Meaning of tattoo alpha and omega (Places of application and photo)

  • 15 October, 2018
  • Meaning
  • Tatiana Andreeva

Anyone who has decided to make a tattoo, refers to its choice responsibly. After all, it will adorn the body throughout life. Therefore, first it is necessary to find out what this or that symbol or picture means. It is said not in vain that the symbolism of any image can affect the fate, and sometimes even change it. So, let's try to figure out what "Alpha and Omega" means and who is more suitable for such a tattoo.


The symbol "Alpha and Omega" are letters in the Greek alphabet, the latter is now becoming very popular. According to it, alpha means "beginning", as it is the first letter, and omega is the last, which means "end".

That is why the letters inscribed on the body signify the stages of life passed, in which the person went through difficult trials and was able to cope with his fears.

Historians believe that the inhabitants of ancient Greece considered the letter omega a symbol of the material world, and the letter alpha - a symbol of spirituality. In this regard, in the modern world, such a tattoo, made crosswise means faith in the Almighty and the unity of mind and spirit.

A person with a tattoo of these Greek letters is considered to be calm and enthusiastic, he is necessarily inclined to psychology and philosophy. In addition, the symbols are assigned the meaning of sincerity of feelings and benevolence.

The meaning of the tattoo omega: the meaning, history, photos, sketches of drawings

This page will help you to find out the meaning of tattoo omega, will offer for review photo examples of drawings, will be able to reveal their interpretation, history and meaning. More examples here:

  • Photo of the omega tattoo
  • Tattoo Omega Sketches

Omega tattoo meaning - photo examples of tattoo designs

The material is published based on information provided by the site, within which you can find the lunar calendar of haircuts for December.

Interesting facts, interpretations, meaning and significance of the tattoo omega

Before you get your chosen tattoo, familiarize yourself with its direct symbolism, meaning and interpretations. That symbol that will adorn your body can also have some impact on karma, and maybe even change it. It's worth looking into, what is the meaning of the omega tattoo?

Does tattoo omega mean "flesh" or is it a letter of the Greek alphabet?

Tattoos with Greek symbolism are often chosen by those who like to philosophize. In fact, omega is the last letter of the Greek people. But the wearer of the tattoo, on the contrary, goes always at the forefront of achievement. Omega is an expression of the flesh, signifying the corporeality of the bearer, as well as the pivot in the material world. The image of the letter omega represents the passing of stages of life full of tests, overcoming a considerable number of fears and falls.

The Omega tattoo's effect on the wearer

Omega is benevolent to the owner, endows it with loyalty of feelings, repels oppressive thoughts and attracts to the ideal, dignified and calm. Initiation with the image of the omega tattoo - tranquility and enthusiasm.

Meaning for the stronger half

Omega tattoos can be inscribed by both the weaker sex and the stronger half, regardless of their age. For men, the omega carries wisdom that does not depend on loss. The image on the body symbol omega is suitable for men - leaders who are responsible in life. Also those who do not defile and honor the divine laws.

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The meaning of omega for the weaker sex

Image omega, apply women are strong in spirit, militant in attitude, in general, leaders by nature.

Execution and locations of the image

Women and men often experiment with performing tattoos in many styles. Often give preference to graphics, watercolors and realism. Omega made in graphics - attracts connoisseurs of minimalism. The image will be accurate and attractive. Often the omega tattoo is performed in black without adding colors and shades. Sometimes shadows are used. It will look beautiful on the shin, and on the hands. Omega is often applied on the left side. Men like the location of the omega on the back under the shoulder blades, and the weaker half - will look dainty on the wrist of the left hand.

Omega, an interesting symbol with deep meaning.

Omega is not only the meaning of Spirit and soul, but also a challenge to fate, interrupting the infinity of karmic space. It has many names, such as: destiny, ending, karma. A symbol that carries various options for the realization of what has been conceived.

The essence of the graphic drawing of the omega:

The last letter of the Greek alphabet is in the form of a horizontal line, which is broken and curved in the middle with an arc. The symbol in which the new world with its Creator is formed, and the bottom line corresponds to the limit of the old world, namely the breakthrough of the old world, and the formation of his own.

