Owl Tattoo: Who Suits Drawing (Parsing Popular Meanings)

Children of the night, that's what owls are sometimes called .. They are those birds that fly out to hunt closer to night. Winged cats that help search for treasure. At the moment. there are about 220 different species of these birds.. To meet this bird is not so difficult, sometimes in the field, you can find a nest of these amazing birds. From sunrise to sunset owls do not move, so strong is their sleep. They are very hardy and intelligent creatures. Many peoples in ancient times ascribed various magical properties to them, and also worshipped these nocturnal birds. They are extremely carnivorous animals with excellent hunting skills. Owls eat mostly small rodents, but do not mind eating fish or small reptiles. The only owl capable of eating plants is an owl-elf. Because of the large heads of owls, these birds are considered intelligent, which is why the owl has become a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. The ears of an owl are 50 times more sensitive than human ears. By the way, owls do not turn their heads to the full 360, but to 270. So what does the image of an owl tattoo mean nowadays?

The meaning of the owl tattoo

The owl tattoo is very popular in our time.

  1. The main meaning of the tattoo is wisdom or prudence. The meaning of the owl tattoo can vary depending on its details.
  2. An owl with a moon tattoo speaks of mystery and magic.
  3. Owl with a clock indicates that the person is not accustomed to wasting timeRather, such a person wishes to use every minute wisely.
  4. Tattoo of an owl with a key - indicates that the person is easy enough to achieve their goalThe tattoo of a dream catcher is a talisman of evil forces, negative energy, and bad dreams.
  5. Tattoo of an owl with a dream catcher is a talisman against evil forces, negative energy and bad dreams.

Best of all Tattoo of an owl looks in the style of realism, geometry sketch, Dotwork, watercolor, Maori.

The meaning of the owl tattoo

Very often many people choose to tattoo an owl. An owl is also an owl, it is also associated with the afterlife, mysticism, death, is a guide to the world of the dead, etc.

At the same time, it is clearly marked in the brain of people as wisdom, knowledge and erudition, but if you look at the sketches with this bird, you can see that most of them are gloomy and somehow associated with death.

We can conclude that a tattoo with an owl can mean:

  1. The mystery and mysteriousness of the wearer;
  2. His analytical mind and judgment;
  3. A talisman against any danger;
  4. The desire to connect with the mystical world of spirits;
  5. A symbol of loneliness and hermitage.

Where is the best place to apply an owl tattoo?

The image of an owl is perfect for both guys and girls. The feathery looks spectacular in any size. Most often do the emphasis on the eyes or feathers of the bird. Guys are better to apply an owl tattoo on the back, chest, calves, shoulders.

It is better for girls to apply an owl tattoo on the shoulders, ribs, back, neck, lower back. So the image will emphasize the femininity and mystique of the girl.

Do not be afraid to experiment, the owl tattoo can be both black and white and multicolored, especially if you choose a watercolor tattoo.

Choice of location and style

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This tattoo is suitable for both men and women, hence the large number of designs of different styles and orientations. If you decide to put a large owl with open wings on your body, the back or chest is the best place for this.

Often the birds on these spots are done in realism, that is, the drawings are very picturesque and realistic. If you want an owl on your hip, shoulder or forearm, it's best to go with a medium size. Of the styles will suit geometry, watercolor, graphics or the same realism - it is up to you to decide.

If you choose a small image of an owl, it is better to opt for geometry or another style, where the lines would be clearly drawn. This is due to the fact that over time, the ink can blur, and the tattoo of an owl can turn into an indistinguishable spot. Apply these images in places behind the ear, on the wrists, ankles or near the collarbones. On these places owls look very mysterious and unusual.

Interesting facts about the owl tattoo

  1. In ancient Egypt, the owl was treated very reverently, sometimes even mummified the bird.
  2. The Indians believed that the bird itself is a talisman.Its feathers were used to make various amulets and masks.
  3. In ancient Greece, the bird was believed to be a symbol of wisdom.It was considered the companion of Athena.
  4. In ancient times, the bird was believed to be magical. It was believed that the owl was associated with shamans, sorcerers and witches.
  5. In Japan, owls were treated negatively.They believed that the bird attracts evil or misfortune.

History of the owl symbol

Traditionally, an owl tattoo is associated with the dark time of day:

  • nightmares
  • The netherworld
  • Trouble and death.

