Beautiful tattoos on the lower back for girls and women: ideas

Every year the popularity of tattoos increases more and more. And this concerns not only men, but also women. This trend is due to the fact that modern masters with great experience can create a real work of art on the body. But before you sign up for the procedure, it is worth to decide on the place for the drawing. It is from this to a greater extent depends on the size of the image.

The choice of the pattern and the value of the tattoo.

Modern tattoos on the lower back for girls amaze with its variety, and the catalog is daily replenished with new drawings. There are animals, and inscriptions, bearing a hidden implication, and other drawings.
Especially bright look inscriptions in Latin, which encrypted philosophical quotations and winged expressions, short verses of contemporary poets and phrases of favorite movie characters. Such tattoos are so mysterious that after seeing them, a person never leaves interest.

Along with the inscriptions are tattoos on the girl's waist in the form of an animal. Choosing them, the owner of the picture should know the meaning of the tattoo, and only then apply it. The most common tattoos of animals and birds mean the following:

  • Bear. Symbolizes strength and courage. Endurance in any situation of life.
  • Tiger. This animal is a symbol of fearlessness. It denotes easy overcoming of problems.
  • Wolf means agility and loyalty to a loved one.
  • Horse. Symbol of freedom-loving and endurance.
  • Leopard. A fierce and aggressive animal, crossing everyone around him.
  • Eagle. Symbol of nobility. Proud bird soaring freely in the air.
  • A lion. Power and might, as befits a king of beasts.

In addition to such popular tattoos create and other drawings of animals, which came to us from the East. For example, the dragon, which the Japanese are considered a symbol of wealth, wisdom and unbridled power, gained popularity in our country.

It is an interesting fact that the same design has the opposite meaning in separate cultures. What the true meaning of the tattoo will only you know, and others may only guess about it.

Tattoo of the stars

Men for the coccyx zone more often choose Celtic patterns. In Valery Leontyev on the loin you can see the image of a theatrical mask, the wings of which lie on the coccyx. It is a symbol of the duality of nature, the harmony of male and female sides.

Nadezhda Granovskaya wears a magical pattern below the sacrum, signifying gaining power over men. Signs on the coccyx can also be seen on other celebrities - Jessica Alba, Rihanna, Lindsay Lohan.

Pros and cons

Tattoos on the lower back, photos of which can be viewed on the site, still cause a lot of controversy in modern society. Some consider such images to be a blatant sexual appeal and a sign of immoral behavior, while others see them as an ordinary body drawing with no hidden connotations. According to the American researches, one fifth of all representatives of the fair sex has a tattoo exactly on the lower back.

The drawing on the lower back is accompanied by considerable painful sensations due to the absence of the fat layer. The bone is so close to the skin, that all strokes of the needle come namely to it, instead of the muscular tissues. Women with low pain threshold should consider this factor before going to the tattoo parlor. It is required to arm oneself with patience and endurance, not to flinch from every touch of the tattooing machine, so that beautiful patterns are not distorted under the hand of the master.

The tattoo on the lower back is characterized by a large size, which increases its cost. In addition, the sketch must be symmetrical and located strictly in the center, otherwise the image will lose its appeal. And, of course, a girl can admire such a tattoo only in the mirror or on the photo.

The significant advantages include a relatively long shelf life of the tattoo, because the skin on the waist is not stretched and remains elastic for a long time. This means that even after childbirth, the picture will be pleasing to the eye. Small female tattoos look no less beautiful, they attract attention of the opposite sex, contribute to the image of piquancy and coquetry. They are easy to hide under clothing and show only to your chosen one.

Tattoo on the lower back: does it hurt or not?

There are plenty of places for tattoos on the human body, but not all are in great demand. This is because in some places the skin is too thin and delicate. This leads to painful sensations during the process, and as we all know, nobody wants to suffer pain, and almost 90 out of 100 people choose those places, where there is a layer of subcutaneous fat or very dense skin.

