Fans of tattoo culture often choose images of different birds. Mostly they are eagles, owls or swallows,
lily tattoo
Lily tattoo is considered one of the most delightful in the world of body art. Native drawings with beautiful
flower and tattoo
Floral tattoos are loved by the fair sex: pansies, magnolia, lavender, rose, daffodil are increasingly
Among girls The meaning of the crown on a woman's body can vary depending on the location and
Meaning of place and impact of tattoos
Drawings on the body appeared long ago. They were protective, camouflage images, signs of distinction, belonging to the
Tattoo phrases with translation
Now more and more often you can meet a girl or woman on the street, having on
The dolphin is the friendliest animal on the entire planet. He has gained the love of people thanks to the
Meaning of the Arrow Tattoo The first, slightly outdated meaning of the arrow is a symbol of militancy. In the old
Tattoos in Latin are among the most popular
Phrases in Latin about love Vale et me ama. Farewell and love me. Una
Before you decide to do a lotus tattoo, you should


For women

For men