How to persuade parents to allow a tattoo? Parents Consent to Tattoo

How to persuade parents to allow a tattoo? First of all, you need to be clear that your parents may be against tattoos because they are worried and concerned about you. They may have acquaintances who have had bad experiences with tattoos and their opinion has been formed incorrectly. It is important for you to find the right approach and make a strong argument for the tattoo.

As practice shows, your Chances of getting parental consent for a tattoo will be higher, If you, as the first tattoo, Decide to make a small drawing or inscription in an almost inconspicuous place.

How to talk parents into tattoos - Permission for tattoos under 18 - Tattoos for minors

How to persuade parents to allow a tattoo?

  1. Try to ask your parents unobtrusively how they feel about tattoos.
    If they are vehemently opposed to tattoos, the chance of getting permission is minimal, but don't give up anyway. Perhaps your parents haven't gone into the subject and have only seen bad examples. If you can get them to the right information, the chance of consent increases.
  1. Don't make a scandal or give ultimatums.
    A tattoo is an adult and a responsible thing to do, and
    Adults do NOT act like that.
    . Also, it is not recommended to reproach parents that their views are outdated and they do not understand anything in today's world. Do NOT do that, or you won't be able to read any further! Remember, the key here is negotiation, agreement and compromise.
  1. Explain your motives and motivations to your parents.
    Tell them why it's important to you. What meaning you put in your first tattoo. Think about what you really want to get a tattoo for. You may think the tattoo is incredibly important to you now, but so have other people who have regretted their teenage decision in the future.
  1. Ask your parents to go with you to the tattoo parlor,
    talk to the artists, consult with them. Perhaps when they will be convinced that the procedure will take place in a clean room under the control of professionals, their anxiety will not only dispel, but there will be a desire to do a tattoo itself. There have been known cases like this.

"At the same time, keep in mind an inconspicuous place on your body and a tattoo of small size. Getting parental consent for a second tattoo will already be much easier to do!"

  1. Try to earn your own money for a tattoo - find yourself a part-time job
    During the vacations to earn your own money for your first tattoo. This will be an extra reason to be proud and a good motivation to start earning on your own. You can find part-time work in summer cafes, courier services, and coffee shops. You will have not only experience, but also pocket money that can be put aside for a tattoo.

"My body is my business."

"I really wanted to get a tattoo, but my mother absolutely forbade it. She said it was ugly and would be impossible to remove. She assured me that I liked it only when I was young and that I would have to "pay for this mistake" all my life. But I didn't believe her too much, believing that I would never dislike it. Even my father's blue-green tattoos, the memory of his submarine service, didn't stop me. He had a hard time getting them removed, leaving scars.

At 18-19, when I got my first salary, I got my belly button pierced. I had a horrible scandal waiting for me at home. Then, as soon as my mother saw my belly, she exclaimed: "Well, how could you do such an ugly thing?" The prohibition did not achieve anything, the desire has not gone anywhere. Only this year I did two, and another one is on the way. I am sure that the child's body belongs only to him. But it's easy for me to talk about it, I don't have children. In any case, you need to talk to children without intimidation and calmly explain the consequences: "It's hard for you to imagine right now, but you might not like it." A child does not have all the information and it is more difficult for him to predict than for an adult. Yulia, a journalist from Moscow

From 18 and up

For this reason, tattoo parlors in Russia work with clients who are over 18. Those younger will need the permission of their parents or guardians. There are two options:

  1. Come to the tattoo artist accompanied by an adult, where they will personally give consent.
  2. Provide their written consent with a signature.

The law, which clearly stipulates the order, there is no, but among the respectable and self-respecting masters of tattoo there is an unspoken rule: only from the age of majority or with the consent of parents.

What to do if persuading to tattoo does not help?

If none of this has worked, and your parents don't really give their own consent, then by all means thank them for their concern.

and also,
for protecting you from disappointment.
Ask them to think about it some more, but later. Do this with a smile and
and act like an adult.
Believe me, your behavior will really surprise them and make them think about their own reaction to your request. It may be somewhat difficult for them to accept that you are becoming an adult and an independent, decision-making person. For any parent, this is a time full of worries and fears.

They need time to weigh, weigh, talk and decide . Maybe you, too, could use some more time to think about the idea of a tattoo. So far, you've done everything you can to properly convey your own position to your parents. Next, you need to wait for time, because the chance that they will think everything over calmly and will agree to very large. Especially if you've done it right!

Why is there an age limit?

Almost every teenager is an impulsive personality, which is characterized in no small measure by adolescent maximalism. Having decided to tattoo an inscription, a name or an image on their body, teenagers don't even realize that a few years later their outlook will completely change. Therefore, a tattoo that seemed significant in adolescence can bring a grown-up person a host of negative associations, emotional feelings and even create social barriers (problems in education, employment, etc.).

