Tattoo portrait - description, species, location (the chest, shoulder, arm), sketches, spectacular photos

The famous American actor Johnny Depp compared the body to a diary, and the Finnish musician Ville Valo argued that the tattoo is a messenger of time, which reminds the person of some event. But, agree, the decisive role in our lives is played not by events, but by people. And if we're going to write in our diary about something, then of course about the people around us. Probably for this reason a tattoo portrait has got such wide popularity among fans of tattoos.

And if you have decided on such an original renewal of your body, you definitely put a million question marks after the sentences related to the choice of picture and master. Go down below with your eyes and read the answers to the questions that worry you.

History of tattoos with portraits of people

In the past, these tattoos were used by some communities to invoke spirits.

People used to believe that if they had a tattoo with the image of a person who had once died, that image would summon him or her spirits who would offer them protection, or help in times of need. Now, however, these tattoos are used as a way to show appreciation or devotion to people who really deserve it.

They are also used to express a special love for a certain celebrity, for example it could be an artist or an athlete.

This tattoo design is suitable for both men and women. They are performed with the help of a real image of a person. Most of such tattoos are on the arm. Mostly the composition is just the head of the person, but some also the shoulders of the celebrity.

There are various popular types of these tattoos with portraits of people famous all over the world:

The differences between women's and men's body art

The nature of the picture and the place of placement have gender peculiarities. Men more often choose the upper back, shoulder, side. Female tattoos of girls are more often found on the wrist, coccyx, forearm and cleavage area. The girdle is especially popular among ladies - there the skin does not sag and the drawing remains beautiful for a long time. The portrait of a girl framed in an interesting pattern, for example, in the style of tribal, looks effective and sexy.

Also the pictures differ in theme. Guys will choose rather an aggressive drawing symbolizing something important - a character trait or a desired lifestyle. The fair sex often applies the picture for aesthetic reasons, using body art not only for self-expression, but also for body decoration.

Mother Teresa portrait tattoo

Mother Teresa was a Roman Catholic nun who had a great passion for service, Christianity and missionary purposes. She advocated mainly for the sick, the poor and orphans. She was located mainly in India, although her services were felt throughout the world.

Because of her great work, people, especially Catholics, express their appreciation by drawing her portrait on their bodies as a tattoo. Mother Teresa's tattoo looks especially spectacular on her arm.

The meaning of the tattoo girl for the cultures of the world

For many peoples of the world, girl tattoos bear the designations of almost the same. A large number of cultures treat this image in slightly different ways. However, there are illustrations with a naked girl in combination with alcohol, this symbolizes in many cultures a tendency toward promiscuity, gambling, liberated and free from rigid morals as well as morals. Lovers of sitting at the card table or slot machines also sometimes put similar drawings on their bodies to emphasize the principles of their lives.

View photos with a tattoo of a girl

Tattoo girl picture

Bob Marley portrait tattoo

Bob Marley was known for introducing reggae music to the world. Most of his fans hung his image either in their homes or on their workplaces. But there are also those who have chosen to get a tattoo of his image.

A Bob Marley tattoo looks cool when drawn on the side of your arm. His reggae music has inspired many people, thus making him popular all over the world.

Popular styles of performance

What it means to tattoo with a girl on the wrist, scored sleeve - depends on the view of the wearer himself. Depending on the emotion and semantic message, such styles are used:

  • Old school - a style reminiscent of comic books, allows the inclusion of lettering, nautical motifs are relevant.
  • Chicano - monochrome, with clear contours, the style of the 40s.
  • New school - even more bright than the previous one, combines with pin-ups.
  • Realistic - looks great, made in large size.
  • Blackwork - mostly dark colors, no color, black background.
  • Linework or prints - a minimalist style, allows for a splash of color.
  • Watercolor - a favorite of girls, reminiscent of a painting, painted with free strokes.
  • Dotwork - the image is composed of dots, mosaic-like.

Depending on the style, the impression produced by the tattoo also changes.

Rita Hayworth portrait tattoo

Rita was an actress and dancer in the late 1940s. Her acting skills made her popular and made her one of the top 25 actresses of all time. Her popularity grew during this time, which led to her becoming a celebrity.

She died in 1987, but despite her death, she is constantly remembered and even has her portrait tattooed on their bodies. It is one of the most beautiful tattoos among portrait tattoos.

Religious motifs

Not so long ago, images of saints on the skin came into vogue. The younger generation is susceptible to this trend, because old believers still consider it blasphemy to draw holy icons, angels, even wings on their mortal bodies, as they are considered part of the divine beginning. Think about it, can a sinful person wear the wings of an angel on his back? However, for many, the depiction of saints on the body is a tribute and gratitude. It is believed that such tattoos protect and guard their owners.

One of the most common choices is the design of the Virgin Mary, a symbol of purity, hope and love. For some people, this is a very relevant figure in their lives, as it is the one they turn to when problems arise throughout their lives. For this reason, the Virgin Mary is considered the most powerful amulet against all adversity. She is the one who can comfort those who seek help.

Some of these religious drawings are accompanied by various elements that can give more effective power and meaning. These are a heart, a dove, a rosary, a cross, flowers.

Little girl tattoo.

