Tattoo octopus - meanings for girls and men, fun sketches and photo ideas

If as a body tattoo you have chosen an octopus, it is worth to get acquainted with this animal closer. Perhaps, having learned about some of its qualities, you will lose the desire to do such a tattoo. Or maybe you will lose all your doubts about it, and you will feel that this is your animal.

Around the octopus there are many myths and legends of the sea. Since ancient times it has been considered the most mysterious and unpredictable inhabitant of the water world. Since octopuses live mostly in the depths, you can meet them on the surface of the water or near the shore quite rarely. When octopuses were unknown, sailors reported seeing a strange creature with a bag-shaped head and many wriggling limbs extending from it.

Sailors can hear horror stories about how the giant octopus overturned ships and dragged the ships to the bottom. To date, scientists have identified about 100 species of octopus, and their length is no more than half a meter. But there was a well-known case when the body of a giant octopus weighing 6 tons was found. The body of the sea monster reached the height of a 3-story house, and its tentacles were more than 20 meters long.

Octopus - a multifaceted and ambiguous creature. For some it is the embodiment of beauty and wisdom, and for some it is a terrible sea creature. And what does this animal symbolize as a tattoo?

Historical application

Since ancient times, the image of the octopus was used as a tattoo by many sailors. It was believed that such an octopus would help keep the ship from wreckage and at the same time hide it from both natural troubles like storms and human factor - pirates, if the ship was peaceful and law-abiding, or on the contrary, patrols, the meeting with which was absolutely unpleasant for sea wolves. And the very existence of the octopus's protective cloaking mechanism in the form of ink ejection allowed for the perception of its image as a good amulet not only on the water.

In addition to the obvious protective function, from another point of view, the octopus in many cultures was associated with the sea god Cthulhu - and, consequently, a threat, danger and primordial power. In this case, the appearance of the octopus, applied to the body, was intended to intimidate enemies, and even cause them to be horrified by one reminder of such a mysterious almost demonic creature.

Talismans of wisdom

In the north-east of a house or a room, there is a zone responsible for knowledge, education, gaining wisdom. The most important of them are crystals, which reflect the poisonous arrows of Sha and make the negative energy disperse, and the positive energy accumulate. Before using a purchased crystal, it is necessary to recharge it with your own energy, so that it attunes to one wave with you and becomes a reliable protector of your home. This should be preceded by cleaning of the crystal from accumulated before communication with you foreign energy. The future talisman should be put for a week in salt water. You should place the crystal in a place where it is necessary to clean it. You must place the crystal in such a way that it is exposed to sunlight - then it, shining with each of its facets, will nourish life-giving Qi to everything that is around it. You can hang it on a red ribbon whose length should be a multiple of nine, i.e. 9, 18, 27 cm, etc. This is not accidental: from a Feng Shui perspective, the number 9 serves as a link between the forces of the earth and the sky, and is therefore sacred. In addition to crystals, the zone of knowledge helps activate the globe, images of a snake representing wisdom. Placement of symbols of the Earth element - ceramic, plaster, porcelain, clay products - will contribute to solving this problem. It is extremely important for the interior of this sector that there are no sharp angles.

The meaning of the octopus tattoo

In many ways, the general symbolism of this animal is directly related to those or other of its physiological parameters, distinctive features or characteristic skills.

  • 8 tentacles can be associated with the mathematical symbol of infinity, which gives the cephalopod a connection with eternity and wisdom. Often here also appears in the semantics and immortality, which is additionally indicated by as many as three hearts, working in the body of the octopus.
  • In the same way, the tentacles themselves, like the tail of a lizard, are capable of growing back in the case of damage or loss. This property attributes to the octopus not only its longevity, but also its ability to overcome difficulties and get up after heavy blows and crises. And also, given the well-developed brain structure, the presence of analytical abilities and high intelligence.
  • Disguise is available to octopuses not only through the ink cloud. In addition to this unique skill, they are also able to mimic and change color, depending literally on the mood: for example, when frightened, the octopus turns pale, merging with the environment, but in the moment of hunting blushes aggressively. The tattoo with the octopus can be considered a symbol of impermanence and variability, invulnerability and adaptability.
  • Osprats are also extremely flexible, also due to the absence of a spine. These creatures are able to fit through holes four times smaller than theirs! This brings to the semantics of the image the ability to overcome any obstacles, purposefulness and the ability to slip out of the most difficult situations.
  • The octopus is a nocturnal animal, preferring to sleep during the day and only going out to hunt in the dark. Therefore, at times, the drawing of the octopus may be appropriate for people who prefer to lead an active life at night.
  • And the last common meaning can be specified nobility and even some arrogance. Cephalopods are literally blue blood (due to the content of copper in it, rather than iron, as in humans), which many people associate with the higher ruling class.

Monsters of the seabed.

