Spades in cards as they used to be called? The card suit of spades in the old days

Meanings in foreign languages

  • English Spades
  • German Pik - mountain peak, mountain peak
  • Fr. Pique - peaks, spears.
  • Spanish Picas - spades.
  • Italian. Picche - peaks, spears
  • Georgian. ყვავი && Armenian ագռավ - crow, (in Armenia the name "առ" is also used)
  • Polish. Pik - peak, (in Russia, Poland and Ukraine the name "vini" is also used)

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What were called before? The card suit of spades: history and meaning

European versions of the cards have their own no less interesting explanation. The suits familiar to modern players also have an individual history. What was the card suit of spades called in ancient times? It often symbolized a spear or a flower. In Russia it was much less poetic - "shovel. Such names are likely due to the shape of the figure symbolizing the suit, which really is something similar to the above-mentioned objects. But another name was popular in Russia in the old days. Spades were sometimes called vines (vine leaves).

formerly the card suit of spades was called
Although the cards themselves originated in China, France brought its own changes to them. It was the French who added suits to the playing deck. Since then, this variant has become widespread around the world. As history shows, originally the suits symbolized the essential attributes of a knight - sword (clubs), spear (spades), shield (hearts) and arms (diamonds). Now it's easy to understand why the card suit of spades used to be called that way. In India, these four images had a very different meaning. Each suit was a symbol of a particular class - nobility, merchants, clergy and, of course, royalty.

Cultural Influence.

  • "The Queen of Spades" is a novella by Alexander Pushkin.
  • "King of spades" - the nickname of American General Robert E. Lee in 1862, related to his order to erect earth fortifications around Richmond.
  • "The Jack of Spades," an adventurous detective novel by Boris Akunin
  • In 2003, during the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the ace of spades in a special deck of the most wanted Iraqis was Saddam Hussein.
  • The white ace of spades (during World War II) was the distinctive insignia (on the right side of the helmet) of the soldiers of the 506th Parachute Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division of the US Army.
  • Ace of Spades (during World War II) - emblem and name of Jagdgeschwader 53 "Pik As" - Luftwaffe Fighter Squadron "Ace of Spades
  • The Ace of Spades map was attached to the helmet of U.S. servicemen during the Vietnam War.
  • The map of the USA on the blue ace of spades and the U-2 plane are the emblem of the SPADE (Stratospheric Photochemistry, Aerosols and Dynamics Expedition) project.
  • The song "Ace of Spades" from the Motörhead album of the same name.
  • The video game Fallout: New Vegas has a character with the nickname "Ace of Spades".
  • In the video game DELTARUNE (spin-off of UNDERTALE), the final boss is the King of Spades, also his son Lancer, the Jack of Spades.
  • The Ace of Spades played a key role in the plot of the 1969 novella "Terrore al castello/Nuit de terreur" ("Night of Terror", "Castle Horror", "Castle Horror", "Ace of Spades") of the Stasera Fernandel ("Fernandel Tonight") series.

> Interesting facts

  • Since the Ace of Spades is the first in an unopened deck, it's not uncommon to see the manufacturer's or casino's logo on it.

Characteristics of the suit

The suit of spades represents the element of water, which symbolizes intuitive abilities or destruction and collapse. Of the 36 cards in the standard playing deck, this suit is the most unpredictable - each time it means something new.

In addition to the effect of destruction, it can show strength of spirit and emotional stability.

The variation in the characteristics of the spades means that the person is passive. Their appearance in the scenario is a warning and encouragement to action.

Deck XXI century.

Every self-respecting player should know the history of his hobby, including the cards. What were they like? What were they called before? The card suit of spades itself has an interesting history, not to mention others.

