Nose Piercing: how the procedure is carried out, possible complications, proper care

How to get rid of pain after the procedure

Most infections arise from dirty hands.

Therefore, it is important to wash your hands with soap and water before touching the piercing. The wound should be washed with soap and water

If there is swelling and pain, you should take Ibuprofen. But if there is bleeding, this drug should not be taken, because it will increase bleeding. It is better to take Paracetamol together with it.

It is forbidden to use Aspirin, because NSAIDs prevent platelet aggregation and prevent blood clotting. Once the bleeding stage has passed, the best remedy is Ibuprofen. If necessary, as soon as the swelling goes down, replace the earring with a smaller one.

How to pierce a septum at home

Most often this is interested in young people who, for one reason or another, can not or do not want to go to the master. This is normal behavior and to conduct such a piercing at home is possible.

In order for the procedure to be as quick and painless as possible, and to avoid unwanted consequences in the form of infections, falling out of the barbell because the piercing is rejected, for a successful procedure we will need:

  1. A friend with a steady hand.
  2. Gloves
  3. A piercing needle
  4. A septum clamp
  5. Miramistin and Chlorhexidine
  6. Cotton swab
  7. Titanium jewelry

Does it hurt to pierce

Masters, who deal with completely different client reactions to pain on a daily basis, say that everything is very individual. As proof, professionals cite the following statistics: according to customers, an intolerable pain feel only 10% of them, strong enough, but not so much as to abandon the procedure - 60%, about 30% feel different kinds of discomfort, which can not be called a pain.

The painfulness of the puncture depends on:

  • The presence of nerve endings in a particular point - this point is almost impossible to predict;
  • The low pain threshold of those who decide to pierce their nose;
  • The diameter of the instrument with which the procedure is carried out;
  • The psychological mood.

You should know that you should not puncture your nose during infectious diseases with high fever, runny nose, taking blood thinning medications, because serious bleeding is possible. The same applies to alcohol.

How to pierce a septum without pain

Some people who are very afraid of pain take alcohol or various illegal drugs before the piercing procedure. This is unacceptable, because the bleeding may intensify, and the effect of the supposed painkiller will suddenly turn out to be the opposite.

For 15-20 minutes before the procedure it is desirable to relax enough, breathe deeply, in no case setting yourself up for pain. Some masters use special gels, ointments, sprays, ice compresses, which have a local anesthetic effect, while others "plagiarize the teeth" of the client and, seizing the moment, quickly make a piercing and almost as quickly inserted into it an earring. Practice shows that the faster the hole is pierced, the less pain is felt, although the process of inserting the ring, earring, barbell, can also be painful.

Where exactly to pierce the septum

The septum is pierced in the lower part of the nose, but not at the very tip, but close to it, so there is no need to stick the clamp straight in, the closer to the tip the better, but without fanaticism.

The puncture should not involve any cartilage, and the thinnest part of the nasal septum is pierced. At the same time it is not too close to the edge - if you make too small an indentation, inserting too heavy a product, there can be a gradual destruction of part of the nasal septum, which will require surgical repair of the lower part of the nose and impossibility to re-pierce

But to be more specific.

Then we take ourselves with fingers to the intended place of the puncture and feel the first cartilage which serves as a septum of the nose, we must not touch it during the puncture, also there is the second cartilage which we must not touch and it is the most bottom part of the nose

Don't hit it.

As you understand our aim for the puncture is what is between these two cartilages and with the right puncture will be a minimum of pain, about a three or a maximum of four out of ten. But you can't do without a tear, it's a feature of the septum.

Nose disinfection

Before the puncture, the nose must be disinfected. We take our cotton swab, put chlorhexidine on it and treat it. Preferably do it with gloves on

Inserting the clamp

Since our friend might be a little shy about poking around in our nose looking for the right place for the puncture, it is better to do it for him, take the clip and put it in an optimal place where it will not hurt the cartilage, and his friend should confirm whether the clip is properly set

  1. Put on gloves.
  2. Disinfect.
  3. Pull the lower part of the nose away slightly.
  4. Place the clamp evenly
  5. Make the puncture with a steady hand
  6. Remove the clamp.
  7. Insert a piece of jewelry inside the needle and pull it into the hole

The choice of the ornament

It is better to choose titanium as the first metal for a jewelry piece and only in extreme cases to look at surgical steel, but remember that all this does not make any sense if the decoration is not qualitative or at all fake. That is why buy jewelry only in trusted places.

There are two main septum ornaments that make a big difference in your style.

  1. Microbanana
  2. Circular

Remember that after a complete healing, may excrete subcutaneous fat and absorbed into the poor quality jewelry and because of that will be present unpleasant smell in the nose from which you can get rid of only by replacing the jewelry with new and sterilize the old if you still like it.

Micro banana

It is a good idea for everyone, but especially for those who do not know how friends, colleagues and relatives will feel about the piercing. Not only will this jewelry will be almost invisible, and it can be easily hidden by simply wrapping it up inside.

There is one disadvantage and it is that if the piercing is not done smoothly we will not be able to notice this and therefore other jewelry in the future we can not use


The circular as well as the micro banana can be screwed on different balls. It can also be hidden in the nose and the only difference is that it is not recommended to hide it immediately after the puncture. Because the wound has not healed and it is easy to injure yourself.

The procedure at home

The central theme of many hesitations, whether or not to experiment on their own appearance, not having the knowledge and experience to do so. The best option is to go to a special salon. Those who want to act on their own, you should definitely observe the following recommendations:

  • Sterility - wash your hands well, disinfect tools.
  • The absence of infectious diseases with accompanying symptoms - runny nose and fever. Do not take medications that increase blood circulation.
  • Do not be under the influence of alcohol and strong medicines.

Until the wound has healed, you should exercise extreme caution, avoid getting dirt, using cosmetics

Septum piercing - technique for piercing, how to choose rings, earrings and other jewelry, funny photos of work

First of all, you need to accurately determine the future puncture - wrap your fingers around the area and establish the location of the cartilage. One of them represents the septum, the other is the lower part of the nostril. You should not touch either of them, but make the puncture in the space between them. If done quickly, the pain will seem minimal.

