Triskelion: the meaning and magical properties of the amulet. The significance of the amulet in Celtic and other cultures

The Triskelion amulet is a solar sign, revered among many peoples. Charged with the power of nature, it possessed great power.

His different names - Triskelion, Triskel, Triskele, Trefot, but he meant one thing - the unity of the three. With his help, a man was filled with the power of nature, which strengthened his spirit and protected him from all kinds of adversity.

In our article, read about how can the amulet with the image of Trefot help and how to use it so that it will bring the greatest benefit.

The history of the Triskelion sign

The word triskelion (or Triskele ) comes from the Greek τρισκελης, "Triskeles" meaning "three legs". This symbol is usually given a Celtic origin, but this is actually only partially correct. Although it is true that people often used it during the second Iron Age, called the Tene (Ve - II century BC), the triskelion has been represented since the Neolithic period, for example on the Newgrange tomb, which dates back to about 3200 BC. The triskel symbol appears in engravings more than 2,500 years before the Celts appeared in Ireland.

Theories of the origin of the symbol

The trixelion symbol, whose meaning has no single clear definition, has contributed its own intrigue to the history of world culture. To date, historians do not have a consensus on who was the first to perpetuate the tripod in world culture: the Greeks or the inhabitants of the Isle of Man, far from us, located between Britain and Ireland.

The Greek theory

According to the supporters of the Greek theory, it was with the light hand of the Greek travelers who first developed the island of Sicily at the beginning of the 8th century BC and called it Trinacria (trinacrios), that is, triangular, that the symbol appeared. The trinaclion, like its name, is based on the number of mountain peaks marking the borders of the island from the south, east and west: Cape Pachin, Cape Pelor, Cape Lilibey. The sign, invented by the Greeks, was called the Sicilian triskel. In the following centuries, the peoples inhabiting Crete and Macedonia, the Celtic and Etruscan tribes adopted this sign and introduced it into their culture.

The Triskelion of the Greeks was chosen as the basis for the flag of the land of Sicily. It has the image of legs running from one point bent at the knees with a woman's head in the center.

Triskelion symbol meaning

An interesting fact is that originally the center of the connection of the three legs was the head of Medusa Gorgon with hair stylized as three snakes, reminding us of guile, wisdom and treachery. It is one of the most terrible monsters with the face of a woman, whose gaze turned a man into stone, and he was beheaded by the hero of Greek mythology Perseus.

In 2000, the flag was changed and in its modern image, instead of the terrible head of Medusa Gorgon, the triskel center is decorated with the face of the goddess of fertility with ears of wheat instead of hair. Today's islanders no longer associate the female face on their flag with the dreaded Gorgon. And the symbol "triskelion" takes on an entirely different meaning.

The Viking theory

Proponents of the second version argue that the symbol was invented in the Irish Sea by the inhabitants of the Isle of Man around the V- VI century BC, who were at that time citizens of one of the oldest states of the era - the Vikings. The triskelion symbol adorns the flag of the Isle of Man to this day and was last modified in the 13th century.

triskelion meaning
The intrigue is that the signs of the southern and northern lands, between which lie thousands of kilometers of water and land, are remarkably similar to each other. There is a possibility that the symbol has much more ancient roots and where it actually originated remains to be discovered by new generations of scientists. And it is possible that the number of versions of the origin of the symbol will increase. Just as, perhaps, new theories will emerge to reveal its meaning. The triskelion continues to amaze.

The coat of arms of Sicily trinacria

So many tourists who come to the island of Sicily for the first time are interested in an unusual kind of souvenir - a triangle with three legs coming out of the center, which contains the head of the mythical creature Medusa Gorgon. Legends dating back to Antiquity are closely linked to the history of the island itself.

