Nose piercing - step by step instructions on how to do it, photo + video

As a popular way of self-expression, the piercing of the wing of the nose has long existed as a tattoo and other fashion modifications. Choosing as an accessory nail or ring, it is important to consider not only aesthetics to create a harmonious image.

Piercing implies a piercing, microtrauma of tissues, so such an intervention is accompanied by certain risks. In order to minimize the likelihood of the development of negative manifestations that carry harm to the body, it is important to choose a competent approach. Before the procedure, it is recommended to learn more information about the tools and materials, as well as the choice of accessories for different types of nose piercing.

How to insert a nose piercing in steps

The technique of putting on the earring depends on its shape and location of the piercing. The traditional piercing is the wing of the nose, more unusual is the piercing of the septum. The septum is the cartilage, which is located between the nostrils.

Nose piercing

For the design of piercings, such varieties of earrings are used:

  • Carnations
    . The simple design of the bar, clip and jewelry have made them a real masthead for girls. Wearing this earring will not be difficult, in addition, if necessary, it can be quickly removed. Decorated with a stone, which can be triangular, round, oval and any other shape;
  • Hook, snail, spiral
    . This is a more professional earring. The key difference is the unusual curved shape. While the clove clip can protrude unsightly and be noticeable at some head angles, the hook is completely invisible from the inside;
  • Rings
    . Rarely used for nose wing piercings, but excellent for septum, ear, lip or eyebrow piercings. They consist of an uncovered ring and a clamping ball. Most often, threaded connections are used as fasteners-it allows you to quickly and securely fasten the jewelry in the piercing.

Lace nose piercing
Lace nose piercing
Before inserting any decoration, you must necessarily disinfect it. The best solution for this is chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide. Note that precious metals react differently to medical disinfectants (they may darken or lighten), and steel jewelry even rusts. Therefore, before treatment, it is better to check the selected composition on an inconspicuous part of the earring.

Nose studs
Nose studs

How to put a nail earring into the nose:

  1. The piercing is rinsed with alcohol or Chlorhexidine. It is mandatory to wipe the inside of the nose. Dust often collects on the mucosa that you are not even aware of. It is this that can later cause inflammation and suppuration;
  2. The edge of the nose is gently pulled away. In professional conditions, it is fixed with forceps, but if they are not at hand, just hold the wing with your fingers;
  3. The tip of the nail is carefully placed in the puncture. To push it in, there is no need to push hard. Just gently twist the rod through the hole. Two problems can arise here: the nail doesn't go through or it gets stuck. This happens because the hole is overgrown or misdirected. Try gently twisting the rod in different directions. If the earring goes further, you just did not get into the hole right away. If it stalled, then you need to go to the salon - perhaps the piercing is overgrown; Figure inserting a nail earring
  4. When the edge of the nail came out of the hole, you need to pull it down with tweezers. A clip is put on the tip of the earring. Do not press down hard, otherwise there will be inflammation. Try to fix the earring in the middle position, but so that it does not dangle, otherwise it will fall out.

In order to to put a ring in the nose piercing practically the same steps are followed. But, if the cartilage piercing was done, the algorithm may change slightly.

  1. The ring is disinfected and unclenched to the desired level. Tightly tightened septum piercing you simply will not be able to pass through the hole;
  2. The free edge of the ring (without the thread for the clamp) is inserted into the hole in the nose and gently moved over the cartilage. If your nose still hurts, we recommend treating your mucosa with an anesthetic when putting it on; Figure septum ring
  3. Twisting the earring, you need to push it toward the exit. If it goes tightly, you can jiggle the ring slightly in different directions;
  4. When the end of the earring came out of the hole, the second part is screwed onto the fixing ball. If the ring is a classic shape (completely round), it is screwed to the maximum position and secured with a clamp.

The hardest thing to put on a nose piercing is a snail. This is a special kind of earrings, which is quite difficult to put in the piercing yourself without previous experience.

