The powerful magical meaning of Celtic patterns: Celtic amulets

These drawings at least once everyone has seen, but not everyone has thought about what they mean. The Celtic patterns and their meanings are the topic of our article. Each pattern has something magical and unusual, and can have an impact on a person and his future destiny. It is not uncommon to see the Celtic tattoo patterns, as well as these symbols on clothing and jewelry. If you understand what a Celtic pattern means, you can get yourself an amulet that will help in life.

What are Celtic patterns and what is the symbolic meaning of these designs.

What do we know about the Celts

The Celts were a people who lived in the lands of Northern Europe between 500 and 250 B.C. They inhabited large areas of Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and some lands of Northern France. They were called Celts by the ancient Greeks.

The warlike people easily seized foreign lands, giving their neighbors an endless succession of problems. Interestingly enough, they fought in the nude, with only a sword in their hands. They also had a reputation for hunting the heads of their opponents, which they hung in plain sight.

The Celts were not only desperate warriors, but also masterful craftsmen.

Since they lived there are almost no monuments of their culture, but archaeologists manage to find jewelry and the famous Celtic crosses, attracting intricate patterns that never break off.

The ancient people did not believe in the finitude of life, people were convinced that man dies an infinite number of times and comes into this world again. Scientists have been trying for centuries to unravel the mystery of their symbols, but one thing is known - they have a powerful magical meaning. Therefore, if you decide to do a tattoo, it is necessary with the greatest accuracy to apply the lines, so as not to harm yourself.

Types of ornaments amaze with its variety, and each picture has a special meaning, endowed with only his peculiar miraculous power.

Attracted the attention of the type of ornament - a labyrinth, where all the threads go to the center, which means gravitation of the human soul to perfection, and the circumference denotes the unity of Heaven and Earth. Looking closely, you can see the three spirals that form a triangle or triskel - a symbol of unity of the three elements: Air, Water and Fire, as well as joy and prosperity.

Studying the intertwining threads, you can distinguish the figures of animals and birds, each image has its own meaning:

  • the heron embodies vigilance,
  • The partridge - cunning,
  • The dove symbolizes love and spiritual development,
  • The snakes are wisdom, healing powers, keepers of secret knowledge,
  • hare - symbol of a life without poverty, immortality, but also of deception,
  • the fish is a sign of disapproval.

History of civilization

The ancient cultures of various peoples are surrounded by a halo of mystery. One of the most unusual and interesting mysteries lies in the history of the Celts. Of course, the great civilization disappeared, but its legacy has survived to this day, a culture that later became part of the foundation of modern European culture..

The heritage of the people is widely revered all over the world, and the Celtic symbols, patterns and magical runes are very popular.

At the time of the active settlement of Europe, the warlike Celts occupied a huge part of the territory. Today the civilization does not exist, but its legacy is of enormous importance, as evidenced by the repeated revivals of culture.

At one time the Scandinavian people were nicknamed the Celts by the Greeks. The people of another ancient civilization, Rome, called the Northerners Gauls, which they translated as "roosters. Unfortunately, there is no mention in history of what the Celts themselves called themselves.

The people of the North were a bellicose and brave people.. They went into battle with long, sharp swords, completely naked. After battle they beheaded their enemies and hung them on wagons, much to the horror of their more human neighbors. In the course of its existence, the Celtic civilisation has conquered much land and caused no less much trouble for its warlike neighbors.

Yet war spared few. The constant feuds with the Roman Empire, the alternation of victories and defeats did their job: gradually the people died out. It should be understood that the Celts are not only warriors. Among them were many skilled craftsmen and artists.

Today, thanks to the people of that time, who were in the mood for creation rather than destruction, you can see many famous patterns and entanglements.

The Celts believed that in ornaments lies a powerful force. This is how Celtic knotwork was used as an artifact of their religious beliefs and traditions.

The magic of Celtic symbols

It is difficult to unravel the mystery of the patterns of the ancient people, to know what their intricacies mean.

Yes, and the disappearance of the amazing people from the face of the earth does not give peace to historians of all times. But contemporaries inherited a valuable legacy - the mysterious Celtic patterns.

The famous handwritten book of Kells dates back to the year 800. The medieval manuscript is lavishly decorated with exquisite miniatures and ornaments.

Today, the symbols of the ancient people are used as amulets or amulets, made in the form of pendants, rings, necklaces.

All Celtic patterns are not trivial, each has its own meaning and significance. Below are sketches of the original images.

