All meanings of the tattoo of a dog - who is suitable for a tattoo with a dog, and how to choose a sketch?

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Tattoo in the form of a dog became predominant on the bodies of the female sex in recent times, despite the fact that this symbol was originally only a male symbol. The symbol of the dog characterizes the positive aspects of the character of the person. He is very strong and can easily change your life.

Let's look at what role dogs played in the culture of the ancient world, as well as determine what the symbol means now.

The dog symbol in the mythology and culture of the ancient world

In different peoples of the ancient world, the dog was considered a highly revered animal that was worshipped. The dog was the companion of man everywhere - in peacetime, in hunting and even in war.

Let's tell how it was represented in mythology and culture by different peoples:

  • In Ancient Egypt The dog was represented as a deity. She brought people only good things: protected from monsters, fought against evil spirits, guarded the entrances to sacred places.
  • In ancient Greece. the animal was deified and attributed to the afterlife. A dog, the three-headed Cerberus, was the guardian and guide to the realm of the dead.
  • The inhabitants of the Germanic-Scandinavian countries also saw the dog as belonging to the same world. The dog was depicted as fearsome, with four eyes. The people thought he was the guardian of the passageway to hell.
  • The Aztecs Also pictured a dog alongside the god of death, who was shown with the head of a dog. After the death of a person, the sacrifice of a dog was an obligatory ritual next to his tomb.
  • The Indians who lived in the Americassaid that the dog was not such a bad animal. It brought rain and fire. According to tradition, the Indians sacrificed to the gods of the white dog so that the gods gave them a quiet and fruitful life without a season of drought. In addition, American peoples believed that the dog could heal, endowing it with magical properties - the gift of healing.
  • In China Dogs were seen as having only positive qualities--goodness, protection, guardianship, and well-being. The Chinese believed a dog could ward off evil spirits and ward off misfortune.
  • In India Dogs were revered but considered servants of the god of death. It was they who looked for people who were destined to die and escorted them to the realm of the dead.
  • The Celts associated the dog with the god that no one could ever defeat. He was a symbol of courage, bravery, bravery, war, heroism, hunting, loyalty.
  • The Slavs believed that the dog has a magical ability - can predict the future, feels the approach of misfortune and can save, protect from it man. According to legends, a dog could turn into the God of the Sun, so this animal has always been treated with respect and love.
  • Christians personified the dog with the good, presented it as a shepherd, a guardian, a preacher. In addition, the dog was a symbol of loyalty, protection, vigilance, sincerity, courage and bravery.

Undoubtedly, the dog is a strong and very loyal animal. Those who have a dog at home know that it is the most sincere animal capable of love.

It is often compared to a wolf, so wolf tattoos have almost the same meanings as dog tattoos. The only difference is that the wolf has more negative meanings. The dog symbol can be considered the bright, positive side of the wolf symbol.

Basically, the peoples of the ancient world revered the dog, put it on a par with the gods, deities. Many think that the dog gave people fire and taught them how to use it.

The meaning of dog tattoos

Dog tattoos can carry both positive and negative meanings. Basically, it depends on what pose or how the dog is depicted.

For example, barking or growling dogs, are used as an ominous warning symbol. The dog in this case would be an image of aggression, reflecting the essence of the owner of the tattoo.

The image of a dog is often the embodiment of playfulness and an energetic attitude. Such a tattoo is suitable for those people who have not lost that childish playfulness, which many people forget over time.

A dog tattoo can also symbolize loyalty and faithfulness, as these animals are some of the most loyal creatures that exist on this planet. This is why dogs are sometimes added to military tattoos and are some of the best family and friendship tattoos.

A man's best friend tattoo embodies a number of characteristics, including:

  • Loyalty;
  • Friendship and companionship;
  • Guardians and protectors;
  • Resourcefulness;
  • Obedience;
  • Intelligence;
  • Community and family;
  • Dominance and strength (aggressive breeds).

