Prison tattoos and their meaning. Do you know what a prison tattoo means?

People who have been in places not so distant, as well as at least indirectly connected with the criminal world, will confirm that prison tattoos are not just body decoration. They can be used to trace a person's entire path, as well as to understand exactly what place in the prison and criminal hierarchy he occupied. It is not allowed to apply criminal tattoos to a person who has nothing to do with the criminal world. You can get into serious trouble for breaking this rule. In this article, we will look at prison tattoos and their meaning. After all, this trend is quite interesting for people associated with tattoos - even if they don't wear them on their bodies, they are learning this trend.

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A bit of history

It's worth saying a few words about the world of prisoners and their ways. So, in Russia, it is actually the second power, which, of course, is the anti-system, the opponent of the current rulers of the country. It will seem interesting that this arrangement exists only in two other countries - Papua New Guinea and South Africa. As for Russia, this goes back to the 18th century, when a criminal hierarchy was formed in response to the restoration of the Prussian bureaucratic system. Thus, in order to distinguish themselves and have their own designations, the thieves and the criminal world invented their own language, which they borrowed partly from the petty merchants, the Opheans, and partly from the Jews, who at that time were also an oppressed people. And, of course, the place in the criminal hierarchy of any prisoner is determined by his tattoo.

Types of tattoos

Studying prison tattoos and their meaning, it is worth saying that they are all divided into three main types. First: regal drawings, which allow you to distinguish a person of the highest levels of the prison hierarchy. It is worth saying that not everyone can get tattoos in the zone. Such honor must be earned, or it will be a forced drawing. The second type is portraits. These are drawings, which were made by the prisoners themselves from various improvised means, self-taught and not specialized masters. And the third type of tattoo: cheeky, which were put on as a certain mark of shame to the prisoner exclusively under compulsion. These are prisoners of the lowest hierarchy, who were convicted under certain laws or did not comply with the foundations of the prison world.

Where to place a tattoo

People of different sexes in different ways choose the place of application of the image. If men impose tattoos on the arms, legs and back, then the fairer sex prefer a more delicate and sensual places, such as the hips, neck, lower back.

This picture also looks great on the chest, shoulder or forearm.

All the meanings and styles of tattoos with the image of a ship not to list. What it means to you - it's up to you to decide. However, your goals and desires change over time; therefore, tattooing is a serious and responsible step for a person.


Prisoners can paint their entire body. Thus, prison tattoos are often placed on the legs. The first drawing, which for many prisoners seems very important, are the stars on their knees, they are also fondly called "the stars of lawlessness. Variations vary, but the meaning is always the same: "I will never kneel down in front of anyone. This is a freedom-loving tattoo, with which prisoners say they are unruly and independent, no matter what. However, not everyone will be able to score this tattoo, such honor must be earned by "proper behavior" from the point of view of cons in prison. If a person has such a tattoo, but he gave weakness, it can simply be cut off with the skin from the knees of the guilty criminal. Prisoners were also quite fond of tattooing various chains and shackles on their feet, which meant that even if they were free, they still considered themselves prisoners. The image on the leg of a policeman's epaulettes pierced with a dagger meant "piss cops," but it did not define the prisoner according to his place in the hierarchical structure.

Where best to place the tattoo ship

Men prefer to place the drawing on the leg. The sketch is worn on the calf as a symbol of easy movement through life. Large panels beat on the thigh of a guy, covering 70% of the space. If the sketch involves filling the shin, a guy is expected to have no obstacles with an active lifestyle.

Girls more often beat a tattoo on the arm in the shoulder area or on the forearm the ship is performed in color. Additional locations can be areas on:

  • back
  • side
  • the hip area.

The bulkier the image, the easier to pick up a place to apply.

Different styles and additions

The image is often done in an old-school style. Because the trend is not limited in color they can be matched to almost any gender or volume.

Ships are complemented by inscriptions in Latin, English, and Russian. The image may also contain inscriptions of a purely personal nature.

Works in black and white look expressive. Deep halftones and shades will create volume. Perspective is given by white color and clear contours. An experienced artist is able to convey the mood through monochrome.

