Caduceus tattoo - meaning and symbolism, where to apply (on the shoulder, forearm, hand), inspiring photos of works

The first tattoos were done in tribes as identification marks. "Marks" on the skin determined what class a person belongs to, told about his occupation and family. Nowadays, the tattoo speaks more about the inner qualities of the individual than about her social status. Therefore, most people choose such ideas that are symbolically associated with its inner world. For example, a very meaningful meaning of the tattoo sword and wings.

Men often choose as an idea for a tattoo the image of a weapon, in particular - a sword. This is a truly masculine symbol associated with a warrior, a fighter for his ideals. Such a tattoo is suitable for a self-confident man who knows what he wants, always confident in his goals. In this case, he knows what honor and conscience, he is wise and restrained, has an inner core and valor. And the image of the wings is applied to the skin of both men and women. The wing is associated with flight, and he, in turn, with freedom. Such a tattoo characterizes the desire for personal, inner freedom. Often, the wings are applied to creative people who are always in the flight of imagination and muse. Also, the wings represent spiritual self-development and inner purity, holiness.

Thus, the meaning of the tattoo sword with wings connects these two symbolisms. Such a body drawing is suitable for both men and women, although, of course, due to the rigorous appearance, more suitable to the first. A man with a tattoo of this - self-confident, with an inner core and a strong character. He clearly knows what he wants and is ready to fight for it. However, he will not go "over his head" and against his conscience. This is an honest person who has his ideals and values. If you add some more symbols or inscriptions to the tattoo, they can clearly clarify what exactly this person will fight for. For example, the composition can be signed with an inscription of the word that means the most important thing in life. Thus, it will be immediately clear that the person is ready to fight for family, love, faith or something else.

Most often, the tattoo of the sword and wings is performed in a fairly large volume and in black and white. This image on the skin looks very serious and impressive. In this case, it can be realistic, with fine detail and shadows, or somehow interestingly stylized. For example, especially appropriate will look such an idea in the Celtic tattoo style, which you can see in our catalog.

A special place among the body art is occupied by tattoos of angels. As a rule, these divine creatures express human spiritualityBut they can also symbolize love, protection, doubt and hope.. Depending on the sketch of the angel tattoo can have a variety of meanings, some of which you will see below.

Choosing the place and style for your tattoo

When choosing a location for a future angel tattoo, it is important to base your choice on your own wishes and the size of the design you are going to put on your skin. Often the hands are the very part of the body on which men and girls stop their choice. They are ideal for small to medium sized tattoos. If you wish, you can score the whole sleeve, including in the sketch of the tattoo not only an angel, but also other images or inscriptions reflecting your views, thoughts and desires.

Modern angel tattoos are often performed in non-traditional styles such as chicano, thrash polka or watercolor. But that doesn't mean you need to aim for the most extravagant tattoo possible. You can go the way of the classics and make a drawing in black and white style, realism or old skool. Some choose minimalism and depict simple tattoos in the form of outlines or angel silhouettes.

Regardless of what style you choose and on what part of the body to place the drawing, remember that the best tattoo is the one that is drawn specifically for you, taking into account all the wishes. And in order not to regret the tattoo made, it is better to apply to a professional tattoo master. Then your body drawing will delight you for many years.

Who wears a caduceus tattoo

Among men, such a sign choose self-confident, successful people or striving for success. They tend to seek new knowledge and comprehend hidden information. Often they are not bad debaters, skilled traders and lawyers. They are also the symbol of Mercury preferred by physicians, because snake venom was a panacea for many diseases. Women also prefer the caduceus tattoo, but more often it is decorated with bright symbolism - ribbons, flowers, the sun, plant motifs.

By temperament, this person is more likely to be sanguine, he is easy on the rise and quickly picks up ideas, information and has no problem starting projects. But not everything is as superficial as it seems. This person clearly has ulterior motives and secret life.

In general, they like things to develop constructively, in their places and at the right speed. The main thing is that they are at the origin of the process, whether in a leadership position or in the role of "gray cardinal", the attention they do not need at all. Among the owners of the caduceus tattoo there are strong in spirit, courageous people who know how to direct others in a critical situation.

Variants of ready caduceus tattoos can be seen in photos and videos, you can also download for free beautiful basics of drawings for a future tattoo.

Photo ideas tattoos with a caduceus

Tattoo Sword: meaning

In ancient times, the sword performed two main functions - attack and defense. The weight of the blade reached 5 kg, and only a person with sufficient physical strength could use this weapon. To control the weapon underwent special training, which lasted more than one year. Tattoo with this weapon symbolizes heroic strength and power.

