Tattoo biomechanics - male and female sketches, where to score (on the arm, leg, shoulder, forearm, like sleeve), impressive photos

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One of the most spectacular and unusual trends in the tattoo industry - biomechanics. The heyday of this style began in the late 90's. And at the moment he is experiencing a real peak of popularity. The "father" of biomechanics is the flamboyant artist Rudolf Giger from Switzerland. By the way, he also worked on the movie Alien, drawing these creepy sets. According to him, Rudolph recreated his own nightmares. Examples of a variety of tattoos biomechanics: photo, men's in this article.

Tattoo biomechanics photo male

History of the origin of the style

Biomechanical tattoo first emerged in America in the late twentieth century. During this period, robotics and mechanics were actively developing, which gave rise to a new trend among fans of tattoos.

The first wave of popularity of such body drawings began after the release of the film epic "Alien" and "Terminator". Initially, its adherents were only young people, but every year realistic patterns in the style of cyberpunk can be found more and more among men and women of different ages.

Popular drawings

Sketches tattoo biomechanics, quite often are a detailed copy of the works of the European artist G. R. Giger, who acted as a representative of fantastic realism. Many people will think that his work is not familiar, but this is not the case. The famous master was invited in the role of designer for the shooting of the famous epic "Alien" and it is him who owns the appearance of all aliens. Biomechanics tattoos performed on the arm are the most common, only perhaps the shin can compete with this location. The most popular sketch looks like this: torn human skin allows you to view the mechanical elements of the design. At the same time the technical components should be transferred as realistically as possible. Even small details, springs and wires, as if they were part of a complex mechanism hidden under the human shell. Choosing a location, it should be understood that the image must "win" look. If the owner of the future drawing has a trim and relief body, the combination of anatomical relief and tattoo will be ideal.

Types of tattoo biomechanics Images in this style are commonly subdivided into the following:

  • The actual biomechanics itself, in which the machine is an integral part of the human body.
  • Cyberpunk. In this direction, artists went a little further, depicting wires under the human skin instead of veins and control systems with buttons.
  • High-tech. The most technologically advanced of these styles. To implement it, chips and microchips and other smart equipment become part of the person.

The meaning of the tattoo

Like other tattoos, biomechanics are a way for people to express themselves. They allow you to show others your hidden potential. It is primarily a body art designed for fans of future technology, eager to demonstrate their passion for innovation.

The illustrations are characterized by high realism. Their theme is always the same: the continuation of the human being as a perfect mechanism equipped with built-in microchips, wires instead of blood vessels and metal bars instead of bones.

The patterns applied to the body have the appearance of torn flesh, through which gears, chips, intertwining wires, control panels, and other mechanical elements shine through. Qualitatively executed biomechanical tattoo can become a real work of art.

The popularity of tattoos with blood and wounds - are such tattoos applied today?

Since ancient times, tattoos have conveyed the life beliefs of different peoples of our world. By tattooing it was possible to determine what tribe a person belonged to. The tattoo was a means of conveying information.

Tattoos with blood and wounds were not done before, as there was already damage to the skin when the picture was applied. The specific pictures that were created on the body were a kind of ritual, a rite. For example, the Australian aborigines specifically made tattoos and sprayed the blood of those who passed the so-called test - they were girls and young men.

It was believed that a girl who had not undergone the rite of pain would not be able to give birth to a healthy child, and a boy would not become a true warrior. The purpose of such a blood tattoo rite was a pass to life.

Today, however, drawings with wounds and blood have become prevalent in the art of tattooing.

Their popularity is due to the fact that people:

  • Want to express and tell the world about the sad moments they have experienced.
  • Show their worldview, an initiation into religion.
  • Simply to adorn their bodies with a drop of blood.
  • Want to imitate their heroes. For example, vampires from the movie "Twilight.
  • Want to create an intimidating drawing and scare off those around them.

Also tattoos (Petersburg) can be created for other purposes.

For example, the honorary donor of Australia James Harrison made himself a tattoo in memory of the misfortune he experienced. At 13, he was on the verge of life and death. Another drop of blood saved his life. Since then, when he came of age, he became a donor. In addition, he made a contribution to science - he created an immunoglobulin vaccine for pregnant women.

Thus, the blood tattoo for him is not a simple drawing, but a reminder of the experience.

Places to apply the tattoo

The illustration can be done in color or a classic black and gray design. Both look equally good. The monochrome colors emphasize the 3D effect, while the color versions allow for realistic depictions of blood and flesh.

Biomechanical style body art is predominantly applied to exposed areas of the body.


The most popular design of the male tattoo is an image applied to the arm in the form of a sleeve. Such a performance allows you to create a "real terminator hand".


The cyber mechanics is printed on the inner part of the forearm. The illustration starts at the wrist area and lasts up to the elbow bend. Due to the constant movement of the hands, the body painting acquires dynamism. Such a spectacular solution is suitable for girls and guys.


Tattoo on the shoulder looks effective only if a person has an athletic build. Thanks to the relief of the muscles, the picture becomes even more voluminous.


A stylish solution for self-expression with some differences in gender. Representatives of the fair sex prefer to stuff the drawing on the thigh, and guys - on the lower leg. In the latter case, a rougher version of cyberpunk with more chips and detailed drawing of muscle fibers is more appropriate.


People who want to hide the body art from prying eyes prefer to stuff it on the chest. This option is preferable for guys. Sometimes such a decision is explained by the professional sphere.

The sternum can illustrate a heart functioning on mechanisms or a heart muscle under lock and key. The meaning of this drawing symbolizes the loss of faith in sincere love or the breakup of a relationship.