In the style of realism the best options sketches from the photo. The drawing comes out expressive and turns the skin into an artist's canvas. The color solution depends on the tone of the skin and the chosen direction.

Dark tones are suitable for creating an atmosphere of thunderstorms and storms. Light colors will emphasize the cloudlessness of the weather.

The image will complement it organically:

  • sea animals
  • lighthouse, compass
  • anchors.

It is not uncommon for a ship to be depicted with a section of the sky. Drawings on the back can contain elements of the geographical landscape.

Tips for sketches

Choosing a sketch for an old-school style tattoo, it is better to depict a sailboat. Your master will help you choose a sketch for a tattoo with a ship perfectly suited to the image. Drawing of a ship sailing on a calm sea is chosen in half-face or profile.

To decide what size the work will be determine the location, choose a drawing. Then find a good tattoo master on the reviews and photos of work.

The sum of your efforts will surely give a positive result. Remember that your skin is not a place for experimentation. Give preference to experienced needle artists.


It is also important to consider the meaning of prison tattoos on the fingers, because these are special drawings, by which you can determine the status of the person who was in prison. Thus, the most important drawings on the fingers are rings. There are a huge number of them, some to an uninformed person may seem very similar, in fact they distinguish people of completely different criminal castes. Drawings on the index finger of the right hand distinguish a train thief who commits theft on the road, special doodles can tell how cruel he is and what methods he uses in doing so. So, for example, the black triangle indicates that the person is characterized by a particular cruelty. Thieves in the law, special criminals, recidivists drawings on the middle fingers. Respectable in a criminal environment people, leaders draw tattoos on their thumbs, it can also distinguish a specialist in a particular area or connoisseur. Rhombus square on the ring finger distinguishes the criminal of the lower stratum, which for certain deeds is considered low, can be forced to masculinity, that is "put down. If the person is reformed, the rhombus may be shaded, indicating that the person has been punished according to criminal laws. The letter "C" on the middle finger is forcibly applied to those who are commonly called "pimped", that is, those who cooperate with law enforcement agencies. For such a tattoo can be severely punished not only in prison, but already in freedom. In special schools guys can give themselves a tattoo in the shape of a diamond, the upper corner of which is a dot, and below - a cross. This denotes authority among teenagers, one of the highest in the teenage hierarchy. This is not a complete list of finger tattoos, there are a huge number of them for each member in the criminal and prison environment.

What exactly you can't tattoo

Tattoo "cock" (passive pederast), so as not to be confused with normal prisoners, they are forcibly applied identification marks.

Another tattoo for the untouchables, the parachute man, is also applied by force.

362. Passive homosexual. Slang for "mashka", "cock", "comb", "cocksucker", "gay", "daisy", "dude". Apply to the back.

363. Tattoo born active-passive pederast, authority among homosexuals, capable of all forms of debauchery.

364, 369, 370. Tattoo of passive pederasts.

365. Found on the "sexually preoccupied" i.e., rapists. Applied on the thigh, stomach.

366. A very old tattoo of a passive pederast.

367. The name "King of all stripes" passive pederast by nature is capable of all forms of debauchery.

368. Youthful.

Active homosexual tattoo.

The tag is for the downcast.

It is clear that being in a "sober mind and solid memory," no one voluntarily itself is not a "stuffed". But for general information, you can look it up.

Prison tattoos, which are listed below, are designed for thieves in the law, the camp authorities, bosses. All of them carry a certain semantic meaning and correspond to the rank in which the person wearing them. To a common man to make one of these is to bring great trouble upon himself.

"May the strongest win", a white crown with rays, the number of rays - the number of convictions. The ring of authority - the thief in the law, the boss.

Clubs and spades placed in chessboard order, the ring of the camp authority. May be combined with the domes of the cathedral, the number of which corresponds to the number of convictions.

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Eight-pointed star, the tattoo of the camp authorities - thieves in the law, the jugheads, denied, are applied under the collarbone.

prison tattoos, epaulettes

Epaulet, another attribute of the thieves of the law.

A symbol of the thief in the law, speaking of the high rank of her master in the criminal world.

"King of the thieves suit". - Status tattoo elite, the crown - the accomplished vengeance.