This type of tattoo includes an image of a little girl.

The composition can be an image of a beautiful little girl known to you, or beautiful model girls. This tattoo may not have a specific meaning like other tattoos, but it will look very elegant.

Considering that little girls are usually called angels, this sketch is very common among ladies. However, in some cases, those who lost their daughter at an early age may use this type of tattoo as a memory of the child.

Styles and colors for an angel tattoo on the arm

Style tattoo is first of all visual effects, a certain color solution of the master, and already after that the different format of the image of the girl and different perception of the sketches. If we consider the above ideas for tattoo, the following styles are appropriate:

classic in bright shades and clear edging;

realism with three-dimensional believable drawings;

watercolor with soft strokes without borders or borders;

blackwark -. brutal and bold in dark shades;

dotwork - dotting technique with a soft drawing.

Separate attention deserves drawings, executed in the Chinese and Japanese style. Most often masters today give preference to color variants, where all existing shades are involved. Black and white gamma prefer mature men with conservative views, and bright motley images suit the young, creative and expressive guys.

Charles Darwin tattoo

Charles Darwin is well known for his evolutionary theory. He argued that all species on the planet evolved. Historians appreciate his contributions to science and honor his memory.

Charles' image as a tattoo usually looks great because of his long beard. Since most tattoos look good on the upper arm, this tattoo is no exception.

Drawings of Angels

Images of girls with angelic wings are found on the body of representatives of the stronger sex quite often. Such popularity can be explained by the combination of the beautiful with the useful. An angel in the common sense is a protector and guardian from all disasters. Many men feel more comfortable when thinking that his angel is always with him.

The wings of the lady in the picture say about the owner of such a tattoo that he is a sincere person, kind and reliable. Angels with female faces symbolize peace, protection, beauty and love. This is probably why they are so attractive to the stronger sex.

Tattoo portrait of a crocodile hunter

Steve Irwin is well known for a series called Crocodile Hunter, which he hosted with his wife. It was a wildlife documentary that received international acclaim. In his documentary he shows himself catching crocodiles, which attracted millions of viewers.

Because of his popularity, people began to tattoo his portrait with his mouth open and eyes wide open as a sign of amazement. The tattoo with his portrait looks great because of his short hair and unusual facial expression. Mostly do this tattoo on the arm, as well as other portrait tattoos.


Agree, it is very common to see girls of different shapes and sizes in art. They are highly regarded by artists and other creators of art. Of course, from age to age, the girl is a symbol of innocence, beauty and attractiveness. Do you know, what a girl tattoo means? Do you understand the meaning that the master puts into the image of this young talent? If not, then we will help and tell you.

Tattoo in the form of a girl on the skin is a kind of warning sign. One might even say that this sign shouts to those around it: "Watch out! This person is not to be trifled with!".

Most often such a tattoo is tattooed to people for whom such character traits as vindictiveness and cruelty are not an empty word. If you are going to impose yourself such a tattoo, be sure to familiarize yourself with its meaning! Any inscription on the body makes a change in the character of absolutely everyone.

A common tattoo is a girl depicted in the company of evil spirits. This means that the owner of such a drawing on the skin got into places of incarceration not through his own fault, but because of a particular female.

If a young girl is depicted with angelic white wings - then it is a sign of good fortune, kindness and a pure heart. Such a composition is the most successful.

If you saw a tattoo on your acquaintance, which depicts a girl horsewoman holding a torch in her hands, then immediately know: such a person is reverent about fidelity, he will never accept and will not forgive treason. If such a person gives himself to something, he does it only with a full heart. If in the hands of a girl holds a dagger with hearts strung on it, then know that such a person once loved a cheater or just a windy nature that played with the feelings of the tattoo owner.

No matter how complicated the meaning of the tattoo girl.In the tattoo parlor will always help with the choice and will inform about the meaning of the selected tattoo. The meaning of the tattoo girl on the shoulderE always has exactly the same as in the other parts of the body.

If you have chosen a tattoo, but its meaning seems to you somehow too radical, then, most likely, this meaning is interpreted for tattoos made in places not so distant. The meaning of ordinary decorative tattoos is much more loyal and free. Remember, any tattoo makes changes to the inner man, so it is very important to take the selection of such a drawing on the body as seriously and responsibly as possible.

How to choose the right artist for a portrait tattoo

Portrait tattoos require a high degree of skill and talent in drawing, which not every tattoo artist has. If you know someone who has a portrait tattoo, ask them which artist they went to.

If you choose a tattoo artist out of nowhere, ask to see examples of their work beforehand.

Most experienced tattoo artists have assembled portfolios showing samples of the work they have done. The best portfolios will have an image of the finished tattoo along with a copy of the original photo.

Portrait tattoos from West End Studios

Quality portraits can only be made by an experienced artist who has undergone fundamental training. Such artists work in the West End studio. They will implement your wishes on a tattoo portrait of a man, woman, child in accordance with the customer's sketch or a sketch developed in our studio with a high level of detail. Main provisions, which are followed by specialists in their work - quality, sense of proportion and style, elegance. Our masters can play with any idea in an original way, avoiding unsuccessful combinations. The price for a tattoo portrait depends on the size, detail, technique in which the image will be executed.


For women

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