Tattoo of the phoenix for men: meaning and photo works

Tattoos are densely included in the everyday life of most people. Some people put drawings on the body to change themselves and their lives, others imitate characters, others manifest themselves. The phoenix tattoo is very popular today for men, the meaning of which implies such interpretation as rebirth and immortality.

Many tattoos are considered strong averters and talismans, protecting the man from danger, dark forces and ill-wishers. So the tattoo of a phoenix is one of them. But besides the sketch itself, much depends on the location of the tattoo, in what style and color performed by the master. The best ideas and detailed interpretations will be in the article next.

Phoenix tattoo

The phoenix is not just art on a man's body and a display of bright body art, it is a tattoo with deep sacred meaning. In esoterics, it is believed that this is a mysterious magical symbol with powerful energy. The tattoo endows its wearer with power, fiery energy, helps to renew oneself, to defeat evil.

The best phoenix tattoo ideas and sketches in 2018-2019:

Phoenix, reborn from the flames - In this drawing on the body, the flame is the embodiment of death, and the phoenix stands as a symbol of rebirth from the fire, life and immortality.

Flying phoenix - Such a tattoo speaks of a desire for complete independence and freedom, the ability to freely reflect, to protect themselves from the banality, mediocrity and boredom.

phoenix with tears - symbol of the renewal of the soul and body after the treatment of severe wounds in the body and soul.

Yellow phoenix - The embodiment of the energy and warmth of the sun, a kind and positive sign that helps to improve the perception of yourself and your life.

Red phoenix - A manifestation of the energy of fire, passion, and emotionality in a person.

A gray or black phoenix - in this case, the tattoo is associated with death, depressing memories from the past, as this color is compared to ash.

Important! Unlike other types of tattoos, the phoenix tattoo provides the same meaning for both men and women. The main interpretation is rebirth, renewal of the soul and body.

The meaning of the phoenix tattoo for men

Attractive sketch, applied to the skin, often occurs in guys as well. Usually, men stuffed on the body a monochrome image of a phoenix.

So they want to show that they are:

  • full of strength;
  • determined;
  • young at heart;
  • tenacious;
  • capable of achieving their goal by any means necessary.

Mythological creature for guys is a talisman that protects from various misfortunes. Often the phoenix tattoo is stuffed on the skin of people whose profession is associated with stunt stunts, war, flying.

Why choose a phoenix tattoo?

The main purpose of applying a tattoo with a phoenix on the body is to change yourself and your life, borrowing the best features of this mythical creature, protection from dark forces and enemies. The popularity of the tattoo can be understood if you dig into the past and the history of the emergence of this format of body art:

  • The ancient Egyptian city of Heliopolis - where the sun was revered, it was from here that the information went about the phoenix living for 500 years, after which the birds in their nest burn themselves to ashes and are reborn anew;
  • Egypt - here, phoenix tattoos were beaten, considering them a symbol of the power of the sun (identified with the god Ra) and immortality;
  • Jews - these people believed that the phoenix was the only living creature in Paradise that did not know the Forbidden Fruit, making the creature immortal;
  • Christians - in the religion of Orthodoxy believed that the phoenix defeated the dark forces, making it an immortal being;
  • Chinese culture - the phoenix was considered one of the 4 sacred animals, combining Yin and Yang, representing loyalty, humanity, spirituality;
  • Ancient Rome - phoenixes decorated coins, flags, armor of legionaries, showing the immortality of this empire, as well as motivating warriors to fearlessness before death.

Today, the phoenix is a symbol of both repetition and cyclicality of human life, a deep sacred meaning and coloring in the form of a tattoo on the body. The tattoo suggests that everything in life comes back and repeats itself. And men beat a tattoo with a phoenix to cope with the obstacles of life, to bring up the strength of spirit, resilience.

What are the meanings of the tattoo?

There are several versions of the immortality of the firebird in different interpretations of the legend. These are death with self-immolation and subsequent resurrection from the ashes, an incredibly long life lasting many centuries and ending with the birth of a single chick, which immediately after the birth buries the parent and a variant with absolute immortality, invulnerability of this bird. From these three legends, in one way or another narrating immortality, several symbols stand out that form the final meaning of the phoenix tattoo:

  • immortality of the soul;
  • renewal;
  • belief in reincarnation;
  • continuation in children;
  • the immutability of the world, eternal repetition;
  • strength of spirit - the ability to "rise from the ashes;
  • The ability to create one's own destiny, as a phoenix creates a new life out of its own ashes.

In fact, there are many variants of interpretation. The shades of meaning may be influenced by how the phoenix is drawn (with its wings folded or spread, in the "prime of life" or just budding) and what other symbols it is surrounded by (for example, flying toward the sun could mean a soul striving toward a god - fire, returning to a great fire).

