believe that the diamond has healing properties, namely, the ability to heal the sick by their touch.
  • In the Middle Ages. also spoke of the stone's healing properties. Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, always kept the diamond with her in the belief that it would keep her from being poisoned by poison.
  • Elizabeth I, Queen of Britainwore the stone around her neck during the height of the plague because she believed it would keep her safe from the terrible disease.
  • In Christianity. the diamond was believed to protect against the devil himself. The rays of light, shimmering over all the facets, blinded and brought terrible suffering to Satan because they resembled divine light.

As it turned out, diamonds can be found not only on earth. Astronomers saw beautiful stones in space 12 years ago. The largest weighs trillions of carats, its diameter is 4000 km, exactly the same distance from Rostov-on-Don to Kemerovo. Scientists believe that the diamond was the core of an extinguished star.

Nowadays, this is the most expensive diamond in the universe, but to get to it, it is necessary to overcome half a century of light years.

Do not be too sad, because you can put an image of the stone on your body.

Who is suitable for the tattoo "diamond" without a cut

If a diamond symbolizes a person's unlocked potential, a diamond corresponds to the presence of promising opportunities that will still flourish.

The uncut diamond tattoo is suitable for those planning their lives and constantly striving for perfection.

Its depiction on the body signifies such traits of the tattoo owner's character as brightness, positive attitude, love of life, creative pursuit of perfection.

A brief history of the diamond

Appearing as early as the fourth century B.C. in India, this jewel became revered by all the nobles of the world. Statesmen, bishops, brave warriors and noblemen worshipped this extraordinary mineral for many centuries.

People noticed not only its great beauty, but also its incredible hardness. Then miraculous healing power and protective properties were added to its positive qualities. The secret lay in the powerful energy of this gift of nature and the properties of rewarding its owner with it. Brave warriors bravely went into battle, and queens wore diamonds on their breasts for the sake of peace and quiet in the royal dwelling.

When the priests saw a ray of sunlight on this beautiful stone, they noticed the extraordinary glow that emanated from it. Since then, the diamond has been considered the stone of bishops, as it is able to exorcise Satan himself with its bright light. Over time, people learned how to process this hard mineral and turned it into a multifaceted diamond. To this day, there is nothing stronger and more valuable than a diamond.

The best places to place a diamond and diamond tattoo

On a neck

Performed on the side or back, both women and men. Looks spectacular.

On the leg

Men prefer the padding of "diamond" with natural beauty. Guys like tattoos in dark blue or black. Women stop at the choice of "diamonds" of small size and place their images on the hip, shin, foot.

On the chest

Guys for a tattoo use the protruding layers of the pectoral muscles.

Girls like drawings expressing jewelry, a small diamond, a large diamond. Place them on or near the chest.

On the arm.

It can be a small diamond or diamond on the right or left hand in blue, pink, or lilac.

On the wrist.

A small size diamond or diamond, preferably of a paired design, symbolizing devoted and faithful love, is suitable.

On the finger

On the fingers of the hands look attractive tattoos with precious stones of black (for guys), pinkish, turquoise and lilac colors (for women).

Girls and guys prefer tattoos in the form of rings.

Places to apply the tattoo

If everything is clear with the symbol for the tattoo, then over the location of the nail it is necessary to think. First of all, it is important to determine whether the tattoo will be visible to all or hidden under clothing. Often, the diamond tattoo is chosen by girls, so they put the image on the visible parts of the body, showing its originality, elegance and sexuality. The optimal solution for girls is a diamond tattoo on the neck, arm or wrist. The diamond tattoo on the wrist is able to attract success, financial well-being and good luck in the life of the owner, making the wearer more resistant to the trials that are encountered on the path of life. The figure placed on the wrist is usually small in size, but this does not affect its beauty. Also, girls use the diamond tattoo, located behind the ear or on the finger. No less original looks tattoo of a diamond on a girl's slender tummy, which will emphasize its beauty and tenderness. As for men, they can place the tattoo on any suitable part of the body, whether it's the shoulder, leg or even back.

Sketches of tattoos with a diamond

Tattooing is preceded by preparatory work:

  • Determining the location on the body;
  • study of sketches;
  • Selection of the sketch of a precious stone;
  • Creation of the sketch by the master, taking into account the wishes of the client.

Photographs in the master's catalog will help in choosing the right tattoo variant for everyone.

The meaning of the diamond tattoo

The diamond tattoo has several meanings, but mostly such a tattoo carries only positive and protective properties. A few centuries ago, this tattoo protected warriors, rulers and even priests. It was also believed that the image on the body of the diamond protected pregnant women and mothers. According to some, the diamond tattoo, performed on the open area of the body, acted as protection against the evil eye, witches, sorcerers and prevented internal vices. This is the essence of all humanity and is the raison d'etre of the Holy Spirit. Also, the image of this precious stone promises kindness, spiritual light, incorruptibility and honesty to its owner.

What does a tattoo of a stone mean?

Today, tattoos with a stone are chosen by both men and women. If images with stone patterns are most popular for men, girls and women like images in the form of jewels more.

Such tattoos symbolize stability. Stone also represents the static nature of life. In Christianity, the image can symbolize truth, as the stone is as strong as the faith itself.

It is also important to say that each rock has its own special meaning. For example, sapphire represents spiritual purity.Modesty as well as fidelity. Carnelian is the symbol of fidelity and love. The topaz gemstone is a symbol of friendship, tenderness, and, of course, honesty. A diamond tattoo symbolizes power and wealth.


For women

For men