The meaning of the tattoo epaulettes in the zone, photos, who is allowed to stuff it

Nowadays most tattoos are made for beauty and rarely carry any semantic load. But even now there are prison tattoos, which make themselves mostly people close to the underworld, such as epaulettes on the shoulders. However, few prisoners can do a shoulder epaulettes tattoo. In this article, let's break down the detailed meaning of the tattoo that it carries in the zone.

shoulder epaulettes

Which of the prisoners can use a drawing of epaulettes

Epaulettes, an integral part of the uniform of servants of the law. That is, those people who put the transgressors of the law behind bars. On this basis, the owner of such a tattoo on epaulettes should have an iron argument to so openly express their hatred for the servants of the law. At a minimum, a person must have unquestionable authority among his own kind. And they can afford to to add stars with each subsequent term..

Another such prison tattoo epaulettes decide to do especially dangerous criminals, serving time in a high-security colony. Whose article leaves no doubt in a deadly confrontation with the men in shoulder straps.

If a simple prisoner allows himself a tattoo, he runs the risk of being subjected to the forced removal of the drawing. The tattoo is removed alive, sometimes cut out with the skin. For disobeying the laws of the prison, the punishment is harsh, "by the book.

Curious! On rare occasions it is allowed to put a shoulder strap on a minor. He deserves the "honor" if he spends more than 50 days in the punishment cell.


The epaulettes are considered to be the most controversial prison tattoo, because, on the one hand, it is very popular among criminal thieves, but on the other hand, it represents the military, and this contradicts the concepts of prisoners.

The tattoo represents a shoulder sign, which is used to denote military ranks. Most often, symmetrical images are applied to both hands, but if only one is chosen, then, according to tradition, preference is given to the left. Given the prison roots of the tattoo, most of the images are in the style of realism, less often - old-school. Black is most often used, as bright hues are less popular among the thieving contingent. The number of stars and other designations does not correspond to the military ranks, and is also often blurred by additional images.

Guys and girls who are not related to the criminal world do not limit themselves in styles and often remake epaulettes, adding various images - skulls, faces, blood spatter, grinning faces of animals and even runic signs of the older Futhark or symbols from the alphabet of the Slavs. The preferred color scheme, however, is black. The most common styles for performing a colorful tattoo include the following:

  • Thrash Polka;
  • new-school;
  • ethnica;
  • chicano.

What are epaulettes tattoos

Often the epaulettes sketch is made identical to the military or police. Particularly self-confident choose luxurious hussar epaulettes tattoos. Shoulder straps are the prerogative of men. However, women convicted of especially grave crimes also often choose similar tattoos.

Nakolka most often made on both shoulders, as it is supposed to be shoulder straps. If you have to choose only one shoulder, it is the left.

It happens that at first nakolivayut blank shoulder epaulettes tattoo frames. Over time, filled with different elements that will carry a certain meaning. Ultimately, the tattoo epaulettes on the zone can be read the whole life of the owner. What was, what will be, what principles, aspirations.

Need to understand! An epaulette tattoo is a one-way ticket. The owner gives his word never to live up to the law, even if released. He simply is not allowed to by the criminal laws.

History of the swastika - why the swastika is stamped on the body

Swastika symbol of Slavic history and he meant the power of the sun, the sunlight. Swastika was revered, looked like a swastika, not as we are used to seeing it today.Swastika in ancient times meant the sign of the sun, and called it kolovrat. Our ancestors were sun worshippers, the kolovrat looked not with four ends, as we know the swastika today, but eight-pointed. In ancient times the swastika meant purity of thought, wisdom, the power of light and goodness.

During the Great Patriotic War, Hitler changed the meaning of the swastika. Now, when we see a swastika on a person's body, we perceive the person as a radical individual. Or a Nazi.

The history of the swastika comes to us from ancient times. Mention of the swastika is even in the most ancient books in the world of the Vedas. The symbol of the swastika was found in modern Ukraine in the form of an ornament, which is presumably from 12 to 15 thousand years old.

In Indian history, the swastika is mentioned 11 thousand years ago.Photo of the swastika can be found today on the Internet in its original form. What was the swastika before its meaning changed different, personalities of world history.