Many people are also interested in the question of who authored the famous images? Today, the cards have a fairly modern look, although they are made according to sketches by Charlemagne, who invented these drawings back in the last century. Although cards are now available to almost everyone, there are expensive decks of world brands that are designed mainly for poker or bridge. After several millennia of history, they have changed and come into the twenty-first century exactly as they are known today. Now for many it does not matter the origin of cards: where they originated and how they were called before. The card suit of spades (like hearts, clubs, and diamonds) has come a fascinating way and deserves close attention.

Basic Interpretations

Each card in the deck represents certain events, actions, and even people. Understanding the meanings in divination is made by already prepared patterns. Fortune-telling on playing cards follows a standard pattern. If the ace is a house, the king and queen represent real people, and the jack is responsible for the troubles.

Younger cards of the suit also have a certain role. A ten indicates desires and interests, a nine indicates love, an eight indicates communication, and a seven and a six indicate meetings and trips. Spades in card divination mean the following:

  • Ace - loss and trouble;
  • King - rivalry with a brunette man;
  • queen - old woman wishing evil;
  • Jack - young brunette trying to harm the fortuneteller;
  • ten - obstacles in the way to the goal;
  • 9 - illness, scandals and partings;
  • 8 - illness, disorder, betrayal;
  • 7 - conflicts;
  • 6 - failure of a trip.

The meaning of the spades cards in divination sometimes changes. It depends on the neighboring representatives of the deck, which fall in the scenario.

Senior suit cards.

Spades cards do not completely change their meaning due to neighboring symbols. The combinations indicate certain areas of life and specify events.

The main combinations of the 4 senior cards of the spades suit with other representatives of the deck:

  1. Ace. With the ten of diamonds - conflict over money; with the six of any suit - travel; with the ace of clubs - fear.
  2. King. With any of the spades means good, the exception is eight (trouble); with clubs - intrigue, with hearts - peace in love, and with diamonds - the calm conduct of affairs. With an eight of his suit promises long problems, with a queen and a jack - the help of a man (except clubs, this union promises dislike).
  3. Queen. With any of clubs - a woman who seeks to harm; with any of their spades - the help of an adult woman; with diamonds - female envy; with hearts - patronage in love. Union with a nine predicts marital happiness.
  4. Jacks. With all spades - alliance, with crosses - envy and lies, with hearts - friendship, and with diamonds - alcohol, courage, accomplice. With a queen of his suit - conflict, and with an eight - animosity between people in love.

Neighborhood with the queen of spades promises rivalry

Separate attention should be paid to the combination of the Jack of spades with representatives of their own suit. Most often, such alliances acquire unfavorable meanings. With a queen of spades, the alliance will portend rivalry and a fight, and with an eight - animosity between lovers.

Junior cards of the suits

The combinations of the junior representatives of the suit are also important. The six, whose main interpretation is associated with travel difficulties, is capable of transformation under the influence of neighboring signs in the discourse. Union with the other representatives of the suit says that the trip will be fun, with clubs - unsuccessful, with diamonds - the trip will be about money, and hearts indicate love (a trip to a loved one).

Examples of conjunctions of other minor representatives of the suit of spades:

  1. Seven. Jack of diamonds - entrepreneur, Jack of crosses - damage from enemies, any eight - present, six of diamonds - family problems, nine of the same suit - trouble with a loved one.
  2. Eight. With a jack of hearts - health deterioration or death of a loved one; with a seven of crosses - betrayal by a loved one; with four kings - partying or drinking.
  3. Nine. With the ace of hearts - a romantic date, with the ten of your suit - an increase in funds, with the ace of diamonds - the risk of being deceived by someone close to you, with the ace of the same suit - illness.
  4. Ten. An ace of diamonds means a deceitful message, a seven of diamonds means unexpected news, a seven of the same suit means a change of plans, a ten of clubs means improved health, and a ten of hearts means increased finances.

Each representative of the deck leaves its mark on the value of spades in the scenario.

Take into account how many cards fell out, from which sides they are located, etc.

