Tattoo wings: 75 the most interesting ideas for men and women

All kinds of variations of images on the theme of wings came to us from the distant past. In ancient Egypt, for example, there was a whole cult of the gods, and to resemble them, the pharaohs and their followers decorated their bodies with similar images in order to emphasize their position and superiority. In the myths of ancient Greece there is a sad legend of Icarus, in which the wings first exalted the young man and then ruined him. The famous Hephaestus, the messenger of the gods, thanks to his magic sandals with wings had the ability to move very quickly and as if flying, as a result of which he did a lot of good for people. Today, wings are one of the most popular motifs for tattooing, always have a deep and multifaceted meaning, which depends directly on the type, color and location of the sketch. About the most interesting variations we will tell in the material below.

The meaning of the tattoo wings

A body image showing wings can be attributed to the tattoo with individual symbolism and often the meaning of the sketch directly depends on the content of the picture itself. "Free as a bird" - this expression most clearly expresses the meaning of the tattoo, because, as we know, it is the wings that allow birds to soar in the clouds. Therefore, the wings design in most examples means the owner's desire to get rid of the restrictions and rules, emphasizes the craving for adventure and love of freedom.

Eagle's wings, for instance, indicate a creative and independent personality, who can't imagine his life without speed and constant motion forward. Such individuals are purposeful in their pursuit of their goals and often do not hide their superiority over others. The image of wings with a skull is a symbol of determination, strength, and victory over death. And dragon wings demonstrate great strength and defiance.

Also very often the drawing of wings characterizes its owner as a person who has passed a long and difficult path to self-discovery and overcoming his weaknesses. This is like an attribute of weightlessness, a kind of magical sign that allows you to rise above the frailty and vanity of the world.

Female tattoos of wings

Variations of women's tattoo designs with wings are distinguished by elegance, lightness and very often complemented by floral compositions, jewelry, pearl threads or hearts. In most examples, the tattoos are not performed in too dark colors, but can have different sizes and styles. Most often tattoos of wings on a woman's body symbolize spiritual experiences. A sense of flight and airiness in this case are invested in the picture. Tattoo wings with a halo talk about kindness, purity of thoughts and openness of the soul of his mistress. Such a young lady has no desire to stain her reputation with bad deeds.

The version with fluffy wings of small size is an indicator of honesty and to some extent naivety. The tattoo, made in the style of minimalism, is characteristic of the owner of a sharp mind and high self-esteem. Such individuals do not need to demonstrate their talents with the help of catchy and voluminous tattoos. Miniature tattoos only underline the multifaceted nature. Popular places to apply the wings tattoo among young ladies - these scapulae, neck, ankle and wrist area.

Angel marker

All you need for this job is a piece of paper and a black (blue and yellow) marker.

Two divergent lines are drawn, and they are slightly curved at the bottom - this is the bangs.

The edges are connected by a semicircle - this face.

Under the bangs are drawn round eyes and immediately filled in - only the pupils are white.

Just above the bangs drawn curved line, leading a little to the right and down to the head. Actions are repeated on the other side. This is the hairstyle.

From the face down diverging lines drawn dress with triangular sleeves and W-collar. Draw a rounded line palms, strokes indicate fingers. Similar lines are drawn feet from under the hem.

Now it is necessary to draw the wings: starting from behind the shoulder, slightly up and smoothly down and to the side. From below the wavy feathers. It remains to depict a smile and a halo over his head.

Such an angel - a suitable drawing for children, they can not only please, but also to attract them to work together.

Men's tattoos with wings

Representatives of the male sex prefer to apply to the body more voluminous and expressive drawings, which emphasize the strength and power of its owner to the maximum. Therefore, the most common symbolism of the male characters is the desire and aspiration to get rid of worldly problems, the freedom of thought and spiritual growth. It is also not uncommon for wings to be a reminder of losses, losses and painful memories. Feathers in such a tattoo resemble the appearance of a knife blade, and the tattoo as a whole has a clear contour and broken lines. Such details in the drawing as skeletons or skulls speak of the contradictory nature and love of risk.

The symbolism of such images is based on the straightforward motto - "Freedom or Death!" Tattoo lovers who favor tattoos with ominous and mystical overtones, characters from the afterlife or weapons are prone to risky and desperate acts. Tattoos of such content in this case are a challenge to society and a sign of rebellion. Men prefer to get a tattoo with wings on the back, shoulders, chest, neck or as a sleeve.

Pencil drawing.

