100 sun and moon tattoos: mystery, energy and more

The meaning of the sun tattoo

Solar image on the skin of a man or woman has only positive meaning, and depending on the chosen sketch of the sun tattoo can mean power, rebirth, fertility, courage, creativity, sexuality, dignity, freedom, life, kindness, femininity, eternity, beginning, leadership.

The sun tattoo is suitable for purposeful strong people who want to find the meaning of life, overcome difficulties, emphasize their experience, freedom, purity or creativity. It will help find freedom, good luck, and protection from evil forces for a strong loner who is used to rely only on himself. Most often such drawings have the following meanings:

  • The sun, depicted as a cross in a circle, signifies a person's spirituality.
  • The excessively bright sun on the tattoo indicates that its bearer is very dissatisfied with the world around him.
  • When the sun is combined with hieroglyphs, priority in meaning is given to the aphorism.
  • The meaning of the image, which in addition to the sun present such flowers as lotuses, chrysanthemums, lilies, roses, sakura or sunflowers almost unchanged and will be interpreted positively.
  • The tattoo, complemented with the Yin-Yang sign means harmony, movement and infinity.
  • The meaning of the tattoo with the star inside the luminary is determined by the meaning of the star itself.
  • The combination of the sun and flame, which is a symbol of spirituality, was used in ancient times as a ceremonial. Before stuffing such a drawing, you need to carefully study its possible variations, so as not to harm yourself.

The sunrise on the tattoo is a sign of the birth of something bright in life, perfection. Sunset means the end, the stop. Both drawings embossed at the same time carry renewal, cyclicality, harmony.

  • The sun, inside a circle which depicts the "All-seeing Eye", symbolizes wisdom, spirituality protects from the dark forces.
  • It is a talisman and a luminary with a human face.

Solar pattern enhances resilience, strengthens self-control, attracts material wealth and surrounds its bearer with goodness, but it does not suit the weak-willed shy people, whom he is likely to tire and make irritable.

What does the moon and sun tattoo mean?

A tattoo in which the sun and the moon are enclosed in a circle has the meaning of harmony, self-renewal and infinity of the world. This body art as well as the Chinese characters Yin and Yang, depicted together, symbolizes the unity of the two opposing beginnings. Self-renewal and helps to find a way out of any difficult situation.

Drawing is stuffed for restoration of family, strengthening of relations with close people, constant feeding of positive energy and as a powerful amulet. It helps to unravel and neutralize the plans of enemies, to improve relationships with loved ones. If the sun occupies most of the circle, the bearer of the paired sun and moon tattoo will look for himself and develop.

  • Tattoo paired sun and moon

  • Tattoo of the sun and moon on the hand

A drawing in which the luminaries are balanced, suits a harmonious person who knows what he expects from life and seeks to develop his magical or creative abilities.

Meaning of a tattoo of the sun for men

The meaning of the tattoo in this variant is first of all a talisman, which protects, brings good luck, is a source of positive energy and increases strength. It is a confirmation of the wisdom and justice of the bearer. Tattoo of the sun with the moon for men symbolizes the moral strength of the bearer, his determination and fortitude.

Meaning of the sun tattoo for girls

It is generally believed that the sun is a sign of masculinity, as correlated in the usual interpretation with the gods, which are symbolically portrayed in the image of men. However, there are also female "solar" goddesses in world mythology. Hittite Arinniti, Egyptian Bastet, Arabian Shams, Japanese Amaterasu o-mikami - they all gave people warmth, love, joy and happiness, lighting up the Earth.

Perhaps that's why the sun tattoo for girls often has a mystical meaning or is printed as a talisman, giving prosperity and strength. The colored design is usually complemented by images of birds, plants, the moon.

What does the sun tattoo on the arm mean?

Solar tattoos of prisoners located on the back of the hand (rarely on the forearm) usually depict the rising sun, which symbolizes the beginning of a new life. The number of rays in this case signifies the number of years spent in prison. Often there is also a variant where the drawing of the luminary is complemented by the word "NORTH".