Septum piercing - piercing technique, how to choose rings, earrings and other jewelry, funny photos of works

A special needle is used, the area is disinfected in advance. After the clamp is placed, a puncture is made. It is allowed to change the jewelry only after a month, after the master examines the wound. The final healing occurs after 8 weeks. It is necessary to ensure proper care - treatment with disinfectants.

Septum piercing - piercing technique, how to choose rings, earrings and other jewelry, funny photos of works

Puncturing the septum cannot be called a simple procedure. To avoid consequences, it is better to use the services of professionals. The price starts at 1,500 rubles, based on the prestige of the institution.

Septum piercing - technique of piercing, how to choose rings, earrings and other jewelry, funny photos of works

Steps .

Part 1

Imagine how your piercing should look like.

There are different types of nose piercings. Choose which one you want to do. If you're doing your first piercing yourself, it's best to go with a ring or a regular "nail." Imagine how you will look with this piercing, so that you do not regret later.

Buy jewelry. You can choose a nail, a ring or a barbell. Look for something suitable in jewelry stores, tattoo parlors or gift stores. If you know exactly what you want, search online.

It's important to get the size, length and thickness of the piece right. To begin with, it is better to choose a ring or earring of small size.

The jewelry must necessarily be new and sterile. It is inadmissible to insert previously used jewelry.

The skin on your nose must be clean.

If you pierce near an inflammation, you can get an infection in the piercing site. Therefore, if you have any kind of rash on your nose, wait a few days or weeks until it disappears. During this time, wash your face with a special pore cleanser or scrub.

Prepare the needle.

The needle must necessarily be new and in an intact package. You must be sure that no one has used it before you. The most effective is to use a hollow needle with a small diameter: 20G (0.9 mm) or 18G (1.0 mm). The diameter of the hole in your nose should match the diameter of the jewelry you have chosen. Once all the preparations are made, take the needle out of its packaging. Before piercing your skin with it, make sure that it is sterile.

  • In principle, the piercing can be done with an English pin, a paper clip, an earring or a sewing needle. But keep in mind that you yourself may not sterilize the chosen instrument well enough. Therefore, the risk of infection is much higher. If the instrument is not sharp enough, you can damage the tissue, and the process will be much more difficult and painful.
  • When you take the needle out of the package, do not put it anywhere. If you do need to put it down, use a clean cloth or a sterilized container.

Pierce your nose.

Looking in the mirror, lean the needle against the mark you have drawn. Take a deep breath and quickly pierce your nose. You will feel pain for a moment, but it will not last long. The needle should be inserted perpendicular to the surface of the skin so that it slips through the tissues of the nose.

Remember, the sooner you make the puncture, the sooner it will be over. It is important not to push the needle too deeply into the nostril. If you pierce the side of your nostril, try not to insert the needle too deeply - it is very unpleasant and painful. Immediately insert a ring or "nail" as quickly as possible. The hole made will begin to close as soon as you remove the needle, as the wound will already be healing

In order for the jewelry to sit perfectly in the hole, the wound must already be healing around it. If you tighten with this, the piercing will be ruined!

Immediately insert the ring or "nail" as quickly as possible.

The hole made will begin to close as soon as you remove the needle, as the wound will already be healing. In order for the jewelry to sit perfectly in the hole, the wound must already be healing around it. If you tighten with this, the piercing will be ruined!

Part 3

Piercing Care.

Treat the piercing twice a day.

You can use sterile saline solution, hydrogen peroxide or mix water and soap in a 1:1 ratio. Treat the piercing site twice a day. To do this, soak a cotton swab or cotton swab in the solution and put it on the piercing for a few minutes. Treat the piercing on the outside and inside of the nose. If you put a ring in your nose, twist it slightly while doing the treatment.

Be careful not to get an infection!

Treat the piercing regularly. Be sure to wash your hands before piercing and do so before each treatment. If you have sterilized all the tools you use before you get the piercing and treat the piercing site thoroughly, you have nothing to worry about. However, if after a week the piercing site is still red and painful, then you may still have an infection. In this case, see a doctor immediately.

Perhaps you should treat the wound with antibacterial soap and ointment like Neomycin to prevent infection. This will help prevent inflammation. Do not forget that if you do not treat the piercing regularly, you may have to take expensive and unhelpful to the body strong antibiotics.

Care of a piercing until it heals

The standard rules of care relate to the observance of hygiene to avoid infection of the wound. The first 3-5 days you should daily treat the puncture area with antiseptic several times a day. Do not take out and do not change the jewelry until the complete healing of the root canal.

Until the piercing is completely healed, you must not:

  • wet the nostril;
  • Touch the nostril with dirty hands;
  • Use cosmetics (powder, foundation).

You can wash your face with soap, but very carefully to avoid getting a lot of water in the area of the piercing. In the river, sea, swimming pool can not be bathed, it is better not to go to the baths.

Important: for treatment it is better to use an antiseptic without alcohol - hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. Because of the alcohol, the puncture area can be covered with a hard crust, which is difficult to remove.

The first few days the nostril will be swollen and reddened, perhaps a clear yellowish fluid (exudate) will be released from the wound and a hard crust will form - this is a normal inflammatory reaction of the body. The crust can be softened with antibacterial ointments - Levomekol, Boro-Plus.

nose piercing care

What is the piercing procedure

By nose piercing is meant most often piercing the side of the wings of the nose, and it can be the creation of a single channel, as well as several at once. Less often the piercing is carried out in the septum of the nose, in its tip or in the area of the back of the nose between the eyebrows.

If the procedure is performed by a professional technician, it usually takes only a few minutes. Puncturing the soft tissues of the nose is not painful and can therefore be performed even at home. But if the impact on the cartilage or bone structures is meant, it is impossible to do without the help of a specialist.