Tattoo meaning octopus
Many peoples of the world associate octopuses with the afterlife. In ancient times, these inhabitants of the depths of the sea were seen in person by few. Such an encounter greatly impressed people, and some were truly horrified. It is not necessary to forget about the unique ability of this animal to release an ink cloud in case of danger. Very often a colored tattoo of an octopus depicts just the moment of the release of ink, such images look very impressive. One of the ominous hypostasis of the animal is the Kraken. This is a mythical sea creature that lives at the bottom. This monster is depicted in different ways; sometimes we see a giant octopus, and at other times it looks more like a squid. Either way, the Kraken has long tentacles that, if the legends are to be believed, it is capable of breaking and sinking ships.

Male symbolism

It's no secret that women and men, making the choice in favor of a particular sketch for a tattoo, pursue different goals and achieve the same different results. For men, the octopus on the body is usually a symbol of agility and fortitude, luck and success. They rely on the octopus's ability to adapt in a changing environment and its flexibility and resourcefulness.

For example, the octopus can show that its owner is persistent, prepared for the trials of life, has a sharp mind and a strong will. In these pictures, the image is often monochrome, large enough and visible: on the back, shoulder or chest, less often - on the leg.

Talismans of travel, patrons, mentors, new ideas

If you want to make favorable changes in this sphere of life, to see the lands you dreamed of, to gain powerful, influential patrons, then in the northwest of your house or room you should place portraits of people you respect, good friends. It is good to hang icons in this area. Invoke positive energy in your life with crystal figures, crystals, crystal crystals, semiprecious and simple stones, objects made of them, bells.

There is in feng shui a universal, unique in its kind talisman, which will benefit absolutely in any sector. It is called a closed circle of generation of elements, which you can make with your own hands. So, the symbol of the element Wood can be a twig, Fire - a small red candle, Metal - coins or bells, Water - a vase or other vessel with water. All of these objects in any of the sectors are placed in a circle - thus the cycle, the circle of generation of the elements is closed.

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Feminine symbolism

Here we can remember first of all that the female octopus lays eggs only once in her life, in the amount of about fifteen hundred thousand eggs, and then methodically takes care of the clutch uninterruptedly for a long time: this characterizes her as a very prolific animal, concerned about the continuation of her own species. There is also a note of sacrifice, because after hatching, the emaciated female dies herself. The semantics of girls' use of this sea creature often refers to motherhood and selflessness, procreation and care.

On the other hand, we should not forget about the cleanliness of this cephalopod, which can also be indicated by wearing a drawing on the body. And unlike men, girls sketches of octopuses are often small in size, can be placed virtually at any part of the body (up to the intimate areas) and are not as strictly correspond to the realism.

Place of tattooing

The choice of a place for a tattoo always depends on the size of the appealed to you sketch and from your attitude towards this type of art. If you are not going to later shyly hide the tattoo under the clothes you have a full freedom of choice. You have the right to put a tattoo on any part of the body, but the presence of common sense and the actual location of the image is still mandatory. Otherwise, it is worth thinking about the advisability of such an action at all. Unfolded patterns with lots of details look harmoniously on the back, and can both occupy the entire area, and decorate only its part, such as the waist or shoulder blades.

No less attractive will look a sea creature on the shoulder, forearm and any part of the arm. In such a variant, preference should be given to sketches of medium or small size. Men, by the way, often design the octopus in the form of a tattoo sleeve, which allows you to beautifully arrange the mollusk tentacles around the arm. If you decide to stuff the octopus on the chest, here the popularity of this area of the body is the same in both sexes. Young ladies also place the inhabitant of the seas and oceans on the side, thigh or buttocks. Small sketches can decorate any part of the body.

Additional meanings

In addition to the common ideas invested in the image of the octopus, there are additional details that in some way specify the direction of the drawing. For example, an octopus in a hat and with a monocle will support the image of aristocracy, nobility and intelligence, while a detail in the form of the wrecked ship's hulk will indicate the host's menace and danger.

From another point of view, there is a special sphere in which each tattoo is assigned its own special meaning. This is the realm of the prison: the "language" of prisoners capable of body art to convey both the character and biography of the offender is unlikely to have any analogues. And in prison symbolism, the octopus is often given the following qualities: cunning, elusiveness, and intuition. He is preferred by gamblers and thieves.

In this way, the octopus is an extremely ambiguous animal, and as many ideas and thoughts can be carried in a tattoo with his image. Nowadays, such a rare image is usually used infrequently, but with unwavering thoughtfulness and thoroughness. The bearers of drawings with an octopus can show by this both the originality of thinking, and the subtlety of approach, and certainly the simple aesthetics of the animal is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.


Ambiguity, versatility and the peculiar appearance of the clam allows you to boldly vary with techniques and color execution, as well as boldly fantasize and create amazing drawings. Any style design as a result of the work done will pleasantly surprise you. Realism, new skool, oriental, neo-tradition, watercolor or work in the Japanese style - any direction is able to convey the mood and symbolism of the sketch. In this case everything depends only on your taste and desire.

Whatever kind of octopus sketches you prefer, the main thing is the symbolism of the tattoo. As you could see, such drawings are endowed with a very broad meaning. However, this fact does not mean that you can not put in the tattoo its individual meaning and emphasize the inherent qualities or attitudes that are unique to you.


For women

For men