How to put in a nose piercing earring with a hook:

  1. On the surface of the tip, it is recommended to apply a small amount of "Bepanten" or other regenerating ointment ("Spasatel", "Levomekol"). This will speed up the healing and help put the earring in;
  2. The tip of the snail should be screwed in to its end. You can see by the shape of the earring, but you will need to change the position of the earring slightly after the drop; Figure Snail piercing earring
  3. The flat section of the earring is simply pushed lightly into the nose. It is important not to put pressure on the piercing, otherwise there may be complications in the form of beauty and inflammation. If the hook does not pass well, tilt it slightly, first to the left, then to the right side;
  4. When the earring is threaded in, no clips or retainers are put on it. The tip is simply pressed firmly against the mucosa. In this way, the hole is quickly and securely closed. If you can't screw the hook in, it is better to go to a salon. At home, you can scratch the mucosa of the nose, after which the piercing will begin to actively overgrow.

Video: pros and cons of nose piercing

What do they pierce the nose with in the salons?

Biomodification of certain areas of the body and face is popular. Piercing is one of the ways to decorate yourself, to demonstrate your individuality, to attract the attention of others. The procedure can be performed independently. You should know that a home session is associated with a high risk of complications after the piercing. To avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to turn to professionals.

In salons for piercing, masters with medical education use a certain algorithm with the observance of antiseptic measures, as well as special devices that allow you to perform the procedure quickly, as painlessly and effectively as possible.

As a rule, to perform a nose piercing they use:

  • A pistol.
  • A needle.
  • A catheter, or nail earring, which is inserted into the hole in the wing.

Nail wing piercing. Name, home care, reviews
Nose Piercing with a Gun
Earring piercing is the most unsafe method, as the blunt tip of the nail can traumatize internal tissues. Also, experienced professionals do not recommend the use of a pistol for nose piercing. The equipment is designed for piercing areas with soft tissues, and the nose is quite dense cartilage, so it is almost impossible to make a piercing with a gun the first time.

This is due to a large number of disadvantages:

  • The gun, acting instantly with cotton, does not pierce the skin, but tears the tissues with a blunt tip.
  • The device is made of plastic, it is quite difficult to clean it completely, conduct sterilization measures.
  • Inadequate sterilization often results in the accumulation of tissue residue, bacteria, and other dangerous contaminants around the working parts, which can lead to infection.
  • Even with pre-printed puncture markings, it is difficult to achieve high accuracy with the gun.

The use of a gun demonstrates the disastrously low skill level of the craftsman. The most effective and safe way is with the use of a special sterile needle. Due to the aiming action, the needle makes a hole without tearing the internal tissues. Pain is felt immediately at the moment of puncture, during the period of healing, a slight discomfort may persist.

Consequences and contraindications

As such, there are no direct contraindications to piercing. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the speed of wound healing. The longer it takes for the piercing to heal, the higher the probability of infection entering the wound. This is fraught with various complications of care and even surgical interventions.

Complications after nose piercing:

  • Runny nose. Extremely unpleasant, but natural consequence. Violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane, the body perceives as a viral attack. To get rid of it, it "turns on" all the defenses, including the runny nose. This unpleasantness disappears in a few days;
  • Painfulness. When the septum is punctured, there is an unpleasant sensation of sensitivity of the nasal tip. It is actually impossible to touch it. At the same time, the cartilage does not hurt - there are no nerve endings in it. Pain from the wing of the nose can spread to the entire half of the face with which the puncture is located. The same phenomenon is observed in those who have had an eyebrow piercing;
  • Inflammation and suppuration. Naturally, if the nose is inflamed - it was not properly cared for. But punctures in this part of the body are very difficult to flush - you can't see the mucosa. And there is no way to recognize a suppuration at all until there is an unpleasant smell;
  • Problems with food intake. It happens not only after a tongue or lip piercing. When chewing, the nose moves slightly, as it does when speaking. Any movement in the first few weeks after the piercing will have a dull pain in the wing or tip of the nose;
  • A bulge at the site of the piercing. Is your nose red and slightly swollen? It is better to just take out the earring and treat the hole carefully, before the wing or septum completely festered. The same thing should be done if the earring fails.