Recommended reading: Nakolki "thieves in the law.

Recommended reading: Chicano - tattoo style

Recommended Reading: Tattoo Dots

Recommended reading: Star tattoo on the knees


When considering prison tattoos and their meaning, it is worth saying that very often prisoners apply drawings with religious meaning. So what do they mean? The Mother of God, mostly on the back or chest, can mean a talisman against any evil, or that the person was on the path of the offender too early, at a young age. Of great significance is the imprinted church on the body of the offender. Thus, the number of domes means the number of trips to the prison or the number of years spent in prison. Criminal authority figures put crucifixes of various sizes on their bodies, this distinguished the prisoner of the higher criminal hierarchy, and to earn such a tattoo is a great honor. Prisoners could also have bells tattooed on them. This meant that the man had served his time in prison in full, that is, "from bell to bell." They could also paint monks who were writing. It meant a thief-writer who could scribble any letter without any problem, or it meant a person who was skilled with sharp objects such as a razor or knife.

Prison tattoos, meaning and deciphering

Prison tattoos are quite varied and extensive, with many featuring women. Only a non-significant portion is presented here.

1. Two phenomena are beautiful in the world - love and death. Means fidelity to a woman and a hidden threat of revenge for treason. Applied on the back or chest.

2. Death for treason. Wearer of tattoo is convicted of murder of a woman, the logs speak of the length of the sentence. Applied on chest or thigh.

3. Executioner chopping naked women. Sometimes the abbreviation "GOD" is added, meaning hatred for the administration and laws.

4. Love and hate (good and evil) are always around. The owner is put in the zone because of the woman. Applied on the thigh or chest.

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5. Woman with wings. Meaning fart, random luck, good luck do on the wrist, usually found in thieves.

6. Nothing is eternal in this world. At all the will of God. Tattoo of authority, may be accompanied by a text about the frailty of all worldly things. Apply only on the chest.

7. Piece of barbed wire. A common symbol indicating that the wearer has passed the ITU. Applied on the wrist.

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11. I fully avenged treason. Symbolizes revenge (not necessarily female). Met with thieves leaders, applied to the chest or thigh.

12. a prison grid, rose and dagger. Owner served time for hooliganism in the VTC. Made on the forearm or shoulder. Blood for treason - dagger and rose without bars.

13. Adulthood met in an educational and labor colony. Applied on the shoulder, less often on the chest.

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14. Wheel of Fortune, means a belief in good luck, applied to the chest.

15. Thieves symbol: "Our life is a struggle", the crown indicates a tattoo of a thief in the law, a pozolozhetsya, watching. Applied on the shoulder, less often on the chest.

16. Cross with a chain. Talks about faith in his fate, "stuffed" at the top of his chest, a cross in the form of clubs suit means that the owner is a thief.

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17. The biblical story of the serpent the tempter. "It was a woman who pushed him into the crime." De lav on the chest or shoulder, sometimes found in passive homosexuals ( on the back).

18. WTC met 16. Applied on the shoulder.

19. VTC met 18 years old, shackles indicate a full-fledged felon. Place tattoo on shoulder.

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20. Mermaid on anchor, happens with sailors and those serving time for rape or indecent assault, sometimes found with passive homosexuals. Applied on the chest, back.

21. Pitchfork, means power, threat made on the shoulder, forearm or thigh, rare.

22. Star eight-pointed, tattoo thieves in the law, the thugs, denial, is applied under the collarbone.

24. A bear with an axe drawn on it in the club suit, speaks of a bear-catcher - a burglar. The second meaning is that he was serving his sentence at the "lumberyard. "The law is taiga, the scoop is the norm, the bear the prosecutor."

25. Key and arrow, the sign of a burglar - burglar, applied to the forearm, thigh.

31. The lion with a weapon - sword, bow, axe, arrow and mace, a symbol of power and strength, the book in front of him speaks of wisdom. "Cruel but fair. Tattoo of authority, applied to the chest.

32. Demon in flight, there may be the inscription "Fatum" ( rock), applied to the chest, the meaning of cruelty, "My God is an evil Demon", "Sins pay Satan," found in fighters, bulls, denied.