The prison meaning of the sun tattoo in this case changes dramatically. It tells those around him that the man went through a long ordeal of cold and hunger in the northern camps of our country and got used to the harsh conditions of existence.

What do tattoos mean to men?

It is not uncommon for a body image with the moon to be chosen by men. Such tattoos for them mean:

  • mysticism
  • mystique
  • Charisma .

Tattoo in the form of the moon tells about the charismatic nature of its owner. A representative of the stronger sex with such a tattoo is often very mysterious and possibly addicted to mysticism.Sometimes members of the stronger sex do such natal drawings because of the beauty, but not because of special symbolism.

The sacred meaning of the talisman of the sun and the moon

The unity of opposites

In the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, the Sun personified the male energy, and his nocturnal companion the Moon - the female. The two luminaries, enclosed in a circle, symbolized the infinity of the world, renewal, and harmony. In other words, the unity of opposites: passion and calmness, power and tenderness, activity and prudence. Ancestors were sure that such amulet would provide a constant flow of life energy, protecting against black magic, the undead and other evil.


Paired amulets "Moon and Sun" were often given to young people at weddings, so that there would not be a struggle for leadership and conflicts associated with it. The Slavs were convinced: the amulet would allow a person to develop harmoniously, strengthen physical and mental health, help find a common language with other people, listen to both the mind and the heart simultaneously.

What to make? How to activate?

Traditionally, talismans were made of two metals: "solar" gold and "lunar" silver. In order to activate it, it was necessary to charge the amulet with power of two luminaries at once: before wearing it, it was left for a whole day under bright rays, and at night it was placed on a window flooded with a mysterious silver light. The rituals were performed either on a full moon or on a growing month, preferably on a Friday. Subsequently, "recharging" was performed at least 2-3 times a year, pre-washing the amulet with water and burning it with fire.

The Moon as a source of femininity

The opposite energy of the Sun - the moon - is the embodiment of the feminine beginning. This makes the nocturnal luminary a symbol of immense power, hidden under a deceptive serenity and tranquility.

The moon has always attracted people with its mystery. By worshipping it, they believed in a power that could eclipse even the sun itself. For this reason, people were terrified of eclipses.

The energy of the Moon represents tranquility, reflection, gentleness and coolness. It is the spiritualization of creativity, the beginning of the flow of thoughts and ideas.

The power of the signs as a pair

In ancient times, representing the Sun as a closed circle with a dot in the center, people associated this symbol with infinity, believing that everything in the world is cyclical, including occurring in the fate of each event.

By decorating their clothing with this symbol, they gave meaning to the infinite existence of life on Earth and time itself. A closed circle was considered a sign of protection against bad energy - spoilage, incantations and any other negative influences.

When the Slavs applied the sign, they put a special meaning in the process - to restore their energy. The symbol was believed to bring money and family well-being, as well as the strength of the male spirit.

The presence and number of rays in the circle had its meaning:

  • four - burning earth fire and all the other elements of nature succeeding each other;
  • Six is the symbol of the wheel of the sun god, with which he rotates the universe;
  • Eight is the power of the solar circle. The rays directed clockwise are a symbol of movement, eternity. The sign was put not only on clothes, but also on everyday objects - tablecloths, towels, curtains.

As the celestial star that replaced the Sun, the moon was associated with the dark, unexplored aspects of life, giving mystique and mystery to the sign.

It was often added to clothing as part of embroidery or drawn on household utensils. There were two forms of the image:

  • A simple rhombus with a missing angle on the right - carries the meaning of femininity;
  • A lunar cross - a symbol of the change of moons in different phases - attracts fertility and luck in the succession of current affairs.

From the creation of the world.