The Celtic Cross has a deep meaning. It is believed to bestow wisdom, save from the influence of dark forces, and is a sign of Celtic Christianity.

The fragile butterfly represents the soul, rebirth to life and change.

The tree of life without roots is depicted as arms reaching for the sky. The symbol signified the unity of the three worlds: the afterlife, life on earth and heaven.

The heart is applied in one continuous line, is the embodiment of the union of two loving souls.

trefoil (trexel) possesses powerful protective powers against evil spirits, spoilage, the evil eye, brings money and good luck in all endeavors.

Attention! When applying the tattoo, the picture itself can not change, supplement, not to harm the fate. Thread of Life is given by the gods. Around you can make additions with a horseshoe and other signs of prosperity.

The Celtic spiral is always threefold. It means eternity, continuous spiritual growth, harmony between body, spirit and mind.

Celts believed that if you choose the right ornaments, you can change your destiny.

The mystery of patterns

Each Celtic pattern has its own special meaning. In today's world, Celtic ornaments and symbols are used in the manufacture of amulets, amulets and pendants.

According to the beliefs of the Celtic people, it was believed that each individual is part of the World Tree. With him the individual was to be reunited at the end of his journey through all death and rebirth.

Each Celtic chose a special print for his or her amulet. It was believed that this was his destiny. Each pattern carried separate concepts of health, prosperity, power, money, love. In the Celtic art, all lines of Celtic patterns are fantastically intertwined, becoming one or another ornament.

The Celtic pattern visually resembles a complex and cunning labyrinth. This is the main idea: a person wanders through life in search of truth and self-discovery.

All Celtic patterns are distinguished by their artistry and filigree. It is their unimaginable aesthetics, mystery and symbolism that are hugely popular in the modern world.

Men's and women's tattoos

For men, it is better to choose that drawing, which represents courage, determination. For example, dragons mean power, strength.

Celtic in the form of a dolphin is the conductor of the soul to the sacred islands, the protector of travelers and sailors.

The powerful symbolism of the Celtic cross can be applied to the hand or back, as girls and men.

The stag means prosperity, masculinity, nobility. Deer revered as a solar animal and personified with the rebirth of the soul. He drops the horns (the tree of life), then in place of the dropped grow new ones.

On the forearm you can put an image of a fish - a sign of supreme wisdom. And also a clover with 4 leaves - a sign of faith, love, hope, good luck. It can be supplemented with money, a horseshoe.

For girls is suitable image of a dog - a symbol of loyalty, caution. The dog will protect from everything unkind and evil.

Girls like to make an image of a butterfly on the leg or shoulder. Interpretation of the image: revival after the end of the hardest changes in life. It is a sign of readiness for new life, new victories, just as a delicate butterfly is released from its cocoon.

Hare brings prosperity, abundance, health, adds strength to young mothers. On the shoulder and forearm can be made a colorful image of these symbols.

A female tattoo in the form of a Celtic horse brings beauty, gives indomitability, vitality, secret knowledge.

Very popular is the image of a lion, carrying the powerful energy of a regal and courageous animal.

Men wear a tattoo of a lion on the neck, back, shoulder, and ankle. Women also do not mind to make themselves a beautiful lioness, decorating the picture with delicate flowers.

A lion carries a very powerful energy, which is transmitted by the image, both on the body of a man and a woman.

If a lady makes a tattoo in the form of a lioness, she emphasizes devotion to the family, the loved one, motherhood, feminine magic, caring for relatives. Women apply the tattoo to the neck, collarbone, wrist, leg, shoulder blade.

Symbols and their interpretation

  • Labyrinth Symbolizes the life path of a person. Such signs were used more often by monks when they rewrote books by hand. They can be seen on paper rarities. Can represent the continuity of life, the universe, the connection between things that may be within it. Such talismans can be suitable for a person who has decided to engage their abilities, begins to learn the world and all that is beyond the power of ordinary people. It is possible to use them during meditations.
  • Celtic crosses - are quite interesting and unusual, having a rich history. Crosses are considered symbols of union between heaven and earth, women and men. It also symbolizes the support of the higher forces and harmony in the soul. If for a long time to wear this amulet, then the person will begin to look at the surrounding reality with different eyes, will engage in self-development and self-knowledge.
  • Spirals - can correlate with man's spiritual growth and development. Such talismans are triple. Everything is related to the triple nature of people and the universe, also the meaning of the symbol is inner harmony and mind, body and spirit.
  • Classic weaves. - They can be seen among the margins on ancient books. They represent both the physical and spiritual path of a person.

