The size of the tattoo. How to choose it and not to screw up.

The art of tattooing is known to mankind since time immemorial, and over the centuries of its existence, not only has it not lost popularity, but it has become even more relevant. Decorate their body drawings accepted and among women and men. In view of such an increased interest in the body art, those who are planning to stuff them, it is worth to learn more about the types, features and meaning of various images.

The size of the tattoo

Parts of the human body have shapes and proportions, we will not go into this deeply, if you are interested, google the key phrase "anatomy for artists". For now, consider a four-part picture. We will refer to these parts periodically, so don't be lazy and open the image to full size to easily read the annotations to the diagrams.

As you can see, in the human body, absolutely all parts are proportional. That is, the size of any part of the body, corresponds to the size of the neighboring parts, and nothing else! A deviation from the proportions is considered ugly. Back in the 14th century, Leonardo da Vinci was seriously concerned with the proportions of everything in the world, and in particular the human body. He also drew a picture known as the "Vitruvian Man," which was torn into flashes(tattoo designs) by tattooologists around the world.

Long before Leonardo, the subject of proportions kept Euclid awake. He described the division of segments, to construct a regular pentagon, in his Elements, which is considered the pinnacle of ancient geometry and ancient mathematics. One of the fellow friends of Leonardo Da Vinci, Luca Pacioli called this ratio "divine proportion", which later became known as the "golden ratio".

And what does the size of the tattoo have to do with it, you ask?))).

It has to do with the fact that a tattoo that doesn't match the size of the body part it's applied to can be characterized by one succinct word. I wrote it above, it's active for transition. You may not agree and say "aftar drink yadu / kill yourself against the wall, but the scandal in a bag can not hide - small tattoos look ugly)))) Most, sooner or later, get there on their own. They get help from the Super Mario Brothers laser with a cover-up to remove the tattoos and then overlap them. Proportionality. Everything is hidden in that word. Is a small nose on a large face the norm? Or is a big nose on a small face? Any other analogies?))) Think about it, if some things look ugly, why wouldn't similar things in a tattoo be ugly? Or rather not so: - they will not be ugly until you understand it. And you will, sooner or later, if you're not hopeless/on. It's just a matter of time.

The size of the tattoo details.

There is such a thing as pigment migration in the skin in tattooing. A fresh tattoo looks bright and sharp, but time passes and the beauty fades. The thing is that the skin is alive and constantly renewed. The ink particles are embedded in the skin and become a kind of capsule. But time passes, cells divide and the dye particles migrate. Nothing has power over it. When choosing a tattoo design, it's important to know how the ink will behave in the skin and how it will look in a year or two. You're not getting a tattoo for a year, right? It's silly to spend money on a tattoo and then spend as much more on correction and correction after a couple of years.

In general, you can't be too shallow with the details, or else it will be like in the fairy tale about the greedy rich man who had seven hats made out of one skin. Catch a couple of demotivators from contact to make it clearer what we're talking about:

Many tattoo artists have stepped on such a rake, early in their careers, and are now very reluctant to do small things, or not at all. And the client, coming for a consultation and seeing a tattooist dissuades him from small details, thinks he is just a stellar guy showing off. Most tattoo studios don't have a "customer is always right" rule, so don't be offended if they advise you to go somewhere else. Probably you were too insistent in your desire, and technically, it seems and is feasible, but in six months to a year will be just a spot that will have to be redone. Trust your handyman.

Here are basically a few ideas that you need to think about before you get a tattoo in Novokosino or Reutovo.

If you have any questions, write in the comments, or come chat, our tattoo studio is located near Novokosino metro. Even if the master is buzzing over the customers, they are happy to answer questions, because talking is much easier than stitching texts in correspondence Vkontakte, etc.

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All tattoos can be divided into 2 large groups: permanent and cosmetic. Let's look at each of them in more detail.


These are just the tattoos discussed above. They are applied with a tattoo machine, the pigment is injected under the skin. The tattoo stays with the person forever. Of course, over time, she may lose her look. For example, it happens that the image turns blue or fades. Such problems are solved by the correction. And also a very important role is played by care in the first weeks after application.


This group includes permanent makeup, lip and eyebrow tattooing, for example. The procedure is also performed by injecting pigment, and it lasts on the skin for several years. Such pigments require a mandatory update.

In addition, there is such an art form as mehendi. It is a henna painting, one of the varieties of body art. Such images are quickly and cheaply applied, but they do not last long. To the same group can be attributed and tattoos, drawn with special markers, made of rhinestones, stickers-translators.

