Latin expressions, said hundreds of years ago, imprinted forever in the minds of people, on the pages of books, architectural structures, and on the human body. The first Latin phrases for tattoos were religious, now their meaning can be quite unpredictable. One person gets a tattoo for the sake of beauty, another for motivation, a third to show life views, and for some, it is a memory of a loved one. For any occasion there is a perfect expression in Latin for a tattoo. You won't find one - just translate your own thought and it will sound divine.

Place to apply

There are no special recommendations for the placement of a tattoo on Latin, where you like - do it, but remember, where are the most painless areas (on the soft tissues, as far as possible away from the bones and nerve endings): forearm, the outer side of the hands to the wrist, buttocks, the back side of the neck, where a large layer of fat and muscular tissue. There are times when one wants to make a tattoo in a more intimate place for a loved one. So you'll have to be patient. Long quotes will fit only on the back or chest. Beneficial looks tattoo inscription on the hands or collarbone, if you use a small font.

Interesting! Dmitry Nagiev has a tattoo on his hand in Latin, made in such a small font that even the most persistent paparazzi cannot read it. The actor hides the meaning of the inscription.

If you have chosen a motivational phrase, it is foolish to apply such a tattoo on the back, neck, back of the shoulder, legs, it should perform the intended function, be in plain sight, ideally - on the hands. But prayers, protective inscriptions, on the contrary, are better placed on the back, on the neck. Bold men create mottos of life on the chest, although this area is painful, girls make small love messages under the breast. Bold inscriptions on the bottom of women's bellies look flattering, sexy. This is a great way to hide the postpartum scars.

Who is suitable for the tattoo?

Tattoo with such an inscription is suitable for both men and women, although it is more popular among the stronger half of mankind.

Most often it is applied by people who:

  • Religious;
  • tend to believe in mysticism;
  • Think about tomorrow;
  • care about their good name after death;
  • live for today;
  • enjoy every moment of life.

To such people, a tattoo serves as a kind of beacon or reference point. It encourages to improve themselves, their human qualities and remember that every person has his time on Earth, and it must be used wisely, because there is no second chance.

Love quotes

Great love stimulates young people to look for tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation, to confess their feelings, to convince the chosen one in sincerity, seriousness of intentions. Are you sure you have found your soul mate? Pay attention to the quotes "One life - one love", "Forever in my heart". Couples choose popular phrases, "Lovers are crazy," "Strong and tight." Love is not always a joyful emotion; there is room for pain, too. And numerous Latin expressions speak about it: "Odi et amo" ("I hate and love", "Abiens, abi!" ("Going away, go away!"), "Vivit sub pectore vulnus" ("Lives in the chest wound").

Tattoos about love do not have to be dedicated to a specific person, there are simply beautiful phrases in Latin. They are often applied to a girl's body to emphasize romanticism, readiness to love, to be loved: "Ut ameris, amabilis esto" ("Be worthy of love - you will be loved"), "Amor omnia vincit" ("All wins love"), "Magna res est amor" ("Love is a great thing").

Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation

Inscriptions in Latin can be allocated in a separate direction of tattoo art. The Latin language is one of the most ancient Indo-European written languages and is still formally used in some parts of the Old World: in Vatican City and in Malta. In fact it belongs to the dead languages and in practice is used only by doctors and lawyers. Of the modern languages, the closest to Latin is Italian.

Perhaps it is the inapplicability of the ancient language to the modern world that makes it so attractive to those wishing to make a tattoo in the form of a phrase or phrase. Tattoos in Latin in the form of inscriptions as well as Celtic patterns fascinate with a kind of mysteryThe spirit of time, uniqueness and mystery.

Of course, choosing a tattoo inscription in Latin for a man or a girl, it is logical first of all to pay attention to the statements of philosophers and sages of those times, when this language was actively used. However, today it is possible to translate almost any phrase. Especially for you, we have selected a large collection of tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation.
Phrases translated into Russian

