Tattoo space on the arm, forearm, leg. Sketches of black and white, minimalism, geometry. Photo

Tattoo planets

The space theme is very attractive to tattoo lovers. And no wonder: the Cosmos is little explored, beckons with its mystery and beauty, mystery and incomprehensibility. Since ancient times it is also believed that the planets of our solar system influence people.

Tattoo planets

Tattoo of the planets

Tattoo planets - photo

Tattoo of planets - photo

Each person by date of birth corresponds to a planet, and to make Tattoos in the form of a planet - It means to strengthen the positive influence of the planet on the person, to create around him harmony and serenity.

In what other form do tattoo of a planet

It often happens that a person wants to make a tattoo of a parade of planets or depict a tattoo of the solar system. It is believed that when there is an alignment of the planets, their energy and influence increases many times. It's an aspiration to catch luck, the elusive beauty of the unknowable.

Tattoo parade of planets

Tattoo a parade of planets

Tattoo parade of planets on hand

Tattoo a parade of planets on your hand

Tattoo Planet Parade - photo

Tattoo parade of planets - photo

Tattoo parade of planets on hand

Tattoo parade of planets on hand

Tattoo a parade of planets on your leg

Tattoo parade of planets on foot

Tattoo parade of planets on girl's back - photo

Tattoo parade of planets on the girl's back - photo

In addition, quite often there is simply the image of a star or constellations, which is a symbol of striving for something elusive, for an ideal. Quite often they are also depicted against a dark cosmic sky or galaxies, reddish-colored nebulae. The beauty, harmony of cosmic space fascinates us, we see it in the tattoos of the planets, sketches and photos of which are located below.

How much will it cost?

Wanting to save money, many people choose a master who has just recently started working. An inexperienced master, wishing to attract clients, is dumping prices, which may seem attractive to a person who is turning to the subject of tattooing for the first time. But here we are dealing with a case where thinking about savings is simply inappropriate, because the tattoo is forever.

The bad master will give you such a "partak", that then you will have to pay either for its correction, or in general for removal. The Internet is full of photos of tattoos, capable of driving into "Spanish shame" of anyone who sees them. Conclusion: choose a theme thoughtfully, use color solutions, and then look for a master with a capital letter - the real artist, who perfectly realizes the idea, fully justifying the high fee.

Who and where to tattoo planets

The theme of planets and space is equally interesting for both men and women. Very organically these tattoos look on the back, along the spine, and the "space" sleeves or the leg hammered with this theme is simply a masterpiece of tattoo art, equally pleasant to both the master and the client. Surrounding people will definitely not pass you by, and in almost 100% of cases they will have positive emotions at the sight of such a universal picture.

An unusual tattoo of the planets

Unusual tattoo with planets

Tattoo of planets on hand

Tattoo of planets on your arm

Planet tattoo on back - photo

Tattoo with planets on the back - photo

Tattoo of planets on the wrist

Tattoo of planets on your wrist

Tattoo planets for girls

Tattoo Planets for girls

Tattoo planets on back

Tattoo of planets on the back

By nature and mindset, tattoo with planets usually order any people, but more often prevail philosophers, aesthetes, people, as if belonging to the whole world, peacemakers.

It is not necessary to be a believer, esotericist, astrologer or astronomer at all, in order to allow yourself to make such a tattoo. Here it is necessary to rely only on your own feelings. If the Cosmos, the Solar system and its bodies, moving and not moving, you like and are attracted by its uniqueness and beauty, then any planet or their parade depicted on the body will bring you and others joy and good luck. Space is infinite, as well as the meaning of the tattoos made with it. Of course, there are other kinds of similar drawings, such as space tattoos, which depict not only planets, but also parts of the universe.

The meaning of the tattoo space

Space motifs in tattoos are especially popular because of the rich choice of subjects for the natal picture. The idea of painting the body with meaningful drawings came several centuries ago from the distant islands of Polynesia.

Tattoo planet on your arm, forearm, leg. Sketches of black and white, minimalism, geometry. Photo

In ancient times the islanders used tattoos to demonstrate their status in society. The art of tattooing, as well as the whole history of mankind, developed along the spiral type, and today the decoration of the body with tattooed pictures belongs to the body-art movement, in which a special place is occupied by space subjects.