Meaning of additional elements on epaulets

What a shoulder shoulder tattoo on a convict means can be understood from the article of the charge. First of all, such a picture can be only for those convicted of serious crimes: murder, theft and so on.

The meaning of epaulettes tattoo, if the frame is tattooed with a swastika - the owner denies the existence of God, he is a fascist in essence, lives only by the laws of the prison. Playing cards, a wolf's head, wings - a recidivist thief.

The eagle in the epaulet frame speaks of the wearer's intolerance of civil laws. He denies snitching. The meaning of the epaulettes tattoo in the zone in this case - the sitter considers himself free from human condemnation.

What does it mean to tattoo epaulettes decorated with bones and skull? Such pictures are allowed to have only serial killers.

Ideological criminals like to tattoo a prison epaulettes on the shoulder with a cross. They have no pity, no remorse for what they have done.

Particularly dangerous criminals who tattoo the word SLON on their shoulder straps. The meaning of the shoulder straps tattoo in this case - a convict at any opportunity will use a knife against a police officer. They are on the special watch list of the officers of the zones. Such people are desperate thugs.

Some convicts have shoulder straps pierced with a knife and with the letters BB, i.e. Internal Troops. The tattoo speaks without words. Prison meaning of epaulettes tattoo - servants of the law will not be spared.

In addition to these basic, many variants of tattoos in the form of epaulettes with inscriptions, beasts, clawed paws and so on. They are all designed to reflect the inner principles of the owner. In any case, they themselves see it that way.

Features drawings and meaning of tattoos time (clock)Значение-тату-время-часы-аудио-версия-статьи-для-сайта-tatufoto.com_.mp3
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The time tattoo is mainly depicted in the form of a clock. In this case, both men and women with the same frequency apply such a tattoo

How exactly the clock tattoo is applied to the body is not important, it can be almost a real image, and can be a stylized drawing. The main thing is that the meaning with strong philosophical overtones from this does not change

New Tattoo of the Japanese dragon.

The meaning of the tattoo about the time - the clock

When a person puts on himself the image of a clock frozen with a certain time, he wants to capture in his memory something extraordinarily important, something that happened in his life. Perhaps it was an incredibly happy moment that he wants to remember always, or an important event that changed his life and cannot be forgotten

But maybe something terrible happened and the event is forever etched in his memory and now remains a mark on the body.

It also happens that the tattooed clock is a memory not only of the past. Perhaps it is a reference to the future, what is worth waiting for and what to believe. A reminder that in no case can not turn off the planned path and you need to move exactly to the goal.

The image of an hourglass can talk about the inexorability and transience of time, as it slips away and seeps through the fingers, no matter how we would not try to stop it. Therefore, this picture is always a deep philosophical reflections of its bearer.

Of course, the watch tattoo can also talk about death, which no one can avoid. Thus motivating a person to act without wasting time, to use every minute with maximum benefit.

Photo examples of tattoo drawings on the subject of time (hours) (610 photos):

(click to see more photos)

The details in the image of a tattoo watch strongly influence its interpretation:

  • If a dial with no hands is drawn, it denotes a meaningless life, an empty existence;
  • When the clock has a cuckoo - it tells of reverence for bygone times and past generations;
  • Big Ben Clock - a message to England, thereby to primness and aristocratism;
  • the sundial - inherently linked to the heavens and our universe;
  • The hourglass suggests that time is fleeting, but if you do not lose a minute and take everything from life, you can manage to get on with the time that is measured;
  • Drawing of the broken clock tells about unfulfilled dreams and irrevocably lost time;
  • The drawing of a clock in the style of Salvador Dali will also talk about the transience of time;
  • Clock from the tale of Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll) is very popular. The hero of the fairy tale, the rabbit, was always looking at his watch and was always in a hurry to get somewhere. By drawing this picture on himself, a person most likely wants to say that he too is short of time and has to hurry often.
  • The drawn internal mechanism on the clock means that the time, like the clock, is only a technically complex device and it just needs to be figured out.

Non-standard types of clock tattoos

There are very unusual variants of such tattoos.

