German phrases for tattoos: quotes, words and expressions with translation

Images of inscriptions in a foreign language are very popular among fans of tattoos. This way of drawing on the body was invented because of the incomplete expression of emotions through an ordinary image. The owners of tattoos in the form of inscriptions are trying to express their emotions and feelings with the help of text. Tattoo inscriptions are chosen individually.

The images can be very diverse. The tattoo may contain a religious inscription that carries spiritual meaning. There may be commemorative inscriptions. These include important dates or names. Some people prefer to get tattoos with the names of their loved ones or friends. Some like winged expressions in different languages. You can create a secret tattoo and encrypt in the form of words and numbers something very important. Foreign inscriptions are very popular among young people. The most common languages are English, German, French, Latin and Arabic. There is a certain group of people who prefer Chinese and Japanese.

It is important not only to apply beautiful foreign sayings, but also to know their meaning. You can use ready-made phrases of famous people. Today, tattoos in German are no less popular than in Latin or English.

Beautiful phrases in German with translation

Below are quotations in German with translation for all occasions. Here you will find sayings of Goethe, Nietzsche and other famous personalities. Phrases and expressions about life, motivation and philosophy are suitable as an interesting idea for female and male tattoo inscriptions.

Tattoo in german with translation

Phrases in German

  • He who fights can lose, he who does not fight has already lost. Wer kämpft kann verlieren, wer nicht kämpft, hat schon verloren.
  • Courage at the beginning of the action, happiness at the end. Mut steht am Anfang des Handelns, Glück am Ende.
  • Luck is a gift of chance, happiness is a gift of the heart. Glück haben - ein Geschenk des Zufalls, glücklich sein - eine Gabe des Herzens.
  • The stars of our happiness lie within ourselves. In uns selbst liegen die Sterne unseres Glücks.
  • Everyone is the smith of his own happiness. Jeder ist seines Glückes Schmied.
  • Turn to face the sun, and you will leave your shadow behind. Wende Dein Gesicht der Sonne zu, und Du lässt den Schatten hinter dir.
  • I have no regrets about anything. Ich bereue nichts.
  • You have to fight for happiness. Muss man um sein Glück kämpfen.
  • Luck came to me when I stopped running after it. Das Glück kam zu mir, als ich ihm nicht mehr nachlief.
  • Don't chase the past and don't get lost in the future. Laufe nicht der Vergangenheit nach und verliere dich nicht in der Zukunft.

Popular Quotes

Quotes are collocations and whole sentences, and their meaning is much deeper and stronger than a short caption of a couple of words. Quotes can be divided into thematic subgroups - about love, family, friendship, freedom, religion, and also motivational phrases.

About love

The most relevant topic for guys of all ages is love. The best inscription ideas in this theme are as follows:

Mea vita et anima es (Latin) - you are my life and soul;

Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori (lat.) - all triumphs over love, and we submit to love;

Phrases about love in German

You can talk about love in German for hours. After all, for those people who like this, at first glance, "rough" language, it sounds completely different. In it, for example, you can pay compliments to a girl, and she is sure to appreciate your original act.

phrases in german for tattoos
Quotes in German

Be inspired by timeless wisdom about the most beautiful feeling in the world from philosophy, literature and other fields by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Novalis, Dostoevsky, Seneca, Victor Hugo, William Shakespeare, Rainer Maria Rilke, Bertolt Brecht, Clemens von Brentano, Blaise Pascal, Confucius and many others.

Quotes in German would be suitable as couple tattoos.

  • Love is not what you expect to receive, but what you are willing to give. Liebe ist nicht das was man erwartet zu bekommen, sondern das was man bereit ist zu geben.
  • Love is the beauty of the soul. Liebe - die Schönheit der Seele.
  • Only in love are unity and duality not contradictory. Nur in der Liebe sind Einheit und Zweiheit nicht in Widerstreit.
  • A world without love is a world without hate. Eine Welt ohne Liebe - eine Welt ohne Hass.
  • Love is not a solo. Love is a duet. Liebe - kein Solo. Liebe - ist ein duett.
  • Love is the only thing that doubles when you share it. Liebe - das einzige, was sich verdoppelt, wenn man es teilt.
  • Love is an art that must be learned anew for life. Liebe - eine Kunst, die ein Leben lang neu gelernt werden muss.
  • You are always in my thoughts. Du bist immer in meinen Gedanken.
  • Love only realizes its depth in the hour of separation. Liebe erst in der Stunde der Trennung ihre eigene Tiefe erkennt.
  • I will go everywhere with you, just never let go of my hand. Mit dir geh ich überall hin, lass nur meine Hand nie wieder los.

These German expressions about love can be used as a tattoo inscription for girls and men.

Phrase and translation

In this article we have collected the most interesting inscriptions in our opinion and made sure of the authenticity and quality of the translation as much as possible. For each phrase a photo of it in the form of a tattoo is chosen. Click on the picture to enlarge it.

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  1. Empatia. - Empatia.
  2. With pain comes strength. - Strength comes through suffering.
  3. I put my trust in no man. - I trust no man.
  4. Be here now. - Be here now.
  5. Nobody said it was easy. - Nobody said it was easy.
  6. Create yourself. - Create yourself.