The coat of arms of Sicily with the image of the trixelion

The first meaning of the coat of arms of Sicily is the designation of the island itself with three extreme points. Since Sicily has the shape of a triangle, on each of the corners is a cape: in the West is Lilibeo, in the East Peloro, in the South Passero. Thus, each of the legs on the trinacria symbolizes the corners of the triangle. The name of the coat of arms of Sicily comes from the ancient name of the island given to it by the Greeks.

The sign, which has become one of the main symbols of modern Sicily, is very ancient. Some historians believe that originally each of the legs on the coat of arms meant the movement of the sun across the sky. A little later the meaning changed, and the trinacria began to be associated with the movement of time itself.

True, there are other opinions regarding the appearance of such a symbol of Sicily as the trinacria. Based on not the most popular version, this sign was closely associated with one of the goddesses of the Greek Pantheon. The snakes on her head are just the wisdom for which that goddess was famous.

Many modern depictions of the coat of arms of Sicily use ears of wheat instead of snake heads. It is a legacy of ancient Rome. During the times of the empire, Sicily was considered (besides Egypt), the main supplier of bread for all the citizens of Rome.

However, it is accepted that it was the ancient Greeks who first used the trinacria as a symbol of Sicily. Ancient Greek myths told fascinating stories about the gorgons who inhabited this large island. One of them was Medusa Gorgon - a terrible creature that takes the form of a woman, but has instead of hair snakes. She could turn anyone who looked at her into stone with her gaze. Thousands of daredevils were forever frozen in time. However, the hero Perseus was able to defeat Medusa by decapitating her. However, it soon became clear that even the monster's severed dead head can still turn people to stone. So it ended up on the coat of arms of Sicily and became an integral part of its symbolism. It is believed that the head of Medusa is able to protect the island from enemies just by looking at it! The oldest image of the triskelion dates back to the seventh century BC.

Triskelion Meaning

For the Celts in ancient times, the triskelion symbol had a sacred meaning, it was used to create pagan incantations, magical rituals. The sign was used as a talisman, which ensured the balance in the natural world, the independent stability, which was not affected by any of the elements. The Celts drew the Triskelion on household items, crockery, clothing, walls of the dwelling.

The Vikings pictured the symbol a bit differently than the Celts and denoted with it the will of Odin, the power of the gods. The symbol of Norman represented the trinity of soul, spirit and body. The Vikings made the sign widespread, and invested it with the sense of uniting the higher forces, the cyclical nature of existence, and the infinity of the universe.

In Slavic mythology, the Triskel was associated with the influence on human existence of the energies of life and death. The symbol was used as a talisman, saving from a sudden, accidental death, various domestic misfortunes and diseases. The northern peoples of Russia drew the symbol with broken lines.

Three rays coming from a single center were associated with sun rays that could show the right way or give a hint in solving life problems. The Slavs described the symbol as the unity of the three worlds - Pravia, Yavia and Navi. The sign was closed, it was not depicted explicitly and in plain sight, so it was very rare in the excavations.

In Buddhism, the triskelion was depicted as a wheel, where each part symbolized a certain concept.

The hub refers to the rules of etiquette, the rim to the science of meditation, and the spokes denote the acquired wisdom of life. The sign was used as a way of predicting the future, people tried to look ahead, foresee possible events and prepare for them. The monks used the symbol to perform meditative techniques to fill the soul and body with equilibrium and spiritual power.

In medieval Europe, the triskelion was actively used in heraldry. The symbol was found on the flags of the European provinces, coats of arms of famous noble families. Today the symbol adorns the flag of Sicily and the Isle of Man, and the rays are depicted in the form of three running legs, representing the continuous running of time. On the flag of Ingushetia, the red triskelion stands out brightly against a white background. The mark is found in the emblems of the U.S. Department of Transportation, some soccer clubs and in the badges of Irish Air Force officers.

The symbolic number 3

The symbolism of the triskelion leads us to the number 3. Indeed, the 3 has a special symbolism. The number 3, in the first place, is a a symbol of the trinity.. It is often associated with a child, the fruit of the union between a man and a woman (1 + 2 = 3). It represents the culmination, replenishment and balance of forces.

