Tattoo Anubis the god of Egypt. Meaning, designs, photo tattoos for men, women

Egyptian tattoos amulets: meaning of basic + connection with the afterlife + protective tattoo for mother and child + quick healing + aspects of human behavior before and after the protective tattoo + real life example.

Egyptian amulets applied to areas of the body protect a person from adversity, negative outside energy, enemies and their evil intent.

The tattoo is able to attract good luck, happiness and fortune to its owner. The first images in Ancient Egypt were dots and lines drawn on the body depicting energy flows for vitality.

Egyptian amulets and their meaning

In addition, tattoo amulets of Egyptian Gods are considered particularly sacred, symbolizing power in conjunction with the divine power of the bearer of the image. However, among the images symbolizing the mind, beauty, strength, there are a number of tattoo amulets protecting their owner from various troubles and diseases. They also include drawings of gods, animals and inanimate objects.

Tattoos and their meanings: 4 types of drawings with magical meanings

1) Anubis

Mystical and unexplored deity of the ancient country through which the great Nile flows, is ranked as the patron of the dead and ruler of the afterlife, guardian of tombs and mummies.

The deity with a jackal's head is a kind of mediator for all the dead who need to find themselves in the other world. Anubis appears as the keeper of poisons and all kinds of medicines, making his capabilities limitless, and current psychiatrists consider him their patron.

The ancient deity rewarded or, condemned for various deeds not only the human race, but also other deities, which allows to judge by the tattoo owner that he knows everything and about everyone, has the power to repay for misdeeds and exploits. There is a theory that the Egyptian Anubis is identified with Jesus Christ, helping sinless souls to get to heaven.

There are usually three main colors in the depiction of God:

  • green - symbol of resurrection;
  • black - connection to the afterlife;
  • white - the bandages on the mummy.

There are drawings where he is depicted in the pose of a standing mummy.

A) Designation of Anubis for male and female

For males, the padding of Anubis has the following meanings:

  • Agreeing to sacrifice one's life for what is dearest;
  • the search for a personal path in life;
  • belonging to a certain kind of profession;
  • protection from distress and disease;
  • fascination with the culture of the land of the pyramids.

For women, values often overlap with male values:

  • a difficult time in life;
  • protective tattoo;
  • a long search for one's life path;
  • professional activities;
  • purposefulness;
  • absence of fear.

Anubis gives confidence, helps to determine the further choice, indicates to which side of the soul to listen - the light or dark.

B) Deciphering for prisoners

For prisoners, the picture of God has no special or hidden meaning, except that it looks very intimidating. However, some use it in case of a difficult choice - not to give up criminal activity after prison or to take the path of correction.

The use of the tattoo of Anubis on the body, according to some reports, brings its owner a lot of trouble and misfortune, which is exactly the opposite of the statement about the tattoo of the amulet Anubis. Before stuffing a drawing of a deity, its future bearer should weigh all the positive and negative qualities of the artifact.

2) The Eye of Horus

In ancient times, Ouajet protected its bearer from black forces and evil spirits, and was an instrument of protection and healing. It could be stuffed both by ordinary peasants and pharaohs. God Horus was always depicted with the body of a man but with the head of a falcon, was considered the patron of the sky, the sun and the power of the pharaohs.

He lost his left eye in a battle with the god Seth and was depicted on mummies to count on resurrection. The image on the body protects against the evil eye and black spoilage, makes a person feel part of the deity, get into the essence of various things that happen on the planet.

A stuffed artifact is able to attract good luck, receive healing, develop clairvoyance and insight. It is also auspicious:

  • finding the right path in life;
  • success in business and career;
  • the skillful management of subordinates;
  • rapid achievement of goals;
  • protection against external manipulation.

Important: it is believed that if there is a drawing from an evil or envious person, the latter will bring his surroundings a lot of trouble.

Meaning for prisoners

For those serving a sentence, the tattoo has an individual meaning. An eye in a triangle on the wrist or thigh indicates that the person belongs to the lesbian, bisexual or gay, transgender community. On the back, a tattoo indicates close contact between the inmate and the prison administration. When placed on the eyelids - appears to be a secret observer of those around him.

