Tattoo masks: 70+ photos of theatrical, Venetian, Japanese and many other options

Today, many young people prefer to show their individuality by decorating their body with tattoos. The tattoo with the image of a mask is very popular among tattoo lovers. Some people use this option only as a drawing to decorate their body, while others put a certain meaning into it. Tattoo with the image of a mask fascinates and enchants with its mystique.

Sketches of the tattoo mask

The mask is inherently designed to hide the true face of its owner. Tattoo with the image of a mask is very popular today. There are several popular types for mask tattoo sketches. These are ancient classical masks, theatrical, Hollywood, Venetian and Japanese masks. The first who began to apply themselves tattoos with the image of masks, were actors. The meaning of such a tattoo indicated that the person was directly related to the creativity. And today sometimes use tattoo designs in the form of two masks - a cheerful and sad.

Demon tattoo designs

Women often choose to apply a tattoo image of the Succubus. This creature inclines people to engage in carnal pleasures with him. Often it is depicted with a cute female appearance and an ideal figure. The bearer of such a tattoo acquires sexual freedom, causes desire and lust.

Japanese demon masks: tattoos for guys and girls
These motifs are the most popular around the world.

Small tattoos, accessible to the eye, draw attention to their owner, who has mastered the inner demonic, but has not lost her wit and desire for entertainment.

Grim and even sinister images on a woman's body communicate a cynical and shameless character. This is not always negative for the girl, as this rather indicates her straightforwardness rather than rudeness and vulgarity.

Japanese demon masks and tattoos for girls and guys

Men's tattoos of Japanese demons are pounded on by those guys who:

  • Don't want to take life seriously;
  • are easily tempted and addicted to gambling;
  • rarely have a good time.

The image denotes a reproach to one's personality or serves as an excuse for weakness. The symbol represents both strengths and weaknesses in a man's character.

Japanese demon masks and tattoos for girls and guys

We hope that the presented tattoo sketches will help you make the best choice for your future drawing.

Theater Mask Tattoo

Theatrical masks have been around since the days of the ancient Romans. They were used for theatrical productions. There were two kinds of masks - funny (comic) and sad (tragic). By depicting such masks on his body, its owner conveys his attitude to life or, on the contrary, hides his true state. Tattoo with the image of carnival masks, hiding only the eyes, looks great on any part of the body. Men give preference to apply a tattoo mask on the shoulder or chest. But girls prefer to apply such a tattoo on the hip, stomach or wrist.

History of the origin of the tattoo

In modern art, the image of masks appeared relatively recently, but has already gained its popularity among young girls and guys. This is not surprising, because the sketches have beautiful shapes and lines, bright colors. At the same time, the tattoo mask is quite an old variant of tattoo, the history of which goes back to the deep past. For the first time tattoos were used by our ancestors who believed in otherworldly forces, the existence of demons and demons. With their help, people hid their true face, which allowed them to hide their essence.

Tattoo girl in a mask

In addition, the mask helped to communicate with the otherworldly world, to establish a connection with the deceased ancestors. They were also used by sorcerers, witches and shamans, who could contact not only with dead people, but also with the souls of animals. For a long time, they became an essential attribute of various ceremonies and rituals. This could be an attraction of financial prosperity, witchcraft and an attempt to make the opposite sex fall in love with them.

beautiful tattoo mask

A special attitude to masks are experienced by representatives of Buddhism, which in this way protect their faith, leaving it hidden from those who do not recognize the existence of higher forces. In the modern world, they were used by people who belonged to a special caste or sect. In addition, the mask is an obligatory part of the closet for burglars trying to hide their face and remain unpunished. As for the art of body painting, the tattoo mask has a special meaning, it protects its owner from evil forces and spirits. And also many believe that such a tattoo can reveal in a person supernatural or psychic abilities.

Tattoo "Japanese samurai mask".

The most common Japanese style tattoo is the samurai mask. A person who has chosen for himself such a tattoo, openly declares a positive attitude to the Japanese philosophy, its culture and traditions. Tattoo with the image of a samurai mask is used less often than the image of the samurai. The mask looks very intimidating. In the past, these masks were used by samurai to instill fear in their opponents. Based on this, a person who tattoos his body with the image of a samurai mask, trying to instill fear in others, is very secretive and always ready to engage in battle. Often such a tattoo is inscribed on the back. Also for the image of a large-scale tattoo fit the stomach or thigh. If you decide to apply a small image, then the shoulder is quite suitable for him. When applying the tattoo with a samurai mask it is necessary to remember one small condition: the Japanese tattoo - not for public display, because the samurai hid under the mask of their true mood.