All this disappears without a trace within a couple of days.

Important: some non-professional masters can offer so-called temporary tattoos. They claim that the pattern will last for a couple of years, and then it will disappear. Many people buy this, especially those who can not properly define the sketch. It is worth remembering that there are no such tattoos. You just get a weak dye injected under your skin, which will soon begin to fade, but it won't go away completely. It will look very ugly.

How to choose the size of the tattoo?

People often come to us with the desire to make a small tattoo in the form of a panther or tiger. And they want the tattoo to be 10 x 10 cm or 5 x 5 cm with the same level of detail as on the photo. We want to warn you in advance - it is impossible!

In a tattoo the size of the image really matters. The more detailed the image, the more colors, lines, shadows, tones and halftones in it - the size of the image on the body should be more. The smaller the image - the less detail in the drawing, the image becomes mulit-like and even from a short distance it will be difficult to make out what is depicted on you.

A small tattoo is rarely a good one. If it is a tightly packed black circle with a diameter of 2 centimeters - it's okay, but the more details (contours, color transitions, etc.) in the drawing, the larger it should be. This is important not only because of aesthetics. A thin outline (less than a couple of millimeters) holds up worse and over time will begin to "float. If the tattoo is black, this is not corrected without laser lightening.

The size of the design, in turn, dictates the place of application, and there are styles that, all things considered, cannot be done finely. If you want a realistic portrait, prepare the shoulder, back or other large area.

When choosing a place for a future tattoo, the following should be taken into account:

  • The motif (pattern) of the future tattoo dictates the size of the work. For example, making a dragon or tiger the size of a grasshopper is ridiculous, to say the least!
  • The size of the tattoo must be chosen in accordance with its location. A tattoo should emphasize the anatomy of the body - muscle lines, curves and so on. A tattoo can highlight the virtues of your body, and you can hide the flaws.
  • It is better to make one big tattoo in one place than three small ones on different parts of the body.

Always consult with the tattoo master, only he will determine the optimal size for the sketch of your choice. You can make an appointment for a consultation by phone. We are located in the center of St. Petersburg and work from 10 to 22 hours.

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Color palette

Tattoos on the wrist in girls can be performed in a variety of colors. The most common types of tattoos are:

  • Black and white.
  • Colored monochrome.
  • Black.
  • Multicolored.

Black and white usually make inscriptions. There are photos and drawings in a realistic style. In this case, shades, the play of light and glare are of great value. The images look impressive, though a little gloomy.

Several colors are used in large images. Girls most often choose drawings with a harmonious combination of colors. Rarely contrasts are used, for example, yellow - blue, green - purple. Such tattoos look too bright.

How to choose a tattoo

The tattoo will be on the body all your life. Therefore, when choosing a place for its application, the plot and style must take into account a range of factors, and not be guided solely by emotions. Psychologists believe that the correctly chosen and placed body art can change the destiny for the better, to attract energy flows, happiness and prosperity into the life of its owner.

What symbols are most often drawn on the hands and their meanings

Symbolism is what men most often use to protect themselves and attract to themselves all only the best, depicting them as a tattoo on the body. Some people do not attach importance to the chosen symbols, facing further trouble. Therefore, before you tattoo this or that sign, it is important to read its detailed designation.

The best tattoos of the world for men in the form of symbols and their designation:

Alpha and Omega - The man is in search of the truth.

Photo 22

Hamsa - A symbol of faith and patience.

Photo 23

666 - Some are afraid of this symbol, although today it is believed that it means knowledge, prosperity and wisdom.

Photo 24

Trickvert - The symbol of the triune God, a tattoo for religious individuals.

Photo 25

The inverted triangle - Signifies a sharp mind and rational thought.

Photo 26

Star - Decides a lot about the shape and location of the star.

Photo 27

Masonic symbols - represent knowledge, strength and conscientiousness.

Photo 28

Yin-Yang - shows the harmony of opposites.

Photo 29

Dreamcatcher - A popular talisman that protects against dark forces.

Photo 30

Spiral - means an endless flow of life energy.

Photo 31

How to choose the right place for a tattoo?

It is necessary to choose a place for a body drawing responsibly and it is better to have a master help in this matter. An experienced artist will tell you to what extent the chosen sketch will look advantageous in a certain place. It is necessary to decide whether you want to demonstrate the drawing to others or prefer to hide it from prying eyes under the clothes.