The moon is an occult symbol. It has been deified since ancient civilizations. For example, the Egyptians had the goddess Hathor as the divine embodiment of the moon, the Greeks identified Artemis with the moon, and the Romans - Diana. In the mighty northern warriors, the Celts, this role was played by Morgana. As a rule, the ancient peoples attributed the moon a feminine origin, not counting the Japanese, who had the moon personified by the god Susanowo.

Originally cultures of the world worshipped the moon as a powerful patroness, giving people protection and all kinds of benefits. In Maya, the moon was responsible for the safe delivery and health of the baby. The Chinese considered it the full ruler of the energy Yin.

The best places to place the sun tattoo

The most common place to place the drawing - on the hand. On the shoulder and on the forearm, medium-sized sketches look good. Small sun is often used as paired tattoos on the wrist.

Guys often apply sketches on the chest. The chest area is good because the embossed muscles give the picture volume and realism. Women prefer to apply a sunburst under their breasts, using a minimalist design.

Bold personalities give preference to designs applied on the neck. On this area, small symbols look best.

Moon tattoo variations

When considering the design of the moon tattoo, several different variations are possible. Since the moon waxes and wanes during the lunar cycle, your choice may be to decide which phase you want to settle on. What you want your sketch to look like, or whether you have a desire to add other symbols and elements to your design.

Tattoo Crescent Moon

Getting a crescent moon tattoo is a great way to demonstrate the duality of your own nature or life in general. Of all the celestial bodies, the crescent moon is the most famous, with some people seeing with the naked eye the crescent moon of Venus in its corresponding position. It is one of the most romantic symbols that exist in nature. Many young people walk cuddled up to the morning, whispering kind words in the ear of their beloved.
The direction of the tops formed by the arcs is usually associated with two different states:

  • The "thinning" Moon. The horns are directed to the right, and the convexity of the sickle is directed to the left in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth.
  • A "getting fuller" Moon. The horns are directed to the left, the convexity of the sickle is directed strictly to the right in the direction of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth.

Thus, the crescent moon tattoo can symbolize a couple of different things. If the moon is in the waning phase of the crescent moon, it symbolizes the expulsion of negative energy from your personal, spiritual or work life. You are getting rid of people, habits, or things that you no longer need or that are harmful to you. However, if it is in the crescent phase, the Moon symbolizes growth and creativity.
The small shape of the crescent moon makes it The perfect tattoo

for an elegant placement inside the wrist, on the ankle or behind the ear. The simplest design is a crescent moon, either outlined in black or completely filled with color. If you want to get more creative, you can design the moon to be composed of other shapes or symbols, such as stars or butterflies, which looks especially feminine. Although we often think of the moon as white or yellow, using other symbols to create a moon tattoo is a great way to add some color to your design, such as bright blues, purples or shades of pink.

You can also give your tattoo a little more personality by adding a face profile in a crescent moon. This can add a sense of chosenness, and show the moon to represent your own beliefs in the power and purpose of this beautiful earth satellite. Since the moon is usually associated with femininity, you may want to get a Moon Woman tattoo with a friendly or caring personality. The moon is also associated with madness, and depicting your moon as something crazy or wild can add this meaning to your tattoo.

Full Moon Tattoo.

Several superstitions have arisen in relation to the full moon. It is a time when the celestial pull on earth is especially strong and we feel the power of celestial bodies. The full moon is especially associated with madness, change, and a time when the boundaries between this world and the otherworldly have become more blurred and permeable.
A full moon tattoo can be designed in several different ways to depict any or more of these meanings. One possibility is to make the moon realistic, complete with craters, the Sea of Tranquility and other geographical landmarks. This is a particularly good tattoo for someone interested in astronomy or even American history. For example, why not put an American flag on the moon in memory of the first man on the moon?

Another option for a full moon tattoo is to embrace its gothic and otherworldly connotations. The full moon is traditionally associated with a time when werewolves will transform and witches and sorcerers will cast particularly powerful spells. Thus, the full moon tattoo is a fairly powerful symbol for practitioners of Wicca (A Western neo-pagan religion based on reverence for nature

) or for those who believe in otherworldly beings. Show your beliefs by including a witch flying across the moon, or by adding a cauldron or black cat to the sketch. A more general gothic symbolism that you would want to focus on in your full moon tattoo is to make some eerie, thin clouds floating across the face of the moon, or the moon will be the background for a raven, a harbinger of death.

