Symbols of the zodiac signs in order: value, pictures

In our day it is difficult to find a person who has not heard anything about the circle of the zodiac. Moreover, very often people, when getting acquainted together, are interested in what constellation they were born under. It is no secret that when looking through horoscopes - in search of an answer to the question of interest - many of us feverishly try to find similar character traits and trace/compare current situations. It's as if we are trying to squeeze into a character description limited by the date of birth. Does everyone understand what the symbols of the zodiac symbols mean?

A little about the history of the symbols

To understand such a system as the Zodiac, it is necessary to make a little excursion into its history. The word "zodiac" has Greek roots and translates as "animals in a circle". (From time to time the expression "animals in a wheel" is used). This circle is divided into twelve perfectly equal sectors, any of which bears the name of one of the constellations. The Zodiac was known more than four thousand years ago, in Old Babylon. In those ancient times, it was depicted as a circle with the constellations and the luminary revolving around it. It was believed to be the moon. This was explained by the lack of special astronomical instruments with which the constellations could be observed during the day.

In the five hundred years B.C., the zodiacal circle undergoes a major configuration. It was divided into equal fractions, and each was given a name that corresponded to a particular constellation. The earliest inhabitants of Babylon began to take into account not only the motion of the Moon, but also the motion of the other luminaries, namely the Sun.

After Babylon fell, the Greeks of antiquity took up the torch of observation. They were the ones who continued the study of the movements of the celestial bodies. Specifically, the Greeks introduced the term "zodiac," which has safely survived to this day.

Of course, over the long history of the circle, adjustments have been made. For example, the constellation Luhunga (Peasant), known since the time of Babylon, was renamed Aries. And the constellation Libra in ancient times, apparently, was not recognized at all. The first mention of it dates back to the second century AD.

In spite of a thousand years of history, the zodiacal circle seems to have retained its appearance. But still the main points have been significantly changed. For example, for the old Greeks the zodiac wheel was divided into thirteen sectors, not twelve. Over time, the thirteenth constellation, the Serpentine, was lost, or perhaps purposely discarded.

The Ancient Greek Zodiac.

Symbols of the zodiac signs in order: meaning, pictures

Medieval astronomers made one, but very serious mistake. Restoring the lost astrological knowledge during the Inquisition, they took as a basis the calculations of Ptolemy, which for a thousand and a half years have changed significantly, which is completely natural. And the most basic "blunder" can be called a shift in the reference point (the vernal equinox). When Ptolemy made his calculations, it was in the sign of Aries. Unfortunately, the ancient Greeks blindly copied the existing zodiac, and meanwhile the main reference point moved to the symbol of Pisces. Today even a schoolboy knows that every fourth year is a leap year, which means that in four years there is a day of error, and then what to say about the past thousands of years? In spite of this, the modern zodiac, which, incidentally, for some reason we call the Chinese or Eastern zodiac, begins with Aries. And with him we will begin to analyze the symbols of the zodiac symbols.


The symbol of the fish arose from the incredible love story of Aphrodite and Adonis. Despite the fact that the girl was a goddess and the young man was born by mortals, they truly loved each other.

The Goddess of beauty and love emerged from the foam of the sea, but the Gods decided to take her to Olympus, where she was very homesick and often returned to the shore. Here she met the young Adonis, with whom she soon entered into an alliance. The gods approved of him only on the condition that he would not hunt wild boars.

One day the couple were strolling along the seashore, they met a monster who wanted to take the goddess, but the god Poseidon prevented this from happening, turning the couple in love into fish. So they escaped by swimming into the sea.

Thus, a tattoo of the zodiac sign of Pisces appeared. Unfortunately, the story of love ended in tragedy - the death of Adonis. He was destroyed by a wild boar. Since the young man could not break the terms, he had to accept his fate.

Aphrodite mourned her dead lover for a long time. Zeus took pity and ordered Hades to release Adonis from the world of the dead to earth for six months. So in this way another constellation in the sky came into being as a reminder of a beautiful and at the same time tragic love story.

The elements of the zodiac

But before we get down to describing and deciphering these symbolic images, it would be wise to take a brief look at one more fundamental point. I am talking about the elements, of which there are four: Water, Fire, Air and Earth.

Any of them patronizes a group of 3 symbols:

  1. Water element signs - Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer.
  2. Fire signs - Leo, Sagittarius, Aries.
  3. Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus are the earth element.
  4. And the air element is represented by Aquarius, Libra and Gemini.