In addition, a child's decision to get a tattoo most often causes resentment from parents, which they pour out on the tattoo master. Therefore, it is easier for any tattooist to refuse an underage client than to get involved in a family showdown. At best, parents who want to punish the tattoo parlor will turn to law enforcement for help, at worst they will decide to take legal action against the master who made the tattoo for their child.

Understandably, many parents and teens don't understand each other at all. Often adults simply can not believe that their child made a tattoo of his own free will. In this case not only the impulsive teenager who has made a thoughtless decision, but also all around, beginning from the tattoo master and the salon owner and finishing with friends or teachers of the child suffers.

Decide on a master

Many parents are afraid to give their children consent to a tattoo because of concern for their mental and physical health. Indeed, there are many so-called masters who illegally provide tattooing services on the body. The cost of their work is much lower than in the branded salons, but also the quality of their services leaves much to be desired. Therefore it is necessary to pick up beforehand branded salon, masters which on the lawful bases render services on drawing on a body of tattoos, to learn full cost of works, to discuss with the master all details, then it will be easier to convince parents in safety of drawing on a tattoo.

This disposition is illogical to the extreme.

Now in order to make a tattoo or piercing, we are talking about even the simplest of its varieties, according to the new decree, Both parents must be present at the procedure.. In addition to being present, they must sign approved consent forms to have their child tattooed or pierced. Failure to comply with this law will be punishable by a very hefty fine.

"The presence of two parents... Do you realize that fulfilling this condition can be quite difficult? What if the child has only one parent left for various reasons? Then what is to be done? This order is extremely illogical! And the point here is not even that we might lose a share of the profits. After reaching the age of 16, a great many teenagers celebrate by getting their nose pierced or their earlobe pierced. I've been in the profession for twenty years and I've never once encountered a parent being sued for it," the owner of the Black Sword Alliance tattoo studio commented on the situation.

"My son and daughter got a tattoo together in secret from me."

"My son was 16 and my daughter was an adult when they got little drawings on their ankles. They had fun. It was a conspiracy, a joint underground affair. I tried to talk me out of it-it didn't work. My son had always been able to convince me, had been winning my arguments since he was a child. The art of persuasion later helped him to succeed in business.

When he became an adult and independent, he got another tattoo, a bigger one, in a more visible place. I still don't understand why. He has loved ties and suits since he was a kid, and I don't think business style goes well with them. I can't say I like tattoos. But it's not a tragedy, especially since they have delicate drawings that are done in sterile conditions, not in a back alley." Anna, a dentist from St. Petersburg

What is the technique of the stippling?

An undoubted advantage of the eye tattoo by the method of blurring is that the result obtained is practically the same as the decorative make-up with the effect of a blurred contour, the structure of which is blurred by color tones and more like a blurring by shadows, but not by the contour liner. Shadows, is a tool that can highlight the main features of the face without compromising the naturalness of the face. Shades from light gray to black create a multifaceted color palette, blending with the natural skin tone.

Explain the reason


All begins with the fact that you will have to explain to your own parents why you need a tattoo, what you want to do her, what will be the meaning of the tattoo. The reason must be positive and clearly justified.

Thus it is impossible to tell that you wish to make a tattoo because of that it is carried out by your peers, or for the reason of its original appearance, such arguments cannot assure parents that tattoo to you actually need.

Tattoos for teens. How old are you allowed to get a tattoo?

Teenagers are different, but each of them, between childhood and adulthood, tries to express themselves, to tell the whole world what they are. At the same time, young people are trying to imitate their idols - music and movie stars, athletes, even more active and daring peers. But parents, as a rule, a child's desire to get a tattoo provokes a negative reaction: tattoos are firmly associated with places not so distant, and only rare "advanced" parents will agree to see their son or daughter in tattoos.

Before strictly forbidding your own offspring any kind of body painting, sit down and talk to him, find out what motives drive your matured offspring, and at the same time find out for yourself - is it possible to remove tattoos or will the heir paint himself for all eternity? Are tattoos so dangerous and at what age is it possible to go to a tattoo parlor for the first time?

At what age can you start

According to the law, young people can get tattoos, who have celebrated their eighteenth birthday
. There is a small caveat:
With parental consent, this age can be lowered .
. But it is no accident that it is not recommended to traumatize children's skin!

Up to 20 years the human body is growing, at puberty young men and girls metabolism processes are very intensive and tattoos can lose their attractiveness. Explain to your child that it is worth waiting a little, but then to become the owner of a beautiful and permanent image, because the correction of tattoos - not the most pleasant process.

