Tattoo arm - how to choose a combination of elements, where to score a tattoo, spectacular sketches and photos of work

mess tattoo sleeve
Tattoo sleeve
Tattoo sleeve. Tattoos have long been used to determine a person's place in the prison hierarchy, now this trend is a thing of the past.

Now, in today's world "mess" is not exclusively a prison tattoo. It is quite often given to musicians, athletes, and sometimes even artists.

The history of prison tattoos

Even in the days of the Russian Empire, people who violated the law were branded with a special tattoo. Such measures existed in relation to the criminals sent to hard labor in Siberia. Over time, body tattoos became a part of prison culture. Tattoos could tell us about a prisoner's place in the relevant hierarchy, the atrocities he committed, his outlook on life, and his ideological principles.
The significance of prison tattoos is enormous. Already in the thirties of the last century there were specially trained law enforcement officers who were engaged in a thorough study of the "painting" available on the body of the convicts.

Thanks to these materials it was possible to identify the prisoner's propensity for certain types of crimes. Body images allowed the experts to clearly understand the psychology of the offender and his relationship to the activities of authority.

In Soviet times, body tattooing could serve as a reason for suspicion of committing a crime. Previously, the methods of drawing an image on the body behind barbed wire did not involve any hygienic norms. This often led to the amputation of the part of the body where the tattoo was done, or even to the death of the convict. In those days, tattoos were applied to the body:

  • staples from books, which were sharpened against stone walls. Subsequently, they were taped to a match;
  • needles.

A mixture of sugar and soot was used as ink in former times. Paste taken from ballpoint pens was also used for this purpose. The artistry of the sketch in those days was never in the first place. But sometimes you can see true masterpieces on the bodies of prison inmates.

Prison tattoos of Soviet times and their description (18 photos)

Wax drawings using dyes injected under the skin appeared in Europe in the early 13th century. They were used by amusement artists, demonstrating a painted body in front of the public. Then tattoos migrated to the circus arts for the same purpose. The unusual art was such a success that after a few decades it was perceived as a normal phenomenon. Enterprising Parisians were the first to open tattoo shops.

Masters themselves made the dye, which was injected under the skin of the client for a modest fee. It is assumed that the birthplace of tattooing is Haiti, where tribes marked with natal symbols of adulthood, anniversaries, puberty.

The seafarer Cook imported the ritual attraction. The word "tattoo" comes from the Polynesian "tattoo" "drawing." Worn symbolism was used by the criminal world as a means of communication and a carrier of information. The tattoo became a kind of business card of the criminal, which is difficult to spoil, and even more difficult to lose. The tattoos were used to divide the world into "insiders" and "outsiders", into thieves and thieves.

The symbolism on the skin was based on criminal history, the number of convictions, the time served or the sentence imposed, the thief's coloring, the relationship to administrative fines, proclivities, character, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, place in the criminal hierarchy, and even erudition.

In the past century, the criminal police of European countries, including Russia, began to study the nail symbolism of criminals, to form catalogs of tattoos and analyze them.

But at that time tattoos were perceived only as external signs. Wheelock proposed a system of criminal identification based on special signs. A card index was created for Parisian criminals with names, biographies, nicknames, addresses, criminal affiliations and external features. At the same time, the Surtees of the criminal security service had a forensic artist who sketched the faces of criminals. In twenty years of service, Vidocq and his subordinates managed to accumulate more than four million cards.

It is noteworthy that Eugène Wheelock himself was a criminal in the past. A new turn in the development of identification took place in the middle of the last century, when in a Brussels prison for the first time they began to photograph convicted criminals and enter them into the card index. The real revolution in forensics was led by Alphonse Berthillon. He proposed to measure the persons under investigation in eleven different measurements, to take fingerprints and to introduce the "verbal portrait".