A female tattoo on the lower back in the form of a rose in a triangle of lines

One of the most popular areas for drawing is the lower back. Why is this particular area popular, you ask? Well, if you think about it, the female lumbar tattoo is especially popular. Its advantages lie in the fact that:

  1. Such a drawing will give its wearer self-confidence, sexuality and help enrich the image.
  2. Such a tattoo makes the body more graceful and curvaceous, which is undoubtedly positively perceived by the opposite sex.
  3. The right design can hide natural flaws, scars, etc. The waist is one of those places that do not change over time, even if you get fat or lose weight.
  4. The waist is one of those places that do not change over time and even if you grow fat or lose weight, the tattoo will remain unchanged.
  5. And finally the painful sensations in this area are almost absent, so this picture can nabe even the most sensitive girl.

Tattoo with hieroglyphs and blooming sakura
Tattoo on the lower back for girls is a way to add zest to the image as a whole and become more sexually attractive to the representatives of the stronger sex. And although the drawings on the lower back are considered a women's entertainment, there are men who also do not mind to put on your body image in this area. Tattoos on the lower back in men are extremely rare, but if such do occur, they carry a deep meaning that is undoubtedly important for the owner.

Men's tattoo on the lower back in the form of a crocodile

Celebrity tattoos

Among the fans of body art, there are a lot of famous and successful people. Celebrity ladies admit that tattoos have helped them gain confidence and achieve success in their careers and creativity.

The eccentric and unpredictable singer Lady Gaga got her first tattoo at the age of 17. It was a treble clef on her lower back as a sign of her love of music. Later, it was accompanied by roses twined with vines.

Britney Spears has a colorful image of a fairy in her lower back, which became the emblem for the album and a source of inspiration for her mistress. After this tattoo, the singer acquired nine more.

Cheryl Cole shocked her fans with a huge tattoo from the middle of her back to her hips in the form of a bouquet of roses. Fans noted that such a drawing on the lower back only disfigured chiseled figure of the singer.

The tattooing of the lower back is also popular among Russian girls. For example, the sports sex symbol and famous Russian tennis player Anna Kournikova is the owner of a black and white pattern in ethnic style.

Beautiful video

Gallery of photos

Advantages and disadvantages

A tattoo on the lower back seems like a great idea for a girl when she decides to get a drawing. However, in some cases, the decision to apply the image is so spontaneous that it is not always possible to think through their actions and assess all the pros and cons of tattoos. Below we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of tattoos on the lower back.

The advantages include the fact that:

  • The lower back area has enough space to apply drawings of different sizes, whether it is a large fire bird Phoenix, beautiful patterns or a small tattoo.
  • Tattoos serve as an original decoration, make a girl more sexy in the eyes of men and make her stand out spectacularly among the other ladies.
  • Getting a tattoo, you will look stylish and keep up with fashion.
  • If necessary, the tattoo is easy to hide from prying eyes, so it will not interfere with your professional activities.
  • The risk of distortion or discoloration is minimal, as the lower back is almost unaffected by physical changes associated with age and weight fluctuations.

On the other hand, there are a number of disadvantages that these tattoos have:

  • It is difficult to find an original design, as the motifs are fairly uniform: patterns, butterflies, color, etc.
  • Painful application due to the close location of the vertebrae near the skin in the lumbar region. But it is worth knowing that for people with a low pain threshold, most salons use anesthesia, so the discomfort will be reduced and will not cause much discomfort.
  • The tattoo is difficult to see for yourself: you will need to use a mirror to see the picture.
  • The drawing is uncomfortable to take care of on your own while it heals.
  • In some cultures, drawings on this part of the body mean low moral qualities of the wearer. Therefore, denuding the back in a foreign country, it is necessary to get acquainted in advance with the attitude of local residents to the body drawings.

Knowledge - power

The tattoo on the coccyx is a very painful procedure, and it is done in a few sessions. When the image is completely ready, do not immediately put it on public display on the city beach, because the ultraviolet light can be very adverse effect on the color scheme of the figure.

Care for the tattoo on the waist

In order for the tattoo to remain in excellent condition for many years, it is necessary to ensure her adequate care.

