Snake tattoo - how to choose a drawing, meaning for men and girls, creative photos on the arm, leg, hip, neck, back, shoulder

All over the world, snake tattoos on the body are not uncommon. They are applied to the body of many people around the globe. Since ancient times, the body drawing helps a person, stimulates him to obtain positive qualities and missing skills. The tattoo, which depicts a snake, is in demand by certain people. They are people born in the year of the snake or fans of this reptile.

In every culture the meaning of the snake tattoo is different: some nationalities believe that the snake carries negative qualities, others - positive, but no one remains indifferent to it.

Ancient sacred sign - snake tattoo

In different cultures, a common symbolism acts in different peculiar hypostasis. The immortal serpent, eating its own tail, refers to a legend dating back to the origins of ancient Egyptian civilization. It is associated with the cyclical and eternal movement of life.

In Greece, the reptile was identified with the goddess of the moon, signifying the great Knowledge of the mysteries of death and birth. This is also where the famous medical symbol originated.

In the Indian state, snakes were the guardians of shrines and treasures, their saliva turned into precious stones. And in Japan, the snake represents all the positive feminine qualities, so this appeal to the lady will be appreciated as a nice compliment.

Good or evil?

The snake wrapped around the bowl has become a symbol of medicine and healing for a reason. The historical roots of this image take us back to ancient Greece, where the patroness of healing, Isis, is depicted with a snake wrapped around her. Greek legends say that the god of medicine Asclepius saw a snake on his staff and killed the innocent animal. But suddenly another appeared, it brought a magical herb in its mouth and resurrected a dead tribeswoman. Asclepius used this herb to resurrect a young prince, the son of the local king. The main character - a seafarer from an ancient Egyptian tale is miraculously saved after a shipwreck and finds himself on a beautiful tropical island.

Snake on your leg, realism
The realism of the snake tattoo on the leg

A huge snake is the first living creature he saw when he opened his eyes. It bestowed everything on the traveler: health, food, riches. And when the time expired, he returned to his homeland, to his wife and children. The Abyssinian legends also mention a huge snake. The role of the guardian of the home was also assigned to this reptile. Excavations of Pompeii helped to find images of snakes on the walls of houses, which was sure to give peace and health to the inhabitants of the house. Recall that they shed their old skin every year. That is why it is also considered a symbol of rebirth and eternal youth.

Myths and legends warn of unkind manifestations of the snake character. Medusa-Gorgon's head was crowned with snakes that carried doom and evil. Gorynych, of course, was more of a dragon, but his name hints otherwise. The king of serpents Basilisk in Slavic mythology also had no placid temper. The well-known Chimera is a creature whose parents were none other than Typhon, a monster with many snake heads, and Echidna, a female snake.

A snake curls around a flower
A snake wrapped around a flower.

What does the image signify

This kind of body painting is filled with the meaning of infinity, infinite renewal, as well as destructive power and temptation. It is also a reflection of good and evil, wisdom and tranquility. Nakolka has a meaning:

  1. A protective talisman.
  2. Rebirth, rebirth.
  3. The mystery of personality.
  4. Attraction, carnal desire, fertility.
  5. Benevolence towards nature.
  6. Tolerance in difficult situations.
  7. Ability to bring harm.

Although today, many people look at the tattoo as an artistic creation and do not adhere to strict rules, simply preferring the version they like. Especially since the sign is two-faced, and everyone understands it differently.

Snake tattoo - meaning and sketches for girls and men

Images on the body - tattoos, should not be perceived only as a work of art. Each of them is deeply symbolic and can carry a negative or positive meaning.

Today the meanings of many tattoos accepted in the criminal world are almost completely forgotten. Because of this sometimes occur rather unpleasant mishaps, when, for example, young guys of athletic build and obviously with a normal traditional sexual orientation come to the tattoo parlor and order a tattoo depicting a snake, twisting the figure of a naked girl. They may also be asked to inscribe the name of their beloved underneath the design. In prison it is a symbol of a passive homosexual.

In general, the choice of tattoos with the image of a snake should be treated with caution. This symbol has a certain, one might say, duplicity. The snake on the tattoo, depending on its appearance and surroundings, has both negative and positive meaning. And not only in the criminal world, but also in modern esotericism and mysticism. Criminal authorities often tattoo images of a snake crawling out of the eye socket of a skull or enveloping the blade of a sword or dagger. This is almost the same drawing in the early periods of culture of many eastern nations made themselves famous warriors.

In some combinations, the snake in the picture symbolizes the frailty of all that is happening and should remind the owner and those around him that nothing is forever in this world. Typically, in such drawings, the remnants of human bones serve as a background. In a mystical sense, this tattoo symbolizes that the world has a beginning and an end. In this version, the snake must hold an apple in its mouth as a symbol of the beginning of life, and the human bones denote nothing less than its completion. The same meaning is given to the serpent perched on the crown, carved on the forearm and in the area of the abdomen.

