Tattoo spider meaning: the mystery of the spider tattoo (50 photos and sketches)

For many of us, the tattoo spider meaning is an extremely unpleasant, repulsive insect. Despite this reaction of people, spiders often symbolize positive characteristics. In particular, most often the image on the body of this insect speaks of:

  • modesty;
  • thoroughness;
  • neatness man.

Also such a tattoo can symbolize creativity, thinking outside the box. In some cases, the spider can be perceived as a constant striving forward, development and incredibly strong belief in the positive development of events, good luck.

Tattoo Spider Meaning

Tattoo of a spider legs meaning

The eight legs of an insect symbolize not only harmony, but also a certain cyclicity of all life. But the eight legs have another meaning - they are compared to the eight sides of the world, and therefore spiders are sometimes considered even the masters of human destinies. Interestingly, that much depends on how exactly the spider is depicted on the human body. For example, if he is not just sitting, but as if descends the web, then it is a sign not only of good luck, as I said above, but also of wealth.

Tattoo of a spider web with blackwork eye on the leg

Sketches of tattoos in the form of a spider for men

In men, the meaning of the tattoo depends on the place on which the insect is inscribed. So, a spider on the neck means self-confidence, on the arm - authority, on the shoulder - strength, on the forearm - cunning, on the chest - strong spirit, on the back - persistence, on the legs or knees - excitement.

Tattoo of a spider web

Below you can check out popular designs and pick up any of them as your future drawing.

Spider tattoo meaning in religion

Spiders are often found not only in mythology, but also in various religious movements. For example, according to one story, it was spiders that kept Jesus safe as a baby. The ancient Romans treated insects with special reverence. They believed that spiders were a sign of good fortune and a sign of prosperity. The ancient Greeks in their mythology closely intertwined goddesses and spiders. So, it is said that once Aphrodite, jealous of craftswoman Arachne, famous for her magnificent weaving, led her to suicide. Only later, realizing what she had done, resurrected the master in the form of a spider, so that she would spin forever. In general, if we analyze the positive meaning of insects, the following symbols deserve mention most often:

  • fertility;
  • balance;
  • wisdom.

Although in the same mythology quite often spiders were shown from the negative side - for example, as cruel, greedy and incredibly cunning.

Realism spider tattoo on shin

The meaning of prison tattoos in the zone: the spider

Tattoos - A hobby of modern people. They are stuffed themselves men and women, even teenagers and people of age. Often when getting a tattoo, a person does not even Do not think about the fact that it can have a strong meaningOften a person doesn't even think that it can have a strong meaning that doesn't fit him or say something unpleasant about him.

Tattoo with the image of a spider - Very much in demand. But, unfortunately, the wrong image of him Can convey incorrect information. In particular, this This picture is very related to the prison theme. Moreover, only a person of "important status" would be able to get a tattoo while incarcerated. a person of "important status".

A large, massive spider (e.g., a tarantula) could tell those around him that he was the "the ringleader.". It was not uncommon for a spider to be in a round web in a drawing. Each ring of the web in such a case would mean a year lived in prison.

If the tattoo depicts of a spider caught in a spider's web. - it's... the sign of a drug addict.. The drawing symbolizes a person who is "caught up" in an addiction. If the tattoo is an ordinary, not large spider, then it is most likely, sign of a thief or pickpocket. In this case, the insect is stamped on the hands (it is with the help of the hands that the theft occurs). Often the pattern is stabbed between the thumb and index finger.

INTERESTING: Tattoo with the image spider in thieves has its own variations. If the insect is crawling upwards, it indicates that the person continues to steal. If the insect crawls or descends, the thief is "done".

Be careful when applying tattoos depicting a spider. Such drawing can have a negative effect on how you will be perceived in society. Study each sketch carefully and find one that that does not have a negative connotation. Carefully consider the location of this tattoo on the body.

Prison tattoo "spider".

