The process of tattooing - how much it hurts and harms

How do tattoos work?

Let's understand what a tattoo is in its essence. A tattoo is a permanent or permanent drawing on the body, which is applied through trauma, piercing the top layer of skin, followed by the introduction of pigment into the dermis.

Before the image is painted on your body, there are several stages, which we will discuss below.

Choosing a pattern and a body part

Choosing a drawing and choosing a body part are the most important points for the person who is going to subject his flesh for this cosmetic surgery. You should also remember that they are inseparable and adjust one to the other. The choice of the sketch depends on the purpose of the tattoo. It can be just an aesthetic pattern or an image with a meaning, as something personal as well as having a common meaning for all. As for the parts of the body, from a social point of view, it is not necessary to "score" the head, neck, hands, groin area.

adjustment of the pattern, details.

After the final determination of the pattern and place begins the work of the master. To begin with he should adjust, correct the pattern in accordance with the realities of the body, because you yourself understand that on paper is one thing, but in the curves of the body is another. Once the updated sketch is ready and agreed with the client we can move on to the next stage.

preparation for the application

Preparation for the application is a very responsible moment that requires a lot of attention from both sides of the procedure. On the client's side is the preparation of the body, or rather the blood. Do not take medications, especially those that help thin the blood and reduce its clotting, that is, antipyretics and painkillers, such as acetylacetic acid, paracetamol, analgin. Also, you should not, during the application, be sick with a cold, drink alcohol or be hung over.

From the side of the tattoo master is to ensure the sterility of the entire procedure. He must carry out all activities exclusively in gloves, to change the needle in front of you, to treat the tool and the skin surface with antiseptic. You should not forget that it is a small operation, but about that further. Also in the preparation of the tattooist is the drawing of the sketch. It is applied with the help of special paper, by the method of application which is similar to an ordinary carbon copy. During the work, the sketch on the body is treated with vaseline, so that the picture is not erased.

application process

So, now begins the process of applying the tattoo. Modern tattoo masters use an induction machine, but by and large all that is needed is a sharp needle, ink and a mechanism that will pierce the skin with a certain force. Let's look at an example of a more modern method.

The instrument is turned on and brought to the body. The needle is impregnated with a small amount of pigment and it pierces the stratum corneum of the skin and penetrates the dermis. The dermis is the layer of skin that is slightly deeper, it also contains the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. A dosed amount of dye remains in it. This piercing occurs thousands of times and at this time the master slowly leads the machine to the drawing of the sketch.

The application always begins with an outline, which is scored with one fine needle. Then the shadows are scored. The modern machine has a tip so that you can put several needles at once and the scoring line will be thicker.

healing process

After the ringbearer has filled the entire tattoo pattern, she will need care, but more about this later. The healing process is individual. Time of healing varies depending on the amount of fat on the tattoo, where there is more of it faster, also from the thickness of the lines. Breast, abdomen, hips, buttocks - from 4 to 7 days, other parts such as arms, back, neck, lower leg from 1 to 2 weeks.

On the first day of healing tattoo will be swollen and there will be mucus with pigment, it means that went the process of healing of skin. On the second day, the skin begins to take the ink and no longer secretes the succour for cleansing, there is a feeling of dryness and tightness. On the third day, it starts to itch a lot, but you can't do that categorically. You can spank the place of irritation a little bit.

How to get female and male tattoos: the preparatory stages

The selected area of the body is freed from hair, the skin is degreased with an alcohol solution and disinfected. The tattoo area is treated with gel or gel deodorant. Next, the contours of the figure are transferred to the body, which can be done in several ways.

Most often use transfer paper. Figure printed on the printer, transferred to transfer paper. The subject is cut to the contour. If the drawing is large, make small cuts around the edges to allow the paper to lie well on the prepared area of the body. The sketch is pressed against the skin and removed after a few seconds. The contours remain on the body, which the artist reinforces with a body marker. Experienced artists use only markers, no transfer paper.

Basics of care

The most important principle in the care of the tattoo in the first stages of healing is to exclude the entry of infection into your damaged epidermis. Immediately after the end of the work, each master should wrap the tattoo in foil, or better in a bandage. You can keep the bandage on longer, but not more than 24 hours.