3) The cat goddess, Bastet.

Such a tattoo was applied to the body only by people of the rich class, endowed with power, the priests of this goddess. The animal was endowed with extraordinary powers, its image is in the tombs of kings and pyramids of pharaohs, as a protector from the black forces.

The artifact of Bastet gives its owner many meanings:

  • elegance, beauty and grace;
  • impregnability, pride and willfulness;
  • cunning, combined with cunning and deceit;
  • providence and friendliness;
  • tenderness and compassion;
  • nobility and independence.

For women the goddess is the guardian of family happiness.

4) The mother goddess Isis.

Her name translates to "She who is at the throne" and is considered one of the most significant divine female figures in the pantheon, the embodiment of femininity and beauty, the ideal wife, and a symbol of marital fidelity. The mother goddess became the ideal of motherhood, was the patroness of children, protected the destitute and the dead, and was a confidante of rulers. Often applied with arms open, simultaneously being the wings.

When Isis went in search of her husband killed by the god of evil Seth, she had to dress in rags to get into the king's palace. Seeing his maids at the well, the woman braided the girls' hair, which had never been done before, and sprinkled incense on them, which was also new to Egypt. Noticing the order in the maids' attire, the queen invited Isis to be her son's tutor.

A tattoo applied to the body would become a talisman not only for the mother, but also for her children, would ward off numerous misfortunes and troubles, dangerous diseases. The image will help a woman in domestic matters and child-rearing, prevention and cure of diseases.

Sometimes the image of the goddess Isis is positioned as a tattoo of the winged goddess Maat - the adherent of truth and true justice, prudence and unity. In the beginning, Maat existed in beliefs in the form of an abstract phenomenon, but afterwards she acquired a family and became the protector of family happiness and children.

5) The Scarab

The scarab dung beetle was worshipped by the Egyptians as a divine insect. The incubation of the male on the eggs laid by the female and the rolling of the perfect ball of dung with the eggs in it into the river, where the little beetles were born, was interpreted by the ancient Egyptians in two hypostases. On the one hand, the scarab is a bearer of life and helps raise the dead, which was especially revered by the inhabitants of the Lower and Upper Nile. On the other hand, by rolling the ball from east to west, the beetle repeats the motion of the great Sun - rolling the solar ball.

The tattoo signifies the abandonment of something old and symbolizes the beginning of a new life. The scarab protected the pure souls of the dead on their journey to the underworld. Such an ornament could only be worn by the nobility, who did not consider the spirit world a scary place, in their opinion, it was the beginning of a more exciting life.

A) Designation of the Scarab for young men and women

For both sexes, the beetle represents wisdom, eternal youth, striving for a new life, achieving high goals.

For women, he gives perfection, beauty, idealized with the future mother, the protector of the family home and children. The image on the right shoulder helps to achieve a high financial position, the left - to become a good diligent wife. The tattoo also helps to heal from infertility, if a woman has such a disease and to preserve her youth for a long time.

B) Interpretation for prisoners

In places of incarceration, the working beetle has a completely different meaning and characterizes its bearer as a thief. It is considered a symbol of thief's luck.

6) The Ankh cross.

The ancient papyri identified the cross as a symbol of man's eternal existence, the union of the masculine and feminine principles. Inhabitants of the land of pyramids considered the Ankh as a kind of key with which you can open the doors to the other, otherworldly world. The cross-key served as a powerful amulet for members of the nobility, but over time began to be used by the lower social strata as well. If the Ankh was applied to a person's body, it protected him from disease, and quickly cured if a disease developed.

What does the cross tattoo mean - 7 options

It is believed that the printed tattoo protects the bearer from various dangers, fills a person with life energy, preserves marital relations, family happiness and health, protects against machinations of unknown black forces.

In the guise of a falcon

In another version, the god is depicted in the form of a falcon, which flies high into the sky, reaching the sun itself. Such a symbol is a guide to the realm of the dead and symbolizes spiritual purification. Such a tattoo is a powerful energy filter with which the wearer can avoid reacting to negative phenomena and maintain mental balance. The strong bird with its gaze symbolizes the ability of man to observe and control the course of events, not allowing opponents to ruin plans.

