Does it hurt to get a tattoo? The Pain Map and The Biggest Sore Points

Does it hurt to get a tattoo? This question plagues everyone who dares to get their first tattoo. In this article we will tell you the main thing, and also, we will help to prepare physically and psychologically for the process of tattooing. Welcome to the club!

At the outset, it is worth noting that the pain threshold is different for everyone.

And there is no universal means of pain relief, which works equally well for everyone. At the same time.
there are peculiarities that you should be aware of in order to make the tattooing process as comfortable as possible.

"As a tattoo artist, I will say that women do have a higher pain threshold, while even a strong man who got a tattoo, in a fairly painful area, could faint. The same can happen to women, but I had a case where a girl who got a tattoo on her ribs (very painful there) fell asleep in the process altogether. It's all individual!"

What does the pain look like during the session?

"At the first touch of the needle, goosebumps run all over my body - quite an exciting sensation... It's like a bee stung me. Usually the pain is at the beginning and unpleasant only for the first 10-15 minutes. Then it becomes normal."

Tattooing process causes itchy aching pain

As the needle traumatizes the top layer of skin.
Large tattoos are especially difficult to tolerate,
where a single fragment requires careful detailing.

In other words, the pain of a tattoo can be compared to an abrasion. Only with an "abrasion" this happens quickly, while with a tattoo the process of skin trauma is stretched out over several hours. In essence, a tattoo is a wound.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo - Tattoo Pain - Tattoo Pain MapDoes it hurt to get a tattoo - Tattoo Pain Map

The most popular places for tattooing

Clavicle. This place for the tattoo characterizes the girl as a refined nature, prone to dreams and solitude. There are images of birds, insects or flowers. Also, this is a great place for tattoo artists to apply all kinds of symbols and inscriptions. Drawing in this place looks very advantageous, because the clothes almost do not cover the tattoo.

How much does it hurt to get a tattoo in the collarbone area? In fact, all painful sensations can be minimized by using local anesthesia. The finished tattoo can be flaunted in the summertime by covering its small area with a nice T-shirt.

Wrist. This is a sure second place that can be compared to the clavicle. This place is often chosen, both by women and men, to type some minimalistic picture. By the way, very original looks the name of the other half, inscribed in calligraphic script.

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How painful is this place? How painful is it to get a tattoo on the wrist? Actually beating a tattoo on the hands is not very pleasant without anesthesia. It is better for women to use an anesthetic before drawing on the wrist. Nevertheless, many people say that there is very little pain when getting a tattoo.

Biceps and shoulders. This is the perfect place for those who want to get a tattoo, but are afraid of pain. Tattoo parlor masters tattoo and a wide variety of sketches without anesthetic or local anesthesia.

Although some did the simplest drawing, and the whole session was accompanied by extremely unpleasant pain. Nevertheless, this particular area is considered to be characterized by minimal painfulness. Tattooing in this area is also good because you can create a fairly large image here.

The neck. It likes to be used as a canvas by representatives of both sexes. Doing a tattoo on the neck on the side or back is not very painful. And if it beats a real professional, you can just relax and enjoy the process. Nevertheless, especially sensitive individuals at the beginning of the session should anesthetize the place where the injections are applied. By the way, quite original looks the drawing, made from the neck to the forearm.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on my neck?

Tattoo on the neck is not so painful, if you pad in a good salon, where the master uses anesthetics to create a tattoo. In addition, the neck is characterized by a small concentration of nerve endings, so this area is characterized by little painful sensations. At least, so say those who have had a tattoo in this area.

Back. This is a real springboard for the craftsman's machine. There is just an incredible number of sketches, large-scale and volumetric, which are simply created to flaunt on the back of a charming girl or a brutal man.

Entire galleries are devoted to the tattoo on the back, and the people who made the original drawing can be safely attributed to the category of daredevils. The back is far from the most painful area. The scale speaks eloquently to the fact that it is the area that is best suited for the creation of large-scale projects.