You should start with the simplest - an angel, drawn in pencil, will allow you to understand the basic principles of building a drawing. In addition, you can attract children to the creativity - they will certainly enjoy drawing cute angels together with their parents.

For work you need a sheet of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser, and a set of colored pencils for coloring.

The first thing you need to depict an oval - most of all it resembles a plump lemon lying on its side. On the sides you need to draw neat ears.

Now it is necessary to "shape" the face with small eyes, a nose and a smile.

A few light lines traced bangs, and on top - the whole hairstyle. This can be either long hair or playful curls - it's worth experimenting and finding your own image.

Next, the neck is drawn, with a neat triangle below, the base for the dress. Sleeves are added on the sides, palms are drawn to them.

A small nimbus oval is drawn on top of the head, and wings are drawn on the sides of the angel.

Now you should add a few details: on the dress - pleats, on the wings - feathers, outline the basic contours and wipe away unnecessary strokes.

It remains only to paint the angel, adding golden touches to the hair, blue and soft gray to the dress and wings. The eyes can be bright blue, blue, or green, the lips can be pink, and the halo can be painted gold and yellow.

Tattoo of angel wings

The image of angel wings is not always associated with religion, because each of us at the same time can not be human and belong to the suite of angels. In most examples, the wings of an angel are put on the body in memory of a loved one who has left the world of the living. In addition, such a sketch indicates a desire to ascend to us worldly cares and vanity. Drawing with angel wings on a woman's body indicates her beauty, purity and purity of thoughts. A similar image on a man's body indicates the kindness of his master's soul. Not uncommonly, this type of wings is complemented in the tattoo halo, inscriptions with names or initials, a heart or flowers.

Colorful angel

To begin, you need to stock up on heavy paper, brushes, gouache, a glass of water, a palette (a plate is quite suitable instead), and food film. The angel is drawn step by step as follows:

  • The paper should be moistened, then it is covered with blue dots and blots (to do this, paint with a wet brush). Blue paint is used around the edges, and yellow paint is used closer to the middle of the sheet;
  • then the wet paint is covered with a film and well smoothed out (without strong pressure). This helps to make the background of the drawing textured. The film is removed, and the drawing is left to dry;
  • Now using white gouache to draw the dress - a slightly bent trapezoid with a wavy bottom edge. The layer of paint should be translucent, to give an airy image. From top to bottom, the dress is painted in wide stripes;
  • Now it's time to draw the sleeves in the form of curved triangles, taking into account that one arm of the angel will point upwards;
  • An opaque layer of gouache is used to draw the wings, which are shaped like leaves, as well as the arms and toes of the shoes at the bottom of the dress;
  • the dress is decorated with frills and pleats: short strokes along the hem and long lines along the straight lines drawn on the dress earlier;
  • the hem of the dress and the sleeves should be imitated in lace: for this purpose dots and thin lines are applied in random order;
  • Above the head yellow gouache painted halo, and in the raised hands of an angel - the pipe, the expressiveness can be added by mixing the yellow paint a little brown or orange.

Sketches tattoo wings of the demon

Wax drawing with the wings of the demon is considered the exact opposite of the wings of an angel. These sketches differ in darker colors, and the wings themselves are often very similar to the wings of a bat with a characteristic webbing. The meaning of such a sketch is very contradictory, and in some cases symbolizes the challenge to society and the desire to stand out from the crowd. In others, demonic wings tattoos emphasize the negative aspects of the wearer's character and his identification with the spawn of darkness.

Angel-girl in pencil

Such a drawing can already be more believable. Everyone has his own idea of what a drawing of an angel might look like, but the main points are indentical:

  • The base of the image is a triangle for the figure and an oval on top for the head;
  • the basic outlines are drawn;
  • the shoulders and the chest are drawn;
  • The next step is to draw the skirt (legs), the girl should have an elegant slim waist;
  • Now it is necessary to outline the lines and draw the arms in more detail;
  • the most interesting moment is the drawing of the wings (they must be huge and expressive);
  • The face and hair are detailed;
  • the folds of the clothes should be marked with bold, clear lines;
  • the feathers on the wings are carefully drawn;
  • A halo is depicted above the head;
  • The image is shaded in the right places to make it appear more three-dimensional and lifelike;
  • The eraser adds highlights on the hair, wings and dress.

It is worth specifying how to draw the wings of an angel: folded or unfolded - it's an individual choice, but the coloring of the wings is given by the feathers. They should be long and thin at the bottom, small at the top. To gain skills it is worth copying from any image of the wings and practice drawing them.

