Men's Tattoos with Meaning - Male Tattoos with Character

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In ancient times, tattoos for men served mostly practical purposes. First, they were a distinctive mark of the tribe or class. Secondly, they were used to record life's achievements and successes. In addition, they were seen as an ornament. Now the aesthetic aspect has become dominant. Therefore, so important is the question of the correct location and the choice of tattoo. If you want to get a beautiful picture, think carefully about all the details.

Tattoos for men

How to choose a male tattoo

The main distinguishing feature of a beautiful tattoo for men is its symbolism. If you settle on a well thought out sketch, the tattoo will not get boring in six months. On the other hand, the picture can carry a deep meaning, understandable only to its owner. When choosing, masters are advised to take into account several factors:

  • the meaning of the drawing;
  • correspondence to your character and appearance;
  • the place where it is applied.

If all these factors are in harmony with the new tattoo, wear it with joy. However in some cases the best option is a tattoo "to grow up". In other words, you apply a symbol of what you would like to achieve. This approach has its advantages. First, you get a tangible confirmation of your dreams. For example, in the hope to acquire knowledge and wisdom, a person inflicts a tattoo with a snake. Secondly, this way you can be sure that you will not outgrow the drawing in a couple of years. In addition, the hidden meaning of the sketch will always be present in your life.


The tattoo has a deep but contradictory meaning. The predator is the enemy of man, but it also has a striking intelligence, discipline and loyalty to the pack. The image is chosen by men who are strong in spirit, able to defend their position, to protect their relatives. It is a symbol of fearlessness, firmness in intentions and moral stability. Tattoo with a wolf prefer proud, confident people. According to legend, Genghis Khan was born of a wolf, and the founders of Rome - Romulus and Rome - brought up a wolf. They were the sons of Mars, the god of war, so the image of the wolf can sometimes mean bloodthirstiness and cruelty.

  • Wear a picture of a running wolf suited gambling natures who like to take risks, but sometimes it means vengeance.
  • Wolf's eye - a symbol of insight, a man with such a picture is able to see in people that others do not see.
  • Tattoo wolf, made in red, symbolizes boldness, strength, courage of the owner.

The most popular tattoos for men and their meanings
a wolf with a pattern

Most Popular Tattoos for Men and Their Meaning
wolf on the arm

Tattooing locations for men

The application procedure should be considered. First of all, this refers to the place of application. Men's tattoos can be applied to a wide variety of body parts. Undoubtedly, among them, there are the most popular:

  • The forearm;
  • shoulder;

    Tattoos for men

  • chest;

    Tattoos for men

  • lower leg.

    Tattoos for men

Before choosing a place, consider whether you want to display the tattoo. If you want a personal design, it's worth doing it in places that are hidden by clothing. On the other hand, if you want the image to be seen by everyone, tattoo it in an open place.

The main factors for choosing a location are:

  • aesthetics. Virtually all of the male tattoos look spectacular on a flat surface of the skin. On this basis, it remains only to decide on the size. If you want a volumetric image, choose the chest or back. If you settled on a smaller picture, apply it to the shoulder or shin;
  • practicality. Of course, in youth most of all want to stand out from the crowd. However, it doesn't hurt to think about the future. Undoubtedly, there are many occupations that are loyal to the appearance. But it is good if you will have an opportunity to hide the tattoo with clothes if you wish. Perhaps your profession won't be quite what you think it is now;
  • Maintaining the appearance of the tattoo. Many tattoo designs for men look very spectacular. But take into account that they require maintenance and adjustments. Of course, this does not apply to all application sites. If you do physical labor, tattoos on the hands and forearms can fade. A good master will easily make corrections to the design. But for this you will have to periodically contact him;
  • Tattoos for men

  • The painfulness of the application. Of course, men are a strong sex. However, the pain when applying a tattoo can stop even very brave guys. It is enough to know that places with a sufficient layer of fat are little sensitive to the procedure. But tattooing the skull, hands, elbows and knees can be very painful;
  • Durability. For many years your body drawing was a joy to the eye, choose the right place. If the tattoo deforms, the previous effect will no longer be there. Therefore, you can always maintain the shape or choose a place that is not prone to change.

To summarize, we can say that the choice of the place of application of a tattoo is very individual. That is why the masters recommend to think carefully about the idea of a tattoo. To avoid disappointment in the future, be very careful.


Someone can't hide the disgust and horror, looking at the insect, and someone admires his patience and diligence. The spider can weave a web for weeks and wait for the victim. In many beliefs he harbinger of good news. A spider with children symbolizes loyalty to the family, harmony in personal life. Insect in a spider's web choose fighters in life who are constantly faced with difficulties. Tarantula represents leadership and aggression. A spider on the brush or hand - a sign of a workaholic, no matter what, going to his goal.