Any of the mentioned elements has an impact on its group of symbols, endowing people born under one or another constellation with the corresponding character traits.

But now we will try to describe and decipher the zodiac signs (symbols) in order. After all, many people, picking up a horoscope, do not understand the meaning of seemingly completely silly hieroglyphs, little resembling the image of zodiacal figures.

Additional Drawing Elements

Astrologers recommend several ways to enhance the positive effect of the tattoo on a person's fate. First of all, add to the sketch a drawing of your patron Neptune or other important attributes - pearls, amethyst, splashes of water, wavy lines, narcissus, poppies or jasmine. Seashells, shells, small stones will also look good.

Sketch of a tattoo - the sign of the zodiac fish

Sketch of a tattoo - the zodiac sign of the fish

If you want to emphasize your creative nature or propensity for reverie, it is better to supplement a tattoo with images of esoteric attributes or cosmic objects. In combination with stars, meteorites, planets and satellites especially well looks tattoo with the constellation of fish.

Sketch tattoo - sign of the zodiac fish

Sketch of a tattoo - the zodiac sign of the fish

Somewhat different and the use of additional elements in the sketch among girls and guys. For women, the masters recommend decorating the crescent moon with water lilies or water lilies. The combination with raindrops or a waterfall also looks interesting. Guys, you can replace the perpendicular line in the middle with a snake, and the crescent moon with metal rings with the addition of ornaments.

Remember that a tattoo with your zodiac sign can essentially be inscribed only once and forever. If you were born under the constellation Pisces and you really feel an inner struggle and uncertainty, it is better to postpone a session with the master until a better time, when you are really sure about the sketch.

Zodiac Signs. Symbols. Drawings .

We'll begin with Aries, the first sign in the modern zodiac circle. Its symbol represents two arcs, which, intersecting in the lower part, create a kind of ellipse, a kind of drop. The arcs are slightly tilted downward, symbolizing an energy-informational message. When viewed apart, they can speak of spiritual qualities of various orientations.

The graphic symbol representing Aries is a bit like a remake of the letter "V." Its interpretation could be horns of a ram, or even its entire head. According to another version, it is an image of the human nose and eyebrows. In any case, it is a symbol of progressive power, courage and initiative, the desire for life. As it seems, those born under the sign of Aries are persistent and stubborn. They belong to the category of people who do first and think later. Usually, the representatives of the sign in question have wide foreheads and sharp facial features. Curiously, they are more prone to head injuries than others.

What does the sign of the zodiac Pisces look like? How to draw the zodiac sign of Pisces?

There are a ton of ways to draw the zodiac signs. Drawing is not very difficult. And if you place a picture in front of your eyes, it will be quite easy to draw. So. We need to draw Capricorn, Aquarius and Fish.
Let's draw Capricorn as follows. First of all we draw the English letter V. Draw it big and next to it, without stepping back, draw the English letter S. In this letter we create a round loop. And we have the sign of Capricorn. Everything is simple.

The sign of Aquarius can be depicted not just as a symbol, but to draw a person or an original character. For example, you can draw a big drop of water and draw its eyes and mouth. Draw two handles and a bowl from which water pours. It turns out very original! You can give the task to your kid, so he or she can think up his or her own version.)

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Now we draw the sign "Pisces". It's simple. We draw two arcs, one at the top, one at the bottom. They are not closed, and draw the tail. Faces of fish need to revive, so add eyes and mouth, gills. Now draw the second fish, which will look in the other direction.

Taurus .

We continue to teach the signs of the Zodiac (symbols) in order. The next one we have is Taurus. Its image resembles two horns, placed on a circle. Consequently, again we are dealing with a peculiar image of the head of a horned animal, only this time - a bull. Drawing also symbolizes stubbornness, but along with it - steadfastness, slowness, and sometimes even laziness of Taurus. Their overwhelming majority are born chubby and round. Slim Taurus is a rarity. They appear only when some strong birth factors have an impact on their natal chart.

In the symbol of Taurus is the characteristic of the 2 opposing principles - the Moon as the energy of the soul, which develops the feminine, and the Sun, which symbolizes the solar energy, the Spirit. It is a symbol of perseverance, will, development. The Spirit is dominated by the Soul, which states that Taurus is close to the Earth and Nature, rather than to God and the cosmos. Among other things, these people inherent endurance and stamina, the ability to hide and store acquired, on this accumulated a huge potential of energy, including the spiritual.

