The whole truth is revealed: the mandala tattoo meaning (60 photos and sketches)

Mandala is a geometric symbol, a diagram. It includes a combination of heavy ornaments and different drawings of icons. Tattoo mandala meaning, in Buddhist mythology, it is the paramount sacred symbol that displays the entire geometric scheme of the universe, or rather how it is arranged. The mandala also represents the Buddhist saints. One of the meanings of the mandala is the unity of the appearance of the world. Since the base of the mandala is a circle, in the center of the square. Most often the figure is also divided into four equal triangles. They are aimed at the sides of the world. Each has its own specific color. North is colored green, south is yellow or orange, west is red, and east is white. The middle is almost always painted in a blue shade, but other options are also allowed.

Mandala tattoo: a description of the meaning

The background of the mandala tattoo often do hot red, delicately terrate or emerald color, less often use mother-of-pearl white. The images are varied, usually the mandala draws peaceful deities in different positions for meditation, gods inducing fear, exhaling fire and smoke. The borders of such a tattoo are framed by a pattern of flowers, fortresses, a variety of deities with many hands, smoke and heavenly fires.

mandala tattoo on thigh

All of them include some kind of function. The mandala is shaped like a lotus or a rose, as well as the fabulous Golden Flower. Tattoo gives an interpretation of the figures, which are in a circle. For example, the annual circle, a labyrinth or dial, as well as the circle of the zodiac. Another interpretation of the meaning of the mandala image is the ten parts of the Vedas. In Tibet and India its heaviest forms are composed. The mandala forms the foundation of most of the arts of ancient India. For example, the mandala structure is used during the construction of a system of temples, altars, and sometimes even cities. Such a structure implies the formation of a "monumental way of life" as well as the "creation of a model of the world", relaxed and perfect. In sum, it can be said that the mandala is a kind of possibility to show the higher truth by its image. The mandala is a spiritual wholeness that will always be a step above the world of the senses. If you are interested in Buddhism, this is the tattoo for you. It is necessary to choose correctly the drawing, which in the future the master will put on your body. The main thing is that the drawing is exactly what you like, so take your time and choose carefully.

tattoo mandala on back

How to choose a sketch and a master?

The mandala sketch is not that difficult to choose, unless you need a unique individual drawing or have chosen a rare type of symbol. There are many mandala tattoo ideas on the Internet, pictures of which you can save and show to the master. Having looked at the photo, a good master will always tell you how and where the tattoo will look best, determine the appropriate color style, the size of the image.

Before choosing a master, be sure to analyze and make a choice in favor of the mandala that is suitable for you. After all, this drawing will stay with you forever, being something more than just a tattoo.

Mandala tattoo: history of origin and peculiarities of distribution

Above we have briefly characterized all the features of the mandala tattoo. This information is enough to understand - whether such a tattoo suits you or not. If it interests you even more than before you started reading this article, study the information below. Let's begin by describing the history of the mandala tattoo. For over 2,000 years, people have been drawing different mandalas. And they put them on their bodies.

Pay attention! You should not assess such drawings as just a set of beautiful figures that form a symmetrical image. In fact, each drawing is filled with a sacral meaning. Therefore, the tattoo is able to influence the destiny of the person!

The most common images of this type are Tibetan drawings. They are often used in a variety of spiritual practices. As the gurus of spiritual practices, sage - such patterns have the ability to emit low frequencies, which help in achieving higher meanings. That is why mandalas are used in meditations.

By the way! It is said that the mandala tattoo helps a person to concentrate, reach an understanding with the universe, and become aware of all its processes.

Tattoo mandala on his back with a whale

What effect a mandala tattoo will have on your life

  • The mandala is the most ancient magical resonator that has a strong impact on a person and is capable of creating powerful information and biological fields. The fields can have protective, activating, harmonizing properties and adjust to each individual.
  • Not unimportant aspect - you should pay special attention to a drawing selection, that it caused a real sympathy from you. Tattoo mandala has a very strong energy, which will have an impact on its owner, especially if he sincerely believes in it.