How to choose a place for a tattoo for men and girls - basic recommendations:

  • Shoulder and biceps. This is a very popular area, on which you can nab both small drawings and large compositions, moving to the chest, back, arm.
  • Forearm. A popular place for male and female tattoos, due to the low painfulness of the procedure and the ability to hide the design under long-sleeved clothing. Motivational or commemorative inscriptions can be applied to this place. A popular option is the padding of the tattoo sleeve from the wrist to the shoulder. This area can be chosen for the first tattoo.
  • Wrist and ankle. These areas love to decorate the fair sex with birds, insects, bracelets and chains with pendants.
  • Hands and fingers. Only people with creative careers, who do not need to observe the dress code, can afford to put images on these places.
  • Neck. The back of the neck is a popular option among girls and women, who can hide the image under the hair at work and show it to the surrounding people, making a high hairstyle. Men more often choose the side and front areas of the neck.
  • Back. This place is preferred by those wishing to apply large-scale compositions or paired subjects in the form of wings, animals and birds. It should be remembered that tattooing on the spine is a rather painful process. Women often choose the lumbar area for the drawing. The image, located on this place, adds charm and coquetry to a woman's image.
  • The chest. It is often chosen by men for padding compositions, which can extend to the shoulder, arm, abdomen, sides. Women rarely padding the bust, as it can create certain problems during breast-feeding.
  • Abdomen. This area for a tattoo is chosen only by people who pay constant attention to their physical shape and boast of abs of steel. Women can score a drawing to hide the scar from a cesarean section.
  • Thighs. This is a place suitable for applying female tattoos. The right subject can reduce the volume of the thighs, make them visually slimmer.

  • Shin. Tattoos are placed on the front, outer side and back of the shin. When choosing a sketch, care must be taken to ensure that the picture emphasizes the slimness of the legs.
  • Head. This place is a very painful place for tattoos. Tattooing on the head can be trusted only to a very experienced master. It should be remembered that such an image requires frequent shaving.

Large dimensions

Tattooing is quite a popular way of self-expression. Recently, it has become fashionable to put pictures of huge size on the body. And they inflict them not only guys, but also courageous representatives of the weaker sex. An image of large size is not just a single picture, but a well-thought-out composition, which can occupy a large area on the body. Such images, as a rule, are located on the back or on the chest. Some paintings may cover the entire arm (they are called a sleeve) or the entire leg. To get such a tattoo, you will need several sessions. The cost of such work is quite high: one session can cost more than 10,000 rubles.

Among large tattoos, Japanese variants are particularly colorful. Most often they look like huge picturesque canvases covering the surface of the entire body, excluding only the head and face. The picture, which is applied to different parts of the body, is one whole, constituting a single composition. Such a picture looks very effective, literally mesmerizing with saturated, bright colors and volume. In addition, in these tattoos there is always present Eastern philosophy and sacred meaning. Masters gladly perform such works, because they give the opportunity to show their skills in all their glory.

How to choose a style of tattoo for girls and men?

Before you go to a tattoo parlor for a tattoo padding, you need to choose the style in which it will be done. Popular directions:

  • Engraving. The technique of engraving is consonant with the process of tattooing. The picture looks clear, large colored elements and blurred contours are not used in its creation. Most often, tattoo engravings are performed in black and white. Popular tattoo designs printed in this technique are medieval and biblical subjects, mythical monsters and animals.

  • Biomechanics. This style emerged relatively recently. It is chosen by men and girls who want to impress others. The distinctive feature of this style is the symbiosis of human flesh, metal pipes and complex mechanisms. Drawings made in 3D look frighteningly realistic.
  • Realism. This style is considered one of the most difficult to perform, that's why these quality tattoos can be imposed only by experienced artists. The basis of such stories are photos of loved ones, media personalities, and movie characters.
  • Chicano. In the past, tattoos in this style were mostly inscribed by members of the criminal world. Today, they are chosen by ordinary people who simply want to decorate their bodies. The most common subjects are images of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and other saints.
  • Old skool and new skool. Old skool ("old school") - a popular style today, the founders of which are considered to be sailors. Most often present in the old skool tattoo - anchor, swallow, heart, rose, dagger, cards, money. A continuation and development of this style is the new skool ("new school"). In the drawings of the "new school" there is a lot of imagination and humor. Images are usually done in bright colors and use clear contours to frame them. New skool subjects often intersect with comic book, cartoon and fantasy book plots.

  • Dotwork. This is an easily recognizable style, the name of which translates as "work by dots." Dotwork drawings must be large-scale, otherwise the meaning of the dot work will be lost. Sketches are usually printed in black.
  • Blackwork. This style involves applying only black paint to large areas. It is usually chosen by men. Most often, blackwork is combined with other styles.
  • Watercolor. This is a great choice for refined and romantic natures. However, it should be remembered that such drawings, made in delicate colors, are not very durable, so they require frequent adjustments.