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. Live. Laugh. Love. - Live. Laugh. Love.
  2. Hustle. - Hustle.
  3. Remember. - Remember.
  4. Always on my mind. Forever in my heart. - Always in my mind. Forever in my heart.
  5. You're so cool. - You're so cool.
  6. Fall seven times, stand up eight. - Fall seven times, stand up eight times.

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. Only God can judge me. - Only God can judge me.
  2. Tomorrow. - Tomorrow.
  3. Never give up. - Never give up.
  4. Stop watching and start doing. - Stop watching and start doing.
  5. Forever young. - Forever young.
  6. Enjoy every moment. - Enjoy every moment.

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. Don't panic. - Don't panic.
  2. I love my family. - I love my family.
  3. Don't dream your life. Live your dream. - Don't dream your life. Live your dream.
  4. Know your rights. - Know your rights.
  5. Never say never. - Never say never.
  6. Do what you love. - Do what you love.

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. Everything can change in an instant. - Everything can change in an instant.
  2. Nothing is impossible. - Nothing is impossible.
  3. People hater. - Man-hater.
  4. Only mother worthy of love. - Only mother worthy of love.
  5. My life... My rules...
  6. Perfectly imperfect. - Perfectly imperfect.

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. Screw it. Let's do it. - Screw it. Let's do it.
  2. Take these broken wings and learn to fly. - Take these broken wings and learn to fly.
  3. Talking to myself. - Talking to myself.
  4. Freedom. - Freedom.
  5. Burn to be happy. - Burn to be happy.
  6. Life is the art of drawing without an erase. - Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. Love without cause. - Love without a reason.
  2. Follow your heart. - Listen to your heart.
  3. Follow the yellow brick road. - Follow the yellow brick road.
  4. Love is the whole and more than all. - Love is everything and more than everything.
  5. Have the courage to live. Anyone can die. - Have courage to live. Anyone can die.
  6. I am free. - I am free.

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. Forever is a short time. - Forever is a short time.
  2. Lust for life. - Lust for life.
  3. Heart/mind. - The heart/mind.
  4. I am going it right. - I am going it right.
  5. One love. - One love.
  6. Laugh as much as you breathe. Love as long as you live. - Laugh as much as you breathe. Love as long as you live.

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. True love never dies. - True love will never die.
  2. To infinity and beyond. - To infinity and beyond.
  3. I am not afraid to walk this world alone. - I am not afraid to walk this world alone.
  4. This too shall pass. - This too shall pass.
  5. Only youth, only hardcore. - Only youth, only hardcore.
  6. Silence. - Silence.

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. Until the very end. - Until the very end.
  2. When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. - When someone you love becomes a memory, memory becomes a treasure.
  3. Carpe diem. - Seize the moment.
  4. Family together forever. - Family together forever.
  5. I get all I want. - I get everything I want.
  6. Never lose hope. - Never lose hope.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Aphorisms in German with translation

This section presents winged expressions in German with translation, which can be used as an original idea for a tattoo in the form of an inscription. Interesting phrases in German will look great on your ribs, shoulder blades and other extensive body parts.

Aphorisms in German will appeal to creative and original personalities.

tattoos in german
German expressions

  • If you don't know where you're going, speed doesn't matter. Wenn man nicht weiß, wohin man geht, tut die Geschwindigkeit dabei nicht viel zur Sache.
  • When the winds of change blow, some build walls and others build windmills. Wenn der Wind des Wandels weht, bauen die einen Mauern und die anderen Windmühlen.
  • The direction is not determined by the wind, but by the sail. Nicht der Wind, sondern das Segel bestimmt die Richtung.
  • Life consists not of moments when we breathe, but of those that take our breath away. Das Leben besteht nicht aus den Momenten, in denen wir atmen, sondern aus denen, die uns den Atem rauben.
  • The freer one breathes, the more one lives. Je freier man atmet, desto mehr lebt man.
  • A bird prefers a simple branch to a golden cage. Ein einfacher Zweig ist dem Vogel lieber, als ein goldener Käfig.
  • It is better to defeat yourself than to win a thousand battles. Es ist besser, sich selbst zu besiegen, als eintausend Schlachten zu gewinnen.
  • Holding on to anger is like grabbing a red-hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else. Wut festzuhalten - wie das Halten von heißer Kohle mit der Absicht, sie auf jemanden zu werfen.
  • Some roosters think that they make the sun rise. Manche Hähne glauben, dass die Sonne ihretwegen aufgeht.
  • Actions are fruit, words are leaves. Taten sind Früchte, Worte sind Blätter.

Death Marks

The tattoos of Wehrmacht soldiers were studied by researchers who were interested in the history of tattoos. Danzig Baldaev - a collector of prison traditions - even made an entire album, thanks to which it became known what was most often embossed on the body of the Nazis. Tattoos of prisoners in camps were photographed - there were more than 2 million of them after the victory over fascism.

Swastikas and runic signs were very popular. Soldiers also tattooed tanks, ships and airplanes. But they also had swastikas or slogans attached to them.