Tattoo of the evil moon.

As you can see from the full moon symbolism above, there are times when the moon can become a dark, even evil symbol. You can build on these images in your own moon tattoo by adding a particularly unpleasant full moon or crescent moon face. For example, you might want a growling mouth, gritted teeth or frowning eyes shown in profile, perhaps aimed at a particular person or thing also included in your sketch, in the background of the crescent moon. For a full moon, you could do the same sassy or sinister look on the moon's face, but this time directed outward at anyone looking at your tattoo. So this image will alert those around you to your own dark, potentially evil ways, and give them a chance to cross you away from sin.

Blue Moon Tattoo

We've all heard the saying that something especially rare happens "once in a blue moon." Thus, getting a blue moon tattoo can indicate the appearance of a rare event or celebrate a personal achievement. There are several ways in which this project can be achieved, whether you get a full or crescent moon tattoo. The first option is to have the moon be literally blue, and the best color options are royal or cobalt. The other design option is to have the moon remain in the traditional white or glowing yellow with a blue aura or mist surrounding it. As with the other tattoo designs discussed here, you can also include various symbols or elements in the tattoo to further personalize it or enhance its meaning. For example, a black cat could add a more gothic interpretation of the moon, while a set of stars could serve as a reminder of deceased loved ones.

Half Sun Tattoo / Half Moon Tattoo

Getting a half sun / half moon tattoo is a great way to connect your duality with the duality of nature. While the moon represents our lunar traits such as our hidden potential, our emotions and intuition , the sun exposes our solar traits such as our mind, ego and leadership qualities. We all have certain lunar and solar traits and so this tattoo is a great way to show that beautiful balance within ourselves. Read more about Sun Tattoo .
Depending on how you feel about this balance of traits, there are several different design choices you should consider when getting your sun/ moon tattoo. If you feel that your personality demonstrates harmony of these traits, you may want the sun and moon to look at each other, with their faces reflecting calm or contentment. However, if you feel an inner struggle or tension because of this duality, you may want the sun and moon to face outward or even away from each other.

Whichever option you choose, you will need to distinguish between the sun and moon in terms of color and even shape. One popular design option is to have a traditional yellow sun, representing those active and vibrant solar qualities, while the moon is a more brooding blue , representing more repressed, lunar qualities. You can also add rays around half the sun, and stars around the moon to further distinguish these two celestial bodies.

Wolf and Moon Tattoo

While the moon is already a powerful symbol on its own, adding a wolf to your moon tattoo creates even deeper meaning. The wolf has special meaning in Native American culture and to the environment, making a wolf and moon tattoo especially appealing if you are a member of a Native American tribe, or relate to Native American culture or have a deep respect for nature. Learn more about the Wolf tattoo .
Another popular design choice for a wolf and moon tattoo is a wolf howling at the moon. The wolf is an incredibly intelligent animal that can communicate with its brethren from around the region simply by making a loud howl. Thus, this image is a great choice for those who consider themselves particularly sociable or who consider themselves the leader of the pack.

In Native American culture, the wolf is also a totem of the afterlife. Thus, by combining this animal with an image of the moon, it is possible to connect this image with the notion of being beyond the world. In this design, the wolf does not have to howl, but can simply be under the moon or in the foreground of the image. The wolf is not a beast to be feared in this scenario, and so it is best to have its muzzle reflect a relaxed, or even thoughtful expression.