Hidden meaning.

Which nostril to pierce in a nostril - the right or the left? What does the chosen type of nose piercing say about you?

As for the nostril, it is usually done on the left side. This tradition comes from India - the Hindus believe that the piercing of the left nostril will placate the goddess, the patroness of marriage and childbearing. The Indian tradition was brought to Europe by members of the hippie culture and became established as a stereotype.

Sometimes you can hear that the piercing of the right nostril indicates a girl's tendency to easy behavior or her non-traditional orientation, but there is no confirmation of that. Psychologists believe that people who pierce the right nostril are more confident and want to draw attention to themselves.

Earrings and jewelry for nose piercing

Earrings are divided not only by shape, but also by the purpose and the material from which they are made. The following materials are used to make earrings for piercing:

  • Medical steel
    . In the past, all salons that provided piercing services for the ears, eyebrows and nose, worked only with such jewelry. But, it is important to know one thing - the term "medical steel" does not exist at all. It is a combination of steel and titanium. It has no effect on the speed of healing of the puncture, but it does not corrode;
  • Plastic
    . It looks very unusual, in the holes is almost not felt because of its small weight. Particularly loved by informal girls. Characterized by ease of care and resistance to external negative factors. In addition, it does not freeze in cold weather;
  • Gold piercings
    In the nose is the most expensive, but the safest. The main advantages of this noble metal is that it promotes regeneration and is very rarely rejected by the body;
  • Silver
    . Cheaper than gold, but no less popular precious metal. It is suitable for almost everyone. It can cause allergies only in exceptional cases.

The aesthetic moment

In the modern world, piercings are just a decoration, a detail of the image, a way of self-expression. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the aesthetic side of the question. All of us have asymmetric face, some have more asymmetry and some have it practically invisible, but it is there.

Therefore, the jewelry will look differently on the face from different sides. Try on a magnet earring without a piercing, which nose piercing looks better - on that and stop.

As for other types of piercings - they are appropriate only if your whole image corresponds to the chosen style. Maybe you have tattoos or piercings of other body parts, you like things in the rock, grunge, hippie style, you have a suitable hairstyle and hair color.

Nostril fits even into the romantic style, septum is actively introduced in the casual style, but the bridge or rhino will suit only those who want to demonstrate their independence from others' opinions.

Treatment and care of the nose after the piercing

Improper piercing care is extremely dangerous. It is the cause of more than 90% of inflammations and abscesses.

Figure the result of improper septum care

To avoid the troubles associated with piercings, you need to know the following rules:

  • Treat your nose twice a day. In the morning and in the evening. But if it was windy outside, it is better to wipe the earring and mucosa immediately after coming home (i.e. it will be a triple treatment);
  • Regular application of ointment will help speed up the healing process. To make it work, the composition is distributed over the entire bar, ring or hook. To do this, a small ball of ointment is applied to the tip of the earring, after which it is moved in different directions;
  • If your nose itches - on no account touch it with your fingers. This is how the healing process takes place. If you can not stand it anymore - gently swipe around the area of discomfort with a cotton swab in "Chlorhexidine";


  • Do not wash the hole with hydrogen peroxide. It dissolves the growths that have formed and slows tissue regeneration;
  • If a bump has formed at the site of the piercing, there is pus in it. This phenomenon is called granuloma. It appears due to an allergy to the selected earring material or the wrong piercing site. To get rid of it, you need to apply a small amount of peroxide to the piercing, and then gently press down. All the infectious mass should come out;
  • It happens that the piercing has fallen out. Under no circumstances put it back in without treatment. The same applies to clamping balls.

Types of nose piercings

Depending on the location of the piercing, nose piercings can have different names: septum, nostril, bridge, etc.

