What Tattoo Means "Tiger" (Traditional, Mass and Prison Culture)

tiger tattoo

The tiger is a graceful and fearsome beast that is rightly called the "king of the jungle". It has attracted the attention of people since ancient times, firmly settled in myths, art and culture. Not surprisingly, the tattoo "Tiger" is one of the most popular among tattoos on the animal theme. At the same time, the meaning of the tattoo "Tiger" is much deeper than a simple demonstration of strength and aggressiveness. Let's understand to whom this image is suitable and on what zone to apply this picture.

The image of the tiger in world culture

tiger tattoo meaning

To understand what meaning is invested in the tattoo with a tiger, it is necessary to consider the role of this image in various world cultures. The natural habitat of these graceful predators is the tropical forests of the Asian region. Therefore, tigers occupy an important place in Asian legends:

  • In Japan, the image of the tiger was considered an amulet against evil spirits. Such a drawing on the skin can banish bad luck and protect against disease. An important role this tattoo plays in the culture of Japanese organized crime - the Yakuza.

This is interesting! It is extremely rare to find a tattoo on the skin of a Japanese. In the eyes of most people in this country, drawings on the skin are a sign of belonging to the criminal world.

  • Chinese culture ascribes to tigers the role of protectors of the souls of the dead on their way to the afterlife. In addition, this animal is considered a companion of the god of wealth, so drawings with it have the ability to lure money to its bearer.
  • In Asian culture (e.g. Tibet, India, Korea) the tiger plays the same role as the lion in European culture. He acts as the ruler of the animal world. That is why many rulers regarded tigers as their symbol. The tiger was the symbol of the nobility and the wealthy.

All this makes tattoos with tigers a sign of inner strength, nobility, spiritual power of the bearer. Only a strong and confident person can choose such an image.

What does the tattoo mean for women?

In Asian countries, the tiger, surprisingly, in many ways exactly a female symbol. He symbolizes everything that in the East it is customary to correlate with the feminine energy "yin". That is why the tiger belongs to the elements of the night and the moon, which is a feminine space in the consciousness of the oriental man. Therefore, the meanings for a woman would be:

  • anger;
  • power and primal might;
  • predation;
  • the power of the subconscious;
  • protection of offspring;
  • sexuality;
  • supernatural animal grace.

Modern meanings of tattoos with a tiger

tattoo tiger meaning

Today, people are no longer afraid of predators, so they can look at many traditional images differently, to rethink them. Modern culture has introduced several additional meanings to the image of this beast. Seeing a person with a tattoo "tiger" on his arm, shoulder or chest, there is no doubt - in front of you an extraordinary personality. But to understand the meaning, enclosed in the image completely, you need to look closely at the details:

  • The memory of service in the army. A tiger in a blue beret often adorns the skin of men who served in the Airborne Forces. Sometimes this pattern is used by representatives of other branches of the armed forces, adding their own attributes to it.

tiger tattoo

  • Claims of uniqueness or a sense of their own dissimilarity to others. To convey such a worldview, choose a tattoo in white, because such animals are extremely rare in nature.
  • The memory of travel, the romance of distant wanderings. In this case, images of a compass, inscriptions, coordinates, images of landscapes or outlines of continents will be added to the drawing.


The image of the tiger has its own meaning and symbolism. The picture indicates the strength, agility and endurance of its bearer. Important in deciphering the tattoo have and details that surround the animal. This can be grass, other animals or birds, inscriptions or jewelry. In addition, the growling animal sometimes has a different color, which also affects its symbolism.

Tiger grin. Photo, meaning, on the shoulder, chest, arm, leg
Photo: Tiger's grin - a female version of the tattoo

Plants, in which the animal can hide, symbolize caution. A person with such a picture is always on guard and attacks unexpectedly. If the tiger holds a skull in its mouth, the tattoo symbolizes courage. The picture informs those around him that its owner has already faced death and came out the winner.

White Tiger

In addition to the classic tiger, there is also a white tiger, which is listed in the Red Book in nature, on the bodies of men. Tattoo with this animal indicates the individuality of its owner and the fact that he wants to stand out among those around him.

Tiger's grin. Photo, meaning, on shoulder, sternum, arm, leg
Sketch of a White Tiger Eyes Tattoo

Koreans consider the white tiger a symbol of wisdom and secret knowledge. The albino animal has the same meaning.

With roses and barbed wire

If the striped predator is depicted with roses behind its ears and barbed wire in front, it indicates that its owner is in love. The thorns in the front of the picture let others know that the man is ready to protect his family and love at the first need.

Tiger's grin. Photo, meaning, on the shoulder, sternum, arm, leg
Sketch of a tiger eyelet tattoo with a rose and barbed wire

In the case where the flower buds are closed, then the owner of the tattoo did not reciprocate, but he keeps this person faithful. The prickly fence in this case warns others not to come close.

With a bird

A colored image of a tiger and a raven is also found on a man's biceps or back. The picture symbolizes the struggle for good and support from higher forces. If the raven flaps its wings and opens its beak, it means that it warns its predatory friend of danger, and this indicates a good intuition of the owner of the tattoo.

Tiger's grin. Photo, meaning, on the shoulder, sternum, arm, leg

In addition, the black bird can be a symbol of wisdom, the support of friends and faith in your own strength. Instead of a raven next to the tiger sometimes depict the dragon, which is a symbol of "Yin-Yang", where the predator - the male energy, and the mythical creature - the female.