Cat and Moon Tattoo

In many cultures, cats are incredibly symbolic animals. This is especially evident in Western culture, where cats (especially black cats) are believed to be followers of witches and therefore potentially evil. In ancient Roman culture, cats were associated with the moon goddess Diana. In both of these popular depictions, cats are also associated with the moon, thus making the cat and moon tattoo especially significant. Read a very detailed article on the topic of Cat Tattoos .
Depending on which cat and moon association you want to portray, your tattoo design will be different. If you like the aura of mystery and power, including the power to do harm, which refers to a black witch cat, then you may wish your cat to sit under a full moon, its eyes blazing, perhaps make a face on the moon.

If you prefer the cat's association with Diana, or if you just want to incorporate a cat image into your tattoo, there are even more design options. To demonstrate the cat's association with the moon, you might want the cat to sit on a crescent moon, showing the closeness between the two. You may even want the moon to smile at the cat, or the cat and the moon to exchange a look. In these design options, the color and breed of the cat can be whatever you want. You may even want to imagine your own pet in the design!

Fairy and Moon Tattoo / Fairy, Moon and Stars

Some of the most important connotations of the moon are feminine mysticism and power. Therefore, the inclusion of a fairy in a moon tattoo will further enhance this symbolism. The fairy can be a symbol of both harm and innocence, obedience and disobedience, thus taking on many of the contradictory essences of a woman. Read a more in-depth article on the subject of fairy tattoos .
Depending on the quality or qualities you want your fairy and moon tattoo to represent, there are several different designs you may want to consider. One of the most popular and easily personalized designs is the fairy sitting on a crescent moon. If you choose to add a face to your moon, then you can place your fairy and moon against each other. Perhaps you can have a fairy face facing the moon that looks annoyed.

Another design choice is to have a fairy fly around the moon, perhaps showing off her wings or just expressing her Fae spirit. For this tattoo design you can give the moon a face or keep it simple and realistic. The focus here is on Faerie, so let her personality be made more distinct and convex!

Whichever way you choose to do this tattoo, the fairy element allows you to be incredibly creative with your color, size and other design options. The fairy can be sad and brooding, happy and excited, or mischievous and sly. Either way, the color of the body, hair and wings are entirely up to you. This means that there are almost unlimited possibilities to personalize this design.

Dragon and Moon Tattoo

As with many of the designs discussed above, with the addition of different elements, in this case the dragon will have a profound effect on the meaning of your tattoo. For example, in Chinese culture, the dragon is a powerful symbol of strength and good luck. Thus, when combined with the moon, this image becomes doubly symbolic, and behind the growing power of the moon or the potentially supernatural power of the full moon. Don't miss the informative publication on the Dragon Tattoo .
There are several popular dragon and moon designs to choose from, or you can make up your own! One great design that you can customize to your personal preference is to have a crescent moon surround the dragon, to match the shape of the moon, and almost completely cover it. In this design, you can customize the color and expression of the dragon's face according to your exact preferences. It can be a special or friendly dragon of bright blue or purple, or it can be a fearsome and antagonistic dragon with blazing eyes and steam from its nostrils.

Another option, equally customizable, is that the dragon flies through the full moon. Since the moon is most powerful when it is full, adding a dragon, another powerful drawing, makes this symbol more powerful and impressive. For a simple tattoo you have a black dragon flying through a white or yellow moon, further customize, color and expression of the dragon. While the simpler design can easily fit almost anywhere on the body, a larger image of a dragon flying through a full moon is best done across the back or on the biceps.

Tattoo with celestial luminaries

Tattooing has been an important ritual since antiquity. By the image on the body it was possible to understand the belonging of a person to a certain group, his marital status and even the number of children.

Choosing a tattoo, people even today put in the image an individual meaning - an appeal to the world, said without words.

The variants of sketches

The Sun and the Moon are celestial luminaries that exist in opposition to each other. So in the image on the body they can be united or deliberately opposed.

There are three most common variants.

