Phrases in German: how to pay a compliment in Germany?

German love phrases in German with translation

German is an interesting and unique language, just like any other language in the world. The words of love in German German is an interesting, unique language, unique to all languages of the world - the words of love in German sound in particular beautiful and sophisticated. To make it more beautiful we offer you:
Well, today we offer to your attention Aphorisms about love in German.

Aphorisms about love in German with translation

Liebe ist die "Psychotherapie" der Natur.

Love is the "psychotherapy" of nature.

Früchte reifen durch die Sonne. Menschen durch die Liebe. (Julius Langbehn).

Fruits ripen in the sun. Men through love. (Julius Langbehn).

1000 Herzen sind auf Erden, 1000 Herzen lieben Dich. Doch von diesen 1000 Herzen liebt Dich keines so wie me!

A thousand hearts on earth, a thousand hearts love you. But these 1000 hearts love you not as I do!

Liebe gehört zu den Lösungen, nicht zu den Rätseln dieser Welt.

Love is one of the solutions, not one of the mysteries of this world.

In der Liebe sprechen Hände und Augen meist lauter als der Mund. (Ricarda Huch).

In love the hands and eyes usually speak louder than the mouth. (Ricarda Huch)

Wenn es etwas Besseres gibt als geliebt zu werden, ist es lieben.

If there is anything better than being loved, it is to love.

Quotes about love in German with translation

Deine Aufgabe ist es nicht, nach der Liebe zu suchen, sondern ein Portal zu finden, einen Zugang, durch den die Liebe eintreten kann. (Eckhart Tolle)

Your task is not to look for love, but to find a portal, an access through which love can enter. (Eckhart Tolle)

Du bist für mich der Sonnenschein, Du bist für mich das traute Heim, Du bist für mich das Glück der Welt, auch wenn's dir nicht gefällt.

You are for me the sun, you are for me my home, you are for me the happiness of the world, even if you don't like it.

Sich selbst zu lieben ist der Anfang einer lebenslangen Romanze (Oscar Wilde).

To love yourself is a lifelong romance (Oscar Wilde).

Deine Wärme spüre ich bis hier, doch leider bist Du nicht bei mir. Ab morgen muß ich Dich nicht mehr missen denn dann kann ich Dich wieder küssen.

I feel your warmth here, but unfortunately you're not with me. I won't miss you any more tomorrow, as I can kiss you again.

Paradies: Der Ort, wo Menschen die Liebe ernster nehmen als sich selbst. (Hans Kruppa)

Paradies: The place where people take love more seriously than they take themselves (Hans Kruppa)

Nur die Liebe ist stärker als der Tod.

Only love is stronger than death.

Häufige Liebe auf den ersten Blick ist kein Fall für den Psychoanalytiker, sondern für den Optiker. (Paul Hubschmid)

Frequent love at first sight is not a case of psychoanalytiker, but of optiker. (Paul Hubschmid).

Source :

Quotes from the past

Some people think German is too straightforward and formal. But just listen to the beauty of the sayings of the greats:

  • Die Hoffnung ist der Regenbogen uber den herabsturzenden Bach des Lebens (Fr. Nietzsche). Hope is the rainbow over the falling stream of life.
  • Wenn auf der Erde die Liebe herrschte, wären alle Gesetze entbehrlich (Aristotle). If love reigned on earth, laws would be unnecessary.
  • Sonne kann nicht ohne Schein, Mensch nicht ohne Liebe sein (Goethe). As the sun can't be without light, so people can't be without love.

Confessions of Love in German

Ich liebe dich! - I love you!

Ich habe dich lieb! - I love you!

Ich denke ständig an dich! - I think about you all the time.

Ich bin so froh, dass es dich gibt. - I am so glad to have you.

Ich bin so glücklich mit dir. - I am so happy with you.

Ich kann mir ein Leben ohne dich nicht mehr vorstellen. - I can no longer imagine life without you.

Du bedeutest mir viel - You mean a lot to me

Du bist mir wichtig - You mean a lot to me.

Ich kann ohne dich nicht - I can't do without you

Für mich bist du alles - You are everything to me.

Alle meine Gedanken drehen sich um dich - All my thoughts are only about you

Ich habe mich in dich verliebt - I'm in love with you

Ich bin verrückt nach dir - I'm crazy about you.

Trau niemals den Sternen, sie funkeln und verglühen! Trau niemals den Rosen, sie duften und verblühen! Trau jedoch ewig mir, denn mein Herz gehört nur DIR... Never trust the stars, they sparkle and burn! Never trust roses, they perfume and wither! But trust me always, for my heart belongs only to you...