After applying the tattoo, it is necessary to perform a number of simple actions:

  1. When you get home, you should remove the tape with which the tattoo artist tied the tattoo. This dressing is necessary to protect the application site from infections.
  2. Then you should gently wash the skin with the palm of your hand, using warm water and antibacterial soap.
  3. You should let the skin dry on its own or gently blot it with a paper towel.
  4. Next, you need to apply the ointment, stimulating the process of regeneration of the skin, which will recommend the tattooist.
  5. In conclusion, it is necessary to close the place of the tattoo with a bandage, which is best made from a child's diaper.

The procedure should be repeated at least 2 times a day for 4-5 days until the upper layer of skin is renewed. Then within 2 weeks to continue to lubricate the place of tattoo healing ointment. It is desirable to do this every 3 hours, so that the skin always remains moisturized.

In addition, it is important to observe the following rules during the first 2 weeks:

  1. Refrain from any prolonged water procedures, sports, as well as from visiting the bath (sauna).
  2. Avoid tanning beds and direct sunlight. Fresh tattoo ink can quickly fade under the influence of ultraviolet light. Subsequently, planning a long stay in the sun, it is necessary to lubricate the tattoo with sunscreen.
  3. Do not scratch the tattoo despite it itching.
  4. Wear loose clothing made of natural materials that do not irritate the skin.
  5. Keep the tattoo site clean and not in contact with pets. Pets can become a source of infection for non-healed wounds.
  6. Do not drink alcoholic beverages.

Proper tattoo care will avoid health problems and guarantee quick healing of the skin.

Photos of tattoos applied to girls in the lumbar area show how wide the choice of images used for this purpose is. Each member of the fair sex will be able to express their individuality through a variety of styles and designs if they wish.

Author: Olga Lavrova

From inception to the present

Tattoos on the lower back today - it is a great opportunity to decorate your body with a particular tattoo pattern. Today a lot of people resort to this method, because tattoos have become more popular than ever. They add style, organicity and help their owners to stand out among the crowd and make a statement. Previously, these long-lasting images were also applied to the body in order to identify the bearer. In this way, it was possible to understand which tribe a person belonged to and what his or her social status was.

Colibri Fox Lotus Dreamcatcher Orchid Orchid

Technology has gone far ahead and today tattoos are applied in a more gentle and humane way, but few people know how it was done before. The process of tattooing took a very long time, because the "master" literally hammered the paint into the skin with a special needle and hammer. The contours were not as smooth as they are now. Tattoos were often blurred, however their bearers did not care about it, as the main purpose of tattoos fulfilled.

In the modern world for applying tattoos special machines are used that do not penetrate deep into the layers of the skin, which practically reduces the pain sensations to zero, however everything depends exclusively on the pain threshold of the person, as well as on the skills of the master. Today the industry of body painting is one of the most popular spheres of employment among young people and it is not surprising. After all, this is where you can show your imagination and let your creativity flow in the right direction.

Modern Tattoo Machines

Tattoo on the waist: meaning

Tattoo with a heart and wings is one of the most fashionable designs among young people. The main meaning of this tattoo is love, ascension, freedom and spiritual nature.

The lotus symbolizes enlightenment, faith, purity, reincarnation. But, depending on the color of the petals, the meaning of the tattoo on the waist can change. White represents purity, blue represents self-control, red represents love, pink represents Buddha, purple represents mysticism, and gold represents enlightenment.

Flowers are the epitome of grace and beauty, so they are the best choice for women when it comes to tattoos.

Basically, they are performed in bright colors, thanks to which they acquire a special beauty and stand out in the lumbar spine area.

A tattoo on the lumbar of a girl with a butterfly can symbolize many things: freedom, fire, love, sacrifice, rebirth, etc.

Star tattoos in girls usually symbolize the search for the meaning of life and are also used as decorative elements. They are also a symbol of the philosophical, supernatural and romantic.

It should also be noted that the star tattoo has different representations. For example, a star with a tail means good luck and success. Several shooting stars symbolize a difficult period in life. The starfish serves as a reference point during difficult times.