Another important feature of the phoenix is its fiery essence. In essence, the phoenix is fire incarnate. This gives tattoos depicting this bird such meanings:

  • hot temperament;
  • irrepressibility;
  • zeal, etc.

The bearer of the tattoo can apply it as on one of these signs, and on the whole complex. It is not for nothing that many peoples of antiquity combined the idea of immortality and fire into one legend.

On what places do men apply tattoos with a phoenix?

The place for the tattoo is not only an aesthetic, but also a sacred criterion that affects the detailed interpretation of the tattoo. The phoenix is a beautiful and three-dimensional picture, which is printed more often on the back, chest, shoulders and forearms.


The phoenix on the shoulder is a helper for the man, supporting him in difficult situations of life. The tattoo is needed to make a man reliable, stable, able to protect his family.


On the hands, the bird looks spectacular and always remains in the attention of the environment. This means that the phoenix on the forearm is a way of self-expression, a demonstration of strength, inner energy, masculinity.

Tattoo on the wrist

Original on the wrist will look a small neat drawing of a phoenix or a bird in the form of a symbol. Most often, such a tattoo serves as a talisman from the dark forces, ill-wishers, bad luck.

Tattoos on the palm, on the hands and fingers

The palm of the hand is a special place, where most often the phoenix is tattooed to protect against difficulties and evil. On the fingers of the hand, the phoenix will be a talisman that helps to do the right thing. Hands are what a man affects the world, the phoenix on the hand will help to achieve goals.

Tattoo Sleeve

Sleeve is a tattoo that covers the entire space on the arms of a man. Phoenix in this case is a symbol of a man's desire for independence, freedom, spirituality. Also tattoos on the arms are a demonstration of strong character traits.

Neck .

As is known, where the neck turns, there will look and the head. This means that a tattoo on the neck can affect the mind and thinking. A phoenix on the neck can help renew and cleanse the body and mind of evil and negativity.


If a man often faces danger, a phoenix can be inscribed on his chest as a talisman. It is believed that the larger the drawing, the more sacred meaning it implies.


The phoenix on the side is a symbol of protection of one's interests, awareness of the fickleness of the world and a man's stability in such conditions. The man thereby shows that nothing, no difficulties in life will break him.


Phoenix on the thighs more often do girls, but also among men there are such natal drawings. They signify the love of life, wisdom and intellect, a heart burning with passion and feelings, men's desire to create a family and have offspring.


An adult male gets a phoenix tattoo on his back to transform his thinking and future. The bird will help to zero in, reborn, and take a fresh look at his life and values.


The area between the shoulder blades accumulates the energy of the male ego and ambition. Tattoo a phoenix on the scapula will help to properly prioritize, get rid of the influence of the past.


Feet are responsible for the desire to move forward and conquer new heights. The phoenix depicted on the legs will be an assistant in the search for the right path in life. He will protect from evil, bad thoughts and wrong decisions.

Ascended from the ashes

Phoenix is a word of Greek origin meaning "fiery red" and first mentioned by Herodotus. He claims that such an amazing bird is only a figment of human imagination. According to the legend he heard, the phoenix lives in Arabia with its parent, and when he dies, the bird takes his body to the Egyptian city of Heliopolis. Many other ancient authors claim that the Egyptians have more than once seen with their own eyes the immortal bird arriving. These sources also speak of self-immolation and rebirth from the ashes, which was not mentioned by Herodotus.

The Egyptians themselves called the phoenix Bennu. According to one of the versions, Bennu came right out of the heart of the god Osiris. This bird was considered a symbol of the sun, the resurrection from the dead, and was responsible for the floods of the Nile.

In Chinese mythology, the phoenix is considered as the embodiment of the feminine, as opposed to the dragon, a male symbol. This is one of the reasons why nowadays it's quite common to see female phoenix tattoos with oriental motifs. But some ancient sources claim that there is a female phoenix named Luan-nyao and a male phoenix - Feng-huang. Together they symbolize the ideal happy married couple, patronize lovers, families and people who have achieved excellence in any matter. Therefore, we can not say that the male tattoo phoenix contradicts the original meaning laid in the image of this mythical creature.

In Iranian mythology has its own eternal bird called Simurgh. In Zoroastrian sources mentioned this creature as the keeper of the World Tree, which, with a wave of his huge wings, scatters the seeds around the world. By the way, according to one version, the Slavic god Semargle, whose functions still remain unknown, is none other than the Iranian Simurg.

Arabic sources also tell of the anka birds, dazzlingly beautiful, but hostile to humans, which by description resemble the phoenix. Interestingly, "anka" means "duck" in Swedish, and similar words for this bird are found in many European languages (e.g., Italian "anatra", German "ente", Danish "and").

