5 interesting and fun facts from the set of the Teen Wolf series

Often overlooked and underappreciated, Teen Wolf has forged a unique path for itself. The series began as a story about the friendship of two lovable misfits trying to make their way through high school and supernatural threats. Over time, however, it evolved into something more. Many critics have called "Wolfman" the best MTV project of all time. But for this, the cast and crew had to go through a difficult way, some of which we will tell you about today. You can watch all the episodes of the Wolfman series here, enjoying a really great story.

A werewolf's growl is not really a wolf's growl.

You might think that the bloodcurdling noises made by our favorite monsters in Teen Wolf actually come from wolves. But that's not really the case. It turns out that the sounds you hear aren't even coming from any creature in the wolf family, but from the last animal that ever comes to mind when you hear the word "werewolf."

So, the show used the growls of a gorilla. Why was this particular animal chosen? It's simple - the sounds of this large primate are really intimidating. Perhaps it is also a reference to the original "Wolfman" from the 90's, where the werewolf makeup looked suspiciously "monkey-like."

Triskelion Meaning

For the Celts in ancient times, the triskelion symbol had sacred meaning, it was used to create pagan incantations, magical rituals. The sign was used as a talisman, which ensured the balance in the natural world, independent stability, which was not affected by any of the elements. The Celts drew the Triskelion on household items, crockery, clothing, walls of the dwelling.

The Vikings pictured the symbol a bit differently than the Celts and used it to represent the will of Odin, the power of the gods. The symbol of Norman represented the trinity of soul, spirit and body. Thanks to the Vikings the sign was widely used, it put the meaning of the union of higher forces, cyclicality of life, the infinity of the universe.

In Slavic mythology, the Triskel associated with the influence on human existence of the energies of life and death. The sign was used as a talisman, saving from a sudden, accidental death, various domestic plagues and diseases. The northern peoples of Russia drew the symbol with broken lines.

Three rays coming from a single center were associated with sun rays that could show the right way or give a hint in solving life problems. The Slavs described the symbol as the unity of the three worlds - Pravia, Yavia and Navi. The sign was closed, not depicted explicitly and in plain sight, so during excavations met very rarely.

In Buddhism, the triskelion was depicted as a wheel, where each part symbolized a certain concept.

The hub refers to the rules of etiquette, the rim to the science of meditation, and the spokes denote the acquired wisdom of life. The sign was used as a way of predicting the future, people tried to look ahead, anticipate possible events and prepare for them. Monks used the symbol to perform meditative techniques to fill the soul and body with balance and spiritual power.

In medieval Europe, the triskelion was actively used in heraldry. The symbol was found on the flags of the European provinces, coats of arms of famous noble families. The symbol today adorns the flag of Sicily and the Isle of Man, and the rays are depicted in the form of three running legs, embodying a continuous run of time. On the flag of Ingushetia, the red triskelion stands out brightly against a white background. The mark is found in the emblems of the U.S. Department of Transportation, some soccer clubs and in the badges of Irish Air Force officers.

The fight scenes were shot with almost no preparation

Filming a fight scene is a complicated process in which so many elements have to be considered. With that in mind, one would assume that even with the grueling schedule of filming a TV show, these scenes are well rehearsed. But in reality, this is not the case.

According to Max Carver, who played Aidan, the actors were given a maximum of half an hour to study the script for these scenes. As a result, to practice the movements took about 10-20 minutes. We are clearly lucky that our favorite actors survived the filming of "Wolfman" at all.

Meaning of tattoos for girls

The triskel is often depicted as three swirling spirals coming from one point. Compact and beautiful image girls choose to become closer to nature, find new qualities, learn to manage their talents given by nature. The symbol, with the help of which the Druids performed magic rituals, helps open intuition, sharpen insight and natural instincts.

Girls who are fond of witchcraft rituals, do tattoo triskelion in the hope of gaining clairvoyance abilities, learn to predict the future.

As an expression of life principles, the triskel symbol is chosen by girls who believe in the infinity of the cycle of life. The tattoo is applied as a sign of the constant movement of time, the change of the elements and the seasons. The women tattoo's owner enjoy communicating with nature, understand its laws and obey them even in the urban life.

Such girls prefer healthy lifestyles, proper nutrition, practicing sports or yoga.

Where is the best place for a wolf tattoo?

Since the tattoo is suitable for both menas well as for womenWe advise to put the image of a wolf on the forearm, wrist and shoulder blades. WomenAnd on the shoulder, back, chest - men .. Here the size of the tattoo is very important, because the bigger the tattoo, the more powerful it looks. A good decoration for a tattoo will be feathers, moon and flowers.

Basic meanings of wolf tattoos

Artistic tattoo of a wolf from "Well, Wait a minute". Master Eugene Chemist
According to the sketch with the image of a wolf, you can understand the inner meaning of the tattoo. Masters of the studio "Maruha" SPb offer a variety of options for the execution of the image of the wolf.

Let's list them and tell you what they mean:

  • Probably the most common tattoo is a wolf howling at the moon. Such an image is interpreted as loneliness, self-sufficiency, independence from the world and others. Some think that such a wolf is also a symbol of betrayal.
  • A wolf that barks or opens its mouthThe wolf, while barking or opening its mouth, is certainly interpreted as rage, cruelty, and aggression.
  • An animal running anywhere.Symbolize travel, adventure, change, adrenaline, and a thirst for risk and speed. It is also a symbol of vindictiveness.
  • Jumping wolf Symbolizes overcoming obstacles. Helps purposeful people.
  • Wolf with a pack Tattoo interpreted as leadership, masculinity.
  • Creature, turning into a werewolfis understood as black magic, the dark side of the character, from which a person does not want to get rid of, but wants to learn and use for the benefit of themselves.
  • White wolf Interpreted as a lone warrior, as well as this sketch indicates the strength, fearlessness, originality.