  1. The luminaries merge to form a single whole - the embodiment of unity of opposites, a person has understood and accepted both sides of his soul.
  2. The sun dominates the moon or even absorbs it (or the opposite) - a symbol of the eternal struggle between male and female, light and darkness, day and night, in which the person has decided for himself, whose side he takes.
  3. The luminaries are located at a distance from each other, and between the Sun and the Moon - a large distance (often depicted on different sides of the body) - a sign of harmony and stability.

Placement on the body

The image is suitable for both women and men. The size and choice of location depends on the preferences of the person. The main places of application:

  • In men - chest, shoulder, upper back, calf area;
  • Women - neck, hands (often wrist or hand), lower back, thigh, ankle, and to hide from prying eyes, placed on the bottom of the abdomen, pubis, buttocks or inner thigh.

People with a philosophical approach to life or romantics by nature, who create and maintain the spiritual and physical components of the soul in unity, choose the image with the symbols of the sun and the moon.


Such a tattoo can no doubt be called one of the most beautiful. That is why it is preferred by women and men. Worn image with the moon is considered very mysterious and not unraveled to the end.

Tattoo with the moon means femininity, mystery, mysticism, maternity, femininity. However, despite its feminine characteristics, the tattoo is perfectly suited for the stronger sex.

Types of amulets

Since ancient times, people in significant moments of life resorted to rituals, used magical objects to protect or concentrate the necessary forces in certain situations. In the power of amulets and amulets believe in and in the modern world.

To have a figure of the Sun and the Moon means to be under the protection of these heavenly bodies and receive from them the positive energy that helps to be happier, more fortunate and successful.

  1. Talisman in the form of the Sun and the Moon, which merge into one face and symbolize harmony, will support in moments of transformation of your life for the better. The sign will strengthen the strengths of personality, help in the development of new abilities. The Sun unleashes creativity, accumulates new ideas, and expands the human consciousness. The Moon helps to develop intuition, to anticipate one's actions ahead. The daytime luminary is made of gold material, the moon is made of silver material.
  2. Talisman in the form of separate figures placed side by side, gives a balance of energies, helps to achieve success and prosperity.
  3. Black Sun protects, guards the wearer from negativity, spoilage, slander. Can give power to reveal secret abilities of man.
  4. Amulet Slavic Sun God reveals inner potential of the wearer, helps in overcoming fear of change.
  5. Charm Moon is a powerful female protector, endowing its wearer with intuition. It will bring prosperity, drive away misfortune, illness, evil eye. The symbol is often worn as everyday jewelry: it can be in the form of earrings, a pendant, a pendant on a bracelet or a brooch.

The sun as the most powerful energy

In terms of science, everything that surrounds us is made up of different kinds of energy. One of the most powerful is the sun, which is a symbol of masculinity. The daytime sun represents activity, pressure, movement, life, its warmth and development.

The energy of the Sun gives strength and the ability to act in the physical plane, directs in the direction of implementing ideas and achieving goals. It is considered a symbol of endless life, a pure and bright soul with positive energy.

What are the meanings of the tattoo

To understand what this or that tattoo with the sun means, it is necessary, first of all, to understand what cultural tradition it reflects.

In ancient religions, the sun, more often than not, was considered the eye of the supreme deity. This is Zeus in the ancient Greeks, the Scandinavian warrior Odin, Ahura Mazda in the Vedic tradition, the right eye of the Egyptian Horus, even the eye of the relatively "recent" Allah.

In this sense, the tattoo will signify that the wearer is guarded by divine forces, "looking out" for him. It can also mean that the eye of the bearer of such a tattoo is open to more than others.

The sun is also a universal symbol of warmth and light. In such, a general cultural sense, the tattoo would signify:

  • universal love;
  • harmony with the world;
  • the light of truth;
  • the light of knowledge;
  • the promise to always light the way for others;
  • the promise to bring warmth and peace to people.

It has an interesting meaning in the Celtic and Aztec tradition. There it correlates with a purely spiritual power, devoid of physical embodiment, with a higher spirit and freedom without limits. It is interesting that in these cultures the sun cult, especially in the Aztecs, was very bloody and cruel.