Breaking through the skin

A tiger bursting through the skin and tearing outward symbolizes the owner's fiery temperament. A person with such a picture does not like restrictions and prohibitions. It also indicates a bursting energy. If the picture shows no blood, then the movement forward is given to the person easily.

The photo tattoo "Tiger's grin" is an interesting idea for a male drawing. Psychologists have found that women are attracted to partners of the opposite sex with such images.

Who is suitable for a tattoo with a tiger?

tattoo of a tiger

Due to the richness of options of semantic load, powerful energy and attractive appearance of the tattoo with a tiger is chosen by many people. Thanks to a huge variety of sketches developed in many directions of art of body painting, almost every person can choose such a variant, which will be in harmony with his views on himself and the world around him.

But it is necessary to choose the sketch with maximum responsibility. Remember that tattoos are made for many years, and it is much more difficult to remove the image that has stopped liking it, than to do it.

Reasons for the popularity of the plot among men

tiger grin tattoo

This regal predator, which combines aggressiveness and nobility, strength and tranquility, is a carrier of many qualities that have long been valued in men. Therefore, the "Tiger" tattoo is willingly applied by both young guys and adult men.

Most "male" sketches have a number of common features:

  • A large area of the drawing. Placing such a tattoo on a wide back or a strong shoulder, a man emphasizes his own strength.
  • Often there is an emphasis on details that convey aggression. Mangled fangs, open mouth in a snarl, released claws, crouched before the jump saber-toothed beast - these are drawings that reflect the inner aggressiveness of the bearer.

This is interesting! Sometimes brutal and aggressive images are chosen by people who only want to appear dangerous.

  • Dense filling of the drawing. Men's tattoos often contain many elements that clarify the meaning of the main image. Such parts merge into a whole, forming, for example, a sleeve or covering the shoulders.

In terms of style choices for men's tattoos, Oldschool, Tribal, Geometric, Blackwork, and Thrash Polka styles are excellent.

Do women get tattoos with tigers?

tiger hand tattoo

Although most tiger tattoo designs are focused on men, the fair sex also uses images of this beast to decorate their own bodies. But the pictures on the skin of girls have their own specifics:

  • Often the image is smaller in size. Such a picture can be placed on the hip, neck, hand, behind the ear or on the calf. Also women's tattoos are often more concise, with fewer elements. Dense background fillings are less common.
  • Instead of expressing overt or covert aggression, other motifs often dominate the composition. For example, the tigress protecting the tiger cub serves as a symbol of maternal care and readiness to protect her offspring. The image of the little playful tiger cub evokes tenderness, although it should not be forgotten that it is "not an ordinary kitty. Also women more often choose cartoon characters.

The most suitable places

Most often tigers are depicted on the shoulders and back, but such a tattoo can also be placed on the chest, legs and sides. For example: a full-length crouching tiger can be placed on the leg and side. On the shoulder and chest more often depict only the muzzle or head of the animal. If the place is chosen so that the tattoo is visible almost all the time, it characterizes the person as a bold and characteristic personality.

Popularly in many cultures, the tiger tattoo is considered dual. In it, the dark stripes in the coloring speak of the presence of evil and bad power, and the light ones carry pure energy. That is why it is believed that people who wear a tiger tattoo are struggling with themselves.

When you decide to get a tattoo, choose carefully the "ornament", because it will accompany you throughout life.

The best artistic solutions for tattoos with tigers

Finally, let's break down a few styles that are traditionally used to depict tigers:

  • "Realism". An animal depicted in this style (or just its head) looks almost indistinguishable from a photograph.
  • "Thrash Polka." The style combines large black and white images (often done in a "sloppy," flying style), bright strokes of red, and lettering that imitates newspaper text or poster slogans.
  • "Watercolor". A characteristic feature of this trend are gentle transitions between shades. The drawing looks as if drawn with watercolors.

Take a look at the photos we've picked up for this article. Maybe one of the photos will give you an idea for your tattoo.

Watercolor tattooing technique

Many masters perform their work with the help of watercolor technique, as with this option it is best to convey the saturated tones and emotions of the picture. For example, tattoo in the form of a tiger is performed in orange hues. Thus, not only the color of the animal, but also the grandeur of the ornament is transferred. A bright orange hue mixed with black is perfect to emphasize the image of a determined and characterful man.

To sum up

All meanings of the tattoo, which depicts a tiger, one way or another, speak directly about the qualities of the animal. Attracting attention, arousing the respect of others with its fierceness, but also nobility, majesty, but also grace, the tiger remains one of the revered animals on the planet.

In a wonderful way, it combines opposing traits - wisdom and aggressiveness, unbridled wildness and meekness. That is, he represents both life and death! He brings good and evil to those around him, but he does it justly: everyone gets what he deserves! That is why he is loved, valued and respected by people and other animals.


Wolves are associated with leadership, fearlessness, and even toughness. The person who chooses this drawing is a strong person, feeling the energy and potential to fight for his own freedom and the lives of those close to him. For the prison theme, it is a fight against the regime and a fierce response to any intrusion. In the concept of ordinary life, a wolf's grin can symbolize:

  • a talisman against the evil eye;
  • steadfastness and loyalty to people, views and ideals;
  • ambiguity of the nature of the owner, the struggle of contradictions in the character;
  • man-leader, capable of "leading the pack" for himself;
  • willingness to fight to protect their own interests;
  • willingness to go against the regime.


For women

For men