In a broader sense, the number 3 is found in the number of elements, as we have seen in the symbolism of the triskelion: three spatial dimensions (height, length, width) or three dimensions of time (past, present, future; childhood, maturity , old age).

The number 3 is also associated with the three
worlds (spiritual, intellectual, emotional), the three phases of the moon and the three kingdoms (animals, plants, minerals).
В Christianity one God is represented by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 3 is the number of the theological virtues (faith, hope, and charity).

For Buddhists there are three characteristics of existence (impersonality, impermanence, and dissatisfaction) and three "poisons" (greed, ignorance, anger). Buddhism also has its expression completed in the Triple Jewel: Buddha, Dharma, Sangha.

Taoists believe that the number 3 is perfect. Three is universally recognized as the fundamental number. It expresses the intellectual and spiritual order in God in the cosmos and in man.

In Buddhism.

In order for a person to make a connection with an amulet, it must necessarily depict a hub.
Distinctive in many ways, the Buddhist Trixel in its homeland is of tremendous importance to the people. It is represented in the Dharma wheel, specifically in its 3 components: the spokes, the rim, and the hub. The latter are the necessary rules of concentration for the interaction of the mind with the artifact. Behind the spokes is the wisdom that pervades ignorance, while the rim is the basics of meditation that Buddhists resort to during practice.

In Celtic peoples.

Through the trixelion, the Celts achieved harmony with nature and performed magical rituals and ceremonies. For them, a talisman was a source of energy and serenity, vitality. In this way, the Celts sought to give them magical properties and connect with higher forces by attaching the symbol to household items, clothing, skin and weapons. Self-sufficiency and independence lay in the symmetry of the triskellion structure, which also spiritualized the people. The Celts saw in the spirals of the symbol the cyclical nature of the universe, representing the sunset, sunrise and zenith.

Trixel with the Scandinavians.

In ancient times, sages and seers put this symbol on the body, it was allowed only to people of a mature age

In Norman culture, the sign was portrayed differently and differed from the Celtic "source". He was identified with Odin. The amulet symbolized the trinity of the different spheres of existence:

  • Divine - in Viking mythology there are three capital gods: Odin, Thor and Loki;
  • The earthly - the unity of the human Soul, Body and Spirit.

An interesting fact: thanks to the Vikings and their wanderings, the triskel was so widespread in the world.


  • In the Slavs, they were wizards, and among "ordinary mortals" amulets gained fame as powerful and dangerous - so they were always kept in a hidden place.

Our ancestors had their own opinion about the meaning of the Celtic triskel. "Triskel" indicated the balance of three worlds: people (Yav), the dead (Nav) and deities (Prav). The inseparability of separate elements of the pattern symbolized the power of Kin. Such protection in an extraordinary situation called for help of all "close by blood", including the souls of forefathers.

Fascinating historical facts

A lot of historical facts are associated with the sign of the valknut and some of them are very interesting.

Here it is worth saying that the symbol was used not only the Scandinavians, but also the Celts, the Germans and the Slavs. In each of these peoples the meaning of the symbol was somewhat different.

The meaning of the valknut symbol among the Slavs carried the unity of nature and the fact that valiant warriors who fell in battle would surely receive their reward in a better world.

In the Scandinavians this sign was considered magical and was applied to various objects, including weapons, to win the victory.

In the Celts and Germans, the valcnut was considered a symbol of strength, rebelliousness and rebelliousness. They were often worn as a talisman by those who wished to possess such qualities.

They were also often seen on funerary ships where the ancient Vikings placed the bodies of fallen warriors. It was believed that the symbol would help them get to Valhalla more quickly.

In Germany, this sign became Nazi after Hitler came to power and was actively used as a symbol of the invincibility of the Third Reich. Subsequently, the Walnut was perceived negatively in the countries affected by the actions of the Nazis.