Nose piercing is mainly done by young people and the motives for such body modification in different categories of people are quite different. Some just want to decorate their face, to make it more memorable.

For others, the piercing in different parts of the body is a tribute to a religious culture or a challenge to society, the desire to impress the appearance of ordinary people. But whatever the true reasons that lead to piercings, it is always necessary to know the disadvantages of this procedure.


For such an operation will need a similar set of tools - a stupor, a catheter needle, a tubular clamp. As for the earring, for the first time professionals recommend choosing a c-shaped staple. A barbell as well as a ring until the healing process is undesirable, as in this case the accessories will cause unpleasant boring sensations in the septum. Also, the staple will minimize accidental contact with clothing or hands - the less the earring will be disturbed during the healing process, the more likely there will be no complications during the formation of the canal.

The puncture site should be located at the junction of the mobile and immobile cartilage of the nasal septum. The mucosa should be treated with hydrogen peroxide before the procedure. By the way, because of the pain and touching the reflex area, which is the nasal septum, the client will start the inevitable secretion from the eyes and nose - it is worth providing a napkin. For disinfection, the earring is dipped in an alcohol solution for 20 minutes. Recommended reading,

After securing the septum with a tubular clip and limiting the movement of the catheter with a spatula in one of the nostrils, you can proceed with the puncture, having previously made a marker. After that, all that remains is to insert the earring.

Nowadays, piercings are becoming more and more popular. Everyone chooses what he wants to pierce, and girls often stop not only at the ears, that is, the usual piercing lobe, but also give preference to jewelry in the nose. The most popular place is considered to be the septum, which separates the nostrils from each other, as well as the nose piercing from the side. However, not every girl has the money, but to adorn themselves and stand out from the crowd - want to. Therefore, there are ways that you can Nose piercing at home.

Nasal septum piercing or nostril piercing?

If you do decide on a procedure such as Nose piercing at home

If you have a nosebleed, you should be prepared for the procedure to be painful, especially if it involves the septum. The reason for this is that there are many receptors at the tip of the nose. Therefore, if you decide to do it, it is worth doing the procedure quickly so that it lasts a moment. In order for the end result to look aesthetically pleasing, you should consider having a neat ring in your nose rather than a barbell. Either way, the procedure will have complications, so it is best to opt for a punctured nostril. The procedure will be more painless, and also gives more guarantees that your nose will look beautiful.

How to get a nose piercing at home

If you are a determined person and you are not intimidated by the complexity of the procedure, you can begin to perform the process. On your own, it is best to pierce your nostril, as mentioned above. For this, it is best to choose a cooler time of year. This is due to the fact that there will be less sweating in the fall or winter, and there will be less dust. The most important thing is to stock up on the necessary materials. In order to perform a nose piercing at home, you will need:

Surgical gloves;

It is important to sterilize everything before the procedure. The needle should be taken from a dropper, and its diameter should be selected depending on the desired size of the pier. When piercing the nose, you can do without anesthesia, as on such drugs that reduce pain, there can be an allergic reaction and swelling. The process is fast enough. Disinfect all preparations. Put a dot on your nostril with a pen. Insert a cotton swab into the nose and pierce it with a sharp movement. It is better to treat the pierce beforehand. After the procedure, it is worth treating the place with alcohol or chlorhexidine for a few days.

Nose piercing is the most common type of decoration of one's body, goes back deep into antiquity. This procedure was known in the second century BC, what we know from the mentions, but its widespread spread was in India, where it became a tradition. From your choice - how to pierce the nose, and depends on the type of nose piercing: piercing the wings of the nose, the area above the nose, the bridge of the nose, deep piercing.

How to perform a nose piercing, with a gun or a needle? Let's approach the question from a medical point of view. The gun can be used more than once, and because of this it can leave an infection on it. In addition, the gun "fires" blunt nails, so the puncture is due to tearing particles of skin, which also puts you more at risk of contracting various infections. There are cases when the gun deviates from the intended location and the puncture is not in the right place. And it is easy to pierce ears with a gun, because there is soft tissue, but when piercing the nose, the gun can become useless, because there is cartilaginous tissue. All these facts confirm one thing - it is better to perform a nose piercing with a needle, pre-disinfecting it well in alcohol.

Feasibility of the piercing: what does the piercing in the girl's nose mean and how to prepare for it

Always to emphasize their own beauty, to stand out from the gray mass, to express themselves as they want to, here are the main reasons for the nose piercing called by modern girls and women, and guys also do not lag behind them in the pursuit of originality and uniqueness. Today the nose piercing is at the peak of popularity, but it is not the newest invention, but it is known and successfully practiced for many centuries, for example among Indian women, where everything, no matter what is done, has a meaning. But even before that, on the hot coasts of Africa, members of tribes and communities used such piercings to prove their masculinity.

Originally, the tradition of piercing the nose and putting an earring in it came to America, and then to other parts of the world, from India, where it was brought by hippies. They were imbued with the culture and wanted everything to resemble those whose life, views and ideals they liked so much. In fact, piercings were done by Indian girls and guys, they put a ring-ring in the hole to show that they were busy or married. Today, no one puts such meaning in the piercing anymore, nevertheless, it is worth knowing such information, for general education.


Modern young people are not even interested in the name of the nose piercing, before making it, meanwhile there are several types of such piercings, and each of them has its own name, which will not hurt to learn, going to decide to take such a step. In addition, you should know that the first nose-ring can be neither platinum, nor gold, let alone silver. Only medical steel and nothing else.

Limitations and contraindications

It is worth understanding that despite the apparent simplicity and accessibility of such a piercing, the consequences of nose piercing can cause quite unpleasant, about which we will talk a little later. For now, it is worth discussing what steps to take to avoid such consequences. In fact, everything is quite simple, it is worth taking the time to ask the question, so as not to regret later, because with the wrong piercing or follow-up care, it is quite possible to require surgical medical treatment.