In the ancient consciousness freedom and the highest manifestation of power and spirit was tightly correlated with sacrifice and violence. Therefore, the symbol of the sun, stylized in the tattoo in these cultures, will mean the pursuit of perfection of the spirit and inner boundless freedom in any way, without regard to morality. A person with such a tattoo aspires to the ideals of the Nietzschean superman.

In this form, the sun is associated in some cultures with the image of the serpentine hero, that is, the conqueror of the original evil. These are Gore and Seth, Apollo and Python. In this sense, the sun is a symbol of strength and victory, heroism and the spirit of war.

Meaning of the moon tattoo

This tattoo is often the choice of people with a secretive nature, who love solitude. Another image is common among creative people who want to stand out, show their individuality and uniqueness.
The crescent moon tattoo in combination with the star is a symbol of a person's affiliation with the Muslim religion. Muslims consider the crescent a symbol of development and growth. And in Christianity, the celestial luminary was associated with the Virgin Mary.

The great feast of Easter is still determined by the lunar calendar, and it is always celebrated on a new moon.

A tattoo can have the following meanings:

  • mystery, mystery and mysticism;
  • Femininity, beauty, softness, tenderness;
  • volatility, hidden power, intuition;
  • The ability to find one's way in the world and follow it;
  • well-being and harmony.

For women.

Many peoples identified the Moon with the beauty and mystery of the feminine. For example, the Greeks had the moon goddess Artemis, the patroness of all living things.

She was commonly compared to the endless cycle of life and death. In Chinese culture she occupied a fundamental place, she was also worshipped as a symbol of the mysterious Yin energy. In ancient Maya and Inca cultures, the goddess of the moon was associated with the image of the mother.

She was considered the patroness of pregnant women and the protector of fertility and family hearth. For girls, the moon tattoo is primarily associated with motherhood. The presence of such a pattern in a girl can indicate her desire to become a mother, because the moon is personified with maternity and continuation of the family.

Most often, a woman with such a pattern is shrouded in a halo of mysticism and mystique, which distinguishes her from many others. She was attracted to magic and astrology.

For men.

The moon god was worshipped in ancient Egypt, in Sumerian mythology, as well as by the Slavs. In all beliefs, this god was endowed with wisdom, magic, secret knowledge and great power.
The Moon tattoo for men can be interpreted as:

  • strength of mind and body;
  • the desire for harmony with the world;
  • wisdom, self-knowledge, self-improvement;
  • secret knowledge.

Plot options

Despite being traditional and unambiguously recognizable, drawings featuring the month can be interpreted in completely different ways. Let's look at the most commonly used compositions:

  1. The dreamcatcher is a favorite hippie theme. The North American Indians used this image to protect their tepees from the penetration of evil forces. As a person in a dream is defenseless, staying in the layers of the subconscious, it is necessary, as the Indians thought, to put a barrier in the way of the evil spirit, seeking to capture a peacefully slumbering man in his sphere of influence. The tradition of using the Native American amulet is still alive today. The owner of such a tattoo obviously fears otherworldly forces, but is not associated with magical practices.
  2. A view of the starry sky and the month is a good idea for an artistic tattoo. Paintings on the back or arm, which depict the starry sky and the shining month, bring to mind the infinity of the universe, the mystery of the universe, the beauty of life. Paintings of lunar and cosmic themes on their bodies are usually ordered by representatives of bohemia and various philosophical subcultures.


Which tattoo pattern to choose?

There are many different options for moon tattoos. In the top of the most popular are realism style body drawings. These can be both full moon images and incomplete moon tattoos. Images in which the moon has its own face look spectacular.

Sometimes masters ask to make a tattoo not with one, but with several celestial luminaries at once. Also very beautiful looks subject image, which can be present in addition to the moon sky, trees and even people.


