Butterfly tattoo meaning: what is the meaning of a butterfly tattoo? 90 photos and sketches

One of the most popular among girls is the butterfly tattoo, as each of them believes that her figure or character has something akin to the lightness, beauty, brightness and uniqueness of this little hovering creature. The tattoo of the butterfly the meaning it carries in itself:
  • femininity;
  • sophistication;
  • gentleness;
  • weightlessness;
  • tenderness;
  • soulfulness;
  • fragility;
  • immortality;
  • gracefulness.

How the symbolism of the image has changed over time

The beauty of butterflies has long attracted people. Tattoos depicting them have been used in many countries by people of different nationalities. The insect has become a symbol of rebirth, as it goes through stages of development from a caterpillar to a beautiful creature. In ancient Greece, the image of the butterfly symbolized spiritual immortality. The locals believed that the soul was a girl with the wings of a moth. In Ancient Rome, the insect was perceived quite differently. For the Romans, it was a harbinger of war.

In Japan, the meaning of the image of an insect on the body had several meanings - it is grace and woman. A white moth symbolized the soul of a dead person. Two fluttering butterflies were painted on the body of Japanese women, wishing family happiness.

For Mexicans, the image of a fluttering creature was considered homage to the memory of the dead who went to heaven. For South Americans, insects were a symbol of fire. For Slavs, the creature symbolized the human soul. The Scandinavians perceived moths as elves.

Symbolism of the image
A tattoo in the form of a butterfly symbolizes the purity of the soul.

The meaning of the butterfly in world culture

The meaning of the butterfly tattoo is inextricably linked to femininity, immortality and transformation. The insect comes into the world to die and then reborn in a new guise.

Aztec Legends

Ancient tribes believed that the souls of fallen warriors and their kin were transformed into beautiful butterflies. In search of solace, the insects flew to heaven to find peace there.

Aztec Legends
The Aztecs believed that the souls of the dead turn into beautiful butterflies.

Symbol of love in China

For the Chinese, fluttering creatures - is the embodiment of carefree life, love and unbridled joy. In the culture of the country, butterflies have a symbolic meaning, which depends on the additional elements. The paired tattoo of a moth with flowers symbolizes harmony, loyalty and love. It can be seen on the body of women who value family values. The drawing of a butterfly on the hand is a symbol of a long and happy life. A moth depicted with plum flowers is an embodiment of beauty.

Symbol of Love
A butterfly in China is a symbol of harmony in married life.

Bad Reputation

In the Land of the Rising Sun, bright moths were considered the personification of femininity and grace. But over time they evolved into a symbol of geisha. It is possible that one of the modern interpretations of the tattoo is not related to this fact. Sometimes the image of a fluttering creature on the body is associated with levity and accessibility in love affairs. This stereotype is long outdated. Once upon a time, female members of the most ancient professions wore the image of a moth, but only on their private parts.

Bad reputation
In Japan, the butterfly is a symbol of geisha.

Reborn from a caterpillar

Butterflies in many cultures are considered a symbol of metamorphosis. The reason lies in the unusual life cycle of the insect. At the right moment it begins to form a cocoon. This is where the rebirth takes place. The creature emerges from the cocoon in a new guise. Caterpillars for humans are unattractive and unpleasant creatures that can only crawl. Butterflies are an entirely different matter. Beautiful creatures fluttering, attracting attention with their bright wings.

Reborn from a Caterpillar
A tattoo with a butterfly is a symbol of resurrection, rebirth.

The transformation of beautiful creatures is a metaphor for people who change something in themselves for the better. A tattoo with a moth is chosen by a person who has overcome difficulties in his life. What personal changes are inherent in the image depends on its owner.

Tattoo can pad a person who has decided to lead a healthy lifestyle or overcome an addiction.

In the religious world.

Few people know that the image of an insect is also present in Christian culture. Often the butterfly is depicted on the hand of Jesus Christ. In Christianity, the insect signifies the life journey of the son of God, who passed through death and resurrection. In Eastern cultures, the moth symbolizes rebirth. The tattoo is applied by people who have passed the path of transformation, working on themselves.

In the religious world
Tattoo butterflies means eternal life, immortality and victory over evil.

The ancient Slavs believed that the butterflies turn into witches. For this reason, the insect was perceived as a harbinger of disease and problems.

Tribute to the dead

Tattoo in the form of a butterfly is often done as a sign of memory of the deceased. The moth on the body becomes a symbol of love for those who are no longer in this world. Men choose black or navy blue for the drawing. Ladies prefer colored images.