This is interesting: Tattoo on the leg for girls. The most fashionable sketches + 120 PHOTOS


Tattoos with Polynesian masks

In every culture, especially ancient ones, the mask plays an important role. But in Polynesian it is a very strong symbol. In ancient Polynesia, all masks were called Tiki. The eyes of the masks were positioned in such a way that they seemed to look in all directions. Thus, they could protect against danger from any direction.

Tiki were considered to be the masks of real brave warriors.. Only the bravest, the most valiant and the most worthy could put such images on their bodies. According to ancient legend, a person who has such a tattoo, it will protect not only from the intrigues of evil enemies, but also scare away the spirits who want to cause harm.


African Mask

It is very difficult to imagine any ancient African ritual without a mask. They were used very often. Ritual masks were made of wood and came in many shapes to symbolize different spirits and deities.. The type of mask depended on the ritual for which it was used.

In ancient Egypt. every human burial was accompanied by a mask. Special priests performed the ritual and put the mask on the face of the deceased. It symbolized amulet against evil spirits, which the deceased could meet in the other world.


Inca Tattoo.

All shamans in the Americas necessarily wore masks during rituals. Each of them embodied one or another deity. Thus, the spirit communicated its power to the shaman and helped to carry out ritual actions..

Archaeologists have even found masks of pure gold in ancient Inca tombs. Inca burials. In these tribes they symbolized the sun.


Japanese style mask

One of the most common Japanese-style tattoo masks is the Hanya. It is a mask that depicts the face of a demon. If myth is to be believed, this demon is a girl who turned to the side of evil. It happened because of an unrequited love for a monk. In a rage, the girl turned into an angry demon and with her fiery breath, like a dragon, incinerated everything around her, including the man she loved.

In the Land of the Rising Sun. is not afraid of images of demons and evil spirits.. On the contrary, they are worshipped and worshipped, despite the fact that they carry within them a destructive energy. People of Japan use tattoos and images with evil spirits in order to protect themselves and their loved ones.


Greek Style Mask

Surely if you imagine a tattoo in the form of a mask, the first thing that comes to mind is the classic The image of theatrical masks comes to mind.. But their meaning must be sought precisely in ancient Greek literature.

In those days, actors wore masks during productions on stage. They were either tragic or comic. These masks indicated the type of character and his role in the production. Such masks could also be used in rituals to represent Evil and good demons.

Today, these two masks, with their tragic and comic faces, have become a symbol of modern theater and art in general.

Modern art

The art of tattooing is not only influenced by ancient culture and antiquity. Modern art, its products, currents and fashions add their own "touch". Often, this influence can be stronger, as many people, especially young people, want to be like their modern ideals, to comply with the style.

One prime example is the movie "V for Vendetta.". The main character has, Guy Fawkes.The main character, Guy Fawkes, had a mask, which became a symbol of this film. After coming out in theaters, it is so beloved by fans that it was stuffed on the body almost every second.

Guy Fawkes with the mask.

The story of the film takes viewers back to the seventeenth century. According to the story, an Englishman Guy Fawkeswho participated in the great "Gunpowder Plot."to light the fuse of a bomb that had been placed under the Houses of Parliament. But the police intercepted him, arrested him, and tortured him to surrender his accomplices in the plot. In those days. Guy Fawkes was considered a coward and a scoundrel, but the director of the film portrayed him as a hero who was not afraid to defy society and authority, even though he failed.

The image Guy Fawkes managed to influence even the English language. Because of this man, the word "guy.". At first it meant an effigy, which, according to a long tradition, the British burned on the night of the fifth of November. It was on this day Guy Fawkes and tried to undermine Parliament.

A little later, this word began to call every scarecrow, and afterwards, a person suffering from tastelessness. These days in English the word "guy" simply refers to a young man and carries no negative connotation.

Hanja tattoo

In Japanese mythology, hanya is a demon. But in Japanese culture, demons are not really negative characters. Rather, they are spirits who protect and preserve. The image of the hanya mask is a very colorful, uncommon, attractive and memorable tattoo. Hanja has horns, a fanged smile and an aggressive look. This tattoo is always depicted in bright colors, and the black version is rarely seen. Apply the tattoo mainly on the forearm or hand.

Features and benefits

The mask of Chania, the sketch of which is very popular among a certain category of people, is most often nabbed from unrequited love or heartache.