god's advocateADVOCATUS DEI
Calamity is the touchstone of valorCOLAMITAS VIRTUTIS OCCASIO
without any formalityEchtga formam
Without anger and without partialitySINE IRA ET STUDIO
Without hope hopeCONTRA SPEM SPERO
The abyss cries out to the abyss.ABYSSUS ABYSSUM INVOCAT
The shores, hostile to the pure maidensLITORA CASTIS INIMICA PUELLIS
Good intentionsPIA DESIDERIA
The good of the people is the highest lawSALUS POPULI SUPREMA LEX
Pleasure of the godsPAX DEORUM
Blessed is he who is away from businessBEATUS ILLE, QUI PROCUL NEGOTIIS
By the grace of GodDEI GRATIA
Pain causes even the innocent to lieETIAM INNOCENTES COGIT MENTIRI DOLOR
I am afraid of Danaians, even those who bring gifts.TIMEO DANAOS ET DONA FERENTES
Let us go forward without hesitationIMPAVIDE PROGREDIAMUR
Let us be silent!TACEAMUS!
I will hate if I can; if I cannot, I will love against my will.ODERO SI POTERO; SI NON, INVITUS AMABO
Sometimes a fool will say the right thingINTERDUM STULTUS OPPORTUNA LOQUITUR
In motion everything grows and gains strength.MOBILITATE VIGET VIRESQUE ACQUIRIT EUNDO
In defense of his home.PRO DOMO SUA
A sound mind in a sound body.MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO
In necessary unity, in doubt freedom, in everything love.IN NECESSARIIS UNITAS, IN DUBIIS LIBERTAS, IN OMNIBUS CARITAS
In truth is virtueIN RECTO VIRTUS
In the presence of the physician nothing is harmfulPRAESENTE MEDICO NIHIL NOCET
There is pleasure in tearsEST QUAEDAM FLERE VOLUPTAS
Doubly he who gives soonBIS DAT, QUI CITO DAT
The great thing is love.MAGNA RES EST AMOR
The great unknown.MAGNUM IGNOTUM
The summits are not reached all at oncePAULATIM SUMMA PETUNTUR
Have faith in the experiencedCREDE EXPERTO
We have fun while we are young.GAUDEAMUS IGITUR, JUVENUS DUM SUMUS
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and everlasting light let it shine upon themREQUIEM AETERNAM DONA EIS, DOMINE, ET LUX PERPETUA LUCEAT EIS
power over self is the highest powerIMPERARE SIBI MAXIMUM IMPERIUM EST
In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit.IN NOMINE PATRIS ET FILII ET SPIRITUS SANCTI
War of all against allBELLUM OMNIM CONTRA OMNES
risen and avengedREDIVIVUS ET ULTOR
restitutio in integrumRESTITUTIO IN INTEGRUM
This is what I wantHOC EST IN VOTIS
Enemy of the human raceHOSTIS GENERIS HUMANI
Physician heals, nature healsMEDICUS CURAT, NATURA SANAT
The times change and we change with them.TEMPORA MUTANTUR, ET NOS MUTAMUR IN ILLIS
Everything is vanityOMNIA VANITAS
Everything changes, nothing disappearsOMNIA MUTANTUR, NIHIL INTERIT
All that is mine I carry with me.OMNIA MEA MECUM PORTO
Everything obeys moneyPECUNIAE OBOEDIUNT OMNIA
All art is an imitation of nature.OMNIS ARS IMITATIO EST NATURAE
Endure and abstain.SUSTINE ET ABSTINE
Where friends, there is wealthUBI AMICI, IBI OPES
Where there is good, there is homeland.UBI BENE, IBI PATRIA
The voice of the people is the voice of God.VOX POPULI VOX DEI
Woe to the vanquishedVAE VICTIS
The gift of speech is given to all, spiritual wisdom to a few.SERMO DATUR CUNCLIS, ANIMI SAPIENTIA PAUCIS
moving spiritSPIRITUS MOVENS
Two fight, the third rejoices.DUOBUS CERTANTIBUS TERTIUS GAUDET
Do what you do.AGE QUOD AGIS
For the eyes but not for the hands (look but don't touch)OCULIS NON MANIBUS
By virtue and constancyVIRTUTE ET CONSTANTIA
Good fame is also an inheritanceHONESTUS RUMOR ALTERUM EST PATRIMONIUM
The good head of the familyBONUS PATER FAMILIAS
Farewell to others often, to oneself never.IGNOSCITO SAEPE ALTERI, NUNQUAM TIBI
Evil intent turns against the one who has plotted evilMALUM CONSILIUM CONSULTORI PESSIMUM EST
The only salvation is in the struggle.UNAM IN ARMIS SALUTEM
If you want peace, prepare for war.SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM
Eat, drink, be merry.EDE, BIBE, LUDE
Expect from another what you yourself have done to another.AB ALTERO EXPECTES, ALTERI QUOD FECERIS
The one who wishes to go is led by fate, the one who does not wish to go is dragged by fate.DUCUNT VOLENTEM FATA, NOLENTEM TRAHUNT
A woman is always changeable and fickle.VARIUM ET MUTABILE SEMPER FEMINA
Brutal necessityDURA NECESSITAS
There's a wound living in the breastVIVIT SUB PECTORE VULNUS
Life without freedom is nothingVITA SENE LIBERTATE NIHIL
Life is short, art is long.ARS LONGA, VITA BREVIS.
To live is to fight.VIVERE MILITARE EST.
The die is cast.ALEA JAKTA EST.
Pros and ConsPRO ET CONTRA
The smell of profit is pleasant no matter what it comes fromLUCRI BONUS EST ODOR EX RE QUALIBET
Here and nowHIC ET NUNC.
I know you both under the skin and outside (see you through)EGO TE INTUS ET IN CUTE NOVI
Out of many oneEX PLURIBUS UNUM.
The emperor must die standing upIMPERATOREM STANTEM MORI OPORTET
Sincerely grieves he who grieves without witnesses.ILLE DOLET VERE, QUI SINE TESTE DOLET
Truth is the daughter of time.TEMPORIS FILIA VERITAS
The truth is in the wineIN VINO VERITAS
Truth is above friendship.VERITAS MAGIS AMICITIAE
A true friend is a friend in need.AMICUS CERTUS IN RE INCERTA CERNITUR
Seek and ye shall findQUAERITE ET INVENIETIS
Everyone is drawn to his passionTRAHIT SUA QUEMQUE VOLUPTAS
To each his ownSUUM QUIQUE
Everyone is the smith of his own destiny.FABER EST SUAE QUISQUE FORTUNAE
A stumbling block and a rock of temptationLAPIS OFFENSIONIS ET PETRA SCANDALI
By beak and clawUNGUIBUS ET ROSTRO
The end is the crown.FINIS CORONAT OPUS
Who is without sin?QUI SINE PECCATO EST
He who is everywhere is nowhere.NUSQUAM EST QUI UBIQUE EST
He who does not work does not eat.QUI NON LABORAT, NON MANDUCET
He who is in too much of a hurry, he later copes with things.QUI NIMIUM PROPERAT, SERIUS AB SOLVIT
It is easy to carry what one bears willingly.PORTALUR LCVITER, QUOD PORTAT QUISQUE LIBENTER
False in one, false in allFalsus in uno, falsus in omnibus
Better late than never.POTIUS SERO QUAM NUNQUAM
Better death than dishonor.MALO MORI QUAM FOEDARI
Better to die than to be dishonored.POTIUS MORI QUAM FOEDARI
Love conquers all.OMNIA VINCIT AMOR
Little sorrow is eloquent, great, silent.CURAE LEVES LOQUUNTUR, INGENTES STUPENT
The place of least resistanceLOCUS MINORIS RESISTENTIAE
He whom many shall fear, he whom many shall fear.MULTOS TIMERE DEBCT, QUERN MULTI TIMENT
We can do as much as we knowTANTUM POSSUMUS, QUANTUM SCIMUS
We are one tribe.GENS UNA SUMUS
For ever and ever.IN PERPETUUM.
One must eat to live, not live to eat.ESSE OPORTET UT VIVAS, NON VIVERE UT EDAS
Appearances are deceptive.FRONTIS NULLA FIDES
Do not fear the last day, but do not call upon it either.SUMMUM PES METUAS DIEM, PES OPTES
Do not lead into temptationNE INDUCAS IN TENTATIONEM
Ne inducas in tentationemNE CEDE MALIS
Don't submit to adversity, but bravely face it.TU NE CEDE MALIS, SED CONTRA AUDENTIOR ITO
Thou shalt not sin, thou shalt not repent.PECCANDO PROMEREMUR
Do not touch meNOLI ME TANGERE
Unavoidable evil - unavoidableMALUM NECESSARIUM - NECESSARIUM
A little, but a lotNON MULTA, SED MULTUM
Necessity triumphs over lawNECESSITAS FRANGIT LEGEM
There is no cure for loveAMOR NON EST MEDICABILIS HERBIS
There is nothing that is prosperous in every wayNIHIL EST AB OMNI PARTE BEATUM
There is no crime without punishmentNULLUM CRIMEN SINE POENA
There is no bad without goodMALUM NULLUM EST SINE ALIQUO BONO
He who smells bad always smells good.NON BENE OLET, QUI BENE SEMPER OLET
I have nothing, I care for nothing.Nihil habeo, nihil curo
I have nothing, I fear nothing.NIHIL HABEO, NIHIL TIMEO
I have nothing, I care for nothingNIHIL HABEO, NIHIL CURO.