Sword was an individual weapon of every warrior and embodied his strength. Use a weapon of another person was not allowed. If a warrior realized the imminent death, he tried to destroy his blade, so that no one could not use his power. It symbolized brotherhood and strong male friendship.

With the help of the sword, warriors administered justice and restored justice. In ancient times, guards with blades guarded the entrance to the royal palace and were ready at any moment to repulse the enemy and rush into battle.

In pagan religion it represents awareness, enlightenment and wisdom, while Orthodoxy associates the sword with the highest truth, honor and dignity. In the Middle Ages the head of state was often depicted with a weapon symbolizing just power.

Swords were used by the aristocrats of Europe to hunt animals. They mainly hunted bears and deer. The sword was used by the nobles of Europe to hunt mainly for bears and deer. In the present day, tattoos with swords are applied by hunters as a talisman to attract prey.

The meaning of the tattoo also depends on the direction in which the tip of the blade is depicted. If the tip looks up - he, means a military weapon, and if directed downwards - it is an instrument of justice and justice.

A sword, depicted in a scabbard, indicates poise, the ability to objectively assess the situation and a willingness to engage in battle. If it is depicted without a sheath, it indicates a hot temper and temper tantrum.

A tattoo in which a sword lies between a man and a woman, reports a lofty relationship, indicating the absence of physical intimacy.

A blade that cuts through stone, reports persistence and the achievement of even the most unattainable goal. The bearer of such a tattoo has a punchy character and used to win.

Tattoo with a split sword is applied as a sign of bereavement and the loss of a loved one. Such a tattoo can communicate betrayal and suffering.

The blade is applied by people who do not like restrictions and always do what they want. A tattoo with this weapon may indicate aggression, readiness to attack and the explosive nature of the wearer. On the other hand, it reflects justice and honor.

Where to apply the caduceus tattoo

Most often you can find this drawing on the shoulder - right or left. It looks good on the forearm, as well as on the scapula, back, and chest. There are pictures also on the hip and shin, but less often.

The choice of location depends on the shape of the tattoo. Usually it is an elongated picture, but if it is rounded or inscribed in an oval, it looks more effective on the chest or shoulder blade.

The meaning of tattoos for men

With the help of a tattoo, men can emphasize their courage and determination. Such young men are reliable and loyal friends, on whom you can rely in a difficult moment. A sword for men can symbolize aggression and explosive character. Tattoo with a blade apply men with a keen sense of justice. Such people do not accept deception and always come to the aid of those in need.

Tattoo applied by conscious and wise men, as rash use of weapons can lead to unfortunate results. It can represent for a man his ability to protect himself and his family from enemies. With such a tattoo, a man communicates that he is a reliable defender. On the other hand, the edged weapon also serves to attack. The tattoo can speak of cruelty and aggressiveness.

Meaning in medicine

During the Renaissance, the caduceus became a symbol of medicine. According to one version, the sixteenth century saw the development of alchemy, which was patronized by Hermes. At that time scientists were not looking for the Philosopher's Stone, but for effective medicines. At that time, vessels with invented preparations were stamped with the image of Hermes.

For the first time doctors used the caduceus as an emblem in the United States. He symbolizes in medicine the struggle for life, healing, healing.

Meaning of the tattoo for girls

The tattoo is applied by girls with a militant character, who can stand up for themselves. Women who associate themselves with the Amazons apply the blade without a sheath.

The sword can be applied by girls to express their fearlessness and ability to cope with difficult situations in life.

If a girl draws a blade wrapped in a plant, it indicates the loss of a loved one who died in battle. Such a tattoo is applied as a sign of eternal memory of the beloved and grief. Weapon sheaths convey poise and prudence.

How to charge the amulet

The Caduceus symbol itself has no power. To turn it into an amulet, the owner must charge it with a certain ritual. But if the talisman is purchased or made to order, on the way to its owner, it could be saturated with unnecessary energy. Therefore, to begin with, it should be cleaned. This can be done by leaving the amulet for a day under the sun and the moon. It will absorb all forces of nature, and will be cleared of superfluous energy. Or you can place the Caduceus in a river or stream for three minutes and imagine how the negative energy flows out of the amulet.

It is also very important that the symbol be two-sided. If a person has acquired a one-sided (flat) Caduceus, it will not work. However, it can be improved by adding certain symbols or hieroglyphs to the flat side. If you put a tattoo with the Caduceus symbol on any part of the body, it will protect it.

Also, do not forget that the amulet can lose its power from falling on the ground or from touching another person. Therefore, treat with it very carefully, and then the talisman will perform its intended role in full.