Angel wings in a wide variety of designs, hieroglyphs and dragons, trees and angels - all are finding embodiment on the backs of more and more men and women. Yes, perhaps the process of creating a drawing will be much longer than the time spent on the collarbone or shin. But what a result!

Forearm. If a girl has a tattoo on her forearm, she has practically no chance of remaining unnoticed. The drawing is done, as a rule, without anesthesia. Afterwards, a local anesthetic can be used to reduce the itching.

Does it hurt to tattoo your forearm?

Flowers, hieroglyphics, inscriptions and symbols - all of these are often painted by salon professionals. The best option is to create a custom sketch on both hands, which when joined will create a single composition. Does it hurt to get a tattoo on the forearm? Not likely. Most likely it will just tickle.

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Chest. Another large-scale canvas that often becomes the setting for amazing sketches. If you look at the diagram about sick tattoos, you can see that this area is not so brightly colored. This means that an anesthetic procedure may not be necessary.

Pain Map - The Most Painful Places to Tattoo

The most painful places for tattoos are Areas of the body where there is no fat layer and the skin is in close contact with the bone

As well as places with soft skin and a lot of nerve endings.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo - Tattoo Pain Map - Tattoo Pain Map

These areas include:

  • The area at the bend of the elbow;
  • The skin around the nipple;
  • armpits;
  • The area under the pectoral muscle on the ribs,
  • The skin under the knees,
  • groin area.


  1. Regardless of the area, The larger the tattoo, the more uncomfortable it is
  2. Masters, taking into account the chosen zone, often offer to divide the work into small time intervals.
  3. Painful areas in girls.
    The armpit, neck, face, area around the nipple, wrists, groin, knees, periosteum of the shin, and the area below the knee.
    The most painless places for tattoos on girls
    Shoulders, forearms, shoulder blades, chest, calves, thighs.
  4. Painful spots for men.
    Head, armpits, elbows, chest and ribs, groin and pelvic area, shins, knees and feet. The places where
    it doesn't hurt to get a tattooIn men:
    shoulders, forearms, outer thighs, shoulder blades and calves.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo?

The modern tattoo is not much different from the ancient drawings on the body. It can tell something about its owner. No matter where the picture is - a tattoo on the hand or chest, a tattoo on the shoulder or on the scapula - the sketch can tell others about the addictions, tastes, goals, and even worldview of its owner.

For example, a flock of birds on the hips or collarbones eloquently suggests that the man always follows his heart. And here is a lone bird, sitting on a flower - a symbol of uniqueness and uniqueness, which looks very effective in the ribs or back.

The current methods of application and the use of quality pigments allow you to create unique designs, and even three-dimensional images. But before going to a tattoo parlor, each person should not only choose a sketch of a future tattoo on the ribs or on the leg, but also adjust himself to the pain.

What can you compare the pain of a tattoo to?

Describing the sensation, according to "the experienced", is quite difficult. Some say that it feels like scratching the skin with a needle, but you should hardly believe such a description. After all, the needle pierces the skin in the process, and that is quite different.

You can find comparisons to bee stings, precisely at the moment when the insect stings. But there is no subsequent stinging already at the stabbing of the pattern. This is noted when working out the contour, and such sensations are associated with the peculiarities of the needle. When painting, the needle is different, the effect is somewhat "scattered". It can be compared to several stings at the same time, but with an intensity much lower. If the drawing is done close to the bone, there is itching. After the tattoo is applied, it will hurt like an open wound.


To reduce pain during the procedure, many modern tattoo parlors use special ointments and sprays that dull the discomfort. In some places clients are even offered the service of general anesthesia, however, due to the insecurity to health, it is better to refuse it.

The best way to take your mind off the pain is to switch to something else. You can bring your phone or a book with you to the session. Some people bring friends to support them and distract them with conversation. The main thing in all this is not to interfere with the tattooist to do his work.

Gearing up to do a tattoo, you must be prepared mentally and physically for the fact that you will be hurt, because the process of drawing on the skin involves its multiple piercing. But do not be afraid of this, because after suffering a few minutes or hours, you will get the very tattoo that you have long dreamed of.