For example, the Chinese still see this bird as the embodiment of evil and horror. They also believe that the owl necessarily peck out the eyes of the bird that gave it life. Do not lag behind the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire and their neighbors - the Japanese, who also believe a meeting with this bird bad sign, promising man bad luck.

The African continent treats this mystical bird no better. For example, on the island of Madagascar there is a strong belief that owls are the true companions of witches. Together they perform witchery dances on the burial grounds of people, desecrating the graves and disturbing the souls of the deceased. The symbol of the night and the freezing cold is seen in the midnight woman and the peoples of Mexico.

Inseparable in the popular consciousness and the connection of the nocturnal bird with:

  • the afterlife
  • magic
  • sorcery
  • dark rituals.
  1. Ancient Celts also considered it a messenger of imminent death.
  2. The Egyptians attributed to this nocturnal raptor the ability to walk the thin line between the world of the living and the abode of death and bring news from there.
  3. The Hindus believed it was this bird that accompanied the souls of the dead on their journey beyond.
  4. The Christian religion also saw in the owl an invariable helper of witches, sorcerers and other unclean forces.

But to be fair, it is worth noting that not all nationalities treated this mysterious bird so negatively. The most striking example is the Indians, who worshipped the owl as a symbol of wisdom and a protector from trouble and the machinations of darkness.

It is not surprising that in this culture, the image of the big-eyed bird often appeared in tattoos, as well as various amulets and amulets to ward off evil spirits. In Hindu culture, the owl represents spirituality and connection with higher cosmic forces.

In other words, the owl was an embodiment of human wisdom and learning. In this sense, the bird is inseparably connected with Athena, one of the most important goddesses of the ancient Pantheon, the patroness of knowledge and intellect.

And still this interpretation of the image is very popular. It is enough to remember the figure of the bird on books as a symbol of wisdom, or the expression "scholarly owl", sometimes applied to scientists. By the way, it is this positive meaning of the image that was imported into Russia along with other Greek traditions.

Historical note about owls

The first to give owls a negative meaning were the Chinese. It was in this state that the night raptor was ascribed associations with fear, evil forces and everything magical that the human imagination is capable of.

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All in all, this isn't very surprising, as the owl is able to move around with little to no noise. And in total darkness, only its two large eyes sparkle brightly. Also with a high probability the image of an owl was supplemented by sharp, like a knife, claws and a head that turns almost three hundred and sixty degrees.

Using the image of an owl to create beautiful tattoos

Even a simple sketch depicting a bird leading a nocturnal lifestyle looks majestic and beautiful.

The owl is the oldest symbol of wisdom and embodies the secret knowledge that mono use for the benefit of yourself and others, but do not forget that the owl is a nocturnal predator.

In the traditions of many nations and cultures, owls are attributed mystical traits that the owner of the tattoo may have.

Such images are ideal for those who seek to know the mysterious and striking splendor of the world around them, looking for harmony and inner strength.

Different interpretations of the popular image

Imagination, artists' skills and modern equipment make it possible to make the image of a big-eyed and wise bird volumetric, vivid, color or black and white, natural or stylized.

The stronger sex prefer the image of a nocturnal hunter, agile and fast, and girls usually choose romantic images, decorated with intricate patterns, symbols of love or cartoon and a bit comical pictures. People with a penchant for mysticism or who are adherents of the Gothic style prefer gloomy, dark drawings, concealing a mixture of medieval cult rituals with nightmares.

In the world's cultures.

An owl intimidates with its eyes glittering in the darkness, its silent flight, and its frighteningly coarse voice. Not surprisingly, the Chinese associated it with dark witchcraft, the world of the dead, sadness and death. The Celts considered an owl a dead bird, a harbinger of doom. In China, the bird was considered a symbol of true evil. In addition, the Chinese believed that it pecked the eyes of its parent.

However, it is worth saying that in many other cultures the owl was considered a positive symbol. In India, the owl had an exclusively positive symbolism. He was the personification of a wise man, he was used as a talisman and protector.

In ancient Greek myths and the Romans, the bird was called the servant of Athena, who patronized the best minds. The bird was also called a prophet and painted on coins. From here come all the legends of Europe, which focuses on the "learning" owl. In Russia, the owl symbolized spiritually rich and clever people.