Lombroso, who worked as a doctor in an Italian prison and created psychological portraits of prisoners, was one of the first to note the autobiographical nature of tattooing. The Italian criminologist's observations were included in his famous album of criminal types. Lombroso believed that the personal identity of the wearer can be judged by the body tattoo, as well as by all human actions. Interpretation of tattoos was becoming a common tool for the police in the fight against crime.

But the payoff was not, and could not be, instantaneous. The study of body art took decades, and the new trend gradually cooled. It was relegated to the realm of cabinet theories. The police kept a record of tattoos, treating them as everyday signs of a criminal. The catalog was used when it was necessary to determine the identity of the deceased, to identify or recognize a criminal, to announce the search for him etc. Starting from the x's the situation changed somewhat in the Soviet Union.

Tattoos were forced to be studied because they became a kind of tool of the criminal world. In no other country in the world were the convicts as blue-purple as in ours, only the Japanese Yakuza or the warriors of the Chinese triads could compete with them. The roots of this phenomenon lie in the same place as the roots of the entire prison-camp subculture. Just five or six years ago, criminalists from America, Germany and France were skeptical of tattoo catalogs and condescendingly refused information assistance on this issue.

In the criminal police structures of many countries, "Russian departments" were created to combat the "fourth wave". In Russian neighborhoods came the time of shootings, and police officers increasingly came across corpses with distinctive body art or an extortionist painted from head to toe, who had passed "camp universities" in Russia.

Willy-nilly I had to take up the fine art of the criminal world. The Interior Ministry tried to put all the information about the tattoos into several illustrated catalogs and recommendations for them. This heritage was published, stored and used under the label "DSP" - for official use. It was not until the early x's that several hundred tattoos came into the possession of unsophisticated citizens, appearing in mass publications thanks to the creative zeal of Russian criminal officers Bronnikov, Boldaev, Dubyagin and others.

The dissemination of branding on the body of criminals began at the initiative of state authorities many centuries ago. The distinguishing mark was usually put on the face of women - on the chest or shoulder and had little resemblance to a work of art. For example, on the forehead of a Russian convict a sign was carved, in which the word "kat" could be guessed. Over time, the criminal clan helped the detective structures and began to mark their representatives themselves.

At the beginning of the XX century tattoos became widespread on Sakhalin, in Petrograd and Moscow, and mostly among thieves. A body drawing had a hidden meaning and indicated the affiliation to the particular criminal group. It helped to quickly establish a connection with a thief of one's suit.

The development of body symbolism lasted almost half a century, and by the moths the criminal world had its own laws of tattooing. At the same time, a strict right to wear a certain design according to the status in the prison-camp system was established. The body of a convict became his personal file, which not everyone could read. There was a regular struggle for the authenticity of symbols, for the purity of the body information.

Even death could follow for "faking" camp authority. The blatards tried to protect their forgeries by inventing new symbols, which were inconspicuous but obligatory drawing details. Camp painting was not, however, a dogma. Visual art was encouraged, convicts gladly applied reproductions of paintings and photographs, swore on their bodies in love and fidelity to the ladies, reminded of revenge for treason, thanked the country and the leaders for a "happy childhood," etc.

But there were symbols for which their owner was responsible. The blatarians especially loathed the "blatant," those who tried to mimic or pass themselves off as thieves. Many young men, without any secret intent, were romantically inclined to peck out seemingly innocuous drawings of naked women, cats, daggers, and so on. They did not even try to copy anyone, but only indulged in their violent fantasies.

When the boys, on a whim of fate, got into the zone, the first few days they were in for a surprise during the water procedures. First they were asked a couple of questions, followed by a summary: "Frayer. It turned out that the tattoos resembled the insignia of thieves to an offensive degree.

It was no use explaining myself to the thieves. It turned out that he was branded for nothing There are several ways to get a tattoo in the zone.

The best and unsurpassed dye is considered to be Chinese ink. But for decades it was out of reach for most convicts. In the early stages of vocational training, they used ballpoint pen paste or, at the very least, ink made from soot, sugar, and urine. The instrument for injecting the dye was an ordinary match to which two or three sewing needles were threaded. If there were no needles in the chamber, staples of notebooks or books were used. They were unbent and sharpened against the concrete floor or wall.