How long after the tattoo session will you feel pain

The most severe pain from having special ink injected under your skin usually lasts during the tattoo session and several hours afterwards. Tangible pain sensations may persist for several days (up to a week). After that, it should get easier.

If after seven days the pain has not subsided, and the part of the body where the tattoo appeared is throbbing and looks red, it is a cause for concern. You should see a doctor as soon as possible to make sure there is no infection or allergic reaction and take action if necessary.

Follow these simple guidelines, and the tattooing process will be as painless as possible for you.

Is there a place where it doesn't hurt to get a tattoo at all?

Unfortunately, no. However, people with a very low threshold of sensitivity in the salons are sometimes offered anesthetic ointments. They work for about 3-4 hours, which is enough for a good drawing. You can also take a pain pill. Only be sure to consult with the master, because it is forbidden to use agents that reduce blood clotting. It is also very important to get enough sleep the night before and come to the session satiated. You can even bring a player and listen to music in headphones, or watch a movie on your smartphone.

Important! If you become unbearably painful, you should not twitch and wriggle under the hand of the master. It is best to interrupt the session and continue the next time.

What is important when applying tattoos?

How to prepare a guy for the process of tattooing? This question is relevant both among beginners, as well as among those who have already repeatedly sent to the salon for a new drawing on the body. In fact the success, safety and quality of work of the master depends on many factors - the experience of the master, complexity and scale of the sketch, psychological and emotional mood.

Qualification and experience of the master

How fast, safe and painless the tattooing session will go on the body directly depends on the experience and qualification of the master. It is important for the artist not only to be able to draw on the body and competently use the effects, colors and shades. He is also obliged to know where the anesthetic is appropriate, what is the best choice, how often to pause.

Thanks to the courses and advanced training the master not only paints beautifully on the client's body, he also understands the different types of drawings, to which are selected needles, machines, methods of introduction of paint, speed and step-by-step conducting of sessions. That is why it is important to choose an experienced master in advance, look through his reviews and a catalog of previous works.

Is a pain threshold a criterion for you while choosing a place for tattooing?

Yes No

Size and complexity of the tattoo sketch

The size and complexity of the tattoo also predetermines how painful and long the session will be. The larger the sketch, the more procedures the master will need to transfer it to the client's body. The more complicated is the drawing itself and the more detailed it is, the more meticulous and in-depth the master will focus on the details.

Small simple tattoos in minimalist style can be scored for 1 procedure, but the complex realistic sleeve sketch will have to perform for 4-5 visits to the salon. Note that if one area of the body for a long time will be exposed to the tattoo machine, the pain may increase.

Place of application

The place for the tattoo also directly affects how quickly and how much pain the session will be. For example, in the area of the calf muscles, the work of the machine will resemble a small tingling, but at the wrist or foot will seem to a man unbearable experience, accompanied by an acute intolerable pain.

Important! The master must take into account a man's pain threshold, since anatomical and physiological features can contribute to both low and high body sensitivity.

The pain threshold depends on two factors:

  • The presence of muscle and fatty tissue and their distance between skin and bone;
  • the number and density of nerve endings.

According to such indicators, three groups of areas on the man's body can be identified:

  1. Low soreness. - Shoulders and forearms, buttocks, calf muscles, lower back.
  2. Medium soreness - shoulder blades, back, hips, abdomen.
  3. High soreness - feet, wrists, hands, outer side of the shin, inner part of the thighs, knees.

Client psychology. How susceptible he is to pain shock.

If we are talking about a newcomer to the field of tattoo culture, the fear of pain can actually be related to ignorance and the unknown. Psychologists say that most people are afraid of everything new and untried before. And repeated tattooing sessions are much easier and more positive on the part of salon clients.

It happens that the fear of men can be caused by an unsuccessful first experience. Fear and psychological unpreparedness can increase sensitivity and interfere with the normal work of the master. More often than not, men are offered distractions:

  • Listening to music;
  • reading a book;
  • watching movies.

This is especially true when one session stretches for several hours, during which a man needs to lie absolutely still.


For women

For Men