The Queen of Spades - The Cards of Destiny

Spades, being the last suit, live and act differently from the other cards. In some respects, they are able to rise above the worries and anxieties that beset the other three suits. Because of their extraordinary willpower, Spades are able to resist the manipulations of Hearts, Clubs, and Diamonds.

Spades are hard workers who are concerned with the quality of their work. They are just as concerned with the quality of their work as they are with the profit that they make, and sometimes even more so. Representative of the suit of spades - it is either master craftsman, proud of his skills, or a slave, tied shackles hopeless, routine labor. Chief, born under the influence of the suit of spades, can be extremely harsh and ruthless to subordinates. He expects subordinates to put as much effort into their work as he did.

In addition. Spades are the suit of wisdom and experience. These qualities are associated with old age and, as mentioned above, Spades tend to get into relationships with older partners. They have a more mature outlook on life than most other people. Almost all Spades' birthdates occur between January and April. The Spades suit symbolizes the last period of life, preparation for death and transfiguration. Therefore, Spades is associated with the sign of Scorpio, the symbol of death, sex and strength. Spades are strong people, endowed with inflexible will. Therefore, many members of this suit are forced to deal with power issues in personal relationships as well. They struggle with their partner for power and control until they resolve their inner conflict in this area. Spades do not tolerate anyone trying to control them, so they strive to take control of as much of the world around them as possible.

Due to their strong will, they are unsurpassed when it comes to manipulating others. However, Spades can only stay on top if they have mastered the qualities associated with the previous three suits. It is believed that the spade suit is as if it includes all three other suits. And if Spade does not realize within itself any aspect of the other suit, it becomes a victim of the problems corresponding to this suit. For example, in spite of all their tremendous power, Spades often encounter incredible difficulties in personal relationships. The remoteness of Spades from the Heart suit leads to areas related to Hearts being somewhat alien to them. Most Spades believe that doing a good job and doing one's duty is more important than solving problems in human relationships and than emotional needs. This does not mean that Spades are incapable of entering into a happy marriage. It's just that most members of this suit have problems in this area.

The spades suit gives man the opportunity to merge with a higher will, the will of God, and thereby reveal all the potential inherent in him. But in order to do so, one must humble his own will. If Pika is distracted from her work for a time long enough to discover and realize her attraction to spirituality, she can achieve the highest degree of spiritual knowledge, which will be of great benefit to herself and those around her. Pica is the soul at the boundary between matter and spirit. We can learn a great deal from the example of this suit, adopting the wisdom of Spades and following them to spiritual heights.

The Queen of Spades - The Cards of Destiny
Written by: 2016-11-15

Private combinations.

Fortune telling reflects human destiny, but it is only a possible outcome of events. Every detail is taken into account, all possible combinations, linking their meaning into a whole. The combinations themselves come from one, two or even three cards. Even rarer are combinations of four. Separate attention is worth the same status cards, but different suits:

  • Four sixes - long trip;
  • Seven cards - unstable love, obstacles;
  • Eights - domestic troubles;
  • Nines - success in all areas of human life;
  • rolled tens - success in the career, family happiness, marriage.

Also of special importance are the alliances of the eldest similar representatives of the deck. The appearance of four jacks in the discourse promises trouble, queens - intriguing discussions, kings - success, aces - progress in business.

Fortune telling with the suit of spades often promises trouble, illness and momentous changes in life. Do not be afraid of them. Only the neighboring positions in the picture can change the result of a prediction, making it less tragic and even positive for the individual.

The card suits

Four suits of French playing cards used in English-speaking countries: spades (♠), hearts (♥), diamonds (♦) and clubs (♣).

A card suit is one of several categories into which the cards in a deck are divided. Most often, each card has one of several symbols indicating which suit it belongs to. Alternatively, or in addition, the suit may be highlighted in a separate color when the cards are printed. Most card decks also set the rank of each card and may contain special cards in the deck that do not have a suit, most commonly called jokers


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