Gemini .

Symbols of the zodiac signs in order: meaning, images

One of the symbols that is fairly easy to interpret. It is the two letters "I". At the same time, they resemble the Roman numeral two. In fact, why be surprised? This is Gemini, the symbol of the zodiac, whose symbol represents the never-ending struggle of two personalities in one person. It is not in vain that people born under this constellation are considered hypocritical. But back to the symbolism.

In this case, it is the possibility of the connection of the unconnected: the waxing and the waning Moon, which perceives the past and the future. In almost all cultures, Gemini characterizes the path of development, and at the same time the sunset and decline. According to another version, this symbol represents the union of day and night, black and white, good and evil.

Gemini are usually torn between 2 decisions, 2 issues, most often mutually exclusive. They rush to extremes: into darkness or light, evil or good. It is always difficult to determine which particular Gemini you are communicating with at that moment. They are easy to distinguish in a crowd - it is enough to pay attention to the person whose actions do not coincide with the words, and whose behavior changes every five minutes. Usually they do several things at once, rapidly eating and flailing.

Cancer .

This symbol is quite complex. From the outside, it resembles two inverted commas placed one above the other. It is Cancer, the symbol of the zodiac, whose symbol represents duality. It is a ladies' symbol. The graphic representation signifies femininity, motherhood, but at the same time, tenacity and tenacious grip.

In the usual interpretation, the symbol of Cancer is represented as two whirlwinds, two beginnings. This is necessary for the rebirth of a new life. The figure is often perceived as clasping the claws of Cancer or as a process of fusion of male and female cells.

Since Cancer is a symbol with a strongly developed feminine nature, men born under it are often impressionable and sensitive natures. In addition, the typical representatives of this character of the zodiac adore their families, and especially their mothers, they will not oppose them under any circumstances.

Tattoo of a fish skeleton.

In general, the drawing of the skeleton has the meaning of eternal life and special values of this gift. If we consider the meaning of the tattoo with the skeleton of the fish, it is necessary to allocate that the picture is perceived as a sign of the way: the head is a pointer and the backbone of the fish is the way, the number of bones is additional information, which can denote the time or duration of the traversed path. Perform such a tattoo can be done in any style. The most attractive looks fish skeleton in the style of realism, schematic or 3D. Very often there are bright and colorful tattoos, which have become a great alternative to the usual black and white drawings.

The lion: the symbol, the meaning

Symbols of the zodiac signs in order: meaning, pictures

Sometimes the symbols of the zodiac symbols are very tricky. As an example, there is a curved line with a circle on one end. And who does this very original symbol of the zodiac sign represent? The lion, by all means, will fit in perfectly with such an elaborate characteristic. Judge for yourself: does not the smooth line remind wavy, curly and totally unruly mane of the predator? Graceful and unique Lions can easily be distinguished from the huge crowd thanks to the luxurious, thick curls, which organically complement the dark tanned skin and usually brown eyes.

The gracefulness of this symbol indicates the inimitable aristocratic, free-spirited, sensitive nature of Lions. Fun, but there is only one thing that is beyond the control of the strong and proud representatives of this sign. They are unable to style their unruly hair. They can be straightened with a flat iron or curled with a curling iron, they can even be tied into a tight knot, but all the same, sooner or later, one of them will break free.

Tattoo with fishes: where to put it?

In astrology, the ideal place for a tattoo of the zodiac sign Pisces is the heel. The image in this case will serve as a talisman for the owner of the tattoo. However, such a venture does not make much sense, because the tattoo due to frequent contact with the sole can quickly lose its shape.

If you wish to achieve the patronage of the stars, then to apply the tattoo should choose the area on the body in the Achilles tendon. In addition, the side of the ankle is suitable for a tattoo of the zodiac sign Pisces.

If you want the image of the sign was always in sight, you can score a tattoo on the wrist. You can also choose any other part of the body, if you do not see any special magical meaning in the procedure.

Virgo .

Many experts believe that the symbols, drawings of the symbols of the Zodiac usually very clearly characterize those who belong to them. Well, they are probably right. Virgo belongs to the element of the Earth. She is the only lady in the whole system. She embodies the ancient Greek goddess Demeter, the patroness of Nature, crops, fertility. That's what she is - the Virgo, the symbol of the Zodiac, whose symbol is a big letter "M" with a neat squiggle to the right. Most likely, its creators had the reproductive function of the lady in mind.