Further on we will give examples of the most common mandala designs in today's world, specifying their properties and their influence on the human body and his life.

Tattoo mandala meaning for Hindus and Buddhists

The most popular image is with Buddhists and Hindus. That's why we'll tell you separately what the mandala tattoo means to them. For example, at the Tibetan sages - it is not only an ordinary drawing on the body. It is a special symbol, which is found in many spheres. Guided by it, they build temples and embroider their clothes.

By the way! Some major Buddhist cities and settlements are even designed according to this system!

tattoo mandala with runes on forearm

If you look closely at the mandala tattoo sketches and study the peculiarity of their construction, it is easy to determine that several forms stand out. Often the largest design of the entire tattoo is a circle, in which a square is separately inscribed. Inside this square is another circle. It can be divided into separate segments. As an option, this division will resemble a lotus.

Tips for sketches

You can choose a sketch from drawings on the Internet. However, not all tattoo sketches are shaped correctly. The best sketches are those formed individually for you. This way you will be sure of the meaning of the message, whether they are female or male.

Sketches for tattoos are created easily, with tattoos looking expressive and compact. Even the sketch of the drawing already begins to attract to the owner of the successful lines of events. For men the best solution is to include the lotus in the drawings. By the quality of the preliminary sketch you will be able to assess the level of skill of your specialist.

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Mandala tattoo sketches in different styles

Read more about what the mandala tattoo means to Buddhists

When considering the mandala tattoo in Buddhists, it should be understood that the largest circle signifies the universe. The smallest circular figures indicate individual deities. But the square between the small circles indicates the sides of the world. But Buddhists living in Tibet say that for them the mandala tattoo is not only a drawing of the universe. In fact, each individual element of such an image is a Tantric text translated into symbols. Therefore, it is not surprising that the mandala tattoo can have a completely different meaning. But with the help of such body drawings attract:

  • health;
  • good luck;
  • happiness;
  • love and so on.

However, it must be remembered that only those who really understand the symbols can decipher the meaning of the image correctly.

Tip! Therefore, taking into account the above, choose carefully the mandala tattoo sketches for your body. In order not to bring upon yourself difficulties and problems.

mandala dotwork tattoo on forearm

Oriental circle

The mandala is a symbol characteristic of Buddhism and Hinduism. Its symbolism goes back to even older signs, the circle and the wheel (a complicated combination of which is the mandala). It is both a schematic representation of the world and a space saturated with higher forces. The more significant the forces, the closer to the center they are shown. The mandala illustrates both development (movement from the many to the one) and degradation (the opposite vector).
The numerical elements of the mandala have additional significance in various cultures. Today the use of such a symbol in the sketches of male and female tattoos is sometimes in no way connected with its mystical and religious connotations, is conditioned by the fact that the sign is beautiful.

On what parts of the body is customary to apply the mandala tattoo

The mandala tattoo on the arm is quite common. But there are other parts of the body for which this image is suitable. Although it is necessary to understand that often the meaning of the image changes depending on where exactly it is located. For example, the mandala tattoo on the arm, according to experts in this matter, can direct the actions of a person. But in this there is a positive point - it will not allow to commit rash actions or do something with malicious intent.

Tattoo mandala blackwork on forearm

Some masters of tattooing advise to apply such body art on the bend of the elbow or on the forearm. This kind of advice is dictated by the fact that the tattoo in this place will have a particular aesthetic. The most popular tattoo locations are:

  • The back of the head and neck;
  • feet;
  • back;
  • shoulders;
  • chest;
  • wrists;
  • palms.

The perfect place for a Mandala tattoo

A mandala is the perfect design for people who like to show off their tattoo. Although some people are modest by nature, it's always great to show off your elaborate tattoo. Such a tattoo is chic and very elaborate, so it makes you look a lot cooler than you are.

The best place for a mandala tattoo is on your arms. This is the most visible part of your body, which makes it a great place to showcase your tattoo.

Another great place for a mandala tattoo is the back. The back is almost flat, which makes it easier for the artist to design the tattoo and detail it. And because the back is wider than any other part of the body, you can apply large tattoos all the way up to tattooing the entire back.

