10 Romantic German Sayings to Convince Your Fervent Feelings

Here are German proverbs about love. We have collected for you the most popular proverbs.

Die Liebe ist blind. - Love is blind.

Geduld bringt Huld. - Patience becomes the cause of favor.

Kein Mädchen ohne Liebe, kein Jahrmarkt ohne Diebe. - There is no girl without love, and no fair without thieves.

Liebe duldet keinen Zwang. - Love does not tolerate compulsion.

Liebe geht durch den Magen. - Love goes through the stomach.

Liebe macht blind. - Love makes the blind.

Liebe und Verstand gehen selten Hand in Hand. - Love and reason rarely go hand in hand.

Lieben und Singen lässt sich nicht zwingen. - One cannot be made to love and sing.

Pech im Spiel, Glück in der Liebe. - Failure (loss) in the game, happiness in love.

Wer das Feuer haben will, muss den Rauch leiden. - Whoever wants to have fire, must tolerate smoke.

Wer nicht hassen kann, kann auch nicht lieben. - He who is not able to hate, cannot love either.

Wo die Liebe treibt, ist kein Weg zu weit. - Where love reigns, no path is too long.

Zwist unter Liebesleuten hat nicht viel zu bedeuten. - A quarrel between loving people does not mean especially much.

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See also:

  • German texts with audio
  • German speaking tips with translation
  • German video with subtitles
  • German Dialogues
  • German pronunciation exercises
  • German phrases in audio format
  • German basic phrases
  • German idioms by topic
  • German slang expressions
  • German Jokes translated into Russian
  • German Verses with translation and audio

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Quotes from the past

Some people think German is too straightforward and formal. But just listen to the beauty of the greats' sayings:

  • Die Hoffnung ist der Regenbogen uber den herabsturzenden Bach des Lebens (Fr. Nietzsche). Hope is the rainbow over the falling stream of life.
  • Wenn auf der Erde die Liebe herrschte, wären alle Gesetze entbehrlich (Aristotle). If love reigned on earth, laws would be unnecessary.
  • Sonne kann nicht ohne Schein, Mensch nicht ohne Liebe sein (Goethe). Just as the sun cannot be without light, so people cannot be without love.

Quotes about love in German

On this page we collect quotes about love in German with translation into Russian:

Man hört immer von Leuten, die vor lauter Liebe den Verstand verloren haben. Aber es gibt auch viele, die vor lauter Verstand die Liebe verloren haben. We often hear of people who have lost their minds because of ardent love. But there are also many people who have lost love because of their ardent reason. Jean Paul

Da fing mein Leben an, als ich dich liebte. My life only began when I fell in love with you. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Sonne kann nicht ohne Schein, Mensch nicht ohne Liebe sein. As the sun cannot be without light, so man cannot be without love. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Liebe ist die Zauberkraft, die ohne Willen Wunder schafft. Love is magic, which unwittingly performs a miracle. Andreas Tenzer

Liebe ist kein Solo. Liebe ist ein Duett. Schwindet sie bei einem, verstummt das Lied. Love is not a solo. Love is a duet. One should stop and the song falls silent. Adelbert von Chamisso

Nicht die Vollkommenen sind es, die Liebe brauchen, sondern die Unvollkommenen. It is not he who is perfect who needs love, but he who is imperfect. Oscar Wilde

Wer Liebe sucht, findet sie nicht, sie überfällt uns, wenn wir sie am wenigsten erwarten. He who seeks love does not find it. It catches up with us when we least expect it. Georges Sand

Es ist etwas Schönes, sein eigenes Bild im liebenden Auge zu erblicken. There is something beautiful about seeing one's own reflection in loving eyes. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Ach, wenn Du erfahren wolltest, wie ich Dich liebe, so müßtest Du mir eine neue Sprache schenken. Ah, if you wanted to know how much I love you, you would have to invent a new language. Friedrich Schiller

Wenn auf der Erde die Liebe herrschte, wären alle Gesetze entbehrlich. If love ruled the earth, no laws would be necessary. Aristotle

Was ist das Leben ohne Liebesglanz? What is life without the light of love? Friedrich Schiller

The following quotes have not yet been translated into German, but will be soon.

- In response to love, the virtuous woman says no, the passionate one says yes, the capricious one says yes and no, the coquettish one says neither yes nor no. F. Soulier.