Amulets - birds and animals

A Celtic amulet resembling a bird symbolizes the fact that the human soul begins to free itself from communication with the world, acquiring freedom. In this way, you can use a talisman to communicate with the otherworldly world and expand one's consciousness. In this way, the talismans help in magic and interpretation of dreams.

  • Ravens and pheasants - Ravens and Pheasants were the most often worn talismans for those who practiced astrology. This was also the symbol of the imminent death of the ravens.
  • Pigeons - This symbolized the spiritual world of man, beauty and love;
  • The partridge - symbolizes cunning, a talisman is not suitable for every person;
  • Duck - a bird that can help to acquire vitality, raise self-esteem and gives the opportunity to develop one's abilities;
  • Heron - a symbol of vigilance and caution. Such a talisman will help to avoid disappointment.
  • Albatross - Talisman that guides to the right path, helps to gain wisdom;
  • Snake - amulet of healing. It can be carried by a person who is seriously ill, as well as one who is engaged in treatment. Snakes represent wisdom, a rich inner world, the prevalence of vital energy.
  • Deer - a guide who accompanied the heroes to their goals. With the help of such amulet can be engaged in any activity, as a result of which to achieve success. Amulet helps to show resilience and character, a person becomes more confident.
  • Horse . - Has a strong protection. Especially suitable for those who are professionally engaged in active sports, protect the forest or till the land. Helps in the conception of a child, facilitates easy childbirth.
  • Dolphin - Emblematic of one's spiritual development;
  • Dog - Devotion, care, protection. It used to be believed that dogs could heal, protect on a long journey, give vitality to man. Helps in communicating with other people.
  • Pisces - Ability to astrology, magic, prediction;
  • Boar - symbolizes communication. Such a talisman can attract wealth to a person's home. If you carry it with you all the time, it will begin to bring good luck in all matters.
  • Butterflies . - Fast changes, a new beginning. Celtic peoples believed that with the help of butterflies can talk to deceased relatives. Amulet represents the family, the ability to reincarnate.
  • Bull - can help to become more confident, to raise self-esteem, to bring up character traits and willpower, responsibility.
  • Leo - amulet, which will help to become more physically developed, durable and purposeful.

Other symbols and amulets

  • Dragons - Were popular with many nations. They symbolize purpose and responsibility, the ability to foresee and anticipate, have protective properties. According to beliefs, dragons had extraordinary strength and could see things that are beyond the control of man. The places where they lived were sacred and were not allowed to enter. Thanks to such a talisman, it is possible to influence those around you.
  • The sacred tree - embodies the Tree of Life, gives wisdom and vitality, develops intuition and magical abilities, strengthens health, helps to develop physically and spiritually;
  • Leaves - usually present at weaving amulets. Embody the Supreme forces and energy of the trees, which were able to use the Druids.
  • Cauldron - embodies transformation, facets of the subconscious, the communication between humans and the gods. It is a source of new knowledge and skills, and human spiritual development. Often means rebirth after death.

Knit things with a Celtic ornament.

If knitting is your hobby, then feel free to create unique and warm things for yourself and your loved one. Men's things look especially beautiful, giving the stronger sex even more masculine and noble.

For the men's sweater, you can take a thick yarn. See a simple example of knitting that uses two types of loops: the back and the front. The pattern is created by shifting the front loops on the fabric, which is tied with the back loops. The pattern shifts symmetrically with respect to the vertical and horizontal line that runs through the center of the pattern.

By cross-linking the loops, the desired ornament is obtained.

See how original the scarf looks with the Celtic pattern!

What to Pay Attention to

Celtic amulets have several points that are very important when choosing.

It is important to choose a long and intricate weave jewelry, as it represents the long and exciting life line of a person.

It is worth paying attention to the shape of the weave of the amulet:

  • Circle - denotes mental balance and an interesting life.
  • Triangle - symbolizes a new stage in life, friendship and love.
  • Square - carries impressive and reliable protection from dark forces.
  • Spiral - denotes career growth, self-development, and personal victories over oneself. The spiral is also called Trixel or Trixelion. The meaning of the symbol Trixel, of course, does not change. Including the spiral is reflected in the Slavic amulet Triglav.
  • A cross is a reliable protection of higher forces.
  • Labyrinth - helps to achieve career growth and bring in your own life a pleasant change.
  • Celtic pentagram - provides reliable protection against spoilage, the evil eye and other negative manifestations of the side, helps people to appreciate the spiritual, and not focus on the material.