If you want to look sexy, tattoo mandalas on the back of your neck. But on such a small area, you won't be able to do a detailed drawing of the mandala.

The mandala tattoo on your arm as a symbol of success

One popular option is to divide the image into halves. One is placed on one arm and the other on the other. Or, alternatively, on two feet. Or even two fingers, if the mandala is small.

Features of the female talisman

Tattoo mandala in the classical version are sharp, even rough geometric drawings, originally intended for the male world. But gradually more complex patterned variants emerged.

Modern mandala art allows softening sharp geometry with floral ornaments, rounded details, intricate swirls. The use of colored tattoos will make the mandala more feminine.

Mandala tattoo: what is it, features, meaning, how it affects life, where to do

The mandala of love and harmony is considered the most suitable for women and girls. Leaves and flowers, hummingbirds, the sacred lotus, the eye of Buddha - these symbols create a special aura that protects and emphasizes femininity, helping the bearer of the tattoo to find inner harmony.

Mandala tattoos and styles

When choosing a particular pattern, there are several important points to consider:

  • its size;
  • color;
  • The style in which it will be applied.

In modern art, there are many different styles. However, if you look at the mandala tattoo sketches, not all of them are suitable for the natal drawings of this type. The optimal option is graphics or dotwork. Both styles involve monochrome images. Drawings are applied point by point.

Pay attention! Often, experienced and skillful masters when drawing mandalas on the body combine two styles. As a result, the picture turns out amazingly accurate and unique, attractive from the aesthetic point of view.

Such a direction as graphics is a perfect style. It implies the use of the finest black lines. Initially a sketch is created - in real size. This is necessary in order to transfer the image on the body as accurately as possible. After the sketch is created, measurements are made of the drawing:

  • its corners;
  • lengths of lines;
  • proportions.

Tattoo mandala on the wrist

The next step is to draw the contours. And only then the master uses the machine. As you can see - the work is not simple, painstaking, requiring from the master maximum attention. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that you will have to visit the salon several times before the full image appears on your body. Dotwork is also a good option. In principle, it was probably created for the application of various symbols and sacred images.

Pay attention! The size of the tattoo directly depends on the area of the body on which it will be located. There is no point in knocking out small images on the back. And certainly not on the wrist to place a large image.

Sketches may not be unique. You should look for them on websites devoted to Buddhism and Tibetan practices. Often, there is a detailed description under each picture, what exactly the value of this figure.

Location of the tattoo

Unlike other tattoos, the mandala should be tattooed on the place where you most need harmony and energy protection.

  • The chest is the heart chakra and the Manipuri chakra. They are responsible for the emotional state and sensuality;
  • The hands and wrists are the channels of energy. Here the mandala will accelerate the exchange of energy and will not let the negative pass;
  • Neck, the point of transition from the physical to the spiritual. It is here that the mandala will create a favorable transition of energy;
  • On the back and lower back the mandala will open the Svadhisthana chakra, which is responsible for emotions and sex.

For those who understand Buddhism and believe in human energy fields, the mandala tattoo is the best. It will help change your life and open up all the chakras of the human body.

Colored mandala tattoos

There are also colored mandala tattoos. Given that each triangle, which stands out in the inner square of the image, points toward a certain part of the world, it makes sense that they have a different color:

  • North is green;
  • East is white;
  • South - yellow;
  • West - red.

Tattoo mandala dotwork on the arm

The center of the square is made blue, although other background shades are sometimes found. As an option, emerald.

By the way! Quite often you can find mandalas, inside of which is not just a free space, but a deity, sitting in some kind of pose for meditation.

But it is also worth recognizing the fact that in fact the color of this drawing does not carry any special meaning. And if bright colors are used, they are most often a person's favorite colors.

Choosing and making a decision

The magic circle is a very powerful symbol, and if you apply it unrestrainedly, thoughtlessly, you can face trouble. In this case, it is necessary to choose a color for the color of the magical circle and a color that you like most of all, which does not arouse even a shadow of rejection. The universal location of the mandala on the neck for both sexes is the area between the shoulder blades or the lumbar region; for guys, the solar plexus is added to this list. The addition of small inscriptions is quite possible.