A little history

In Christianity, the omega signifies the beginning and end of all life, and is a symbol of God So often associated with the Trinity. The ancestors were used to decorate Christian graves, so that the buried saw in God the beginning and the end of life. Medieval depictions of God's alpha and omega depicted a luminous halo on the sides of his head.

Omega was depicted on the title page of a book in the hand of God the Father. The letter "W" often replaces the omega in manuscripts.

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For Men

Wear the Greek letters can be done by both men and women at any age. It is believed that alpha means wisdom for men, knowledge of the problems of existence, passing through the difficulties of life from beginning to end. At the same time, the letter should be intertwined with the omega.

Such a tattoo is excellent for men who know how to take responsibility for themselves and their families. Also the drawing will be suitable for the representatives of the strong sex, who respect and honor the divine laws, do not use foul language and do not sin. For those who are merciful and just.

Meaning for men

The original worn image of the alpha and omega is sometimes also chosen by members of the stronger sex.

Men are more fond of body art in graphic and tribal styles. Such natal images for them will mean:

  • wisdom
  • philosophical view of life
  • Seriousness

Tattoo with the image of alpha and omega will tell about the wisdom and seriousness of its owner. Such a man philosophically looks at many things in life and is distinguished by his originality.

What does "Alpha" mean as a symbol for women

Such a tattoo is still more often applied by men. A woman with such a drawing should be strong in spirit, not timid, but militant. It is perfect for determined, serious, noble and sincere ladies.

Such a tattoo can draw female leaders, as it symbolizes the successful beginning of something new, the advancement in thinking about the global problems of the human mind and in philosophical knowledge. Also the meaning of alpha and omega speaks of the rebirth of an old life and the beginning of a new one.

What does it look like and where is better to draw

A tattoo with Greek symbols can look different. But, as a rule, both letters do not break, because separately each of them has no secret meaning. Usually the drawing is printed in black, without colored elements, and the letters themselves are intertwined crosswise with each other. In some cases, the master may use shadows in the tattoo. Each person independently chooses the place for the natal drawing, based on personal preferences. The meaning of what the alpha and omega mean does not depend on this.

How to apply the talisman?

In order for the combination of Greek letters to have a positive impact on life, you should wear them next to the body. A pendant, bracelet or rings will do. Earrings are less effective. Use as a keychain is acceptable, but should be clenched in the palms of the hands as often as possible. Exposing in public view and the more so to tell about the magical properties is not necessary. As a talisman serves only one owner, so lend for time to friends or relatives cannot, it will lose magical power. If someone without request has taken or even simply touched, it is better to spend cleansing and re-activate the amulet. Wear Greek symbols can constantly, remove them at night is not necessary.

Greek alphabet

The Greek alphabet is currently used by Greek diasporas in the Black Sea region of Russia, Southern Italy and Southern Albania, as well as by some Arumans and Meglenorumans, Roma, Slavs and Muslim groups in northern Greece.

It is also widely used in science. For example, in chemistry it denotes organic compounds, in physics - many constants, values and other, in astronomy - angles, figures and planes, alpha symbol is used. In mathematics, it denotes, for example, the sine of an angle.

Inserting the symbol

Symbols "alpha", "omega" and other designations of the Greek alphabet can not be found on any modern keyboard. Nevertheless, inserting them into the text is not very difficult.

The first option is to work with the insertion of special characters. Such a function is available in all versions of "Word".

To insert any special character that is not on the keyboard panel, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Enter the text editor.
  2. Set the cursor-pointer to the position where you want to put the corresponding symbol.
  3. Open Insert - Special Symbols.
  4. A small menu with a long list appears.
  5. Double-click on this or that symbol. It is enough to search for the desired element with your eyes. In our case, it is recommended to switch to the set "Greek...". This way it is easier to find the "alpha" symbol.
  6. Close the special insert menu when you are finished with the service.

Copy and paste

The following method is used very rarely, but it is still advisable to keep it in mind. You can find a special symbol in some ready-made text, and then copy it into your document.

The instructions for using this method are as follows:

  1. Open the browser and use it to find any text in which there are Greek letters - the designations of values.
  2. Select the cursor this or that symbol.
  3. Press Ctrl + C on your keyboard. This command will copy the information to the clipboard.
  4. Go to your text editor and press Ctrl + V. The text pasting operation will be done in a fraction of a second.

