Tattoo nun - symbolism of the image, sketches with a cross, a cigarette, a gun, locations and interesting photos of works

A beautiful female face in a nun's cloak, with a cross and a rosary, in a praying pose or with eyes covered, gazing at us tenderly from another's body. This sketch will surely remain in the memory, because the nun tattoo occurs not so often, but always performed as gracefully and in detail. And the deep meaning of the portrait leads to philosophical reflections, besides the aesthetic pleasure.

How did the nuns tattoo appear?

Religious symbolism at all times was one of the most important objects of art. Tattoo art is not an exception, here you can find many works devoted to this or that tradition. In addition to texts of prayers or religious paraphernalia, portraits of nuns or saints are sometimes inscribed. These images serve as amulets, such as Jesus, Mother Teresa, or some unknown nun, beautiful and lofty.

In Christianity, portraits of Catholic nuns, who are considered sacred brides of Christ on earth, are common. Although the church has never approved of this type of body painting, the popularity of this theme is growing by the day.

In fact, it is not written in any statute that the tattoo of a nun is a sin, but the art that means excess and embellishment of the flesh is condemned. After all, a man should be pure in body and soul. However, drawings with monks and nuns gained popularity back in the 19th century.

The meaning of the nun tattoo

This is quite a contradictory drawing in terms of meaning. You can safely consider it a provocation, judge for yourself:

  • we see beautiful, seductive women in nun's clothing;
  • often the nun smiles, looks invitingly, with a romantic gaze;
  • The portrait is almost always surrounded by various symbols of beauty and tenderness;
  • A praying nun is quite sexy and cool, etc.

The nun tattoo itself is a symbol of purity, faith, commitment to the institution of the church. The bearer of the tattoo clearly has reverence for the church hierarchy, respects nuns who leave worldly pleasures in the name of high ideals. These women devote their lives to God and service to people, prayer and labor. Apparently, such a tattoo of a nun is a peculiar position of a person, which he wants to demonstrate.

So why does this good image often look contradictory? The matter is in the contrast of meanings, in the details, the shades of the palette. As if the artist unwittingly admired the woman and emphasized her beauty, contrary to the strictness of religious norms. Nuns come with expressive eyes, sensual lips.

It is important to think through the details when choosing such a drawing. The fact is that often nun tattoos are stabbed by criminals in prisons who make a mockery of morality and religion. And in this way they recognize each other in the crowd.

If a nun tattoo is made in a cartoon style, with a hint of debauchery or blatantly pornographic - this person clearly does not respect the church and faith. But many people choose this theme nowadays simply for aesthetic reasons, and this should be taken into account, not to attribute people religiousness, which they have never been.

Variants of the nun tattoo

Today you can find a variety of versions of such drawings:

- A nun with a barbed wire on her head, crying;

  • praying woman with a rosary and a cross;
  • With doves, flowers, plants;
  • A nun with a skull (philosophical meaning);
  • girl and the devil (a sign of atheism, a departure from the Christian worldview or recognition of the duality of existence);
  • eyeless nun, blind (unwillingness to see evil, choice in favor of good);
  • the satirical portrayal of a nun (criminal implications, mockery of faith);
  • a girl with a church or the attributes of religion.

The color scheme is more often monochrome. White puts the accents and black and gray tones painted portrait. The style is often realistic, because we are talking about a portrait.

Popular variations of the nun tattoo

  • Nun and skull - one of the popular variations of the tattoo. Usually the skull is depicted blurred as a background. The nun has clear contours. The tattoo is performed in a realistic manner. Such a compositional group carries philosophical overtones. A certain stage of life is passed, and now the person has found the way to faith. For such a tattoo, a gradient of black is used. The white color is set only accents.
  • A nun and the devil is a popular tattoo among ardent atheists. Most often it is tattooed on men between the ages of 30 and 40. The double meaning of the tattoo can be deciphered as a complete departure from the standard Christian outlook. A man who chooses a nun and the devil as a body image, wants to show that he understands the duality of the world, but can only hope for himself.
  • A nun with an eyesore or no eyes at all. As strange as it may seem, such a tattoo is preferred to do girls. The semantic load of such an image is not a blind faith, but just a considered approach to this life. People who choose the image of a nun without eyes want to show that they do not want to see the evil of this life and perceive all the troubles of life easily.
  • The cartoon nun is symbolic of the prison world. Convicts prefer to openly demonstrate their disdain for religion. By putting such an image on the body, they openly declare that they live outside the law, not only of the written, but also of the sacred.
  • A nun with church attributes is one of the most adequate tattoos of the genre. Such a tattoo also carries double meaning, but more positive than negative. This tattoo is mainly done by adults of both sexes.