  • Before deciding on such a piercing, make sure that you do not have heart and cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory processes in the body and fever.
  • Do not pierce the nose if any chronic disease is in the acute stage.
  • Before the piercing for a week you should not take oral contraceptives, as well as other hormonal medications.
  • It should consult a doctor about the use of pills before and after the piercing, especially those that affect blood clotting. For example, aspirin in such cases is strictly contraindicated.
  • A day before the piercing you must not drink coffee and strong tea, limit smoking, completely renounce alcohol, whether it is a sip of wine or a glass of beer.

Several options for a nose piercing

There are several types of nose piercing, depending on their complexity will vary and the consequences after manipulation. The most common and simple nostril piercing. It allows you to wear different jewelry - rings, labrettes.

There are the following variants of piercings:

  • Septum - nasal septum piercing is done either through the cartilage or the soft tissue next to it.
  • Bridge. Jewelry is inserted into the bridge of the nose. It can be horizontal or vertical.
  • Piercing the tip of the nose. The cartilage in this kind of piercing in the nose is not traumatized. It has a type of Austin Bar - horizontal nose tip piercing.
  • Septril - a type of septum. The jewelry is led down from the nasal septum.
  • Nasalang - a combination of piercings of both wings of the nose and its septum. A single bar-shaped ornament is inserted into the holes.

The septum, provided the piercing is done through the cartilage, requires more care. The piercing will take quite a long time to heal, about six months.

Septum is quite complicated piercing, requiring special skills from the master. Because first you need to make a piercing of the septum of the nose, and then slightly stretch it and take the ornament out through the piercing in the lower front of the nose.

When nasal piercing should not be done: possible complications

Nose piercing will make this part of the face stand out even more. Therefore, you should wear jewelry in the nose if this organ is not distinguished by its large size, looks neat. Although this warning does not apply to those who want not just to decorate themselves, but wants to stand out from the crowd.

But besides the aesthetic component of body piercings, there are many other things on which you should pay attention before deciding to pierce your body

Any piercing is a violation of the integrity of the skin, which are affected all layers of skin, nerve endings and blood vessels. That is the procedure will be characterized by pain, different strength of bleeding and, most importantly, it increases the risk of infection.

After the manipulation itself, several weeks should pass for the nasal canal to heal completely, during this time special care of the traumatized area is required.

General complications of nose piercing include:

  • Probability of infection. In mild cases, inflammation is limited to the area affected, but abscesses may also form in some people. The use of non-sterile instruments is dangerous in terms of introducing hepatitis viruses and HIV infection.
  • Prolonged bleeding. The risk of prolonged bleeding is increased with problems with the circulatory system and some diseases.
  • Formation of keloids, that is, rough scars. Such a complication is considered to be an individual reaction of the body, and it is rather difficult to predict it. Rough scars can be predicted if there are already scars in other parts of the body after an injury.
  • Foreign body, i.e. jewelry, getting into the respiratory tract.

In specialized salons, where there is a license and the procedure itself is carried out by specially trained professionals, always find out if there are any contraindications to piercing. Nose piercing is not performed if:

  • There are blood diseases that disrupt its clotting.
  • There are severe diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys.
  • There is an acute infectious or inflammatory disease.
  • There are allergic reactions to metals.
  • There are dermatological diseases.

It is not recommended to get pierced during pregnancy, people with cancer, in the days of menstruation. If the threshold of pain sensitivity is high, you should consider that nose piercing in some places can be very painful.

You should also keep in mind that cartilage and bones grow up to 18-20 years of age and performing the manipulation earlier than that may lead to unnecessary external changes in the shape of the nose in the future.

What is a septum?

A septum is a procedure of piercing the nasal septum at the junction of the cartilages. The history of the septum as a type of piercing begins in ancient times. Various tribes used to decorate their bodies with piercings, and the septum carried rituals. The nasal septum was pierced and huge massive ornaments were inserted to give importance and significance in the tribe.

septum photo

There is a version that in the wild tribes, when piercing the septum, small bones of killed animals were inserted into the nose to intimidate enemies.

Nowadays, this type of piercing, as a traditional ritual, can be traced to some Asian peoples. For example, if a girl gets her septum pierced before her wedding, it is believed that she becomes a more beautiful and desirable bride. And Indian women doing nose piercing hope for a quick and easy delivery.

septum piercing

In the last few years, the septum has also become popular in Western European cultures. And if in the 70-80s it was thought that only punks pierced the septum, as a sign of protest, then today the nose rings are becoming part of mainstream fashion. Jewelry is becoming finer, more elegant, taking on different shapes and configurations.

Meaning - which side of the piercing

Sometimes on women's forums you can find arguments that piercings on different sides of the face carries a hidden sacred meaning. In fact, this is all a stereotype. The choice of which side of the nose piercing is purely individual and depends only on the beauty of the chosen half of the face.

Some girls are more attracted to the parting on the left side, others - on the right. Similarly, with the piercing. To finally decide, you can try on a fake or magnetic piercing. Due to the fact that such a piercing looks very natural, it will be a great experiment for the appearance if you want to pierce the skin, but are afraid.

Piercing on both sides of the nose

In the photo of the nose piercing it is perfectly visible that it looks great on both the right and the left side of the face. And it doesn't tarnish the image in the slightest, but only emphasizes the refinement of the appearance.

How long does it heal?

Much depends on the characteristics of the body and the chosen time of year. According to statistics, in the winter and autumn, piercings and tattoos heal much more slowly than in summer. This is affected by avitaminosis, body hypothermia and reduced immunity.

Belly button piercing heals at least half a year, lips - 2 months. The cartilage in the septum never heals. It easily "rubs off", due to which it ceases to excite its owner. Reviews claim that the piercing in the wing of the nose will fully heal only after 6 - 8 months.

Does the hole in the nose remain after the piercing

When the jewelry is worn for a long time, a channel is formed and after the removal of the earring, it can tighten for many years.