The owl is a mysterious and unusual bird. Christians, it symbolized the unclean force, sorcerers, spirituality, godlessness. Hindus associate owl with the spirit of the cosmos. In Africa, owls are treated negatively.

Residents of Madagascar believe that owls are involved in witches gatherings, dancing on the bones of the dead. The Hindus believed that the bird accompanied those who had died to the other world. The Mexicans regarded the owl as a symbol of night, of coldness.

The Egyptians believed that it served as a guide between the world of men and the dead. The Japanese, like the Chinese, called it a harbinger of trouble. In the subculture of the Goths, it is associated with the restless soul.

Owl is perceived differently. The semantic message depends on the style in which the owl is depicted, as perceived by its owner. The bird is usually stuffed on the body of people who have such traits as mystery, wisdom. Many people have a picture printed on the skin for the reason that they like the owl itself, without putting a special meaning in the picture.

Since ancient times, the image of an owl has been used in the culture of many peoples. The first association that arises in the mind at the mention of this winged raptor will be the dark time of day.

This is probably why many people associate the owl with dark forces, evil spirits, and sometimes with wisdom.

Who is suitable? Such a symbol looks appropriate on men and girls. The choice of place rather depends on the size and type of sketch that came to your liking. The meaning of the tattoo with the image of an owl. Sketches in black and white colors are rare and are usually applied to small areas of the body: the forearm, wrist or at the base of the foot. An owl in bright, colorful or realistic colors will decorate a larger area of your body: back, shoulders, stomach. An owl with spread wings looks very effective in the center of the chest in men. Girls often apply the image of an owl head on the thighs.

Places and style of tattoo. In tattoo designs, the owl is often juxtaposed with other symbols. For example, with a clock or a skull. The eyes of the bird can be performed in the form of precious stones.

Magical and mystical meanings of the body image of an owl

The nocturnal lifestyle of owls and the harsh cries they emit help to associate these birds with otherworldly forces.

Often, in ancient fairy tales and legends, owls became the eternal companions of powerful magicians and powerful sorcerers, it also plays a role in the choice of images for tattoos.

The rather macabre interpretation of this symbol of wisdom has its origins in the ancient faith of Hinduism and has its justification. Hindus to this day believe that the nocturnal bird is the conductor of people's souls, after their death, to other worlds, so such a conductor on the body guarantees the success of this event.

About the tattoo

Since ancient times, the owl has symbolized mysticism and the embodiment of real evil. In the culture of the ancient Celts to meet an owl was considered an extremely bad omen, which indicated the onset of a black band filled with negative and terrible events.

A unique feature of birds - they are able to turn the head by one hundred and eighty degrees. Due to this ability, they observe everything that happens around them. Also, birds are great hunters, the period of activity of which falls on the dark side of the night.

Due to all these habits and unique abilities owls began to attract the attention of people. They came up with different meanings, and fans of the art of tattooing with a great willingness to portray data nocturnal predators on their bodies.

Different types of tattoos and their most common meanings

In some Indian tribes the owl was chosen as a totem animal, and the feathers of birds were considered the strongest amulets. Indians believed that if you ask a wise owl, it will provide protection for the soul in the otherworld, and modern tattoos depicted in the photo can have different meanings:

  • Wisdom and knowledge, helping to make difficult decisions on the path of life and in the most difficult periods;
  • thirst for knowledge and desire to expand the horizon of their own consciousness, enriched by the experience of their ancestors;
  • A tribute to the Greek goddess of wisdom and knowledge, Athena, who patronizes the development of science and the wise men who study them.

The Owl tattoo may signify that one seeks to see in the dark, not literally, but figuratively.

In the context of the definition, the owner of the tattoo wants to understand a certain issue and have a wealth of knowledge, to quickly navigate in a difficult situation and find inner harmony.

Where to score?

tattoo owl

The drawing can be applied to various parts of the body. For example, an owl tattoo on the chest often serves as a protective sign: it is not displayed to everyone, but covers the heart, the "receptacle of the spirit. With the same purpose drawings are applied to the back, thigh.

If a bird spreads its wings or is depicted flying or diving at prey, the image takes on an aggressive meaning. Such art is placed on the forearm, shoulder, included in the design of the sleeves. Mystics believe that the open-eye tattoo gets extra power. However, there are also supporters of the point of view that from the gaze of prying eyes tattoo turns simply into a picture.


For women

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