Who is suited for a dog tattoo - features of selecting a dog tattoo

Tattoo with the image of a dog can do, anyone. There is no strict distinction.

Guys used to create brutal dogs on themselves, unusual and sometimes scary!

Since recently, girls began to openly declare their desires and continued the beginnings of the male sex - to create on the dogs on their bodies, that's just drawings are more cute, gentle and feminine.

Specialists of the tattoo studio "Maruha" recommend to choose a tattoo, first of all - paying attention to your character traits.

The tattoo in the form of a dog will suit:

  • Open people.
  • Sociable.
  • Those who love company and hate solitude.
  • Liberated.
  • Trusting.
  • Sensitive, sensitive.
  • Loving.
  • Strong.
  • Faithful.
  • Determined.
  • Brave, bold, courageous.
  • Attentive.
  • Vigilant.
  • Cheerful, positive.

Since the dog symbol is very strong, it serves as amulet .. He may be suitable for those who need protection or warning against misfortune and adversity.

We can guarantee that the dog will protect you from negative influences. Also, you will feel more confident with the dog tattoo.

Of course, if you can not determine whether this symbol will suit you or not, ask your loved ones. They, knowing you, will tell you if such a tattoo is suitable for you.

Tattoo of a dog paw

The doggie paw tattoo will look attractive in the ethnic genre, especially if it is complemented with accompanying drawings and patterns. Minimalism will not be superfluous when creating such tattoos. The outline of the dog's paw is made with an outlined outline, without an inner filler. The best places for application - scapula, abdomen, wrist, the back of the neck.

Peculiarities and types of tattoos with a dog - what tattoo with a dog sketch to choose?

Coming to tattoo salons (St. Petersburg), many do not know how to depict a dog on the body. Masters of a network of tattoo studios "Maruha" advise to think about it beforehand and try to transfer your dreams and desires to a specialist or on paper.

We will help you to understand how stylistically correct you can design a tattoo in the form of a dog.

To do this, you will need to consider some specifics:

Style and design of the dog tattoo

The most popular styles that depict a dog on the body are realistic and watercolor. The first will suit everyone, and the second - the romantic, those who have a romantic, feminine, more sensual nature.

Also perfectly get tattoos (St. Petersburg) in the styles:

  • Portrait. Your dog's muzzle will look great in a frame decorated with flowers or patterns.
  • Cartoon. It's not uncommon to create cartoon dog characters on your body. They will emphasize your positive, slightly childlike character.

  • 3-D. These tattoos (Peterburg) are just cool and cool. Realistic images will please not only you, but also those around you. Many say that the sketch will not be inferior to the picture of the animal. To create a really good 3-D picture on the body can only an experienced master, contact the studio "Maruha"! The specialists will be happy to help you with this.

  • Classic, black and white. Tattoos remain in demand as well.
  • Neo-traditional. Clear facets of such an image, bright colors will make you and others be surprised every time you see it. Excellent look tattoos (Petersburg) in two styles - realism and neo-traditional.
  • New skool. Such tattoos are particularly colorful. For them there are no restrictions. In the sketch you can add a lot of additional details and boldly fantasize!
  • Geometry or linework. The muzzle of the dog can be created with graphic lines. Suitable tattoo for guys.
  • Minimalism. You can make only the outline of one doggie or two. Cute and gentle will look such a tattoo on the wrist of a girl.

Having decided on the style, you can decide - whether your future tattoo will be colored, or black and white, black and gray.

Most often, the dog in the tattoo is depicted in such colors, in what it is in life - realistic. But, you can use any other colors, as long as they match.

Note that the color does not affect the meaning of the tattoo (St. Petersburg).

Location of the tattoo dog

Most often the image of a dog women and men apply to:

  • Shoulder.

  • Chest.
  • Scapula.
  • Thigh.
  • Shin.
  • Wrist.
  • Head.
  • Side.
  • Fingers.

