Tattoo of a rabbit and a hare: meanings, 40 photos, the best sketches

The overall meaning of the rabbit tattoo

Many cultures around the world associate the image of a rabbit or hare with innocence and tenderness. Some of them interpret the drawing on the body in the form of this animal as a symbol of sexuality, lust and passion. The Chinese interpretation of the horoscope today says that the rabbit is the luckiest and happiest animal among the rest. Experienced tattoo artists also say that a rabbit tattoo brings good luck and good fortune to the wearer.

colored rabbit

Cat / Rabbit at work

Diplomacy and tactfulness Rabbit make him indispensable in the team. He is able to create a friendly atmosphere at work, in time smoothing over sharp edges. His easy-going nature and ability to feel the interlocutor promises him good luck in negotiations. It is not surprising that it is he who is entrusted with attracting business partners and concluding contracts.

Most Cats are born with an entrepreneurial streak. They have a flair for profitable projects. Often Rabbits find themselves in trading, investing, but they will never invest a large sum at once. They prefer to go to the goal slowly but surely, avoiding major risks. As a rule, Rabbits are very frugal, always thinking about future financial well-being.

Rabbit tattoo in different countries around the world

In England, the image of a rabbit on the body denotes a kind of magic. A person on whose body this animal is depicted, according to the British, is endowed with an unusually strong intuition. The inhabitants of Canada for many years considered a rabbit a divine animal. In India, the rabbit is associated with wealth, prosperity. Inhabitants of Japan believe that the tattoo of a rabbit will bring the wearer a sharper mind and endow him with cunning.

In ancient Rome and Greece, it was rumored that the rabbit was a constant companion of Aphrodite. Because it was considered a symbol of love and fertility.

cute bunny on the arm

Some countries and to this day believe that the image of this animal brings women the solution of fertility problems, helping to get pregnant and successfully deliver a child. Thus, the rabbit tattoo can be found on the body of many young girls of childbearing age.

Features of rabbits (cats), depending on the ruling element

As already mentioned, each year, according to the ideas of the ancient Chinese, is governed not only by a certain animal, but also is under the patronage of one or another element. It also changes the characteristics of people born in that or another period.

Water Rabbits (1903, 1963, 2023) have tact, they are friendly, settle things peacefully. They try not to provoke conflicts, are very restrained and will never insult a person. This suppression of their own emotions often drives Croeliks to depression, but in their power pretty quickly cope with this state. They have a very good memory, perfectly able to express their thoughts on paper and orally. They are able to find common ground with all colleagues, fellow students, well adapted to different teams. In a loving relationship above all value mutual trust and lack of excitement.

Fire Rabbits (1927, 1987, 2047) easily find common ground with others, if they inspire confidence. They are very trusting of their intuition, and it rarely fails them. They expect support and praise from friends and relatives, and they are also able to effectively help someone in trouble, even if he or she is a complete stranger. Conflicts in the family are always solved with words, without going overboard, very much appreciate mutual understanding.

Wooden Rabbits (1915, 1975, 2035) love society and make friends easily. They are true diplomats: where necessary cheerful, where necessary restrained. At the same time, such people trust only themselves, even if they have the most loyal friends. They are smart and able to work for results, always achieve their goals. In the family may show qualities of a tyrant, especially in relation to their own offspring. They could scold severely. But, as a rule, enjoy great respect for their children, because their concept of education includes not only the stick, but also the carrot. Being of age, such Rabbits always enjoy immense respect and reverence of the whole family.

Metal Rabbits (1951, 2011) are not very fond of communication, preferring to keep their distance from people. This is due to their desire to learn from others' mistakes. It must be said that the metallic Rabbits are perfectly able to do this: they are able to draw conclusions and learn lessons from the actions of others. Thanks to the experience gained in this way, they almost always reach their goal. In interpersonal relationships prefer to rely on the choice of other people: wait until someone makes them the object of feelings, and then summarize the relationship. If they do not want to have an affair with the person who chose them for some reason, they will explain it correctly and diplomatically.

Earth Rabbits (1939, 1999) are the hardest on their feet of all their brethren. They know how to earn money very well, always unmistakably choosing the field of activity and those enterprises that will bring them the maximum profit. Such Rabbits are able to speak well, to entice people to follow them. If they want to repel someone, then and here they will use the manner of speech: will explain so abstruse and florid that the unwanted person simply will not want to listen.