Triskelion: meaning and origin of the symbol, interpretation

Modern use of the symbol

The Isle of Man and Sicily are far away, but the Republic of Ingushetia is much closer, but it also placed a stylized sign on its flag. The author of the flag, which was approved in 1994, was Academician Ibrahim Abdurakhmanovich Dakhkilgov. The salt sign or sun sign is depicted on the flag with three rays rounded counterclockwise at the ends. This is the direction in which the Earth rotates around the Sun and the Sun rotates around its axis. According to the people of Ingushetia, the triskel will protect them from misfortune and provide them with well-being and prosperity.

We see the image of the triskelion all around us and in modern life. Fans of the Austrian soccer club First and the French club Gengham, in order to attract luck and ensure a victorious game on the field for their members, placed images of the sign on the team flags. Only FC First - in the image of three running feet in soccer gear from - in the image of the mathematical formula of the spirals of Archimedes of Syracuse.

Or, for example, the flag of the U.S. Department of Transportation is nothing more than the same stylized salt sign.

meaning of the triskelion symbol culture

The principle of "three-leggedness" can also be seen in the famous automobile brand Mercedes. Is not this fact the secret of popularity of cars of the famous brand?

The Banner of Peace

Triskelion: meaning and origin of the symbol, interpretation

The symbol of three circles or dots has a very wide area of interpretation, largely similar to the equilateral triangle. The most famous variant of the sign was the Banner of Peace, which was designed by the Russian artist, philosopher and writer Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich for the International Pact for the Protection of Cultural Heritage in 1935. The description and purpose of the symbol in the official treaty is given as follows:

How widespread the sign is in the religious culture of different peoples and what inspired the artist's ideological and visual content of the Banner of Peace, Roerich himself says in his letters and notes, published in his two-volume collection, The Diary Sheets:

Magical Properties

It must be said that the triskelion has a mysterious meaning, because it contains a magical component, in which the ancient peoples believed.

It is easy to notice that at the heart of the drawing and its symbolism lies the number three. The magic of this number is also reflected in subsequent religions that replaced paganism. In the Christian canons, the holy trinity: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit are nothing but echoes of the pagan symbol. Medieval Europe widely used the sun symbol not only in the coats of arms of the nobility, but perpetuated this symbol on the flags of entire localities.

Triskelion symbol meaning

To whom would Celtic Triskel amulets be suitable?

In the triskel lurks a huge charge of magical energy, so apply it to special ceremonies should be very carefully.

  • Druids with the "tripod" could see the past and the future at the same time, and in case of acute need - even change them.
  • Modern magicians use the symbol to maximize the effectiveness of their rituals, to bring the moment of fulfillment of desires.

As an amulet

As an amulet, the Celtic Triskel symbol works much more gently:

  • It helps to reveal innate but undeveloped talents, makes a person more insightful, wise, balanced.
  • At the same time "tripod" acts as a "trap" for other people's witchcraft - any magical influence is automatically neutralized if the owner of the talisman is under the protection of triskel.

Amulet is not used from time to time, it is a symbol, which entrusted his life once and for all.

Tattoos with a three-beam spiral became very popular - they were made even at the dawn of civilization. Usually the sacred pattern is applied to the neck on the back side, in the area of the shoulder blades or on the wrist.

  • There is no gender restriction, but such a talisman is not suitable for young people. The Triskel as a talisman is recommended only to an adult with sufficient life experience.

Who should not wear it?

People who are tormented by the complete lack of faith in themselves, their abilities and goals. Triskelion will not find a point of reference and will not be able to help the owner, if he himself is confused in his desires and aspirations. Unconcentrated energy will be dispersed, the talisman will not catch it, and accordingly, will not let in the right direction. It is important to remember that when wearing an artifact of this kind, you must sensibly dispose of its power and not waste its potential in vain.

Description of varieties

There are 2 varieties of the valknut symbol. The first is three triangles intertwined with each other and a single whole, the second is a continuous broken line.