More on this topic: Brutal Male Tattoos

Nothing comes out of nothingNIL DE NIHILO FIT
Nothing remains unredeemedNIL INULTUM REMANEBIT.
Now and foreverNUNC ET IN SAECULA
Tastes are not in dispute.DE GUSTIBUS NON DISPUTANDUM
Of the dead, good or nothing.DE MORTUIS AUTBENE, AUT NIHIL
What they don't know, they don't want.IGNOTI NULLA CUPIDO
Gaining strength in motionVIRESQUE ACQUIRIT EUNDO
The eagle does not catch flies.AQUILA NON CAPTAT MUSCAS
From the possible to the actualA POTENTIA AD ACTUM
First among equals.PRIMUS INTER PARES
By divine rightJURE DIVINO.
Victory where there is concordIBI VICTORIA UBI CONCORDIA
To win or dieVINCERE AUT MORI.
Repetition is the mother of learning.REPETITIO EST MATER STUDIORUM
suppress your prideDEBELLARE SUPERBOS
The like is cured by the likeSIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURANTUR
As long as I breathe, I hope.DUM SPIRO, SPERO
Have mercy on me, O God, in your great mercyMISERERE MEI, DEUS, SECUNDUM MAGNAM MISERICORDIAM TUAM
Remember death.MEMENTO MORI
Remember that thou art a manMEMENTO QUOD EST HOMO
After darkness, light.POST TENEBRAS LUX
After death there is no pleasurePOST MORTEM NULLA VOLUPTAS
last pardonSUPREMUM VALE
A final, decisive argumentULTIMA RATIO.
Act so as to live happilyHAEC FAC UT FELIX VIVAS
Poets are born, orators become.NASCUNTUR POETAE, FIUNT ORATORES
The right to dispose of life and deathJUS VITAE AC NECIS
Justice must be done, even if the world perishes.PEREAT MUNDUS ET FIAT JUSTITIA
Practice is the best teacher.USUS MAGISTER EST OPTIMUS
I came, I saw, I conquered.VENI, VIDI, VICI
Sell all that you have and follow me.VENDE OMNIA, QUAE HABES, ET SEQUERE ME
Away with trouble (away with business)PROCUL NEGOTIS
Farewell and love meVALE ET ME AMA
Let them hate, only to be feared.ODERINT, DUM METUANT
For the common goodPRO BONO PUBLIC
Divide and ruleDIVIDE ET IMPERA
I will destroy and I will erect.DESTRUAM ET AEDIFICABO
A fish needs to swimPISCES NATARE OPORTET
With God's helpDEO JUVANTE
What's over, don't come back to.ACTUM, AJUNT, NE AGAS
By himselfPER SE.
Done (done)FECIT
I will make you remember meFaciarn ut mei memineris
I will make you remember.FACIAM UT MEI MEMINERIS
The miser is always in need.SEMPER AVARUS EGET
You will break, but you will not bend.FRANGAS NON FLECTAS
Death no one can escape.MORTEM EFFUGERE NEMO POTEST
perfect yourself.PERFICE TE
He who lies in one thing lies in everything.MENDAX IN UNO, MENDAX IN OMNIBUS
Calm in the midst of stormsMEDIIS TEMPESTATIBUS PLACIDUS
Fate helps the braveFORTES FORTUNA ADJUVAT
Fate, FateFatum
Sum of sums (final total)SUMMA SUMMARUM
Happy is he who boldly takes under his protection that which he lovesFELIX, QUI QUOD AMAT, DEFENDERE FORTITER AUDIT
Happiness goes with the braveAUDACES FORTUNA JUVAT
So it was fatedHOC ERAT IN FATIS
It was fate's willSIC FATA VOLUERUNT
So go to the stars♪ SIC ITUR AD ASTRA
Thus passes earthly glorySIC TRANSIT GLORIA MUNDI
That's the way I want it.SIC VOLO
That which one does not hope for and for years happens in an instantACCIDIT IN PUNCTO QUOD NON SPERATUR IN ANNO
He that hath done half the work, who hath already begun.DIMIDIUM FACTI, QUI COEPIT, HABET
There is no thirdTERTIUM NON DATUR
Difficulties I overcome with patience.DURUM PATIENTIA FRANGO
Sanctuary for sinnersREFUGIUM PECCATORUM
Died, mourned by many good menMULTIS ILLE BONIS FLEBILIS OCCIDIT
He who lived well lived unnoticed.BENE QUI LATUIT, BENE VIXIT
The center of the universeCAPUT MUNDI
What you do not wish for yourself, do not do for another.OQUOD TIBI FIERI NON VIS, ALTERI NE FECERIS
Man is a sacred thing.HOMO RES SACRA