If the conditions of your life require you to give up the piercing, but you have had it for more than a year, you can safely remove the jewelry for the required period of time and then put it back on. These actions will not cause tissue trauma and will not lead to unwanted consequences.

If the piercing is fresh and there is a need to constantly remove the ornament, it is better to abandon the piercing and let the wound to overgrow. Since the constant removal of the jewelry you will traumatize yourself and increase the likelihood of infection.

Septum Jewelry

Consider the appropriate types of earrings for this type of piercing.

Septum piercing - piercing technique, how to choose rings, earrings and other jewelry, funny photos of works


  • Clicker - a type of earring for piercing on the type of latch that makes a distinctive clicking (click) sound when it closes;
  • A rod - an earring that has a straight rod, on which the tips in the form of balls or cones are screwed on both sides. But the tips or twists are not the only decorative element of the rod. Banana, micro banana and circular can also be transformed. Because of their variety, they add sophistication, beauty and personality to the jewelry.
  • Circulars are earrings shaped like a crescent moon, on the ends of which decorative tips are screwed on;
  • Banana is a bent piece of jewelry, shaped as a fruit;
  • A micro banana is an original and stylish decoration, which is mounted in such a way, that only a small part of tips are visible from the nose cavities. The minimal thickness of such jewelry is 1,2 mm, and the length starts from 8 mm.

Septum piercing - technique of piercing, how to choose rings, earrings and other jewelry, funny photos of work


As mentioned above, the choice of jewelry for piercings is huge. But you should not forget one main rule - the jewelry for the first piercing should choose the master. Individually picking the size, type and material from which the earring will be made.

Clickers for girls

Earrings and jewelry for nose piercing

Earrings are divided not only by shape, but also by the purpose and the material from which they are made. The following materials are used to make piercing earrings:

Medical steel. In the past, all salons that provided ear, eyebrow and nose piercing services worked only with such jewelry

But, it is important to know one thing - the term "medical steel" does not exist at all. It is a combination of steel and titanium.

It does not affect the speed of healing of the puncture, but it does not corrode; Plastic. It looks very unusual, in the holes is practically not felt because of its small weight. It is especially loved by informal girls. Characterized by ease of care and resistance to external negative factors. In addition, it does not freeze in cold weather; Gold nose piercing is the most expensive, but the safest. The main advantages of this noble metal is that it promotes regeneration and is very rarely rejected by the body; Silver. Cheaper than gold, but no less popular precious metal. It is suitable for almost everyone. Can cause allergies only in exceptional cases.

Nose earrings and other jewelry, which are installed at the site of the piercing, must necessarily meet certain requirements

This is important because they interact with the wound on the skin and are designed to remain permanently in the soft tissues or nasal cartilage

Among them:

  1. Sterilizability;
  2. hypoallergenic material;
  3. easy removal mechanism;
  4. easy care;
  5. ease of wear;
  6. aesthetic appearance.

Types of jewelry

Jewelry for piercings on the form and material of manufacture are diverse. It is possible to distinguish:

  1. classical rings, often used for the wings of the nose or septum - bull nose piercings;
  2. Nostrils for the wings of the nose;
  3. half rings for the septum;
  4. nasal wing tunnels (round piercings) and combined wing and septum piercings;
  5. labret and microlabret nasal wing piercings resembling nails;
  6. bananas and barbells, circulars for all types of piercings.

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To install for the first time it is recommended to buy jewelry made of titanium, medical steel or bioplastic.

Types of earrings for the nose

After the piercing channel has healed and formed, you can use gold piercings as well:

  1. silver;
  2. wood;
  3. platinum;
  4. bone.

Jewelry piercings can be decorated with precious or semi-precious stones (e.g., diamond piercings).

Ring and earrings with stones

Imitation piercing

If you do not like the puncture of soft tissue or nasal cartilage, but to make a highlight in the image still want, you can use a piercing-decoy. To be fixed such ornament:

  1. on a clip;
  2. on a magnet;
  3. suction cup;
  4. on glue;

silver earring must have a hallmark

Microdermal placement

Septum piercing - piercing technique, how to choose rings, earrings and other jewelry, funny photos of works

Almost all types of piercings can be done at home, but not this one. Sterile tools and skills in this case will not be enough. Microdermal piercings should be installed by a specialist. Only a pro, working in a proven place, will be able to choose the most suitable earring, make an incision of the right size and guarantee the safety of the procedure.

The process of installing the "anchor" is as follows:

  1. Jewelry and tools are disinfected.
  2. The puncture site is degreased with alcohol or antiseptic.
  3. With a special needle or round scalpel a small hole is made in the skin.
  4. In the subcutaneous layer of the epidermis, incisions are made in the shape of an "anchor".
  5. The plate is inserted into the incision. And it is necessary to hit it with the first time, so that then you don't have to move the metal on the open wound.

How is the microdermal attached?

The metal "anchor" must eventually grow into the skin. The decorative elements are screwed on the rod. In the first few weeks after the procedure, it is not necessary to change the taping in order not to disturb the tissue and allow the plate to take root. In addition, microdermal on the butt or other part of the body for this period is recommended to tape a plaster to prevent dust and dirt from getting into the fresh wound. After healing, you can change the decor will be as often as the owner of the beauty will want.

Does it hurt to put microdermals?

This question worries even the most avid fashionistas - microdermal, does it hurt. As a rule, piercings are placed "live", without painkillers. How the procedure will be tolerated depends on various factors:

  • the place of implantation of the decorative element;
  • skills and experience of the master;
  • The pain threshold of the client.

Simply put, it is impossible to determine unequivocally whether it hurts to put microdermal, or not. Everyone experiences the procedure, which, by the way, lasts no longer than 5 minutes, individually. If the discomfort is so strong that it is impossible to endure, the technician can use a local anesthetic, but it is not recommended to do this, so that the medicine does not get into the hypodermic pocket and the healing process is not prolonged.

