French is an unusual and melodious language, it evokes associations with the romance and beauty of the city of Paris. In this regard, beautiful phrases for tattoos with euphonious pronunciation are gaining popularity.
Most fans of images on the body give preference to winged expressions, quotations of great people and aphorisms that reflect the identity of France. Inscriptions can be applied separately or combined with different images. Not only well-known aphorisms are considered a good solution, but also their own combinations of words translated into French that reflect personal aspirations and ideas.
French phrases for tattoos with translation
Tattoos in French are some of the most common inscriptions in body art.
You can use this language to make a beautiful declaration of love to your mate, immortalize a life motto or score a phrase from a favorite song.
In order to make it easier for you to choose an expression in French for a tattoo, we have selected the most interesting and original ideas for girls and men. Here you will find winged phrases, proverbs, proverbs and other famous sayings.
- Dreams come true. Rêves deviennent réalité.
- The one who risks the most is the one who does not. Le risque le plus élevé celui qui ne risque pas.
- At the darkest hour we see the stars. À l'heure la plus sombre, nous voyons des étoiles.
- You have to know the rules of the game, but it is better to set them yourself. Vous devez connaître règles du jeu, mais il préférable de définir vous-même.
- Le grand art de vivre - de jouer beaucoup, mais de prendre un petit risque. Le grand art de vivre - de jouer beaucoup, mais de prendre un petit risque.
- The easiest thing to do is to deceive yourself. Il plus facile de se tromper.
- Everyone is willing to help, but no one wants to be the first. Tout le monde est prêt à aider, mais personne ne veut être le premier.
- The blows of a friend are not as dangerous as the kisses of an enemy. Coups d'amis ne sont pas aussi dangereux que les baisers ennemis.
- It is beautiful what is not. Ce qui merveilleux, c'est ce qui ne l'est pas.
- Turn black into white. Transformez le noir en blanc.
About Parisian women.
The French always seem to be people with some kind of special charm, especially Parisians. Frenchwomen have always been considered the standard of style and unique charm. That is why a special place in quotes about Paris is given to its beautiful inhabitants. French women have always stood out among the rest of the beautiful half of humanity for its special charm, ease of communication.
Only they can dress casually and waste no time at all on styling and will look charming. They conquer everyone with their elegance, coquetry, sass - this is the famous French charm. Even if a Parisian woman does not have perfect facial features, she will still be considered charming - precisely because of her grace and charm.
Quotes in French with translation
Quotes in French can represent extracts from books, winged expressions, sayings of celebrities, politicians, writers or other beautiful words that can be applied as a tattoo inscription. This section presents beautiful phrases in French with translation, which are perfect for applying to both female and male bodies.
About life
The beauty of the French language allows you to make any phrase for a tattoo pleasant in sound. And it can be not only love phrases, but also sentences dedicated to life, friendship, creativity, etc. Below you can see a selection of interesting phrases that can be used for tattoos in French.
- La vie est belle. La vie est belle.
- Trouble does not come alone, but neither does good luck. Le problème ne vient pas seul, mais aussi la chance.
- The only way to enjoy life is to be fearless and unafraid of defeat and disaster. La seule façon de profiter de la vie - d'être courageux et de ne pas avoir peur de la défaite et du désastre.
- Although life is short, many people get bored with it. Bien que la vie soit courte, elle parvient à en déranger beaucoup.
- Life is a battle, and one must prepare for it from childhood. La vie is une bataille et devons nous y préparer dès l'enfance.
- One must live a life that one wants to repeat. Vous devez vivre pour répéter.
- All strong people love life. Tous gens forts aiment la vie.
- One must live with his wings spread. Il faut vivre ailes déployées.
- Life is a mountain: you ascend slowly, you descend quickly. La vie une montagne: on monte lentement, on descend vite.
- Life is not the days that have passed, but those that are remembered. La vie n'est pas les jours qui se sont écoulés, mais ceux dont on se souvient.
About love
Love phrases in French are very popular among tattoo lovers. The French tattoo in Paris is a very popular and well known genre. The French tattoo, whether on your wrists, forearms, ribs, collarbones or feet, is the perfect way to express your love in French.
- Listen to your heart. Écoutez votre cœur.
- Love is a theorem to be proved daily. L'amour - un théorème qui doit être prouvé quotidiennement.
- The first love counts only until the second love. Le premier amour ne compte que jusqu'au second.