History of origin

People liked to decorate their bodies since ancient times. Now it is very difficult to say exactly when the first tattoo appeared, but it is thoroughly known that in the Paleolithic era they already were. This is confirmed by the findings of archaeologists. For example, a mummy was found in Austria over 5000 years old. A huge number of tattoos were found on her body.

The Greeks, Egyptians and Chinese have provided the most evidence that ancient people practiced the art of tattooing. For example, in ancient Greece, as well as in China, slaves were tattooed for the most part. It was a kind of stigma, a symbol of belonging to slavery. But body art was also applied to warriors. People believed that such symbols would help them in the endless bloody wars. As for the Egyptians, there tattoos were mainly the prerogative of the pharaohs.

Of course, in the past there were no pigments or tattooing machines. Therefore, they used improvised means. For example, Indians tattooed with sharpened shark's tooth and homemade mallet, and on Pacific Islands residents preferred to use sharpened pebbles or fish bones. The ancient Slavs took sharp animal bones for this purpose. The first needles appeared only with the beginning of the formation of metallurgy.

Pigments were also different. Every nation used its own dyes. In some places it was extracts from plants, in others it was soot from a fire. The islanders often used colored clay, which was the product of oyster excretion. Popularly used ochre and henna, in some cases used and the sap from the trees of certain species.

The origin of the term "tattoo" we are obliged to the famous traveler and sailor James Cook. The word comes from the language of the people of the island of Polynesia. By the way, that's where the famous Polynesian style, which is so popular today among men, originated. The local people have been practicing the art of tattooing for a long time, beginning to decorate the drawings of children as soon as they reach the age of 11.

This is considered a stage of transition to adulthood.

It is interesting to know that in the era of the active development of Christianity, tattoos were forbidden. They were considered a sin, pagan symbols. The Bible strictly forbade this kind of art, so the popularity of the tattoo was slowly on the decline. A new breath of body art acquired in the XVIII century, when the sailors began to open salons in the ports, dedicated to decorating the body in this way.

It was believed that the drawings would help sailors to weather any storms. A little later, In the fifties of the twentieth century, tattooing becomes even more popular, as there are many youth movements, whose goal was to protest against society. Tattoos just expressed it. Since then, the art has been evolving, with new trends, styles and subtypes emerging. The popularity of tattoos is growing among different segments of society.

How to choose a tattoo sketch by character for men and girls?

The plots and colors of the tattoo should reflect the character of its owner. For example, images with sharp angles and straight lines usually choose willful people who are not accustomed to listen to the opinion of others. The predominance of smooth and curved lines in a sketch indicates the softness of a person's character.

When choosing colors, remember that:

  • red - gives energy, improves mood, but can increase tension;
  • yellow - promotes the disclosure of creative potential;
  • blue - soothes;
  • Green - provides a sense of comfort and security.

How do I choose a tattoo by zodiac sign?

Astrologers believe that representatives of each zodiac constellation have certain traits. Therefore, men and girls who want to choose a tattoo with meaning should consider their zodiac sign:

  • Aries. Confident, bold and adventurous. Often choose tattoos applied to prominent places on the body. Plots are usually associated with movement, action, victories.
  • Taurus. Sensual, sometimes artful. Tattoos are small and carry hidden meanings.
  • Gemini. Fast, decisive, following the new trends. Starting to do tattoo, rarely stopping at one drawing. Often choose paired sketches that reflect the duality of their nature.
  • Cancers. Oriented to a home and a family. In that sense, they prefer subjects connected with the family tree, coat of arms and anniversaries.
  • Leo. Passionate natures. Often have an image of a lion's head or the animal in full.
  • Virgo. Inner very deep people. All patterns they choose have a special meaning.
  • Libras. Often choose subjects according to their external appeal. They like images of flowers, beautiful birds, ornate inscriptions.
  • Scorpions. They are people-maximalists. Therefore, they either do not do tattoos at all or can stuff them all over the body.
  • Sagittarians. Businesslike and enterprising people. Often in body designs display a passion for travel, change.
  • Capricorns. Prefer motivational images or inscriptions.
  • Aquarians. This is the most nontraditional sign of the zodiac. Its representatives find it difficult to choose a ready-made sketch, so they draw it on their own or order it to a master.
  • Pisces. Sensual natures. Often put their partners' names or pictures of them.

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