Puncture site

Today, there are mainly three types of piercings. Piercing the wings of the nose is the most popular type, especially among young people. It is known since ancient times, it came from South Asia. In India and Nepal, women's nose wings have reproductive symbolism, so very often they pierce their noses before marriage. The second type of piercing is the piercing of the cartilaginous interstitial septum (septum), and the third, the most painful type, is the piercing of the nose bridge. In each case, the piercing is done with a needle, and the pain depends on your pain threshold. That is, for one person it will be quite an ordinary procedure, while for another it will be really painful.

In addition, we should not forget about the healing period of the puncture, during which many people feel discomfort. This also depends on the characteristics of each person, but usually the nose bridge takes the longest to heal - 6-10 weeks, the nasal septum - 6-8 weeks, the wings of the nose - 4-6 weeks. With proper care, especially painful sensations can be avoided, but it is worth strictly following the instructions of professionals, and the piercing itself to do only with professionals.

Since professional nose piercing is expensive, perhaps you decide to do it yourself at home. To do this, it is enough to find out how the piercing is done, and follow the rules of hygiene. If you are not afraid of pain and are willing to take a risk, then try to pierce the nose yourself. However, keep in mind - a professional is likely to do it faster, better quality and without undesirable consequences.

How to pierce the nose at home?

On your own, it is better to make a piercing in the wing of the nose. This is the simplest type of piercing, which does not traumatize the cartilage. Before you pierce your nose at home, decide where to place the jewelry. It can be marked with a marker. Carefully assess the result. If necessary, redraw the mark.

The technique of how to make a nose piercing yourself at home is simple. It is necessary:

  • Sanitize the needle, hands, nose.
  • Then put a point with a marker on the place of the piercing.
  • If there is to use a special clip.
  • Turn out the nostril as much as possible.
  • Puncture it.
  • Remove the needle, leaving a catheter at the puncture point.
  • Place the jewelry through the catheter.
  • Secure the earring in place.
  • Treat the piercing site with antiseptic.


Before getting a nose piercing at home, it is worth learning about safety precautions. Theoretically, you can pierce with a sewing needle or an English pin, but it is better to do it with a sterile needle. It is important after you take it out of the package not to put it on non-sterile surfaces. Put it in alcohol. You should also put the jewelry in it.

  • After you put on the gloves, do not touch the table or other surfaces that have not been treated with antiseptic.
  • Keep extra needles and gloves on hand just in case.
  • Do not pierce if you have an acute respiratory infection or inflammation of the skin.

How to do it without pain?

Nose piercing at home is usually done without anesthesia. To put anesthetic injections in the face area of a layman is not worth it. If you are not allergic to lidocaine, you can use an aerosol based on it.

What do you need for home piercing?

The most important thing when self-piercing the nose to ensure complete sterility of the tools used, the skin of the face, hands and jewelry. To do this, you will need alcohol. It is also necessary to purchase at the drugstore:

  • Sterile gloves, absorbent cotton.
  • Antiseptics for the aftercare of piercings (miramectin, chlorhexidine).
  • A drip system. It only requires a needle with a catheter. Its diameter must match the diameter of the jewelry.

It is better to make a piercing with a special needle for piercing, you can buy in a salon. It is sharper and the catheter allows you to install earrings of different sizes.

For a more accurate piercing is worth buying a special clamp for piercing. It will not allow you to traumatize the nasal cavity, facilitating the manipulation.

If you learn how to make a nose piercing yourself and decide to try it, buy antibiotic ointment in a drugstore just in case. It may come in handy in case you get an infection in the canal. Types of nasal earrings

Before piercing the nose, decide not only with the place of the piercing, but also with the type of jewelry. For this type of piercing will be suitable:

  • Rings.
  • Circular - crescent-shaped jewelry, the ends of which will be visible from the piercing. They are usually decorated with balls, cones, and other kinds of twists.
  • A rod - a straight rod base with balls or other decorations screwed onto it.
  • Banana - a curved rod.
  • Labret is similar to a carnation earring. It consists of a small rod on one end, which is a disk, on the other screwed ball or other decorative attachment.
  • Nostril - an ornament in the form of a hook, installed in the pierced wings of the nose. It comes with a bend under the right or left nostril.

Puncture care and possible consequences

The recovery period of the perforation site depends on its type and complexity. The wound on the wing of the nose is the most operative to recover, it takes about 4 weeks. The other types need a longer time - from 6 to 8 months

But it is important to know how to properly care for the puncture, what to treat

The rules of care for perforation are as follows:

  1. Do not touch the puncture site with dirty hands, so as not to get an infection.
  2. Treat the wound with a cotton pad soaked in saline solution. Do the compresses until the crusts disappear.
  3. Doctors advise you to put drops containing seawater in your nose. Excellent options are Aqualor or Otrivin.
  4. The place of perforation should be gently blotted with tissues, as a towel can get caught on the earring.
  5. To accelerate healing, lubricate the punctured area with lavender oil.
  6. It is forbidden to peel off the crust, otherwise you can get an infection. This will cause complications.
  7. You can remove the earring only after the wound is completely healed.
  8. No cosmetics can be applied to the piercing site.

In the first six months, it is not recommended to remove the earring for more than a day to prevent the piercing from tightening. Tighten the hole depending on the characteristics of the body. Hook piercing should be worn as late as possible, so that the wound had time to fully heal and form.

If simple rules are not followed, nasal piercing can provoke complications. They can also occur if the puncture technique is not followed. The most common are:

  • Nerve damage;
  • The appearance of otitis media of a permanent nature;
  • Severe bleeding;
  • an isoinflammatory process in the cartilage;
  • damage to the nasal septum;
  • inflammation of soft tissues;
  • lesion of the mucosa with direct nostrils.

If we consider the question of whether it hurts to pierce the nose, it all depends on the human body. Much depends on the pain threshold, the skill of the piercer, the instruments, anesthesia and, of course, the psychological mood. Many people claim that a nose piercing is no more painful than an ear piercing.

But in order to avoid complications, festering, it is important to follow the rules of hygiene

Today, the nose piercing surprise no one.

