Maple leaf tattoo - what does the maple tattoo mean?

Such impressive and attractive plants in the form of tattoos on the human body are quite in demand and popular. Maple tree has a special charm and extraordinary beauty that deserves attention and admiration. It is worth noting that such a wonderful tattoo has a peculiar shape and appearance. Therefore there are cases when the client remains unsatisfied with the work done by the master and he is forced to get rid of the newly applied tattoo in a couple of months. In order to avoid such a thing happening to you, it is necessary to know the meaning of the tattoo of a maple. After all, for sure you want to possess such a tattoo as long as possible and enjoy its beauty and invested meaning.

What is the meaning of a maple tattoo?

It is worth noting that the leaves of a maple tree are the more common tattoo on the human body, but the tree itself is not left, thus, without attention. The leaves of this tree have incredible beauty and uncommonness, as well as they have the characteristics of resilience and power. After all, the tree itself is very strong and no gusts of wind can bend it or break its branches. This enchanting plant has incredible strength and resilience. Therefore, most often this tree was given a symbol of unbending will, determination and perseverance in all matters. For men, this tree symbolizes purposefulness and persistence in achieving the goal, it is a kind of symbol of courage and greatness. Girls with the help of this tree emphasize their beauty and grace, as well as the symbol of a maple tree is associated with a loved one who is so far away or unattainable. A tattoo with a tree whose leaves are falling off represents sadness, separation from a loved one or someone you love dearly.
View sketches for a tattoo with a maple tree

Sketches of a maple tattoo

What does the oak leaf tattoo mean

The oak leaf tattoo symbolizes strength and courage, a wreath of oak leaves in ancient times was given as a sign of bravery, heroism. Oak leaves can also be found in the logos of various military units around the world, so a tattoo with a leaf think can cause a person associated with the military industry. Oak is a symbol of longevity, but we have already written about the meaning of trees in the tattoo.

Roughly the same, by the way, means a tattoo of a palm tree, especially since 90 percent of the palm tree is its huge leaves. This can be confirmed by awards in the form of a palm branch in various competitions around the world.

The meaning of the maple tattoo in history

Historically, the meaning of this incredible plant changed only slightly and for the most part they symbolized sadness, loss of loved ones, parting. In Slavic culture, the maple tree was believed to be sacred and was revered as a shrine. In the beliefs of these people it is said that people saddened by the separation from a loved one after death, became these very trees, and their multifaceted sharp leaves symbolized tears, pain and hard feelings. Over time, however, the designation of the maple tree began to take on a more positive character.

Variations of the symbol

The original tattoos can become a decoration for female representatives. They can choose such interesting sketches as:

  • A small green birch leaf as a symbol of womanhood.
  • Beautiful willow leaves as a symbol of longing and separation.

For the masculine half are the ideal body decorations such as:

  • Maple leaf, which means peace and goodness.
  • An oak leaf as a symbol of longevity.
  • Ash leaves as a symbol of longevity.
  • The palm leaf as a sign of victory.

The tattoo can be distinguished by its coloring. Of particular importance is the position. The leaf can be:

  • Motionless.
  • Falling.
  • Soaring.

Beautiful and miniature leaves adorn the neck of the famous Kat Von D. Demi Lavato's wrist seems to be adorned with a branch of leaves.

The image of leaves of various trees is very popular and famous. The meaning of the tattoo is directly related to the tree to which the leaf belongs. The drawing of a leaf can express a lot of different qualities of a person or convey some specific meaning.

The shape of the leaf attracts girls just as much as the image of the flower. Girls prefer beautiful pictures of neat leaves. For example, a traditionally Russian tree - the birch - is considered a female tattoo. Putting a small green birch leaf means purity of thought, a clear mind, light. In Slavic culture, the birch signified femininity, and the inhabitants of the European territory - a symbol of purity.

Willow leaves are also often chosen as a female tattoo. The willow tree symbolizes ennui and separation. This body image is chosen by people who have recently lost a close friend or suffering from unrequited love.

Men choose drawings of tree leaves with meanings of strength, intelligence, prudence and fortitude. For example, the image of a maple leaf is understood as a symbol of peace and goodness. But the maple tree is particularly resistant to various weather conditions, so the bearer of such a tattoo emphasizes strength of mind and endurance. The history of the maple leaf has different understandings among different peoples. The ancient Celts associated the maple with the struggle for their position, asserting their self. Often the maple is perceived as a tree feeling a person's mood and accepting their pain, or on the contrary, sharing their joy with the stormy green of its leaves. Maple leaves are almost the most common pattern. Falling leaves are associated with sadness, fading, and pacification of the spirit.