Nostril is called a single puncture of the wing of the nose, it is considered the most common and easiest to perform. To decorate the nostril wing piercing, a straight jewelry with a twist is used, which after at least three months can be replaced by a ring.

nose piercing with opal


A septum is a puncture of the central septum of the nose. Contrary to popular belief, this is one of the least painful punctures, because when properly performed, it is not the cartilage that is punctured, but the thin area of skin between the junction of the two cartilages. For better healing, it is better to put a straight bar, or a regular ring or circular.

septum piercing


This piercing involves piercing the bridge of the nose at eye level. It can be either horizontal or vertical. Because of the proximity of the bone, it is better to put ptfe material, it will reduce the pressure, which promotes better healing.


The decoration is placed on the tip of the nose, vertically on the location of the nasal septum. Doing this kind of piercing is quite difficult, healing is very long and problematic.

Austin Bar

Horizontal piercing of the tip of the nose. The central septum is not affected by the piercing. Complete healing takes about a year.

How long does it take to heal?

Much depends on the characteristics of the body and the chosen time of year. According to statistics, in winter and autumn, piercings and tattoos heal much slower than in summer. This is affected by avitaminosis, hypothermia and reduced immunity.

Belly button piercing heals at least half a year, lips - 2 months. The cartilage in the septum never heals. It simply "rubs out", due to which it stops bothering its owner. Reviews claim that the piercing in the wing of the nose will fully heal only after 6 - 8 months.

When is it worth going to the doctor (5 reasons)?

Girl with a nose piercing

What signs in the postoperative period should be alert? It is worth thinking about going to the doctor if such troubles occur:

  1. Increase and darkening of redness in the puncture area after 2-3 days, which is possible when an infection gets into the puncture.
  2. The formation of a painful bump in the case of penetration of staphylococcus bacteria into the wound. This threatens the accumulation of fluid and pus inside.
  3. The discharge of white, yellow, or green secretions from the hole indicates that an infection has entered the puncture. A foul odor is a sign of an infected wound.
  4. Pain that does not go away or increases several days after the procedure is often caused by an infection in the puncture area. A throbbing in it is caused by severe inflammation and suppuration.
  5. Fever/sickness is a reason to see a doctor immediately. Most likely, such complications are caused by a severe infection in the piercing.

You should not ignore any warning signs. Especially if at least 1 additional alarming symptom is added to the main ones.

Significance - which side of the piercing

Sometimes on women's forums you can find arguments that piercings on different sides of the face carries a hidden sacred meaning. In fact, this is all a stereotype. The choice of which side of the nose piercing is purely individual and depends only on the beauty of the chosen half of the face.

Some girls are better suited to the left side, others to the right. Similarly, with the piercing. To finally decide, you can try on a fake or magnetic piercing. Due to the fact that such a piercing looks very natural, it will be a great experiment for the appearance if you want to pierce the skin, but are afraid.

Nose piercing on both sides
Piercing on both sides of the nose

According to the photo of the nose piercing it is perfectly visible that it looks great on both the right and left halves of the face. Moreover, it does not tarnish the image in the slightest, but only emphasizes the refinement of the appearance.

Does it hurt to make a piercing?

There is no unambiguous answer to this question, because the pain during the procedure depends on several factors: your pain threshold, type of piercing and body condition. To reduce pain, you should get a good night's sleep and eat a good meal before the procedure.

The septum puncture is considered the most painful, but this is a minor myth. If the correct puncture technique is followed, the cartilage is not affected, the puncture passes through a thin fold of skin between the two cartilages.

Anesthesia is not used during nose piercing.

nose piercing

What is the piercing procedure

Nose piercing most often refers to the piercing of the side of the wings of the nose, and it can be the creation of a single channel, or several at once. Less often, the piercing is carried out in the septum of the nose, in its tip or in the area of the back of the nose between the eyebrows.

If the procedure is performed by a professional craftsman, it usually takes only a few minutes in time. The piercing of the soft tissues of the nose is not painful and therefore can be performed even at home. But if the effect on the cartilage or bone structures is implied, it is impossible to do without the help of a specialist.

Nose piercing is mostly done by young people and the motives of such body modification are quite different for different categories of people. Some just want to decorate their face, to make it more memorable.