- The second most popular piercing after ear piercing. Piercing is one of the ways of self-expression. There are several options for nose piercing:

Nose septum piercing . Does it hurt to pierce my nose? In this variant it certainly does. The pain does not last long, only at the moment of piercing, but the pain is quite strong. The reason for this is the location of many receptors in this area.

  • Nostril piercing
    implies wearing an earring, which resembles a bar, on one end of which there is a pebble, and the other is a hook. Nose piercing in this case is not as painful as the previous one. Narrowing of the nasal passages is a contraindication to this type of piercing.
  • Piercing the bridge of the nose
    is the most difficult and even dangerous, which is why it is not very popular among young people.

Useful tips for caring after the procedure

Those who pierce the nose, they wonder how to take care of the piercing, how long it will heal. The recovery process will last from 4 to 11 weeks. During this time, the following rules should be adhered to:

  • Treat the puncture site with an antiseptic in the morning and evening. Chlorhexidine, miramestine, hydrogen peroxide are suitable.
  • Roll the jewelry in time of treatment.
  • Do not touch the piercing with your hands unnecessarily.
  • Do not sleep with your face on a pillow.

While the piercing is healing, do not apply cosmetics to the skin near it. It is better to wipe the face with paper towels, as germs accumulate on ordinary ones. At the same time, near the jewelry, the skin is gently blotted.

For the time of healing, it is forbidden to swim in swimming pools, open reservoirs. It is better to avoid getting under the rain.

It is not recommended to take out the jewelry installed in the salon for the first six months. This can lead to an infection in the piercing channel.

If it is necessary to remove the earring, after a maximum of 24 hours it must be put back into the piercing. Failure to do so will result in a tightening of the wound and the need to wait for it to fully heal and repeat the manipulation.


What is the pricing for nose piercing services in the capital and cities of the Russian Federation? The cost of nose piercing in Moscow ranges from 1000-2200 rubles.

The operation is performed both with the simultaneous purchase of the jewelry offered by the specialist, and without it. The price depends on the technique of the event, which makes it increase.

  • In Voronezh, nose piercing with a needle and earring will cost the patient 1200 rubles.
  • In Novosibirsk it is possible to pierce the nose for an average price of 800 rubles.
  • In Petrozavodsk it is suggested to get a nose piercing for 700-1000 rubles.
  • In Yekaterinburg - the most inexpensive piercing service costs 600-800 rubles.

The question of whether it hurts to pierce the nose is asked by everyone who wants to decorate their body. The disadvantage of piercings is the pain not only during the piercing, but also at the time of healing of the wound. But different areas on the human body and face have different degrees of innervation. No less important is the method of piercing - by hand or with a gun, as well as the use of anesthetic.

How is the nose piercing performed?

You can get your nose pierced in a cosmetic or tattoo salon. An experienced master for piercing will use a special needle. A pistol is not suitable, as it may not cope with the dense skin of the nose.

Sometimes with a pistol piercing is done in the wings of the nose.

The day before the manipulation, it is necessary to cancel the intake of blood thinners, hormonal drugs, including OCs. You must also refrain from alcohol and strong coffee.

The procedure will vary slightly depending on where the nose will be pierced. But the general rule will be disinfection, jewelry and hands master.

  • Then proceed as follows:
  • Marking the area for piercing.
  • Treatment with antiseptic.
  • Piercing and installation of the earring.
  • Disinfecting the piercing.

Sometimes a local anesthetic is used. To pierce the wings of the nose, a special receiver for the needle is inserted into it. After the puncture, it is removed and only then the decoration is placed.

A needle with a catheter is used to puncture the nasal septum. Pre-install a special clip. They are also used for piercing in the technique of Bridge or Austin Bar or the tip of the nose. On average, any of the manipulations takes a quarter of an hour.

Is it worth a nose piercing?

The classic nostril piercing has been popular for a long time, septril has come into fashion in the last 3-5 years. This raises the question for many people whether it is dangerous to get a nose piercing in the salon. Piercing done by professionals is safe, after it is extremely rare complications arise.

Whether it is worth a nose piercing, everyone defines for himself. If this is how you want to express yourself and your ideas about beauty, then, of course, yes. If the thought of modifying the face arose as a tribute to fashion, you should abandon the idea. If such a decoration of yourself is not close to you in spirit you will not feel comfortable with it.

How is the septum done?

The process is quick and painless.

  1. The master palpates the membrane between the two cartilages and assesses how big it is. The shape of the membrane affects how close or deep a puncture can be made. An experienced handyman will suggest the best place to accentuate the shape of your face.
  2. The master will mark the entry and exit points of the needle and a guide line. Along this vector, he will guide the needle to make the septum smooth and symmetrical.
  3. The piercing itself. Some people use clamps, while others prefer to act by hand. A clamp is a special scissors with a hole for the needle. The master tries on the marks, hooks it and makes the piercing.

Popular areas of the body to pierce

Anatomically, it is possible to get a piercing in any soft place. But to minimize the risks, people usually choose common places.

Belly button

Popular among young girls who want to emphasize their flat tummy or taut abs. Piercing the belly button is very painful, and after the procedure for 2-3 weeks should follow strict rules: do not strain the stomach, do not bend over, do not sunbathe, do not take hot showers. When a girl becomes pregnant, the ornament must necessarily be removed.


Nose carnations like to do women of age who really want to prove themselves, but understand that a bar in the eyebrow or a bead in the chin - it's too extreme. Young people who belong to informal trends often decorate the wings of the nose or the septum with a ring.


An earring is usually worn on the lower lip, either in the center or on the side. This is one of the most difficult types of piercing, because you have to make sure that the jewelry does not touch the teeth.


We're not talking about the earlobe, but the entire shell. Cartilage too can be decorated with carnations, rings and non-standard earrings. Kate Moss, for example, has as many as six earrings on her right ear.


Eyebrow piercing is very common among young people. The decoration for this part of the face is a rod: an earring with beads on both ends. These beads and are the fixators of the piercing.