Such a method, as we have already said, almost never occurs in practice. So you should not rely on it. Symbol "alpha" to find in the finished text on the Web is not so easy. But at any time the user can type it himself.

Letters of the Greek alphabet

In ancient times all letters had a sacred meaning.

So, the symbols alpha, beta, gamma and other letters of the Greek alphabet have different meanings. Let us consider some of them.

Alpha originally denoted the bull and implied the care of cattle, multiplication and proper use of wealth.

Beta signified a breach of unity and even had demonic properties. In some religions it is identified with the challenge to God.

The symbols alpha and beta are the first letters of the Greek alphabet. There are twenty-four letters in all. Only two of them are discussed in detail in this article.

Omega means abundance and wealth, apotheosis, the successful completion of the deed. In its numerical equivalent, it means "faith" and "master." Thus, this symbol means faith in God, regardless of the type of religion.

The roundness of the omega is sometimes interpreted as the opening of hell. Omega is a circle, alpha is a symbol representing the compass, this circle drawing.

It is worth noting that the circlet and the circle are present in both Freemasonry and Taoism.

The combination of the keys.

How exactly? Except for the special insertion in "Word", there are two other solutions to this problem. Symbols "alpha", "omega" and others can be inserted using ASCII codes. The main problem is finding information about the numeric designations of special characters.

A guide to using ASCII codes in Word to print the Greek alphabet has the following interpretation:

  1. Start the word processor.
  2. Move the print indicator to the location where you want to insert the special character.
  3. Press the Alt key on the keyboard. It does not matter if it is on the right or left side.
  4. Type the ASCII code for the character you want to insert. Some of the digits are described below.
  5. Release the pressed keys.

Important: Keep the Alt key pressed while entering a specialized code. You will need to turn on Num Lock and use the appropriate part of the keyboard for typing before proceeding.

Here are some ASCII codes for Greek characters (lowercase):

  • 945 - alpha character;
  • 946 - beta;
  • 947 - gamma;
  • 948 - delta;
  • 969 - omega.

Now the basic Greek symbols are easy to print. Even a schoolboy can cope with the task.

How to take care of a tattoo

As soon as the master has printed the tattoo, he is obliged to put a bandage on that area of the skin or wrap it in food film. It is recommended to open the tattoo no later than 24 hours, depending on the complexity and size of the figure, as well as the type of dressing material. If it is a food film, it is worth to do bandaging already in 3-4 hours, giving the skin "breathe". Bandages can be kept for up to a day.

During bandaging you must rinse the tattoo. This can be done either with plain water and soap without perfume or with special products (according to the advices of the master). It is impossible to use sponges and turn on very hot or cold water. From it the tattoo will heal even longer. It is recommended to make water of room temperature.

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The tattoo should be blotted dry, preferably with ordinary paper towels. Next, it is worth applying a special product to the skin for healing, about which you can also find out from the master. It is necessary to wash the tattoo every day During 3-4 weeks with the use of lotions and creams, because the correct care affects the quality of the finished image.

You can always go to any tattoo parlor, and they will draw a tattoo you like quickly and qualitatively. If from you will be given a photo with a tattoo, to pick up and draw the necessary picture will be much faster.

To sum upI would like to say that the crossed alpha and omega tattoo is a great choice for a wise, religious, yet militant person who is ready to make serious decisions, taking responsibility. Good luck with your choice!

Why did Christ use the Greek letters of the alphabet when expressing "I am the Alpha and Omega..."?

The interesting thing is that there is no letter corresponding to "B" in the Greek alphabet. Only "ypsilon" (Y) somewhat resembles it in sound, but does not correspond completely.

Curiously, the Aramaic and Greek alphabets are similar. Apparently, they have some kind of a common primordial language. However, the letters corresponding to each other before and after are missing in the position with "B", that is, the Aramaic "Vav" has no counterpart in the Greek language at the same position. The Omega stands only at the last position, and in the Hebrew (Aramaic) alphabet at the sixth position. I recall that Jesus, speaking in Aramaic, used "Alpha and Omega" in his speech for some reason.

The fact is that the worldview of the Hellenes consisted of an overriding reverence for the spiritual. It was "El" (spirit) that was paramount. Therefore, the most spiritual letter "Alpha", which symbolizes the spirit, was in the first place, and the most carnal letter "Omega", perhaps, gradually in the language moved to the end of the alphabet.