- There is enough room in love for other feelings. En amour, il y a assez de place pour d'autres sentiments.
- Love is friendship set to music. L'amour - une amitié portée sur la musique.
- Love and hatred are not in our power. L'amour et la haine ne sont pas en notre pouvoir.
- J'aime mon corps seulement à côté du vôtre ...
- Love - and do what you want. Aimez - et faites ce que vous voulez.
- To love is to see a miracle invisible to others. Aimer, c'est voir un miracle invisible aux autres.
- After unhappy love, a man remains a bachelor, a woman marries. Après un amour malheureux, un homme reste célibataire, une femme se marie.
Aphorisms in French
French aphorisms are chosen by those people who like to see hidden meaning in the message. Such individuals like to reflect on philosophical, political or creative topics. Aphorism in the form of a tattoo can easily find a place on the body of an intelligent and educated person.
- Rewards from life you get for work, not for excuses. Vous obtenez des récompenses de la vie pour vos travaux, pas des excuses.
- We don't know who we are until we see what we are capable of. Nous ne savons pas qui nous sommes avant de voir de quoi sommes capables.
- Friends are not those whom you love the most, but those who are the first to come to your aid. Amis ne sont pas ceux que vous aimez le plus, mais ceux qui sont les premiers à venir à la rescousse.
- It is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven. Il vaut mieux régner en enfer que servir au ciel. The wolf is indifferent to the number of sheep. Le loup est indifférent au nombre de moutons.
- Gratitude is the most beautiful of flowers of the soul. La gratitude est la plus belle des fleurs de l'âme.
- The best prophet for the future is the past. Le meilleur prophète pour l'avenir - le passé.
- Le plaisir est le ciel, beneath which all but evil blossoms. Le plaisir est le ciel sous lequel tout fleurit sauf la méchanceté.
- Eternity lasts a very long time, especially towards the end. L'éternité dure très longtemps, surtout à la fin.
- Our views are like our watches: they all show different times, but everyone believes only his own. Nos vues sont comme nos montres: elles montrent toutes des moments différents, mais tout le monde ne croit que la sienne.
- Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills its students. Le temps est un grand professeur, mais malheureusement, il tue ses élèves.
Themes and meanings of tattoo inscriptions
Themes of tattoo inscriptions are varied: philosophy, personality, life, death, family, friends, love, names, words-symbols. The most popular are short, but meaningful and expressive phrases that allow you to express yourself.
Inscriptions in foreign languages take on an additional mystery and decorative effect. In French, these are most often quotations, sayings, witticisms. Beautiful words in French for tattoos can be not only profound, but also visually spectacular.
The most interesting of the short ones:
- Telle quelle - As it is (as it is, in kind).
- Deviens qui tu es. - Become what you are.
- Execute les reves. - Execute dreams.
- Forte et tender. - Strong and gentle.
- Qui, sinon nous. - Who else but us.
- Tu es assez. - You are enough.
- Tout est possible. - Everything is possible.
- Je cherche la vérité. - I seek the truth.
- Libre comme l'air. - Libre/ free as air.
- Personne n'est parfait. - No one is perfect.
- La norme est ennuyuse. - Norme est ennuyuse.
- Tout le monde a mes piedes. - The whole world is at my feet.
- Mon plane: etre heurese, pas parfaite. - My plan: to be happy, not perfect.
- Vis la vie que tu as rêvée. - Live as you dreamed.
- Ma vie, mes regles. - My life, my rules.
Inscriptions by theme.
Philosophy, meaning of life, attitude:
- Moins j'avais besoin, mieux je me sentais. - The less I need, the better I feel (Charles Bukowski).
- Quoi que tu fasses, fais le bien! - Whatever you do, do well! (Walt Disney).
- L'art c'est la santé. Art is health (Yves Klein, French artist).
- La beauté commencement le moment où tu décides d'être toi-même. Beauty begins when you decide to be yourself (Coco Chanel).
- Accepte qui tu es. Sauf si tu es un tueur en série. Accept yourself for who you are. If you are not a serial killer (Ellen Lee Degeneres, American actress).
- Les deux jours les plus importants de ta vie sont le jour où tu es né et celui où tu as trouvé pourquoi. The two most important days in life are the day you were born and the day you learned why (Mark Twain).
- Aime le pécheur et déteste le péché. Love the sinner, hate the sin (Aurelius Augustine).
