Tattoo with a lotus - the secret meaning of the image, meaning for girls, the place of application (on the arm, wrist, neck, back, thigh), inspiring designs and photo ideas

Tattoo with the image of the lotus flower is very popular in recent times among girls. Before choosing a sketch of such a symbol, you need to know what it means because the lotus is a thousand mysteries, the personification of flawlessness, eternity, true harmony, mental purity and continuous self-development. Of course, many people put their own special meaning in this tattoo, showing them any important events in life or personal beliefs, attitudes towards certain things. Consider the main meanings of the lotus tattoo that are assumed by national traditions and world culture.

The lotus in culture and art

The roots of the lotus strive for water, they drown in muddy soil, in murky waters, but the majestic and dazzlingly pure bud with delicate petals - just shines. The flower retains all its inner purity, making its way through the silt and mud toward the sun, overcoming difficulties. And this idea strikes people from ancient times, because you can keep your inner purity, despite any obstacles and trials.
Widespread this popular flower in the tropics and subtropics. In India it was associated with femininity, fertility, depicted schematically in the form of a bowl. In Egypt it was associated with the Upper Nile and stood for immortality. According to legend, out of the lotus came Ra, the sun god, head of the Egyptian pantheon.

As a sign of rebirth, the lotus was revered in the culture of Assyria and Phoenicia. For its resilience and endurance, the lotus was considered a guide between life and death, offering hope of rebirth.

In ancient Greece it was associated with Aphrodite, as the lotus was a reminder of beauty and love. In Tibet, the flower reminded of unexplored mysteries, it was a symbol of mystery. And in Japan the lotus meant chastity. In Iran, flowers were literally worshipped as a model of flawlessness. In the Mayan tribes, the bud was associated with a closed and perfect universe.

What message the color of the image carries

The meaning varies depending on the color chosen:

  1. Black and white tattoos are preferred by calm, balanced individuals. Buddhists consider white to be the pinnacle of achievement.
  2. Red indicates love experiences, emotionality. Passionate people choose this color.
  3. Purple expresses a respectful attitude toward Buddhist deities. The shade is associated with spirituality.
  4. Black petals are suitable for original girls and guys, owners of unconventional thinking. Such people have developed artistic abilities, intuition, and have an inner core.
  5. Bright variants are preferred by people who seek to attract attention. They are capable of extraordinary actions.
  6. Pink is associated with wisdom and humility.

Tattoo colors
A variety of colors and performance techniques.

The meaning of the lotus tattoo

The owner of this image strives for balance, perfection, harmony, reflects on his mental organization. A number of associations peculiar to this flower:

  • fertility, prosperity;
  • purity and perfection;
  • heavenly grace;
  • spiritual awakening;
  • the path to perfection;
  • immortality and rebirth;

Lotus girls are very gentle and sensual. Guys choose the lotus much less frequently, but it is also a sign of a fine mental organization, as well as a tendency toward oriental meditation and philosophy. Perhaps these people are Buddhists, but not necessarily.

Who would be suitable for such a sketch in the form of a tattoo? If you strive for perfection, if development and awareness and spirituality are important to you - the lotus will direct you to the right path. Often get a lotus tattoo in the form of a mandala, a monastic reminder of these vows.

Apply the lotus tattoo on the arm prefer those who have already embarked on the path of enlightenment, has received a blessing from a spiritual teacher. Such people strive to improve their own and other people's lives, struggle with the shortcomings of their nature, addictions and cravings.

If the drawing is in a visible place for the owner, it is a reminder of the constant movement toward a goal, lofty and bright, despite the obstacles, which he should look at regularly.

Colored Lotus Flower Tattoos

Most often the colored lotus body art is done by people from India or China. They are more realistic and made in a psychedelic style. Today popular are aqua tattoos. This type allows depicting a picture, though not quite realistic, but very beautiful and delicate. The only disadvantage of aqua-tattoo is the high cost of high-quality paint, but in order to create a superb tattoo, it is not worth sparing money. Otherwise, the watercolor drawing will lose its expressiveness, and the picture will simply be "lost".

Color scheme of the lotus tattoo

The interpretation of the figure is largely determined by the palette. Watercolor solutions are always attractive, they are chosen by people who like to be in the spotlight. You can often see dotwork, graphics, stylization.

If a certain color prevails, it is worth thinking about its meaning:

  • red: love is attracted to life, this goal comes first;
  • white: the main goal in the life of the bearer is spiritual development;
  • black: a person is extraordinary, with a strong will, wants to reveal his creative potential, with a bright intuition;
  • Pink: divine purity;
  • blue, blue: pursuit of the ideal, meekness, humility before trials, control of emotions, knowledge of wisdom.

The lotus is often a single lotus. If next to the lotus tattoo there is an image of fish, especially carp - it's a happy union, this symbolism attracts good luck and harmony. Carp is an Eastern symbol of prosperity. Also not uncommon ally of the flower - the eastern dragon, he gives the bearer energy, endurance and activity in life. Often the picture is complemented by the image of elephant, snake, the god Ganesha.

Women often invest in the Lotus tattoo harmony of strength and femininity. It is independence and meekness, which is often required for expressive, explosive people. If it is not possible to balance feelings and mind, infantilism and caprice often spoil relationships and the whole life of a woman. Tattoo lotus leads to peace of mind and harmonizes sensuality, will help build a happy family relationship.

Sketches of tattoos with a lotus flower

Geometric tattoos "Indian lotus" enjoy considerable success. Black paint is applied monochrome image. This tattoo looks the most bright and beautiful, and it looks spectacular on the skin of any race. You can choose even a simple sketch of a lotus tattoo. Much harder to portray a plot tattoo, but it is worth it. Judging by the sketches, they can be different sizes: small or occupy a large area on your body. Very popular subjects are, for example, a lost elephant in lotus flowers or Buddha with a flower. The lotus in the middle of the lake and enchanting in a triangle will also look great.

It is very important to know that the meaning of the lotus tattoo is diverse. It combines tenderness and fragility, however, with a certain firmness of spirit. We offer very beautiful photos of the lotus tattoo, to once again be convinced of the elegance of this fragile plant.

Places to apply

  • If the lotus tattoo is printed on the wrists, a person wants to unlock his potential, build a career, speaks of the depth of character.
  • In the abdomen, at the navel - a sign of fertility and femininity, as well as on the lower back, although it can be just a body decoration.
  • The drawing under the breast is worn by extravagant ladies, they love the East and want enlightenment. Since the lotus tattoo is hidden from view, it carries a strong magical charge.
  • The lotus on the neck is a sign of the desire for understanding from others, because the neck is a symbol of communication. In general, girls with the lotus tattoo are very attractive to people, their magnetism is very strong for men.
  • On the leg is very convenient to hit the lotus tattoo, the more so that you can always hide it from prying eyes.
  • Also popular options on the back, on the shoulder blades and collarbones, on the side and other places.

Famous people who wear a lotus tattoo: Jessica Alba, Charlize Theron, Malin Akerman. You can choose a sample by photo on the website.

Mini lotus flower tattoos in the photo

If you are a fan of small and discreet tattoos, the mini tattoo option is perfect for you. The best solution for the application of a symmetrical small lotus will be the back of the neck or the wrist. Also very nice and neat this stunning flower will look on the ankle or the top of the foot. The oblong tattoo ideas look very harmonious on the forearm, shin or ribs, while the round shaped tattoo is on the shoulder, thigh or chest.


For women

For men