In the first version, the triangles seem to intersect each other, in the second they are intertwined.

At first glance, these varieties of walnut are very similar, but on closer examination, they are quite different from each other.

The first sign symbolizes the absolute power of Odin, who can both break the chains that hinder human development and confuse his ways and thoughts and throw him off course.

The second inscription speaks of the close connection between past, present and future and reminds us that one is inseparable from the other.

How to choose an amulet

The Triskele amulet can be used as a pendant or a tattoo. Pendants are made of metal or wood. It is very difficult to make an amulet with your own hands, so you can buy it in a store. It is best to take the one that first caught your eye and liked it. The drawing can be different, and this is also one of the selection criteria. For example, if you are a soccer player, it is better to take an amulet whose curved lines are similar to bent legs. For those who work with hands, it is better to take an amulet with lines similar to the hands.

To buy Triskelion amulet, it is better to choose a day when you will be in a good mood. Preferably, it was a sunny day when you do not have to go to work, because the sun is associated with the rays of the talisman.

Amulet can also be embroidered on clothing. Nowadays it is rare, but in ancient times, wives embroidered a sign on their husbands' clothes. This helped to give them confidence, to protect them from enemies. Usually amulet was embroidered on the sleeves of shirts and on the pants. Red thread was used for this purpose.

What is the talisman used for?

Over time, trefoil began to be used as a mascot. The sign was depicted on the armor, clothing, amulets for people and homes. Now use it as a talisman. Wear an amulet depicting the symbol of a man and a woman.

Solar sign can help a person to accumulate solar energy. The Slavic amulet is also a symbol of beauty, happiness and youth. It has this effect:

  • protects against disease, relieves painful sensations;
  • protects against unwanted meetings;
  • attracts good luck;
  • Gives long life.

Symbol shamrock acts as a filter. He is able to let into the house only the energy that the person accepts. To do this at Christmas or Easter, it is enough to draw a sign in the upper right corner of the mirror with a red cosmetic pencil.

Other polished surfaces will also do. The image should have the same leaves, only then it will fulfill its purpose. After a year, the symbol is washed off and another one is drawn.

To preserve health, it is necessary to embroider the sign on clothing. It is portrayed on items that are taken with them on a long journey and hidden from prying eyes. In the moment when a person needs energy protection, it is worth to touch trefoil amulet.

Sometimes contemplation of the talisman for several minutes will help. Such actions will detain good luck during visit of fruitful thoughts.

Triskelion: meaning and origin of the symbol, interpretation

People use dried clover to cleanse the house from evil spirits and to attract positive energy. To it is often added another chernobyl.

How to make a triskel with your own hands

Triskelion amulet is quite possible to make with your own hands. Choose a time when it is convenient for you to work quietly and with concentration on the amulet. You nothing should not distract, and thoughts should be positive, because the amulet absorbs your energy.

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To make an amulet, wood is perfect, because it must be united with the forces of nature. Of the metals, you can choose gold - it is filled with the light of the sun and perfectly meets the properties of Triskel. Another suitable metal is silver. It is a metal which possesses powerful protective qualities.

You can make an amulet in any way: in the form of a ring, pendant, pendant, bracelet. The main thing is that you should feel comfortable with it. The symbol must be symmetrical, because it represents harmony.

If you are not sure of your eyesight, it is better to prepare a stencil, which can be easily printed out. Triskelion, made by your own hands, will enhance your energy and will definitely give you its positive properties.

Purifying and charging the amulet

Any amulet requires activation, because without it, it will be a usual trinket. This amulet can be charged and purified with any type of amulet.

Each amulet over time accumulates in itself a bad energy, so it is necessary to release it from him. If this is not done, do not expect that it will last long.