Tattoo on the back

Tattoo with wings on the back is considered quite ambiguous sign and the semantic meaning of the sketch in this case depends directly on the details and the nature of the overall picture. Any image is subconsciously connected with the angelic beginning, and only the design style and additional fragments can indicate the true content of the tattoo. These can be wings that are wide open, lowered or broken. Fluffy, with webbing, in dark or light colors. The choice depends entirely on what you want to convey by this image, but in any of the options tattoo on the back is different size and looks very expressive.

Guardian Angel

In the understanding of many, this character should have a sword.

Such a drawing is quite unusual, but before proceeding to work, it is worth practicing in the image of a human figure.

The suggested drawing is a flying angel with wings, slender and broad-shouldered.

The main stages:

  • The boundaries of the drawing, its details - head, torso, shoulders, arms and legs, wings - are outlined. All proportions must be checked;
  • shapes are drawn, for this purpose it is convenient to use geometrical figures (circles, spheres, cylinders, cones, etc.);
  • a nose and eyes are outlined on the face, and a sword in one of the hands;
  • lines of wings are strengthened, the main feathers are applied;
  • The outlines of the body and its details - muscles, ribcage, collarbones, hands, sword, etc. are worked out in detail;
  • The garment is sketched - on the shoulder and hips;
  • Feathers are drawn, and then the hair is depicted;
  • The pencil outline should be traced with a white gel pen - confidently and accurately, as it will be impossible to correct an error;
  • pencil thickly hatch the folds of the fabric, and, with skill, one can depict an unusual pattern on the dress and wings;
  • apply shadow shading to all necessary places, giving details a volume;
  • Finally, a background is added, such as clouds in the sky.

To let an angel into your home, it is enough to choose the most convenient option - the result will not leave anyone indifferent.

The choice of style

When it comes to choosing a style solution for a tattoo, the master selects for customers a technique that is most able to convey the mood and semantic meaning of the sketch. For the classic way of application, on the entire back, chest or shoulders, the most acceptable option remains graphics or realism. Thrash polka will help convey the contradictory nature of the sketch. This style most successfully demonstrates the "aesthetics of the disgusting" and a challenge to society. For images with bright colors and crisp black outlines, newskool is used.

Also popular are wings in the style of blackwork, watercolor or minimalism, which is especially characteristic of miniature tattoos in the neck, ankle or wrist.

Tattoos with all kinds of images of wings have a certain magnetism and always attract attention, especially if applied to the open areas of the body. This ambiguous image excites the imagination, mesmerizes and looks very impressive. This tattoo with wings differs from other variants of the sketches some restraint, therefore, to fill up a tattoo for fun or with the purpose to demonstrate his cheerful temper is not recommended.


There were two illustrations of angels with rainbow wings in my post about rainbows. Let me remind you of one of them.

We had a discussion in the comments about what color the angel's wings should be. The rainbow wings caused some consternation and it was suggested that they should be white. I suggest to look at a collection of reproductions of paintings by artists of different times and everyone can decide for himself what color the wings of angels are. Angels as beings of spiritual nature are incorporeal, but appearing in the world of people, they take human form.

Fragment of a painting by Giotto where he tried to convey the incorporeal nature of angels.

Based on the incorporeality of the angels, we can say that in fact they have no color. And here we remember at once that white is not the absence of color. In pictorial tradition, it was customary to draw angels in the form of a humanoid, but with wings. It is possible to say that the wings are the main attribute of an angel, his identifying feature. "Wings are a symbol of aspiration toward heaven," in this case heaven is the higher, divine world, not just heaven. As an instrument of flight, a disembodied angel does not really need wings. But if we see someone with wings in a picture, we immediately understand that it is not a saint, but a divine messenger. I looked at a lot of paintings by European painters and concluded that there was no special canon for color in the depiction of angels. Each artist decided according to his own taste, what color and how he would draw the angels' wings. Although, of course, the choice had a symbolic meaning, what without that in medieval painting. So let's look at the paintings of the old masters and compare. I do not claim to be an art historian and to make any philosophical discoveries in the interpretation of this topic. The emphasis is on medieval and early Renaissance paintings, but there will also be some icons and relatively modern paintings. I will start with a fragment of Piero della Francesca's The Annunciation. I took this picture myself a year ago in the Hermitage, when the museum had an exhibition of works by this Italian artist. I was just fascinated by the transition of the blue color in the image of the wings and clothing of the Archangel Gabriel. And here, of course, is the perfect sky blue.