It then becomes clear why Christ used Greek letters. For if he had spoken in Aramaic, the first letter "Aleph" would have meant bull, that is, what he said would have meant "I am bull." Involuntarily the association with the veneration of the "golden calf" comes to mind.

Photos of the Alpha and Omega tattoos

The letters of the Greek alphabet we all know are often used in various tattoos. Alpha is the beginning of the alphabet, and the letter omega is the end. They are rarely applied separately. The ancient Greeks believed that the goddesses of Moira could decide when each of us should come into the world and when we should leave it. They supposedly created the alphabet as well. More often than not, symbolic letters are preferred as a body image by those who like to reflect on philosophical topics. There is a symbolism already in the fact that these letters are the first and last in the alphabet. That is why the famous words from the Bible about God being the beginning and the end of all things come to mind at once. According to Greek philosophers, alpha is the symbol of the spiritual essence, and omega represents materiality. Yet one of the most pertinent philosophical questions is the unification of the two symbols. To find answers to all these questions can only be done by the chosen ones.


(Greek ō méga - "o" big, i.e. long)

The last letter of the Greek alphabet. In the figurative sense "alpha and omega" - the beginning and the end.

Source: The Great Soviet Encyclopedia at

Meanings in other dictionaries

  1. OMEGA - OMEGA - ?, ?, the last letter of the Greek alphabet. In the figurative sense "alpha and omega" - the beginning and the end. The Great Encyclopedic Dictionary
  2. omega - BEGINNING - ENDING Beginning - ENDING (see) begin(s) - end(s) (see) begin(s) - end(s) (see) beginning - end(s) (see) beginning - end (see) beginning - final begin(s) - end(s) (see) Beginning of a road - end of a road. Glossary of antonyms of the Russian language
  3. Omega - OMEGA, i, g. The name of the last letter of the Greek alphabet. Ozhegov's Dictionary
  4. Omega - The last letter of the Greek alphabet, so called in contrast to o small or short. "Alpha and Omega" the Lord calls Himself as the fullness, end, and consummation of all things (From 1:8,10, 21:6,22:13). Biblical Encyclopedia of Archbishop Nicephorus
  5. omega - sp. omega, -i (name of letter) Lopatin's Spelling Dictionary
  6. omega - Alpha and omega [expression taken from the apocalypse] (book) - the beginning and the end; the whole. From alpha to omega (book) - from the beginning to the end. Volkova Dictionary of Phraseology
  7. omega - OMEGA g. the last letter of the Greek alphabet, meaning the end. Az seven alpha and omega. Dahl Dictionary
  8. Omega - (chem.), ω - proposed by Bayer to distinguish substituent groups (atoms) located at terminal carbon atoms; for example ωωC3H6Cl2 is propylidene chloride - СН3.СН2.CHCl2, and ωωω'C3H4(CO2H)2 is ωω'-propenedicarboxylic acid = glutaconous (see Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia Dictionary
  9. omega - omega g. The name of the last letter of the Greek alphabet. Ephremian Dictionary
  10. omega - OM'EGA, omega, fem. (-Greek. o mega - "about" large) (-book. ). The last letter in the Greek alphabet (W), which denotes the long sound o. - Alpha and omega; from alpha to omega - see alpha. Ushakov's Dictionary
  11. omega - OMEGA -i; g. [Greek. ōmega] Name of the last letter of the Greek alphabet. ◊ Alpha and Omega of what; From Alpha to Omega (see Alpha). Kuznetsov's Dictionary
  12. omega - Omega, g. [Greek o mega - "about" large] (bookish). The last letter in the Greek alphabet, which denotes the long sound o. l Alpha and omega; from alpha to omega - see alpha. Large Dictionary of Foreign Words
  13. Omega - Om'ega (Rev.1:8,10; Rev.21:6 ; Rev.22:13) is the last letter of the Greek alphabet. (See Alph.) Vikhlyantsev's Bible Dictionary
  14. Omega -i, g. The name of the last letter of the Greek alphabet. ◊ - alpha and omega from alpha to omega [[Greek 'ω̃μέγα]scarlet academic dictionary
  15. omega - Omeg/a (letter). Morphemic-Orphographic Dictionary
  16. omega - Alpha and omega Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms
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Alpha and omega in banknotes

If we have a closer look at the designations of currency marks, we see that they are symbols. What do these symbols stand for? After all, when they invented currency, the authors surely wanted it to flourish in the future.