By analogy with the versatility of space, there are many compositions with galaxies and constellations, planets and asteroids, drawings of abstract or astrological subjects. Particularly impressive are the large-scale images of the solar system, space equipment and spacesuits, small drawings of satellites on the arm, as well as fantasy motifs with animals in a spacesuit, which is decorated with a separate plot.

General meaning

Unusual space tattoos choose people with a philosophical mindset, romantic and dreamy natures, as well as spiritually mature fans of body painting. Pictures can be big or small, but choosing the size, shape and color of the tattoo, you should consider the value of the sketch on a cosmic theme. There are many plot lines, but the main meaning of the mystical tattoo is associated with the secret power, limitless power, the concept of eternity.

If 5-7 years ago, sketches of the mysterious cosmos were quite primitive with small images of the main luminaries (the moon and the sun), then over time tattoos of cosmic orientation have turned into true works of art.

Tattoo space on the arm, forearm, leg. Sketches black and white, minimalism, geometry. Photo

Their main attributes look realistic and volume, hiding the secret meaning of the whole multifaceted picture:

Symbol .General meaning of the element
GalaxyThe choice of confident people. The scope of galactic scale images is preferred by strong individuals with a rich inner world, yearning to find peace.
Cosmic bodies.It is a symbol of hope. Images of single stars or star clusters or whole constellations signal the right stance in life.
PlanetsDrawings with well-known celestial bodies or their astrological symbols decorate their bodies horoscope lovers, people-fatalists.
AbstractionCreative and dreamy natures stop at fantastic subjects. These are sketches from the life of the inhabitants of alien worlds, their technical devices.
Solar systemThe tattoo demonstrates the connection of a person with the universe, in which there is no place for chaos. For the purposeful person it is a symbol of orderliness, the unity of the bearer with the cosmos.

Tattoo space on his arm with images of satellites, rockets, astronauts in a spacesuit - a tattoo sign of energetic people. Tattoo chosen by self-confident individuals, full of youthful excitement.

Space motifs for tattoos are chosen by tattoo fans of both sexes. Paintings of different format represent the unexplored universe, integrity and order, attracting fans of body art with the completeness of the plot.

With a drawing shrouded in mystery, the owner of the tattoo can associate an individual meaning as a reflection of his or her own thoughts. In addition, sketches on the cosmic theme are associated with the cosmos within a person, where everything is interconnected, and the bearer of the tattoo himself is part of the universe.

How to decipher the images of the planets

Most often, the expanse of space is printed on the arm or leg.

Tattoo space on the arm, forearm, leg. Sketches black and white, minimalism, geometry. Photo

If a subject with planets is chosen, to the general semantic load of the tattoo is added a value associated with a particular planet of the solar system:

  • Sun - a sign of divine protection, symbolizes the indestructibility and warmth of male energy.
  • Moon - the female image of magical power, hiding the mystery of desires and duality, the iconic sign of the pantheon of goddesses.
  • Earth - the universal element, associated with fertility, hearth, tranquility, brings good luck.
  • Mars is the boldness and aggression of masculinity, signaling a militant nature with powerful energy.
  • Venus - the symbol of the Roman goddess of beauty, manifests the desire for carnal love, inherent in every human.
  • Mercury - the drawing of the planet prophesies good luck for businessmen and travelers, great profits for traders.
  • Jupiter represents the ruler of the world by analogy with the ruler of the divine pantheon, his confidence in his own strength.
  • Pluto - the image of the planet is interpreted as a symbol of the rebirth of the soul after the death of a mortal body.
  • Saturn - the symbol of fate, the inexorability of the flow of time, the desire for stability, as well as the destruction of illusion.
  • Uranus is the image of a celestial wanderer, revealing a revolutionary-minded personality who is ready for life's changes.
  • Neptune - the imprint of the planet on the body symbolizes the primordial nature of the water element, the propensity for mysticism, intuition.

Tattoo space on the hand strikes serene beauty of stars and planets, demonstrates the integrity of the inner worldInfinite calmness of the outer space, not subject to the fluidity of time. A colorful tattoo becomes analogous to eternity on any part of the body, it can be considered a sign of a mature person.

Meaning of male and female tattoos

Often fans of space subjects, regardless of gender, give preference to drawings of zodiacal constellations, under which they were lucky enough to be born. Then for male and female tattoos choose not the images of the constellations themselves, but their iconic emblems accepted in astrology.