Tribute to the dead
The butterfly is not only beautiful, this symbol is made in memory of the deceased.

New meanings in the modern world

In today's world, the meaning of the image largely depends on the idea of its owner. The moth is one of those drawings that are considered only female. But sometimes men also apply similar tattoos to the body. Butterflies are present in Celtic motifs. They can be part of large-scale compositions of wildlife.

What does the tattoo "butterfly" mean for a girl:

  1. Sublimity and harmony. Drawing in the form of an insect is applied by ladies prone to self-discovery, development, keen on natural sciences and psychology.
  2. Tenderness and love. Images can be seen on the fair sex, who dream about mutual love, understanding with your loved one and boundless trust.
  3. The desire for freedom. The drawing of an insect could indicate that this is a person who does not tolerate constraints and any kind of attachment. She is driven by the desire to remain independent, to make new acquaintances and travel.
  4. Openness and immediacy. Colored images of moths are used by easygoing women.
  5. To live for pleasure. Tattoos in the form of a butterfly are used by people who are not accustomed to waste time on idle musings. They take from life everything at once.
  6. Rebirth. The image is suitable for individuals who seek to change and who are not afraid of overcoming new ways. Such people are troubled by past mistakes.
  7. Femininity. From time immemorial, butterflies symbolized beauty and lightness. These are the qualities endowed with the girls who decided to paint a picture of a fluttering creature.
  8. Luck and good luck. The desire to become a favorite of fortune is inherent in all people, so the image of a moth suits all girls. The owner of the tattoo has the right to lay in it several meanings.
  9. Creativity. The image of an insect is suitable for girls who work in the beauty industry, stylists, dancers, artists. Creative individuals are associated with bright colors and beauty.
  10. Immortality of the soul. Some people are concerned about the existence of life after the death of a mortal body. Believing in the immortality of the soul, they draw a picture of a butterfly to demonstrate the desire to live forever.

The butterfly tattoo is something exquisite and beautiful.


There is no single definition of what a butterfly means, because each one is different in its own way and carries its own specific meaning. Girls who want to express themselves and show their freedom choose an episode where a butterfly flutters. An ordinary butterfly is a companion of happiness and good luck.

In Japan, such a tattoo on a woman's body speaks of family well-being and serves as a talisman, a talisman against the evil eye. A butterfly that flies away from the flower means that its owner wants to forget about the past and start a new, better life. Although many argue that such a sketch can be drawn without any meaning put into it. It is enough to come up with your own idea of what she might say about herself.

For example, such a tattoo can be put on in honor of some event, the birth of children, siblings, winning something or some celebration.

Where do ordinary people place the image

The choice of where to apply the tattoo depends on the preferences of the person and his desire to highlight some part of the body. But not all sketches can be reduced to miniature size. This point should be taken into account.

Tattoo with a butterfly in prison

In the world of crime, tattoos in the form of butterflies are applied by pickpocket thieves, regardless of gender. Such images are found in serial killers and maniacs, as well as drug addicts. But the skill level of specialists in prisons is not as high as in professional salons. This allows you to distinguish the drawing, applied by a good master.

Tattoo with a Butterfly in Jail
Butterfly tattoos in prison are applied by pickpockets.

Neck and head.

Drawings of small size are placed on the neck or head. An interesting option for ladies would be a butterfly behind the ear. The image can be hidden by the hair if the girl has long curls. A short hairstyle will make the moth visible to others. Images with a lot of detail are not always good in a smaller version. Lines close to each other blur over time, turning the picture into something vague. Therefore, sometimes it is worth opting for black flat images.

Butterfly tattoo on the head symbolizes freedom.

Minimalist butterflies on the neck look elegant. They are suitable for ladies with a risky and independent character.

Often paired images on both sides are used. Tattoos in the neck area are inherent to creative natures.

The body body.

The image of an insect of a larger size can be applied on the lower back to add mystery. Drawings are made in color with the use of additional elements. Adds sexiness to a girl with a tattoo in the abdomen area, applied on the side. It will attract attention in the warm season at the beach or when wearing short tops. However, the picture in such a place will force the owner to watch the figure, otherwise the silhouettes will blur into a vague image.

Tattoo in the abdomen area gives a girl sexuality.

Intimate tattoos can include an image of a butterfly on the butt. Such drawings are hidden clothing, so their beauty will appreciate only the person you love.

The waist is the most popular part for the application of tattoos in the form of an insect. In the past, the butterfly in this zone was stuffed by girls of easy virtue. Now this tradition is lost. The tattoo only speaks of the desire to achieve a lot in life and to stand out in the crowd.

