Magical tattoos - tattoo designs and their meanings, inspiring photo works

Types of magical tattoos. Their meaning

Patterns that have roots in ancient tribes belong to magical tattoos. Aztec, Celtic and Native American tribes applied symbols and ornaments to the body. The drawings were associated with higher powers.

The infinity symbol

A simple symbol in its execution. Has both mathematical meaning, endowed with magical power and sacred meaning. For the first time symbol was used in Tibet.

Depicted in the form of a snake. As the legend goes, the serpent wanted to eat itself. It did not happen in any way, because it was constantly growing. The process could not end and went on forever. The sign of infinity represents the union of the beginning and the end.

Tattoos in the form of this symbol are worn by men and women. Also lovers do the infinity tattoo. Symbolizes their endless love.

Predominantly on the wrist nabivayut a small tattoo. The symbol also helps to feel better people and understand the hidden essence of any process.

Runes .

This is the alphabet, which has a magical power. Its study people do quite a lot of time.

Runa consists of these three elements. Components of this symbol can not be independent, exist only in symbiosis. With the help of runes create amulets, talismans and amulets.

Also used in divination and witchcraft. Tattoo is a strong amulet. Put an image on your wrist, shoulder and back.

Mandalas .

The basis of the symbol is a circle. Mandalas have many small elements and patterns. The sign means harmony and unity of man and the universe. It came from Buddhist mythology and was considered a sacred symbol. The mandala was used to represent saints. The mandala is tattooed on the forearm or back.


The symbol appeared four thousand years ago. The tattoo can make good and bad changes in the life of the wearer, depending on the location of the top of the symbol. But almost all of the symbol's meanings are positive.

The pentagram means:

  • Leadership
  • prosperity
  • spirituality
  • health
  • excellence
  • protection
  • luck


Mythical tattoos are diverse and distinctive. Each person can choose the image that best reflects his inner world and character qualities. But we should not forget that even behind the most attractive character can hide negative meanings. Which tattoos of mythical creatures are considered positive, and which carry negative energy?

What mythological animals are the most common characters in tattoos?

  • The unicorn symbolizes purity, innocence, nobility and unbridled power. It is depicted as a white horse with a spiral-shaped horn in its forehead. The image itself is positive and can serve as an amulet for its owner. Tattoo with such animals is more suitable for girls, because they could tame it according to legends. For men, the picture will represent courage, bravery and protection.
  • Pegasus is a flying horse, an envoy of Olympus. He was considered a mediator between the world of the gods and the world of men. One of his famous exploits is the discovery of the source of Hippocrene, from which poets and writers drew inspiration. Tattoos symbolize creativity, speed, endurance and wisdom. The picture of Pegasus can be seen as an emblem in many institutions and companies involved in air travel.
  • A centaur is half horse, half man, who has a violent temper. It symbolizes harmony with nature and benevolence. The Centaur tattoo is usually chosen by people born under the sign of Sagittarius.
  • This is the most powerful negative mythic image. It is a fearsome black dog with three heads and a snake instead of a tail. He guards the gates to hell and is an assistant to the devil. His main mission is not to let anyone out of the world of the dead. Drawing represents a connection with the netherworld and service to the forces of darkness. The owner of such a tattoo usually has a malicious and aggressive nature.

The object of the image in modern tattoo sketches often become and mythical creatures.

  • A sphinx is an Egyptian creature with the head of a woman, the body of a lion and wings. The tattoo symbolizes the connection with the afterlife, wisdom, and the mystery of the ancestors. With such images should be careful not to bring trouble upon themselves.
  • Tattoos of mythical gnomes are in high demand. Perhaps the tiny creatures are beloved by fans of fantasy and cartoons. These characters combine cunning with naivety and simplicity. Minor mischief does not prevent them to remain kind and sympathetic inside, as well as to take care of those who are around. The tattoos are suitable for romantics who believe in miracles and in a fairy-tale world.
  • A gryphon is a mythical eagle with the body of a lion. The huge creature is the guardian of the Sun and the Tree of Life and symbolizes wisdom, retribution and knowledge. Of the negative interpretations include a desire for revenge and vindictiveness. Figure found in people associated with the military profession. Sometimes it can mean a noble origin of the owner.

The best techniques for applying mythical tattoos are realism, watercolor, classic or engraving.

Oriental magical tattoos

The group of these tattoos is worth separate attention. Some images have the right to do only monks. In the process of application, incense is used and a prayer is recited. The drawing is applied using the handpoke technique. The tip with which the tattoo is to be made is subjected to a rite of illumination. It is necessary for the tool to be charged with positive energy. Each tattoo has a specific meaning.

  1. Amnai. The tattoo endows the wearer with spiritual and physical power. People who do this drawing have a need for respect from the outside. The image promotes career advancement.
  2. Mattha Mahanyom. The tattoo works to attract those around you. The bearer of the drawing will always be supported by people and help him or her.
  3. Maha Sanae. Tattoo attracts good luck and success. Also has a favorable effect on love relationships.
  4. Chok Laap. Drawing brings happiness and wealth. With the help of the tattoo, you can achieve financial success, both at work and in the casino.