Wenn in der Früh mein Handy piept, weiss ich, dass es dich wirklich gibt. Ich freu mich auf das nächste Piep, denn ich hab dich mega lieb! If my phone rings in the morning, I know that you really are. I look forward to the next call, as I mega love you!

Ich wünsche Dir: Freude an jedem Tag, einen Engel auf jedem Weg, ein Licht in jeder Dunkelheit und einen Menschen, der dich liebt, denn du hast es verdient. I wish you: Joy in every day, an Angel to accompany you through life, Light in every darkness and a man who will love you because you deserve it.

Ich habe eine Träne im tiefen Ozean verloren. Erst wenn sie gefunden wird, werde ich aufhören dich zu lieben. I lost my tears in the depths of the ocean. Only when they are found will I stop loving you.

Ich will dich! Du mich auch? Ja? Dann sag nichts! Einfach nur lächeln! I want you! Do you want me too? Yes? Then don't say anything! Just smile!

Ich fürchte fast mein Herz verbrennt, wir lieben uns und sind oft getrennt. Die Welt ist grausam und gemein, ich würd so gern bei dir sein. I feel that a large part of my heart is burnt, we love each other and are often separated. The world is cruel and mean, and I would so like to be with you.

Ich wünschte, ich wäre nicht hier, sondern ich könnte fliegen zu Dir. Das wäre das Grösste für mich, mein Schatz, ich liebe Dich! I wish I had been here, but I could have flown to you. That would have been the greatest thing for me, my darling, I love you!

Schlaf mein Engel, schlafe nacht. Träume von mir in dieser Nacht. Denn dann träume ich von dir, und hole dich im Traum zu mir. Sleep my Angel, sleep. Dream of me this night. For when I dream of you, I take you in my dreams.

Ich würd so gern mit Dir allein in einer Kuschelecke sein. I would like to be alone with you in some cozy corner.


Why learn nice phrases

When learning German, the focus is usually on the relevance and "neediness" of words and phrases that gradually expand your vocabulary. Undoubtedly, you need to know how to ask for help or how to ask for directions to the right place (for tourists) or how to maintain a conversation with a business partner or friends. But

But you can not ignore beautiful phrases in German. They help to paint even a business conversation emotionally, to express appreciation and goodwill, to make an impression of an educated and intelligent person.

It should be understood - the usual cramming will not help here.

Incorrect use of a beautiful phrase can distort its meaning or, even worse, cause an involuntary smile of the interlocutor. To prevent this from happening, tirelessly expand your vocabulary by including non-standard, beautiful, and melodic phrases in your list of new phrases. If you're working with a private teacher, ask to include this section in your lessons. And if you're just getting ready to learn German, the Virtual Academy tutors will be happy to help.

Topic about Love (Liebe), topic, dialogues, poems. | German online. How to learn, lessons

Praktisch jeder Mensch machte sich wenigstens einmal in seinem Leben Gedanken darüber, was die Liebe ist. Im Laufe unseres Lebens erleben wir dieses Gefühl einmal oder mehrmals, kurz- oder langfristig, kräftig oder oben merklich.

Aber nur wenige sind imstande sogar relativ genau zu bestimmen, was dieses Gefühl bedeutet und wodurch es sich von den anderen menschlichen Empfindungen unterscheidet.

Zum Beispiel, es gibt Menschen, die dieses Wort für die Bezeichnung von solchen Gefühlen, wie Leidenschaft, Sexualtrieb, Zärtlichkeit, Anhänglichkeit und sogar Mitleid verwenden. Dies zeugt von der falschen Auffassung dieses Begriffes in der modernen Welt.

Almost everyone, at least once in their life, wonders what love is. In the course of our lives, we experience this feeling once or many times, fleetingly or over a long period of time, strongly or hardly noticeably.

But few people are able to define even relatively precisely what this feeling means and how it differs from other human feelings. For example, there are people who use the word to refer to feelings such as passion, sexual attraction, tenderness, affection or even compassion.

General tips for getting a tattoo inscription

  1. Before applying a tattoo, you should carefully check the reputation of the salon where the procedure will take place.
  2. The quality of the performed tattoo is guaranteed by the master's work portfolio. In the case of tattoo writings, you should check the availability of these works in his portfolio.
  3. Obligatory test for allergies! Tattoo industry develops rapidly and every year there are new kinds of dyes that theoretically may cause an unforeseen reaction.
  4. Obligatory observance of tattoo master's recommendations concerning tattoo care in the period of skin healing and after it (hygiene, the use of antiseptic ointments and gels, limited contact with the sun and water)

Do not be afraid to apply a tattoo image, as with a careful choice of themes tattoo, its style and location on the body, as well as with the observance of all recommendations for care and precautions, be sure to get a beautiful original design that can attract the admiring glances of others, bringing joy and good luck for many, many years.