Tattoo space on the arm, forearm, leg. Sketches black and white, minimalism, geometry. Photo

The most popular tattooed sleeve and sketches of the cosmos for the shin, on their voluminous beauty stop not only guys, but also girls:

  • Men's subjects often pass through belligerence with a share of aggression. Of the planets the guys should choose Mars, the Sun, Jupiter.
  • Women's motives are more peaceful and conceal the mystery of the inner world. The Moon, Venus and the Earth are suitable for girls.

Large-scale plots of space with a lot of significant details are recommended to apply to the back area. Such options tattoos are more suitable for men, girls are better to dwell on small drawings with the mystery of personal meaning. However, all fans of space themes should remember that the decoration of the wrist prints of small stars indicates a non-traditional orientation of the carrier.

What to complement how to diversify the tattoo of the planet

There are both black and white and colored images of the planet tattoo. In color, of course, it looks much more effective. Complement such tattoos and inscriptions, and even missiles and satellites, which too is only a matter of your desire, imagination and fantasy.

Tattoo planets on the arm

Tattoo planets on the hand

Tattoo planets

Tattoo Planets

Tattoo of a planet, sketches of which are below, says that beforehand it is necessary to order a sketch and to have an exact idea of what you want to do in order to get in the end what you want. The inscription, as we understand it, can be done in any language and in any font. By the way, the image of aliens and UFOs is also a very interesting addition, which can occur in this theme and go well with the planet.

Tattoo planetary symbols

Tattoo planetary symbols

Pay attention to cosmic bodies such as meteors and comets. You can also read about interesting phenomena and places of outer space. The beauty of them impresses, fascinates the eye, and you may well want to see a comet, a black hole or a white dwarf on yourself.

Tattoo with a comet

Tattoo with a comet

Space Tattoo Styles

Most images of space are considered symbolic, so there is no observance of proportions and sizes. The color of the figure chooses the customer himself, and the stylistics of the application of the creative chaos in the universe can suggest the tattooist.

In black and white

Despite the fact that celestial bodies look more attractive in color, black and white variations of space themes also do not lose relevance. Especially if it is a dotting technique, which allows you to adjust the level of intensity, contrast and density of the coloring of the vast in size picture of the moon.

Cosmos tattoo on hand, forearm, leg. Sketches of black and white, minimalism, geometry. Photo
Tattoo space on the hand in black and white

More often it is a dim monochrome black space with the rare use of contrast in the form of red pigment to represent abstraction or the planet.

Watercolor style.

Tattoo space on the arm is the victory of life over death, orderliness over chaos, peace over war, and for some tattoo art fans it is the embodiment of the victory of the mind.

Tattoo space on the arm, forearm, leg. Sketches black and white, minimalism, geometry. Photo

Therefore, the soft contours of colorful drawings in this technique on a woman's or man's body fascinate with the depth of the mysteries of the cosmos. At the same time, the brightness of the depicted planets surrounded by shimmering stars does not allow you to take your eyes away from the really made improvisation with the maximum effect of volume.


At first glance, it seems that space in the spirit of simplicity of the laconic style is impossible. However, an elegant composition devoid of bulky fragments is best suited for small-scale projects that hide a very personal meaning. Tattoo in the spirit of minimalism takes up little space, but looks very aesthetically pleasing.


The peculiarity of the geometric style is the display of simple figures with clear lines. However, the skill of the tattooist and the flight of his imagination turn the picture in a mathematically precise pattern, which is suitable for any part of the body.

Tattoo space on the arm, forearm, leg. Sketches in black and white, minimalism, geometry. Photo

A girl master will pick up a less aggressive version of the sketch than for a guy, which will add a little sexuality to the owner.


This is the most popular technique for depicting space, and by the name of the style the result is immediately clear. Tattooed space looks especially natural in color with full detailing of all elements. However, the work will be the most expensive because of the special complexity of the application, requiring high artistic abilities. Tattoo in the spirit of realism on the body looks like a real photograph.