Choose a method of cleaning should be depending on the material of which the talisman is made:

  1. An amulet of wood or metal can be washed with spring water. If there is no way to get it, you can use tap water.
  2. The second way is salt. Prepare a container with salt and put the talisman in it for 3 days. After cleaning, salt should be thrown out, and the amulet can be worn.
  3. Amulet of noble metals, gold and silver will be perfect for cleaning by fire. Use a usual candle for this purpose. Light it and pass the amulet over it several times. Now it is cleaned.
  4. If you live in a private house, you can easily bury the amulet in the ground. It also has magical properties, and if you leave a amulet in it for days, it will activate it or clear it from negative influences.
  5. If you are a lover of herbs and tasty aromas, you can use for cleaning your amulet sage or cedar bark.

All rituals of activation and cleansing should be carried out during the period of the rising moon.

Amulet Triskelion has long had the glory of a powerful solar sign among different peoples, embodied the ceaseless movement of time and cyclicity.

It could protect its owner and endow him with a powerful life energy. Charged with the power of nature, it is not obsolete in our time, and be sure to help anyone who wants to use it.

Care of Triskelion amulet

Also, after purchase, the product should be charged. You can use the power of the three elements for this. First hold the amulet under running water, then just hang it up to charge it with air. After that, temper it in the fire or put it under the sun for a day. So amulet will be charged with energy, which will be transmitted to you.

Remember that a magical amulet can lose all its attributes if you do not take care of it. Make sure that the amulet did not fall on the ground or hit against hard objects. Also, periodically it is recommended to clean the amulet. Do it with water and salt. You will not be able to do this, but you will be able to do it. After that, pour the water into a sink, and put the amulet Triskelion under the sun for 24 hours.

Silver Triskelion Pendant.

The tattoo has become especially popular now, it is even more common than the pendant. The reason is that unlike the pendant, the tattoo does not need to be charged, it immediately provides you with the necessary energy and simply enhances the capabilities of your body.

Definition of the concept

So what is a triskelion? It is a sign that celebrates the power of the sun - its sunrise, zenith and sunset. Over time, however, it has taken on more and more meanings. He attributed the power of the three elements - fire, water and air, he is a protector from the flood, fire and theft, represents the transience of life, birth, life and death. Thus, the numerical expression of the symbol is a leitmotif in the knowledge of what significance the triskelion has. It is inherent in everything that goes into the base of this sign.

Triskel tattoo: who it suits, location and color

In ancient times, tattoos with this symbol were worn by druids and sages endowed with the gift of foresight, and to decorate the body with patterns in pagan times could only mature people (no younger than 30 - 33 years, depending on the nation).

Often triskelion decorated the bodies of warriors and served as a protective amulet. The traditional color is black. Anyone, irrespective of gender, can apply a triskel drawing on the body: the sign is equally suitable for both men and women.

In the sketch is important smoothness of lines and accuracy of execution of the figure. The tattoo is made on the hand (wrist), neck or back. The pattern is suitable for those who want to develop intuition and inner strength.

Meaning of the tattoo for girls

Triskel is often depicted as three twisted spirals coming from one point. Compact and beautiful image girls choose to become closer to nature, find new qualities, learn to manage their talents given by nature. The symbol, with the help of which the Druids performed magic rituals, helps open intuition, sharpen insight and natural instincts.

Girls who are fond of witchcraft rituals, do tattoo triskelion in the hope of gaining clairvoyance abilities, learn to predict the future.

As an expression of life principles, the triskel symbol is chosen by girls who believe in the infinity of the cycle of life. The tattoo is applied as a sign of the constant movement of time, the change of the elements and the seasons. The owners of the tattoo love communication with wildlife, understand its laws and obey them even in urban life.

Such girls prefer a healthy lifestyle, proper diet, practice sports or yoga.

Meaning of a tattoo for men

As a talisman that helps to stick to the right path of life, the triskelion is chosen for the plot of the tattoo of men who have a worthy goal. The ancient sign reminds the owner of the need to be in balance with the world around him, to observe the laws of nature. The ancient symbol reminds the bearer of the necessity to be in balance with the world around him, to observe the laws of nature and to obey the laws of nature.