A medical needle or syringe, which could be tucked into the ink, was considered a more successful tool. On their own tattoo was applied rarely: resorted to the help of professionals. Such services were not minor and the camp artist would charge a relatively hefty fee for his craftsmanship. Experienced specialists tattooed without preparation.

Later they began to use "stencil printing". An approved sketch was drawn on a thick piece of cardboard and stuck with a needle. The stencil was applied to the body and beaten on top of it. After that, a dye was rubbed into the numerous wounds. All art requires sacrifice. So does body painting. The first discomfort of the tattoo manifests itself after a few hours. The skin becomes red and swollen, the pain increases, and the temperature may rise.

If a dangerous infection is not caught, the painful process lasts from several days to several weeks: each body reacts to a foreign substance in its own way.

But it has happened that along with the needles or ink, venereal diseases or other infection got into the body. The owner of the tattoo ended up in the sanitary unit. It even came to surgical intervention, when the stigmatized patient was diagnosed with gangrene and had to have his limb amputated. In the worst case, he died of blood poisoning. In the free world, outside the zone, similar excesses occur among drug addicts.

Today's mechanisms for "skin engraving" are far advanced. An electric razor or a special device acting on the principle of a sewing machine is used. Before and after the procedure, the skin is treated with cologne or alcohol. Paste and urine and soot are replaced by first-class Chinese ink, which will be delivered to the camp by the staff of the ITU for a small fee.

There is no unified systematization of tattoos. They can be classified according to many characteristics. First of all, by the subject matter of the drawings, among which are religious, lyrical, historical, political and pornographic. Often the topics are intertwined: historical subjects are served in a pornographic version, religious adjacent to the political burning crucifix with the words "Believe in God, not communism," etc.

Tattoo of a mess

Numerous photos of the tattoo mess presented in the World Wide Web. It enjoys considerable popularity behind the barbed wire. The meaning of the tattoo is manifold: much depends on the features of the particular image.

Tatufoto mess is a combination of elements that symbolize the vices inherent in the owner of the tattoo. Such a tattoo can indicate a person's connection to the criminal world. However, such a tattoo does not determine his place in the prison hierarchy.

Prison tattoos and their meaning: be sure to find out what this or that picture means

Today, the tattoo is simply one of the directions of art. That's why people no longer attach so much importance to the symbolism of certain drawings. However, if you liked some figure and you want to put it on your body, we still strongly recommend finding out its meaning beforehand. In order not to put on your body criminal tattoo.

Firstly, there is no need to spoil your reputation. Secondly, let's repeat, to impose criminal tattoos can only those who have a real experience of conflicts with the law. Otherwise, problems may arise - they will be created by criminal elements, clearly adhering to the concepts and "laws" established by them.

Prison tattoos and their meaning on the body

The prevalence of tattoos in modern society

Currently, more and more people choose to get a tattoo. It ceased to serve as an inherent attribute of the criminal world. Such a tattoo is applied to itself by representatives of the following professions:

  • athletes;
  • musicians;
  • artists.

Each of the owners of the tattoo pursues its own idea. The tattoo can be applied to almost any part of the body. According to the classical canons, the image must be made in dark blue and black colors. But there are no clear limitations in this case: you can be completely guided by your own fantasy.

According to researchers, tattoo researchers believe, a person who scores on the body tattoo style mess, is proud of his own shortcomings. There is another interpretation. According to him, the owner of the tattoo with its help wants to avoid possible mistakes in the path of life.

Statistical studies have found that such a tattoo is applied as a "talisman" against themselves. Some people believe that the most insidious enemy lurks in themselves.

SC Tattoo: a directory of tattoos and their meanings (76 pcs).