Tattoo Planet - sketches

Tattoo planets - a sketch

Tattoo of planets - sketch

Sketch for a planet tattoo

Sketch for a planet tattoo

Sketch Planet Parade for Tattoo

Sketch parade of planets for tattoo

Sketches of planets for tattoo

Sketches of planets for tattoo

Sketch for planets tattoo

Sketch for planets tattoo

Sketch for a tattoo with planets

Sketch for tattoo with planets

Image Scale

You should correlate the size of the tattoo with the part of the body where you plan to place it. Curiously look small symbols on a huge pumped up man's shoulder, although it was possible to decorate yourself with a quite decent image of the appropriate size.

The reason for this mistake is most often the inexperience of the client, who came to the salon for the first time. Wanting to see what happens, people subconsciously choose a smaller image than condemn themselves to regret in the future.

A must know when getting a tattoo

From a medical point of view, it is quite dangerous to do tattoos along the spine, especially for girls. This is due to the fact that during childbirth you may need a caesarean section, and modern obstetrics and gynecology use epidural anesthesia in this case. During such an injection, paint particles can get into the spinal cord canal and severely damage your health. The risk here is minimal, but it is there. In addition, it is now quite common to examine the spine with the help of MRI. Tattoo paint contains iron oxide, which can cause very painful burns during magnetic resonance.

What was the caduceus in ancient times

The name "caduceus" in translation from Greek means "staff of a messenger. It was originally an attribute of heralds in ancient Rome and Ancient Greece and was considered a symbol of the inviolability of authorized persons. Its traditional image - a rod with a round tip and wings, entwined two snakes.

The caduceus appeared in ancient Egypt, as evidenced by archaeological excavations. The monuments that were erected to glorify the god Osiris were decorated with a similar sign and symbolized rebirth. The rod was first mentioned in the writings of Homer. According to the legend, Apollo, the patron of arts, gave it to Hermes instead of the flute. The Romans believed that the caduceus was an attribute of the god Mercury, the patron of commerce, which he inherited from the lord of the kingdom of the dead Hades. In both cases, the object symbolized reconciliation.

There is a myth about how the caduceus became a talisman for people who were engaged in trade. One day Mercury saw a tangle of fighting snakes under an oak tree and threw his favorite staff at them. The reptiles immediately calmed down, two of them circled the staff, met their eyes and became petrified. Mercury gave the caduceus to his son, who became the founder of the herald family.

Alchemy and esotericism were actively developed during the Renaissance. The object acquired magical properties and was used in occult rites. One interpretation of this image is healing and secret knowledge. The symmetrical image symbolizes the cosmos, and the two snakes are the embodiment of two opposing beginnings. In ancient times, it was believed that the caduceus opened the gate between the world of the dead and the world of the living.

Caduceus on back

It is noteworthy that since the nineteenth century, the rod became an emblem of medicine in many countries of the world (for example, in America). It was mistakenly confused with the staff of Asclepius, the god of healing. There is indeed an external resemblance, but in the original wooden stick there is one snake wrapped around it and there are no wings. As a result, in some drawings the base of the caduceus was replaced by a bowl.

Today the caduceus in various interpretations is also used in Russia. The staff has become the official symbol of the Federal Tax Service, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Federal Customs Service. It can also be found on the coats of arms of Russian cities and in the heraldry of the courts of arbitration.

Space tattoo variations

  • A colored tattoo with an abundance of planets, the solar system
    Today is one of the most popular themes. This is due to the fact that for the past five years as a space theme literally surrounds us from all sides. Therefore, artists around the world, including tattoo artists, are inspired by colored chaotic spots and compose them into quite attractive shapes. The colored background is diluted with dark patches of planets and white highlights of stars.
  • Tattoo constellation
    came to European culture from Eastern countries. People usually tattoo the constellation that coincides with their zodiac sign. And accordingly it has the same meaning as the sign itself. Such tattoo do in graphic style that drawing will stand out well on a light skin.
  • Tattoo planets one of the varieties of tattoo space.
    Photos of such tattoos on the Internet a great many. Girls prefer to do tattoos with the earth and the moon . This feminine symbols that represent fertility. These planets improve the female energy. Men prefer to tattoo the sun . This symbol represents the center of the universe and the cosmos. Such a star gives confidence and speaks of the high self-esteem of its owner.
  • Tattoo galaxies
    - This is an analogue of the tattoo of the cosmos. Sketches of such works are in portfolio of any tattoo-master. Galaxy consists of an abundance of black spots, which are diluted with colored planets and stars. Such interpretation of the space tattoo is very popular among young guys. They score large areas of the body with it. Such a drawing is very catchy, so it is preferred to be worn by creative individuals who are not afraid of self-expression.
  • Tattoo of the globe.
    Such a tattoo symbolizes the cosmos, but is considered a more down-to-earth variation of it. The owner of such a tattoo is more down-to-earth, does not fly in the clouds and stands firmly on the earth's surface. Such people are not prone to vanity, they prefer to treat problems philosophically and want to see such qualities in those around them.
  • Animals and birds
    In the style of space are in demand. Bright animals that resemble the inhabitants of the otherworldly universe, look non-trivial.
  • Space-inspired mascots.
    This tattoo is designed to give strength to its owner. Such a drawing likes to do girls who want to find their place in life. Usually such tattoos depict symbolic images. The most common is the all-seeing eye, made with the addition of an abundance of color.