After removing the bandage, you need to wash the tattoo with warm water and soap, after which on no account rewrap it back. It is important not to use cold or hot water, also do not use a washcloth. Just gently wash your wound with your fingers.

After rinsing, you should not wipe with a regular bath towel, as it accumulates a lot of bacteria, which is the biggest enemy. A paper towel or toilet paper is great. Gently blot the wet surface of the skin, but do not rub. The washing procedure should be done at least twice a day until the skin is completely healed.

Apply a thin layer of lotion or ointment to dry skin. For the first time, use an ointment to heal wounds, the most popular product is bipanten. Later the skin will be exposed to dryness and you can use any greasy ointment or body milk.

Also in the first few days, wear light and loose clothing that is not tight on the injured area of the skin. Try to avoid being in sweat for long periods of time, and change clothes more often.

An important point! Try not to be exposed to the sun and ultraviolet rays, as this promotes rapid fading of the ink. If you can't avoid it, then use sunscreen, and in general it is your best friend.

A few ways to transfer a picture on your body

You can use the following to apply an image to your body:

  • eyeliner pencil;
  • a marker;
  • ink;
  • Temporary tattoo paper;
  • henna to create an ethnic style tattoo.

Although it is often written that you can use a permanent marker to create a temporary tattoo, you must remember that such paint contains harmful substances. You should not use a gel pen either.

People often think you can use eyeliner to draw a pattern. But it holds up well on the eyelids, while on other parts of the body it smudges.

The easiest way to apply a tattoo is as follows:

  • with an eye pencil on the skin draw the image;
  • Fix it with hairspray, splashing it on an area of the dermis.

Such a tattoo is easy to wash off with soap and water. It is best done before bedtime so as not to stain the bedclothes.

There is another way. They make a stencil, fix it on the skin with scotch tape. They paint over, and then fix the drawing.

The third option is based on the use of paper that is designed for temporary tattoos. It is sold in online stores or retail outlets, where they sell products for needlework.

The drawing can be printed on a color printer. Choose colors that match your skin tone. If there is a desire to write a word on the body, it is written backwards on the stencil. Then when transferred to the skin, the tattoo is mirrored and can be read.

Temporary tattoo paper is placed in a printer. Printed out, the image is cut to the contour. The image is put inked down, covered with a towel and pressed. The paper is removed.

Such picture on the skin keeps at least for 1 week. If you need to wash earlier, you will need a stiff brush and soap.

It is possible to pierce the tattoo at home. One takes a needle with a "stopper" in the shape of a balloon, dips it in ink, and then pierces the skin. There are many kinds of dyes that artisans use. The result of their work, if the image is of poor quality, is called a "partak tattoo".

But it is better to score a tattoo in a salon, where the image will be applied with professional ink. The image will be clear, beautiful. Applying the tattoo with a special machine will not cause severe pain.


The most significant harm from tattoos is the possibility of contracting an infectious disease. Therefore, you need to be careful about disinfecting the entire process and subsequent care.

The next point is the harm of the pigments themselves. They must be of good quality, because carrying around ink is far from what your skin is dreaming of. Because of them there can form an allergy, so it is desirable to know exactly what pigments were used in order to cope more effectively with this problem.

Also the composition of the ink for tattooing is quite toxic, it includes metal oxides and other chemical elements such as copper, zinc, barium, cadmium, mercury. Getting into the blood and subsequently into the organs can lead to acute illness or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

It is not uncommon now to meet people with a psychological addiction to tattoos who cannot resist the opportunity to score a blank patch of skin. Only a psychotherapist or psychiatrist can help here.

How to make a temporary tattoo by yourself with airbrush?

  • This type of temporary tattoo is applied to the skin with a special paint using a stencil and airbrush - A special gun, used for spraying paint. You can make the stencil yourself or use a ready-made.
  • The area of the skin on which you want to make a temporary tattoo, degrease with medical alcohol. The stencil is attached Tape or tape, but so as not to close the cut out areas. With ready-made stencil is much easier - it is glued directly on the skin. Then paint is gently sprayed over it. As a tip - do not use too fine lines.
  • At the end, sprinkle the drawing with talcum powder, Remove the excess with a cosmetic brush. To keep the drawing longer, it should be periodically treated with hairspray or a special powder.