A man marries Berta only because he thinks of Greta and has no way of mastering Martha. Martti Larney

A man in love is always trying to be more agreeable than he is, and that is why people in love are often so ridiculous. Nicola Chamfor

Some women are smarter than other fools only because they are aware of their stupidity. The difference between the one and the other only in the fact that some think they are smart, while they remain stupid, and the other acknowledge themselves to be stupid, without becoming smart as a result. Vasily Kluchevsky

If I were asked to name the one thing to which this nation owes its prosperity and development, I would answer: the superiority of women. Alexis Tocqueville

Many brief follies is what you call love. And your marriage puts a limit to the many brief follies by one great and long foolishness. Fr. Nietzsche

When a woman chooses her lover, it is not as important whether she likes him as whether other women like him. Nicola Chamfor.

For love there is no yesterday, love does not think of tomorrow. It greedily reaches for the present day, but it needs the whole day, unrestricted, unimpaired. Heinrich Heine

True love is unselfish. It does not have an egoistic bias in it and is characterized by prudence. St. Paisius the Saint

Do what you want with a woman, but do not believe her in anything, and most importantly - do not marry, or you will live to the hour when you want to kill her. Henry Rider Haggard.

♪ Somebody's in love with a relationship ♪ ♪ I've got a great friend over there ♪

If you want to know a girl's faults, praise her in front of her friends. Benjamin FranklinLove is cheating, love bites. Salman Rushdie "Shalimar the Clown."

An ugly wife will be your punishment, a beautiful wife will be your common property. Bion

There is no crime to love several times in life and no merit to love only once: to reproach oneself for the first and boast of the second is equally absurd. V. G. Belinsky

There is always something ridiculous in the behavior of people who have fallen out of love.

Who managed to get a kiss, deserves to lose also what he was given, if he does not get the rest. Was there much left to do after the kiss to fulfill all one's desires? Ovid

You will beat him better if you give in to him. Ovid

In some women pride so prevails over bashfulness that they willingly confess transgressions they did not commit. André Morois.

Love is often mistaken, seeing in the beloved object what is not, but sometimes only love and reveals in it the beautiful or great, which is inaccessible to observation and the mind. V.G. Belinsky.

He who loves, the soul is always with the beloved. Wilhelm Schwoebel

Women have the extraordinary ability to produce illusions of being not what they really are. Vissarion Belinsky

One man's folly is another man's wife. Helen Rowland

When a man in love pities a man of sense, he reminds me of a lover of fairy tales who prattles on those who are fond of historical writings. Nicola Chamfor

A good wife is not easy to find. Menander

The disease of love is incurable! Alexander Pushkin

What you love, you find everywhere and see similar everywhere. The more you love, the wider and more varied is the world of similarities. Beloved is the abbreviation of the universe, the universe is the elongation of beloved. Novalis

To come from a bad background is apologetic; to come from a good background is obligatory. He who does not know his origin thinks he must criticize everything. Wilhelm Schwoebel.

In the old days most men, having finished their day's work, needed a rest. Today they need exercise! Alfred Newman.

A woman who does not know how to forgive should not have a relationship with a man more intimate than a casual acquaintance. Edgar Howe

Such is her custom: beauty is always right. Babur

No man is too old to look at a woman, and no woman is too fat not to expect him to look at her. Henry Mencken

The very idea of equality arises as female, maternal functions are devalued. Vladimir Kutyrev

I do not know what awaits me on my journey, But I am not afraid to find death in love either. William Shakespeare

The woman who hesitates loses. Joseph Addison

Love is pain. He who does not ache (about another) does not love (another). Vasily Vasilievich Rozanov

A man can adore his beloved and at the same time be afraid that she will not say something stupid in public. He understands that he is the only one who understands her. André Morois

Beauty is refined and spiritualized simplicity, not polished mediocrity. Wilhelm Schwoebel

Love is temporary and ends in marriage. Ralph Waldo Emerson

What love gives, it gives easily and never regrets it. Wilhelm Schwoebel

If we are surprised by someone's choice of spouse, it means the person had no choice. Natalie Clifford Barney

What a woman's eyes sometimes promise is not always what she intends. Wilhelm Schwoebel

A man in love is a pitiful sight. Agatha Christie

Love recognizes no other doctor but herself. Propertius

Everyone feels the need to be loved, it lifts him up in his own eyes, but people must be loved differently: one with infinite condescension, the other with unrelenting severity. Georges Sand

Love is stronger than self-love: you can love a woman even when she despises you. There is less tenderness in compassion than in love. Wovenarg

Don't be carried away by the lioness and coquette: She's lively, beautiful, young, Always busy and clever often, But can never love. Nikoloz Baratashvili

Often a girl in love with a dimpled chin makes the mistake of marrying the whole man! Alfred Newman

Anger, like love, is not a chemical substance, but an organic one, like yeast is leaven. A tiny fraction leavens everything. Leo Tolstoy

A woman must love a bad man once or twice in her life in order to be grateful for a good one afterwards. Mae West.