If a person has a creative potential, is not afraid to fantasize, and finds inspiration in the world of illusions, then the tattoo of the space animal is created for him. Basically, such drawings are filled with artists, musicians, writers or other people who have connected their lives with art.

The bad influence of the planets

The celestial luminaries can have various effects on the formation of a person's personality. This also applies to the planet Mercury. The zodiac sign can fall under both its positive and negative influences, which will ultimately determine its fate.

Mercury people can be fickle, talkative, unimaginably stupid. They are unable to learn from their mistakes, repeating them over and over again. Giving preference to the esoteric world, very quickly lose touch with reality. Their belief in the paranormal makes them obsessed. The real world loses all interest for them, and they waste their natural talents in searching for answers to rhetorical questions.

Intuition developed by nature often leads those born in the sign of Mercury in the bad side - they become thieves and crooks.

Influence on Appearance

Those born in the sign of Mercury are good-looking: stately, handsome, beautifully built. Characterized by pale skin and childlike facial features even at a later age. Mercury in its active phase often gives its "children" intelligent, "owl-like" and perceptive eyes of dark shades and very expressive eyebrows.

Mercury patronizes the mind, so people who are marked by it have a high forehead. Such a distinctive trait is considered a sign of great intelligence and wisdom.

A distinguishing trait of Mercurians that affects their appearance is activity. Spending most of their lives in motion, they retain their youth and stature to a ripe old age, suffer less from musculoskeletal problems, which allows them to maintain their height throughout life.

Long arms are another trait of Brilliant Planet people, although their fingers are usually of the usual length. This peculiarity helps them to achieve success in sports.

Skills and talents

For the most part, Mercury people are capable of diligent study of the exact sciences (physics, mathematics, astronomy, medicine), but a lively imagination endows some representatives with excessive ease. Such individuals are more suitable creative directions - philosophy, painting, sculpture, public speaking.

The success of people marked by the planet Mercury comes from their thinking abilities. They are excellent analysts and strategists. This helps them in business, trade and long-term planning.

Jupiter in Astronomy and Myths

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and is classified as a gas giant because of its internal structure and special chemical composition. The celestial body has 69 satellites, most of which were discovered by the eminent scientist Galileo.

The planet was named after the Roman supreme deity Jupiter (called Zeus in Ancient Greece). He was a just and stern patron, defender of the weak and the offended, could bring drought or the worst floods upon the earth if mere mortals did not heed his words. But sometimes, however, the god became conceited and arrogant, resulting in conflicts with other deities.

Jupiter patronized physicians, travelers, scientists, identified with wisdom and spiritual quest. People born under the influence of the planet can become great actors, politicians or good spiritual mentors. It is also responsible for power and a high social status, so astrologers consider lucky people who have Jupiter in their horoscope, and they call the planet by no other name than "great happiness" (Venus has a minor title).

Planet Jupiter on your arm

Mercury in the Signs of the Zodiac

Each zodiacal sign is influenced by the planet with different power. To some it gives strength of mind, to others it gives vivid imagination and vigor.

Aries, when influenced by Mercury, is quick-witted, quick to jump to conclusions, active, but can also be sarcastic, highly suspicious, and erratic in judgment. Thinking out of the ordinary is combined with nervousness and mood swings. Failing that, they often become pessimistic and see the world only in "black" terms.