Styles of tattoos with beasts

  • Geometry - Is created with triangles, squares, circles, lines or trapezoids.

    Geometry - created with triangles, squares, circles, lines or trapezoids.

  • Schematic - only the contours are drawn, not painted over completely.

    Schematic - only outlines are drawn, not filled in completely.

  • Volumetric - All shades and highlights are traced, and the figure becomes three-dimensional, "alive.

    Volumetric - all the nuances and shadows are traced, and the figure gets volume, comes to life.

  • Watercolor - drawing in color.

    Watercolor is a drawing in color.

  • The cartoon style - looks less realistic, for example, with a smile and wide-open eyes.

    Cartoon style - looks less realistic, for example, with a smile, eyes wide open.

  • Mandala - In the style of Buddhism, drawings with geometric sacred symbols.

Tattoos with animalistic themes do not lose relevance

Tattoo Wolf - Tattoo Wolf Meaning - Wolf Tattoo Meaning and Sketches

Scandinavian Tattoos

In ancient times, the Vikings depicted runes on their bodies and on everyday objects. Below is a list of popular symbols with magical power.

  1. Lagu. The tattoo of this rune should be worn by women. The symbol promotes the development of intuition. Develops qualities such as gentleness, lack of conflict.
  2. Ur. Brings a new and interesting in the life of the owner. A tattoo is recommended for those who are tired of routine and want a vivid sensation.
  3. Thorn. The symbol develops such qualities as fortitude, courage, strength. The tattoo is recommended to be worn by men. The symbol will help in all areas of life, work or personal relationships.
  4. Ken. Tattoo in the form of a rune strengthens health. Also helps to temper ardor, build lasting relationships. Contributes to the development of composure. Drawing would be useful for a hot-tempered nature.
  5. Jera. Attracts good luck and contributes to the execution of desires. Drawing in the form of this rune promotes career and money income.
  6. Man. Runa helps the owner to discover their inner potential and believe in their strength.

Signs and symbols depicted on the body can change a person's life dramatically. Tattoo should be printed in accordance with your faith, beliefs and associate with good moments in order to avoid a destructive effect.

The drawing will have positive energy and a good emotional charge. When choosing a sketch and place of application you can look at photos on tattoo resources to have an idea how the future drawing will look like.

Color variations of the Scandinavian tattoo

The coloring of the plumage of mythical birds is an important detail of the composition. To enhance the sinister message of the images, they are drawn with a resinous black pigment, which allows you to strengthen the negative message. Inclusions of gray feathers can dramatically change the meaning of the tattoo in the positive side.

Hugin and Munin tattoo. Meaning, sketches on the back, shoulder, neck, hand

For male sketches are characterized by a predominance of black, in prison, where the meaning of the tattoo is unequivocally negative, give preference to a blue-black solution. Girls sometimes dilute the subject of natal images with bright watercolor elements to reduce the ominous gloom of aggressive images.

Three Monkeys

Sambiki-saru or Sanzaru (Three Monkeys). The monkey has been revered in Japan since ancient times, and in Shintoism and popular beliefs, the monkey was the guardian spirit of horses. Therefore, the Buddhist respectful attitude towards the monkey was a favorite of the Japanese. It was the visual embodiment of the Buddhist principle of renunciation of the non-true and non-denial of evil, known as sambiki no saru (the image of the three monkeys). The choice of monkeys was also due to a play on words. A monkey in Japanese is "zaru" and the phrase "see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing" sounds like "mi zaru, kika zaru, iwa zaru". The meaning of this phrase is that he who does not want to see evil, hear about it, and speak about evil, will be protected from it and will not create it himself. To complete this statement, they sometimes add the image of the fourth monkey, Se-zaru ("I do not do evil"), covering the abdomen or crotch. Sambiki-saru symbolize firm adherence to Buddhist principles, integrity and purity in deeds and actions.

The mythological beast Hakutaku

The Hakutaku, or kutabe (Chinese: bai jie), is a mythological beast with a human face and the body of a buffalo or lion with many eyes and horns. According to Chinese legend, this beast was encountered by the Chinese emperor Huang-di. The magical and wise beast told the emperor that only he was the greatest and wisest ruler. This legend became popular in Japan, where there are their own versions of encounters with this creature. For example, Hakutaku, told the emperor about the existence of 11 520 demons - yokai, because only he had full knowledge of them, and taught how to deal with the unclean force. In addition, this creature was able to predict unfavorable years for the crops.


