Tattoo of Death - meanings and popular tattoo designs, placement, impressive photos of works

Death tattoos in different cultures

In different cultures, the meaning of such an image is either universally recognized, or has an individual semantic load. In civilized cultures, death was associated with darkness, otherworldly forces, the nighttime, and the earth. That is why it was most often portrayed in black. Having studied the sketches in various salons you can be convinced that this tendency has survived to this day.

In the Celestial Empire, on the contrary, black was one of the colors that symbolized strength, the water element and career growth. Black in China has a positive interpretation, unlike white, here it is the color of mourning. But the bride's wedding dress should be black.

The ancient Egyptians decorated the festive premises with images of skeletons. It was a reminder to living people of the possibility of dying at any time.

Such a custom had a definite purpose - people had to learn to appreciate every moment of life and joyfully embrace each day. Hence the universal symbolism of the death tattoo - it is always around.

Let's decide on the place for the Angel tattoo

Tattoo with an angel is universal, it can be nailed on almost any part of the body:

  • shoulder,
  • forearm,
  • chest,
  • back.

Less often it can be placed on the legs, wrists, and calves. It all depends on the sketch itself.

Small cherubs will look good on the chest and shoulder blade. Large sketches of angels on the chest are placed more often seated people, indicating their desire to become on the true path.

An angel with outspread wings will look spectacular on the back. A tattoo on the back in the form of a soaring angel speaks of the spiritual formation of its owner. Such tattoos are well-drawn with many small and additional details:

  • horns
  • pipes
  • landscapes
  • mountains
  • rocks
  • blowing winds.

There may be animals, flowers or plants depicted next to the angel. On the back you can have a crucified angel - it will talk about the hope for a bright future, where there is mercy and the attention of God.

On the shoulder or forearm can be found and flying angel or spread his wings for takeoff. Such a tattoo signifies the desire for change or rebirth of the wearer.

Stylized Angels, abstract will look advantageous:

  • on the collarbone
  • neckline
  • The side of the neck.

You should not depict angels praying on your feet, shins, or lower back.

Meaning of the Angel in Prison Tattoo

Tattoo in the form of an angel can also be found in people who are in prison. Nakolka Angel means that the offender has repented and wants to change his life for the better. People who are in prison, hope for divine help.

Together with angels they can draw:

  • churches
  • temples
  • icons and crosses.

Criminals tattoo an angel as a sign of remorse, hoping for the forgiveness of relatives. Tattooed angel and those who are afraid of the evil eye and trying to protect themselves from evil forces.

Wings - Meaning in the tattoo

Tattoo Meaning

Bony death tattoos with a scythe first appeared in the early 14th century. The grim figure was only depicted in the Middle Ages in a dark tone. The symbol signified the equality of all people before a sudden death, no matter how old a person was, what sex he or she was, or what position he or she held.

Almost all of the subject lines had the same semantic load: careless lovers, young guys and girls suddenly faced the inevitable arrival of death.

Ominous drawings often depicted a skeleton holding a bow, sword or trident, a weapon that brought death and symbolized the mass demise of people during the plague. Such a character as the rider of death appeared as a result of this epidemic, which had terrible consequences.

Drawings of skeleton riders in black robes have always symbolized the approach of death. They were especially relevant during terrible diseases and wars that raged.

Our ancestors always remembered that people, unlike the gods, are mortal. This inspired them to adorn themselves with body art of death with sacred attributes in their hands. Often there were tattoos of death with an hourglass, symbolizing the finitude of life, the onset of the end. Such a tattoo has a profound philosophical meaning - it is a reminder of the shortness of human life and the need to use every moment of it to realize their desires and aspirations.

Rather dangerous tool in use - the scythe, in a sacred sense, was a means to free up space for the emergence of new life. By analogy, the grass cut by the scythe gave way to young greenery.

In the modern interpretation, the image of death is used as a strong and powerful amulet designed to protect the wearer from hardships, dangerous situations and various diseases. The very "lucky" people, graced by fate, are especially fond of such tattoos. Only a fearless man will dare to make himself a tattoo with the imprint of death.

Who is suitable for tattoos with the symbol of death - should you choose a tattoo with death?

Tattoo-masters of Maruha Studio recommend to treat each symbol of your future tattoo carefully and cautiously. It is important that each detail is chosen correctly - not only on the color scheme, but also on the semantic meaning.