Alpha and omega as a symbol is often found in many money signs. Besides them, one can find traces of yin and yang, the number Pi and others.

The obvious alpha is the English pound sterling.

The U.S. dollar and the Israeli shekel have lines of yin and yang, and the Chinese currency has the number Pi.

Perhaps the country that has its currency symbol in the outline of the Omega has a special role to play?

The meaning of the tattoo alpha and omega

Essentially, the alpha symbol and the omega symbol are letters of the Greek alphabet, which is becoming more and more popular for modern man. Alpha has the meaning of the beginning, as it is the first letter, and omega, as the last - the end. That is why this image will symbolize the stages of life, in which a person was able to overcome difficult trials and overcome his fears.

As we know from the history of Ancient Greece, the Greeks considered drawings of the letter alpha as a symbol of spirituality, and the omega as a symbol of the material world. That is why today the meaning of the tattoo of the Greek letters crosswise symbolizes the unity of the mind and faith in the Almighty.

Also have alpha and omega meaning of benevolence and sincerity of feelings, exorcism of bad thoughts and craving for the beautiful. A person who has made such a body drawing, will necessarily be disposed to philosophy and psychology, will be calm and enthusiastic.

Meaning for men

Alpha and omega tattoo can score both women and men, regardless of age category. For men, the meaning of the tattoo of the intertwined Greek letters indicates wisdom, the passing of all difficulties from beginning to end, regardless of the weight of the losses, the knowledge of the problems of life.

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Such an image is excellent for those representatives of the strong sex, who take on a great responsibility in life, especially for his family. For those who honor and respect the divine laws, who do not sin or use foul language. For those who are just and merciful.

Meaning for women

Despite the fact that the tattoo with the signs of alpha and omega is stuffed with men and women, the weaker sex it fits much less often. Usually, it is applied to the body of women strong of spirit, militant, not timid. It is ideal for the noble and sincere, for resolute and serious.

The Alpha and Omega - the mystery of the symbol.

The famous saying of God can be deciphered by means of the Pimander, the main opus of the Hermetic Code, brought by a monk to Florence from Macedonia in the fifteenth century.

It reveals the profound mysteries of reason and light.

It takes as its basis some of the postulates that God is light in a medium not perceived by our ordinary consciousness, so it is called "Nothingness" or "Darkness Outside". It surrounds God, having neither beginning nor end. God-Light, on the other hand, contains all principles and has a beginning and an end.

God-light has a boundary, a circle that is filled with light and at the same time belongs neither to him nor to the Darkness outside. This ring contains the mystery of the birth of a number with a beginning and an end, and out of it Omega emerges.

God-Light, making a loop in the Darkness-Outside with his rings, unlocks the circle below. There the word of God is born.

The Darkness-Outside penetrates the loop, and two darknesses arise, the inner and the outer. At the same time, the Darkness-internal is Divine and subject to God. Here the mystery of baptism is revealed. John cleansed people by being himself in the water. So God, being in the Darkness-external, cleansed himself and baptized. The essence of the cross is that it separates and advances to God, and any uncleanness fears it because it will disappear when purified.

The two rings, approaching in the Darkness-external, transform it from infinite to ultimate, and then, touching and partially intersecting when the rotational and translational principles are combined, create a new - a rectilinear movement or the principle of trinity. In the Omega it reveals itself as a spiral.

In the material world the Omega knot is clearly seen in black holes in the Universe. Matter is sucked into them in a spiral, forming or Darkness-inner.

Within the Omega, wet nature is formed, where countless forms and species are born. Next, energies in chaos (hell) are formed, after which there is equilibrium, constancy-the energies oscillate steadily, leading to the birth of sound. Finally, the dead come to life.

New living forms emerge from living sounds. Then no more forms appear, but the remnants of darkness, uniting with the father, give birth to the Holy Spirit.

After the Divine light has filled the upper space, forming a triangle, it can only illuminate the rest of the space with its rays. The figures in the sign, formed by the separation of the living from the dead, the Alpha, are symbols of the Divine light.