Types and meaning of Celtic patterns. The meaning of tattoos with Celtic symbols

Get such a talisman should only with good thoughts, because bad thoughts can cause unhappiness and trouble in the future.

The best materials for a talisman are metal and wood. It is they who will give the maximum benefit to the owner. In particular, pay special attention to the color - brown, black, gray, and blue shades. Only they will be able to fully reveal the potential of the talisman. Acquire a Celtic god amulet only when you really need it.

How to draw a Celtic pattern

To join the culture of the ancient people, you can learn how to draw a real Celtic knot in pencil.

We will learn how to draw on the dots. Step by step we master a simple drawing technique.

  1. From the dots do a square 4×4, that is, 4 points wide and 4 long. So we get a big square, which is located 9 small squares.
  2. In the center of a small square (each) put a big dot.
  3. In the corners of the squares draw lines from the central large mark to a small point, heading toward the center.
  4. Then around the resulting lines draw "petals", as in the figure below.
  5. Then draw 4 more inner, more rounded "petals.
  6. Then make a braid of 4 strips inside. Look clockwise, you will see that each strip will lie one level below the next.
  7. Now let's add the center weaves.
  8. To make the pattern look more natural, create shadows.

The more difficult to do Celtic braid.. Take a piece of paper from a notebook in a cell, dashed two lines, as shown in the figure.

Then from the outer line at the top of the diagonal draw a long line to the center, and down - a short one.

Then draw another layer of "pigtail" heading toward the center.

Next, another layer.

Completing the drawing, the "pigtail" should come together in the center.

That's it, the pigtail is ready!

What do such tattoos give a man for self-affirmation? The main varieties

Celts people called the inhabitants of Ancient Greece, in turn, the Romans spoke about them as about "Gauls". The little that gave the world these people - the Irish language and Celtic patterns. Such motifs suit men who are strong in spirit, persistent and determined, imperious and even somewhat aggressive.

All surviving sketches and ideas can be divided into two groups:

  • drawings with animals and plants;
  • Ancient patterns and ornaments.

Modern Celtic style tattoos are, above all, ornaments consisting of geometric plots interwoven with animals or plants, magical knots and entanglements. The lines here are always uninterrupted without beginning or end.

Celtic stylized images of plants and animals

Plants and animals in the Celtic style are rather peculiar caricatures, which also mean a single line. The following sketches were most often used:

Horse - means fertility, physical strength, activity and efficiency, thanks to which any goals are achieved.

Types and meaning of Celtic patterns. Meaning of tattoos with Celtic symbols

Snake - symbol of spirituality, protection from enemies, source of vital energy.

Types and meaning of Celtic patterns. Meaning of tattoos with Celtic symbols

Hare - A symbol of spiritual and material well-being, an amulet that brings to a person's life blossom, rebirth, immortality.

Types and meaning of Celtic patterns. Meaning of tattoos with Celtic symbols

Deer - A symbol of prosperity and courage, inner freedom and independence, as well as an amulet attracting a rebirth of the spirit.

Types and meaning of Celtic patterns. Meaning of tattoos with Celtic symbols

Dolphin - Protective talisman for sailors and travelers, assistant to the spiritual formation of men.

Types and meaning of Celtic patterns. Meaning of tattoos with Celtic symbols

Dog - Devotion and loyalty, protection of the spiritual and physical in man.

Types and meaning of Celtic patterns. The meaning of tattoos with Celtic symbols

Wolf - attacking enemies in order to protect the spiritual space and the man himself, a symbol of successful hunting.

Types and meaning of Celtic patterns. Meaning of tattoos with Celtic symbols

Dragon - source of the gift of divination, guardian to worldly and divine worlds, protector of the land from the raids of outsiders.

Types and meaning of Celtic patterns. Meaning of tattoos with Celtic symbols

Pisces - A symbol of wisdom and foresight, developing intuition and flair in a man.

Types and meaning of Celtic patterns. Meaning of tattoos with Celtic symbols

Tree of life - The link between the earth and the sky, a man's desire to reach for the sun, a symbol of the cycle of life and death.

Types and meaning of Celtic patterns. Meaning of tattoos with Celtic symbols

Ancient Celtic patterns on the arm for men

Numerous ancient Celtic patterns have retained their relevance and pristine appearance to the present day. Today, such designs can be presented in several variations:

Wicker . - signifies the unity of the earthly and spiritual worldview, acts as a frame for any other designs.