IMPORTANT: However, the bat is often perceived as a messenger of death, which is not very well suited as a talisman. As for the picture, it is applied to apartment burglars, which is not surprising, if we remember that the cat is tied to the house. Another interpretation is that the criminal feels at home in other people's apartments. Often a cat in a thief's tattoo is depicted with a bow and wearing a hat. Over time, however, this meaning has lost its relevance, and the bow simply became an attribute of the thieves' tattoo.

It was believed that the most prestigious to nail a cat on the forearm or shoulder - this honor was awarded to the authorities. Attention In the material we will tell about the meaning of the tattoo mess, the history and meaning of this gambling and vicious tattoo pattern. To those who thought about tattoo with such theme, to work through the idea and create a sketch, we offer to visit the following pages of the catalog:. The meaning of the tattoo mess - examples of cool tattoos on the photo - options Tattoo mess - at the moment one of the most common, both in the criminal environment, and in the law-abiding population.

This is due to the flexibility of the meaning of the tattoo. Currently, absolutely everyone can choose a mess of their own taste. Everyone puts into his mess what is close to him about the spirit. Be it - cards, gambling in general, money, women, the beautiful life, drugs, crime and the like. Whether we like it or not, mess is all around us.

The owner of this ring also has something to do with robbery, but besides that, he may be involved in the creation of criminal gangs. Most likely, this person stole someone's personal property. The ring may well be worn by women.

It is applied to hooligans who are not subject to re-education. Moreover, this rank is lifelong - such a person is unlikely to give a hand, talk to him or sit at the same table. However, such a ring is often taken off or remade at large.

And it is possible to avoid such humiliation only by serving the authorities. In fact, the deciphering perfectly explains everything - you are dealing with a hereditary thief. There are also thief dynasties. Or, alternatively, the ring can be a token of memory in honor of a beloved father with a criminal past. This ring is rare. It is worn for rape. Small letters on the little finger. Meaning of Scorpion tattoo is not known exactly, but based on the comments below, there are several meanings of this tattoo.

In the end I decided to collect all meanings given in comments for everyone to choose any you like. Meaning of tattoo Scorpio:. In most cases they are made for your beloved or for yourself, for others to love. And also in cases where it is necessary to cover the scar, left as a result of an injury or simply from nothing to do. The infliction of a tattoo on the buttocks is rather painful process. However, each person's perception and reaction to pain - individual.

In any case, already in a few minutes after the start of the procedure, thanks to endorphins the pain is dulled. If the painful sensations are still strong, you can resort to local anesthesia. But you should remember: under the influence of anesthetics the structure of the skin changes, edema appears.

These factors can negatively affect the operation. In this case, it is worth to use the services of the master, who has experience in applying tattoos with the use of anesthesia.

However, when we are talking about tattooing on the butt, then thanks to the large amount of soft tissue painful sensations will be reduced at times in comparison to other areas on the body.

Due to the peculiarities of the place where the tattoo will be, questions of aesthetics may be asked in the very last place. Tattoo on the buttocks is not intended for prying eyes. It can see it only people with whom happened to run into in the locker rooms of solariums, swimming pools, etc.

But it is necessary to limit yourself in visiting such places and the probability that someone will accidentally see your tattoo is reduced to zero. There is no need to worry that the tattoo will offend someone's feelings. And since this is the case, you can safely fulfill any fantasy and worry only about whether they will like you personally and the person for whom they are intended.

Tattoo on the butt is most often intended for demonstration. A successful drawing performs functions similar to the action of the most powerful aphrodisiac. He invariably causes a variety of associations and encourages to escape from the world of triviality. The attention of your favorite, fueled by provoked fantasies, each time will be different variety. Before applying the tattoo on the buttocks be sure to take into account that the picture may not like the partner. If the tattoo is intended for the only person, it makes sense to dedicate it to your plans and discuss them with him.

Constructive dialogue will bring the most favorable fruit. If the tattoo is applied for the purpose of giving his person mystery and excite the imaginations of others, it is necessary to think carefully about the choice of drawing.

