Tattoo Tiger - Fire Energy and Predator Grace Embodyed in Tattoo

The Tiger tattoo symbolizes strong, vibrant and dynamic energy. It also signifies royal dignity, strength, ferocity, fierceness and anger. In the subjects of tattoos, tigers in most cases act in their positive hypostasis. Tattoos with a tiger fit only the brightest and strong-willed individuals who resolutely pursue their goals in life.

Undoubtedly, the beautiful coloring and graceful body of the tiger are very often the reason why so many people want a tattoo with this large predator. We have collected the most beautiful and unpretentious examples of tiger tattoos in our review.


1. Meaning of the Tiger Tattoo 2. Sketches of Men's Tiger Tattoos 3. Sketches of Women's Tiger Tattoos 4. Popular Tiger Tattoo Styles 5. Popular Tiger Tattoo Plots 6. Popular Places to Tattoo the Tiger

Tattoo Tiger - Tiger Tattoo - Meaning of the tiger tattoo

From the history of different cultures: the tiger tattoo

The general meaning of the tiger tattoo is usually associated with power, and can symbolize not only death, but also to affirm life, proclaiming the victory of contradictory values - good and evil. In Chinese mythology the qualities reflected such concepts as excitement and risk. The God of wealth was represented by the people of the Celestial Empire as riding this ferocious animal. There is a legend in China that tells of five tigers who stood guard over the world. Tigers of different colors guarded all four sides of the world. In the same country it was believed that these frightening animals attacked only sinners, doing the will of the gods.

The image of the beast, according to modern Chinese, is the embodiment of passion or feelings. It is the third sign of the Chinese horoscope, under which emotional people with incredible spiritual power are born. Mothers-to-be believe that the tiger tattoo designation guarantees protection for the still-born child.

Every Indian warrior symbolized the tiger with the value of valor. Therefore, the tattoo of the tiger on the shoulder was considered the emblem of a warrior. Beliefs to fight for were also associated with the caged tiger from time immemorial. The god Shiva, in a moment of his anger, was depicted wearing a tiger's skin and riding on the back of a fierce animal. The people of Thailand saw in the tiger a sensual and passionate nature. Japanese samurai were convinced that the ferocious and fearsome beast brings great fortune, reliably protecting them from the influence of evil men and terrible trials.

tattoo tiger

Tattoo tiger - photo

Symbolic designations of the tiger are quite rare in Western culture. They were used in ancient Greek mythology, depicting a tiger harnessed to the chariot of the god of wine-making, Dionysus. Tigers, strangely enough, can also symbolize and completely contradictory to his appearance - femininity and deep feelings.

tattoo tiger

Tattoo tiger - photo

Much less often the image of the fear-inducing predator was found in cultural and historical sources of the West. In Greek and Roman mythology, tigers pulled the chariot of Dionysus, the patron of wine. The Yin-Yang symbol is dominated by the tiger and the dragon. This is a symbol of the Yin-Yang symbol and the dragon and the Yin-Yang symbol, and if someone dreamed about this animal, it meant that he was overwhelmed by an incredible inner power that could soon manifest itself.

The tiger is attracted by its greatness, nobility and aristocratism. But one of their essential points, which is observed in the culture of many peoples, is contradictory. For example, it can be simultaneously filled with greatness and wisdom and become a sign of death and destruction. However, worthy of attention and the general trend - this character has always been treated with respect and reverence, worthy of the leader and patron of the animal world. Tattoo tiger grin has always meant strength and confirmed the ability of its owner to stand up for themselves and their interests.

Meaning Tattoo Tiger

The tiger is an animal that is highly revered in the countries where it resides. The image of the tiger is both dark and light. He is a creator and a destroyer. Like the lion, the tiger can symbolize both life and death, evil and victory for good. Some gods ride tigers to demonstrate their power.

In India, the image of the tiger is a military emblem. A tattoo with a tiger can carry the meaning of military valor, fearlessness, and honor.

The tiger also has an interpretation of fierceness, passion, anger, rage. Because of its predatory nature and bright coloring this animal is often compared to the element of fire. People whose character bears the traits of a tiger can get a tattoo as a sign that they are stronger than their shortcomings.

Tattoo Tiger - Tiger Tattoo - Meaning of tiger tattoo

Tattoo of the tiger - meaning

In different cultures, the tattoo with the image of a tiger carries its own special meaning. At the same time, the meaning is the place of location, as well as the pose of the beast. Most often, such a picture choose men. For example, here you can see a tiger tattoo on the shoulder for men, photos of various options. But perhaps for you such a tattoo will carry its own, different meaning.

Asian culture

Here, the tiger is not a simple animal. He was given a special place, on a par with the king of beasts. To the Chinese, the tiger symbolized protection from bad luck and disease. In the old days, an image of a tiger on a shield boded victory and safety for warriors. And emperors wore clothes with the same pattern, which symbolized power, wealth and authority. The Japanese tattoo tiger on the chest, photo of which is in the article, means majesty and strength.