Types and meaning of Celtic patterns. Meaning of tattoos with Celtic symbols

Medallion - a protective talisman that attracts love and friendship in a person's fate, and also protects from enemies and evil. Over the years, the power and protective functions of such a symbol only grow.

Types and meaning of Celtic patterns. Meaning of tattoos with Celtic symbols

Talisman - Brings financial prosperity, health and good luck to the fate of the owner.

Types and meaning of Celtic patterns. Meaning of tattoos with Celtic symbols

Spiral slender - A person's aspiration to grow spiritually. This is where the Christian symbols of the trinity, the Trinity, etc. came from.

Types and meaning of Celtic patterns. Meaning of tattoos with Celtic symbols

The knot - means the unity of the material and spiritual, connected in a strong and unbreakable knot.

Types and meaning of Celtic patterns. Meaning of tattoos with Celtic symbols

Bracelet - A round, complex pattern with a crown in the center. Nakolka symbolizes love, friendship, loyalty, and the unity of the two halves in a relationship.

Types and meaning of Celtic patterns. Meaning of tattoos with Celtic symbols

Cross - a symbol reflecting the four elements, it is also a drawing from the Christian religion, signifying faith in the Almighty.

Types and meaning of Celtic patterns. Meaning of tattoos with Celtic symbols

Weaving from ancient patterns

Today, more and more people are fond of weaving protective knots. What are they for? A knot consisting of a continuous loop is a talisman against dark forces, as well as spirits that try to penetrate from the netherworld. An ancient powerful amulet can help keep love, keep away from misfortune, unpleasant events, and difficulties. It helps to overcome obstacles, cope with illness. Helps to strengthen the best qualities of their owner.

Creating an amulet-knot, program it to help yourself, put a piece of your heart into it. It cannot be given, only inherited.

See how to make a weave - "Celtic knot of love".

A love knot is an amulet to which people have entrusted their most secret feelings for centuries. It has no ends, which is considered the best amulet of love, fidelity of two lovers.

How to tie a love knot? When starting to weave this amulet, remember that exchanging these things is equivalent to exchanging wedding rings.

This weaving can be taught to children. A child can weave friendship bracelets from ordinary mulin, while adults can use stronger materials, even leather.

Look at the photo, which shows weaving from beads in detail.

You can make a magic knot according to the following scheme:

Celtic Amulets of General Purpose

Many Celtic amulets have a general meaning and signify the confluence of the afterlife, divine and human worlds. Such talismans symbolize goodness, health and success.

Often items of clothing, household utensils or weapons are decorated with amulet images in the form of animals enclosed in ornate Celtic patterns.

The Celtic talismans are characterized by both magical and healing properties:

  • effectively relieve old diseases and improve the immune system;
  • eliminates symptoms of depression and minimizes the risk of stressful situations;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • helps to find harmony between work and family life;
  • gives confidence in yourself.

The meaning of Celtic amulets is directly related to the form of weaving:

  • circle - balance of peace of mind;
  • triangle - improvement of relationships with family and friends;
  • square - protection from evil forces;
  • spiral or labyrinth - career and personal growth.

A pentagram will help a person learn to appreciate spiritual well-being and protect him from any negative manifestations from the outside.

How do I choose a tattoo design for a place on my arm?

To make the right choice in favor of this or that tattoo in the Celtic style, it is important to know the meaning of all options under consideration. As a guide, you need to use your own style, image and character. But also a man should heed a few admonitions:

  • Symbols with sacred influence, talismans and amulets should be applied to the upper part of the arm, the closer the tattoo to the head, the stronger it will work (it is forbidden to apply amulet on the leg);
  • If a man does not seek dramatic changes in his lifeIn this case braids, spirals, ringed shape, as a symbol of the cycle of everything in the world, are allowed;
  • If a man strives to find friends and love, draw the tree of life on the shoulder or arm with many branches;
  • animals can be used in tattoosThe main thing is that they are good-natured not aggressive emotions;
  • between criteria such as size and complexity of the sketchThe size of the area on the hand for it, proportionality and proportionality must be respected.

General Information

Celtic patterns are mysterious weaves. The ancient Celts believed that ornaments had powerful mystical powers. This is how they displayed their traditions, as well as their beliefs and worldview. Almost all Celtic patterns appear to be weaving. Because it is believed that witchcraft is woven.

Celtic patterns meaning
The unique curves of the lines of the Celtic ornament reflected the cyclicality and regularity of all things, and the weaving reflected the strong connection of different worlds.