Also tattoo masters advise to pick up tattoos (St. Petersburg) according to your character.

So, let's break down to whom this tattoo will suit, and answer the main question: What qualities do you need to haveTo have this tattoo fully reflect your personality and stance on life?

The tattoo with a death symbol will approach you if you:

  • Are a fan of the biker movement Or a follower of one of these clubs.
  • You think you should live right nowEnjoy every moment and do not put "life" on "later".
  • It is certain that death does not represent the end of existencebut a transition to another state.
  • Believe in reincarnation of the soul.
  • You're a fan of extreme sports......willing to play with death.
  • Not afraid of death.
  • You hold a certain position in the criminal world.
  • You want to show your power.
  • You want to show your danger to society....and a warning of your own complicated character.
  • A lover of entertainment. A tattoo of a Mexican skull and flower or pattern has just that meaning.
  • Dreams of finding a talisman., good luck in life.

The image of the symbol of death, most likely, is not for the faint of heart.. Only for those who are not afraid of anything in this life and nobody is afraid of this tattoo.

People who do not take death seriouslyPeople who do not take death seriously may be the owners of this image - in fact, if not afraid of death, it is unlikely to be something to be afraid of.

It is not necessary to forget and about The positive images of the symbolwhich are often used by members of the female sex. They speak of entertainment, fun, good luck, prosperity, protection, magic.

However, in all these different and light tattoos still glimpses an ambiguous image of death in one way or another, it should always be kept in mind.

Women's tattoos

Girls tend to choose such a somber image in order to emphasize their cynicism and indifference regarding death. Usually they are quite daring natures, who are not afraid to make a terrible encounter with the protagonist on the tattoo. The symbol demonstrates their fearless strong character.

Young and cheerful girls, not deprived of a sense of humor, prefer drawings with decorative elements, or images in cartoon style.

For ladies who are fond of the occult, such symbolism is a reflection of the dark devilish forces, the interaction with which can end sadly. Predominantly lovers of witchcraft stuffed themselves with bony creatures.

A brief meaning of the tattoo coffin, the grave

Tattoo with the image of a tomb or coffin means mysticism, esotericism, mystery, death, mystery, magic, pain, loneliness, sadness, grief, the afterlife, courage, resurrection, rebirth, secrecy, introversion, imagination, a philosophical view of life, creativity, informality, originality, creativity, mysticism, exorcism, occultism.

Tattoo of a coffin, grave

Men's tattoos

Nakolki with the image of death prefer men with dangerous hobbies. For them, this image serves as a constant reminder of the possible sudden end of life. Such symbolism is popular with bikers, people with risky hobbies. Men who like to tickle their nerves and often face mortal danger, quite often express themselves with such grim tattoos.

A popular image is death with a deck of playing cards. It symbolizes faith in one's own good fortune, destiny's destiny, and disdain for danger.

The Death tattoo is an opportunity to become the owner of an impressive and original tattoo. A good choice for people who want to emphasize their originality and individuality.

Choosing the style and location of the death tattoo with a scythe

If you look through the photos of finished works, you can note that the image can be performed in almost any style. Among the most successful techniques of application it is worth noting the style of old skool. The sketch in this style is a skull and bones, made in a bright color scheme. An equally popular style is the thrash polka dot. Images of a skeleton with a skull or a woman in a cape with a scythe look great in this style, and its features will allow you to express the deep philosophical idea of death. Another popular option is the print style tattoo, stylized as a medieval image, characterized by gloominess and depth of image.

The question that bothers almost everyone who chooses the image of death is where to place the tattoo, to make it open or vice versa, to hide it under clothing. This tattoo is not well perceived by people, so it is important to determine the importance of the tattoo, as well as how it will affect life and social status, work. In general, the following nuances will help determine the location of the death tattoo with a scythe:

  • Employment. The tattoo can not be used by people working in a large team or with children, so it should be hidden or abandoned at all this idea.
  • Technique of execution. Some masters can create as much attractive, bright and colorful sketches of tattoos, that it is quite difficult to discern in them the image of death and afterlife motifs. If it was possible to create such a drawing, then it can be placed anywhere. But if the motives of the image are readable at a glance, it is better to place the tattoo on the back or other parts of the body hidden by clothing.
  • The size of the sketch. A small image of death with a slash, made in the linework style, can be placed even on the wrist or on the finger. But a large and well-drawn image requires large areas of the body, such as the chest, back or shoulder.


For women

For men