Tattoo inscriptions in Hebrew with translation

Tattoos prayers in Latin with translation

Ancient languages and their writings are full of very deep meaning, that's why tattoos in Hebrew inscriptions are especially popular today.
The texts of the Jews are simply replete with aphorisms and wise speeches. And even if a person doesn't consider himself to be a Jew and has never studied Yiddish and moreover Hebrew, surely he has faced with widespread expressions, which have passed into our language.

Most often, however, those who want to get a tattoo in Hebrew encounter translation difficulties. In general, this is an understandable problem, because tattoo artists do not have to be philologists. After all, even in English the proverbs in literal translation sound completely different.

But when speaking of Hebrew writing, we should take into account its peculiarities:

  • It is sacred, that is, full of religious and mystical meaning;
  • It is closely connected with the secret knowledge of the Torah and the isoteric teachings of the Kabbalah;
  • The texts are written from right to left.

Exactly for these features actually and appreciate inscriptions in Hebrew, and for the same three reasons tattoo-masters make unforgivable mistakes. That's why there are very common topics on forums for translating from and into Hebrew.

But even there you have to be very careful and try to get the translation from a real native speaker, not from a Google translator user who will only do you a disservice. On some sites you can see a rubric for Hebrew tattoos with translation, in which they often provide pictures and native speakers translate the inscriptions with all the details.

Unlike tattoos in Chinese, Latin, Italian and other languages, Hebrew inscriptions are rarely one-word. Most often they are amulets, proverbs, protective prayers and admonitions. Therefore, they are found in combination with Jewish symbolism.

More common are the images of the star or Magen David and the hamsa:

  • The former represents the six directions of space and the perfection of God.
  • The second symbolizes the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet "het" and the palm of the Almighty.

Both of these signs are protective and are applied along with the Hebrew letters. But many people do not have to search long to find interesting Hebrew inscriptions with translations, because there are plenty of them in religious sources. For example, Victoria Beckham used this beautiful statement from the Song of Songs: "I belong to my beloved and my lover belongs to me; he grazes between the lilies," which is spelled "אני לדודי ודודי לי הרועה בשושנים." This is very appropriate for those who want to make a dedication to a loved one.

But there are sayings concerning God, family and many other aspects of life. But since Jews, if they follow the law and listen to a rabbi, do not get tattoos, most often Hebrew tattoo writings are not even related to Jewish sources. After all, most people just like the writing itself. And the inscription can be anything.

But it's important to remember that every letter in Hebrew has its own meaning. Therefore, you should not apply tattoos with Jewish inscriptions rashly.

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Features of Jewish tattoos

First of all, you should get a qualified translation from a native speaker of the language, phrase or word you want to write. Language is complex, and mistakes in Hebrew tattoos are common. Once you have done the translation, you will need to choose the font, size, color of letters, and where you want them placed. Large phrases or passages in Hebrew should be placed on the back, hip, calf or arm. Smaller tattoos or individual words can be placed on a finger, behind the ear, on the neck, on the wrist, etc.

Rest assured that the aesthetic look of the Hebrew tattoo will catch anyone's attention as soon as they see it. With all the intricate curves and swirls of this ancient script, the drawing will look fantastic in any way.

For more inspiration, check out some of the exceptional photos with meanings and translations we've put together for you!

Meaning of the prayer tattoo

The artist Albrecht Dürer could be a very rich man today if he were alive. The sale of the copyrights to his work alone, where he depicted the straining hands folded in prayer, would have earned him millions. Today in Western tattoo parlors, the most popular image is of hands folded to pray. Tattoos can be complemented by a cross or rosary, or combined with other drawings, but the original sketch is exactly the drawing of Durer. Such a tattoo can be applied both in memory of someone, and as an amulet-reminder of what is most important - everyone finds the meaning for himself. But in the former Soviet Union, tattoos of hands folded to pray are rarely chosen.

Tattoos with prayer text

Prayer tattoos can be applied in the form of text, or they can be in the form of a letter code, indicating the place in Scripture or other source from which the prayer is taken. The text of the tattoo can be in either ancient or current language. Many celebrities get tattoos that are prayers. Angelina Jolie, for example, has a tattoo with the text of a Buddhist prayer. Do tattoos in Sanskrit. But, in general, for text tattoos, the most popular language is Latin. There are many sayings in Latin that can be chosen as a motto for one's life. If you want to write an orthodox prayer in Latin, there may be difficulties with the translation of the text.

The church's attitude towards tattoos - prayers

Among the religious tattoos - prayers in the Russian language in the lead "Our Father. This prayer is applied to the wrist and forearm, pecking it on the chest. It is believed to serve as a kind of protection for the wearer. But the church since ancient times has had a sharply negative attitude to the application of inscriptions and drawings on the body. Tattoos are mentioned even in the Old Testament, "You shall not tattoo any writing on yourself" (Lev 19, 28). Therefore, before applying tattoos - prayers - think. Maybe it would be better if prayer was not on the body, but in the heart.