Virgins often promote a healthy lifestyle. They are critical about their own weight, diet, appearance, health. There is an opinion that specifically Virgo women invented the first, most daring diets.

Tattoo Pisces for women: the value of popular designs

On a woman's body looks great bright tattoo with a fish, a symbol and constellation. Tattoo Pisces on women symbolize the natural grace, fluidity and femininity. The figure should be made in juicy shades, so it will give its owner vital energy, strength and perseverance.

Koi carps look beautiful on women. These fish symbolize the tireless pursuit of goals, courage, strong character.

Depending on the sketch, fish can have several interpretations:

  • goldfish - supremacy, grace and beauty
  • guppy - Pursuit of originality, desire to show their personality
  • fish skeleton - lost hope
  • pikefish - reveals in its owner a strong personality and a dangerous adversary

On the body of girls can be found a variety of tattoos. It is all related to personal preferences, symbolism, which invests in the sketch of the owner of the tattoo herself. The most successful sketches for girls are considered fish with puffy evolving tails. Also popular are miniature tattoos with fish depicted as a Yin-Yang symbol.


Symbols of the zodiac signs in order: meaning, pictures

The graphic images of the Zodiac symbols surprisingly accurately emphasize not only the characteristic external features, but also the internal properties of people. This statement can be fully applied to Libra. Their symbol is a kind of hat over a straight horizontal line. It is the personification of Libra (the symbol of justice), and in fact, all those born under this sign are fair judges, capable of resolving any conflict by listening intently to both sides.

In hermetic, alchemical and kabbalistic teachings, the scales are a symbol of the bifurcation of the spiritual and the bodily, the heavenly and the earthly, while in the Bible they represent the balance between the outer and the inner world. They identify wisdom and return to unity through the reconciliation of opposites.

Recognize people who belong to this sign, in their environment is easy enough. It is only necessary to start a small conflict, and pay attention to who will be the first to listen to the arguments and rationales of the parties.

Symbols of the zodiac signs in order: meaning, pictures


Monday, April 11, 2011 07:07 + to a quote FISH February 19-20 March The main features of the zodiac sign of fish, are widely represented in the legends and myths of the Greeks and Romans. Such, for example, is the myth of Tiphon, the embodiment of monstrous disorder, the father of the sphinx, the chimera and the Lernaean hydra. Another characteristic story is the legend of Medusa, whose hypnotic power is deadly. In addition, we know the story of the sirens, who, according to the ancient Greeks, could enchant people by their witchy chants, throwing travelers off the road and ruining them. Finally, it would be remiss not to mention Neptune, god of the seas, and the whole succession of tritons and naiads that accompanied him. THE RULING PLANET OF FISH - Neptune

THE STONES OF A FISH Sapphire is a stone of wisdom.

sapphire (500x500, 20Kb)
Pearls. Pearl can attract love feelings and passion, it can help to accumulate money, it will attract luck and protect.

pearl (700x525, 123Kb)
Emerald is a stone of wisdom and equanimity.

emerald (441x300, 45Kb)
Amethyst-amethyst is a stone of fidelity. It is also called the third eye stone

amethyst (430x430, 48Kb)
Moonstone-absorber of lunar energy

moonstone (480x360, 15Kb)
All the legends about its origins, from the ancient Greeks to Christianity and history, say that it is a symbol of remembrance of a loved one when they part. In addition, its heavenly color symbolizes infinite space, the abode of immortal souls and reminds man of God.

forget-me-not (699x554, 190Kb)
Narcissus. The legend of the self-loving Narcissus. The mountain nymph Echo fell in love with the young man Narcissus, who was predicted a long life if only he would never see his face. The haughty young man remained indifferent to the nymph, and the gods, seeing her torment, punished the proud man: wanting to drink from a stream, he bent over the water and saw himself... And after a while he starved from love for himself. But the gods took pity and turned him into a beautiful flower.

daffodils (700x525, 95Kb)
Jasmine. The first mentions of fragrant jasmine are found in ancient Egyptian papyri. The Hellenes believed that jasmine was given to humans by the goddess of wisdom, Athena.

jasmine (700x525, 134Kb)
Violet. It arose, according to one eastern legend, from Adam's tears of gratitude when, while he was on the island of Ceylon, the archangel Gabriel brought him the glad tidings of God's forgiveness of his sins.

violets (700x525, 140Kb)
Mac. It is believed to have grown from the tears Venus shed when she learned of the death of her beloved Adonis.