Be a friend to your child

Do not scold a child for his desire to make a drawing on the body, threatening him with financial penalties: this you only push your son or daughter into the hands of a craftsman, who, working in unsanitary conditions underground, can cause irreparable harm to the health of a teenager. Agree that the first tattoo should be done by a competent professional master, working in the right conditions. Go for a consultation to Tattoo-77 salon, talk to the masters, see the sketches. Surely your personal attitude to tattoos will change greatly. And your son or daughter, if not lose the desire to become the owner of a stylish beautiful image, will be in good hands.

What can convince parents?

  1. Choose a drawing for a tattoo, show it to your parents, explain its meaning. For example, it is a symbol of wisdom, patience, etc. Explain why this symbol is so important to you. For example, you are not restrained, temperamental, and this symbol will remind you of your shortcomings. Inscriptions or beautiful drawings with positive meaning are more likely to help get agreement than some monsters or blatantly obscene. Show other sketches, in case your parents like something and agree that it's beautiful.
  2. Let it be a very small picture that you promise to put in an inconspicuous place. Adults will find it easier to accept a tattoo if it's on your shoulder, on your lower back or between your shoulder blades, on the back or inside of your legs, or under your hair.
  3. Tell your parents about the tattooing process. Find out in advance about a reliable salon, the cost of tattoos. If the salon did a tattoo of your friends, and tell about it.
  4. Be prepared for the fact that the first time you get a categorical refusal. No need to immediately rush into battle for their right to get tattoos. Give your parents time to get used to your desire and think about it. After a week you can start talking about it again. Try not to conflict, because no tattoo is not worth good relations in the family. Be patient, do not pester and do not bother with his request. Periodically bring up the subject of tattoos, show sketches. Maybe your parents will give up if you show them pictures of successful famous people who have tattoos.

What tattoos are made for

Tattoos can be very different in appearance, but the drawing on the body is not always just a decoration. He can carry some information, to indicate the belonging of a person to a certain subculture. Tattoos are classified according to the following characteristics:

  • form of expression;
  • Meaning;
  • The place of location on the body;
  • the method of application;
  • method of removal;
  • degree of persistence;
  • size;
  • number on the surface of the body.



  • I have taken care of safety, selected an experienced master, and am ready to bring my parents to the studio.
  • I have studied all the contraindications and consequences of the procedure. I know what to do and how to care for it.
  • I thought carefully and chose the pattern.
  • I know why I want a tattoo, and I can explain it clearly.
  • I know what I'm doing, and I will take responsibility for my decision.
  • I know the tattoo is with me for life, ready for changes and possible difficulties.

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How old can I get a tattoo?

Many people dream of getting a tattoo, especially in adolescence. Someone wants to stand out from the crowd or express their bright personality, someone - to emphasize their style or image and show belonging to a particular subculture. For many, this is a way to express social protest, rebellion, which is peculiar to young people and especially teenagers.

How old can I get a tattoo?

Can I get a tattoo before the age of 18? Around this question rages heated debate. If you do not go into the details of the question, most professional tattoo artists will answer firmly: no. But why, and from what age is it possible to go to the salon and get a tattoo?

Ideally, you should not get a tattoo before you are 21 years old. It is at this age that the body ceases its active growth phase. It establishes a stable immune system, it becomes resistant to infections and allergens.

Before this age, the human body is still unstable. It continues to grow and form, with complex internal biological processes going on in it. The tattoo for such an organism will be the strongest shaking, as a result of which various complications may arise: from an allergy to the paint to deformation of the figure.

How old do I get a tattoo?

This is a physiological aspect. But there is also a psychological one. This point is sure to cause protest and indignation among young people. But nevertheless it is true: a person under 18 or even 21 years old is not yet internally ready to make such a decision. And hormones are to blame. A person at the age of 15 can already be intelligent, organized, responsible and erudite, but it is impossible to fight with hormonal processes, it is physiology.

A surge of hormonal activity in adolescence leads to excessive emotionality, irascibility, and as a consequence - to rash decisions. That's why you want to get a tattoo, and it seems that if you don't do it, the world will collapse. It won't! But if you do, in a couple of years you'll have to regret it. So until the age of 21 years should not do it. Well, or at least not until you're 18, because the ban will no longer be legal.


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№4. You're not ready for negativity from others

Read the school rules and make sure there's no problem with it (most likely not, the rules were written before tattoos became popular and "normal"). It would be cool if you were able to discuss the issue with your class teacher or vice-principal, prepare for the school's reaction. Tell your parents about it.

Mom and Dad may also be concerned about how family and friends of the family will feel about the tattoo. This is where you should honestly admit that you can't influence other people's reactions, but you're willing to be cool about it.

Explain to your parents that you do not plan to run around naked and poke everyone in the nose with a tattoo. It's harder if you decide to get a tattoo on your face, of course.


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