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33 и 34. Tattoo of drug addicts. Genie flying out of a jug, done on the chest, shoulder, or front of the thigh. Spider in a spider web, can be applied to the head, under the hair. A spider without a web is a pickpocket.

35. Three cards pierced with an arrow - a card cheat.

36. Eagle on top, means freedom and power, a tattoo of camp authorities.

37. Devil, refers to the so-called "grin", means hatred of the administration, applied to the chest.

38. Cupid, the serpent - the tempter, doves, an arrow through the heart, the composition "Tempted by you forever", applied on the chest, back.

40. "Native inhabitant of the prison - a cat", the tattoo of a cat is done mostly by repeat offenders who identify themselves with this animal. The cat combines such qualities, attachment to home (the thief's home is a prison), pride. The inscription "And here I am home" may be present.

41. Symbol of Pharaoh's power, first found in the camp authorities, then the thieves reselling stolen goods. Happens rarely, applied to the hands.

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58. Sailboat, "Eternal Hobo" or "Eternal Wanderer", indicates a gastroller, black sails - bum, white - thief, the number of masts indicates the number of convictions. Worn on the chest, thigh.

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65. Monk with a feather, means "scribe" - pocket thief, commits theft by means of sharpened objects coins, razors, rings.

66. An eagle with a suitcase, a touring driver. Instead of a suitcase can be a woman - "Convicted of rape," may indicate a tendency to escape.

67. Woman with snake,implies cruelty and violence.

68. Napoleon, symbol of power and adventurism.

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69. "I wish you a successful theft - a bug", used by thieves pickpockets, applied between the index finger and thumb. Instead of a beetle can be a spider without webs or a flea.

70. A hand with a dagger piercing the devil. Tattoos of anti-Semites, "Beat the Jews, Save Russia," "Killing a Jew is not a crime, but cleansing the world of Satan's messengers," were considered political and were destroyed.

71. Devil with a sack, "There was happiness, but the devil took away," a tattoo of the owner with a lot of thieving experience.

prison tattoos

75. "Served his sentence in the north.

76. Eagle between palm and spruce, thief gastroller, tendency to escape. The skull symbolizes violence.

This is only a small fraction of the total number of underworld tattoos.

Tattoo abbreviations, deciphering

  • AA - angel of hell.
  • AGMD - Adolf Hitler is my friend.
  • AMUR - TNMN - my angel left early - that's how my misfortunes began.
  • BARS - beat the activists, cut the boughs, beat the activists, cut the snitches.
  • BES - hit if you can.
  • GOD - god absolve sins, been condemned by the state, afraid to stay hungry, will rob again, be careful robber.
  • WINE - come back and stay forever.
  • WOLF - that's what love is like; a thief's breath - a cops' lid; a colonist loves the will.
  • VOR - leader of the October Revolution.
  • VORON - a thief - he was born with one hatred.
  • VUZ - eternal prisoner of the zone; I'll die a cheerful convict.
  • GOTT - proud of you alone; ready to give myself to you alone.
  • JOHN - only misery awaits at home; souls of Jews, they are misery.
  • BOTH - give us some rest; give us some breathing room.
  • EVA - fuck the whole asset.
  • EUROPE - if a thief works, he is a fallen prisoner.
  • JOVM - one ass - many of you (applied forcibly).
  • GIRL - live a life of luxury.
  • CALLER - know thieves - they will teach you very cool.
  • ZEK - there's a convoy.
  • Evil - a convict likes to rest; a beloved father's covenant; I knew love once; I'll avenge everything on the cops.
  • THE GREAT - why a man - there's me.
  • ZUD - here they teach how to fight.
  • ZUB! - great blatant cops!
  • IRA - I'm going to cut an asset.
  • IRIS - both slave and snitch (applied forcibly).
  • KENT - when you fuck, you have to be patient.
  • CLIN - when you love, punish cheating.
  • KOTH - native inhabitant of prison; how one is hard; who will warm one's yearning.
  • LBJ - love more than life.
  • LEFT - I love her forever; I love to f...nd fun; the cops f...nd fun.
  • LEFT - I love her dearly.
  • LIRA - love and separation; love and cut.
  • MAG - my Adolf Hitler.
  • MD - sweet fool.
  • MIR - I'll be corrected by firing squad.
  • MTS - cops are stupid bastards.
  • NIL - you can't cheat on the people you love.
  • NINA - not (was) and not (will be) an activist.
  • OSA - leave death to activists.
  • OST - I'll be yours again.
  • PAPA - fuck the activists, hello anarchists.
  • PVA - I despise your activists.
  • PEA - I'm sorry and come back.
  • POST - sorry, father, it's your destiny.
  • RHYTHM - my joy and longing.
  • SON - with (me) only unhappiness; happiness bypasses the unhappy; the most mischievous sass.
  • SOS - save from judgment; save from bitches; save from syphilis; bitches have taken away my freedom; save, father, my son.
  • SIR - freedom is heaven.
  • TIGR - prison is a toy; you, traitor, are ready to be torn; comrades go to rob a restaurant.
  • MORNING - gone the path of my own father.
  • SOUTH - young robber; southern robber; young touring man.
  • JAVA - I'm in
  • JAD - I'll wait.
  • JANNA - I hope for amnesty.
  • JARMO - I was born to suffer alone.
  • YAHTA - I want you angel.