Tattoo on the waist for girls in the form of a crown means aristocratism, the struggle for power, the attitude of himself to the higher society. Combined with openwork patterns, the crown will perfectly adorn any lady's waist.

Patterns, which came into fashion thanks to Asian culture, can symbolize different things, depending on what images the ornaments merge into. If a mandala is drawn on a girl's waist, the pattern means harmony with the world. Polynesian female tattoos on the waist are used as a body armor. The tattoo of a woman at the waist with a flower symbolizes the inner beauty of the soul.

Birds carry a meaning associated with freedom and hope, which is very important to women. In order to convey this meaning, the image of the Phoenix, swallows or hummingbirds is excellent.

Tattoo inscriptions are some of the most popular motifs among girls around the world. For the basis, you can take an excerpt from the Bible or the Koran, a phrase from a movie or song, or come up with your own motivational or romantic message.

Generally, the text is in Latin, Arabic, English or French.

Sketch ideas.

The female part of the population prefers delicate and sophisticated tattoo sketches on the lower back. Sometimes they are represented by beautiful patterns, and sometimes by complicated compositions with a hidden meaning. Let's consider the main options.

  • Butterfly Image symbolizes freedom, easy carefree life, rebirth and transformation. It is not for nothing that the beautiful butterfly appeared from the caterpillar. A girl has a tattoo that looks especially coquettish.
  • Tattoo-inscriptions The desire to philosophize is considered a female prerogative. The phrases can be applied separately or be part of the composition. They reflect the girl's worldview, her life principles and priorities. The meaning of the tattoo on the lower back is easy to understand, just by reading or translating the inscription. It speaks of the girl's openness, her ingenuousness.
  • beautiful inscription

  • Wings In women, such a picture means lightness, innocence, defenselessness, symbolizes a creative extraordinary person. Sometimes it indicates a desire for freedom and detachment from worldly vanity.
  • Dragon Such a tattoo on the waist, the meaning of which varies depending on the color scheme and style, is found in representatives of both sexes. The Chinese dragon is a symbol of strength and freedom. Red represents love and passion, and black - respect for parents. Europeans associate the mythical creature with evil, trickery, and meanness.
  • Tattoo patterns on the waist female in most cases are represented by beautiful graceful ornaments, intertwined ornate lines. Very attractive look natal ornaments in the Baroque style with openwork patterns or stylized images of animals in the style of tribal.
  • beautiful image elements

  • Flowers The meaning of tattoos with flowers varies depending on the plant chosen. Lotus symbolizes creative power, orchid - luxury, splendor, violet - modesty, lily of the valley - family values, poppy - solitude, solitude.
  • Rose tattoo image

As for the stylistic solutions, girls are more attracted to the style of watercolor (especially the tattoo with representatives of flora and fauna). You can also note the popularity of ethnic style, style tribal, baroque. Outside of competition technique 3D. For example, a tattoo with a butterfly in this style looks as natural and realistic as if the insect has really sat on the girl's body.

Tattoo on the waist: pros and cons

This is interesting: Tattoos for men: sketches on the arm, wrist, shoulder, leg, forearm, neck, chest + 200 PHOTOs

Tattoos are popular with both young people and fairly mature people. They gladly stuffed, both girls and guys. The first give preference to more delicate strokes, exquisite sketches, beautiful images, and the strong half of humanity puts on the body brutal, masculine and aggressive motifs. If you cook about the place of application, it also differs by gender. While guys prefer to get tattoos on their forearms or legs, girls often get tattoos on the lower back.