Negative symbols of the spider tattoo

If we talk in more detail about the negative characteristics of spiders, then in most cases they are directly related to magical techniques. Because not without reason the strongest amulets created by magicians, were made from the spiders. But in European culture these insects since ancient times were not only feared, but also dangerous. This is due to the fact that they were the main carriers of plague, raging on the continent in the 14 century. A special meaning is concluded in the image of a spider's web. After all, in most stories, myths, it symbolizes a kind of guiding thread, allowing to find a way out of difficult situations. But Indians believe that a spider web actually carries a certain fragility of being. Other nations also put their own meaning in the image of spider and web:

  • in Egypt, the spider's web is destiny;
  • In the tribes of Oceania a spider is equated with one of the creators of the universe;
  • in Australian tribes believe that there is something heroic in insects;
  • In Asian countries, particularly in Japan, they say that the spiders of the female "sex" are insidious and dangerous, capable of luring wanderers into traps.

The meaning of the tattoo on the shoulder

Tattoos on the shoulders of girls can symbolize many things, depending on what exactly is depicted in the picture. Below, let's break down the meaning of the tattoos that are most often chosen by girls around the world.


This protective amulet, decorated with beads and feathers, is made of multicolored thread similar to a spider's web. It is believed that the dream catcher detains nightmares and negative energy with its nets. Consequently, this element is not only beautiful, but also has an amazing positive value, which is sure to please most girls.

Tattoo Flowers

Flowers are one of the most popular motifs that work well as a tattoo for girls. The muscles and curves of the arm provide a three-dimensional effect to the tattoo, bringing it to life.

If you choose flowers as a motif for tattoos on the shoulder, you have many design options available: the beautiful creations of nature come in many different shapes and shades. And each type has its own symbolism and meanings. For example, the rose represents love, beauty and hope, while the lotus is associated with wisdom and spiritual growth.

New Chicano

For example, red symbolizes passion and love, and white symbolizes purity and spirituality.

Polynesian Symbols

The tribal tattoo pattern as a motif comes from the islands of Tonga and Samoa in Polynesia. It represents geometric symbols that are combined into images of various animals that are typical of the area (lizards, turtles, stingrays, etc.).

Polynesian shoulder patterns are much more than just a decoration for the body: the ornament carries deep symbolism and is a protective talisman. You can learn more about the meaning of each symbol in the article about tribal tattoos.

Animal tattoos

Animals have fascinated people since ancient times because of their abilities and instincts. In many religions, various animals are highly regarded and even considered Gods. In the past, people have tattoos with animal motifs, believing that they would take on certain abilities of the animal.

3D tattoos with animal motifs are undoubtedly some of the most beautiful designs in tattoo art. However, to create such a tattoo, the artist must have a lot of experience.

Women's Face

Tattoos with a woman's face as a motif are often combined with other elements such as a wolf or tiger head, Indian jewelry, etc. Consequently, the meaning of the tattoo on the shoulder can vary greatly. Basically, the girl on the shoulder symbolizes beauty, protection and love.

Tattoo inscription

Tattoo inscriptions on the shoulder can demonstrate your style and outlook on life to those around you. Most often, women's inscriptions are motivational texts, declarations of love, names of children, various aphorisms and other important things.

Tattoos on the arm look great in Latin, English and French.

Old skool

Old school tattoos include elements such as roses, nautical patterns, anchors, dream catchers, feathers, compasses, playing cards and hearts. For the most part, women's tattoos in this style are small drawings, so they are often used as a sleeve to add more impact.

Japanese motifs.

The curves of the arm give the images more depth, creating a realistic effect.

Traditional Japanese elements are ideal as tattoo motifs on the shoulder for girls. As a rule, tattoos consist of various typical Japanese symbols and are applied without spaces showing the skin.

Tattoo spiders photos that give you goosebumps


Although many even now treat these insects with apprehension and even disgust, tattoos in the form of a spider are popular among both men and the fair sex. The fact that these creatures are inherent in many positive qualities.

Tattoo in the form of a spider tells about the thoroughness, accuracy and practicality of its owner. Also insects with full confidence can be called quite dexterous and at the same time cunning creatures that can build excellent traps. In addition, such a body image can mean creativity and talents, as insects can create real weaving masterpieces.

This creature has eight legs, and, as we know, the number eight means infinity and cyclicity of being. Often the insect is compared to the ruler of the world.

The ancient Romans worshipped spiders as a personification of prosperity and insight.

They were often called messengers of good fortune.

Positive symbolism was the insect and in the Christian religion. The legend says that the little Jesus was saved from death by these insects.