Tattoos on soldiers

Many Nazis were identified and shot or arrested by such tattoos. During the war the Germans tried to hide by changing into Soviet uniforms. But the tattoos gave away the "werewolves".

There were those who understood that the SS brand or swastika would be a death sentence. Gestapo Adolf Eichmann managed to avoid death in captivity only because he destroyed his tattoos with a burning cigarette - only scars remained.

By the way, Russian traitors could also be identified by their tattoos. Those who served the Germans attempted to serve and also stabbed swastikas and other signs of Nazism on their bodies.

Popular phrases in German

Original and popular quotes in German are suitable for all occasions. They can be used as a motto, motivation or to demonstrate life views. In addition, famous German phrases are universal because they are suitable for both girls and guys.

Tattoos in German
Phrases in German with translation

  • Don't look for mistakes, look for solutions. Suche nicht nach Fehlern, suche nach Lösungen.
  • Everything begins with boredom. Es beginnt alles mit der Sehnsucht.
  • Magic is a belief in oneself. Magie - ist an sich selbst zu glauben.
  • Change your thoughts and you will change your world. Verändere Deine Gedanken und Du veränderst Deine Welt.
  • What I think about myself is more important than what you think about me. Was ich über mich denke, ist wichtiger, als was du über mich denkst.
  • When one door closes, another opens. Wo sich eine Türe schließt, öffnet sich eine andere.
  • Obstacles and difficulties are the steps we climb. Hindernisse und Schwierigkeiten sind Stufen, auf denen wir in die Höhe steigen.
  • Freedom is the right of the soul to breathe. Freiheit - das Recht der Seele zu atmen.
  • Envy has sharp eyes. Neid hat scharfe Augen.
  • If love is not crazy, it is not love. Wenn Liebe nicht verrückt ist es keine Liebe.

Portrait of the Führer and reckless slogans

The history of the tattoo comes from paganism. That is why influential people, even in Europe, did not allow themselves the freedom to "soil" their bodies. The Christian church considered that the body though mortal, but should be clean.

In the Russian culture tattoos did not take root even when the Russians were trying to copy everything European. But the Germans, since the Franco-Prussian War, liked to tattoo a playful girl with a beer mug or a soldier with a pipe on her shoulder. Even a name was invented for these tattoos - "Dear Anchen," "Corporal Fritz. But only the rank and file did this, the nobility did not allow themselves such a thing.

But as soon as fascism came to Germany, the craze for tattoos became widespread. Surprisingly, even before Hitler, the Germans liked to engrave their worldview on the body. That's why German Communists were tattooing the hammer and sickle.

Well, as soon as the propaganda of Nazism began - German soldiers began to peck on their bodies the portrait of the Führer and slogans of Nazism. And also slogans like "Beat the Jews.

Word combinations in German

For those who like short and concise tattoo inscriptions, it is better to choose beautiful German words. The phrases look beautiful on the wrists, ankles or neck.

quotes in german
Beautiful phrases in German with translation

  • You. Du.
  • Ich weiß nicht. Ich weiß nicht.
  • Fate. Schicksal.
  • Life. Leben.
  • Never. Nie.
  • Mood. Stimmung.
  • Wonderful. Wonderful.
  • God is with us. Gott ist mit uns.
  • Don't stop. Halte nicht an.
  • Radiate positivity. Positiv ausstrahlen.

The full arm tattoo.

It is the arms that are the most popular place for tattoos. Often you can see the situation when under the sleeves of men's office shirt, lurks a tattoo on the whole arm. Also such tattoos are called - a sleeve. According to the stories of the bearers of the tattoos on the whole arm, everything begins with a small tattoo, then there is a desire to complement the old image with a new one. And so a sleeve is drawn in a chain.

Of course, some people decide to do a sleeve right away, but there are no sketches of a full sleeve anywhere. The sleeve is quite a large-scale job and no one wants anyone to be the bearer of identical images on the arms.

Choice of style, color, size

In German, quotes with translation can be chosen for the wearer of any gender. For example, girls and women choose Deutsch phrases about love or with a philosophical bent, while men choose short expressions about the meaning of life, family or faith.

Thirteen styles of body art are known in world practice:

  • Watercolor.
  • Biomechanics.
  • Blackwork.
  • Dotwork.
  • Celtic.
  • Minimalism.
  • New skool.
  • Old skool.
  • Polynesian.
  • Realism.
  • Tribal.
  • Thrash.
  • Chicano.

Quotes in German for tattoo with translation about love, life, happiness, friendship, music

Lettering without drawings, made in black, blue or red ink is referred to minimalism. Letters of both sexes may be written in large sharp script or in small smooth lines. The manner of drawing depends on the wishes of the client and the recommendations of the master. Phrases in Deutsch refers to the tattoo, which is suitable for both men and women of different ages.


German artist Jörg Düsterwald manages to achieve a symbiosis between a working environment and a creative atmosphere. Working Art is a whole series of his photographs. For example, this is how he imagines a sculptor's work. In the experienced hands of the master a frozen and petrified figure or a revived block of stone turns into a graceful lady.

  • Body art by Jörg Duesterwald

    Body art at work

  • Nature

    For women

    For men