poppies (344x340, 92Kb)
Lily. Here's what legend tells us about its origin: Zeus' wife Hera saw his hidden son, little Hercules, and decided to feed it with her milk. But the child, sensing an enemy in her, bit the goddess on the nipple and the milk splashed and formed the Milky Way in the sky and lilies on earth.

lily (700x525, 92Kb)
Depending on the decade of birth, you can determine the dominant plant and the qualities it gives to the person born in these days. February 20-28 - MIMOSA. People born under this sign are akin to a flower. They are characterized by increased sensitivity. Mimosa gets very upset if her work is underestimated. Bosses, do not overburden Mimosa! She used to sacrifice themselves to do the job assigned to her and to earn rewards, neglecting vacations and sick leave. Danger of heart attack and stomach ulcers. (1-10) March - IAC. Beauty is intoxicating like opium. It's easy to get caught in Poppy's net, hard to get out of it. Mac's path is strewn with thorns. You have to believe in your own strength, that's the only way Mac can succeed. He should not focus on meat dishes. Vegetables are a source of vitamins and good spirits.

poppy (700x525, 59Kb)
March 11-20 - LILY. Unobtrusive charm. Refinement of nature. Lunar flower. A mystery that can be solved only in the full moon. Masquerade, deception, flirting... In spite of everything, Lily knows how to be happy.

lily2 (700x437, 55Kb)
HOROSCOPE OF DROID PINE February 19-28/29 Pine knows what she wants and never goes with the flow. She is courageous, meets difficulties with her head held high and does not allow bad luck to overcome itself, thanks to the courage, persistence, the ability to plan and take reasonable risks is always ahead. Despite the amiability in communication and the ability to be a pleasant companion, Pine is not characterized by excessive sentimentality: her own interests are in first place. Pine's only weaknesses are sensuality and impulsiveness, which make her easily carried away. Men. Bravely go forward, in spite of resistance, to achieve the goal. Always successful, regardless of the activity, always find a way out of the most difficult situation. Women. They never submit to fate, but on the contrary, subordinate the conditions to their needs, but without a home, which often create themselves, they would not be able to reach such heights. Love and Marriage. Courageous and strong, Pine people only show weakness here. Easily carried away, they find themselves under the influence of an uncontrollable situation.

pine (700x525, 143Kb)
March 1-March 10, there is something mysterious about the melancholic Willow. She is full of vague hopes and unconscious desires, which at times and herself can not express in words. But meekness does not prevent her from being businesslike and resolute. Willow knows exactly what she wants, but she never imposes anything on anyone, as she has a strong sense of respect for other people's world view and absolutely no desire to command. Sometimes for fun, and sometimes for personal gain, she is brilliant at playing the weak creature, even though she can actually stand up for herself. Her artistic ability, intuition and fertile imagination often help her in life. And one more touch to the portrait of Willow: she does not imagine life without sunlight, heat and water. Men. Gifted with an artistic flair, they can't stand the gray ordinariness. Sensual and romantic, with a rich imagination, these men are able to play off defenselessness and helplessness in pursuit of some goal or just joking. Women. Somewhat thoughtful and meek in appearance, they are actually quite determined. These women will definitely find a reason to be happy, even on the grayest day, and they will never let it go. Love and marriage. Ives are not characteristic of feelings without suffering, or rather, such things do not attract them: love without suffering is very boring, in their opinion, things.

willow (700x468, 209Kb)
LIPA March 11-March 20 Lipa is unheard ofly charming and knows how to use it. She can make anyone's head spin. Dreaming of a stable, secure, full of amenities life, Lipa is often not aware that all this is not important for her: it is easy to adapt to any conditions. In company with Lipa pleasant and easy, she is able to create an atmosphere of psychological comfort: patiently listen to the interlocutor, respectful of others, does not seek to lead. Lipa has a practical mindset, resourceful and accurate. Men. People born at this time can be fickle and sensitive to flattery, and life is often a boredom for them - that's their main problem. Women. Calm and even somewhat weak-willed in appearance, soft and pessimistic, Lips, however, are able to make anyone's head spin. These creatures feel at home everywhere: a tent is enough for them to create comfort and warmth. Love and marriage. As a rule, Lipa is beloved, tolerant, but can be very jealous (even if there is no reason to be jealous).