Arms and legs

The image of a moth on the leg is in demand among the ladies. Usually the picture is placed on the instep of the foot. Sometimes the insect is depicted as a bracelet around the foot.

Wearable art is part of a person's image, so it can be applied to the thigh. The piquant accessory will look intriguingly out from under a miniskirt. Beautifully looks tattoo on the ankle, if the lady wears high heels. It makes the owner more sophisticated.

Butterfly tattoo is one of the most popular motifs.

Sometimes the moth is applied to the hands, wishing to show that the person is attentive and manages his own destiny. But more often the image is hidden in the sleeve area, if there is no desire to put it on display.

The scapula is the most convenient place for a tattoo. A large space and the absence of irregularities makes the surface convenient for the application of the butterfly. Even small details can be depicted on the shoulder. Carrying out the procedure is the least painful, because the skin here is dense. The pattern on the prominent place gives charm to the owner.

Miniature images are placed on the wrist.

For sitters.

In the underworld, the image with the scales is often found. Women of easy virtue put the picture on their private parts. Pickpockets, maniacs, serial killers have a tattoo with a hiveshaft.

Therefore, now it is quite difficult to determine who is in front of you, an ex-convict, a law-abiding citizen or a windy madam.

It is true that now the skill level of artists and modern equipment makes it possible to make a body image at times higher quality than the zone, and an experienced eye can see the difference.

Popular image styles

Butterfly drawings are easy to do, but there are different styles of drawing them:

  1. Old skool. The technique has been around since the 1930s. It was invented and popularized by Sailor Jerry. This style creates versatile, classic drawings. Images are suitable for men and women. The direction is characterized by the use of a black bold outline for the tattoo and bright base colors.
  2. Realism. Masters use shadows to create realistic images. This produces the necessary three-dimensional effect. Realistic drawings make fuzzy outlines, which are replaced by a mixture of contrasting shades. If the shoulder is decorated with a butterfly, made in the style of realism, the illusion that there is a live insect on the body will appear.
  3. Illustrative. The technique is considered a mixture of realistic and traditional styles. Masters in the work use a combination of bright colors and bold lines, creating book illustrations.
  4. Tribal design. The peculiarity of the style lies in the use of tribal patterns. They give accents to the tattoo.
  5. Paired images. A popular style that is often used by couples in love. A pair of moths is a symbol of love and unity. Images look more effective when using additional elements: names, flowers, vines.
  6. Celtic. Drawings are created using clear black lines.
  7. 3D. A tattoo created in this style strikes with three-dimensional realism. Proper shading and the use of precise outlines allows you to create a "living" butterfly. This style is used to get colored pictures.
  8. Watercolors. The technique mimics watercolor paintings. In the process, black outlines and bright colors around them are applied.

Old skool
Old skool tattoo can be placed on absolutely any area.

When creating realistic images, the artist uses shadows.

Tribal Design
The illustrative design is considered a mix of realistic and traditional styles.

Paired images
Nowadays, paired tattoos with butterflies are in demand.

Celtic tattoos are created using clear black lines.

Combinations with other symbols

Beautiful photos in tattoo parlors impress with the variety of images of butterflies. Native drawings are spectacular in color and monochrome images. They are accompanied by additional elements: patterns, flowers, bows. The meaning of the images varies depending on the combination of objects used. Women give preference to compositions that consist of a butterfly arranged in flowers.

The insect in combination with a chrysanthemum symbolizes eternal beauty, with a lily - innocence, a water lily - purity of thoughts, a daisy - hope, a rose - love, a lotus - enlightenment. Tattoo with flowers place on the large areas of the skin, small compositions can be seen on the buttocks or hands.

Combinations with other symbols
Butterflies tattoo are accompanied by various patterns.

Butterflies are often combined with a dreamcatcher, anchors and even feathers. The choice of additional elements depends on the gender.

A good addition is considered an inscription: a quote, the name of a loved one or something important to the person. The words are included in the picture or printed near it.

Pictures of tattoos

Photos of variants of images of butterflies on the body will help determine the choice. Choosing a sketch, be guided not only by the meaning of the tattoo, but also by its attraction to you.

Tattoo pictures
Butterflies tattoo is suitable for people with a certain character and life goals.

Tattoo with the image of a butterfly is predominantly female.

Tattoo butterflies
Butterfly tattoos look feminine and attractive.

Tattoo photo
There are many variations of butterflies.

