Women's tattoo amulets: beautiful sketches and photos on the body with deciphering meanings

The powers of the tattoo
Tattoo Thor's hammer and helmet of terror, shin photo from:
Power Tattoo. Even a small tattoo dramatically changes a person's life. Not surprisingly, tattoo traditions have gradually emerged a number of symbols with special power. The drawings were chosen from the iconic signs of the peoples of the world and created independently. In this article we have tried to collect the maximum number of interpretations, which have a fateful meaning.

Tattoo amulets, talismans for girls: the main reasons for applying

A long time ago, each picture on the body had a sacred meaning, denoted the social status of the owner, belonging to a family or protecting from evil spirits
In fact, any picture on the body can act as a talisman or amulet. The main condition is unconditional belief in the magical properties of the tattoo. There are also special symbols, which came to us from ancient cultures. Once upon a time, mostly male warriors were decorating their bodies with permanent representations in order to become more enduring, stronger, as well as to chase away the evil power. Special body art was worn by veduns and shamans.

  • Women who prefer tattoo amulets, pursue the main goal - to protect themselves from the evil eye or spoilage, misfortune, from the attacks of enemies or lack of money, rampant natural elements. Simply put, the body drawing is intended to help its owner in all spheres of life.
  • Tattoo talismans can attract good luck, prosperity, love and health. They enhance positive personal qualities and soften some character flaws.

This is important: superstitious girls should not rush with the application of such drawings, because they will remain with you for life. This is not the most important thing for a superstitious girl, but a symbol that will remain with her forever. Second, a wrongly chosen symbol may cause bad luck, instead of serving its owner in good.

Yin and Yang

Yin Yang - the most popular of the mystical symbols, whose meaning is clear, both in the East and in the West. Briefly describe it can be described as the unity and struggle of opposites.

Yin is the embodiment of femininity, fertile mother earth and at the same time darkness. Yang is the sign of male activity, development, bringing light. Just as a man cannot live without a woman, despite the many contradictions between them, so the light is inseparable from the darkness.

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Although yin and yang are traditionally denoted by black and white colors, artistic interpretations are allowed in tattoo culture. Suffice it to highlight the outlines of "droplets" that follow each other, want to merge into one, but are forced to remain separated by an invisible boundary.

Popular tattoo amulets for women: totem animals, dream catchers, feathers

Drawing images of totem animals (birds, fish, insects) - a common solution among fans of tattooing. Such a drawing will become not only a talisman, but also a really spectacular addition to the image.

By the way, the custom of making tattoos in the form of totem animals came to us from North America

Among the fairer sex, tattoos in the form of dreamcatchers are very popular. This symbol is inherited by us from the Indians. Many people are attracted by the appearance of an unusual thing, but not only. This amulet chases away nightmares, bad thoughts, empty illusions, and protects from evil forces.

Feathers symbolize eternal life, physical and spiritual rebirth. It is believed that such pictures of amulets will help a girl to become quicker and a bit stricter.

Sacred symbols from different cultures

Ujat (Eye of Horus or Eye of Horus) is one of the most popular ancient Egyptian symbols in the world of tattooing
The Eye of Horus is the most powerful amulet against any negativity. This image will help maintain health, emotional balance, as well as attract success.

This body image is recommended to place on the waist, shoulder blade, ankle, or on the wrist.

The scarab is another talisman that came from ancient Egyptian culture. The picture of the beetle gives peace and foresight, saves from worries and troubles.

It is believed that the all-seeing eye tattoo protects from any evil. In the Buddhist teachings of such a picture symbolizes wisdom, mental purity, light and goodness.

The all-seeing eye (radiant delta) is a Masonic symbol representing the Great Architect of the Universe

Cross - a Celtic sign that symbolizes self-improvement, infinity, solar energy. Empowers vitality and faith in oneself. This is an effective amulet against the evil eye.

Mandala and lotus are the most popular tattoo talismans among the female audience. It is worth noting that all symbols of Buddhist culture represent harmony, inner integrity, contemplation.

The OM sign protects against enemies and moneylessness. It is a symbol of prosperity, power, abundance.

The runes, how they affect life

They have the most powerful energy, capable of influencing the fate of the image's owner. If the meaning of the symbol is not known - it is worth choosing another amulet.

The meanings of the Scandinavian runes tattoos:

  • Horn - a sign of good luck, a talisman against the evil eye.
  • Uruz - the merging of the feminine and masculine beginnings, symbolizes the beginning of pleasant life changes.
  • Ken - health, good luck and harmony in love relationships.
  • Man - symbol of help to live in peace and harmony with yourself and the world around you.

Slavic tattoos for women

It is no secret that our forefathers worshipped many gods. Each deity was assigned a special function. For example, Lada was responsible for the continuation of the race, women's health and family welfare.

In the photo tattoo Lada star

The image of the star of Lada is able to protect from terrible illnesses and help maintain youth and beauty.

Female Slavic patterns (symbols of Bereginas).

Powerful protection from spoilage gives the Slavic sign Ladinets.

Makosh guarded the family hearth, patronized mothers. Symbols of Makosh were applied to pregnant girls.

The Moon is an extremely feminine symbol, protecting against infertility and magical influences.

The Moonflower tattoo looks very graceful.

The fern has long been considered an effective amulet against disease and early demise.

The tree was associated by our ancestors with the cyclicity of life and continuation of the family. Such an image can give wisdom, tranquility and protects from hasty decisions. Tattoo in the form of a tree is also designed to protect its owner from female ailments.


The image of the serpent coiled in a ring, biting its tail, or devouring itself, is permeated with deep symbolism. This archaic symbol comes from time immemorial and was widely used by alchemists and secret societies in the Middle Ages.

It has many interpretations, but the most obvious is the alternation of life and death, creation and destruction, death and rebirth. In this, Ouroboros resonates with the cycles of the Wheel of Law.

Other ideas for the sketch

In the world of tattoos, pictures of masks are very popular among the averting symbols. It is believed that such a picture deceives the evil force and takes all the negative on itself.

Clover-four-leaf clover is also in demand now. It is a symbol of luck and wealth.

Zodiacal symbols can perform a protective function. Moreover, such tattoos will weaken the negative manifestations of character and activate the strengths of its possessor.

Solar motifs will always be relevant. Depiction of the sun will endow love of life, mental warmth, will help to overcome the difficulties of life, protect against envy and betrayal.

Esotericists are convinced that the optimal area for the application of the sacred images is the hands. On the left side should be applied protection tattoos, that is, symbols of protection. And on the right hand, it is recommended to place the tattoo talismans, which are designed to attract the necessary resources.

Examples of tattoos with the meaning, which is not recommended to apply. Their interpretation in the zone

The same tattoo for guys of different ages, subcultures, nations and prejudices can be viewed from radically different angles. For example, the same tattoo may be seen as an important sign in prison, and at liberty as a decorative element. To avoid such embarrassments, let's look at some of the prison meanings of the above sketches:

  • Wolf - aggression, disagreement with the law, sign of a thief, solitary in the zone;
  • Dragon - the calling card of mafia groups;
  • Lion - anger at police and laws;
  • Angel - a symbol of remorse for crimes committed;
  • Skull - The Skull - belonging to the militia of thieves;
  • Cross - Symbol of robbery and theft;
  • Anchor - a sign of hope for salvation, a symbol that helps to cope with the storms of life.

Wild animals within the confines of prison and the underworld can represent anger, aggression, danger to the wearer. Various kinds of symbols also require detailed deciphering and understanding, otherwise in such circles with a man will require an explanation.


For women

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