Man supposes, but God disposes.Homo proponit, sed deus disponit
Man is freeHOMO LIBER
Man is a wolf to manHOMO HOMINI LUPUS EST
A man promoted by his personal qualitiesHOMO NOVUS.
It is inherent in man to err (make mistakes)ERARE HUMANUM EST
through thorns to the starsPER ASPERA AD ASTRA
An honorable death is better than a shameful life.HONESTA MORS TURPI VITA POTIOR
To live honestly, not to harm others, to each his own reward.HONESTE VIVERE, ALTERUM NON LAEDERE, SUUM CUIQUE TRIBUERE
What is permitted to Jupiter is not permitted to bull.QUOD LICET JOVI, NON LICET BOVI
What is natural is not shameful.NATURALIA NON SUNT TURPIA
What is done is done.Factum est factum
What pleases the lord is the law.QUOD PRINCIPI PLACUIT, LEGIS HABET VIGOREM
This is the hope that I live byIN HAC SPE VIVO
I know that I know nothingScio me nihil scire
I have done what I could, he who can, let him do better.FECI AUOD POTUI, FACIANT MELIORA POTENTES
I said, and relieved my soul.DIXI ET AHINAM LEVAVI
I have saved my soulSALVAVI ANIMAM MEAM
I, too, obey the fateME QUOQUE FATA REGUNT
I am human, nothing human is alien to meHOMO SUM, HUMANI NIHIL A ME ALIENUM PUTO
Language is the enemy of men, friend of the devil and women.LINGUA EST HOSTIS HOMINUM AMICUSQUE DIABOLI ET FEMINARUM
Poverty is not a vice.Paupertas pop est vitium
The irrevocable time is running.Fugit irrevocabile tempus
Without objectionNemine contradicente
Without a moment's hesitation.Hic et nunc?
Without anger and without partiality.Sine ira et studio
Without delay.Sine mora.
Without witnesses.Remotis testibus
Safe, quick, pleasantTuto, cito, jucunde
Take your timeTempori parce
The people's good is the highest law.Salus populi suprema lex.
Be faithful to him who is faithful (to you).Fac fideli sis fidelis
In a sound body is a sound mind.Mens sana in sano
In my own interestPro domo mea (sua)
In general termsGrosso modo
In the customs of men there is much variety and much absurdityMulta sunt in moribus dissentanea multa, sine ratione
By virtue of the lawIpso jure.
By virtue of the obvious factIpso facto
In vesselIn vitro
In useIn usu
In four wallsIgnietparietes
Lead with care.Rem cum cura age
Faithful and courageousFidelis et forfis
Eternal youthSemper virens
Eternal movementPerpetuum mobile
A bird is seen by the flight.Ex ungue leonem.
Together and separatelyOmnes et singulos
At the top of his voiceOga rotundo
Water sharpens stoneGUTTA CAVAT LAPIDEM
Here is the place where death willingly helps lifeHic locus est, ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
The physician is a friend and servant of the sick.Medicus amicus et servus aegrotorum est.
Physician is a friend to physician.Medicus medico amicus est.
Physician, heal thyself.Medice, cura te ipsum
Times change and we change with them.Tempora mutantur et nos mutantur in illis
Time waits for no time.Tempus nemini.
All living things have come out of the egg (Garvey )Omne vivum ech ovo.
All that is superfluous is harmful.Omne nimium nocet
All beautiful things are rareOmnia praeclara rara
All that is mine I carry with meOmnia mea mecum porto
Always in motionSemper in motu
Always the sameSemper idem.
The conclusion of a proposition which has yet to be proved.Petitio principii!
Hold high your head!Sursum corda!
Where there is pus, there is incision.Ubi pus, ibi incisio
Where there is concord, there is victory.Ubi concordia - ibi victoria
A profound summaryMultum, pop multa
VerbatimNudis verbis
Woe to the DefeatedVae victis
notorietyFama clamosa
Let it be allowed.Licitum sit
Let there be light!Fiat lux!
There's nowhere else.Nec plus ultra
You can't be punished twice for the same thing.Non bis in idem