With the Hania mask made in the Japanese style, amazing metamorphoses can occur. When looking directly at the drawing, the demon has an angry, violent and aggressive expression on its face. When tilted to the side, the face becomes sad, weepy, and wistful.

Virtually every person hides several entities that are invisible to outsiders and not on display. People show their emotions in different ways, shielding them from the outside world. The mask tattoo is great for people who lead an obviously hidden lifestyle and show only a small part of themselves to others.

The mask or demon hania is the embodiment of a bright and imaginative character, which in color will look unremarkable. In Japanese mythology, demons are not necessarily negative characters. They can be spirits that protect their master and are depicted on the human body for the purpose of protection. A demonic image can be equated with a guardian angel.

The prototype of the demon is a guardian from Tibet called Chania, who was a guardian of Buddhism and the owner of a reptilian mask.

There is another version of the origin of the history of the Chania mask. The legends tell of a girl's passionate love for a wandering monk, who preferred the girl to wander further in the world. The girl gave herself entirely to feelings of anger and spite, which turned her into a demon and made her superpowered.

After being reborn, she decided to catch up with the offender and punish him. When she caught up with him, she burned her chosen one with fire, but felt pity and disappointment for him in the process. Since then, the mask of Hanja has traveled the world punishing insensitive people or grieving for unrequited love. The demon's face has no feminine features, but is the embodiment of a jealous and angry girl.

There are a large number of jealous women in Japan, and there is even a gesture in which 2 fingers are put to the head. It means that the woman is losing her head from jealousy of the man. According to another legend, the double mask was created by a Hanja-bo sculptor monk to perform ceremonial dances.

Japanese mythological fictional characters often have a double meaning. Hanja mask tattoo denotes that jealousy and anger are most often the precursors of disappointment and despair. A long and happy life should be accompanied by forgiveness and compassion for loved ones.

The mask of hania has a rather striking appearance:

  • large horns on the head;
  • a sharp and aggressive gaze;
  • a fanged wide grin.

Tattoo with the image of two masks

Tattoo of two masks, tragic and comic, has its own specific meaning. Such a tattoo looks very impressive, but when choosing it must be sure that its value is fully consistent with your character. The image of the tragic mask indicates sadness and tears, and the comic - joy and laughter. Such tattoos are very popular among actors. The crying mask has its own meaning. A person who has such a tattoo on his body is not the way he presents himself to others.

The symbolism of the hanja tattoo

Who chooses intimidating drawings?

  • It is necessary to possess considerable courage to put on a tattoo hanja - it is definitely purposeful and fearless nature. At the same time in the foreground - not the evil essence of the creature, the main thing - to be free from weakness on the way to the conceived. Such people are not discouraged, do not despair because of failure.
  • Since demons often drag sinners into hell and guard the gates, their portraits are put on their bodies to protect themselves from such a fate. A person wants to borrow the powers of a demonic being, especially the supernatural ones - incredible strength, intelligence, the ability to be reborn.
  • A hanja tattoo is a powerful amulet against death and injury, a protection against death in battle. Hanja protects both body and soul, also helps against attacks of jealousy, curbs feelings. The demon reminds of the consequences of mistakes and bad actions
  • Perhaps the person wants to deal with his passions, his love and his inner aggression. Or perhaps he wants to cope with insecurity and self-doubt.
  • It is necessary to understand that the intimidating appearance in this case is not a method of attack, but the weaknesses of the person, with whom the struggle is waged. The gloomy creature serves as a reminder of the omnipotence of feelings and the inferior nature, which is important to overcome.

Tattoo "Image of a girl in a mask"

The image of a girl in a mask, depicted on the body, has a symbol of a dual nature, the inconsistency of the inner state with what others see. A beautiful, bright tattoo can easily decorate both male and female body. Such a tattoo looks quite appealing. The combination of girlish beauty and brightness of the mask creates a charming image.

Photos of tattoos with Japanese masks and demons

Presented photos of Japanese demons and masks tattoos show the drawings in all their glory. You can see it for yourself by viewing the selection.

Venetian Mask Tattoo

Venetian masks are currently used for carnivals. Such a mask tears off a person's real face and equalizes everyone. It absolutely does not matter your financial status and social status. In such a mask, everyone is equal. Tattoo with the image of the Venetian mask speaks of a just and cruel world. Venetian mask tattoo looks great in both black and white and in color, but the colored version looks more beautiful and attractive.