This is a symbolic representation of the uniqueness and uniqueness of the physical appearance of the animal. The two tattooed men know exactly what they want, are very confident in their goals and are willing to fight to the death for justice with their fists. These men are not afraid of difficulties and physical exertion, never complain of fatigue and pain, if overcoming obstacles at least a little closer to the desired goal. The sign of the triskel on the body protects from ridiculous accidents, which can negatively change the course of the life of the tattoo owner. And even in risky ventures the owner of the tattoo will feel calm because he is confident in the patronage of higher forces.

The magical sign, uniting the natural elements, makes you feel victorious in any environment. For a man who made a tattoo triskelion, no matter the prevailing circumstances. Such men are so independent and strong, that even the forces of nature will not be able to stop them in their quest to achieve the desired result.

Photo of the triskelion in the tattoo

Trefoil tattoo

The image of a shamrock is often found in contemporary tattoo culture. Execute it in accordance with the actual size as a single element or as part of a large composition. This sign on the body does not lose its purpose - to attract good luck. Tattoos are perceived differently in different cultures:

  • In the East - a symbol of eternal summer, serenity and relaxation;
  • In Europe - the sign of the Trinity.

Most often the image is applied to the neck, behind the ear. It is also performed on the hands and feet. Women pierce a kind of bracelet from the image of the plant, emphasizing his tenderness. Men select the calf of the leg for a tattoo. Trefoil indicates their masculinity and success. Excellent sign will look in the shoulder blades.

Triskelion: meaning and origin of the symbol, interpretation

At first, tattoos were performed in the Celtic style, for which black and gray shades are inherent. Clover was depicted in the form of interwoven lines. Now there are different variants of application. More often it is the green color of the sign. Masters strengthen the symbolism of the image with other details: horseshoes, crowns, roses, violets, etc. Complement the drawing with inscriptions that bring good luck.


The general principle of the image of the triskelion is three curved lines with a common point in the center. They may resemble running legs, spirals or even the head of a beast. Gradually, the stylistics of the sign changed and began to acquire a variety of forms. It is also worth noting here that few people know the significance of the triskelion. The symbol, the culture in which the sign is used, its material expression - all this is very interesting, and the signs do not remain static, embodying all in new forms.

what is triskelion
Thus, amulets were decorated with ornate ornamentation in the form of intricate curved lines. They could contain cosmogonic and zoomorphic elements or vice versa acquire precise geometric features.

However, there is a general pattern in the application of the triskelion - the symbol pattern must be symmetrical and carry in itself a powerful energetic charge. If an object with an applied pattern on it to unwind in a clockwise direction, you can see a kind of "movie" in which the cycle of movements will be repeated.


Three interconnected triangles got their name from the ancient Scandinavian words valr (killed warriors) and knut (knot). The sign is present on many archaeological sites of ancient Germanic peoples. The compound noun valknut appeared in modern times, and it is unknown what the symbol was called at the time of its historical depiction.

Scholars, giving a description of the valknut trinity symbol, find it difficult to interpret it precisely. Some associate the sign with the god Odin. Authoritative expert on Germanic and Celtic paganism academic Hilda Ellis Davidson believed that the figure meant Odin surrounded by his attributes, two wolves or ravens. These animals, like the wolf, were often depicted on cremation urns found in Anglo-Saxon cemeteries in East Anglia. Since the symbol is present next to the image of Odin on the funeral slabs and offerings, most experts believe that the sign correlates with religious practices associated with death.

Triskelion: meaning and origin of the symbol, interpretation

The image is used in the modern folk culture of neo-paganism. Like other ancient symbols, in our time the mark valknut is acquiring new interpretations. It is used by various political and commercial groups, and sometimes the image is found in contemporary popular culture. Since the sign comes from the traditions of Germanic paganism, it is used as a symbol of their heritage by some "white" nationalist groups. Despite this, the valknut has not been classified by the German government as an undesirable image.


For women

For Men