If you have free time, then read

The text of an Orthodox prayer to the holy martyrs and selfless martyrs Cyrus and John

O holy saints of God, martyrs and saintless martyrs Cyrene and John! Your feat on earth was a good one, and you received in Heaven the crown of righteousness, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him. Thus, looking unto your holy image, we rejoice in the glorious end of your life and honour your holy memory. But you, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and offer them to the most merciful God, asking him to forgive us all our trespasses and to help us to stand against the intrigues of the devil, that we may be delivered from afflictions, disease, trouble, afflictions, and all manner of evil, May we live a godly and righteous life in this present age and may be granted through your intercession, however unworthy we may be, to see good things on earth alive, glorifying the one God in His saints, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Interesting about the interpretation, meaning and significance of the praying hand tattoo

By getting a tattoo, every person wants it to remind him of some very important moment in his life, or to show everyone that the bearer of the tattoo belongs to a certain category of people, such as believers. The tattoo with the image of a praying person's hands, of course, has a religious character, it tells others that the person believes in God, prays for something or someone constantly or at a difficult time in his life

The history of this image began in the 15th century, first depicted by the German artist Albrecht Dürer. This picture symbolizes love, self-sacrifice, the memory of a loved one, peace, faith, hope for the best. In the West, many people make this tattoo after marriage, thereby laying the meaning of endless love and devotion until death. Tattoos are most often created from two colors, one of which must necessarily be black. There are different versions of the image, some classic with folded hands in prayer, some complemented with rosary or cross.

In addition to the traditional meaning, some put its meaning in the tattoo with the image of the praying hands, so this tattoo is becoming increasingly popular. Then a heart-shaped image is added to the figure, adding the name of a loved one, flowers, flames, a thorn bush or other images as desired by the customer.

Women and girls were the first to apply themselves such tattoos, as they are more emotional than men and more than men worry about their loved ones, always trying to protect them in all ways, including mentioning them in their prayers to God. The image of the praying person's hands is applied so as not to flaunt openly his commitment to prayer and religion, it is like an amulet, which has a special meaning for the owner and which is kept carefully from the eyes of strangers.

  • with the cross
  • hands of an angel praying
  • with doves
  • rosary
  • old skool
  • with Jesus

Preparing for a tattoo

The compositions on the ribs are a great opportunity for the master to show his creative talent and to realize the most daring designs. A spacious and relatively large area allows you to choose sketches for the ribs of any size so that the male tattoo looked harmonious and effective.

Very often drawings on the ribs are an extension of a large-scale composition. If desired, the image can always be hidden under clothing, which is a significant advantage of the tattoo in this part of the body. At work no one will suspect the presence of body painting, but in the summer it can be proudly shown to others. Of course, if physical fitness allows.

By the way, I would like to dwell on this point in more detail. Not only women's, but also men's bodies are subject to age-related changes. Over the years, a rounded belly can become a real problem for the owner of the tattoo, because it only accentuates the imperfect forms. At the same time, it is a good incentive to keep an eye on your figure, to go to the gym regularly and to do sports. Tattooing will also help disguise skin defects such as postoperative scars or scars.

Drawing on the ribs is one of the most painful procedures, as the bones are very close to the skin. Although in the end, everything depends on the individual level of pain threshold: in men it is higher than in women, so they endure the pain more easily.

The care for the tattoo will not give much trouble: the skin is easy to handle on its own, applying healing ointments. After the session, you should give up tight clothing in favor of loose clothing so as not to damage the pattern. It is also necessary to refuse hard physical activity for a while so as not to strain the abdominal muscles. If you follow all the recommendations of the master, the healing process will pass quickly and painlessly.

Prayers in different religions

In Christianity, prayers are offered to God and the Higher Powers. In this case, both ready variants specified in sacred books and simply appeals, composed by a person and pronounced with faith, can be used. In Islam, prayers are called dua or namaz. The difference is that the former is an appeal with a request, while the latter is a whole ritual that includes not only verbal elements. Prayer among Muslims is considered one of the five pillars of Islam. From the text of the Qur'an, it is clear that prayer must be said in the place in which the believer finds the time for it. However, when recited in a mosque, it carries more power.

Prayer in Judaism is recited according to the hours. It was described in the Babylonian era, and it still is with modern Jews. In Buddhism, there is no such thing as prayer now. In its place came mantras and meditation. Unlike prayer, a mantra requires the precise pronunciation of sounds.