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Erotic Dictionary of German

Unusual German. An erotic dictionary that you might need.

It is possible that you will not understand this phrase at once: "Süße, ich will Amors Pfeil in deine Liebesmuschel stecken...".

And if you hear it from a stranger, he deserves a good slap in the face.

We will try not to translate all the words - let you have a good exercise for your mind.

And besides, you may really need these words, so who knows in what place and under what circumstances you will have to hear the phrase about "Cupid's arrow". SCHNAKSELN SIE NOCH ODER POPPEN SIE SCHON? An untranslatable phrase meaning "Are you still or are you already?" And here are ten more words meaning...


Bauchrutscher, Besamung. Bettsport, Eiertanz, Einspritzung, Gevögel, Hausdurchsuchung, Horizontalpolka, Innenaufnahme, Lanzenstechen.

As you can see there are some quite "normal" ones among them, understood only from the context. But deciphering these non-special words shows that you have reached a very high level of language proficiency. You speak it almost to the level of real Germans.

The word "Muschi" or "Muschel" (shell) is understood by everyone. It means ... what distinguishes a woman from a man at its core.

But understand what the other words mean.

Bauchtasche, Brosche, Erdbeermund, Grotte, Kerbe, Liebesmuschel, Lustpflaume, Möse, Muff, Pflaume, Pussy, Saftpresse, Schwanzschlucker, Schlitz, Stachelbeere, Steckdose, Tropfsteinhöhle.

That's enough to get you started. You will break your head. Many words in translation are similar to their Russian usage. Many leave you perplexed.

And here are the words for the other beautiful part of the female body


Airbags, Apparate, Ballons, Blusenspanner, Dinger, Früchte, Holz vor der Hütte, Hügeldepot, Liebeseuter, Milchklößchen, Milchtüten, Mirabellen, Pompoms, schwere Lollos, Superdrüsen, Titten, Tutteln, Veranda, Wonneglocken, Zwillinge.

Isn't it true that many words seem quite normal and are part of normal colloquial language. So think about the context when you hear the word "Gemini," for example. And the word is not from Peter Stern's horoscope, but from a German bedroom.

We'll give you another 30-40 words that refer to very important parts of the human body.

What we call "male pride," the Germans call it:

Pferderiemen, Ritzenwunder, Schwanz, Spieß, Stammbaum, Wichsrüssel, Zapfhahn, Amors Pfeil, Ballerbüchse, Blasrohr, dicke Berta, Flammenwerfer, Geigerzähler, Joystick, Klöppel, Krückstock, Liebeslanze, Lustrüssel, Maiskolben, Oboe d'Amore.

Everyone knows that though Hephaestus was a great artist, his life with Aphrodite did not get on well. One day he forged a big mirror to make sweet to his wife and sent her as a present.

In the evening he came home and found the following picture: Aphrodite was swinging in front of the mirror forged by Hephaestus, she lifted up her hem and was looking at her own bottom with great pleasure, saying: "What a beauty! Oh, my goodness, Kallipiga! It's a sin for my freak to kiss you!" "Amazed at what he saw, Hephaestus exclaimed: "Truly, an ass is the face of a woman!" He spat in anger, and went back to the forge.

The German for Arsch, Brötchen, das andere Gesicht, Fahrgestell, Gasfabrik, Heck, Hintereingang, Kiste, Knacker, Oarsch, Podex, Protzkasten, Protzkasten, Pudding, Rückspiegel, Schinken, Sitzfleisch, Speckseite, Wackelpeter, Windmacher, Wohlstandshügel.

Isn't it kind of pointless? And often dismissive? Not at all in the spirit of Callipigi?

Anyway, we hope you'll do well in erotic German. And you'll even need it.

Source :

The most unusual German words

Erfahrungsschatz. Translated into Russian, the word sounds like "great life experience."

Lieblingswörter. This German word includes a whole phrase in Russian: "books, which we think we love.

Alleskönner. This word translated into Russian means "master of his craft. The Germans may be rude, but they also know how to praise.

Reise. In Germany they love to travel, and the beautiful German word they use for wandering is reise.

Krankenwagen. This word is used in Germany to refer to an ambulance.

Gift. For students of English, this word should be familiar. In Britain and the United States, it means "gift". But in Germany, it has taken on an entirely different meaning: "poison.

Schmetterling. One of the most beautiful German words refers to the most beautiful member of the insect family: the butterfly.


For women

For men