The most popular tattoos for men and their meanings
spider on the neck

Most Popular Tattoos for Men and Their Meaning
spider on his arm

Subjects of male tattoos

As a rule, tattoos for men are symbolic and have deep meaning. The ideas and their implementation are very individual and can differ very much. However, they can be divided into basic groups:

  • Tattoos for men
    Ornamental. This and Celtic patterns, and geometric designs, and tribal, and Slavic motifs. Before applying it is recommended to clarify the original meaning of the drawing that caught your eye. In ancient times, all patterns had a certain meaning. Therefore, when copying the signs of a foreign culture, it is better to make sure of their meaning first;

  • Plant motifs. Unlike the weaker sex, men usually choose not buds and inflorescences. The most popular tattoos are trees, thistles and thorns. In addition, images of clover or marijuana leaves are common;

    Tattoos for men

  • animals. Of course, more often guys prefer strong and predatory representatives of the animal world. First, such a drawing emphasizes the brutality of the owner. Secondly, a fierce wolf or a wise dragon emphasize these qualities of its bearer. In addition, wild animals look very effective as a tattoo;

    Tattoos for Men

  • skull. It can be a realistic sketch or a schematic drawing. Perhaps these are the most popular tattoos for men, photos of which are on the site;

    Tattoos for Men

  • Images of people. Here everything depends on the preferences of the owner of the tattoo. Of course, these can be portraits of loved ones. However, no less often there are images of characters from movies or anime. In addition, it can be collective images, not based on real prototypes;
  • captions. If you have a life motto or a favorite quote, it's perfect for a tattoo. Most often the inscriptions are in Latin or English. However, there are many fans of hieroglyphics as well;

    Tattoos for men

  • Plot drawings. Of course, they require a large area of skin and professionalism of the master. But the effect of a beautiful canvas is difficult to underestimate.

    Tattoos for men

Tattoo will be your calling card for many years. So do not give in to momentary impulses. If you think carefully about the idea for your tattoo, it will bring only joy. Masters recommend to get acquainted with a photo tattoo for men, which are presented on our site. As a result, you will definitely be able to find a suitable idea for yourself!


The meaning of the symbolism of birds in tattoos depends on the specific species. For example, owls can mean wisdom, eagles can mean strength, and sparrows can mean freedom. Vultures, like skulls, symbolize the eternity of death and temporality of existence. Pigeons - the exact opposite: the embodiment of life, hope, eternal devotion and renewal.

It is a symbol of ferocity, freedom, strength and intelligence. No wonder this tattoo is so common among men. They represent achievement and determination, the desire to reach new heights.

Male forearm tattoo of an owl


Owls are known for their wisdom and are often depicted in folklore as wizards, magicians and teachers. In some cultures, the owl is a herald of impending death. An owl tattoo shows you are in harmony with the laws of nature and life. Eerie and inspiring fear, the owl is the embodiment of the inner mind.

Stylistics and colors

Depending on the chosen theme, the tattoo can be performed in different styles. As a result of the choice of style will be determined and the color solution. For example, tribal implies a monochrome solution. If you want a more vivid image, pay attention to plot drawings.

Drawings made only in black paint look graphic and stylish. Small tattoos or inscriptions look similar.

However, there are tattoos, all the charm of which lies in the rich color scheme. Bright beautiful tattoos for men are obtained in the "new school" technique. If you appreciate decorativeness and originality, think about a rich color palette.

Plot drawings can be both colored and monochrome. Moreover, the technique of watercolor tattoos involves subtle transitions of shades.


The Japanese warrior represents honor, dignity and loyalty. He honors tradition and family, has a will, and is loyal to his loved ones. The Samurai tattoo reflects the same qualities of its owner. By applying it, the man lets others know that he has chosen the right path and will not compromise their interests. Most often pierced in the stomach or on the back, performed in the color technique. This symbol is chosen by people who are true to their principles, honest and decent.

The most popular tattoos for men and their meanings
samurai on the side

Most Popular Tattoos for Men and Their Meaning
samurai on the arm

Location of the tattoo on the body

Of course, the surface area is very important when choosing a location. If you are planning a voluminous drawing, you will need a large surface area for it. This can be the back, stomach, side or thighs. Plot tattoos or portraits look good here.

If you choose an ornamental tattoo, place it on the traditional places for this style. These can be on the wrists, forearms or chest.