- Si tu juges les gens, tu n'as pas le temps de les aimer. - If you judge people, you don't have time to love them (Mother Teresa).
- Fais toutes choses avec amour. Do everything with love (Og Mandino).
- La vie n'est pas juste; il faut s'habituer à ça. - Life is not fair. Get used to it (Bill Gates).
- Celui qui peut avoir de la patience peut avoir ce qu'il veut. He who has patience will achieve everything (Benjamin Franklin).
Relationships, friendship, love:
- Plus tu juges, moins tu aimes. The more you judge, the less you love (Honoré de Balzac).
- Un ami est un deuxième moi. A friend is the second self (Aristotle).
- Tu ne peux pas sauver personne, tu ne peux que les aimer. You cannot save anyone, you can only love (Anais Nin).
- Mieux vaut une bonne querelle que la solitude. Better a good quarrel than solitude (Irish proverb).
- Rare est le véritable amour, la vraie amitié encore plus. True love is rare, true friendship even rarer (Jean de La Fontaine).
- Qui, étant aimé, est pauvre? Who is poor when he is loved? (Oscar Wilde).
- Il vaut mieux être détesté pour ce que tu es que d'être aimé pour ce que tu n'es pas. - It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not (André Gide).
- Si une une chose aime, elle est infinie. If you love something, it is infinite (William Blake).
French phrases translated into Russian
Phrases for tattoos in French can be listed endlessly. But we have selected the best and most interesting ideas, which are not only beautiful inscriptions, but also have deep meaning. Let's take a closer look at them.
- If evil triumphs, it is declared good. Si le mal l'emporte, il est déclaré bon.
- The winner will never say, "It's only a game. Le vainqueur ne dira jamais: "Ce n'est qu'un jeu".
- We don't remember days, but moments. Nous ne souvenons pas des jours, mais des moments.
- Love hurts even the gods. L'amour fait mal même aux dieux.
- To love is to stop comparing. Aimer, c'est arrêter de comparer.
- The longest we remember is that we have been forgotten. Le plus longtemps nous souvenons que sommes oubliés.
- Success is the best revenge. Le succès - la meilleure vengeance.
- It is better to be a lion for a day than a sheep for a lifetime. Mieux vaut être un lion qu'un mouton toute sa vie.
- Admitting a mistake is a second mistake. Admettre une erreur - la deuxième erreur.
- The greatest minds make the greatest mistakes. Plus grands esprits font les plus grosses erreurs.
How do you choose a typeface?
Many people still think that the most important thing is to choose the right phrase or word for you. Of course, this is of great importance, since the tattoo is put on the body for life. But in order for it to look really attractive it is necessary to choose the right font and decide on the size and style. Keep in mind that much depends on the language in which you choose to inscribe, as well as the placement area.
"Flying on its own wings."
"Create yourself."
To tackle this faster, you can enlist the help of a master tattoo artist. Browse the catalog of works, among which there is definitely something worthwhile. In addition, an experienced specialist will tell you how the chosen phrase will look better.
"Love yourself first."
"Remember who you are"
"Be happy."
"You are limited by the limits you set for yourself."
The next way is to use sites with the ability to pick up a font for the tattoo. By the way, in many salons this service is free, so you can quickly find the right option.
She whispered to me the wise words: "let it be" (The Beatles "Let it be")
"The right place. The right time"
"I am because you are"
If you have talent as an artist or if you do lettering, you will be able to draw what you need on your own. We recommend putting a sketch to the chosen area to make sure that this option fits perfectly.
"It's darkest before the dawn."
"I was his angel. Now he's mine."
Once you've chosen everything, make an appointment for a consultation with a craftsman who will give you his opinion and possibly advise you on something interesting.
"Trust Without Boundaries."
"I've had enough."
The most beautiful words in French
Below are beautiful words in French with translation for those girls and men who don't want to get a long text tattoo. After all, one beautiful French word can carry exactly the same deep meaning as a voluminous tattoo inscription.
- Beautiful. Magnifiquement.
- Beauty. La beauté.
- Faith. La foi.
- Success. Le succès.
- A dream. Un rêve.
- Victory. La victoire.
- Cognition. La connaissance.
- Humility. L'humilité.
- Life. La vie.
- Hope. L'espoir.
We hope that these French phrases will help you decide on your future tattoo.