Tattoo with the god Ra can be stuffed as a patron, illuminating the path of life. The bearer of such a tattoo is able to see clearly what is happening, to distinguish the truth from lies and not to get into adventurous stories. Wax drawing functions as a talisman and amulet, helping its owner to translate ideas into life, without succumbing to the influence of others.

Sometimes Ra is depicted as the Phoenix, which rises from the ashes. As a bird that burns in the fire, Ra transforms the day into night, gradually taking the light from the Earth, and with the dawn returns it. This tattoo symbolizes the ability to overcome obstacles and find a way out of the most difficult situations. The owner of such a tattoo has a strong character, inflexibility and vitality. It communicates to those around him that there is no challenge that he can't handle. The tattoo is a kind of challenge to the world.

What do I need to know when applying Egyptian tattoo amulets?

Choosing a tattoo amulet for application on the body, it is necessary to stop on one of them and to decide, why exactly this artifact has attracted attention of the future owner. To do this, the masters advise to adhere to the following conditions:

  1. Having become interested in some way, it is necessary to study all the information about its origin, protective properties.
  2. Egyptian tattoos are conditioned by many small, but very important details that must be taken into account.
  3. If white spots are found during the selection, Egyptologists should be consulted to clarify them.
  4. When applying the image, its location on a part of the body should be taken into account.
  5. Before visiting the studio or salon, it is not advisable to drink alcohol, use antibiotics. Also, do not come if you are sick or weak.
  6. Before the beginning of the session, you must have a good night's sleep, have breakfast and take a restorative shower.

A tattoo amulet performed incompetently will become, at best, a usual picture and, at worst, will bring a lot of troubles and misfortunes. Mankind has not yet learned the secrets of Egyptian artifacts.

Slavic amulets runes: 4 varieties

The origin of the Slavic tattoos

According to history, the Slavs from ancient times put on their bodies special tattoos in the form of runes and symbols that served them for:

  • denoting affiliation with a particular tribe or community, each of which had its own totem animal or plant;
  • protection against the evil influences of the world and the wrath of the pagan gods;
  • worship of a particular earthly deity, such as spirits of the forest or house spirits;
  • recording key events and important stages in their lives.

The very images of Old Slavic patterns and runes were created by the magi (pagan priests), and only they were allowed to put a tattoo on someone's body.

Nowadays the appearance of these symbols has not changed and is often found among the sketches of Slavic tattoos.

Quite popular are tattoos with images of pagan gods, but most of these images were drawn already in modern times. In the process of their creation the extant oral descriptions of each representative of the Slavic pantheon and some totem statues of the ancient world were taken into consideration.

What will be the human behavior before and after the protective tattooing?

A person's life and behavior after getting a protective tattoo changes noticeably. The table gives aspects of a person's behavior before and after the artifact is applied.

Susceptibility to diseaseQuick healing or lack of illness
Lack of family happinessFamily relations normalized
Low financial positionWelfare Improvement

Alexander Buran presents a video about the meaning of the Egyptian Cat tattoo:

Advantages and disadvantages of the amulet

The presence of positive qualities in the tattoo, undoubtedly, but there are also negative ones. The table shows the pros and cons of Egyptian amulets.

Protection from illnesses, prevention of troubles.Improperly executed amulet can bring bad luck
The belief in the artifactBlind amulet worship
Reliance on the amuletThe presence of fatalism

Egyptian amulets protect their owners from misfortune and disease, increase prosperity, help take care of children, establish family relationships. Their protective properties are manifested in both men and women. When choosing a tattoo amulet, it is necessary to study its origin and opposition to negativity.

The designation of the tattoo of Anubis on the leg

As mentioned earlier, the tattoo of Anubis on the leg is more often applied by representatives of professions related to medicine, and people who have already found their way and just follow it. However, in the first case, it is necessary to take into account that the image of Anubis is poorly combined with the classic image of medicine in the form of a snake, entwining a goblet.

The tattoo of the deity on the leg is recommended to do people with a strong will or those who want to have it. It shows that the person stands firmly on the ground and has a connection and with the other world. It is best to place the drawing of the tattoo on the lower leg, and for girls it is quite suitable the thigh part.

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For women

For men