Not a very good meaning of body painting was received in the Middle Ages, when black magic was flourishing. According to beliefs, even sorcerers were able to take the form of a black spider.

In the sketches of various tattoos a spider was used both alone and in combination with a spider's web.

Often the tattoo in the form of a spider is perceived as a symbol of development, movement, love of life, as well as faith in success.

Tattoo spider: the meaning of specific images

Above, we briefly considered the main meanings that the tattoo spider has. There are many sketches that are popular. Each of these sketches carries a certain meaning. Let's look at the most popular designs in detail. Some meanings can be contradictory, ambiguous. Therefore, if you are faced with dual interpretations, choose a designation that you are more to your liking. And remember - a tattoo is only one of the directions of modern art.

Spider tattoo: an insect crawling upwards

There is a popular belief that if the spider tattoo depicts an insect crawling upwards, it will certainly bring good luck in all his affairs, will allow a person to become much more confident in life, and the way to the tops will be smooth.

By the way! 8 paws of an insect symbolize infinity. Therefore, the drawing is able to fill the soul with harmony, as well as to loop in all positive events.

Realism spider tattoo on back

Meanings for men

Men decorate their bodies with drawings of different animals and insects. One of the latest trends are tattoos with a spider. Such an image attracts attention, allowing you to declare your "self".

Pay attention! Psychologists believe that men who perform such tattoos are inclined to selfishness. They have a complex character. Such people can overcome many difficulties on their own.

Tattoos men do on the back, shoulders, neck, chest, arms and legs. There are variants on the elbows and fingers. Tattoos in non-standard places speak of the creativity and courage of the owner.

For many of us, the meaning of a spider tattoo is an extremely unpleasant, repulsive insect. Despite this reaction of people, spiders often symbolize positive characteristics. In particular, most often the image on the body of this insect speaks of:

  • modesty;
  • thoroughness;
  • neatness man.

Also such a tattoo can symbolize creativity, thinking outside the box. In some cases, the spider can be perceived as a constant striving forward, development and incredibly strong belief in the positive development of events, good luck.

The most realistic tattoo of a spider on the hand

Now let's talk about what the tattoo of a spider on the hand means. In this case, a person as if he wants to endow himself with all the positive qualities of this insect:

  • diligence;
  • The desire for perfect neatness;
  • elegance and refinement.

Pay attention! In addition, the tattoo of a spider on the hand as if directs, controls all human actions.

If the drawing is too large, depicts an aggressive insect, it will repel people, literally scaring them. But a small, neat drawing will still attract attention, but will make you think of the person as someone who is looking for a mystery in life.

Tattoo of a spider on the brush

Such tattoos people choose to express themselves. After all, the brush is always in plain sight. It is almost never hidden under clothing. Often the image is stuffed to attract the attention of others. It has a very different meaning. Therefore, if you decide to do a spider tattoo sketch for the image to choose very carefully.

  • A huge tarantula symbolizes leadership qualities. It indicates that the bearer of the tattoo has a special position in society, is popular with the beautiful half of mankind. In addition - he has an inner, spiritual strength, but at the same time and developed physically, not always control their impulses and can even raise his hand at those around them.
  • A small insect sitting in a spider's web is a protector from evil, but also a guide to the netherworld. Indicates a passion for magic and magical rituals.
  • Bright insect, depicted with the help of red, purple and other colors, indicates the multifaceted development of man, his desire for creativity.

What symbolizes in the criminal world?

The prison version of the tattoo with a spider means a thief. If the insect crawls up, then the criminal does not plan to quit with illegal activities. On the contrary, if down, then he is done. Moreover, the appearance of the spider is important in the case of the prisoner's suit.

Thanks to the image of tarantula indicates the ringleader of the hut or zone. A spider web shows the number of years behind bars. Nakolka with an insect entangled in a web characteristic of addicts or gambling.

Spider tattoo sketch made in different styles

What does the spider tattoo, crawling upwards, mean?

There is an omen associated with spiders: if in the afternoon to see this insect climbing the web or crawling up the wall, it is to prosperity. Someone who has a spider crawling upward on their body most likely wants to attract good luck and become financially wealthy.