Tattoo photo
Butterflies are beautiful creatures whose life is so short.

Butterfly photo
Butterfly tattoo has multiple meanings.

Photo tattoo
A butterfly tattoo adorns the body.

Photo tattoo
The butterfly is a universal design that looks great on any part of the body.

Photo tattoo
The art of tattooing every day more and more perfects.

Photo tattoo
The butterfly tattoo shows sophistication in a woman.

Photo tattoo
Butterfly tattoo is more popular than flower tattoos.

Significance for men

Very rarely, but the stronger sex also resorts to the idea of capturing delicate outlines, though, avoiding flashy colors. Guys stuff brutal images in the form of amulets, attracting Fortune. This is done by natures seeking to unlock the mysteries of the Universe, seeking righteous paths. Men's bodies are covered with Celtic subjects or large-scale paintings where natural elements are present.

The tattoo is also performed in honor of a deceased person to show respect and commemorate their memory.

Ideas for male and female sketches

Images with a butterfly are preferred by ladies. Men sometimes use them to express themselves. Female and male images have some differences. Guys apply dark butterflies, believing in the rebirth and immortality of the soul. The tattoo can be a memory of a loved one who has died. For men, craftsmen put butterflies, weaving them into Celtic patterns. The places where images are most often applied are the neck and arms.

Sketches of butterflies.

You need a sketch for a tattoo.

A beautiful sketch of a butterfly.

Example of a butterfly sketch.

A unique sketch.

The sketch is an integral part in choosing a tattoo.

Sketch of a tattoo of the best masters.

Sketch - outline plan for a future tattoo.

Choosing a tattoo sketch.

Interesting tattoo sketch.

Women prefer bright images with flowers. Popular compositions of three soaring butterflies. Sometimes the insects are complemented by a star scattering, if a person is in search of the path of life. Often, butterflies become the first image that appears on the body of the lady. After all, they symbolize femininity and beauty.

Interpretation for women

Traditionally, the symbolism is purely ladies' because of the bright color palette. Red wings signify passion and sexuality, black shades - the presence of a philosophical mind, a craving for knowledge and fresh discoveries. Extraordinary people who do not recognize the shackles, who adore to travel, show such a tattoo thirst for freedom and mental agelessness, and the maximalists fix the momentary satisfaction of being.

Often, creative people who work on stage love this option. The girl shows that she possesses:

  • kindness;
  • gentleness;
  • devotion;
  • fragility;
  • spirituality;
  • spontaneity.

Harmony in the family is the most important aspect for such a lady. It is also a statement of looseness and impatience for violence. Color also plays a fundamental role. Blue tattoo tells about the dreaminess, red - about ardent love, orange - about family, purple - highlights extravagance. The black tone is an indicator of the search for the meaning of life, the belief in reincarnation.

Tattoo, as a rule, becomes a mark of turning points: a wedding, the birth of a baby, a change in the field of activity.

Images with a henna butterfly

Henna painting is an alternative for those ladies who are not ready for drastic changes. The art of mehendi appeared 5 thousand years ago. Since then, it has become part of the culture of many peoples. In ancient times, people attached special importance to the drawings.

Images with a butterfly
Butterflies have always attracted people's attention.

Images with a henna butterfly
The henna drawings on the body have a long history.

Images with a henna butterfly
Henna drawings became fashionable not so long ago.

Images with a henna butterfly
Butterfly tattoo has a deep symbolic meaning.

Images with a henna butterfly
Butterflies are associated with the transformation of a caterpillar into a magnificent winged creature.

Images with a henna butterfly
The butterfly is an auspicious symbol because it brings good luck.

Images with a henna butterfly
The tradition of painting your body with henna came to the modern world from ancient India.

Henna butterfly images
The henna drawings have gained incredible popularity.

Images with a henna butterfly
A henna drawing lasts for 10 to 14 days.

For many centuries, butterflies remain the most popular images. The meaning of tattoos, applied with henna, does not differ from traditional ones. Modern masters create interesting temporary drawings. Mehendi butterflies adorn the body for a long time. On the skin they hold up to 3 weeks and do not have a negative impact on it.

To sum it up

  1. The butterfly is a positive symbol.
    It means joy, freedom of flight, spirituality, not swagger of the owner.
  2. In any tattoo important experience and skills of the master.
    Beginners do not have the right skills and usually do not fully comply with sanitary conditions. Read about how seriously we take disinfection and sanitation in a separate article.

If you want to get a butterfly tattoo in Moscow or know its cost, call or write on WhatsApp and Telegram.


For women

For men