Did you know? Almost all variations of the nun tattoo are low-color. Even the most caricatured images of this servant of the church are performed in a maximum of three colors. This fact suggests that even the most irreligious people do not dare to test their fate and make tattoos with a nun ornate and colorful.

A nun on the shoulder as a tattoo
Nun on the shoulder as a tattoo

Tattoo of a nun: general meaning

The classic nun tattoo means that a person has taken a vow to create goodness and joy on earth. Such people understand the true essence of being, do not accept evil and violence, give themselves to others without the rest. The owners of a tattoo with a nun are indifferent to worldly pleasures, they do not depend on material goods and comfort.

The sacred minister symbolizes inner peace and tranquility. A man with such a tattoo has found the highest level of spirituality. He is devoid of all evaluations and accepts life in all its manifestations. A tattoo with a nun indicates that the person stopped fighting the forces of good and evil, seeking the truth and accepted humility before God.

Also, the tattoo can communicate that its wearer has reconsidered life and repents of his past thoughts. Such people ask for forgiveness from higher forces and want to purify the soul. The image of a nun in this case symbolizes the beginning of a new life.

In the modern tattoo industry, many interpretations of the nun's body image have appeared. Additional elements radically change the meaning of the tattoo, giving it sometimes not the best meaning.

A nun with irony on her face indicates that the person does not believe in religion and has lost moral values. For such people, notions of good and evil are erased, they do not trust others and tend to see only the dark side of things.

The tattoo with the blind nun symbolizes full selflessness, pure thoughts and the absence of selfish motives. The owners of such a tattoo are intent on God, in their actions rely on intuition and trust the higher forces.

The priestess with bloody tears indicates severe mental pain, suffering and a desire to let go of their worries. If the nun looks exhausted and weak, then the person has gone through a difficult journey of life and seeks to find peace through spiritual repentance.

The angry expression on the face of a nun indicates the unwavering views of the owner of the tattoo. Such people think with their heads and are skeptical of religion. The nun depicted next to the demon speaks of an inner contradiction. People who put on such a body painting cannot find a balance. They believe in God, but, at the same time, succumb to the temptations of the devil.

The cynical grin of the devotee indicates an ironic attitude toward religion and spiritual values. A person with such a tattoo has his own worldview and does not like to be part of the system. A common tattoo is a nun with naked body parts. Such a tattoo indicates the duality of nature and inconsistency of thought of its owner.

Classic tattoo with a nun symbolizes:

  • inner peace and tranquility;
  • renunciation of worldly life and rejection of earthly pleasures;
  • achieving a high level of spirituality;
  • Service to God and people.

Meaning of the nun tattoo

The nun tattoo is considered one of the most controversial. Its meaning is very vague and is interpreted in different classes of the population in its own way. The classic version of the nun tattoo represents a person's purity, his commitment to the spiritual life. People tattooing church servants want to show their respect for these personalities. They understand that each person's work is important, despite their position in society and social status. After all, the nuns, in retreating from worldly affairs, seek the patronage of the church, and want to devote their entire lives for the good of humanity.

More and more often you can find online photos of nun tattoos combined with other church attributes, such as a cross or a rosary. Such a tattoo means that its owner wants to show his religious position.

Tattoo of a nun with puffy lips
Tattoo of a nun with plump lips

Tip. In order not to get into trouble, you need to choose not only the theme of the tattoo itself, but also the style of its application. After all, very often the nuns are tattooed by convicts. This is how inmates want to show that they are above the church and its regulations. By prison standard nun tattoos, former inmates can easily identify each other. The sketch of a prison nun tattoo usually depicts a caricature of her rather than a real woman. She may sneer and look downright obscene.