Sighs are the fullest, most beautiful and, therefore, not at all untranslatable phrases in the history of love. M. Safir

Courtship is a man's pursuit of a woman, lasting until he becomes her prey. Bernard Shaw

Women are not as young as they make themselves out to be. Max Beerbohm

When a woman keeps her eyes on a man, or always takes them away from him, everyone knows what that means. Jean de Labruyere

Friendship often ends in love, but love rarely ends in friendship. Colton.

Divorce is like slamming the door. Colette

A woman may sometimes confess her sins, but I have never known one who would confess her weaknesses. Henry Wheeler Shaw

Young women sometimes involuntarily burst out with words and gestures that deeply touch and endlessly flatter the one to whom they refer. Men have almost no such impulses; their obliging gestures are deliberate, they speak, act, seduce-and touch much less! Jean de Labruyere

To resist love is to equip it with new weapons. Georges Sand

At the end of love, as at the end of life, one still lives for suffering, but not for pleasure. Fr. Larochefoucauld.

To be able to express how much one loves is to love little. Fr. Petrarch

Love, if defined chemically, is a thermonuclear reaction that necessarily ends in an explosion. An explosion in happiness. Or unhappiness. Or to nowhere.

It is necessary to distinguish carefully between peoples' jealousy, which is born of passion, and jealousy, which has its basis in customs, mores, laws. One is an all-consuming, feverish flame; the other, cold but sometimes terrifying, can be combined with indifference and contempt. Charles Montesquieu

Hoping to win a woman's favor, a man takes the first step towards her-it is not just a custom, it is a duty imposed on him by nature. Blaise Pascal

Love - a force From which no bolt not fence human heart. Shandor Petőfi

Yes, love is a chain, and the heaviest. I. S. Turgenev

To avoid the stigma of shame, Be true to your soul and true to your outward appearance! William Shakespeare

No man has lived a true life unless he has been purified by a woman's love, backed by her courage, and guided by her humble discretion. John Ruskin

To die to love is to live it.

Certainly your husband has his faults! If he were a saint, he would never marry you. Dale Carnegie

Three things are incomprehensible to me, and four I do not understand: the way of the eagle in the sky, the way of the serpent on the rock, the way of the ship on the sea, and the way of the man to the heart of the woman. Proverbs of Solomon (ch. 30, cm. 18)

Marriage is like a pair of scissors-the halves may move in opposite directions, but will teach a lesson to anyone who tries to come between them. Sidney Smith

Men always want a woman to be her first love. That's the man's crude vanity. A woman's instinct is more subtle in these matters. What women want is for a man to be his last passion. Oscar Wilde.

Love is a weakness, but it is forgivable if it is not left unanswered.

There are men I could spend eternity with but not this life. Kathleen Norris

Those who have not experienced how love excites all the powers of man do not know true love.

Wives are men who feel they dance too little. Groucho Marx.

Love is stronger than death and the fear of death. Only by it, only by love does life move. Ivan Turgenev

The fact that women are shunned by men, does not make them angels. Wilhelm Schwoebel

The more a woman tries to compete with a man, the more she loses his love and devotion. Wilhelm Schwoebel

Young women who do not wish to be seen as coquettes and older men who do not wish to appear ridiculous should talk about love as if they had nothing to do with it. François de Larochefoucauld

Love is two solitudes that greet each other, touch and protect each other.