Quick and easy, but expensive inventory itself
Quick and easy, but the equipment itself is expensive

Does it hurt to get a tattoo?

The concept of pain in this matter is rather relative, in comparative terms it is somewhere between a mosquito bite and blade cut, but it all depends on many factors. Some people, for example, even like this sensation. How painful the whole process will be depends on several factors:

  • The skill of the tattooist.
  • Body part
  • Personal sensitivity to pain
  • Time of blocking the area
  • The overall condition of the client

Master's skill lies in understanding when to make a pause, the correct application of anesthetic ointments. It is also worth taking into account the tool the ringmaker uses and its application technique.

Very much affects the painful sensations of the body part. There are 2 main factors: the thickness of the fat layer and the number of nerve endings. The most painful part is your head, neck, wrists, lower back, knees, and lower leg.

Because of the complexity of the element in some sections, you have to go through the same section several times. Repeated penetration of the area, of course, causes more discomfort.

Mental attitude is also important, do not dwell on the pain, try to distract yourself, but do not distract the master. You can listen to music with headphones or read something. You should also attend the session only when you are awake and refreshed. Take a shower, eat a good meal, and get a good night's sleep. The process is quite lengthy and you need to prepare.

Is it worth it to start doing tattoos?

Choosing a technique, buying equipment and learning the trade - this is just the beginning. Then comes the fun part - getting your hands full, gaining experience and exploring new avenues. That said, hope for a countless line of customers at the beginning is not necessary. First, you must establish a reputation and accumulate examples of work (for these purposes will suit close friends and just people who want to do cheap tattoo). The process of going professional can take more than one month.

Even if you have decided to learn tattooing and use your skills as a hobby, you should think seriously. You will need perseverance, patience, a passion for creating images and a sufficient amount of money (professional equipment - not a cheap pleasure). And if you're ready for all that - go for it! Enroll for courses or look for appropriate video tutorials and start your way tattoo master!

How tattooing is done and its cost

A tattoo is a temporary tattoo in the form of makeup on the face that allows you to emphasize facial features, correct asymmetry, hide scars and scars.

All the stages of application and healing are absolutely similar to a regular tattoo, the only difference is the tool and pigments. The tool looks like a large pen for writing, only instead of a rod there is a thin needle. This device pierces only 0.5-1 mm deep into the skin. Because of this and because of the fact that the composition of pigments for the tattoo is not as severe as for conventional tattoo, it lasts from 1 year to 5 years.

The cost depends on the complexity of the tattoo, for example, a camouflage of the scar can cost about 10000 rubles, and so the average price for one element, be it lips, eyebrows or eyes ranges around 5000 rubles. Keep in mind that a significantly lowered price is a sign to think about the level of the master and the quality of the paint, and remember that this is the same tattoo and to withdraw it will be as difficult as permanent.

How to make a tattoo at home by yourself

Before you do a tattoo at home, it is worth to get acquainted with the rules:

  1. Hands and skin necessarily treated with a disinfectant solution. Especially carefully this should be done if it is planned to use a needle.
  2. The work begins with the outline of the image on the skin. Only then begin to enter the pigment. When using a homemade machine, precautions must be taken.

Permanent images on the body are applied in specialized salons, and at home make temporary tattoos. The procedure is as follows:

  1. First, the skin is prepared. With a razor remove hairs from the body, treat the dermis with a disinfectant.
  2. After that, a pencil or marker is drawn, clearly drawing the lines.
  3. The needle is sterilized. Withdrawing 0.3 mm from the tip, a cotton thread is wound around it. The result should be a ball - it will serve as a stopper.
  4. The dye is poured into a bowl. The needle is dipped so that it sinks into the container up to the level of the ball. Using pointing movements, the needle paints an image, moving along outlined contour lines.