Where to place the tattoo in the form of a dog - it is up to you. There are no prohibitions.

Many people choose Open areas, or where the tattoo is visible and reminds you of yourself.

The place is also chosen based on the size of the tattoo (St. Petersburg).

The size of a tattoo of a dog

No tattoo master will not forbid you to make a huge dog on your body. There are no prohibitions. The main thing is to think through everything to the smallest detail, That the tattoo did not seem empty.

You can "score" a tattoo of large, medium and small size. Rely on your preferences.

Variations of the dog tattoo

Dog tattoos come in a variety of sizes and colors (from red cartoon dogs to pink poodles) and include any number of design elements. You can choose a traditional Celtic symbol or just a picture of your favorite mutt. Popular dog tattoo options include:

A pet's paws.

Often simply adding a picture of the dog's paw print, or the individual dog's paw print itself, to the dog's name. This is a great option for those who don't want a fully detailed dog tattoo, but want to honor their pet in any way possible.

Some dog lovers prefer to use a paw print in honor of their beloved mutt or as a means of expressing their love and deep connection to their pet. In some cases, a dog paw tattoo is part of the grieving process after the loss of a beloved pet.

Your four-legged friend's toys

A favorite toy in the composition will help create an image of a happy memory. If you had or have a dog who has a favorite toy, this can be a great addition to your tattoo.

Leashes and collars

You can also add drawings of leashes, collars or tags. You can use anything in your tattoo if it is meaningful to you. For example, if your favorite moments with your dog involve walking, a leash can be a great addition to your design.

Dog breed tattoos.

Whether you love pit bulls or Rottweilers, greyhounds, Weiners, dachshunds, pugs or poodles, each breed has a set of personality traits that owners relate to. Owners often receive tattoos that pay homage to their beloved pet.

Figuring out the right tattoo design for you may be a challenge, but it may be a little easier than you think. There are several factors to consider: what your new tattoo will symbolize, where it will be placed on your body, or what elements you will combine to create your work of art.

The pit bull tattoo: so different, but only for determined people

The pit bull tattoo, applied to the human body, is able to evoke absolutely different emotions. Putting it on the body is quite a bold decision. After all, such an image carries in itself not only positive, but also a certain negative. Because it can in no way be considered nice, kind, pleasant. It is for this reason, the pit bull tattoo is chosen by guys and men. Bold, confident, determined.

Blackwork realism pit bull tattoo on his chest

Plots and breeds

There are a huge number of dog breeds. This generates thousands of different subjects for tattooing. Naturally, each breed symbolizes specific qualities and aspirations. We will look at the most popular ones:

  • Wild Dog. The embodiment of freedom and independence. This symbol in its philosophical context is similar to that of the wolf.
  • Fight dog. A very aggressive subject for the tattoo. It is the embodiment of unrestrained strength and impetuosity. "Win or die" is a great motto for such a tattoo.
  • Bulldog. A popular plot that will reveal in you a fan of noble breeds.

Photo .

Anyone wishing to get a tattoo, wants to see in advance how it will look on the body. That's why tattoo masters always take photos of their work, creating a portfolio for themselves. With some of the work you can see below.

Tattoo pit bull meaning for men and women

Above, we briefly discussed what may be the tattoo pit bull value. Based on the general interpretations of the picture. However, the image has more precise, "narrow" explanations. Depending on several factors:

  • the man or woman wearing the tattoo;
  • what part of the body it is on;
  • how exactly the dog is depicted.

Pay attention! It is believed that the tattoo is able to have an impact on the fate of the person. In the case of the tattoo pit bull all the opposite. To put it on your body, you need to match its character!

Pit bull tattoo for men

First of all, the pit bull tattoo will symbolize the great physical strength of the man. Although many people, seeing such a tattoo, will associate it, first of all, with aggression and cruelty. To a person who chooses a similar image as an adornment of his body, will always be treated too wary.

tattoo pit bull dotwork on the side

Tattoo pit bull photo: aggression and danger

Such an image has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • the drawing is easy to hide from prying eyes;
  • this part of the leg is not as sensitive, and therefore the application of the image will not bring too much suffering.