Tattoo on the lower back Tattoo on the lower back Tattoo on the lower back Tattoo on the lower back Tattoo on the lower back

Statistically, it is this honor of the body that breaks all records for the number of tattoos on it. There are several reasons for this:

1Zona on the lower back is quite large. Therefore, on such a "canvas" can depict quite a large-scale tattoo. Although lovers of small drawings can make a miniature tattoo on his back.2The process of application is quite painless, because in this area the skin is less sensitive and more dense than on other parts of the body.3If desired, you can easily hide the tattoo under clothing. But at the beach or by the pool, it will emphasize your individuality and attract the attention of others.4The skin on the lower back is minimally exposed to stretching, which is important for girls. For example, an area such as the abdomen is the least suitable for tattoos. If a girl becomes overweight or pregnant, the skin with a tattoo on it will stretch. Even if then it will be possible to bring her body back to normal, the picture can distort beyond recognition. And here with a tattoo on the waist this will never happen.5Another plus, but at the same time, and the minus is that you will not constantly see your tattoo. Therefore it will not have time to get "bored" for many years. But those who want to constantly admire their new decoration, it is better to choose another part of the body.

The meaning of images

Tattoo on the waist came into fashion quite a long time ago and still remain at the peak of popularity. Many members of the fair sex even begin with this step of their adult life. Today, almost every girl has a tattoo and its size and color design can be completely unpredictable. The same applies to the content, because only the owner of the tattoo gives the picture itself a certain meaning. However in spite of this in the world there are generally accepted interpretations of those or other images.

Different style tattoos on the loins of girls

Tattoos on the lower back are at the peak of popularity. This leads to a large number of different designs, which can be found both on the Internet and in catalogs in tattoo parlors. This can be a variety of inscriptions, drawings of flowers or animals. It is on this area you can do not just a drawing, but, for example, to complement it with an interesting inscription. Below we will list some of the most popular images, which are preferred by many people:

  1. Pictures of animals. This includes images of the tiger, snake, panther, owl, butterfly, dragon, dolphin, phoenix, fox, hummingbird, etc. And each of these animals has some kind of meaning. For example, the image of an eagle means nobility and pride, and the tiger represents the absence of fear of obstacles. The lion on the waist tells about the confidence of the bearer of the tattoo in the future. The bear symbolizes strength, power and endurance, and the horse symbolizes freedom.
  2. Floral motifs. This includes a variety of flowers, including lilies, peonies, roses and even sometimes large trees. Often it is a colored tattoo. Most girls choose exactly small tattoos, and flowers are the best way to do it.
  3. The pattern on the waist. These are both Celtic patterns and various elements of abstraction. They can be placed on the sides or move to the back.
  4. Words, letters, names and inscriptions (hieroglyphs, phrases in Latin).
  5. Symbols (yin-yang, stars, angel wings, crown on waist).
  6. Weapons (pistols, daggers, arrows and spears).
  7. Tattooing in the style of "tribal", "realism".

Butterfly trayble Flowers Pattern Snake Tiger Peony Horse Lynx with Flowers Dragon Dolphin Black Panther Eagle Star Pattern Lion Head Yin-Yang Cat Pattern Stylized Eagle Pattern Celtic Style Owl on a Branch Bear Bear Tree Revolver Fox Phoenix Hummingbird
The drawing can be quite diverse, the main thing is that it should be with meaning. Also popular among girls and guys consider the Japanese tattoo. Such designs carry a certain connotation. Often their meaning is hidden, and it has a magical effect on the owner.

Tattoo on the waist in the Japanese style

Inscriptions are also in great demand. They can be translated into English or Latin. The main thing is to think about the meaning of the phrase and know exactly what you're putting on your body.

Tattoo inscriptions with a crown Graffiti tattoo inscriptions with a pattern

Stylistic trends

Future owners choose a variety of styles for the tattoo. Gentle characters like watercolor tattoos. The image can be rather big. Many people like flowers, made in the style of realism. Especially popular is the style of ornamental.

Tattoos in this style look beautiful on the spot. All kinds of patterns emphasize the beauty and elegance of the back of the owner. The ornament can be continued, for example, higher on the back or on the buttocks. Dreamcatchers or mandalas are a talisman for the girl.

The tattoo on the back can be small and neat. Such images are not inferior in their beauty to large drawings. Large-scale tattoos on the back deserve a separate topic. On the back you can depict an entire picture or a plot from your favorite movie. The main thing is to choose the right style and sketch for the drawing.


For women

For men