Attention! To the eyebrow comes a lot of blood vessels, when pierced, there can be a lot of blood, so people with poor clotting this piercing is contraindicated


A girl who has decided to do such piercing, puts her full-fledged motherhood at risk. Feeding a child with pierced breasts is out of the question, and not everyone is immune to this kind of experiments on the body. But some women take such risks in order to surprise their partners.


Tongue piercing, it would seem, invisible, but when you talk to such a person, it becomes clear that he has something in his mouth. Young guys and girls especially like to impress others in this way.


Piercing intimate places - a sight not for the faint of heart. This "tuning" do only very brave and, we can say, fearless people. After all, it is not only painful, but also extremely dangerous. The purpose of the intimate piercing: to get new sensations during sexual intimacy.

The fantasy of clients and masters in the performance of genital piercings is limitless. Girls can pierce their clitoris or the skin fold above it, labia major and minor, or pubis. Men usually pierce the head of the penis.

Nasal septal cartilage piercing

Special tools:

Needle stupor. tubular clamp, ring clamp and release, catheter needle.


ring, barbell, circular, plastic staple. At the first puncture, professionals install a special "C" shaped brace made of acrylic or titanium. The septum is an active reflex area, so any contact with the bar or ring causes strong "drilling" sensations. The lightweight plastic staple, the ends of which are directed along the nasal septum, does not interfere when putting on clothes, and avoids complications during the formation of the canal.

Pre-procedure treatment:

Treat the puncture area with hydrogen peroxide. Nasal discharge and tears are a natural reaction to irritation in the area of the septum, so be sure to offer the client tissues before the procedure. Dip the earring with the unscrewed ball into the antiseptic solution for 15-20 min. (95% alcohol, disinfectants).

Puncture site:

The skin fold between the mobile and fixed cartilages of the nasal septum

Puncture technique:

there is a special tubular clamp for the puncture of the septum, which allows you to fix the puncture area between the cartilage and make a marker mark.

To avoid injury, the needle at the exit is necessarily blocked with a spatula, plug or tube. After the puncture, the needle is removed and the end of a ring, rod or plastic staple is inserted into the opening of the catheter. Next, we push the catheter out of the puncture hole with the ornament, closing the ornament.


It takes 2-3 weeks for the puncture to heal and for the canal to form, after which the staple can be replaced with a jewelry ring or barbell. It is recommended to apply chlorhexidine bigluconate 2-3 times a day to the puncture area and jewelry for two weeks.

Care instructions after nose piercing

  1. Do not remove the earring within 4 weeks.
  2. In the first 3 days after the piercing refrain from going to the swimming pool, bathing, bathing in bodies of water.
  3. Every day, morning and evening, for 4 weeks, treat the puncture site with a special antiseptic or chlorhexidine bigluconate. The product should be applied so that it gets to the entry and exit points of the needle, as well as in the canal. During treatment you need to twist the earring and move it in the canal.
  4. Alcohol should not be used to treat the puncture point - tissue burns may occur.
  5. After showering, sports activities, bathing and bathing, treat the puncture site additionally.
  6. After 4 weeks, you can remove the earring and change it for another piece of jewelry.
  7. Remember to remove all metal jewelry when visiting the sauna and solarium. Refrain from visiting the sauna and the solarium until the canal has healed.
  8. If redness, swelling, pain and discharge occur around the earring, you should immediately remove the jewelry and contact the specialist who performed the piercing.
  9. Do not buy jewelry of dubious quality, as bad jewelry material can lead to inflammation of the already formed canal.

Reviews of real people about nose piercings

Positive reviews

Anna, 31 years old, Khimki

Had a nose piercing on both sides 3 years ago in a salon. Since then I have never regretted it, because the jewelry gives me mystery and emphasizes individuality. They catch the eye, and I love attention. The only thing I did not know whether it hurts to do a nose piercing, so very afraid of the procedure. But I was offered an anesthetic, and everything went great.

Elena, 19, Novosibirsk

I got my nose pierced for my 18th birthday. I made an appointment at the salon and went right on my birthday. I looked at a lot of pictures of earrings, weighed the pros and cons of the nose piercing, for a long time I decided where to pierce. In the end, I became the happy owner of the carnation on the right side of the wing. My nose healed quickly after the puncture, but I never missed a treatment.

Timur, 34, Kazan

Actually about 6 years ago I was all pierced, except for my nose I pierced my ears, tongue, eyebrow. Since then, I only kept the tattoo and the nose ring, because it really suits me. I remember how my nose was pierced by a friend with a special needle. It did not hurt, healed quickly, always treated carefully, because very high risk of contracting a disease.

A huge number of girls are happy with their jewelry a simple operation and a small accessory to add personality to a woman's image

Negative reviews

Nadezhda, 27 years old, Moscow

With all the responsible approach to the procedure (and I read the reviews, watched videos and photos, studied what kind of piercings and how they do it), it turned out very bad. Even after 2 years you can see the scar from the piercing. The doctor was negligent about disinfecting my hands and instruments, or something else was the cause, but one hole made my whole nose hurt and throbbed. I don't want to remember how we were treated and what we were afraid of, but I don't recommend it to anyone. Now sometimes I hide the scar under the piercings-blend or corrector.

Kirill, 25, Nizhny Novgorod

Did the piercing myself at home. Would have rather spent money on salon procedure, because I hurt my mucous membrane with a needle, almost stuck it from outside to inside. My hand was shaking. Then I didn't have time for earrings anymore.

Anastasia, 35, Tula

Double nose piercing is a memory that will last a lifetime for me. After the piercing I had to do a lot of procedures and even an operation, the nasal septum was very badly damaged, because the master was making a complex piercing at my request. Something went wrong and I ended up being out of commission for 6 months.

Difficult piercings are fraught with damage to the nasal septum, often leaving unaesthetic scars at the site of the piercing

Nose piercing is an original piece of jewelry that requires careful care until it heals.


For women

For Men