3D spider crawling upwards. Draws attention to the unusual color of the tattoo.
3D spider crawling upwards. Draws attention to the unusual color of the tattoo.

What does the spider tattoo on your fingers mean?

If you are interested in the spider tattoo sketch for application on the fingers, note that such a tattoo will always be in the area of visibility. It is actually impossible to hide it. Therefore, it should be made as beautiful as possible, attractive to others. And avoid prison connotations - in this case, the image of an insect will carry in itself a kind of amulet, protection from the evil eye and spoilage. And also will give its owner confidence in himself and his powers.

Tattoo on legs

Now let's talk about what the tattoo of a spider on the leg means. It is believed that if a person wants to put the image of an insect on the leg, he seeks to acquire certain qualities of a spider. The image is able to endow the owner with purposefulness. Therefore, such tattoos are ideal for those who wish to become a leader, although for a certain time - even if for a long time - was in the shadow of others.

Pay attention! Such a tattoo will allow a person to acquire a certain grip. It is especially well suited to those who seek wisdom, but is also quite hardworking, able to overcome obstacles and difficulties.

Spider dotwork tattoo on his forearm

Types of tattoos and their location

To give a precise definition of a particular tattoo, it is necessary to consider the features of the figure itself and its location. The most common are the following designs:

  1. Spider in a web - symbolizes brutality, masculinity, strength and courage. The pattern looks good on the shoulder, chest and back.
  2. Insect, crawling up - stubbornness, fearlessness, loyalty. Not seldom used as a talisman or amulet, which can endow a person with good luck, confidence and determination. If in this picture there is a spider's web, it will symbolize prosperity.
  3. Spider with cross - emphasizes human faith in God, but on condition that the arthropod creature depicts the Orthodox cross. If the insect sits on the cross, it means that this individual has sins and doubts the existence of higher forces. A tattoo depicting a spider with a cross on its abdomen indicates power, influence and strength of its master.
  4. Spider - loyalty to his ideas and principles, rebelliousness and stubbornness. This design may indicate his master as an extraordinary, creative person, or indicate his addiction to mysticism or drugs. This pattern is a talisman against evil influences and brings good luck.

As for the locations of the tattoo, their meanings will be as follows:

Hand - the desire to draw attention to himself, a symbol of self-expression, leadership, hand - indicates the desire to become more industrious, accurate, calm and confident, finger - protects against damage and negative influences, gives its owner stamina and confidence, leg - emphasizes leadership qualities, wisdom, steadfastness and hard work, neck - helps to gain wisdom and peace, to develop the willpower and confidence, shoulder - indicates the aggressiveness and physical strength of personality.

In tattoo culture, the meaning of the spider depends not only on the features of the image, but also on its color scheme:

  • black - wisdom, self-confidence, power;
  • Purple, red - aggression, anger, propensity for violence;
  • brown, green - steadiness, calmness, rationality;
  • Bright, colorful image - originality, creativity.

Tattoo spider for men and women

If we look at what are the tattoos of the spiders photo, we can see that they come as male and female. Most often such natal drawings choose those who are endowed with the following qualities (or want to acquire them):

  • purposefulness;
  • diligence;
  • wisdom;
  • the ability to overcome difficulties;
  • etc.

Tattoo of a spider on a male body

Representatives of the stronger half of mankind prefer to apply the insect:

  • on the chest;
  • back;
  • arms;
  • shoulder.

Most often these are large, large-scale and aggressive tattoos. They can be supplemented with other elements. For example, daggers and knives, crosses, skulls harmonize well with the insect.

Blackwork spider tattoo on the shoulder realism

By the way! The most brave and flamboyant people usually have a spider on their face. Creative, established personalities choose an insect with glasses or with a beard - a good option for intellectuals and intellectuals.

Tattoo of a spider on a woman's body

Let's talk in more detail about how a tattoo of a spider on a woman's body looks like. Beautiful ladies apply such images:

  • On their hands, fingers;
  • shoulders;
  • feet;
  • feet.

Blackwork neck spider tattoo

Pay attention! Unconventional girls can stuff the insect even on the neck, thus indicating their desire for informal leadership.