Oak leaf or several leaves symbolize longevity, confidence, stability, reliability, loyalty. Such a pattern can highlight their status in society. Confident people, strong on his feet may choose a body image of an oak leaf.

Ash leaf signifies prudence and modesty of temper, which, of course, is suitable for young people. The palm leaf is often depicted as a sign of victory, and the laurel leaf has a similar meaning. The meaning of the Leaves tattoo came to us from ancient times, when the Romans, having won a victory, decorated their heads with wreaths of laurel leaves.

So the pattern can be as yellow, fading leaves as a sign of sadness. Or, on the contrary, the colors of young greenery as a symbol of the flourishing of human life. Red shows passion, strong emotions. Also, the picture can be black and white, where the main will be the meaning of the leaf tree tattoo, but not the color meaning. The leaf can be an independent figure or drawn in combination with other pictures. You can also choose a single leaf, as well as a scattering of leaves or a whole branch. The leaf can be depicted soaring, falling or still, which enhances the emotional coloring as part of the symbolic tree. The meaning of the Leaves tattoo is something everyone picks up for themselves. For self-expression or demonstration of feelings, the tree leaf will help convey meaning to those around them.

Members of both sexes sometimes choose leaves as the subject of the tattoo. Depending on the sketch, you can get a melancholy picture that evokes thoughts of autumn, as well as a quite cheerful illustration. For example, "fun-loving" people in the Rastaman culture can get a tattoo of cannabis. This is the sign not only of fans of smoking, but also of admirers of the musical style of reggae, as well as those who are ready to give up convention for the sake of complete freedom.

The main meanings of the leaf, regardless of its type, are hope and fertility. A tattoo where they are green can tell of renewal, life and spring. If the leaves are yellow, fallen, it is a sign of sadness and decline. They also embody autumn.

Wreaths of leaves can be singled out as a separate symbol. Such a tattoo usually signifies triumph - a leafy wreath is gifted to the victor.

The meaning can also depend on the type of plant or tree whose leaves form the basis of the body art. In addition to hemp, clover is popular as an image for tattoos. The flower as a whole is a symbol of farewell. However, one clover leaf has a completely different meaning - as a rule, it symbolizes happiness and good luck. But in this case, the tattoo must have a four-petal leaf of the flower, rare in nature.

Ivy is seen as the embodiment of fidelity, love and resurrection. In other interpretations, it is an insidious and evil plant. The ivy leaf itself, however, has a different meaning, a phallic one, to which it owes its shape.

The grape leaf as the subject of the tattoo can be chosen as a symbol of idleness. It is associated with wine and the god Bacchus.

Among the leaves of the trees in the art of tattooing are in demand oak. It is a well-established symbol of unwavering strength. Today, oak leaves are used in various countries as military insignia. This wreath symbolizes freedom and courage. Centuries ago it was given to ancient Roman soldiers who saved a comrade's life on the battlefield.

The palm tree is a symbol of glory and triumph. Many depictions depict the Goddess of Victory with it or with a branch of the tree.

The maple leaf is widely known as the symbol of Canada. It is depicted on the state's flag, and there are as many as three at the base of its coat of arms. However, if a person chose a sketch of a tattoo with such a leaf, perhaps he was guided by the prestations of the Asians. They associate the maple with a high rank. It is also the emblem of lovers. A similar meaning is ascribed to the tree by the Japanese.

Here we will analyze the modern meaning of the maple leaf tattoo

The meaning and history of the figure. Naturally we will offer those who want to make a tattoo with a maple leaf everything you need to create an interesting and unique tattoo:

  • Maple Leaf Tattoo Photos
  • Maple Leaf Tattoo Sketches

Tattoo "maple leaf" can carry a deep semantic load, or it can be just a beautiful, decorative tattoo. The meaning mainly depends on the purpose of the application, and on the meaning that the master puts into the tattoo. The final meaning may change from the accompanying images, color and location. The tree itself - a maple, is considered a mighty and rebellious. It is not afraid of no cold or hurricane. In order to protect yourself from the elements, be careful not to trample on them, and not to cross them. In addition, different ethnic groups at different times interpreted the image of a maple leaf on the body differently. The red maple leaf tattoo can often be seen in the Canadian military, as it is a symbol of the country itself. By putting this image on the body, the military and ordinary people of this country express their patriotism and devotion to the homeland.