  1. An hourglass where blood is drawn instead of quartz particles. There is a comparison of time with life in general and it is presented in a very scary way.
  2. A tattoo with a dial and an eye in the center. The illusion is created that time is not something physical, but a very definite personality. Most likely, it is a symbol representing God, who watches over a man and looks at how he lives and what his priceless time is spent on.
  3. A gun watch is supposed to communicate the value of time, as life can "pull the trigger" at any second.

Time is the most important and most valuable thing a person can have in life. As long as a person is alive, it is worthwhile to be in motion and not to waste it on trifles. A wise person often counts and evaluates what is going on around him, so that every second of his life is filled with happiness, benefit and important events.

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Tattoo style and color solution

Unfortunately, prison romance is still strong. Especially among young guys. There are daredevils who decorate themselves with such a picture. It's dangerous, to say the least. Not knowing the meaning of the applied "beautiful" picture can be in a very bad situation. The prison world is a cruel place, and so are the people who come out of it. At the very least, you should find out what the epaulettes tattoo means in this or that case.

Epaulettes tattoos were at all times applied in a monochrome blue color. The design itself is notable for its primitiveness.

Tattoos to be wary of: what criminal tattoos mean (18 PHOTOS)

The criminal subculture in Russia has long been widespread - first through the Soviet camps, through which representatives of all segments of society, without exception, passed, and then thanks to the "dashing 90s" with their gangster wars and criminal romance. Only with the onset of the noughties did this fashion decline, although to this day its manifestations can be found here and there.

One of the most notable manifestations of this subculture were the criminal tattoos, which covered the bodies of the people who came back from the zone in great numbers. "Smart Journal looked into the "artistic life" of the prison inmates and found out how it has changed over time.

"Concepts" with a human face

In the first decades of Soviet rule, the caste division of the criminal community was very strict. The owner could be punished severely, up to and including death, for having an "off-duty" drawing tattooed on him or her.

Gradually, morals, like in the rest of society, softened, and the final "liberalization" occurred with the end of the Soviet system and its cultural taboos. The first legal tattoo salons were opened, and the wide masses stretched for a until recently half-forbidden decoration.

All sorts of drawings were made, including ones that had prison implications. Then someone from the new-made owners of "beautiful pictures" got to a prison, and there he was puzzled with the information that he had chosen the drawing inappropriate. This could end sadly.

But even the severity of thieves' mores was powerless against the social trend. Gradually, there were so many owners of "self-appointed" tattoos in the zone that the fight against them lost all meaning. Sanctions are no longer applied to such "violators," and this rule remains in effect today.

What exactly must not be injected?

However, there are always exceptions to the rules. So an ordinary person should nevertheless not get something "poncey" out of the criminal repertoire. At least not without a willingness to explain to the real criminals what this means.

There are some classic criminal tattoos that communicate specific information about their owner. Such designs include, in particular, those indicating the length of time served in prison or the number of "walks". For example, shackles around the limbs symbolize five years behind bars, with one shackle for each.

The famous golden domes can mean both the number of years in prison and the number of "walks".

Crosses are placed on the domes when a person has served their sentence in full, so questions automatically arise for a person with bare domes. The same meaning - "sat from bell to bell" - has the image of bells.

One of the most popular prison tattoos is the so-called "thieves' stars. In Soviet times they could only be worn by criminal bosses, who tattooed the eight-pointed patterns on their collarbones or knees. The first meant "I'll never wear a shoulder strap," the second, "I'll never kneel in front of cops."

Since then, the status of this pattern has fallen somewhat, and it can also be found on ordinary convicts. But you still shouldn't abuse it, because the message behind it is quite definite-at the very least, a refusal to cooperate with the authorities.

A similar meaning, only with a more aggressive meaning, has the so-called "grin". It is an image of a predatory animal "grinning at the authorities. It implies hatred for its representatives and a readiness to take violent action against them.

Funny enough, even the Internet's favorite "kitties" are not the safest choice for a tattoo. According to the tradition among prisoners to turn any word into an abbreviation, "KOT" means "native inhabitant of the prison," and the image of the furry animal thieves have been in the habit of putting on their bodies since the middle of the last century.

There are also other interesting associations with the specific specialization of the criminal. For example, the image of a man writing with a quill on parchment ("scribe") means a thief who perfectly wields a knife and other sharp objects.

And pecked on the skin card "joker" indicates, understandably, a gambler. With whom it is better not to gamble.