Girls very rarely choose such a place for a tattoo. The fact is that this area is characterized by increased sensitivity.

The back

Due to the large area of the skin, the back is an ideal place for tattooing. Here the master can realize his most daring ideas. Drawing a large number of mechanical elements allows you to give the maximum effect to the pattern.

Meaning of tattoos with blood and wounds - what can bloody tattoos on the body mean?

Tattoos with blood and wounds carry a deep meaning. Before you visit the tattoo salons St. Petersburg, you must know how such images are interpreted.

The general interpretation of the blood or wounds is as follows:

  • Tattoo of a bird with a jaw on the forearm
    Pain, suffering.

  • Trial.
  • Betrayal.
  • Kinship.
  • Anxiety.
  • Inner feeling.
  • Resentment.
  • Rebirth.
  • Strength.
  • Will.
  • Struggle.
  • Revenge.
  • Protection.
  • Fear.
  • Emotionality.
  • Heroism.
  • Remembrance.

Deciphering the tattoo with blood and wounds is complicated, because the meaning may be affected by additional symbols, and even the color of the depicted blood.

Masters tattoo studio "Maruha" advise to create images with a meaning, otherwise the tattoo can get boring, and it will not be easy to "score" it with some other drawing.

Varieties of biomechanics

There are several types of tattoos of this style:

  • Biomechanics proper. Mechanisms are depicted as an integral part of a person.
  • Cyberpunk. Key features are buttons, plugs and wires instead of vessels. The main difference from the previous type is the absence of drawings of torn flesh. Examples include a cat with wires or an eye tattoo with gears.
  • Hi-tech. Covers tattoos with images of microchips, chips and other elements of "smart technology" that are inherently organic.

There is another sub-style that is akin to biomechanics. We are talking about Steam punk. It is characterized by drawings of obsolete mechanisms.

Tattoo of biomechanics on the leg

Biomechanics tattoo on legs - photo

Tattoo of biomechanics on the leg - photo

Tattoo in the style of biomechanics on legs

Tattoo in the style of biomechanics on the leg

Biomechanics style tattoo on legs

Tattoo of biomechanics on the leg

Tattoo of biomechanics on a man's leg

Tattoo of biomechanics on a man's leg

Tattoo biomechanics on legs

Tattoo of biomechanics on the leg

Applying Rules

Not every master is able to cope with the padding of such a pattern. This is due to the high detail and realism of the sketches. A huge role is played by the transmission of color. Correct work with shadows, highlights and shades can "revive" the image.

It is necessary to choose ink carefully. The color palette should be saturated and bright.

To apply for tattooing it is necessary only to the good and professional masters, who have in their portfolio works, executed in this style.

Who is suitable for tattoos with blood and wounds?

Tattoos depicting blood or wounds are suitable for members of any gender.

If you want to see such a tattoo on your body, it is worth thinking - will it suit you in character?

Absolutely, we can say that the tattoos of blood or wounds will be suitable:

  • Artistic tattoo "Dagger". Master Denis Marakhin. On his own sketch. Working time 1.5 hours. Location: forearm.
    Strong and strong-willed people.

  • Serious and responsible.
  • Those who want to separate from the outside world and scare acquaintances.
  • Those who want to capture an important event that happened in their lives, changing it.
  • Those who have accomplished a feat.
  • Those who have experienced an emotional shock, betrayal.
  • Those who are "hot-blooded" and like to be heroic.
  • People who consider themselves of noble descent, because "blue" blood does not flow in everyone.
  • Sensitive, emotional people.
  • Wrestlers in life, strong and courageous.
  • Those with a desire for revenge.
  • Dreaming to protect themselves from unexpected situations involving risk.

Of course, you can add your own, individual meaning to the tattoo.

But most importantly - do not forget that the tattoo of blood or wounds is very impressive to others!

Not many people will understand why you did such a tattoo in the first place. Some will be repulsed, frightened and make you wonder if you are worth associating your life with.

As a tattoo with blood and wounds can be done for fun, entertainment, or decoration, it has twofold meaning.. Fans of vampires and other mythical creatures, as well as spiders, such a tattoo will emphasize their passion, interest - and in no case scare their relatives.

That is why you should carefully consider not so much the sketch of the tattoo (St. Petersburg), but its semantic meaning, as well as the purpose of such a tattoo.

Masters Studio "Maruha" Will help you sort out these questions. They have extensive experience in creating unique, special tattoos and in the selection of designs on individual preferences and desires.

Sketches of tattoos

Particularly popular among the clients of the salons, specializing on biomechanical tattoo are sketches, on which elements of mechanical objects peep through the tears of the skin.

Before applying the body art, the masters offer their clients to choose a photo with a suitable outline. 3D technology is used to achieve realism and depth in the image.

By studying the photos of the biomechanical tattoo you can trace the evolutionary development of this style. Early images were dark and performed mainly in monochrome coloring. But over time, the way of applying the pattern has changed significantly: there were three-dimensional elements, applied with bright and saturated pigments with the use of halftones.

Difficulties in execution

Creating sketches in the biomechanical direction is a particularly complex and painstaking process, which can be entrusted to qualified masters who have experience in this direction.

This is due to the fact that not every technique involves such sharp transitions of tones and halftones. The important point is not only the detailed drawing of all the mechanical elements, and therefore the knowledge of their detailed arrangement, but also the recreation of the human flesh.

Elements of the human body must be conveyed in as much detail as possible. Muscles, tendons, broken bones and scraps of skin are created so realistically that it is quite difficult to believe that this is an image. To achieve the most natural result, masters have to beat for hours to give the image volumetricity. Biomechanic sketches are the hardest work.


For women

For men