For others, the piercing in different parts of the body is a tribute to a religious culture or a challenge to society, the desire to impress the appearance of ordinary people. But whatever the true reasons that lead to the piercing, it is always necessary to know the disadvantages of this procedure.

Popular areas of the body for piercing

From the anatomical point of view, it is possible to make a piercing in any soft place. But to minimize the risks, people usually choose common places.

Belly button

Popular among young girls who want to emphasize their flat tummy or trim abs. Piercing the navel is very painful, and after the procedure for 2-3 weeks should follow strict rules: do not strain the stomach, do not bend over, do not sunbathe, do not take hot showers. When a girl becomes pregnant, the ornament must necessarily be removed.


Carnations in the nose like to do women in age, who really want to prove themselves, but understand that the bar in the eyebrow or a bead in the chin - it's too extreme. Young people who belong to informal trends often decorate the wings of the nose or the septum with a ring.


An earring is usually inserted into the lower lip, either in the center or on the side. This is one of the most difficult types of piercing, because you have to make sure that the jewelry does not touch the teeth.


We are not talking about the earlobe, but about the whole shell. Cartilage too can be decorated with carnations, rings and custom earrings. Kate Moss, for example, has as many as six earrings on her right ear.


Eyebrow piercing is very common among young people. The decoration for this area of the face is a bar: an earring with beads on both ends. These beads are the fixators of the piercing.

Attention! To the eyebrow comes a lot of blood vessels, with a piercing can be a lot of blood, so people with poor clotting this piercing is contraindicated


A girl who has decided to do such piercing, puts her full-fledged motherhood at risk. Feeding a child with pierced breasts is out of the question, and not everyone is immune to this kind of experiments on the body. But some women take such a risk in order to surprise their partner.

The tongue

The piercing of the tongue, it would seem, is invisible, but when you talk to such a person, it becomes clear that he has something in his mouth. In this way, young guys and girls especially like to impress others.


Piercing intimate places - a sight not for the faint of heart. Only very brave and, one might say, fearless people do this kind of "tuning" to themselves. After all, it is not only painful, but also extremely dangerous. The purpose of intimate piercings: to get new sensations during sexual intimacy.

The fantasy of clients and masters in the performance of genital piercings is limitless. Girls can pierce their clitoris or the skin fold above it, labia major and minor, or pubis. Men, on the other hand, usually pierce their penises.

Opinion of an expert

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

Pay attention to the contraindications. It is important to take into account all the nuances. If you take any pills, you must tell the doctor about it. For example, aspirin is prohibited, as it affects blood clotting. Prepare for the procedure: do not drink alcohol (even a mug of beer).

Michelle Place

plastic surgeon

It is important to observe some rules after the procedure. Do not touch your nose unnecessarily. The puncture must be treated with Saline or Chlorhexidine. This should be done twice a day, not forgetting the inside. A cotton swab will help. Give up your usual skin care products for a while. Change the earring only after it has completely healed.
Nose piercing and inserting an earring is a way to create an image to express individuality. This allows you to perform original and spectacular jewelry, and they are not difficult to change every day. But it is necessary to observe hygiene.

Piercing breeches

The bridge piercing looks beautiful and extraordinary. Dare to do it, can only the brave and extraordinary personality. Bridge piercing emphasizes the personality of the wearer, and does not determine its affiliation with any subculture.

Despite the fact that the piercing is known to mankind since ancient times, it appeared as an ornament in Russia quite recently, only 40 years ago.

As it is called

It is called the English word bridge which means bridge or structure. The second less popular name of the bridge, Earl, was taken from the name of body-art devotee Earl Van Aken, who was the first to make a bridge, and thus introduced it into fashion among piercing lovers.


The piercing has two different techniques to perform, and even anatomically they are of different types. Therefore, have different complexity of care during the period of healing.


  1. Horizontal
  2. Vertical
  3. Multiple


Is performed on one line between the eyebrows. Committed on one line between the eyebrows. You choose a 14g barbell as a decoration, and if you twist spikes on it instead of balls, it will give your image a little touch of confidence and boldness

Horizontal bridge piercing

The vertical or third eye.