Domes instead of chiefs

Despite all the conservatism of prison life, it too has changed over time, obeying the general course of history. This is also reflected in tattoos. With the end of the Soviet regime the political motifs in the prisoners' body art decreased. Prior to that, for several decades, anti-communist themes had been one of the predominant themes in the criminal world.

It went so far that all sorts of Nazi symbols became very popular, not because prisoners were ardent admirers of Hitler and his party, but simply because of their anti-Soviet orientation. Echoes of this fashion for swastikas and anti-Semitism can still be found today.

However, with the end of communist ideology the image of the enemy lost its clarity. It is difficult to portray the regime that replaced the Soviets in any particular way. The underworld became apolitical, and the fight against the regime was replaced by religion, the very same golden domes that delight the soul. As, by the way, are the Muslim motifs of the convicts of the respective faith.

Alexander Sidorov, an expert on prison subculture, talks about new trends in the world of criminal art: "In addition to the classic prison tattoos, there are also those that have come into fashion recently. Inscriptions in foreign languages, aphorisms from French, English, and German are very popular today. Also popular are Latin, winged phrases from ancient Greece and ancient Rome.

In addition to broadening the linguistic horizons, new vices unfamiliar to the Soviet man also influenced prison drawings.

"New criminal tattoos appear very rarely. The only exception I have encountered is the image of a syringe. This is the traditional sign of drug addicts. Recently there has been a fashion to put next to it a letter designating the specific drug that the person was using," Sidorov said.

Cherche la femme

And lastly - a few options for women's prison tattoos, which represent a whole separate world.


The swastika in the Third Reich

Hitler took the symbol of the swastika from the teachings of Buddhist monks. In Buddhist teachings, the swastika meant a symbol of infinite wisdom and had 9 paths of development. For each way had its own swastika.In 1919, Hitler made the swastika a symbol of his party. German Workers' Party.

From this phenomenon, German leaders took a fancy to the swastika symbol and tattooed swastikas on their bodies. The swastika in the Third Reich meant superiority over other nations. After the great victory in World War II. Today there are many cultures that use the swastika in their direction. And trying to emulate the great Germany of the Third Reich. Most of them are radicalized young people.

SS soldiers tattooed swastikas in order to distinguish which caste a person belonged to. Depending on where on the body the tattoo was placed. It conveyed the information to which caste a person belonged. For example, submariners of the Third Reich had a swastika tattooed on their middle finger in the form of a ring. There are many types and meanings of the German swastika.

How to get a tattoo and in particular the swastika

Today in the world of tattoos there is no problem with getting a tattoo on the body. There are many tattoo parlors, masters, all sorts of devices for tattooing.

In Soviet times, all this did not exist, and tattoos were applied in the army or prison. Army tattoos were mostly not beautiful or attractive. Because tattooing as a culture was not developed in the army. Unlike in prison. In prison, there were masters of the highest caliber. Artists who put entire paintings on the body. Famous artists.

Stamping a swastika on the body is not too difficult. But not every master in the salon will take on such work. And in most cases you will be asked for what purposes you need such a drawing. The same situation is with prison tattoos.

Today there are a huge variety of types, examples, salons, methods of applying tattoos. A lot of information on the Internet on this subject. Videos on how to properly apply a tattoo, what tools to use, tattoo masters for all tastes.

But first of all, if you decide to apply a tattoo, you need to gather as much information as possible about the figure that you want to impose. Any drawing on the body leaves a mark on a person's life and a tattoo is no exception. Each drawing has its own hidden meaning. If you do not reliably know the meaning of any figure. Stamp it on the body is not recommended.

A tattoo can dramatically affect a person's fate and future life. Before you apply a tattoo, familiarize yourself with the meanings of drawings. Good for this there are many videos, information, photos.

Practitioners recommend with caution to impose epaulettes on the left or right shoulder, because such a tattoo is closely associated with the criminal world. In terms of magic, the negative meaning of the thieves' image can affect the owner, even if the latter has not previously violated the law. Both men and women can get a tattoo, but only if they are confident in their own power and only want to enhance their own leadership qualities. The magical meaning of the image, applied to the skin, varies depending on the additional elements, so they should pay special attention.


For women

For Men