Love! It is the most sublime and triumphant of all passions. But its all-conquering power lies in boundless generosity, in an almost supersensible unselfishness. Heine

A woman's heart is smarter than her mind: that's why she feels smart and thinks foolish. Vasily Kluchevsky

Let, to pleasant words bowing flattered soul, Be a friend is always happy to see you! Ovid

Young women, who do not wish to be seen as coquettes, and older men, who do not wish to appear ridiculous, should talk about love as if they had nothing to do with it. François de Larochefoucauld

He who loves something asks about everything and compares everything around him in order to formulate what the object of his love is. Wilhelm Schwoebel

For love to be pure, it must first give up self-love, be liberated, and the spirit is liberated only when it goes outward, beyond itself, and contemplates the substantial as something else, higher in relation to itself. Georg Hegel

And a farewell from this collection of Quotes about love in German - Love is like life insurance: the later one signs the contract, the higher the premiums.

A little about love

Confessions of feelings in German are subtle and beautiful. And here it is important to remember the phrase flawlessly, so as not to cause laughter to your chosen one. If your knowledge of German leaves much to be desired, you should start with the simplest expressions, gradually complicating them and making them more refined:

  • Ich liebe dich (I love you);
  • Ich bin betrunken von dir (I am intoxicated by you);
  • Tag und Nacht träume ich nur von dir (I dream of you day and night);
  • Nur mit dir kann ich glücklich sein (Only with you will I be happy);
  • Unsere Liebe ist das Wichtigste in meinem Leben (Our love is the most important thing in my life).

German confessions in poetry

We have already remembered German writers who have written wonderful literary works, and here is one of them.

It belongs to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and says that the feeling of falling in love - compared with rebirth, the beginning of a new life of man. You can pick up a lot of useful vocabulary from this poem, including love vocabulary ;)

Neue Liebe, neues Leben Herz, mein Herz, was soll das geben? Was bedränget dich so sehr? Welch ein fremdes, new life! I no longer recognize you. Gone is all that you loved, Gone is why you grieved, Gone is your diligence and your peace - Alas, how did you come to this! Does the youthful bloom, this lovely figure, This look full of faithfulness and kindness With infinite force bind you? If I will quickly withdraw from her, Brace myself, flee from her, Lead me in a moment, Alas, my way back to her! And by this magic thread that cannot be torn, The dear loose girl holds me so against her will; Must now live in her magic circle in her own way. The change, oh, how great! Love! Love! let me go! (1775)

new loveнойе либеновая любовь
new lifeнойес лебенновая жизнь
... is everything you loved... ист аллес, вас ду либтест... - это всё, что ты любил
Heart, my heart, what shall this give?Херц, майн Херц, вас золь дас гебен?Сердце, ах, сердце, что бы это могло быть?
Liebe! Liebe! laß mich los!Liebe! Liebe! laß mich los!Liebe! Liebe! Let me go!

We've given you a few expressions that appear in the poem, but will you be able to translate the rest? Try at your leisure to make your own translation (even if it is word-for-word or without rhymes, if you can't find consonant words in Russian). Then compare your text with the official translations and see how faithful you are to the content.

Help yourself to the statuses

The original statuses and quotes are not only easy to remember. Phrases that ring a bell and help you learn grammar and form sentences. For example: Jeder Tag ist ein neuer Anfang (Every day is a new beginning) or Wenn es etwas Besseres gibt als geliebt zu werden, ist es lieben (If there is anything better than being loved, it is to love). By studying the statuses and trying to understand the elusive meaning, it is easier to remember a new word or the whole expression.

"That feeling when..."

There are times when a concept is already in the culture, but the right word to describe it does not yet exist. The following 10 German words describe a feeling that we have all experienced at least once in our lives.

das Fernweh


Everyone knows the feeling of homesickness, but what do you call being away from home? Or maybe you miss a place you have never been? In both cases you are experiencing Fernweh.

Interestingly, the counterpart of this expression in English is also the German word wanderlust. Caution. Although the words are often used as synonyms, it is not always appropriate.

Fernweh is painful

feeling of not being able to be anywhere else at the moment, whereas wanderlust expresses joy, anticipation, and an active intention to go on a trip.


"When I see pictures on Pinterest with mountains, campfires, and life in tents, it only makes me feel more fernwei, and I want to get out of my seat right away."

das Fremdschämen

[das fremdschämen].

Spanish shame, when you feel a terrible sense of embarrassment for the actions of another person. Why can't we do without the expression "ashamed of someone"? We are ashamed of those with whom we are personally acquainted, and we end up being ashamed of the very fact that there is a relationship between us and someone who is embarrassed.

And the Spanish shame we feel more often because of outside people - characters on social networks or talk shows.

From this media sphere comes this relatively young word, which was first registered in the German dictionary Duden in 2009.