The good thing about minimalist imagery is that you can apply it anywhere. Of course, when choosing a place, it is worth taking into account the combination of the drawing with open clothing.


Graceful and fast predator, admiring majesty, posture and power. The owner of the tattoo with a tiger - an observant, decisive person, he is respected by others. It is a sign of superiority and power. A tiger on the chest represents fearlessness. If the predator's mouth is open and the fangs are exposed, it indicates the aggressive nature of the tattoo's owner. The image of the tiger figured on the armor of ancient warriors, so the image of the predator on the back is a talisman against adversity and a mark of a hero.

realistic tiger

Most popular tattoos for men and their meanings
tiger on chest tiger muzzle

Ideas and sketches for male tattoos

Undoubtedly, each personality is unique. The same applies to the chosen ideas for natal drawings. However, all tattoos for guys can be divided into classes. In addition, among them there are popular solutions and those that are out of fashion. For example, now relevant Celtic patterns and images of animals. Consider in detail each of these ideas.

Celtic patterns

Tattoos for men

Perhaps the most common tattoo for men is the Celtic ornament. Of course, such popularity has its own reasons. First, the resulting pattern has deep meaning. Secondly, Celtic tattoos look very brutal. For example, a bracelet on the biceps emphasizes its volume and strength. Of course, you shouldn't be able to make such drawings if you don't have physical strength. But there are also suitable Celtic designs for skinny men.

It is commonly believed that Celtic motifs are limited to ornaments of intertwining elements. But that is not the case. Ancient culture carries many meanings and their shades. For example, the Celts made drawings featuring real and mythical animals. If you make a list of the most common elements, it would look like this:

  • Knots. Traditional rounded interlacing lines. Performed in black;

    Tattoos for men

  • The Celtic cross. Symbolizes the desire for freedom and adherence to the principles of the Christian religion. In addition, the cross is often inscribed in the plot pattern. In addition, it can be complemented by other elements;

    Tattoos for men

  • sun. The solar symbol implies protection from enemies. If you need good luck and protection from the dark forces, it will be your amulet;

    Tattoos for men

  • dragon. A mythical creature acts as a symbol of wisdom. Moreover, it will protect you from enemies and bad influences;

    Tattoos for men

  • real animals. The ancient Celts applied images of animals based on their qualities. For example, bravery, cunning, quickness or agility;

    Tattoos for men

  • bracelets. Often include elements such as a heart, hands and a crown. This signifies love, friendship, and loyalty to the king. The symbol is universal, and in addition, it looks very masculine;
  • heart. A magical knot of soul and love.

The most important thing that the Celts put in the body art - the image affects its bearer. For example, the qualities of the animal depicted on the tattoo are transferred to the person. Such an approach is very practical. First, it helps the person become a better person. Secondly, the bearer of the tattoo can articulate what he wants. In addition, the depicted ornaments and creatures instill confidence and peace of mind in their owner.


Depending on the style of execution, images of animals can look different. For example, a dragon in a realistic manner can be a brutal creature. At the same time, a dragon in the anime style will look very decorative and funny.

If you want to make a tattoo in the form of an animal, keep in mind the meanings of such images:

Many beliefs and symbols have survived from antiquity to this day. Undoubtedly, we can use the folk wisdom for our own purposes. But we can also be more creative. For example, you can create your own in the same spirit, based on the Celtic patterns. First, it will carry the ancient meaning. Secondly, you will weave a new meaning into it. In addition, look such a tattoo will be very effective.

To summarize, we can say that it is not easy to choose men's tattoos. But a successful choice will advantageously emphasize your masculinity and strength. Therefore, treat the choice very carefully.


The bird of prey is a hero of myths and legends. The Sumerians believed that eagles showed man how to make fire. Hence the belief that they were capable of commanding the elements and knew its secrets. For the Aztecs, the eagle was a symbol of courage and strength and brought good news. For the ancient Romans, the bird served as a guide to the realm of the dead, because there was a tradition to see off the emperor to his last journey, releasing the eagle into the sky. Incas and Maya decorated the headwear of warriors with eagle feathers, believing that it increases courage and gives courage. Thanks to the beliefs tattoo of an eagle in the modern world carries a positive meaning and represents courage, fearlessness, determination and strength.