The Celts were an enigmatic people. They were able to imbue Ireland with their mystical secrets for a long time. Nowadays, the meaning of ornament is rarely thought about. Modern man should be reminded that the Celts put a lot of meaning into these patterns.

Celtic ornaments consisted of just one continuous thread - the thread of life.

According to legend, the Celts believed that the pattern could not be altered because it was given by the gods.


This ancient people had their own mythology, which was closely connected with the universe and the representation in the magical sphere. In practical magic, the main part was occupied by all kinds of patterns, as well as symbols and signs. It was also a representation of the world, an expression of thought or idea.

The most famous amulets of the Celts

Celtic civilization left a symbolism that is still in use today. It represents unusual, meaning-filled patterns.


Symbol in the form of a triangle, the outline of which is made of intertwined lines. Despite its external simplicity, it has a profound meaning. Through closed pattern embodies the inseparability of all that exists in the world. The triangle is a symbol of male energy, activity, creation of the world, being in constant development and movement. The triple as a geometric figure in the amulet is the beginning of the world.

The triquetra is a religious symbol in the form of a triangle.

Labyrinth .

It is a triquetrum, complemented by closed, continuous lines, giving it a resemblance to the seal or a complex knot. It is a sign of a strong connection between all the elements of existence, the earthly path of each individual soul, brings happiness.

Tree of life

In contrast to the Scandinavian, the Celtic Tree of Life has no hierarchy and looks like a closed similarity of different symbols and patterns. The Tree of Life symbolizes the unity and indivisibility of all existence, the connection between the upper and lower worlds. Can be used as a personal talisman.

Tree of life
Tree of life embodies unity.

Valknut .

Strongest magical symbol in the form of intertwined triangles, used for tombstones. Suitable for specific practices, but not for amulets. Not applicable to children, adolescents.


The sign is another variation of the triangle. It is used in various rites and rituals. Its power is aimed at harmonizing the elements, balancing the course of time. A good option for personal amulet.

Styles of tattoos

Each style of drawing carries a certain connotation. Here are a few directions of tattoos:

  • Realism - images in the form of skulls, frames from movies, paintings and movie characters.
  • Graphics - clear graphic designs made mostly in black, diagrams and dot patterns.
  • Oldschool - nautical themes, pirates and sea travel. Symbolizes the spirit of freedom.
  • Newschool - colored tattoos depicting faces and images from movies or computer games.
  • Celtic - ancient symbols of Celtic gods with distinctive ornaments.
  • Polynesia - tattoos often used by tribes. They show those around them what kind of tribe the man belongs to, his occupation and life achievements. This type of images should be taken seriously, for Pacific Islanders they are of great importance.
  • Biomechanics are large tattoos with male patterns that emphasize the anatomy of the body. They are usually drawn along the entire length of the arm, leg or on the back.

Often men choose images of predatory animals, which symbolize the indestructible power, strength, stern character. Mythical animals indicate the character and thoughts of the man. Popular tattoos in the form of inscriptions indicate a man's life credo. Can be performed in any font and language. Particularly popular is painting in 3D.

Tattoo male Celtic patterns on forearm

When did Celtic art originate?

The oldest examples of Celtic decorative and applied art can be seen on various household items, jewelry and metal products, weapons. They are decorated with a variety of geometric, plant and animal patterns.

What does the Celtic pattern mean

Today it is accepted to consider the beginning of the Celtic art style around 800 AD. The Book of Kells is a richly illustrated Anglo-Irish manuscript, known as the Book of Kells, created by monks. Thanks to this and other such books, we can learn about the history and culture of these people, as the Celts themselves did not leave behind any written evidence.

Tips for Handcrafting

Individual items are difficult to make at home.

But there are several options for amulets, which even a beginner can make with their own hands:

  1. Celtic knot.. It is made with a string made of natural material. On one side of the rope to tie a loop and pass through it the second end, creating a heart shape. Then the same end to put through the edges of the hearts in turn, and repeat the same on the other side. Loop the free edge of the cord around the loop and hide it on the back side.
  2. Celtic Cross. Wood, copper, and silver can be used to create it. The first step is to choose a size and make a blank. On it draw a silhouette of a cross with a circle. Then, using a tool, the choice of which depends on the material used, cut out the cross, align the edges. Apply patterns, eliminate roughness. If the thing is made of wood, cover it with varnish.

Making with his own hands
Using a lace, you can make a Celtic knot.

More complex amulets can be purchased in specialized stationary and online stores, antique shops.

The cost of the product does not affect its magical properties.


For women

For Men