(a lot of pictures)

Whole picture

Here's another Archangel Gabriel with blue wings

Gerard David

Blue-winged angels also appear in a painting by Hans Memling.

Hans Memling, Diptych with the Virgin Mary, child and donor.

Another rbaota by Memling. Gabriel's wings are white and gray, while the ordinary angels' wings are unicolor, brown, and probably one could say white, although still gray, because white here is in the robes of Mary and the archangel.

Joos van Cleve.
Filippino Lippi.

Apparition of the Virgin to St Bernard. Note the angel's wing, it's almost a landscape with clouds.

The amazing blue at the wings in Henry the Eighth's Chapel. But here it is worth paying attention to the picture of the angels surrounding God, they are drawn in red.

But let's look at another painting of the already mentioned
Gerard David
. In it, the wings no longer have a sky blue color. Rather, they resemble the coloring of the wings of some bird, such as a gray dove.

Another version of the Annunciation by the same artist. Here, too, the color of the wings is pigeon.

But many artists have seen it all in other colors. For example the picture below. Here the color of the wings is golden red. It stands out actively against the background of the whole picture. And it is possible that this is an allusion to the mountain world, for which it was often used to depict the golden hue.

Robert Campin

A variant of red with yellow. The outside of the wings is almost black, it only emphasizes the burning color of the inside of the wing.
Petrus Christus.
Fragment of a painting by Jan van Eyck. Again red and yellow framed in black. And the wing itself looks like the wing of some exotic bird. Jean Provost

And here is a very interesting variation, where the outside of the wing looks like the feathers of a peacock. In this case this is the work of Hans Memling.

Rogier van der Weyden

Another wonderful peacock variant of the wings.

Fra Filippo Lippi
Fra Filippo Lippi
Giovanni di Paolo.
The picture also reminds us of a peacock.
But Gabriel was not the only one to have peacock feathers. Here is a fragment of the altar with a depiction of the Last Judgment. This is the Archangel Michael.
The picture is the whole picture. Note that there are many different angels. Near the throne are angels in red. At the top of the painting, angels hold the instruments with which Jesus was tortured: spears and a cross.

Fragment of the painting. Angels in white robes and wings of different colors in transitions from light to dark. Simple and tasteful.

What kind of bird did the author have in mind Giovanni di Paolo -

it is difficult to say.

Simone Martini
The rainbow wings I showed you already, but let there be another example. Not all beauty is Gabriel. The Archangel Michael has gorgeous rainbow-colored wings here, too. This is Van Eyck again.

The next painting by Van Eyck shows St. Francis, to whom the seraphim appeared. Notice how this seraphim is depicted here, very atypical. But also with rainbow wings.

Another interesting version of the image of wings similar to those of a dragon, because they are covered with scales. Pietro Perugino Archangel Raphael and Tobias

Similar wings with scales we see the Archangel Michael.

This was a fragment of a painting by Pietro Perugino. I have the full version of another version of this painting. It is worth looking at in its entirety. Here we see many different angels. I am especially moved by the six-winged seraphim. Just "eyes and feet", the wings look like birds, but they look more like mottled butterflies.

Another painting by Perugino. And again, one of the angels wings with scales.

Next, just look at the multicolored versions of the wings

Archangel Michael.

Lorenzo Monaco.

León Picardo.

Oh, here are the white wings.
Carlo di Braccesco

In the nativity scene there's usually a whole bunch of colorful angels or angels with different colored wings
I am not an expert on Russian icons, but I can definitely say that they do not have white-winged angels either. At least not on the older ones.

White-winged angels appear in paintings by artists in the 19th century. They are more realistic, the color takes on other meanings. By the way, if in the paintings of medieval artists angels usually more like handsome young men, in the 19th century they have more and more pronounced girlish features.

Abbott Handerson Thayer

William-Adolphe Bouguereau

George Hilliard Swinstead

Cheap pictures of the guardian angel became popular in the late 19th century. I think one example of such mass art is enough here. But to say that angels lost the color of their wings would not.

Elisabeth Sonrel, (1874 - 1953). The Archangel Gabriel.

And I will finish with a painting by Alexander Yakovlevich Golovin, "The Angel of the Annunciation." And we come back to the color blue.

Annunciation. The folds of the royal gates. The Archangel Gabriel. 1894. Iron, oil. 92 x 52 cm. Kostroma State United Art Museum.

#92 daylight.


For women

For men