Moon tattoos are ideal for those who believe in the power and influence of celestial luminaries, have a special character, or appreciate the history and science of astronomy.
are deeply symbolic symbols by themselves, but their meaning can be intensified when combined with another sign, such as the sun or the stars. We'll talk about such paired and multifaceted constructions a little further below.
Are also a great tattoo if you want a small and understated tattoo. Although they can easily be adapted for a larger area, either as a stand-alone design or as part of a larger scene. Be sure to add our website to your bookmarks so you don't miss out on useful information. Before I go any further, I wanted to draw your closest attention to some more informative news on the subject of tattoos. For example, what Monkey Tattoo means ; how to understand Knife Tattoo ; the meaning of Horse Tattoo ; what Goose Tattoo means and so on. So, let's continue,
The meaning of Tattoo of the Moon.

The divine embodiment of the Sun in different cultures.

Since ancient times, people have tried to explain the power of the Sun, so corresponding deities can be found in almost any pantheon.

In Greek mythology.

Helios represents the Sun itself. He gives life to everything on earth, but he can also punish mortals who were unwanted to him by blinding them. It is believed that he lives on the eastern shore of the ocean. Every morning Helios sits in his golden chariot and travels across the sky. At the end of the day he plunges into the boat that waits for him in the west and travels eastward by sea.

Another ancient Greek sun god is Apollo. At various times he was thought to patronize hunters, musicians, singers, and sculptors. Later he came to represent the light of knowledge and wisdom.

In ancient Egyptian culture.

The supreme god of the ancient Egyptians is Ra. He is depicted as a man with the head of a falcon. Every day he sails in a rook through the celestial sphere, which is considered the body of the goddess Nut. Every morning she gives birth to a rook with Ra, and after sunset she swallows it.

Amulet in the form of the Sun in different cultures of the world

The sun is one of the key objects of most ancient cultures, so amulets with its image are found all over the world. The most common are such artifacts:

  • Celtic Amulet Solar Knot. Protects the wearer from negative energy and identifies enemies. Amulet helps in trade and marriage. It can be used as a home talisman to protect the family.
  • Egyptian winged disk of the Sun. Represents the god Horus, turned into a ball of fire to fight with Seth. Charm will help to achieve harmony and balance of mind. It is also used to fight depression, apathy, and chronic fatigue.
  • Aztec Sun Stone. This amulet is a copy of one of the most ancient calendars, which had a sacred meaning to the Indians. It helps the owner to distribute time correctly and not to put things off. The symbol of the Indian spirit of the Sun God.
  • This was a symbol of the Indian spirit of the Solar God. Most tribes in pre-Columbian America worshipped the Sun and believed it to be alive, so they endowed it with a soul. A talisman with the image of the spirit of the Sun God attracts good luck and inspires people to courageous actions. It warms the soul and cleanses the mind from negativity.
  • Scandinavian solar wheel. Despite the fact that the symbol is less popular than the Hammer of Thor, it is considered quite powerful. The amulet helps the wearer get the most out of any action, including business and career building.

Crescent Moon with Star

The question of the legality of using the image of the crescent moon worries many Muslims to this day. On the one hand, Islam forbids the pagan practice of image worship. But on the other hand, even today the crescent moon is above the heads of all Muslims praying in mosques around the world. Whatever the case may be, the drawing of the month with a star is stably associated in the mass consciousness with the world of Islam.

If we abstract from religion, the crescent moon with a star can act as a talisman to protect a person on a long journey. This image can also be seen as an indication of the presence of celestial forces, a mystical mood.

Interestingly, in Native American mythology, the month stood above the sun, because it sent down light to the earth both night and day. In addition, the month sometimes even managed to extinguish the daylight, which in the gaze of commoners looked quite spectacular, inducing mystical horror on any observer of an eclipse.

The month tattoo is usually favored by people who lead a nocturnal lifestyle. By the way, note that the image of a month on the finger of the hand in the criminal world means a long sentence. Be wary of typing images that are traditionally used in the criminal environment, because the reaction to it from the representatives of the prison world is unpredictable.


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