Sword and serpent

The owner of the tattoo with a sword, entwined with a snake, considers life a constant struggle. The sword represents an internal or external battle, the snake in such a tattoo symbolizes the cycle and cyclicality of life. The owner of such a tattoo is used to living, constantly overcoming obstacles, and fighting for his place in the sun.

Caduceus and medicine

Many people think that the famous staff with two snakes and a pair of wings is a symbol of medicine. In most cases, people confuse the Caduceus with the staff of Aesculapius. Aesculapius was the god of healing and cure. He brought people back to life with herbs, which he brought the snake.

Legend has it that Hades, the god of the underworld, became enraged and complained to Zeus that Aesculapius disturbed the balance of life and death. Then enraged Zeus stripped the serpent of its resurrection power, leaving only its healing abilities. Therefore the symbol of medicine is the cypress staff of Aesculapius with a snake wrapped around the healer. The Caduceus, on the other hand, has a very different purpose.

The sword with wings

Sword is a weapon of warriors, symbolizing the defense of themselves and their honor, wings represent freedom and flight. The combination of these two symbols in the tattoo indicate that the owner is a confident man, for him important concepts of justice and fairness, and he seeks spiritual development and personal growth.

Different meanings of tattoos with angels

Wings of an angel

The wings are an integral part of the angel. They make this image recognizable and have their own special meaning. The outspread wings speak of strength of spirit and faith. Folded or broken symbolize doubts. A man's tattoo in the form of wings on his back can mean that this man is ready to become someone's guardian angel.


In simple terms, archangels are chief among the angels. They are endowed with greater power and abilities. The most famous archangels are considered to be Michael and Gabriel. Their image can most often be found in religious tattoos. Such images emphasize spirituality and talk about the importance of faith in a person's life.

Guardian Angel

The image of a guardian angel is a popular theme in tattoos. He symbolizes divine protection и patronage, guidance on the right path.

This tattoo can also be found among people who have survived an accident or serious illness. The image of a guardian angel, applied to the body, indicates that someone in heaven is watching over the person and protects him.

Angel and demon

A tattoo with an angel and a demon depicted together signifies Man's inner struggle - The confrontation of good and evil thoughts, intentions and actions. Depending on which one prevails, the tattoo might involve a defeated demon or an angel.

Also in a similar way you can express the fight against vices and bad habits.

Fallen Angel

According to religious laws, an angel can become fallen if he breaks his oath before God. For this he is cast out of heaven. Thus, a tattoo in the form of a fallen angel means the loss of your own paradise.. It is a figurative reference to one's home, family or life. The fallen angel is usually depicted with broken wings or a lowered head.

Angel of Death

The angel of death, also known as the dark angel, symbolizes fear and death..

Angel with a Sword

The drawing of an angel with a sword represents the willingness to defend his faith and his beliefs..

Praying Angel

The image of a praying angel in tattoos expresses hope and redemption. Usually depicted as an angel with folded arms and often complemented by a cross and a rosary.

Crossed swords

The tattoo with crossed swords indicates that its owner is ready at any time to start a war, to deal with the offender and establish justice. Such a tattoo is most often applied to the open areas, so that others can see with whom they are dealing. The owners of such a tattoo take seriously the concept of honor and dignity and will not allow disrespectful treatment of themselves.

History of appearance

Caduceus has been known since ancient times. It first appeared in the territory of Mesopotamia, more than 2.5 thousand years ago. Since that time it has had many different meanings, and the symbol itself continues to be used today, but only in certain areas.

Its other name is Kerikion. That was the name of the rod that Mercury, who was the guide from the realm of the Living to the realm of the Dead, and other gods had. Regardless of who owned it, the Caduceus embodied the principle of universal motion. All those who had it were messengers who carried the Caduceus as the main attribute with the meaning of peace, patronage and protection.

It is mentioned in the myths that originally this object was a branch of an olive tree with several leaves. Then at the end of the branch appeared a tip made of gold in the shape of a sphere and half of a moon, which later took a different shape. It turned into two snakes that braided the branch on both sides.

Sword and Rose

The sword and rose tattoo is quite controversial. The rose in such a tattoo indicates romance, sensuality and dreaminess, while the blade speaks of readiness to defend and attack. The combination of these two elements is used by people who in a peaceful situation are calm and balanced, but if necessary are able to show fearlessness and determination.

Caduceus in magic

Active use of the symbol caduceus magicians and occultists. They interpret it as a key that opens the boundary between light and darkness, good and evil, life and the underworld. In esotericism, the axis of the caduceus is a symbol of Peace, and the snakes are cosmic energy. It is worth noting that the snakes on the rod touch seven times. Therefore, they are associated with the chakras.

Finally, whatever the interpretation of the caduceus, it always symbolizes creation, laws and knowledge.


For women

For men