"It was so disgusting on her part that I had a pretty good fremdsham."

der innere Schweinehund

[der innere schweinehund].

This expression describes the part of our personality responsible for all the sins we don't want to attribute to our conscience: pizza instead of a workout, another series of TV shows instead of a scheduled cleaning, another hour of sleep instead of a jog. Sometimes we all vitally need the opportunity to say it wasn't all me, but my "inner pig-dog."


"If I don't think of a reward for my morning run in the evening, my inner schweinehund will win early in the morning and I won't go anywhere."

der Ohrwurm

[der ohrwurm].

This is the anatomical word for a haunting melody that usually has a textual accompaniment. By the way, if you are familiar with the English earworm, it is also a derivation of German, meaning "earworm."


"Gautier's song Somebody That I Used To Know is a real earworm!"

die Schadenfreude

[di schadenfreude].

Have you ever felt joy over another person's failure, mixed with embarrassment and even guilt over it? This is precisely schadenfreude. Its peculiarity is that it is socially approving. It describes more than an inability or unwillingness to show sympathy for the person who has failed.

Schadenfreude includes the context of past experiences: you once did not get along with this person. And it is this shadow of the past that gives you the right to rejoice now that he has failed at something.

The word is already firmly embedded in the English language, which means that if you are communicating in English, you can safely exercise your right to feel Schadenfreude.


: "When an excellent student told her classmates about not getting into any university on a budget, their faces reflected schadenfreude instead of sympathy."

die Schnapsidee

[di schnapsidee].

Even a slight intoxication turns off the brakes, and we come up with "great" ideas that we want to implement immediately. When we sober up, we realize that the idea was too crazy. But Schnapsidee visits even people in a sober state: that is what Germans call basically any stupid idea.


"In the beginning, many people thought tiktok was an absolute Schnapsidee, but gradually this social network is gaining momentum and even setting trends."

die Torschlusspanik

[di Torschlusspanik].

Literally: panic before the closing gates, in Russian we call this feeling "the feeling of a train going away." It is the kind of panic that occurs when you seem to be about to miss something very important in your life. Most often this word describes their condition for people in their 30s and 40s, who begin to fear that they will never find a suitable partner again.


: "I'm on my fifth girlfriend getting married, I can feel the torshluss coming on to me!"



Every creative person (perhaps suffering from perfectionism) is familiar with the situation: whether you're writing a painting, composing a piece of poetry, editing an article for The Knife, there always seems to be something else that could be improved. But as well as being able to look critically at your work, it is very important to be able to stop in time. It is this absurd "wanted to do better, but only made it worse" that fits into one German verb, "ferschlimbessern."


"It seems to me that after 12 hours of work on my term paper, I only ferschlimbessern it."

der Weltschmerz

[der Weltschmerz].

Nabokov said that "no word in the English language can convey all the nuances of longing. It is a feeling of spiritual suffering for no particular reason. It is a vague pain of the soul, a vague anxiety, a nostalgia, a longing for love. However, the German Weltschmerz is ready to compete with it both in scale and depth: the feeling that everything is wrong and everything is wrong, the feeling of incomprehensible longing from the fact that your expectations of life and the world do not correspond to reality.

This concept of world grief is a leitmotif of the works of nineteenth-century Romanticism.


"I often get a Weltschmerz in the fall."

der Zugzwang

[der Zugzwang].

When we refuse to choose, we nevertheless make the choice not to choose and have to reckon with the consequences. When we do not even have this option and are forced to make a decision, knowing in advance that it is bad, we experience a Zugzwang. The word comes from chess and describes a situation where you have to make a move even if you know it is bad.


"After high school graduation, adult guys find themselves in a zugzwang: either the army or university, there is no third."

Why Learn Pretty Phrases

When learning German, the focus is usually on the relevance and "necessity" of words and phrases that gradually expand the vocabulary. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to be able to ask for help or ask how to get to the right place (for tourists), to maintain a conversation with a business partner or friends. But

But you can not ignore beautiful phrases in German. They help to paint even a business conversation emotionally, to express appreciation and goodwill, to make an impression of an educated and intelligent person.

It should be understood - the usual rote will not help here.

Incorrect use of a beautiful phrase can distort its meaning, or worse, cause the interlocutor to involuntarily smile. To avoid this, tirelessly expand your vocabulary, including in the list of new phrases non-standard, beautiful and melodic. If you are studying with a private teacher, ask to include this section in your lessons. And if you're just getting ready to learn German, Virtual Academy tutors will be happy to help you.