Nun with barbed wire and tears
Nun with barbed wire and tears

Tattoo Meaning for Men

For men, the nun symbolizes selflessness and taking full responsibility for themselves and their loved ones. Young men with such a body drawing have mercy and are ready to help everyone in need. They have a huge heart and an open soul. They do not accumulate anger and resentment, capable of easily forgiving their abusers.

Meaning of tattoos for girls

Women who get tattoos with a nun have incredible dedication and are willing to do the most desperate things to protect their families and loved ones from danger. A nun for girls is a symbol of protection and intercession. Girls with such a tattoo will not stand aside when they see abuse of people and animals. They will try to help the victim, even if it will cost them their own lives.

The owners of such tattoos contemplate the world in all its multifacetedness. They understand the true essence of people and accept them with all their flaws. A nun for girls means deep understanding of the world, awareness and spiritual maturity.

How Nuns Tattoos Appeared

Religious symbolism at all times has been one of the most important objects of art. Tattoo art is not an exception, here you can find many works dedicated to a particular tradition. In addition to texts of prayers or religious attributes sometimes stuffed with a portrait of nuns or saints. These images serve as amulets, such as Jesus, Mother Teresa, or some unknown nun, beautiful and exalted.

In Christianity, portraits of Catholic nuns, who are considered sacred brides of Christ on earth, are common. Although the church has never approved of this type of body painting, the popularity of this theme is growing by the day.

In fact, no statute says that a nun tattoo is a sin, but art that signifies excess and adornment of the flesh is condemned. After all, one should be pure in body and soul. However, drawings with monks and nuns gained popularity back in the 19th century.

How to make a nun's outfit for a girl?

There are no other options for a child but to create the image of an ordinary nun. Erotica, zombies, vampires - all this is not for children's outfits. A long black loose dress, a starched headdress, white cuffs, a modest cross - that's what is appropriate for a child's carnival costume.

Makeup is a must. Bleach the face a little, highlight the eyes with mascara, apply a light blush. The image should be meek and innocent.

Halloween doll costume with your own hands

With what to wear a knitted costume?

The bloodthirsty image of a nun on Halloween

So that at the sight of the "nun" to the surrounding people became uncomfortable, a lot of effort will not have to be made. With the task perfectly cope with the color red, which will make the makeup "bloody". But it is better to prepare those around in advance for such a steep turn, as the image will turn out really scary. We attach detailed instructions.

© christianschild

Using a red kail pencil (Faux Black Eyeliner No. 2 Oxblood by NYX Professional Makeup would be great), it can make under-eye and bleed out eyelids and under-eye lines.

Use red cream makeup and use a brush to show wounds, cuts or drops of blood dripping from the corners of the lips.

Apply some pigment red (the same makeup or any red lipstick will do) on the palms of your hands and leave prints on your face.

How to make the simplest costume with your own hands?

To create a nun's costume, the basis will be a wide hoodie, which will completely hide the figure. It can be sewn by any girl, even those who do not have a sewing machine. To sew we will need the following materials and devices:

  • Black fabric;
  • A white cloth;
  • Needle;
  • Black thread;
  • Scissors.

Before we begin, it is necessary to purchase the fabric. To calculate the necessary amount, let's measure the expected length from the highest point of the shoulder to the floor, multiply the obtained figure by two and add the length of the headdress, which can be from half a meter to the heels.

Sewing a hoodie

We will need a little white material, only for the headband, at least 20 cm wide - the volume of the head plus 3-5 cm for seam allowances and margin of error. If there is more fabric than you need, the headband is folded in several layers. It will be denser and the headpiece will look better because of it. If you want, you can do the cuffs and the cuff collar or the collar. Having the material, let's start sewing the costume:

  • From a one-piece piece of fabric we will cut a double length of the dress, the remaining part we will leave for the cowl;
  • Lay the fabric for the dress on the horizontal surface, folding it inside out twice along the length and then along the width (you will get a blank of 4 layers of fabric);
  • cut out and trim the opening for the head;
  • Let's mark the desired width of the sleeve (and it really should be wide) and the width of the hood underneath;
  • draw two straight lines - from the beginning of the sleeve to the middle of the piece and from the bottom to the neck;
  • slightly round the junction of the two lines, moving smoothly from one to the other;
  • Cut out and sweep off our dress;
  • After the first fitting, start sewing the front and back parts;
  • Stitch with a sewing machine or sew by hand with a stitch "forward needle" (or "backward needle");
  • sew up the bottom of the robe, try it on, and hem it;
  • Iron the dress, hang it in the closet until the holiday.