Meanings of the "Samurai" tattoo

As mentioned above, without Bushido, the samurai is just a petty feudal lord. It is following this path that makes him a samurai. Therefore, absolutely any postulate of bushido will be a correct decipherment of the symbolic meaning of a tattoo with a samurai.

Ideally, a person who chooses such a tattoo should be in solidarity with all or most of the provisions. Naturally, the symbolism is now preserved only with adjustments for time - everything that referred to feudal relations has lost its meaning, since the feudal relations themselves have disappeared. However, the remaining postulates sound very relevant to people with certain views on life and, in accordance with them, a tattoo would mean

  • there is a time to live and a time to die - all in good time;
  • even to death go with dignity;
  • moderation in food and pleasure;
  • truthfulness;
  • a reminder that death is always near;
  • Duty before life;
  • respect for parents (the "trunk and branch" rule);
  • fearlessness;
  • loyalty;
  • justice;
  • high spiritual culture and knowledge of traditions and ceremonies.

Sad Mask Tattoo

The sad or weeping mask tattoo is worn by people who want to show that they are not what others see them as. These tattoos can be chosen by both men and women. But more often than not, the sad mask tattoo is depicted paired with a cheerful one, but it does not lose its meaning.


The Hania mask, the sketch of which can be found in any tattoo parlor, is a most powerful talisman for its bearer. The tattoo is not intended to intimidate, it shows the many temptations and temptations with which each person is forced to fight. The Chania mask speaks of the constant shenanigans of the dark forces and the willingness of man to enter into open combat with them.

Mask of Hanja. Sketch, meaning of the tattoo on the forearm, back, hand, leg, shoulder

The mask tattoo applied to the body can emphasize oppositely different qualities of its bearer. This depends directly on the color of the application, additional objects and the symbolism present.

The Chania mask is considered a symbol of power over darkness and victory over the influence of a demonic being on a person.

Hanja tattoos can have dual meanings:

  • A person to be a protector and a vigilante at the same time;
  • a wise guardian and a cunning demon;
  • experience all-consuming passion and bitter regret.

If a tattoo depicts the breath of a demon, it symbolizes excessive passion bordering on self-destruction.

This is a symbol of the power of the demonic being tattooed to borrow magical powers: sharp wit and unbridled physical strength.

Dynamic postures depicted on the tattoo can speak of the rebellious nature of the bearer, who is not afraid to confront public opinion and accepted norms.

Often such tattoos are imposed on the body of necromancers and satanists. Also, it is quite common in Eastern countries, where they have the status of amulets and similar to the guardian angel in the West.

In almost all cultures, the demonic creature on the body is a sign of human awareness of the machinations and plans of the devil. His image helps to gain power over him, be stronger than his pressure and get a true start in his mind. In ancient Greece, demons were considered incorporeal spirits and were depicted floating freely through the universe.

In medieval times, demons were often quite small and flew out of the mouth of a dying animal. They were seen as fighting for human souls, and at the same time opposing angels. They were pictured with a snide grin or funny grimace. In Christianity, demons had a negative role.

They were seen as the cause of negative events:

  • Disease;
  • ...horrible dreams..;
  • obscene thoughts;
  • warfare;
  • conflict situations.

In the East, demons were portrayed as scary, ugly and capable of misleading weak people and sinners.

Hanja mask tattoo with 3 eyes emphasizes the main idea and important meaning of the symbol. The word "hanya" in Russian means "wisdom". In this interpretation, the sketch is a symbol of insight and a superhuman perception of the world around, which helps to see further and deeper than the average person.

Author: Olga Zhanskaya

Chicano style mask tattoo

Chicano is a very popular and well-known style of tattoo. Chicano mask tattoo denotes some qualities of a person that he is hiding. Such a mask expresses only one particular emotion. And there is also an opinion that the chikano mask has protective properties. Tattoos can be made as a monochrome version, and in color. Tattoo masks chikano more suitable for men. But today you can also meet them in girls who have a bold, even to some extent masculine character.

The meaning of the tattoo for men and women

The tattoo is basically a male tattoo, signifying the way of a warrior or loyalty to the ideals of this warrior class. Women do such tattoos very rarely and rather just as a drawing on their skin, without giving it much importance, or as a tribute to their love and respect for Japanese culture.

This is not quite the right approach, because for a woman, if she shares the ideals of bushido, it would be more appropriate to get an onna-bugeisha tattoo. Although most girls in the samurai class were raised traditionally, there were exceptions.