Prison tattoos could also be extremely simple. Thus, the dots imprinted on the body of the prisoner are of great significance. What could they mean? A very popular tattoo is the five-point tattoo, with the four dots on the edges indicating the prison walls and the fifth, in the center, the prisoner himself. Stuffed it mostly between the index and middle fingers, which meant that a person has been in the zone. Just three stuffed dots could mean a person who happily led a life of crime and perceived himself as a bandit. If the person who has inked such a tattoo is religious, it could mean the Holy Trinity.

Other interpretations of the image

The most popular interpretations of the meaning of the drawing are:

  • Wealth and luxury;
  • commerce;
  • nobility;
  • grandeur;
  • constancy;
  • foresight.

Ship on the body could symbolize resurrection, immortality, or, conversely, the death of a person, the transition of the soul into the afterlife.

Sailboat is a sign of fertility, and for women, it symbolizes the maternal beginning. A ship with a hole in it serves as a talisman for the sailor.

The Tear

Looking further into the meanings of prison tattoos, it is impossible not to mention the tear applied to the area around the eye (however, this pattern is mostly European and American prisoners). It has several meanings. So, first: the person received a sentence for breaking the law, that is, he just ended up in prison. Second: the tear symbolizes a murderer. If it is not shaded, it can mean an attempted murder or that the prisoner's friend died and retribution will follow.

Cultural Differences

Prison culture in an ethnic society may differ from one culture to another. French or American prisoners' tattoos are fundamentally different from those of Russian criminals. Little is known about whether prisoners in the Russian Empire had something similar, but the Russian prison culture was already formed during the Soviet period, which has been inherited by the modern Russian Federation. Some of the symbols used by Russian prisoners acquired new meanings, while others remained in their former form.

Beasts and Birds

The prison meaning of the wolf tattoo is quite interesting. The abbreviation alone can tell you what it means. "WOLF" - a thief's breath, a cop's lid. Distinguishes people who hate law enforcement officers and are ready to deal with them at any time. If the prisoner carries a tiger on his body, it means he has a grudge against everyone, especially against the authorities. It can also distinguish a person who is very cruel and evil. A drawn cat is a symbol of thieves. If it also has a bow on it, it means that the man has sold out to the cops, for which he may be punished from time to time by the inhabitants of the prisoners' world. The profile of the bull indicates a person who is a fighter and can act on behalf of the main authority in various fights. Also, this drawing identifies a person who is violent and quick to rage. What does the "scorpion" tattoo signify? The meaning of the prison has several different variations. So, it can simply denote the sign of the zodiac, but this is its most harmless meaning. Such a tattoo can determine the former special forces. If the claws of the scorpion are open, it means that the person was a member of hostilities (which is welcome in the zone). Scorpion nabbed also those who were in solitary confinement. If the scorpion is drawn under the gun, it indicates a person who participated in hostilities in Chechnya.

meaning of wolf tattoo


For women

For men