Such versatile interpretations of images on the same animal tattoo have deep historical roots. First of all, it is connected with the complete opposite of the attitude to the snake in different ancient peoples. In some civilizations, the snake is a symbol of wisdom and fertility. In others - the personification of evil forces. That is why those who wish to do a tattoo depicting the snake should be careful in choosing the composition of the drawing and the background of the image. Be sure to consult with the ring before ordering a particular tattoo.

Connecting with Objects

Reptile with a dagger means confronting flaws and weaknesses. The second interpretation is the destruction of the old to gain something new. This is a good amulet, which is beneficial to the energy. The snake, coiled around the handle, symbolizes medicine, so the sign is common among workers in this field.

The composition of the reptile with a rose states wise contemplation or struggle with negative traits. The passionate beauty of the flower is enhanced by the snake's appearance and appears as a symbolic statement of eternal love as opposed to infidelity. The snake looks great surrounded by flower buds and petals - it's tenderness, a bright mind with a positive charge.

The skull represents the otherworldly forces, reminding of the inexorable end and emphasizing the insidious intentions and malice.

The appearance of the individual is directly related to the interpretation:

  • the calm reptile is associated with intelligence and poise;
  • Open mouth implies clear aggression;
  • a snake with an apple suits a tempter and seducer
  • crown and sword - an urge for power.

An individual with a cross - spiritual victory over the flesh. People who have a non-traditional sexual orientation, stabbing the serpent, which entwines the naked maiden.

Choosing a sketch

Many people worry about finding a good sketch, seeking to find a decent artist to create an image of the future tattoo. After all, it is much more pleasant to know that your tattoo is unique. But if for you the question of uniqueness is not crucial, you can find a sketch with the help of the Internet. What will be your snake tattoo? Photos of tattoos, ready-made sketches, sketches and sketches of snakes are common enough on the Internet. Many tattoo artists are happy to help their clients find a sketch. The choice is only up to you.

So, to summarize. There are several ways to get a sketch for your perfect tattoo.

  1. Get a ready-made snake sketch from the internet.
  2. Take a ready-made sketch and based on it come up with your own.
  3. Use as a sketch a photo of the snake you would like to see as a tattoo.
  4. Contact an artist to draw you a sketch.
  5. Contact a tattoo artist. More often than not, tattoo artists are great at drawing and helping clients with the selection of sketches.

Important! A snake tattoo, the sketch of which is chosen on the Internet, can be in a large number of people. To avoid this happening, it is better to take care that the sketch for your tattoo is unique.

Sketch of a snake tattoo in a crown
Snake in the crown - a tattoo sketch

Men's tattoos

By stuffing the image, a man wants to have certain qualities of the animal. A man's possession is emphasized:

  1. Bravery.
  2. Cautiousness and equanimity.
  3. Mental equilibrium.
  4. Kindness and justice.
  5. The urge to rule.

Not in last place is the environment of the main character. A large picture is a longing to show that the owner's nature has fully adopted the serpent's characteristics. The right sketch will successfully emphasize the muscular relief of the torso.

Localization of the tattoo

Where is better to get a tattoo, on the arm or shin, neck or back? Will a tattoo bring good luck if it is not done according to feng shui? There is no clear instruction, but scientists long ago proved that the method of self-confidence is one of the most effective in psychology. In other words - if you want a tattoo to bring something new into your life, it is enough just to believe in it.


I am very afraid of snakes. At one point I decided it was time to give it up and got myself a tattoo with this animal. My fears are gone and the girls like my tattoo.

Makar, Sevastopol

Typical old school style snake and rose tattoo
Popular snake tattoo with a rose in the old school style


When I pulled myself together and got a snake tattoo on my ankle, my husband was a little shocked. I never told him I wanted a tattoo. Now he sometimes talks to the tattoo on my leg, calls it affectionately Snakey-snakey. I'm planning another tattoo - a portrait of a lion on my back, my husband will not say anything.

Maya, Saransk

Women's Choice

On a girl's body the picture is associated with sexuality and grace, indicating the presence of the hostess:

  • cunning and calculating;
  • dexterity;
  • keen intelligence;
  • devotion to the chosen one;
  • cold-blooded stamina and confidence.

The paired, intertwined snakes are applied by lovers or spouses. The spiral-shaped individual around the hand protects the wearer. Usually girls choose one small fragment adorning the wrist in the form of a bracelet or area behind the ear.

Where to stuff it.

Beautiful tattoos depicting snakes decorate a variety of places on the body of true fans of the art of "ink and blood". Nevertheless, there are the most successful locations, which can be conditionally divided into male and female.

To the popular "male" places we shall refer the following:

  • Neck;
  • Forearm;
  • Back;
  • Scapulae;
  • The back of the hand.

Girls may be offered these options:

  • Thigh;
  • Shoulder;
  • Abdomen;
  • Lower back;
  • Ankle;
  • Finger;
  • Wrist.