Alpha and Omega is a symbol, at comprehension of which some basic mysteries of the universe are opened. The essence of things and energy, their creator, are seen in a new way, and the man, finding the secret knowledge, can open up new opportunities.

Means the end, completeness. Together with alpha embodies the totality of everything, the beginning and end of all things. Often it is personified ouroboros as a symbol of totality.

See the meaning of Omega in other dictionaries


- g. the last letter of the Greek alphabet, signifying the end. Az seven alpha and omega. Dal's Dictionary

Omega g.

- 1. The name of the last letter of the Greek alphabet. Ephremova Dictionary


- omega, g. (Greek o mega - "about" large) (bookish). The last letter in the Greek alphabet (W), which denotes the long sound o. alpha and omega; from alpha to omega - see alpha. Ushakov's Dictionary.

Omega?, ?

- The last letter of the Greek alphabet. In the figurative sense "alpha and omega" - the beginning and the end. The Great Encyclopedic Dictionary

Alpha and Omega

- are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet (ai-O)). Symbolized the beginning and the end of a phenomenon. Historical dictionary


-the last letter of the Greek alphabet. In a figurative sense "alpha and omega" - the beginning and the end. Historical Dictionary

"omega-squared" Distribution

- is a probability distribution of a random variable where Z (t) is a conditional Wiener process. The characteristic function of "O.-k." r. is expressed by the formula In mathematical statistics........ Encyclopedia of Mathematics

Omega inconsistency

- A property of formal arithmetic. systems, meaning the impossibility of obtaining an omega- contradiction. An omega-contradiction is a situation when for a non-croy formula (x).provable........ The Encyclopedia of Mathematics


-property of formal arithmetic systems, which consists in the fact that for any formula (x).from the deducibility of formulas, . . ..., . . . follows the deducibility of the formula, where is a constant,........ Encyclopedia of Mathematics

Doppelgerz Activ Omega-3

- Doppelgerz Active Omega-3Pharmacological groups: Dietary supplements - fats, fat-like substances and their derivatives' Dietary supplements - vitamins, vitamin-like substances and coenzymes Medicinal Products

Zinaxin C Omega-3

- Zinaxin with Omega-3Latin name Medicines

Multi-tabs Intelo Kids C Omega-3

- Multi-tabs Intelo Kids With Omega-3Latin name Medicines

Omega Premium Life Formula

- OMEGA PREMIUM Life FormulaLatin name Medicines

Omega-3 Forte Norway

- Pharmacological groups: Dietary supplements - fats, fat-like substances and their derivatives' Dietary supplements - vitamins, vitamin-like substances and coenzymes Medicinal products

Omega B Square.

- A measurement of the strength of the relationship between variables. It shows the proportion of variation in the dependent variable and variation in the dependent variable. It is somewhat more conservative,........ Psychological Encyclopedia.

Phi. "Phi" is the absolute counterpart of our Cyrillic "Eph." However, the Latin "F" sounds exactly the same. It seems that a letter with such a trivial sounding should be in all languages, but no! It doesn't exist in Georgian - it simply isn't necessary. The phonetics of the Georgian language allows this sound to be effectively replaced by another one in foreign words.

Hee. The "Hee" is written and read the same way as the Cyrillic "Ha". It is strange that such a simple letter in Latin completely changed its sound. And there is no full sounding "X" in the Latin alphabet. In English its function, with varying degrees of similarity, is performed by "H" - "N", and in Italian the same grapheme is called "Accoy" - and has no sound... such are the pies...

Psi. A unique letter, which has no analogues. Externally it looks very similar to a trident with a much shorter handle. Psi" is read the same way as its name, also a rare case. In this way in the Greek alphabet, perhaps another "Xi" works. Surprisingly, but it was the prototype of our Cyrillic "Sh", that, if you wish, can be easily traced by the same letters in ancient books - originally "Sh" had a "tail grows" in the middle. Notably, one could have done without this letter, as well as without "xy", replacing it with a combination of the letters "PS" - pi and sigma. But in this case, too, tradition plays its role...

Omega. We remember, of course, that the letter "g" in the name is pronounced in the Ukrainian manner. "Omega" is the last letter of the Greek alphabet and probably the most recognizable of the original letters. It does not exist in the Latin or Cyrillic alphabets, but everyone knows the "horseshoe. Perhaps an important role in its popularization was played by a famous Swiss watchmaker, named after this letter: "OMEGA". The word "Omega" itself is translated as "O big". Obviously, it used to sound quite different from "Omicron," "O little." But now phonetically they are completely identical letters, and their use is regulated only by grammar.