The Slavic Firebird is, in fact, a fiery phoenix, whose flaming plumage cannot be touched. It was believed that the Firebird feeds on rejuvenating apples and is reborn every year with the arrival of spring, and its feather is capable of brightly illuminating even the largest room.

In Jewish tradition there are two versions of the story of how the phoenix gained immortality. The first version tells us that Eve fed all the inhabitants of the Garden of Eden with the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and only the phoenix resisted temptation, so it retained its immortality. According to the second version, during the flood all the animals in the Ark demanded food from Noah, and only the phoenix did not burden him. In gratitude, Noah asked the god to grant the bird immortality.

In almost all cultures this creature has fiery plumage and takes on the features of those birds associated with the sun: eagles, herons, golden pheasants. Almost all sources agree that the phoenix symbolizes the sun, warmth, vitality, reincarnation.

Are there guidelines for applying a tattoo with a phoenix?

The first thing a man should understand regarding the choice and application of a tattoo is that it is always stressful for the body and risks. To avoid negative consequences, follow some simple tips:

  1. Sketch - Look through recent catalogs with phoenix tattoos, choose for yourself the best option, make author corrections and adjustments, so that the result was not a copy.
  2. Technique - Find out from the master by what technique he will apply the body drawing. Evaluate the quality of materials that the master uses, as well as the equipment.
  3. Anesthesia - Evaluate your pain threshold, pain tolerance, you may need anesthesia. But masters do not advise to resort to anesthesia, as it leads to swelling of the skin, which makes it not amenable.
  4. Measures before tattooing - The master should advise you on what not to do shortly before the procedure. This most often refers to the intake of alcohol, medications, etc.
  5. State of health - The man must be healthy and in good spirits. Questions about allergic reactions are discussed in advance.

Expert Opinion

Viola Madison

Master of Tattoo, 8 years experience

Before you start working with a master ask him for a photo album of his work. These photos will tell you more about the master and his skill level than diplomas and reviews.

How to choose a tattoo sketch in relation to a place on a body?

The sketch and the place on a man's body are two interrelated parameters of choice. An experienced master will tell you that the proportionality of the scale of the drawing and the area on the body is important in the work. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the sketch in relation to the place on the body as follows:

  • back, chest, forearm, arms and legs - for such areas it is better to choose large colorful sketches in the form of compositions with symbols, details and other additional elements, such as soaring phoenix, phoenix in tandem with other creatures, etc;
  • shoulders, shoulder blades, hips, hands - The phoenix designs will look harmonious here with moderate phoenix designs without overloading the eye with detail and symbolism, such as the phoenix in minimalism or tribal style;
  • fingers and wrists, palms, neck - on such areas you can depict small phoenix tattoos in the style of patterns, symbols or a smaller version without extra strokes and details.

Evaluate how important it is to you that in certain conditions (at work or at a formal event) the tattoo will need to be hidden from the environment. This will also affect the choice of place on the body, where the phoenix will be tattooed.

Destination Stylistics

Among those who are fond of body art, the most popular are surrealistic tattoos, drawings in the style of oriental. In the photo, you can notice that the Phoenix sketches of the latter style reflect well the traditions of Asian painting. No less in demand is the direction of black and grey, combining the magic of black and gray hue.

The meaning of the Phoenix tattoo for girls

Fans of the mystical image give preference to the phoenix watercolor, the brightness of images of this type imitates a watercolor painting made with a brush. The beauty of the female tattoo symbolizes love, loyalty and fidelity. Complementing the composition with the image of a dragon can be called a manifestation of the interaction between masculinity and femininity ("Yin and Yang").

For young and unmarried girls, a large Phoenix on the body is a pledge of finding love and happiness.

If the tattoo is influenced by the tale of the dying Phoenix, the body painting takes on a very different meaning. The death of the bird denotes parental love, saving the life of the only chick.

The different variations of the fairy tale heroine on a woman's skin, regardless of the locations - forearm, thigh, shin - look wonderful on the photo. From the side tattoo from the chest to the buttocks it is impossible to tear your eyes away.

Meaning of the fire beast for men

Despite the universal ideas in the absence of sexual restrictions, the male tattoo shows the fiery temperament of its owner. The regulars of the salons in the price are quite different options of monochrome gamut. The stronger sex chooses:

  • Linear linework graphics;
  • The coarseness of black tribal patterns;
  • The rebellious style of thrash polka dots.

Ideas for men's designs have changed over time. The tattoo of Egyptian priests was replaced by Roman symbolism, and the main meaning of the fire bird - purification by fire from vices and passions through high patience. For men are characterized by the boldness of the decision when choosing the location of the tattoo.

The scale of the pictures, printed on the back or chest, which can be seen in the photo, is striking. No less often fans of the Phoenix mystery decorate the left forearm area with his image, much less often the tattoo can be seen on the leg.