You can consult a craftsman or look at drawings on the Internet to broaden your artistic vision. It is not unreasonable to study information on the subject.

Along with harmless tattoos, there are often drawings filled with mysterious negative meaning. You should not trust the occasion. In the drawing you like, you need to be one hundred percent sure! Mother of God - A man got into the path of the thief at a young age. Can also mean a talisman against any misfortune, misfortune. Subclavian stars have two meanings: 1. Someone who denies the prison order.

A thief in the law. Beetle symbol of a pickpocket. Applied on the hand and other parts of the body. Church - Number of domes means number of trips or years in prison. Tiger - Angry at the government, police, also means brutality and rage.

Sailboat - Thief - Tourist. Spider in a spider web - Symbol of the thief. Also means a symbol of junkie. Rising Sun - Means freedom.

Also, a CAT is a symbol of pickpocketing thieves. A CAT with keys is a thief - a burglar. Crucifix - Criminal authority. Eyes on the buttocks - The owner of it belongs to the lowest caste of prisoners, omitted.

Lenin and Stalin on the chest serve as protection from the Chekists' bullet. It was thought that the Chekists would not shoot the image of the leaders. Now it is rare to get shot. Stars on the knees - The owner will not kneel before the law. Not necessarily a symbol of the wearer's affiliation with Nazism or fascism. Runes - Disagreement with the current government, with the regime, an expression of protest. Letters SS stand for Preserved Conscience. Bat - Night Thief. Knife wrapped in barbed wire - Committed a crime in prison.

Rose - Ruined youth. Monk writing a book with a pen - Scribe, scribe, pickpocket thief who works well with a razor or other sharpened objects. Knife in the neck - Means that the owner of the tattoo someone undercut. Joker - Gambler, a fan of gambling.

SHA - Shali Prisoner. Shackles - One shackle 5 years in prison. Pirate - Robbery. Rose and Dagger - Blood for Treason. Aim - Shoot the Chekist, do not miss.

Meaning of the tattoo Scorpio: 1. Zodiac sign. Special Forces tattoo. If the claws of the Scorpion open, then participated in hostilities.

Sat in a solitary confinement cell.

Symbolism of the image

Presented on numerous sites, the tattoo is a combination of the following elements:

  • A weapon. In this case, daggers, leathers, revolvers, shotguns are often depicted on the human body;
  • women. In most cases, either just female heads or schematic silhouettes of beautiful girls are depicted on the body;
  • alcohol. Stacks, bottles of liquor, shot glasses serve in this capacity;
  • drugs. In this case, options such as images of ampoules, needles, syringes are used;
  • gambling. They include cards, backgammon.

An artistically designed prison-themed tattoo enhances a prisoner's prestige in the eyes of other inmates. This explains much of the popularity of tattoos in the underworld. It is a good chance to become higher in the eyes of fellow inmates. Such a fact does not need detailed commentary.

The meaning of "mess".

This style is used for two things:

  1. To remind oneself of vices,
  2. As a sign that the wearer enjoys a rambunctious lifestyle and coterie.

For example, if cards or dice are involved in the mess, it means an excessive passion for gambling, serious problems with it in the past or present.

Alcohol is depicted, then the wearer has been on a binge for a long time or had a fight with someone in a state of intoxication.

Also featured are paraphernalia of dangerous sports (extremely rare, but it happens) or musical instruments.

Such tattoos indicate excessive infatuation, which is not always a bad thing (but the bearer of this image would like not to overstep the bounds of reasonableness).

There are images of firearms and edged weapons, the bearer believes that he should stay away from weapons, or (which is more likely) had problems in this area.

The images of girls are found, the tattooed citizen thinks that women or excessive attraction to them could ruin him.

Place of application and combinations

Most often you can see a tattoo on the arm or chest, but this is not necessary at all, there is no certain place for it.