Other symbols from the East - lotus flowers, phoenixes, clocks - can help complete the image of the mandala; the mandala should preferably coincide in color and style with your other tattoos. It can also be complemented by the face of any multi-armed god from Buddhist mythology. Check if you really understand what the chosen image means, if you have to travel often to Southeast Asia.

Tattoo mandala for girls and men

The mandala tattoo has a special meaning for girls. Because it helps them to achieve their certain life principles and goals focused on spiritual development. In particular, they are often used by fans of yoga and other similar practices. However, men also often put such images on their bodies. The same Buddhists, Hindus, yogis, etc. The only difference between female and male mandala tattoos is that girls' patterns are more colorful. One might even say delicate. Sometimes they are complemented by various compositional elements. Among such are flowers.

Care for the mandala tattoo

You do not always get a beautiful mandala tattoo. Its padding is very painful and you will have to endure the pain for several hours, because the tattoo consists of many intricate details. This is important if you want to get a good result.

The first thing that comes to your mind after tattooing is to look at the tattoo. However, experienced tattoo artists know that it is better to immediately apply a bandage, because during the process of tattooing wounds and scratches remain on the skin, and it is necessary to prevent the ingress of dirt, giving time to heal. After a few days, you can change the bandage. However, before you put a new one on, be sure to rinse the tattoo area. This can be done with normal tap water and then apply antibacterial cream.

Meaning of individual mandala tattoo symbols

Talking about the meaning of mandala tattoos for girls, be sure to also consider what specific elements are used in them. Here is a concise explanation of the main symbols and elements.

  • Octagon - protection from all sides of the world.
  • Circle or disk - wisdom for girls and women, but masculinity for guys and men.
  • Square - stability, sustainability, honesty, openness.
  • Fruit - extension of life's journey.
  • Flowers - strengthens the childbearing function of the body, increases the chances of adding to the family.

By the way! The lotus, used in compositions with manadala, is able to attract success and good luck. In this case - in fact, in all kinds of activities, which a person is engaged in.

Another popular symbol is the eye of Buddha. The eye is placed inside the geometrical element. This eye helps to protect the person, as well as to attract the patronage of the Buddha, to provide full protection.

Tattoo mandala with runes on his arm

Suitable Solutions

A skilled draftsman would be happy to take on such an order, because there is room for talent to expand! With all the superficial ease, a lot can be done by varying the individual elements, patterns and lines. Men mostly draw the mandala in "blackwork" and "dotwork" styles, women can safely experiment. Photo tattoos are stuffed:

  • on the hands;
  • on the wrists;
  • on the back;
  • On the shoulder blades.

Very good look:

  • floral ornaments;
  • lotus petals;
  • swirling smoke;
  • shaped mazes;
  • campfires.

Lion Tattoo for Girls - Women's Lion Tattoos

Girls often give preference to drawings with a lion and a lioness. Note that the lioness is considered a symbol of the goddess mother, protector, patroness. Most often on female tattoos, the lion is depicted as calm, regal, rather than aggressive and snarling.

Tattoo lion meaning depending on the country

The Egyptians "clothed" in the image of a lion one of the most cruel goddesses Sekhmet - she brings people retribution for their sins and bad deeds. But at the same time this animal, according to the Egyptians, has other features:

  • The male is a reliable protector;
  • the two-headed animal - depicts the gods of dawn and sunset;
  • The image of two animals that look in different directions symbolizes a clear line between the past and the future.

The ancient Romans believed that the lion characterized not only royalty, but also solar fire, and therefore it was associated in one way or another with various gods, such as Hercules or Fortuna. The Romans were also convinced that lions carried victory over death. The ancient Greeks were convinced that lions were companions of the many gods who inhabited Mount Olympus. And the Chinese, in turn, recognize the incredible strength and energy of lions. But African tribes believe that the animal carries two completely different directions - creation and destruction.

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For women

For men