Who chooses a tattoo depicting a rabbit?

Most often to the tattooists with requests to fill up something nice and gentle are addressed to girls and women. This is because this animal on their bodies is often perceived as a symbol of sexuality, freedom and openness. Girls, in turn, choose this drawing to show their desire for freedom.

hare on his leg

However, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. The meaning of the tattoo of the rabbit may depend on the style in which the tattooist works, and on how he nabbed a particular image.

As for the image in which the animal appears on the body of many, it is most often cartoonish. This is due to the fact that today are very popular cartoons "Disney", where the rabbit appears in extraordinary beauty and always plays only positive roles.

Very popular is also a badge with the face of a rabbit as a symbol of "Playboy". Such an image can only mean one thing: its owner refers himself to the liberated, sexual personalities, who are not ashamed of it, rather, on the contrary, proudly declare it.

The image of this animal has no hidden or bad meanings. We must only be sure to understand that the image of the rabbit can be applied in different ways. What is also important in the tattoo industry. Therefore, before you decide to score yourself a tattoo with his image, you need to decide what this rabbit will mean to you. Also it is necessary to consider in what style you want to see the drawing on your body. The first and most important detail is also the color scheme of the image. Very often tattoos are performed in a monochrome style, which emphasizes the seriousness and restraint of the person. Colored tattoos are preferred by more cheerful, cheerful and positive people.

The personality and character of a person born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat)

Rabbit (Cat) can find common ground with any person, become his own in any company. He knows how to behave, support the conversation, to interest and listen to the other person. At the same time, he is quite reserved and does not allow himself to openly display negative emotions.

As a rule, Rabbits are well intellectually developed, often brilliantly mannered and educated. They can have a conversation on a wide range of topics, not only vocalizing their own point of view, but also being able to listen to the interlocutor or opponent.

Rabbits are considered to have excellent and subtle taste and are able to look good. Such people can wear any clothes, even from a nearby second hand shop as if they were from the best Italian boutiques.

Another positive quality of people born in the years under the Rabbit is considered to be friendly. He creates a calm atmosphere around himself, is able and fond of receiving guests, taking into account their different tastes. Such people are well able to provide support to loved ones who are in trouble, while always knowing what a friend in trouble needs at the moment.

Rabbit perfectly bypasses the "sharp" angles in communication, avoiding the creation of conflict situations. He himself almost impossible to bring out of it: he keeps all the conditions calm and dignity.

Negative qualities of rabbits stem from their merits. Non-conflict often turns into the usual cowardice, unwillingness to enter into bickering for fear of being insulted, offended.

He is able to find common ground with anyone, but he rarely lets new people into his environment, preferring old, longtime trusted friends. Rabbits do not like changes, even in small things.

By nature, Rabbits are mistrustful, it is very difficult to make decisions, they will weigh the pros and cons before they stop at something alone. This quality can not be called strictly negative, because if there is time, such people are able to assess the situation comprehensively and find the most acceptable way out. In those cases where the decision and should act quickly, Rabbit-Cats are lost, they can not find the right course of action immediately.

Rabbits inherent rare pedantry. This is also a good quality, but the desire to repeatedly "polish" every detail can drive others to tears.

The meaning of the tattoo for girls

The image of a rabbit is a sign of femininity in Greek, Celtic and Buddhist cultures. In China, this symbol is considered an emblem of Yin energy, and is often used as an amulet that brings good luck to its owner.

Modern girls believe that the prolific animal adorning the body will help in the future to get pregnant easily and bear children, find family happiness and bring good luck. The playfulness of animals, their nocturnal life for many is a sign of emancipation. That is why women who dream to find sexuality, looseness, unique charm prefer graphic tattoos in the form of a rabbit.

Funny and funny bunnies - the heroes of famous Disney cartoons, selected by the girls as a tattoo, designed to hint at the cheerful, easy and open temperament of the owner. In these drawings are often not put any semantic load, considering them just a nice decoration. The clear contours of cartoon drawings and bright colors indicate straightforwardness, leadership ability, courage.


For women

For men