Important: Under the hoodie wear a white turtleneck, it will help create a clean and pure image of a medieval nun.

Preparing a headpiece for the holiday

  • Cut the necessary length around the head with seam allowances;
  • Fold the white fabric in 2-4 times;
  • Connect it to the back in any way (stitch, plant on the "Velcro" or closed English pins);
  • bend (hem or glue with adhesive tape) the rest of the black fabric around the whole perimeter;
  • put the white bandage on the head, put the black fabric on top of it;
  • If desired, we will fix it in a few places with light inconspicuous stitches.

Necessary additions - shoes, stockings, cross, prayer book. What they will be, depends on the desired image. The main thing is that the shoes must be black.. For some images it will be appropriate to apply ready-made scars and wounds.

Adding the "right" makeup

Makeup in creating an image is half the success. The face is usually bleached in varying degrees, depending on the desired result.

  1. Want to be a regular medieval nun - apply a tone slightly lighter than natural, apply a gentle blush, and highlight the eyes with mascara, make an accent on them. This makeup with a minimum of makeup.
  2. If you're dressing up as a vampire - more white tone, don't forget fangs, red eye lenses, or just highlight them in red or black.
  3. Zombies - pale skin with white eyes, gray circles under them, dark shadows sculpting cheekbones, nose and temples to hollow, lifeless lines. Or using purple eyeshadow and a red pencil applied to the lower eyelid to create inflamed eyes. On the neck you can apply a stroke in the form of rope marks or depict wounds, blood.
  4. The sexy nun is first of all a much-enhanced evening makeup. Thickly painted eyes with false eyelashes, the use of a large number of shadows, rhinestones, bright lipstick. Without this to obtain a holistic image of a seductress will not get.

Meaning of the tattoo nun

This is a rather controversial figure in terms of meaning. We can safely consider it a provocation, judge for yourself:

  • we see beautiful, seductive women in nun's clothing;
  • Often the nun smiles, looks invitingly, romantically;
  • The portrait is almost always surrounded by various symbols of beauty and tenderness;
  • A praying nun is quite sexy and cool, etc.

The nun tattoo itself is a symbol of purity, faith, commitment to the institution of the church. The bearer of the tattoo clearly has reverence for the church hierarchy, respects nuns who leave worldly pleasures in the name of high ideals. These women devote their lives to God and service to people, prayer and labor. Apparently, such a tattoo of a nun is a peculiar position of a person, which he wants to demonstrate.

So why does this good image often look contradictory? It's about the contrast of meanings, in the details, the shades of the palette. As if the artist unwittingly admired the woman and emphasized her beauty, contrary to the strictness of religious norms. Nuns come with expressive eyes, sensual lips.

It is important to think through the details when choosing such a drawing. The fact is that often nuns tattoos are stabbed by criminals in prisons, who mock morality and religion. And in this way they recognize each other in the crowd.

If a nun tattoo is made in a cartoon style, with a hint of debauchery or blatantly pornographic - this person clearly does not respect the church and faith. But many people choose this theme these days simply for aesthetic reasons, and this should be taken into account, not to attribute to people a religiosity they never had.

Meaning, history, photos, examples of interesting tattoo designs

In the material we will consider The meaning of the tattoo "Nun", the history and meaning of this image in the tattoo, consider popular options. To those who selects the idea for a tattoo, before referring to the tattoo salon, we recommend as the addition to look through the following sections of the catalog:

  • Photo of the tattoo "Nun".
  • Sketches of tattoo "Nun"

Meaning of tattoo "Nun" - interesting examples of ready made tattoos on photo

Interesting about the meaning of the tattoo "Nun"

Nun (lat. Nonna, Monacha, castimonialis, monialis) - a representative of the religious community (in Christianity, Catholicism and in some others). The goal is removal from worldly life, human weaknesses, temptations, and self-denial. Those people who choose such a purpose know what they sacrifice and serve others with humility and joy. There is no single meaning in the "Nun" tattoo. It can mean inner peace, general peacefulness, or the pursuit of the above. Also, means the attainment of human ideals through the development of the spirit. Those people who have such a tattoo easily renounce the benefits and whims, as well as believing that there are certain forces that are higher than the average person. But this belief, understanding it does not scare them, but rather gives confidence, some kind of security and fills their life with meaning. A symbol of goodness and altruism.