Prayer tattoo as an inscription under the skin

On my arm, closer to my elbow, is a tattoo with several lines of Arabic. In fact, it's a prayer, the meaning of which not everyone can understand. For me it is a symbol of protection, a sign that Allah is with me, even if I can't see Him. When I get discouraged, I stroke my tattoo and realize that I am not alone.

Tattoo of a praying hand on my forearm

Symbols that can be combined with

To enhance the protective functions of the "Save and Preserve" tattoo, the sketch is supplemented with elements of religious paraphernalia:

  • Cross - protection from trouble and adversity;
  • angels with wings - aspiration to the sublime;
  • cherubs - personification of purity, innocence, love and joy;
  • archangels - guardians and protectors;
  • countenances of Holy men - the image of the Guardian Angel;
  • palms folded in the gesture of prayer - the desire to be heard by the Higher Powers.

Latin inscriptions for tattoos

Latin is one of the most ancient languages. Many great minds of yesteryear set forth their thoughts in this language. So it is not surprising that Latin inscriptions are so often used for tattoos. In addition to your own text, which you can take for a tattoo sketch, there are many well-established expressions and winged phrases.

Some celebrities have also not bypassed Latin and made themselves tattoos with a deep hidden meaning in this language. For example, Dmitry Nagiev had the phrase "Te amo es mecum" stamped on his left forearm, which translated means "I love you, be with me. Who exactly it is addressed to, Dmitry does not say, but it is clear that a very dear person.

Tattoo size

When the style and place of tattooing is chosen, it is necessary to determine the size of the future figure. It is important to understand that the tattoo will become a part of the person, its continuation. Therefore it is necessary to present the finished drawing on the body, and to listen to advice of the master who will prompt what size will be suitable for the chosen sketch.

Save and Save a tattoo on your arm, back, forearm in Latin, Russian. Photos, what do they mean, sketches

Tips on choosing the size of the tattoo:

  • The sketch of the chosen tattoo will indicate the size.
  • The parameters should be proportional, chosen with the location of the figure to emphasize the advantages of the figure: from the beautiful curve of the body, muscle lines to the pumped torso.
  • The image of one big and quality tattoo is better than several small ones. Over time, the external beauty of small drawings is lost.
  • Do not forget that the tattoo is not a transferable picture, which will disappear after some time. Therefore, the sketch should look aesthetically and proportionally.
  • You can independently determine the necessary parameters tattoo: measure with a centimeter the selected place vertically and horizontally, multiply the figures. For example, 15x10, we get the size of the drawing -150 square centimeters.

What is a prayer?

Tattoo prayer is designed to show the feelings of believers. On the one hand, the church condemns any "drawing", because according to the dogmas of the Holy Scriptures, the body is given by God. But the followers of Christian and related cults have their own view of the matter.

For them, the words of prayer or symbols of faith on the skin are a manifestation of an emotional religious experience. And the very process of opening the skin can be equated with an ordeal.

The prayer itself is a verbal verbal formula by which the Divine is addressed. It contains semantic markers:

  1. An address to a specific Deity.
  2. A request or thanksgiving.
  3. An endorsement marker.

The length of the prayer depends on the amount of information that is put into the message. For tattoos, use short prayers that carry words of gratitude and requests for protection.

If you understand the rules of the speech form, you can create your own prayer. This way, the religious cult will not be condemned for using a particular verse.

According to the canons of the Catholic or Orthodox Church, in order to address God, a prayer may begin by naming specific hypostases:

  1. Rejoice, I believe in God, Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.
  2. Mary, full of grace!
  3. Our Father, who art in heaven!

In all three examples, the words of greeting are closely related to aspects of God. To get to the heart of the prayer, it is easy to put meaning into it at the expense of the opening statement. In the enclosed examples, it is clear that the one praying is praising his patrons.

The central part of the verse consists of the very essence of the address. It may contain a personal request, praise to God, or words of repentance.

  1. May it be unto me according to thy word.
  2. We ask you, Lord, to fill us with your grace...
  3. Pray God for us...
  4. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary...

The closing phrases consist of the words:

  • Amen.
  • Hallelujah!
  • So be it!
  • And now and ever, and ever and ever.
  • Let us pray!

Thus, in order to compose a personal address, it is enough to use examples and to know the rules of forming a speech formula. Mexican unique retablo icons are created according to this principle.

They contain pictures from the customer's life, as well as a speech formula, a prayer, which describes the action of the image. The reason for the retablo are everyday situations.

The drawings look like children's naïve creativity. At the same time, strong emotions are invested in the words of the prayer. Which allowed the retablo to be enshrined at the official church level.

Types of prayers

Prayer tattoo performed both in font and image. This is a feature of the religious trend in tattooing. A characteristic example is the tattoo of the hand of the praying person with a cross. It allows us to conclude that the man carries humility in his soul and glorifies his God.