Men's Tiger Tattoo - Sketches of Men's Tiger Tattoos

The majestic and strong disposition of the large predator often resonates with a male audience of tattoo lovers. Men, as a rule, bring up in themselves strength of mind, vigor, will to fight and the ability to stand up for themselves. Therefore, the image of the tiger, a large graceful animal, very often becomes the subject of male tattoos.

Tattoo of a tiger on the forearm: sketches

Such drawings denote the strength and reliability of the owner, his explosive and sharp character. Many men choose this location for purely aesthetic reasons, as it shows a violent appearance and gives a great visualization.

Women's Tiger Tattoos - Sketches of Women's Tiger Tattoos

Girls are closer to the external beauty of the tiger, its militant grace, unconventional appearance. Since tigers are associated with the fire element, they will be close to girls who are bright, unusual, bold and extraordinary. Tattoo with a tiger rather suits a rebel, determined lady, whose life does not depend on other people's opinions.

The grinning tiger tattoo: a sketch of the meaning

Roaring tiger - a symbol of danger and warning, which is issued by the predator at the approaching enemy or the prey that has shown itself. One look of him paralyzes and stops ill-wishers.

Popular Tattoo Styles with Tiger

Tattoo of a tiger in the Newscool style

Newschool implies bright colors and catchy themes, so the tiger tattoo in this style looks very advantageous and successful.

Tattoo tiger - tattoo newskool tiger - tattoo newskool tiger

Tiger tattoo in the oldskool style

The tiger in the traditional version has long been considered a classic of tattoo art. Tattoo in the style of oldskul differ in their simplicity of lines and forms, but they look very stylish.

Tattoo tiger - Tiger oldskool tattoo - Tattoo tiger oldskool

Realism Tiger Tattoo

Realistic images of the tiger can be divided into two types. The first are bright, colored, tigers are often depicted in the rainforest, to set off the bright color with rich green hues. The second option - a black and white tattoo, conveying the grace and exotic coloring of the tiger.

Tattoo Tiger - Tattoo Tiger Realism - Tiger Realism Tattoo

Popular Tattoo Plots of the Tiger

Tattoo White Tiger

The white tiger is commonly referred to as a female tattoo. He is not associated with fire, but with the moon. White tigers are very rare in nature, so they have a special magic of attractive beauty. They embody calm energy, grace.

Tattoo tiger - white tiger tattoo - white tiger tattoo

Tattoo Tiger and Flowers

As we have already noted, tigers are often depicted on the background of plant motifs, such as flowers. This helps to make the composition more intense in terms of elements and colors.

Tattoo tiger - Tattoo tiger and flowers - tattoo tiger and flowers

Tattoo of a Tiger with a Growling Tiger

Tattoo of a snarling tiger means readiness to defend oneself, inner strength, strong-willed character. The tiger is often depicted with a grin, because it emphasizes his predatory disposition and fury.

Tattoo tiger - Tiger tattoo - Meaning of tiger tattoo

Types of tiger images

Tattoo "tiger" (grin) is perfectly suitable for application to the forearm or shoulder, indicates that his carrier by nature a strong and confident person.

White tigers are very rare in nature. Drawing with its appearance indicates that the person is unique in anything and on no one else.

If you decide to draw the Amur tiger, it means that you are by nature powerful and strong.

Many people are wondering, what does the tattoo "grinning tiger" mean for women? Basically, girls apply drawings of tigers without grinning, but cute animals. These tattoos characterize them as fragile, innocent and gentle natures. Tattoo in the form of an adult tiger with a cub indicates a strong attachment of the mother to her child. But in combination with dragons, butterflies and other similar drawings, speaks of harmony.

tiger grin tattoo photo

The drawing can be realistic, caricatured, engraved, or classic. The choice is up to you and your imagination.

If you put all the meanings together, you get an impressive list.

It includes the following:

  • Lust for dominance and power over others.
  • Bloodlust and power.
  • Independence and freedom.
  • Valor, honor, and courage.
  • Brutality, anger, and ruthlessness.
  • The longing and love of life.
  • Passion and sensuality.
  • Inner rage and lust for speed.

These qualities depend on the location on the body, the color scheme of the drawing and its style.

what does the tiger grin tattoo mean

Popular Tiger Tattoo Places

Tattoo of a tiger on the Neck

Tattoo Tiger - Tiger Brush Tattoo - Tiger Brush Tattoo

Tattoo of a Tiger on your Leg

Tattoo tiger - Tattoo tiger on my leg - Tattoo tiger on my leg

Tiger on Forearm

Tattoo tiger - Tattoo tiger on forearm - tiger forearm tattoo


For women

For men