linden (514x347, 101Kb)

knot (487x600, 77Kb)
Narcissus FISH colors Pale purple

pale lilac (404x500, 27Kb)

red-purple (600x600, 86Kb)

blue (600x362, 81Kb)

steel (700x437, 64Kb)
Aqua color

aqua wave color (700x437, 135Kb)
Symbols Two fish swimming in different directions

two fish swimming in different directions (700x525, 137Kb)

wave (700x525, 128Kb)

shell (650x450, 34Kb)

A series of posts "signs of the zodiac:
Part 1 - Aquarius. Planet, stones, colors, talismans, flowers, trees, symbols, lucky numbers. Part 2 - Pisces. Planet, stones, colors, talismans, flowers, trees, symbols, lucky numbers. Part 3 - Aries. Planet, stones, colors, talismans, flowers, trees, symbols, lucky numbers. Part 4 - Taurus. Planet, stones, colors, talismans, flowers, trees, symbols, lucky numbers. Part 6 - Cancer. Planet, stones, colors, talismans, flowers, trees, symbols, lucky numbers. Part 7 - Leo. Planet, stones, colors, talismans, flowers, trees, symbols, lucky numbers. Part 8 - Virgo.Planet, stones, colors, talismans, flowers, trees, symbols, lucky numbers.

metal fish colors zodiac signs talismans.

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The next character of the Circle is the Fire Sagittarius. A zodiac symbol whose symbol clearly depicts a raised bow and arrows launched at random objects. These people can severely wound those around them and those close to them with their arrows of honesty, with absolutely no thought of hurting their pride. Sagittarians are not burdened with unnecessary diplomacy and a sense of tact.

In the traditional interpretation of this symbol is a cosmic, it expresses the idea of a perfect man, which is both physical and spiritual being, worthy of divine origin. The arrow is a symbol of spiritual evolution and inner transformation.


Symbols of the zodiac signs in order: meaning, pictures

Next up is the zodiac symbol Capricorn, whose symbol is the intricately twisted horns of a proud and frisky mountain goat. This is one version. Another says that the horns make up only a fragment of the drawing, which resembles a letter "V", and the rest are the tails of a mythical creature - a non-existent sea goat. In any case - it is the embodiment of wisdom, which develops beyond the years, from early adolescence. Also, the drawing means determination and courage, which helps to overcome any obstacles. Curiously, Capricorns have a "built-in" resistance to aging. They always look even younger than their years.

The Capricorn symbol represents striving upward, climbing toward the light and life. This is on the one hand. And on the other, a precipitous fall into the void. This is expressed by the duality of the "monster" itself - half goat - half fish, the inhabitant of mountain peaks and the sea abyss.


Symbols of the zodiac symbols often enough consist of straight lines. Aquarius is no exception. Two parallel broken lines represent flowing water. Others believe it is a graphic representation of electricity. After all, the abode of Aquarius is Uranus.

Evaluating everything critically, representatives of this sign are the most intelligent in the zodiacal wheel. They are majestic disputants. Don't you believe? In a group of people express a thought, and the first person, objecting to you, will probably be Aquarius. And not because he strongly disagrees with you. Just that it is difficult for him to refrain from an argument. Forcing him to change his point of view is almost impossible.

Symbol of the zodiac Pisces: symbol and meaning.

Symbols of the zodiac signs in order: meaning, pictures

This embodiment of a dual nature somewhat resembles the symbol of Gemini. Two fish, swimming in different directions, depicted by 2 curved lines. In the middle they are connected by a small segment. This is a vivid symbol of the two struggling souls living in one person.

A complex and very sensitive symbol. People born under it usually live in their own, only they understand the world. But if it seems to you that Pisces are flowing with the current, hiding from conflicts, then you're wrong! They are very ambitious, aggressive, and can go to great lengths to achieve their goals. With a few sarcastic barbs, they are capable of trampling all of your attempts at relationship building.

Today we tried to learn a little more about the mysterious signs of the zodiac. The symbols, drawings, descriptions and meanings of all representatives of the zodiac circle have interested, are interested and will interest humanity for as long as it exists. And to talk about it can be endless.

Tattoo of a fish for men

As practice shows, tattoos with the performance of fish are most often found just for men. Some believe that such a drawing has mystical overtones. Thus, people are trying to change their life, character or abilities. If we start from another meaning, the tattoo has a friendly and positive character. Such a man has positive qualities and quite a good sense of humor. The tattoo of the fish is most often found on the shoulder, back, forearm, shin or chest.


For women

For men