Styles and colors that are popular for the phoenix tattoo

The style of the tattoo is an important criterion that can dramatically change the perception of the design and its meaning. As for the phoenix, most often masters use the following styles:

Oriental - The image of the phoenix in the oriental style, here are appropriate bright colors, such as red, yellow, blue, green;

tribal . - the bird will be made in the form of patterns and ornaments in a restrained black and white format;

surrealism - extraordinary performance of the phoenix for connoisseurs of a different view of any thing;

Black and Grey - drawing strictly in black and white;

realism - Maximum transfer of colors, shadows, light, so the phoenix looks realistic.

In the beginning the phoenix tattoos were in black and white. Today, this style is only appropriate if we are talking about small tattoos on small areas of the body. If it is a large-sized phoenix on the back, chest, in the form of sleeves, masters use bright hues, but mostly yellow and red.

Plot solutions and styles

Tattoo drawings with the phoenix are performed in a warm range of colors. The fiery spectrum is the best way to designate areas that need to be protected. Bright transitions of red and yellow protect from the evil eye and bad intentions.

The meaning of the tattoo bird phoenix - to be reborn when the old has outlived. That is why most often it is beaten depicting the moment of rebirth. In the compositions, the bird flies or soars. This allows creating a sense of movement.

Good look drawings in the style of tattoos:

  • Realism
  • watercolor
  • graphics.

Drawing can combine elements of sketch style, geometry, linework.

Symbols that can be combined with the tattoo phoenix

Symbolism can both complement and radically redirect the vector in the interpretation of the tattoo. Together with the phoenix most often depicted:

  • phoenix and flowers - a way of self-expression and manifestation of love for life, nature, and aesthetics;
  • the phoenix and the key - a symbol of the mystery and enigma of the human soul;
  • phoenix and flame - inner transformation, rejection of the old and complete renewal of consciousness and life;
  • dream catcher - a talisman that, together with the phoenix, protects against the influence of dark forces and evil;
  • yin-yang - This symbol represents harmony between feminine and masculine energies.

Did you manage to choose the design of phoenix for yourself?

Yes No


Tattoo phoenix watercolor looks spectacular on a large scale. Delicate pastel colors, blurry outlines give the composition lightness and airiness. Tattoos phoenix on the back, on the shoulder or on the leg will become a beautiful body decoration for the fair sex. Black and white tattoo designs will certainly attract the attention of young people who want to emphasize strength and independence. These can be Dotwork or etching techniques, which are characterized by monochrome, stylish images.

For the phoenix tattoo, oriental style sketches are the most suitable option. It is desirable that the work is dominated by gold and red colors. Organically fit into the composition lotuses and sea waves. Small tattoos look original in the style of geometry. Such a tattoo has a sacred meaning, known only to its owner. The composition is dominated by clear contours, neat thin lines, correct geometric figures. Tattoo with a phoenix photo and interesting sketches can be viewed in the gallery below.

Where is the best place to do a tattoo?

The place where you can score a tattoo of any format and level of complexity is a specialized tattoo salon that has a license and permit to operate. Only in such a place you can find a qualified and experienced master, the best equipment, quality paints.

If you go to unproven masters or do tattoos at home, the following risks are possible:

  • poor-quality results;
  • infection;
  • skin injuries;
  • Unreasonable expenses;
  • Lack of any guarantees from the master.

Saving money for tattooing services is an unjustified and dangerous decision, because the tattoo is done for life.

Examples of phoenix tattoos that are not recommended to apply. Their meaning in the criminal world

Many people believe that a tattoo with a phoenix is always a positive and positive meaning. Even in prison circles such tattoos are respected. But by no means always the reaction to such tattoos can be unambiguous, especially if it:

phoenix on fire - a symbol of self-injury, burning in the flames, the fall of the soul;

red phoenix - A tattoo that speaks of a person's self-immolation;

multi-colored phoenix - In the zone, such a tattoo can be interpreted as a drawing of a rooster, than in the zone they mark downcast people;

phoenix and skull. - The phoenix is a symbol of life and a symbol of death, between goodness, spirituality and dark forces.

But in normal life, the attitude to tattoos with the phoenix is always respectful and positive.

Features of the position and color of the phoenix tattoo

Nakolka with a phoenix looks on the body like a bright picture, fascinating and revealing to the viewer a whole story. For this reason, it is customary to make the tattoo quite voluminous and apply to a large part of the body, viz:

  • on the back;
  • on the hips;
  • On the area under the ribs;
  • On the shoulders.

The majestic bird is mainly drawn in red-orange or fiery gold. The main emphasis is made on the red color to emphasize the smallest curves of the bird's body. Depending on where exactly the tattoo is applied, the master can add flame, fire or sun to the phoenix.


For women

For men