In Celtic culture, the tattoo in the form of a maple leaf symbolized the fight against obstacles, and gave inspiration and strength for new achievements and victories. The Poles tattooed a maple leaf on their bodies as a sign that a loved one had passed away, thus expressing their sadness, grief and sorrow. And funeral paraphernalia made of a maple tree, according to the beliefs of the Poles, could chase away the dark forces of the soul of the deceased.

What does a maple leaf tattoo mean in Asia?

In Asian countries and Japan, the tattoo of a maple leaf, on the contrary, indicated a pleasant event in the life of a person - his love. Even now, lovers put a maple leaf on the hand, which indicates that they are in love and will be forever faithful to their chosen one. In German culture, the maple leaf is an image symbolizing the beauty of life. Ancient Slavic culture also does not ignore this symbol. And the maple tree itself is sacred to the Slavs, as it is susceptible to the spiritual world of man and empathizing with sorrows. In the legends there is often a story of how a man turns into a yavor (maple) because of his sorrows. And the fallen maple leaves were considered harbingers of parting with his loved ones. Accordingly, and a tattoo with falling maple leaves, said that the person anticipates the soon parting and grieves about it. The image of a maple leaf in the Slavic peoples, most often served to convey the essence of the person, his mood and character in a personal picture. It was believed - as life changes over time, so changes and the image of a maple leaf on the body.

At the end of the last century, the maple leaf tattoo has come to mean peace, and became a symbol of kindness. But in modern life, there are representations that the maple leaf is a symbol of autumn and sadness. The maple leaf on the body is also interpreted as a desire to tame earthly passions. A tattoo in the form of a maple leaf on the body of a prisoner or the abbreviation "KLEN" can have several meanings. It can mean that the person is just a budding criminal, or has vowed to love someone forever.

The maple leaf itself, as an artistic drawing, looks very beautiful and effective. It is suitable for both men and women and looks great in color. You can apply it to any part of the body. The main thing is to determine for yourself the semantic meaning of such a tattoo, and what it symbolizes for you.

The meaning of the tattoo maple for the cultures of the world

For the Celtic culture, the maple tree and its leaves were a symbol of confronting all difficulties and difficult situations. Also in addition to this, they considered it the personification of inspiration before an important battle to gain victory. For Polish people, such a tattoo symbolized grief and the loss of a very close loved one who left the earthly world and went to heaven, and they will never see him in this world again. The people of Canada greatly revere the symbol of the maple leaf, as it is the sign of their country. To this day, tattoos with the maple leaf symbol are still applied to themselves by the military, servicemen and ordinary people in order to emphasize patriotism and love for their country.

See photos with a maple leaf tattoo

Tattoo photo with a maple

Maple leaf tattoo: meaning in prison, in the zone

Predominantly such an image choose novice criminals. Often found in juvenile persons.

It may well be also that the tattoo is a kind of vow of love. Prisoners have even managed to make the word "leaf" into an abbreviation-- "Love And Longing Hardly.". The wordmaple" stands for... "I swear to love her forever."

IMPORTANT: In this case, the tattoo is placed on the hand.

A tattoo of a maple leaf on the arm may be perceived as an oath of allegiance
A tattoo of a maple leaf on the arm can be perceived as an oath of allegiance

As you can see, the maple leaf is a positive symbolism not just for Canadians. If you want to bring positivity, balance and romance into your life, you can safely purchase a piece of jewelry or get a maple leaf tattoo.

Where to get a maple leaf tattoo?

Such an incredible illustration can be done in almost any tattoo salon of your city. Still, it is worth noting that not all salons hire only qualified specialists, so there is a risk of remaining dissatisfied with the tattoo and get rid of it in a short time. Therefore it is necessary to approach responsibly the question of choosing a good tattoo salon. After all, for sure you want to own a newly acquired tattoo for as long as possible. That's why you need to go to good tattoo shops that have specialists. They can give you such a tattoo, which you will be happy with in the end. It will meet your requirements and wishes.


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