Well, here we are introduced to the Greek alphabet from "Alpha" to "Omega." This is the famous proverb, which means that everything is covered. If we talk about the alphabet, we have really got acquainted with all the letters, but the picture would be incomplete without trying to learn about the possible and the impossible, about which sounds are possible to represent with these letters and which are completely unthinkable in the Greek language. We will talk about this in the next and final chapter.

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Everyone knows that tattoos are imposed for life, so it is necessary to approach their choice very seriously. First of all it is necessary to know the meaning of the tattoo, because it is said not in vain that the symbolism of any image can influence and change the destiny of a person. So, let's see, what does the tattoo alpha and omega mean and who is suitable for such a body image?

Basically, The alpha symbol and the omega symbol are letters of the Greek alphabet.

Which is becoming more and more popular for modern man. Alpha has the meaning of the beginning, as it is the first letter, and omega, as the last one, is the end. That is why this image will symbolize the stages of life, in which a person was able to overcome difficult trials and overcome his fears.

As we know from the history of Ancient Greece, the Greeks considered drawings of the letter alpha as a symbol of spirituality, and the omega as a symbol of the material world. That is why today the meaning of the tattoo of the Greek letters crosswise symbolizes the unity of the mind and faith in the Almighty.

Also have alpha and omega meaning of benevolence and sincerity of feelings, exorcism of bad thoughts and craving for the beautiful.

A person who has made such a body drawing, will necessarily be disposed to philosophy and psychology, will be calm and enthusiastic.

Meaning for men

Alpha and omega tattoo can score both women and men, regardless of age category. For men the meaning of the interlacing of Greek letters tattoo denotes wisdom, the passage of all difficulties from beginning to end, regardless of the weight of the losses, the knowledge of the problems of existence.

Such an image is perfect for the representatives of the stronger sex, who take on a great responsibility in life, especially for his family. For those who honor and respect the divine laws, do not sin and do not swear. For those who are just and merciful.

Meaning for women

Despite the fact that the tattoo with the signs of alpha and omega is stuffed with men and women, it is much less suitable for the weaker sex. Usually, it is applied to the body of women strong of spirit, militant, not timid

. It is perfect for the noble and sincere, for resolute and serious.

For women, to draw the alpha and omega can and leaders, as symbolizes such a tattoo of a successfully initiated a new business, advancement in the knowledge of philosophy, in thinking over large-scale problems of human mind. Also, the meaning of the tattoo of the first and last letter means the beginning of a new life and the rebirth of the old one.

Omega is a symbol in magic

Magicians believe that magic appeared when man learned to interrupt infinity.

Space originally consists of threads and their filler, which are constantly in vibration. You can hear them, influence them by changing their sound.

Each object has its own range. When you change it for something, the object can disappear or change into something else. But this can only be done by those who have freed their Spirit from the challenge that the Omega symbol carries within them.

Those who study magic, by means of symbols, signs, sounds, feel the vibrations in themselves and thus have some possibility of influencing the universe.

The Omega symbol is the most complex. It is the only one that contains the complete matrix of the decimal code. The other symbols are designed to destroy the power of it.

Each person should strive to destroy it in himself or to master it.

The Omega consists of an "O," signifying one Spirit and Soul, and a "Mega," a challenge. That is, together the symbol denotes the challenge that the Spirit has accepted. Its modern meaning may sound like personal evolution.

The symbol is the end for everything. Having learned it, one must transform the form - bring the ends together and create a ring.

It is always applied together with other symbols.

What "Alpha" means as a symbol for women

Such a tattoo is still more often applied by men. A woman with such a drawing should be strong in spirit, not timid, but militant. It is perfect for determined, serious, noble and sincere ladies.

Such a tattoo can draw female leaders, as it symbolizes the successful beginning of something new, the advancement in thinking about the global problems of the human mind and in philosophical knowledge. Also the value of the alpha and omega speaks of the rebirth of an old life and the beginning of a new one.