Onna-bugeisya is the part of the female samurai class trained in the martial arts and defending the feudal domain of the samurai when the samurai himself goes off to war. There are many stories of the samurai's wife, onna-bugeisya, taking bloody revenge on her husband's enemies, quite in the style of Princess Olga.

Tattoo mask for men

Tattoos in the form of a Hollywood mask are extremely popular with men. Such a tattoo borrowed its theme from Hollywood movies. And it represents horror and cruelty. Tattoos depicting two masks are also suitable for men. Another very popular tattoo is the Vendetta mask. The grimace, which smiles, has an ambiguous meaning: at first glance a smile, but behind it there is something sinister hidden.

Mystery and mystery is present in every person, so tattoos with the image of masks are becoming increasingly popular.

Tattoo masks and their meaning

Every nation had masks, which were associated with a religious cult, and then - with the theater and acting. The essence of the mask is that behind it, in the literal sense, a face is hidden, and in the figurative sense, intentions.

As a symbol, it means mystery and mystery, as a tattoo - hints at the "double bottom" of its owner, the complexity and versatility of personality. Let's analyze the most popular tattoos of this theme, among which you will find ethnic, theatrical and modern instances.


The traditional tattoo with the Japanese mask "Hanja" symbolizes jealousy and destructive passion, which in the image of a demon eats the soul of a person. This tattoo appeared as a result of a legend about a girl who turned into a demonic being from jealousy, with which she was unable to cope.

The color picture transferred to the skin will be a reminder of the need to control yourself, so as not to fall under the influence of the demon of black jealousy and evil passion.


Tuesday, August 11, 2015. 13:54 + to quote Galyshenka

all posts by the author Since ancient times around the world, masks have played an important role in the theatrical tradition. They have become especially important in Eastern cultures. Their use in theater has survived to this day, although they have undergone changes in form and expressive means. As in Japanese theater = mask (nomen [能面] or omote [面]) The mask gives the actor a mysterious attractiveness and charisma and turns his figure into a sculpture draped in beautiful clothes. The mask is only worn by the leading actor and the accompanying tsure, in case the character is a woman. When performing a role without a mask, the actor maintains a calm, detached facial expression on stage; Japanese psychiatrists even use the term "mask no facial expression" to describe the patient's pathological problems with facial expressions. As a rule, an actor possesses several masks of the same kind. Makeup is not used in theater. Like other things in medieval Japan, the mask (along with the mirror, amulet, and sword) was endowed with magical properties; the actor continues to treat the mask as a sacred object: the actor's dressing room always has its own altar with ancient masks, and the performer never steps over the omote. Modern actors play in replica masks and very rarely, on particularly solemn occasions, in ancient masks.

The masks may not completely cover the actor's face. The size of female masks is on average 21.1 cm in height, 13.6 cm in width and 6.8 cm in profile, which corresponds to the tastes of their appearance: a small head and a large body were considered by the Japanese as a beautiful feature of appearance. Some masks record another past fashion: to emphasize the height of the forehead, women shaved off their eyebrows and drew their line almost to the root of their hair.

泥眼 / Deigan

Three photographs of a woman's mask, showing the change in facial expression depending on the angle of the mask in relation to the observer (pictures taken under fixed light falling on the mask mounted on the wall)

喝食 | Kasshiki (Young)

童子 | Doji-represents a young boy who symbolizes the eternal youth as the embodiment of God. The word doji literally means "child" in Japanese, but in Noh it refers to being divine. This mask projects a sense of noble and graceful beauty. 中将 | Chujo -This mask takes its name from the early poet Heian, Ariwara no Narihira. He was a man born a nobleman and a lieutenant general (chujo) of the fifth rank. He was also called "one of the six famous poets" of the period. This mask was modeled on him.

痩男 / Yase-otoko - meaning thin man literally in Japanese. It is the spirit of a dead man. The old look is shown with sunken cheeks, sunken eyes, and a depressed open mouth.