Mercury's influence is less positive for Taurus. They are given hard-headedness and stubbornness. Even in cases where they are wrong, they stand firm to the last. This most often leads to unfortunate consequences and difficulty in communicating with others.

planet mercury zodiac sign

Gemini marked by Mercury is characterized by versatile thinking and often become professional orators, lawyers and attorneys. Their weaknesses are a poor ability to concentrate, unreasonable fickleness in their views and judgments, and a tendency to take a superficial look at things that do not seem important to them, although, in fact, may be of great importance to them.

Cancers are endowed with the Mercurian ability to be subtle about music, painting and other arts, good adaptability and a unique style in all that they do. They have a tenacious memory and a vigorous imagination.

Those born under the sign of Leo have been given phenomenal intellectual abilities by Mercury. They can intelligently weigh all events and find the only right solution. Unscrupulous in achieving their goals. Often make promises that they do not plan to keep.

The main Mercury ability - concentration - went to Virgo in full. Although with negative personality development, they lose the ability to prioritize and form their attitude to things and situations. Have a penchant for the mathematical sciences, which makes them successful in commerce, business, trade.

Libras have a well-developed intuition, reach the heights in many sciences, clearly define goals and know how to achieve them. At the same time often become indifferent to the problems of others, do not seek understanding. Willing to go to great lengths to achieve the goals set, professional in manipulation.

Scorpios can be described as a very conflicted individual. Mercury influences them in different ways. To some he gives a sharp mind and intuition, and to others - secrecy, anxiety and unhealthy craving for mysticism.

Sagittarians under the sign of Mercury have tremendous vitality and energy. Their characters are balanced and versatile, but when exposed to negative factors in childhood they grow up to be tyrants.

Capricorns get clarity of thought and ambition from the Brilliant Planet, but often get caught up in themselves and their problems, losing the ability to see things objectively. Spend most of their lives to achieve material goals.

In the head of Aquarius constantly live thoughts of prosperity. This is how Mercury affects them. Which zodiac sign is more "loved" by this planet? Probably none. Aquarians get the opportunity for full self-realization. Although sometimes in this desire to come to oddball strangeness. They are not able to listen to the opinions of others and often miss important little things, as they strive to cover "everything at once.

mercury sign meaning

Pisces receives weakness from Mercury. They often feel sorry for themselves at the slightest setbacks, love to suffer theatrically, although they have a high level of empathy and high hopes for the future. Well-developed intuition and imagination are among their strengths.

Mercury Sign: Meaning

Any cosmic object has an impact on a person, his life and destiny. The activity of this or that planet determines character traits and thinking patterns, prophesies problems, and bestows talents.

Those born under Mercury will always be masters of their thought process. All their creative powers will be directed by the planet in this direction. They will be endowed with the propensity to speak their thoughts out loud and the ability to make good decisions.

Mercurians always know which things are important and which are secondary. From childhood, they know how to pay attention to the most significant things, omitting meaningless little things.

Influence on character

Mercury is the fastest planet. It also endows those born under its sign with speed. That is why there are many athletes, dancers, acrobats and stuntmen among the "children of Mercury". People of this planet are fast, graceful and agile. They are also strong in games that require mental effort - billiards, chess, fencing.

mercury in what sign

People marked by Mercury are distinguished by lively imagination and good imagination. Their thought processes are quick and precise. They instantly cope with the most difficult situations and maintain a sober outlook on things even in the most critical moments.

Nothing escapes their keen eye. They are very difficult to deceive, but they, in turn, often deceive and cunning. Over the years, they become more and more demanding of food for the mind, which is why they are often prone to esotericism: the Kabbalah, metaphysics, astrology, divination, magic, and the paranormal.

Mercurians also have negative traits. First, they are jealous. Born to be first, they can't stand losing and the success of others. Second, their love of solitude often leads them to complete loneliness. Third, a hot temper is not uncommon among those born under the sign of Mercury.

Mercury and your natal chart

Emotionally, this planet brings nervousness, mobility, resourcefulness, and a tendency to deceive. The desire of Mercury-marked people to win can cause them to go to extreme measures.

Mentally, they are multi-faceted, quick to understand things, intelligent, well-rounded. The ability to solve complex mental problems sets them apart from other people.

On the physical level, Mercurians are fast, resilient, and agile. They can be distinguished by their gestures, finger movements, stable hormonal background and vigor.

mercury in the signs of the zodiac


For women

For men