It refers to the surface variety of piercings. The bent rods and bananas are well suited for decoration.

Total confusion in the names but we can distinguish the two main ones:

  1. Bindi
  2. Third Eye


Microdermal of the bridge of the nose


This is when 2 or 3 horizontal punctures are made. The number of embellishments will depend on the amount of soft tissue on the bridge of the nose. It occurs infrequently, mostly in large fans of piercings.

At the same time such piercings do not do, before making the next piercing, must heal the previous one.

Multiple Bridge Piercing

How to take care

In the first days after surgery, there is often swelling of the tissues in this area and bruising under the eyes. The swelling can be relieved with cool compresses, without touching the puncture site, and avoiding getting liquids into the wound

How long does it take to heal?

How long does the breeches heal, an important question and requires an extensive answer, but we will not do it of course. To speed up the process, it is recommended to take B vitamins.

On average, it takes 4 to 6 months to heal

To minimize the risk of complications, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Do not twist or pull out the primary ornament
  2. Do not go to the sauna, sauna, avoid heating of the bar
  3. Do not go to the swimming pool or swim in bodies of water
  4. Do not let cosmetic creams or other products get into the wound
  5. Do not sleep with your face pressed up against the pillow, so as not to accidentally tear or move the primary adornment
  6. Instead of washing, wipe your face with a cleansing tonic or lotion, avoiding any cleansers from getting into the wound

How to treat a bridge

Treating a fresh wound is necessary to disinfect it, and you should rinse it regularly for a week or two. Daily into the wound will get fat and dirt from the skin nearby, so neglect treatment at first can not be neglected.


Treat the puncture with antiseptics 3-5 times a day. The antiseptic will wash the wound and remove dust and dirt that has entered. Also, proper use of an antiseptic will enhance the tissue regeneration effect.

Mirasmithine or Chlorhexidine for piercings

Do not use Mirasmitine to treat a puncture wound for more than 10 days without alternating with saline

  • Miramistin
  • Chlorhexidine

As of December 25, 2018

Miramistinfrom 250 rubles per 50 ml
Chlorhexidinefrom 23 rubles for 100 ml bottle


At the slightest suspicion of infection, an antibacterial agent should be applied. Ointments also improve the healing process. To prevent infection, antibacterial ointments can be used before bedtime. Put some ointment on a piece of gauze and put it on the wound.

  • Levomecol
  • Vishnevsky ointment
  • Levosin

Use ointments as a last resort


Price at the time of 25.12.2018

LevomecolFrom 25 rubles per tube of 40 g
Vishnevsky ointmentFrom 45 rubles per tube of 40 g
LevosinFrom 100 rubles per 40g tube

How to get rid of pain after the procedure

Most infections are caused by dirty hands

Therefore, it is important to wash your hands with soap and water before touching the piercing. The wound should be washed with soap and water

If there is swelling and pain, you should take Ibuprofen. But if there is bleeding, this drug should not be taken, because it will increase bleeding. It is better to take Paracetamol together with it.

It is forbidden to use Aspirin, because NSAIDs prevent platelet aggregation and prevent blood clotting. Once the bleeding stage has passed, the best remedy is Ibuprofen. If necessary, once the swelling has subsided, replace the earring with a smaller one.


What is the pricing for nose piercing services in the capital and cities of the Russian Federation? The cost of nose piercing in Moscow ranges from 1000-2200 rubles.

The operation is performed both with and without the simultaneous purchase of the jewelry offered by the specialist. The price depends also on the technique of the performed event, which makes it increase.

  • In Voronezh, Tomsk, nose piercing with a needle and earring will cost the patient 1200 rubles.
  • In Novosibirsk, Orel to pierce the nose is possible at an average price of 800 rubles.
  • In Petrozavodsk it is suggested to get a nose piercing for 700-1000 rubles.
  • In Yekaterinburg - the most inexpensive piercing service costs 600-800 rubles.

The price of nose piercing does not include the price of jewelry.


For women

For men