If selected a black, massive tarantula, it may indicate a woman's cunning, but also the danger coming from her. After all, such an insect is directly associated with the black widow. Most often, such a sketch prefer to choose insidious seductresses - the best place for such a tattoo will be the bikini area. Sometimes girls stuff the insect in such a way that the tattoo looks like a pendant or like a ring. Too rounded belly of the spider will indicate the sexuality of the owner of the figure, manifested through her femininity.

By the way! Girls most often choose drawings of small spiders, with thin, delicate paws.

Any tattoo attracts people's attention, and if it is a spider - even more so. For example, if you stuff an insect on a woman's graceful leg, it will accentuate her beauty and sexuality. The eyes of men will definitely be attracted not only to the tattoo, but also to the woman's legs. The image looks especially interesting if a small spider is tattooed behind the ear or near the earlobe. Here's another what a tattoo of a spider can mean if it is applied to a woman's graceful body:

  • Black, massive insect - wisdom, the desire for power, indicates self-confidence. Usually such a tattoo is chosen by girls who are confident in themselves. Although in some cases, it is used by women who lost their loved one and mourn for their lost love. After all, the black spider is a symbol of the black widow.
  • This symbol on your chest or back is a kind of talisman, protecting against evil thoughts and forces, but attracting luck and prosperity.
  • If the insect is made in bright shades of red and purple, it will indicate excessive aggression of the girl, but her
  • The use of many bright colors indicates a bright, extraordinary, creative personality. Such drawings are chosen by ladies who are passionate about art, who have diverse interests.
  • And also such a tattoo can indicate a girl's diligence. It will contribute to the implementation of plans and goals, give confidence in professional activities.

black and white spider tattoo on his shoulder

The spider in the cultures of different peoples


The spider for different peoples has its own meaning. The Greeks believe that these animals are vengeful, and those who make themselves a spider in the web tattoo will have failures in life. The Italians have a very different opinion. In their culture, the arthropod is a symbol of joy and prosperity. In Africa, the spider tattoo has a divine meaning. It represents the God who protects people.

Hindus believe that the spider web brings good luck.

Hindu spider

In medieval times, these animals were considered to be carriers of infections and viruses, and therefore they were feared. Some religious organizations continue to believe in their danger. Tattoos involving tarantulas terrify such people.

Photos of tattoos with a spider

As a rule, tattoos with a spider are performed in black. But sometimes in these drawings can be inclusions of green, yellow, purple, red, orange colors.

Black and white tattoo with spider.

Color tattoo with a spider.

Tattoo with a spider with flecks of red.

As the spider web is a drawing that creates the impression of "clogging" the skin area, the masters do not recommend making this drawing too large.

Large tattoo with a spider web and a spider on the shoulder.

Variant of the tattoo with a spider web and spider.

A beautiful tattoo with an openwork spider web on a woman's back.

3D tattoos with spiders are in vogue today. Thanks to the play of shadows and colors and other techniques used by the masters, it seems that a real insect is crawling on the body.

3D spider on the neck.

3D spider on the shoulder.

3D spider on the back.

Features of the image of a spider in tattoos

The image of a spider often correlates with prison, theft, drug addiction, but if the tattoo is performed realistically and qualitatively, its negative meaning is lost. Artistic execution gives the image another meaning - the spider becomes a symbol of cunning, wisdom, thoroughness, secrecy, cruelty.

Tattoo of a spider and a spider's web on the arm. On the left - a woman's hand, on the right - a man's hand.

The image of a spider is usually applied to different parts of the hands, back, neck or chest. Black is most often used for the pattern.

Places to apply

Drawing a spider with a spider web can be placed in any place. Most often such a tattoo is done on the shoulder or elbow, because it looks especially spectacular on these places. Also the image will look good on calves, shins and back. A tattoo depicting a spider will fit harmoniously even on a woman's neck or chest.

For a girl

Women quite often choose a drawing with a spider, which speaks of an overbearing nature, as well as the purposeful and creative personality.

Tattoo, among other things, can have the following meanings:

For men.

Men often choose tattoos with tarantulas for intimidation and brutality. Large insects are associated with danger, strength and menace because they are poisonous.

A spectacular tattoo for men has more such meanings:

A man with such an image tends to be the first in everything. He is practical, original and cunning. However, some choose such tattoos simply because of the effectiveness of the picture.


For women

For men