  • The image of an eagle on the chest is a symbol of ambition and the desire to rule.
  • The eagle on the shoulder is one of the most common motifs, a sign of pride and power.
  • If the bird's wings are up and its claws are released, it means confidence and willingness to stand up for one's interests. Such people will never retreat from their convictions.
  • A soaring eagle suits those who value freedom and independence. Such a person does not see obstacles and barriers in achieving the goal.

eagle on chest

The most popular tattoos for men and their meanings
eagle on the shoulder

Characteristic elements

The Celtic motif is filled with ornaments, geometrically complex intertwining of lines between the characters. It is a kind of magical knots having neither beginning nor end. Among ancient people such symbolism meant unity with nature, a close connection with the spiritual world.

Most often there is a tattoo on the shoulder for men in the form of a cross. It has several meanings: honor, faith, hope. In some countries it is associated with the symbol of Christianity, in others - with the pagan sun god. This image should be taken seriously, because among skinheads of a certain kind, the cross signifies that the white race is superior to all others on earth.

You can also find an ornament in the form of trefoil - a magical sign that signifies the symbol of the circle of life on earth.

The main ornament of Celtic is knots, which are intertwined in the form of flowers, spirals, including images of birds and animals. If the usual weaves mean the cycles of life, the presence of animals symbolizes physical strength, energy, longevity, strength of spirit.

The originality of such tattoos gives color inclusions.

History of tattoosi

The history of tattooing goes far into the past. Several thousand years ago, primitive warriors decorated themselves with drawings. This spoke of their special valor and bravery, as well as achievements on the battlefield. In addition, the image could be a symbol of the tribe or clan. Often the body was painted in the form of a totem, that is, for example, an animal considered a patron.

Some peoples gave tattoos magical powers. For example, the Vietnamese believed that body painting could protect them from attacks by sea predators. For this purpose, they put images of dragons on their bodies.

Attitudes towards tattoos gradually changed. In the Middle Ages picture on the body became unacceptable. It happened after the spread of Christianity. Believers eradicated pagan rituals, they adhered to biblical laws, where just said: "For the sake of the deceased do not make dashes on your body and do not tattoo the scriptures on yourself. Of course, this only applied to Europe. Tribes who continued to live by their own laws successfully decorated themselves with pictures.

In the 18th century the situation changed again. Europeans began to travel to distant islands, wanting to instill their faith in the natives. But instead they "learned bad things" and learned a lot about tattoos. In particular, James Cook brought back from another voyage not only the new word "Tatoo", but also a resident of the islands, almost entirely painted. Later they began to show him in the circus with great success. The native became a walking exhibition of sorts.

A few years later, Americans and Europeans performing in circuses also put tattoos on their bodies themselves, wanting to please the audience. Ordinary people were just looking at the image from the sidelines, not daring to adorn themselves. And there was nothing to adorn with, the choice of images was meager and uninteresting. Sailors pinned pictures on their subjects, while other workers had primitive aphorisms. People from higher strata of society were simply not interested in all this.

In 1891 an electric tattooing machine was invented. Now it was possible to spread, but - alas! - the situation has not changed. And here approximately in 50-ies of 20 centuries tattoos at last have found an art value and became very popular.

Tattoos for men

The situation in Russia was somewhat different from that in Europe or America. In our country, tattoos have always been associated with the army or prison. Indeed, the roots of Russian tattoo culture go back to the zone. There, men actively applied "partaks", each with a specific meaning. It worked just as well as in primitive tribes, only "achievements", imprinted in the pictures on the body, here were quite different.

Only in recent years have Russian residents begun to treat tattoos normally. Of course, in prisons continue to do the terrible blue tattoo, but they have nothing to do with the normal images that you can get in the salons. Many men actively adorn themselves with a variety of pictures, standing out from the crowd and attracting attention.

Hieroglyphics .

They are most often inscribed on the neck, forearm and calves. This is a cipher, the meaning of which is known only to the owner. The most popular inscriptions are those of Japanese and Chinese signs, which attract wealth and happiness.

Hieroglyphics on the chest

Most popular tattoos for men and their meanings
Hieroglyphs on the back


Do not think that the drawing of human remains carries only negative meaning. The skull and the snake signify immortality and knowledge. Teenagers identify the drawing with courage and determination, readiness for change. The rose in the composition with the remains symbolizes eternal love. In different cultures, this tattoo has its own meaning.

  • In Latin America, it is a reminder of the finitude of being in the world, the existence of the afterlife. The tattoo can signify the triumph of liberation from earthly torment, praise the transition to a better world.
  • With pirates, "Adam's head" (best known as the flag "Jolly Roger") symbolized the salvation of the soul, so it was often stabbed by ordinary sailors.
  • The Indians considered the image a kind of repellent of death. Bikers, rockers and metal musicians have adopted this meaning.

Most popular tattoos for men and their meanings
skull on his hand

Most popular tattoos for men and their meanings
skull design


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