Among the textual variants, the most common is the tattoo of the prayer "Our Father". The word form is short and has deep emotional potential. It is often complemented by crossed palms of the praying tattoo is complemented by a rosary with a cross.

The second most popular prayer is dedicated to the Holy Virgin Mary, officially called the Angelic Salutation. It is worn by all who sincerely honor their parents and seek the patronage of the Mother of God. The image is supplemented with rosaries, crosses, a chain, and the names of relatives.

Of the short and concise prayers, the Sign of the Cross, the Lord's Prayer, and the Praise to the Most Holy Trinity are appropriate. They consist of one or three stanzas. Because of this, the prayers can be placed in a limited space.

Meaning of prayer tattoos

For the believer to pray means to have a dialogue with God. That is why the words of the holy scriptures contain emotions. Sincere attitude of the owner of the tattoo to his spiritual path helps him to survive difficult times and to fully appreciate the joyful moments. For this reason, tattoos with holy words are so valuable and reflect the owner's true spiritual values.

The meaning of the symbolism of religious tattoos:

  • Tattoo of the praying hand - humility, submission, reverence;
  • Cross - symbol of acceptance of the sacrifice of the divine child;
  • rosary - spiritual meditation, concentration on the words of prayer;
  • soaring dove - symbol of the Holy Spirit;
  • falling light - the blessing of God;
  • a bowed mourning face - symbol of atonement for sin;
  • A face raised upwards is an appeal to God, a symbol of hope;
  • praying angel - the intercession of the luminous patrons for the soul of the bearer of the tattoo before God.

The easiest way to interpret what the hands of the praying person in the tattoo mean by the surrounding text. If the prayer carries words of remorse, the person feels a desire to atone for the deed committed. In the case of praising God, it is a joyful meditation and peace of mind.

About the character of the bearer.

It is believed that originally such sketches were made on the skin of girls and women - because of their emotionality, religious exaltation.

Usually women are more worried about the welfare of loved ones, seeking to care for others and show mercy, love and kindness. Including for religious reasons. Women can be very sincere and soulful in their appeals to God, perhaps such passion leads ladies to want to fix their vows and appeals on the body.

But men, too, often resort to this way of reflecting their religious views. A picture with a praying hero takes up a lot of space, so it is worth thinking a lot about where to stuff it for a spectacular result. Then it is sure to become an amulet during the wearer's lifetime.

Ideal placement

Tattoo on the arm in Latin - a great option for long sentences, placed along the whole hand, or on its separate parts: on the forearm, on the wrist, on the hand. Phrases for girls look feminine on the collarbone and neck, they are easy to hide with hair or, on the contrary, to emphasize, picking up the outfit and hairstyle, but they should be made in small print. If you plan to write the whole text - it is recommended to do it on the back, on the shoulder blade. The decor on the chest is more often done by men, rather large in size. Girls can choose the area under the breast, on the ribs, the inscription will be visible to the closest. It is necessary to take into account the content of the body decoration, choosing its location. Messages to loved ones - closer to the heart, motivational statements - on the hands, life views - on the neck or back, words-amulets - on the hands.

Phrases for tattoos: quotes and expressions with translation

The desire to show the world its uniqueness - a symbol of unconventional thinking, a rebellious moral manifestation of the will. By philosophical look textual tattoo, which reveals a view of the world. Choosing the phrases for tattoos, it is necessary with all responsibility to approach this question, because the wrong translation can simply put you in an awkward position.

Tattoo phrases for girls

The most popular tattoos are the names of soulmates, children, as well as expressions about love and life. That is why the female audience stops at the statements, where the meaning of the phrase tattoo is still love, fidelity, family, children. No less beautiful and mysterious in the form of a tattoo looks one word, which can also carry a deep semantic load.

  • Amor sine memoria: love without memory. This quote will tell you about the madness of a soaring state of love;
  • Mea perfecta est dilectio: my love is perfect. When you love, you see no imperfections in your partner;
  • Abiens Abi: when leaving, leave. Decide to make a choice and leave - act and don't go back;
  • Familia omnibus praestat: family above all. A great phrase for women who value and honor family traditions;
  • Magna res est amor. This sentence reads: a great thing is love. This phrase can convey a state of all-encompassing love - one of the greatest gifts;
  • I go wherever my heart takes me: I go where my heart takes me. This is an interesting expression that would be perfect for a girl with a delicate soul;
  • Prepared for the worst, but still praying for the best: Prepare for the worst, but pray for the best. This "strong expression" will help not to lose faith in themselves, even in the most difficult situations in life;
  • Tutto quello che voglio - lo farò: whatever I want, I will do. An aphorism that will inspire a person to make any dream come true;
  • Todo lo que pasa es para major: everything that happens is for the best. This phrase in Spanish can strike those women who believe in signs of destiny.


For women

For men