In the ancient times, taking the head of an enemy as a trophy was a sign of respect for his person as well as an indication of the courage of his conqueror. In ancient times, taking the head of an enemy as a trophy was a sign of respect for his person as well as an indication of his victor's courage. In a tattoo, a severed head can have many meanings - it is a respect for the enemy, a warning, and an indication of bravery. However, more often than not, it simply depicts overcoming fear of the hardships of life. A popular explanation of such a tattoo is the willingness to accept any fate without complaint and with honor. Nevertheless, images of severed heads are often striking in their brutality and realism, but this is not only done to shock the viewer, it is also seen as an essential element of the wheeling of life - accepting life as it is, without embellishing reality. The display of severed heads in Japan's past was part of the festivities following victory, and Japanese heroic epics contain descriptions of such head displays. Samurai could take the heads of enemy warriors they had killed and present them as tribute to their leader. In major battles, a victorious army could collect hundreds of enemy heads. The heads of ordinary warriors would pile up and form pyramids of grim trophies. But the severed heads of honorable enemies were treated with respect and special care. For example, when Yoritomi in 1189. ordered to kill his half-brother as a traitor, his head was carefully washed and placed in a lacquered box filled with sake for better preservation. Although the purpose of such an exhibition of heads was to identify slain enemy commanders, its main significance was to demonstrate the leader's military successes and the loyalty of his vassals. The severed head of an enemy leader symbolized the vassal's supreme loyalty to his lord, as he would risk death to acquire such a trophy. The samurai, presenting such "gifts" to his lord, could count on his special appreciation. On the other hand, by accepting them, the victorious warlord demonstrated his superiority over the leaders of the enemy whose vassals had failed to secure victory or protect them in battle. But beyond this, beheading was a common form of punishment in Japan, sometimes for very minor transgressions. The samurai were often allowed to behead their own soldiers who cowardly fled the battlefield. Beheading (without seppuku) was considered a very severe and degrading form of punishment. One of the most brutal beheadings was carried out on Sugitani Zenjubo, who attempted to assassinate Oda Nobunaga, a famous daimyo in 1570. After his capture, Zenjubo was buried in the ground and only his head was outside, and it was sawed off with a bamboo saw for several days. Such punishments were abolished at the beginning of the Meiji period.

Beheading was also historically carried out as a second step in seppuku (ritual suicide by opening the stomach). After the suicide victim cut open his own stomach, another warrior would stab him in the back of the neck with a katana to hasten death and reduce suffering. Since this ritual required the observance of certain rules, only very skilled warriors were chosen as assistants in beheading, giving them special honor. At the end of the Sengoku period, the rules were somewhat simplified and beheadings could be performed as soon as the person making harakiri inflicted a minor wound on his stomach.

Also read on our site: Japanese tattoo style | Japanese tattoos | Yakuza tattoos

Severed Geisha Head. The following legend can be cited as an explanation of this tattoo. A geisha in former times was forbidden to marry and cohabit with Buddhist monks. But one of them broke the ban when she fell in love with a monk and shared her love, even though she knew that the punishment would be death. When the secret was discovered, the geisha was beheaded. Based on this, the tattoo can be "read" as a willingness to make any sacrifice in the name of love.

Japanese Masks

The masks used by actors of the Noh theater and the Kögen farce theater. Images of these masks are very common in irezumi stories as amulets.

Hettoko Mask

Meanings of Japanese tattoos
Hettoko is the name of a traditional Japanese mask depicting a funny male face. Some masks have different sized eyes, puffed cheeks, a mouth stretched into a tube as if to whistle, and a scarf, usually white with blue polka dots, wrapped around the head. The mask is used both at folk festivals and in the Kögen Theater, where it shows a comic character, a lover of revelry and unbridled merriment. The Hettoko mask is also associated with the Japanese domestic spirits of hearth and family well-being. Therefore, the Japanese often keep such a mask in their homes.

Okame Mask

Meaning of Japanese tattoos
Okame or Otafuku is a mask of a woman showing a funny cheeked face. The mask symbolizes happiness and contentment, and in the farce Kögen, the actor wearing this mask portrays a kind and cheerful character. The very name of the mask, okame, comes from the Shinto goddess of joy and laughter.

Ju-men mask

Tattoos with deities: the noh and gyeogen noh masks are designed for roles in which deities are shown to the people in the image of good elders. Shown is the mask of Okin, a heavenly deity symbolizing peace and prosperity. This character is a kind of good Santa Claus from Russian fairy tales.

Tengu Mask

Meaning of Japanese tattoos
The tengu mask depicts a fairy tale character with supernatural powers. This mask is also used to point out the negative traits of the character's character - his excessive self-confidence, boastfulness and pompousness.

Beshimi Akujo Mask

Meanings of Japanese tattoos
The mask of "Beshimi-akujo," the old ferocious leader of the long-necked tengu from the Noh Theater productions.

Karasu-tengu mask

Meanings of Japanese tattoos
The mask of the karasu-tengu in Noh Theater.

Onryo mask

Meanings of Japanese tattoos
Onryo (vengeful spirit) masks are used in Noh Theater. Among these characters, the most famous of the Japanese tattoos is the "Hannya" mask, depicting a vengeful ghost that a jealous woman has turned into.


For women

For men