I do, that you doFacio ut facias
Keep to yourselfHabeat sibi
For proprietyPro forma
Trust, but see whom you trust.Fide, sed cui fidas, vide
Content with little.Parvo contentus
The permitted and the impermissibleFas atque nefas
The road to knowledgeVia scientiarum
Worthy of regretMiserabile dictu
Worthy of amazementMirabile dictu
If you tell the truth, you don't need witnesses.Si vera narretis, non opus sit testibus
If you want peace, prepare for war.Si vis pacem, para bellum
Life without science is death.Vita sine litteris - mors est
Life without freedom is nothing.Vita sine libertate, nihil.
Pro and contraPro et contra
Cherished dreams, good wishes.Pia desiderata.
The law must be briefLegem brеvem esse oportet
The smell of money is pleasant, no matter what it comes from.Lucri bonus est odor ex re qualibet
I forbidVeto
HereNose Ioso.
Knowledge is powerScientia potentia est.
And books have their destinyHabent sua fata libelli
The name speaks for itselfNomen est omen
A true friend never forgets a friend.Verus amicus amici nunquam obliviscitur
History teaches life.Historia magistra vitae
To each his ownSuum cuique
Every man is the smith of his own happiness.Quilibet fortunae suae faber
The way it goes, the way it respondsUt salutas, ita salutaberis
As it is said aboveUt supra
By any means whatsoeverQuibuscumque viis
A stumbling blockLapis offensionis (petra scandali)
A drop sharpens the stone (Ovid )Gutta cavat lapidem.
Fight fire with fire.Similia similibus curantur.
Swear by the words of a teacherJurare in verba magistri
When we are healthy we easily give good advice to the sick.Facile omnes, cum valemus, recta consilia aegrotis damus
The end is the crown.Finis coronat opus.
The roots of science are bitter.Radices litterarum amarae sunt, fructus dulces
Who among men is born without blemishQuis hominum sine vitiis
He who writes, reads twice.Qui scribit, bis legis
He who is right and goes firmly to the goal! (Horace)Justum et tenacem propositi virum!
He who is cleverer is more humble.Ut quisque est doctissimus, ita est modestissimus
Speak of the devil.Lupus in fabula.
Cure with your mind, not with medicine.Medica mente non medicamentis
We don't believe a lying man, even if he's telling the truthMendaci homini verum quidem dicenti credere pop solemus
We know a lion by his claws and a donkey by his ears.Ex ungua leonem cognoscimus, ex auribus asinum
Men, teaching, learning.Homines, dum docent, discunt
The place of least resistanceLocus minoris resistentiae
Throwing beads before swineMargaritas ante porcas
Peace be with you!Pax vobiscum!
To drink a lot of wine is not long to live.Multum vinum bibere, pop diu vivere
Much in small things.Multum in ðàvervo.
Pray and toil.Oha et labora
My fault, my greatest fault.Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa
We always seek the forbidden and desire the unforgivable.Nitinur in vetitum semper, cupimusque negata
We study not for school, but for life.Non scholae, sed vitae discimus
In one sittingPro dosi.
On the move.In transitu
Hope of recoverySpes reconvalescendi
I hope for the bestSpero meliora
One must live.Oportet vivere
Present SituationStatus praesens
Principium et fonsPrincipium et fons
Do not harmNoli soge
Do no harm if you can't help it.Ne noceas, si juvare ponte
Not every mistake is foolishness.Non omnis error stultitia est
Not everyone can do everything.Non omnia passum omnes
Not to go forward is to go backwardNon progredi est regredi
Not much, but muchNon multa, sed multum
Not everything we can do.Non omnia possumus
Do not judge what you do not know.Nec sutor ultra crepidam.