  • Predator with red eyes

    The image of a wolf with red eyes or in fire is marked as a demon with black magic and dark forces.
  • She-wolf, depicted with wolf cubs - a good omen. It is associated with loyalty, care, devotion and support.
  • The image of the wolf in the tattoo very often means freedom.

The image of the wolf in places so far away has a negative character. A tattoo of a wolf in the penal zone is often used by thieves and recidivists. Of course, under this interpretation, few people do a wolf tattoo, but it is still worth knowing about it.

The meaning of the tattoo for men

As a talisman that helps to stick to the right path in life, the triskelion is chosen for the plot of the tattoo men who have a worthy goal. The ancient sign reminds the owner of the need to be in balance with the world around him, to observe the laws of nature. The ancient symbol reminds the bearer of the necessity to be in balance with the world around him, to observe the laws of nature and to obey the laws of nature.

In this way, the tattoo of a triskelion can be used as a talisman on the body of a man who is a warrior by nature. The owners of the tattoo know exactly what they want, are confident in achieving their goals, and for justice are willing to fight to the death with their fists. These men are not afraid of difficulties and physical exertion, never complain of fatigue and pain, if overcoming obstacles just a little closer to the desired goal. The sign of triskel on the body protects from ridiculous accidents that could negatively change the course of the life of the tattoo owner. And even in risky ventures the owner of the tattoo will feel calm because he is confident in the patronage of higher forces.

The magical sign, uniting the natural elements, makes you feel victorious in any environment. For a man who made a tattoo triskelion, no matter the prevailing circumstances. Such men are so independent and strong that even the forces of nature will not be able to stop them in their desire to achieve the desired result.

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Wolf in fauna and myths - what does the wolf symbol mean?

The wolf is a noble animal, this is evident in its way of life. He does not demand much from the world, adapting to the conditions in which he lives.

The wolf will never will never be the first to be cruel to a man.The wolf will never be the first to be cruel to a human, it can only respond with cruelty to human malice.

This predator lives in a pack with its own leader, the leader. He always loyal to the wolf.friends, the pack. Wolf differs from other animals by its loyalty. He is rarely alone. It can happen only from the loss of the family (in the modern world wolves are exterminated).

The main purpose of this animal is to hunt. He brings prey to his family, wolf and cubs.

In addition, it's an intelligent animal.. Being in the pack, he works out a plan of attack on the next prey. And, mind you, wolves are not waiting for their prey, hiding under a bush, they corral it and attack first.

Wolves are are very hardy and strong.. They can survive the bitter cold. By the way, there were cases when wolves even saved travelers, warming them with their warmth and fur. That is why wolves deserve respect.

In ancient times there was a different view of these animals.

Here is what the wolf meant and meant to people in different countries and times:

  • The people of ancient Egypt considered the wolf a warrior deity who was endowed with great strength and courage.
  • Some Celtic myths say that in ancient times, the wolf ate the sun.
  • And the text of Norse myths tells how the big wolf, Fenriré, was seen as a symbol of chaos.
  • Ancient Romans. The wolf was believed that if they saw a wolf on the eve of a battle, victory would be theirs. In addition, the well-known story of the she-wolf who nurtured the future founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, represents maternal care.
  • In China This animal was loathed by the people of the past, who associated it with cruelty, malice, and greed. Chinese myths portray this animal as a true predator, which symbolizes depravity.
  • The Turkic peoples deified the creature, for them he was a totem that was worshipped. According to their legends, the wolf meant fearlessness, freedom, independence, strength, purity (as it does not pick up carrion), and loyalty.
  • Christians depicted the wolf in negative terms. He was a ferocious beast who could turn into the devil and tear people to pieces, and also associated the image with robbery, plunder, defilement.
  • Slavs also compared the wolf to a dark force that was not on God's side. They burned people who were suspected of being werewolves. When they met a wolf, they pretended to be dead and tried not to move or breathe so that the wolf would take them for "one of his own," for he was a guide to the world of the dead.
  • In Germanic and Scandinavian mythology. this animal is the infernal beast, a monster with no equal.
  • Indian tribes... believe that the wolf symbolizes leadership and intelligence. With such a tattoo man can express his freedom and independence. Some ancient tribes confidently associate this creature with Sirius. In this case, tattoos depicted the outline of a wolf, and instead of his eyes you can see blue stars.
  • The people of Rome have a very positive attitude toward wolves. According to ancient legend, it was a wolf that fed the founders of this country after they were left in the woods. In addition, the wolf was called a sacred animal and a vision of his image before this or that battle predicted victory.
  • The inhabitants of North America The Shoshone tribe saw the wolf as a symbol of the dance. And the Shoshone tribe saw it as a symbol of the creator.

Almost always the meaning of the wolf was based on the relationship between the animal and the person who met this predator. If the wolf treated people well, then the symbol was interpreted positively; if it attacked and grinned, then it was interpreted negatively.

Note that among the pagans wolf was a totem and carried only a sign of kindness. Over time, this interpretation began to change, as well as the attitude of people to the noble predator.


For women

For men