A pit bull tattoo on the calf has the following meaning:

  • strength and power;
  • victory in any situation;
  • the desire to achieve a goal;
  • The desire for supremacy.

And most importantly - on the caviar the dog acquires a certain volume. Muscular relief will emphasize all the features of the dog.

On the hand

We recommend to see tattoo pit bull photo - among the many options, quite often there is an image on the hand. For example, on the shoulder or on the biceps. Muscular relief will give the dog a special character! Now more about what exactly the meaning is hidden in this image:

  • on the shoulder - indicates courage, incredible strength of its owner (not only physical, but also spiritual);
  • On the elbow - indicates the originality of the person, the desire to stand out, because on this part of the body to impose tattoos is rather painful. In addition, this location may indicate a person's lack of confidence.
  • On the biceps - indicates the special manners of the owner of the picture.

watercolor pit bull tattoo on his arm

Pay attention! To the tattoos on the biceps - an increased requirement. They are recommended to be tattooed only if the body is beautiful enough and the muscles are pumped up.

And on the wrists or on the hands of the pit bulls are printed by representatives of the weaker half of mankind. For men, a tattoo on this part of the hand will look ridiculous and even ridiculous.

On the chest

To pit bull tattoo looked good on the chest, it should be printed only if the body is sufficiently pumped up. It is worth remembering that this area is somewhat painful. But if you look at the tattoo pit bull sketch of the images applied to the chest, you can see how much the imagination is manifested here, as the owner of the drawing, and the master who worked on it. This variant of application is suitable only for men. We hope it is not necessary to say why. The meaning of the tattoo is as follows:

  • power;
  • courage;
  • tenacity.

Pay attention! The main feature of the tattoo is that it is a kind of talisman that protects from hardships and difficulties. If we talk about the drawing of a pit bull, it indicates the aggressiveness, assertiveness of its owner.

Although in some cases, the dog is stamped on the chest of real ... dog owners. By doing so, they show how dear their pet is to them.

On the wrist

This part of the hand is the perfect place for a female pit bull tattoo. On this part of the body, the image will always attract the attention of people around. But the wrist is chosen not only to stand out. The pit bull tattoo on this part of the body has its own special meaning:

  • Caution in his actions and in relation to those around him;
  • fragility;
  • If the dog is drawn in a cartoon style, it indicates optimism, cheerfulness of the girl;
  • indicates love for animals.

Realism Pit Bull tattoo on biceps

Tattoo pit bull: description of the meaning

The nature of the pit bull can be interpreted in different ways. The first point of view indicates that the pit bull is a faithful and cheerful companion of man, while the second reveals the animal to us as an angry and aggressive dog. And so, the tattoo with the image of a pit bull on the human body denotes that the owner of the latter has enormous physical strength. And the drawing is a kind of warning sign, because it reflects the physical power of this breed. In other words, it says that the owner of the tattoo is a "bad" guy and it is better not to meet on his way. Very often a tattoo in the form of a pit bull denotes courage, loyalty, power and strength. Such a tattoo can also mean affection and sympathy of the owner to his beloved pet.

Tattoo pit bull graphics on his back

Here, already included the imagination of the owner of the dog, it can be a picture of a dog in the form of an abstraction, and a portrait of a four-legged friend with his name. In most cases, do the tattoo exclusively of the head of the dog. Such a drawing perfectly distinguishes huge eyes, imperious wrinkles and cropped ears. Tattoo of this type looks rather rough and strict. Often, pit bull tattoos find their masculine owners. Usually images with a pit bull are painted on men's backs, shoulders and leave an unforgettable impression, because the picture is depicted large, which evokes certain emotions.


For women

For men