More on this topic: Thrash Polka, a tattoo for rebels.

Don't touch meNoli me tangere
Do not go to council without being invited.Ne accesseris in consilium nisi vocatus
Not clearlyNon liquet
immediatelyEx tempore
Uncharted landTerra incognita.
The path in medicine is impassable without the Latin language.Invia est in medicina via sine lingua latina
There is nothing higher than the truth, and it will triumph.Magna et veritas, et praevalebit
There are no rules without exceptionsNULLa regula sine exceptione
Every cloud has a silver liningNULLum malum sine aliquo bono
UnfairMala fide
Not a day without a line (Pliny )NULLa dies sine linea
Not one step backwards, always forwards.Nunquam petrorsum, semper ingrediendum
No one must go in of his own accord.NULLus juxra propriam voluntatem incedat.
No one is born a scholar.Nemo nascitur doctus.
No man is a judge in his own causeNemo judex in causa sua
O times, O mores!O tempora, O mores!
O holy simplicity!O sancta simplicitas!
modus operandiModus agendi
Modus vivendi;Modus vivendi.
ReverseVice versa
By common effortViribus unitis
By fire and swordFerro ignique
Restrictive and conditionalRestrictive et conditionaliter
One day is a rung on the ladder of life.Unus dies gradus est vitae
One swallow does not make a spring.Una hirundo pop facit ver
One day we're all madSed semel insanivimus omnes
One and the sameIdem per idem.
ApprovedProbatum est
Danger in procrastinationPericulum in mora
Experience is the best teacherUsus est optimus magister
Rest with dignity, rest with honor.Otium cum dignitate.
The first among equals.Primus inter pares
Fruit of the times.Fructus temporum.
Bad grass grows quicklyMala herba cito crescit
What is badly acquired is quickly forgottenMale parta cito dilabuntur memoria
By sightSpecie
To represent a lion by its claws; to judge the whole by its partEx ungue leonem pingere
In my opinionMeo voto
on the promiseEx voto
By rightJure
By choiceSponte sua
By choiceMotu proprio
Repetition is the mother of learningRepetitio est mater studiorum
Rise and act!Surge et age!
Know thyselfNosce te ipsum
Rest is the best medicine.Optimum medicamentum quies est
To cover evil is evil.Scelere velandum est scelus
Complete restorationRestitutio ad integrum
A full belly is deaf to learningPlenus venter pop studet libenter
Fewer words.Racza verba
Memento moriMemento mori
After the eventPost factum
Last argumentUltima ratio
deeds are stronger than wordsFacta sunt potentiora verbis
It is not a sin to learn from the enemy.Fas est et ab hoste doceri
By right and by wrongPer fas et nefas
Forewarn the approaching diseaseVenienti occurrite morbo
Foresee the end.Respice finem.
Above all, live.Primum vivere
Above all, to actPrimum agere
Above all, do no harmPrimum pop nocere
Hold your tonguesFavete linguis
Taking all things into consideration.Tota re perspecta
Nature heals, the physician heals.Natura sanat, medicus curat
Came, saw, conquered.Veni, vidi, vici
It's nice to receive praise from someone worthy of praise.DULCE LAUDARI A LAUDATO VIRO
Against tyrantsIn tyrrannos
publiclyExtra muros
Let it be as it is, or let it not be at allSint ut sunt, aut pop sint
May he rest in peace.Sit tibi terra levis
Confusion, misunderstandingQui pro quo
For the common goodPro bono publico
For diversionPer aversionem.
For honor, for respectHonoris causa
Variety gives pleasure.Varietas delectat
red-handedFlagrante delicto
The leastMinimum
Afraid of his own shadowUmbram suam metuit
Holy of HoliesSancta sanctorum
He to whom it is profitable has doneIs fecit, qui prodest
He to whom it pleases hath done it.Ite, missia est.
The spoken word disappears, the written letter remains.Vox audita latet, littera scripta manet
As many heads, so many minds.Quot homines, tot sententiae
Glory to the victorsGloria victoribus
It is glorious and honorable to die for the fatherlandDULCE ET DECORUM EST PRO PATRIA MORI
Words of the TeacherVerba magistri
Word for wordVerbatim
The word moves, the example trahitVerbum movet, exemplum trahit
Laughing, speaking the truthRidens verum dicere
knowinglyEx professo
By myselfManu propria
The sun shines for allSol lucet omnibus
Disputes have ruined the world.Tradidit mundum disputationibus
Disputes fate decidesHabent sua sidera lites
Ways and meansMedia et remedia
Horribile to say, horribile to utterHorribile dictu.
Happy is he who could know the causes of things (Virgil).Felix, qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas
Thus passes earthly glory.Sic transit gloria mundi
Thus said the teacherMagister dixit
There triumphs where there is concord.Ibi victoria, ubi concordia
Firm in faithRectus in curia
Now applaud!Nunc plaudite!
The patient one triumphs.Gaudet patientia duris
The quieter the ride, the farther away you'll be.Festina lente
That is to sayId est
Hurry upPropera pedem
Immediately and immediatelyStatim atque instanter
There is no third.Tertium pop datur
Labor conquers all.Labor omnia vincit
Labor strengthens the body.Labor corpus firmat
Labor and endeavorOpera et studio
Suitable, lawful, and acceptableGrata, rata et accepta
To be able to enjoy a life lived is to live twiceHoc est vivere bis, vita posse priore frui
The clever one understands half a word.Sapienti sat
To persevere with purpose, with gentleness.Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo
Persistent workLabor improbus
Learn to help the poorMiseris succurrere disce
Teacher of lifeMagistra vitae
It is never too late to learn.NULLa aetas ad discendum sera
Formaliter et specialiterFormaliter et specialiter
Bread and circusesPanem et circenses
Bread and circusesPanem quotidianum.
The Healing Power of NatureVis medicatrix naturae
A part instead of a wholePars pro toto
The cup drunk in the morning restores the depleted strength.Poculum, mane haustum, restaurat naturam exhaustam
A man of great intelligenceVir magni ingenii.
Man of senseHomo sapiens
Man is a wolf to manHomo homini lupus est
Through thorns to the stars!Per aspera ad astra
That's what I had to prove.Quod erat demonstrandum
What is written with a pen cannot be chopped with an axe.VERBA VOLANT, SCRIPTA MANENT
What is permitted to Jupiter is not permitted to bull.Quod licet Jovi, pop licet bovi
A sense of springSensus veris
I have done all that I could; let whoever can do better.Feci, quod potui, faciant meliora potentes
I am a man, and nothing human is alien to me.Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto
I want it.Nos volo, sic jubeo