Tattoos of this type are often performed in styles:

  • Chicano:
  • Thrash Polka:
  • Old School:
  • Blackwerk:

The set makes up the phrase "things that kill us " and consists of a combination of elements:

  1. Various firearms and edged weapons: pistols, shotguns, shell casings, sharps, daggers.
  2. Alcoholic beverages and all the accompanying things: bottles, shot glasses.
  3. Women: schematically depicted figures of girls and women's heads are used.
  4. Gambling: cards, backgammon, dice, bills.
  5. Drugs: ampoules, syringes, needles, marijuana leaves, etc.
  6. Religion: crosses, Mother of God, domes.
  7. Zone: chains, bracelets, handcuffs.

In our time, the list is replenished with everything that will pop into your head, because in the 21st century, the tattoo has become a means of self-expression and acquired aesthetic value.

Recipe: Rock Tattoo Recipe: 13 - Tattoo Recipe: Inscriptions on the Arm - Tattoo

Place for tattooing

Such a tattoo is applied to a variety of parts of the body. But in the vast majority of cases, a prison-style tattoo can be seen on the chest, shoulder or forearm. The tattoo may also be on the back or legs of the inmate.

A professionally done tattoo will please your eyes. The hardest part of applying the image is choosing a mess combination that best reflects your inner world.

An example of a finished mess tattoo can be seen in the videos posted on the Internet. Such a tattoo should accurately reflect your intentions, aspirations or desires. Therefore, the choice of the sketch should be approached cautiously. In this case, the mess tattoo will become a true decoration of your body: not less stylish than an expensive watch.

Many criminal male tattoos feature women. At the same time, the drawing does not necessarily symbolize love or lyrical feelings. Criminal paintings are characterized by a lack of semantic connection to the drawing or text. Here is a classic catalog of tattoos that were most often seen among professional criminals. A half-naked woman dressed as a hussar, sitting on a cannon with a burning torch in her hand. Symbolizes loyalty to a woman and a hidden threat of revenge for treason.

Applied on the chest or back. Naked woman tied to a flaming pole. Means that the bearer of the tattoo was convicted of killing a woman. The logs can signify a term of punishment. The place of the tattoo is the chest, thigh. Executioner , executing naked women. Symbolizes hatred for the laws and administrators. Woman and the devil. Means that the owner of the tattoo went to prison because of the woman.

Applied on the chest or thigh. Woman on wings. Small size tattoo, applied on the wrist. Symbolizes luck, good luck, random luck. Most often seen with thieves. Naked woman with a burning torch in his hand, prison bars, snake, cross, human skull, axe, money. Tattoo of a camp authority. May be accompanied by a text about the frailty of mundane existence.

Applied only on the chest. Fragment of barbed wire. A generalized symbol indicating that the owner of the tattoo has passed a correctional labor institution. Applied on the wrist. Executioner with an axe , half-naked woman, scaffold.

Tattoo is found in persons convicted of murder of a relative or relatives. Applied on the chest. Medieval helmet. A symbol of struggle, brotherhood, determination. Originally applied only to the wrist, now found on the shoulder and thigh. Indicates a thief or robber.

The oldest symbol of the thieving world. Symbolized a threat, warning, and strength. Applied on the wrist, forearm, sometimes on the hip. The tattoo was found among repeat offenders. Today, it is observed extremely rarely. An abstracted symbol of revenge, not necessarily a woman. The tattoo is observed among thieves leaders and is applied to the chest or thigh. Prison bars, a rose and a dagger.

The owner of the tattoo served time for hooliganism in an educational-labor colony. It is applied to the forearm or shoulder. The girl's head. The place of the tattoo - the shoulder, less often - the chest. Naked woman on a winged wheel. Symbolizes faith in good luck. Applied on the chest. Skull penetrated by a dagger, a rose, a snake, obvivshayasya dagger. Thieves symbol. Happens on the shoulder, less often on the chest. Cross with a chain. Pierced at the top of the chest and indicates faith in his fate.