Beautiful German words and phrases

Beautiful German words and phrases.

I know...German, its words sound a little rough and not as melodic as French...BUT, let's still find beautiful words for ourselves in this language and learn them! So, we have a beautiful topic for today and beautiful German words and phrases! Choose beautiful German words from this list for yourself, write them down in your "German diary/notepad" and start learning and applying them in a real conversation with someone (the same teacher or German husband):
picture Deutsche Sprache - schöne Sprache | die allerschönsten Wörter


All the bestAlles guteAlles gute
Good luckViel Gluck/Viel ErfolgViel gluck / Viel Erfolg
GoodbyeAuf WiedersehenAuf Wiedersehen
Till soonBis baldBis bald
Good nightGute NachtGute nacht
Guten AbendGuten AbendGuten Abend
Guten Abend (in Austria and Southern Germany)Gruss GottGruss Gott.
Guten AbendGuten TagGuten tak
Good eveningGuten AbendGuten Abend
Good MorningGuten MorgenGuten Morgen
Hello (Good afternoon)Guten TagGuten Tag

Standard phrases

Show me...Zeigen Sie mir bitte...Zeigen mir bitte...
Give me this, please...Geben Sie mir bitte dasGeben Sie mir bitte das
Give it to me, please...Geben Sie mir bitte...Geben sie mir bitte...
We would like...Wir möchten...Wir möchten......
I would like...Ich möchte...Ich möchte...
Help me, please!Helfen Sie mir bitteHelfen Sie mir bitte
Could you tell me...?Können Sie mir bitte sagen?Können Sie mir bitte zagen?
Could you help me...?Können Sie mir bitte helfen?Gyeongnan zi mir bitte heelfen
Could you show me...?Können Sie mir bitte zeigen?Können sie mir bitte zeigen?
Could you give us...?Können Sie uns bitte ... geben?Können Sie uns bitte ... geben?
Could you give me...?Können Sie mir bitte ... geben?Können sie mir bitte ... geben?
Please write thisSchreiben Sie es bitteSchreiben Sie es bitte
Would you repeat that, please?Sagen Sie es noch einmal bitteSagen sie es noch einmal bitte
What did you say?Wie bitte?Wie bitte?
Please speak more slowly.Sprechen Sie bitte etwas langsamerSprechen Sie bitte etwas langsamer
I don't understandIch verstehe nichtIch verstehe nicht
Does anyone speak English here?Spricht jemand hier englisch?Spricht jemand hier englisch?
I understand.Ich versteheIch verstehe.
Do you speak Russian?Sprechen Sie Russisch?Sprechen Sie Russisch?
Do you speak English?Sprechen Sie Englisch?Sprechen Sie Englisch?
How do you do?Wie geht es Ihnen?Wie geht es inen?
All is well, And you?Danke, gut und Ihnen?Danke, gut und Ihnen?
This is Mrs. SchmidtDas ist Frau SchmidtDas ist Frau Schmidt
Das ist Herr SchmidtDas ist Herr SchmidtDas ist Herr Schmidt
My name is...Ich heise...Ich heise...
I come from RussiaIch komme aus RusslandIch komme aus Russland
Where is it?Wo ist ...?Wo ist...?
Wo ist ...?Wo sind ...?Wo sind ...?
I don't understand.Ich verstehe nichtIch verstehe nicht
Unfortunately, I don't speak German.Leider, spreche ich deutsch nichtLeider spreche ich deutsch nicht
Do you speak English?Sprechen Sie Englisch?Sprechen Sie Englisch?
Do you speak Russian?Sprechen Sie Russisch?Sprechen Sie Russisch?
Excuse meEntschuldigen SieEntschuldigen Sie
Excuse me (for attention)EntschuldigungEntschuldigung
Thank you very muchDanke schön/Vielen DankDanke schön / filen dank
Thank youDankeDanke

Geborgenheit (a special feeling of safety and security)

This is one of the most beautiful and difficult words in the German language to translate! Geborgenheit is the unique feeling one experiences when returning home after a long absence or when embracing someone one loves and appreciates very much. It's a moment when we feel like we really exist, are in the moment, warm and safe. After that, it's hard to argue that German is beautiful?


For women

For men