橋姫 / Hashihime -or "Bridge Princesses," are characters in the novel Tale of Genji (Genji Monogatari . They are the daughters of a disgraced prince 一角仙人 | Ikkaku Sennin-an immortal man also known as immortal Shian; superior; jin; wizard; jdinn; sage 景清 | Kagekiyo-is modeled on the brave Haike commander, Akushichibu Kejekyo, who was exiled to Miyazaki in Kyushu. He poked out his eyes to be blind because he did not want to see the world ruled by the opposing clan, the Genji. This is the mask of a worthy warrior. 笑尉 | Warai-jo - The name of this mask "Warai" means smile in Japanese. This mask looks most of the ordinary person in all Jo-masks. The gentle smile around her eyes mouth gives a serene and peaceful atmosphere. This mask is used for an old fisherman

朝倉尉 | Asakura-jo is the mask of the clan of Lord Asakura, who ruled Echizen (Fukui Prefecture), or the Noh song "Asakura" in Noh, play "Yashima". This mask has prominent cheekbones and upper and lower teeth in an open mouth. These features make this mask look friendly and good-natured. 山姥 / Yamanba - A mountain witch, a character roughly similar to our Baba Yaga

姥 | Uba is a mask of a woman of age in Japanese. This mask has sunken cheeks, some wrinkles on her forehead and cheeks, and gray hair. 般若 | Hannya is a mask that represents the terrible grin of a jealous woman, a demon or a snake, when it is straight. However, if the mask is tilted slightly, the beveled eyebrows give the appearance of a inconsolable sobbing face. The mask has two sharp bull horns, metal eyes, and a half-opened mouth from ear to ear. The mask depicts the soul of a woman who has turned into a demon because of obsession or jealousy. The spirit of a woman abandoned by her lover for another, or deceived by him, comes in this form to avenge her rival; the distinctive and frightening appearance of the hannja makes it one of the most recognizable masks of the Noh theater. One tradition claims that the mask is named after the artist, the monk Hannya-bo (般若坊), who is said to have perfected its appearance. Another explanation is that the perfect wisdom of the sutras and their variations was considered especially effective against female demons. The hanyas come in a variety of colors: the white mask indicates a woman of aristocratic status (such as Lady Rokujo in the second part of Aoi no Ue), the red mask represents a woman of the lower classes, and the maroon, dark red mask depicts the actual demons that have taken possession of a woman's body.

蛇 / Jya 平方般若 / Hirakata Hannya

小獅子 | Kojishi

小飛出 | Ko-tobide - This mask is used for a god-sent spirit, or ghost 小べし見 | Ko-beshimi 釣眼 | Tsurimanako

翁 | Okina - Could be "storyteller", now a name for adult fans of anime, manga or TV series that originally targeted children.

空吹 | Usobuki - They feed off the life force of small creatures, and often take the form of butterflies in winter and flowers in spring.

小猿 | Kozaru

Before the 17th century, masks were carved by actors, monks or sculptors; from the 17th century onward, they were made by specialized families who passed down the craft from generation to generation. Masks created before the Edo period are called hommen (本面, "original masks"); after that, they are called utsushi (写し, "copies"). Utsushi are carved according to ancient patterns[341] from Japanese cypress or (less frequently) paulownia[342]. The wood is used 10-12 years after cutting: it is kept in water for 5-6 years and then dried for several years. The master begins his work by sharpening his tools. On the front side (closest to the core) of the source material, the bar, he marks the proportions of the face with horizontal lines. Then the konashi ("rough carving") stage follows: with chisels and a hammer, the master chops out the main planes of the workpiece. The next stage, kozukuri ("detailed carving"), uses chisels and knives of various shapes. The craftsman then uses a curved magarinomi chisel to finish the inside of the mask, smoothing out the front and back and varnishing the inside. Next, the craftsman proceeds to priming and painting the front side of the mask. The primer, which includes ground seashells, is applied in 15 layers, each third being sanded with emery paper. A mixture of fine chalk and paint is used for the coloring and five layers are applied. After tinting, the mask is given an antique look (called kosyoku): it is smoked under the smoke produced by burning pine logs. Then the front side is painted in detail: eyes are traced, lips are painted on, and hair and eyebrows are drawn.Хання_(mask)

A series of posts "Toys:
Part 1 - Russian Folk Toys. Part 2 - Doll horror stories ... Part 6 - The Doll Kingdom Part 7 - A Doll - baby for Oksana Part 8 - Japanese Theater Masks Part 9 - A Small Exhibition of Small Transport Part 10 - Christmas Tree Retro ... Part 46 - Does Ossi Doll look like a Suok doll? Part 47 - Petrovich the Hedgehog and his residence Part 48 - "Trostenets Gostebos" and other ...

Headings: Mythology/Truths and Tales Art/Theatre Ethnography/National Costume Ethnography/Traditions Art/Applied Art EAST is a delicate matter (all about Asia)/Japan Culture

Japan mask theater

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