In this form, the cross is symbolized by a knot in the suit of clubs, which indicates that the owner of the tattoo is a thief. A naked woman wrapped in a serpent with an apple in her hand. A biblical story of the serpent, the tempter. Applied on the chest and shoulder. The tattoo is sometimes found among passive homosexuals usually on the back.

A hand with a tulip, entwined with a barbed wire. The place of the tattoo is the shoulder. Shackled hands holding a rose.

Applied on the shoulder. Mermaid at anchor. Occurs among sailors and those who have served sentences for rape or indecent assault. Less commonly seen in passive homosexuals. The tattoo is placed on the chest or back. One of the oldest criminal symbols in Russia. It was left on prison walls, using it as a means of communication.

Later began to be applied to the shoulder, hip or forearm. Symbolizes the threat, force. Now it is rarely seen. Eight-pointed star. Applied under the collarbone.

Half-naked woman sitting on magic ball. Above the head - the crescent moon. Symbolizes belief in the otherworldly forces. There are Muslims and Jews. Bear holding a medieval axe with the image of clubs suits. Crossed arrow and key. Applied on the forearm or thigh. Woman with naked breast and forefinger pressed to her lips. Star of David, obvivshayut winged snake. Sword without scabbard. Tattoo symbolizes aggressiveness and secret threat.

Applied on the forearm, wrist. Meets very rarely. The inscription Hoc est in votis. Woman, gun, money, bottle, syringe, knife, cards. Symbolizes dissolute life, wastefulness. Lion surrounded by medieval weapons - sword, axe, bow, arrow, mace. Symbolizes power and authority. Lying in front of the lion book means wisdom. Tattoo of authority. Applied almost always on the chest. Flying demon. Applied to the chest and signifies cruelty. Tattoos of drug addicts. Genie flying out of a pitcher.

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Very popular behind the barbed wire tattoo mess, the meaning of which is in a wide range and is determined based on the specific image.

The mess is a combination of elements that embody the human vices inherent in the wearer of the tattoo. As a rule, this tattoo only indicates a person's connection to the criminal world, without defining his place in the hierarchy, so anyone can apply it to the area. Sometimes the pattern can be imposed by the decision of fellow inmates, but only with the consent of the person himself.

Criminal tattoo mess on the back of a convict

This is interesting . Researchers of the prison tattoo believe that the mess can be applied to the body with two opposite attitudes. On the one hand, a person may love his or her rambunctious lifestyle, the merry gobble. On the other hand, some people put on a mess as a sign of warning themselves against bad habits.

Skull in a tattoo mess
The symbolism of the drawing is often embodied in the phrase "that which destroys us" and contains an arbitrary combination of the following elements:

  • Weapons . Revolvers, shotguns, cartridges, knives, daggers.
  • Women . Usually depicts schematic figures of girls or women's heads.
  • Alcohol . Bottles of liquor, shot glasses, shot glasses .
  • Drugs . Image of syringes, needles, ampoules.
  • Gambling . Money, backgammon, cards .

History of the tattoo mess.

The mess - they used to be common only in the zones and were made in the characteristic colors of the place. Each move added a new element to the mess, and that's how you get a pretty bearable tattoo.

This tattoo has a different meaning for everyone. It has an arbitrary size and shape, so it can be applied to any part of your body.

Initially it was applied in black and navy blue palettes, but now this limitation is completely removed, in the choice of colors you are limited only by your imagination.

Statistically, this drawing is painted as a protective amulet against yourself. In any case, a body painting made by a professional looks interesting enough and will please you for a long time.

The main difficulty is to choose the components of your inner chaos. Tattoo in the style of a mess, is a set of elements indicating the human vices, which the bearer sins.

The set makes up the phrase "things that kill us," so anyone can stuff it.

It often helped law enforcement to find criminals based on the components of the tattoo. Prisoners have made it part of their culture, which can tell a whole story of their predilections.


For women

For men