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Life mottos

People with tattoos, are perceived in a special way. They seem strong, wise, determined, courageous. They are not afraid to show everyone their views on life, to show their true nature. Sometimes one word in Latin is enough to characterize themselves: Libertas (Liberty), Pater (father), Voluptas (pleasure), Sapientia (wisdom), Victoria (victory), Fortuna (happiness).

Tattoo in Latin "Fate helps the brave" will help to cope with fear in all situations. The famous phrase "Through thorns to the stars", which sounds incredibly beautiful - "Per aspera ad astra" will motivate to overcome any obstacles, show others that the difficulties you do not fear. The same meaning is carried by Seneca's aphorism "The road will pass by the walker.

Unusually sounds word combination "To each his own" in Latin. The tattoo is sure to arouse the interest of others.

Never lose relevance and protective inscriptions: "Save and Preserve," "Under the wing of an angel," "With God.

Always remember the value of time. Life is not eternal, death is inevitable. "Carpe diem" - "Seize the moment." But the rush to carry out plans must be in moderation: "All in good time."

Winged phrases in Latin with meaning, incredibly many: about justice, honesty, friendship, trust, strength of spirit, the search for the meaning of life. Both male and female tattoos create an individual image, stand out from the crowd and inspire.

Useful Recommendations

Pay attention to sensible tips on applying tattoos in Latin:

  1. You need to be careful with the translation into Russian, the meaning of the aphorism can be misunderstood. Read several sources.
  2. If you decide to translate the author's phrase into Latin - ask the experts, online services make mistakes.
  3. Choose the font correctly in order to emphasize the sense of the aphorism. Calligraphy is beautiful, but not always appropriate.
  4. Think well, whether the chosen statement will correspond to life's positions all your life. Don't do the tattoo in a rush of emotion.
  5. Decorate the quote with an interesting ornament, a small drawing. It will look beautiful and original.

It is up to you to choose a tattoo or seek professional advice. But consultation with masters of Liberty Salon which is situated in Moscow is not excessive even at the stage of determining a phrase for your body decoration. Actual photos, sketches, a list of phrases, online modeling on the web-site and expert advices will help you to make the right choice and you will definitely not regret. The procedure will take into account all the wishes of the client with the use of modern equipment, instruments, anesthetic aids. Quality, sterility and safety for your health is guaranteed! Leave your request on the site, call!

History[ | ]

The battle cry "God is with us!" has been known for quite some time, including its use by Roman soldiers (Latin Nobiscum Deus - God with us!) during the Byzantine Empire

The phrase was first widely used as a slogan during the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648), a long military conflict that engulfed all of Europe, with the exception of Switzerland and Turkey. The phrase was also the slogan of Gustav II Adolf, King of Sweden (1611-1632).

It was placed on the belt buckles of the Prussian army from 1847, the Reichswehr from 1919, and the Wehrmacht ground troops from 1935. It became widely known during the Second World War.

Soldiers had another motto on their buckles during World War II: "Meine Ehre heißt Treue!" (German for "My honor is called loyalty") - in turn a somewhat paraphrased quotation of Hitler to Kurt Dahluga; unlike the Wehrmacht, this motto was applied not only to soldiers' but also to officers' buckles. Luftwaffe buckles had no mottos on them.

Since 1962 the motto was replaced in the Bundeswehr with the words Einigkeit, Recht, Freiheit

(German for "Unity, Right, Freedom"). The FRG police continued to use the motto
Gott mit uns
on their belt buckles until the 1970s.


For women

For men