Examples of photos:

All of the above is just right for the classic "Nun" tattoo. But there are also distorted, non-traditional images of this tattoo and of course the meanings change dramatically. Here are some options: - Nun in an ironic appearance - the owner of such a tattoo as if laughing at religion or exalting himself above it, erased understanding of good and evil. Religion has no power over such a person. - A nun with tears of blood streaming from her eyes - pain, suffering and desire, the desire to survive them. - Nun with a malicious grin - laughter at religion, a person's understanding that the good is not always the case. - Nun in the presence of the Devil, the demon - the ambiguity of faith, delusion in it. Suckability to temptation. He is outside the system of religion. - Nun with blind eyes - disinterestedness, sincerity. Relying on inner feeling, intuition. - Nun with evil, cunning features - understood usually that the person wearing it thinks with his head and it is almost impossible to control him. - The seductive nun - implies that the person is not as simple as he or she seems. Has "masks" for all occasions. - Tortured nun - calling to martyrdom, striving to confess until death, and an all-consuming love for God. Here are some of the most common interpretations of the "Nun" tattoo. Usually dark, calm colors are chosen for this pattern. Usually in black and white, but occasionally the tattoo is diluted with bright inclusions. For the application are suitable: the forearm, calves, chest, back. In conclusion, I will say that applying to his body tattoo with Christian symbols, a man thus tries to find protection and patronage. It is believed that such tattoos are a certain amulet or talisman for the bearer, but according to spiritualists, the work should also be done on the soul and pay attention to its spiritual development, not only the modification of the body.

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Tattoos of a religious nature that are somehow distorted, disfigured with the addition of pretentious evil in general are never evidence of any faith, on the contrary, they are an unfortunate and inappropriate substitution: the person's personality, sense of humor, erudition, morality and culture. They serve only as a strong dystopian indicator of the search for one's own self, increasingly shouty, bright and searching for it in places where it has not been and certainly never will be.

Half-naked smoking nuns - Madonna provoked another scandal


Madonna's extravagant antics seemed to surprise no one. But this week she managed to cause a strong reaction of moral watchdogs. The reason for their fury was a photo the singer posted on her Instagram account.

The picture shows half-naked young nuns playing cards. And on top of that, they're sipping Jack Daniels whiskey, varnishing their far from puritanical behavior with cigarette puffs.

Not surprisingly, the star's photo post immediately sparked mixed reactions in the community. "Madonna, it's not funny to be so ignorant. We'll see if it's worth it when Judgment Day comes," threatened one of her fans (we have to assume, her ex).

Music critics, for their part, point out that the photo is signed "Rebel Heart Tour". That's the name of Madonna's latest album. And she is likely to provoke a scandal on purpose, because as you know, the album has become the worst-selling Madonna album in the last 20 years.

A failure, in short.

So the singer is trying to save the situation. And to announce the upcoming tour in support of the album.

Photo Instagram

Recall, Madonna's thirtieth studio album Rebel Heart was released on March 6 of this year. And by the way, the story with this photo is not the first scandal associated with it. It was just getting ready to be released, when someone let the almost ready songs to float freely on the web.

Madonna was so outraged by the action that she called such actions "terrorism". However, later she went for broke and published six new tracks for free download on iTunes, which, as the star assured, are "fully ready for use". They say, let the fans listen to the correct version, rather than what was published in raw form by hackers, "consider these six tracks as my Christmas present."

But the album's problems didn't end there. Already after its release, problems with the support tour began: it was originally scheduled for August, then the dates shifted. And the first concert in Miami was moved to Quebec. That's quite a switch...


At the 57th Grammy Awards in Los Angeles, the main star of the evening was "veteran" of world show business, Madonna. The 56-year-old pop diva didn't betray herself and proved: there is still powder in her powders and berries in her buttocks. And literally: the actress walked the red carpet of the ceremony in a super-blank outfit, which presented the "fifth point" of a venerable performer in all its glory.


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