Where are tattooed more often

The reptile with its sinuous configuration does not hold back the imagination, which makes it possible to apply it to any area of the figure, starting with small elements and ending with huge specimens curling all over the body. The snake flowing over the shoulder looks spectacular and original, accentuating the beautiful curves of a woman's or the power of a man's arm. The symbol is suitable for both sexes.

The thigh will allow to reproduce, as a large-scale canvas, as well as to realize the idea of location on the front, side and even back of the thigh. The reptile can seamlessly wrap around the leg, highlighting its slimness. Such an image on a woman's ankle will give an elegant expression. The tattoo is also printed on the chest, back, stomach and ribs. The variation on the neck is interesting.

Popular places to apply

The Snake tattoo is a versatile drawing capable of fitting into any space and appearing or popping up in the most unexpected places. And yet the most popular locations of tattoos with its image is the forearm of the hands, where it is able to wrap in a few coils and thus create a bracelet.

The most daring and fanatical adherents of the art of body art put her image on the head, the snake as if crawling out of the neck area and moving towards the face above the ear. Such a tattoo looks very bold and provocative, at the same time this part of the head must be shaved. If you grow your hair long enough to hide it, then you can go to the office without any problems.

All areas of the skin on the human body can be used as a canvas under the tattoo, except for some nuances, men do not put the snake on the lower back (unless it takes the whole back), this place is considered purely female.

Manner of execution

The textured snakeskin looks great and realistically transferred to the volumetric painting. Each scale is traced by the master separately, so the real masterpieces come out, similar to the photo. Sketches are made both monochrome and color. Any variant is characterized by originality and uniqueness. It is especially preferable to use:

  • red;
  • orange;
  • gold;
  • green;
  • coral;
  • gray.

Professionals use different styles in their work: watercolor, graphics and other modern trends. The structural realization of the skin creates a striking effect. Snakes turn out expressive, almost alive in appearance. The point of location does not play a role, the main thing is not to be held hostage, feeling the iron grip of the reptile.

The meaning of the snake tattoo: the most unusual interpretations

According to legend, in ancient times, the snake was considered the center of the Galaxy, and therefore it was not left without attention. Many old tribes admired the grace, hypnotic charm, lightning attack and flawless flair. Even now, watching on television scientific and educational programs about snakes, you can see how snake calculates every move, and the steps of the victim he knows as if in advance. Snake venom is not only a dangerous toxin, but also a terrific, effective medicine. In the Bible, the serpent is a source of seduction, knowledge and sexuality. Since different countries perceive the image of the snake differently, the interpretation of the body image should be based on religion, location, color of the snake and the composition as a whole. Remember the lines from the work "Memory" by N. Gumilev:

"Only serpents shed their skins, To make the soul grow old and grow. We, alas, are not like snakes, We change souls, not bodies..."

So the snake tattoo with renewed skin symbolizes resurrection, rebirth and youth. Such a tattoo characterizes the wearer as a person who has radically reconsidered his position in life. A symbol of permanence, infinity and eternity is a body circular tattoo, where the snake swallows its tail. Fiery snakes mean welfare, and the cobra is generally considered a drawing of the Goddesses.

Spectacular snake tattoos with flowers

Heavenly life, harmony with himself and the world around him - so interpreted natal composition with flowers, around which obvivivaetsya snake. The snake, hidden in a flower, holds a special mystery. Looking at this tattoo, you begin to wonder whether this cold-blooded animal is going to attack or just peacefully basks in the sun, gently swaying on a flower trunk.

Snake tattoos for men: incredible body art

Despite some aggression in the behavior of many snakes, men prefer to use its image as the main drawing in the overall natal composition. It is not uncommon to see a snake crawling over a human skull on a male body. Another popular male option was the image of the jellyfish Gorgon, whose hair is a snake.

Place for the tattoo

The location of a snake tattoo depends on the size of the sketch. Small pictures can be placed on almost any part of the body - on the fingers, wrist, forearm or behind the ear. Most often, tattoos of a small size are chosen by girls - they add a certain mystery and elegance to the owner.

Large tattoos of snakes more often do in the traditional or Japanese style. They are tattooed by both men and women on all sorts of body parts that have a large surface area for drawing. Japanese snake tattoos can be located on a person's arms, legs, back, chest and abdomen. Often the snakes wind around the arms or legs, moving to neighboring parts of the body. For example, one of the classic variants of tattoos in men begins on the chest and moves to the shoulder. Such tattoos are difficult to hide, and their owners are not particularly eager to do so.

Snakes in the traditional or old-school style are smaller in size than Japanese snakes. Often they are depicted with other symbols, such as a dagger, skull or flowers.

Snake tattoo: photo of colored variants

In a colored natal drawing in the form of a snake rather spectacularly looks the drawing of each scale. The color of the snake chooses the person himself, who dreams to see a beautiful cold-blooded creature on his body. Green, golden, gray, orange, red, blue snake can be performed in a monochrome version, and can be presented in the form of transitions through all the colors of the rainbow.


For women

For men