With this method of application, the skin is pierced shallowly. There should be no blood and no strong discomfort. Excess paint is removed by applying a cotton pad. A piece of cloth can be used instead.

After completion, the tattoo is rinsed with warm water, removing excess paint. Devices and used materials are discarded.

The skin may redden slightly, this is a normal reaction. After a few hours, the redness will subside. When the drawing dries, it is treated with Chlorhexidine or other disinfectant. Such a drawing will not last long on the skin, but it will suffice for 2 weeks. It will disappear without leaving a trace.


To make a tattoo, in addition to the disinfectant, you need to buy copy paper. It is needed in order to transfer the picture you like to the area of the body. Will need hairspray, preferably a strong fixation.

What disinfectant is the best.

Salons use disposable tools and materials. Reusable may be only the machines themselves, used for tattooing, holders and cables. All tools go through a multi-step disinfection process.

When applying a tattoo at home, the body is wiped down with alcohol. The finished tattoo is regularly moistened with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine. These drugs kill germs, reduce inflammation.

How to learn how to draw a tattoo

If a person can draw, he can create a sketch himself. But most people draw poorly, and such images will look inappropriate on the skin.

It is better to immediately contact an artist or tattoo master. In other cases it is necessary to train, to draw at first on paper. Only when the picture will be beautiful, it is worth to transfer it to the skin.

Ways of bringing it together

Whatever way you do not use, it is necessary to remember that skin will never recover to its former state and area of its traumatization will always be more than painted pattern. Nevertheless, the technologies of tattoo reduction achieve good results now.

Thermal method: the most highly developed method, carried out with a laser. Any size and complexity of tattoos can be done with this method, besides it is used for its correction.

Mechanical method: removal of tattoos by dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is a layer-by-layer grinding of the epidermis. It is suitable for removing small size tattoos. It is also used to remove scars, scars and chemical burns.

Chemical method: based on the removal of pigment through chemicals. It is accompanied by exfoliation of the skin particles. A method similar to peeling. The oldest method in which chemicals are applied to the tattoo for a few hours and they corrode it, also leaving a chemical burn on the skin.

How to remove a tattoo

If you do a tattoo at home with a needle, its quality may be poor. Then it needs to be reduced. The area of the pattern, the type of paint, and the color of the skin all matter.

Can be done with a tattoo pen, a neodymium laser will help to remove the drawing. Its beam penetrates the skin, its structure is not disturbed. It affects the particles that are different in color from the dermis. The pigment is destroyed, turning into tiny particles, which are excreted through the kidneys and pores of the skin.

The disadvantage of this method can be called inflammation. The tattoo is not always removed in 1 time. After 1.5-2 months the procedure can be repeated again.

Similarly, you can reduce the partak tattoo, laser removal is offered by many salons.

Tips for caring for temporary tattoos done at home

Tattoos with your own hands at home will last longer on your body if you follow simple rules. This applies to both the application of the tattoo and its care.

Tips that will make a temporary tattoo last longer and look better:

  • Do not touch the tattoo if the hairspray has not yet dried;
  • Check on an inconspicuous area of your skin for allergies and reactions to your chosen materials;
  • baby powder helps to fix the design;
  • If you apply not hairspray, but a liquid plaster on top of the tattoo, the picture will last longer.

Despite the various methods and techniques for applying temporary tattoos, the longest will last picture, made by henna - up to z-weeks. Other tattoos will last on your skin for about 3 days.

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How the process of healing after a tattoo is done

The process of healing passes a certain time and its duration depends on the individual characteristics of each person. On the first day after applying the tattoo you can notice that the skin area is swollen, there is a certain reddening of the skin and the outline of the image.

The second day is associated with the appearance of a feeling of dryness and increased tightness of the skin, the skin surface ceases to secrete succulence. In the process of healing and from about the third day after the application of the tattoo the place of scoring begins to itch, but this is exactly what you should not do, in order to avoid the risk of getting an infection.

It doesn't matter how long the tattoo is done, for a certain time or it will decorate the body of its owner permanently. An image should be of the highest quality and look aesthetic, which can be achieved only if you choose a wizard and a good elephant, to know exactly what image you want to decorate your body.


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