Activation of Magical Symbols

Acquired or handmade amulet should be preliminarily cleared from another's energy. For this purpose, practitioners recommend to put it in a bowl with table salt overnight. Then the spice should be washed away in running water. Another way is to wipe the surface of the talisman with a piece of cloth moistened in a salt solution. The other products have to be taken out temporarily, and the amulet has to be removed from the freezer. Other products should be temporarily taken out. Then Alpha and Omega must be charged. To do this, you can ask for help from the following powers:

Activation of the amulet can be carried out by the elements, for example, to hold the amulet over the flame of a candle or to bury it in the ground for a while.

  • Day and night light. The talisman is placed on the windowsill so that direct rays fall on it. Touching and disturbing the magical symbols during recharging is not allowed.
  • Activation by the elements. Appeal to one or all four powers is used. To recharge with water, Alpha and Omega are exposed to flowing water or sprayed with holy water, fire - held over the flame of a lit candle, earth - buried for a few hours in nature. To soak up the power of the wind, incense or lit herbs - incense, wormwood, sandalwood or juniper - are often used.
  • Energy of the Cosmos. In order to do this, it is necessary to master the basics of meditation and imagine that divine light from heaven is descending on the talisman. In order to make a talisman, you should master the basics of meditation and imagine that a divine light is descending from the sky.

In order to strengthen the talisman, magical symbols - plants and animals endowed with certain traits of character which one would like to bestow upon its owner - should be placed on its surface.

After the amulet is charged, it is necessary to squeeze it in palms and mentally formulate a request. The wish should be clear and specific. It is desirable to concentrate on one specific purpose and not to disperse energy on several. The amulet will give you warmth. If nothing changes, you should repeat the procedure the next day.

Alpha is a symbol in magic

Magicians believe that the expression "I am the Alpha and Omega" can be said with one word: "Alpha" because Alpha is the symbol of Omega in motion.

By acquiring its direction, the upper part of the Omega is extended and sharpened. However, the stable character O prevents Omega from shrinking at the bottom. The dividing line, caused by inner tension, gives impetus to the emergence of Alpha. Only man's effort of will is able to create it.

As long as the magician is aspiring to something, and his actions are subordinated to that goal, he can dispose of the Alpha, and his possibilities become limitless.

"I am Alpha and Omega, first and last..." - this is the oath of magicians, which they make to themselves and get the opportunity to use magic, which can be used both for constructive and destructive purposes.

Magicians believe that in cases where the Alpha symbol is placed next to the Omega, then they, contradicting each other, can not be useful and can even cause harm.

The meaning of

The Alpha and Omega symbols are letters in the Greek alphabet, the latter is now becoming very popular. According to him, alpha means "beginning", as it is the first letter, and omega means "end".

That is why the letters printed on the body signify the stages of life passed, in which the person went through difficult trials and was able to cope with his fears.

Historians believe that the inhabitants of ancient Greece considered the letter omega a symbol of the material world, and the letter alpha a symbol of spirituality. Because of this, in today's world, such a tattoo, made in a cross shape, means faith in the Almighty and the unity of mind and spirit.

A man with a tattoo of these Greek letters is considered to be calm and enthusiastic; he is necessarily inclined to psychology and philosophy. In addition, the symbols are assigned the meaning of sincerity of feelings and benevolence.

How it looks and where it is better to draw

Tattoo with Greek symbols can look in different ways. But, as a rule, both letters do not break, because separately, each of them has no secret meaning. Usually the drawing is printed in black, without colored elements, and the letters themselves are intertwined crosswise with each other. In some cases, the master may use shadows in the tattoo. Each person independently chooses the place for the natal drawing, based on personal preferences. The meaning of what the alpha and omega mean does not depend on it.

What does the tattoo look like and where is the best place to stuff it

Tattoo symbol alpha and symbol omega may look different. But, whatever the case may be, these two letters do not break up, as separately they do not carry any meaning. Usually the tattoo itself is done in black paint with no additional colors or shades. The letters are intertwined with each other crosswise. In some cases, masters use shadows.

Tattoo of Alpha and Omega on a Man's Foot

Draw the tattoo more often on the shin, or on the arms (one letter on each). On the right side is usually depicted alpha, and on the left - omega. Sometimes members of the stronger sex impose such a tattoo on the back in the shoulder blades, as if representing a cross of letters, and women - on one of the wrists, often on the left hand (crosswise).


For women

For men